ETEL LILIAN VOYNICH (Ethel Lilian Voynich). Report: Loan Neutel Lillian Daughter George Bul Writer The most famous work

ETEL LILIAN VOYNICH (Ethel Lilian Voynich). Report: Loan Neutel Lillian Daughter George Bul Writer The most famous work
ETEL LILIAN VOYNICH (Ethel Lilian Voynich). Report: Loan Neutel Lillian Daughter George Bul Writer The most famous work

Years of life: from 05/11/1864 to 07/28/1960

English writer, composer, translator. In the USSR, her novel "Wood", imbued with revolutionary pathos, was very popular. Today creativity E.L. Loanie little-known outside of Russia.

Ethel Lillian Voyalo was born in Ireland, the city of Cork, Cork County, in the family of famous English Mathematics George Bul. Eitel Lillian's father died when she was just six months old. Her mother is Mary Everest (in honor of Her uncle named Mount Everest) Daughter of Professor Greek, after the death of her husband brought up one five daughters. When Ethel was eight years old, she was seriously ill, the mother could not provide a good care girl and chose to send it to his brother Father, who worked as a mine manager.

In 1882, having received a slight inheritance, Ethel entered the Berlin Conservatory to the Piano Department. The writer has finished the conservatory, but she has discovered the disease - the inexplicable cramps of the fingers of the hands, which put the cross on a musical career. During this period, Ethel got closed with political emigrants who were asylum in London, including Russian and Polish revolutionaries. The romance of the revolutionary struggle is fascinated by Ethel Lilian. At the end of 1886, she met with living in London with an emigrant - writer and revolutionary S.M. Stepnyak-Kravchinsky, author of the book "Underground Russia". Friendship with Kravchinsky continued until his death in 1895, the influence of this person on fate Valkali is truly huge. In particular, it is under the impression of his book, Ettel is decided to visit Russia, where and departs in 1887. In Russia, the Valkali is found with revolutionary circles, it turns out to be related to the organization "Folk Volya", for some time serves as a governess.

In the summer of 1889, Ethel Lilian returned to his homeland, where he took part in the Russian Freedom of the S.M. Kravchinsky "Society of Friends of Russian Freedom", he worked in the editorial office of the emigrant magazine "Free Russia" and in the Foundation of the Volina Russian Press. A trip to Russia produces a strong impression on a war, the writer begins to work on the novel "Wheel". In 1990, in the house, all the same Kravchinsky Etel meets Mikhail Wilphrid Vicurity - the Polish revolutionary who accustomed escape from Siberian cortics. Relationships are tied between them and soon, Ethel goes for the wagon marriage. Continuing the work on the "heel", Ethel participates in the activities of the environment of Kravichi. In 1897, the writer finishes "Ovod". In the same year, the novel is published in England and the United States, in a year - in Russia. Abroad, the publication did not cause significant interest, the available responses were mainly critical, while in Russia the novel turned out to be very popular. However, about the fate of his creation in Russia, and then in the USSR, Ethel found out only at the end of life.

Continuing to work in the literature, Ethel writes novels "Jack Reimond" (1901) and "Olivia Letham" (1904). E.L. Davinich was actively engaged in the same translation activities. She was translated for compatriots Works N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontova, F.M. Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G.I. Uspensky, V.M. Garshina and others. In 1910, "interrupted friendship" appears (the continuation of the "OUTD"), and then the Valkalo leaves the literature for a long time, contacting music. Her husband by that time he moved away from revolutionary activities and engaged in trade of antique publications, finding a considerable talent in this matter. It was in 1912 that a mysterious manuscript was found in 1912, known as the "Warnic Manuscript".

In 1920, Ethel and her husband were moving to the United States. Mikhail is arranged in a book firm, and Ethel continues to work on its most significant musical work - the oratorio "Babylon", begun after the revolution in Russia. In 1830, Mikhail Roich died and Ethel Lilian began to lead a completely secluded life. Only in the mid-40s, Woikhany again acts as a novelist, having released the book "Discover your shoes" dedicated to the great-grandbank of the main character of the "oat". In 1955, the fate of the author "Odod" became known in the USSR, and only then Ethel learned about the incredible popularity of her novel. She began to visit the delegations of cultural figures, had many letters from readers. Ethel Lillian Voynich died on July 28, 1960 at the age of 96. And in the will was cremated, and the dust was dispelled over the Central Park of New York.

In his youth, Ethel wore only black, imitating the well-known Italian carbonaria Giuseppe Mazzini, who swore in his youth to never shoot a mourning at his oppressed homeland.

The Early Life of the British Spy Sydney Raili, which subsequently engaged in subversive activities in Soviet Russia was influenced by the image of the revolutionary.

"Warwick Manuscript" or "Waruscript" is a mysterious book, written by presumably at the beginning of the XV century by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The authorship of the manuscript is attributed to both really existing personalities (the most popular version is Roger Bacon) and aliens and even mythical creatures. Despite the numerous attempts to decrypt, the meaning of the manuscript to this day remains a mystery. Even the fact of the presence of this meaning is challenged, because according to one of the versions, the manuscript is a set of incoherent signs and is created with the goal of a hoax (perhaps even the warp himself). Decoding "MANUSUSPT WARNICH" (or evidence of the impossibility of such decryption) is one of the most interesting and most complex problems of cryptography. Now the "manuscript wagon" is kept in Yale University.

Until 1955, when the identity and location of E.L. Loan became known, in the USSR, a variety of versions were visited relative to the author's author. Some were convinced that E.L. Warlikh lived in Italy in the 30s of the XIX century and himself was a member of the organization "Young Italy". Others believed that Wagoney Russian. But everyone was sure that the author of the novel was a man and that he had long passed away.

I offer the deepest gratitude to all those in Italy, who provided me with help to collect materials for this novel. With particular appreciation, I remember the courtesy and benevolence of the employees of Marchellian library in Florence, as well as the State Archive and Civil Museum in Bologna.

- "On the healing of the lease" - here it is!

Arthur approached the Montanalli soft, silent steps, which always irritated his home. A small growth, fragile, he rather was like an Italian from the portrait of the XVI century than to the young man of the 19th anniversary of the English bourgeois family. Too, everything in it was elegant, as if sharpened, long arrow of eyebrows, thin lips, small arms, legs. When he sat calmly, he could be taken for a pretty girl, disguised into a male dress; But he reminded flexible movements to the tamer, is true, without claws.

- Did you really find? What would I do without you, Arthur? Always everything would lose ... no, quite writing. We go to the garden, I will help you understand your work. What did you not understand there?

They reached a quiet shady monastic garden. Seminary occupied an old building dominican Monastery, and two hundred years ago, his square courtyard was contained in a flawless order. Smooth borders from the box bordered neatly trimmed rosemary and lavender. The monks in white clothes that once cared for these plants were long buried and forgotten, but fragrant herbs were still fragrant here in the soft summer evenings, although no one had collected them for medicinal purposes. Now the waters of wild parsley and catchment struck between the stone slabs of the tracks. The well among the courtyard is a bumping fern. Launched roses are wild; Their long-matted branches stretched all tracks. Among the beaches of the alarm large red poppies. The high shoots of the nightstand were inclined over the grass, and fruitless grape vines, swinging, hung from the branches of the hawthorn, sadly nodded with her covered with leaves.

In one corner of the garden, a branching magnolia was rising with dark foliage, sprinkled there and the splashes of milk-white colors. In the barrel of magnolia stood a rude wooden bench. Montanalli sank to her.

Arthur studied philosophy at the university. That day he met a difficult place in the book, and he appealed to clarifying Padre. He did not study in the seminary, but Montanalli was a genuine encyclopedia for him.

- Well, perhaps, I will go, "said Arthur, when incomprehensible lines were explained. - However, maybe I need you?

- No, today I have finished work, but I would like you to live with me a little if you have time.

- Of course have!

Arthur leaned against the tree trunk and looked through the dark foliage on the first stars, weakly flickering in the depths of the calm sky. His dreamy, full secrets Blue eyes, bordered by black eyelashes, he inherited from Mother, Cornwell natives. Montanalli turned away to not see them.

"What is your tired view, Carino," he said.

- In vain, you hurried to start studying. Mother's disease, sleepless nights - all this extended you. I should insist that you rest carefully before leaving from Livorno.

- What are you, Padre, why? I still could not stay in this house after the death of the mother. Julie would bring me to madness.

Julie was the wife of the Senior Grand Brother Arthur, his longtime his own.

"I didn't want you to stay from relatives," Montanlli said softly. - It would be the worst thing you can come up with. But you could take the invitation of your friend, English doctor. I would spend a month, and then returned to the classes.

- No, Padre! Warren - good, heartfelt, but they do not understand much and regret me - I see it on their faces. Would you comfort, talk about the mother ... Gemma, of course, not so. She always felt that she should not concern - even when we were still children. Others are not so sensitive. Yes, and not only this ...

- What else, my son?

Arthur ripped a flower with a drooped stem of a fast-limit and nervously squeezed him in his hand.

"I can't live in this city," he began after a minute pause. - I can not see the stores where she once bought me toys; The embankment, where I walked with her until she slotted into bed. Wherever I go - all the same. Each flower room on the market is still coming to me and offers flowers. As if they need now! And then ... Cemetery ... No, I could not not leave! It is hard for me to see all this.

Arthur fell silent, breaking the bells of vypsystyanki. The silence was so long and deep that he looked at Padre, a perplexed, why he does not answer him. Under the branches of magnolia, twilight has already been condensed. Everything broke into them, taking unclear outlines, however, the light was enough to see the deadly pallor, spilled along the face of Montanhelli. He sat, lowered his head low and grabbed his right hand over the edge of the bench. Arthur turned away with a feeling of reverent amazement, as if he was inappropriate to touch the shrine.

"Oh God," he thought, - as I am a chalk and myself, compared to him! Whether my grief is His grief, he could not feel deeper. "

Montanalli raised his head and looked around.

"Well, I will not insist that you return there, in any case now," he said gently. "But promise me that you will rest for a truly for the summer holidays." Perhaps you better spend them somewhere away from Livorno. I can't allow you to be completely dirty.

- Padre, and where do you go yourself when the seminary closes?

- As always, lucky pupils in the mountains, I will arrange them there. In mid-August, my assistant will return from vacation. Then I go wander in the Alps. Maybe you will go with me? We will make long walks in the mountains, and you will find yourself in place with Alpine Mkhami and lichens. Only I'm afraid you will be bored with me.

- Padre! - Arthur squeezed his hands. This usual gesture of Julie attributed "manners inherent only to foreigners." - I am ready to give everything in the world to go with you! Only ... I'm not sure ...

English writer. In 1887-1889, she lived in Russia, was associated with the Russian and Polish revolutionary movement. Since 1920 lived in the United States. The most famous novel "GEED" (1897). Translated by M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky.

Once Lion Tolstoy said that every person can write at least one book - a book about his life. Eitel Lilian Voynica wrote such a book, only in it not the facts of their own biography - there was nothing outstanding in her fate, and the ardent dreams of youth, the life of her soul.

Ethel was barely seventeen when she first came to Paris. Stone around the cool halls of the Louvre and thinking about her future, she came across the portrait of the Italian young man who was attributed to the Milanian's brushes, nicknamed Franchabjo. The girl immediately realized that in front of her the image that she was invented in his children's fantasies, he was a romantic hero, who had a relentlessly persecuted her in dreams, did not give peace in the rebellious search for the meaning of life. This is her prince - a young man in black take a courageous look and compressed lips.

The fate released Ethel a long time stay on earth, and never from that memorable visit to the Gallery of the Louvlichi did not part in this way. The reproduction of the portrait of the Italian young man was invariably hung in any room, where our heroine could not at least live. The most distant English childhood was forgotten, and his material symbol continued to live next to her, still flamming the fire in the soul and supporting in difficult moments.

Surprisingly intertwined in the inner spiritual world of man times, country and nationality. For the perfect there is no distances or the past, no future. An Englishwoman Etel always mentally rushed there, where the struggle was going, where beautiful courageous people defended the holy ideals. That is why it attracted it to Russia.

His father, Etel Lilian knew. He died when she was just six months old. But it was a wonderful person. His name, as a very large scientist, entered into the British Encyclopedia - "George Boule, famous mathematician." Orphan childhood Ethel turned out to be not easy. On five little girls left all the scarce funds, the remaining mother after the death of George. Mary Boule moved with children to London and began to give the lessons of mathematics, writing articles in newspapers and magazines. When Ethel was eight years old, she was seriously ill, but the mother could not provide a good care girl and chose to send her to his father's brother, who worked as manager at the mine. This gloomy, fanatically religious man holy observed puritan British traditions in the raising of children. No parting and harsh methods in the fight against human defects was his motto.

Once he accused Ethel in the stealing a piece of sugar and demanded that she confesses to a crime, but the girl denied the guilt, she did not need to confess. Then the uncle locked Ethel in the Dark Chulana, and after a while threatened it that he would introduce a chemical substance in his mouth, which would reliably establish that she was ate sugar. I closely looking at the tormentor, Etel slowly, checking the words, said: "I'm getting drunk in the pond." And so much strength was in this phrase of a little girl that uncle understood - she tells the truth. He had to retrece. At night, Ethel had a nervous seizure. From nature, it was not endowed with a large inner energy, but allowing someone to get into her steady personal world she could not even at an early age.

The most happy and memorable moments of childhood were the stories of a mother about two Italian revolutionaries, whom Mary sheltered in his youth in her house. The fantasy of the girl painted the stormy romantic scenes in which she had been the most active participant - she saved young heroes at the cost of their own life or they died with their beloved, having time for goodbye to admit to each other in unearthly feelings. However, if anyone else's girls do not dream. With age it passes. However, Ethel could not get rid of a sweet childhood image.

In 1882, the girl received a small inheritance and went to Berlin to seriously engage in music. After graduating from the conservatory, Ethel realized that the ordinary career of the pianist was not attracted to her, the girl wanted to approach the heroic people to come close to the heroic people who should exist in this world. And then her eyes all persistently turn to Russia. From there they come incomprehensible reports of terrorists, young young men and girls, for the sake of ideas sacrificing their lives. In England, nothing like her, it is clear to meet. Sustainable bourgeois life could put an end to the romantic dreams of Ethel.

With the help of a familiar journalist, the girl decided to meet someone from Russian emigrants. In December 1886, Ethel met with a former terrorist Sergey Stepnyak-Kravchinsky. Of course, he immediately liked Ethel, he was the hero of her novel - a fun, strong, sociable, and most importantly, the martyr for the sake of idea is a mysterious algered from her childhood. The biography of Kravchinsky shocked the girl - he participated in the Italian uprising of 1877, was sentenced to execution, but miraculously escaped death, having arrived in Russia, lived illegally, preparing an attempt on the chief gendarmes Mezenset. In broad daylight, this hero in the crowded ledge of the dagger killed Mezentset and disappeared.

Under the law of the genre, Etel would have to fall in love with Kravchinsky, but he was married, and Ethel could not cross his moral principles, and because of an independent nature, she still wanted to breathe real romance, so the Russian terrorist became her close friend. He advised the girl to go to Russia, providing her with illegal letters and recommendations for friends.

For more than two years he conducted an Ethel in Russia, earning bread with the lessons of music. She lived in the family of his native sister of Kravchinsky's wife and, of course, constantly faced with members of a terrorist organization, which was almost crushed by that time. Perhaps, our heroine appears in St. Petersburg a few years earlier, she would have become next to Sofia Perov or faith Zasulich, but at the end of the 1880s there was nothing to do in Russia in Russia, only just to crushed about the exell and regret their relatives. The funeral of Saltykov-Shchedrin's funeral was the most memorable event of the Russian life, on which the real manifestation of a democratically tuned public was arranged.

So without having survived the desired acute sensations, Ethel returned home and again fell into the close range of friends of Kravchinsky. The latter considered himself a writer and even tried to create in English. Here I came in handy assistance to the educated and in love. The girl is glad to be included in the work of "society of friends of Russian freedom" - so called its organization in London Kravchinsky. Mostly, Ethel is engaged in translations of Sergey's opuses, but sometimes it switches to other Russian writers and poets - Garshin, Gogol, Lermontov. Since Stepnyak was born in Ukraine, the girl is interested in the work of Taras Shevchenko, and the Ukrainian folk songs and language teaching.

Ethel is seen from Kravchinsky daily and once in a burning of frankness, she tells him about his children's dreams, but so bright, directly, that Sergey, a favorite friend, advises the girl to write, write ... This thought did not leave her for a long time. Etel slowly begins to think about the plan of his novel, but new events distracted it from creativity.

In the fall of 1890, Sergey awaited another fugitive from Russia, they turned out to be the Polish dashing revolutionary Mikhail Wilphride Voyniche. With his stories, this young man conquered the heart of the British, which Kravchinsky was jokingly called a bun. Woichany told her stories from his own life: as in the rope stairs, he ran from prison, as with a risk for his life, he saved his comrades, as a squeezed in confidence in the guards of the prison, but his provocateur issued him, and what mockery followed it. In a word, finally, Etel could be silent to fall in love. The annoying, unbalanced, difficult in communicating, Mikhail laid badly with people, but this young wife looked much later, but for now, staying in the euphoria in love with her husband, she fulfills his task - rides with illegal literature in Lviv. Returning from there, she finally sits down for the novel.

"The fuel" is written in one breath, this is a splash of love and romantic dreams of childhood. Ethel hosted on each track of his hero Arthur. She composed the poem of his life, traveling in Italy, stopping for a long time in those places where, on the wise of the writer, the life of the oat was going. She remained the most difficult thing - to transfer invented on paper. She constantly corrected written.

It so happened that Stepnyak-Kravchinsky, her beloved friend Sergey, did not see the "oat". Before the rest of the novel to the light in December 1895, he died under the trains. There is nothing to say, what a terrible blow has become for Ethel his death. After the departure of Kravchinsky, the buns changed. Gradually leaves her revolutionary romance. A strange mystical coincidence - as if the fateful destination Sergey was accomplished - the novel is written, you can die.

Now Ethel Lilian Voynich is engaged in a purely publishing "Ovod".

The first book came out in New York in 1897 and had some success. Written in the traditions of English melodramatic literature, Roman liked the reader with his sincerity and mentality. For a few months in London, he endured three editions, was even moved to the scene. Warlich gained fame.

Success, of course, paints, and Ethel decides to engage in literature, but a sweet gust that distinguished her work on the "hedge", no longer visits her soul. It can only cool and meditate to compose banal plots, and even then in the row of the Ovodovsky subject. Now whatever she wrote - becomes the continuation of Arthur's life, even if the hero is called another name. Deeply surviving his inconsistency, ETEL is taken for the music left once. Thirty years with a stupid persistence, Voynali composed the orally "Babylon" and died with confidence that this is its only creation in life.

And what remained her? Mikhail has long ceased to be a romantic hero and has quite successfully engaged in a book business. Together they moved to America for reasons the benefits and became completely strangers, there were no children, the writer did not take place. About the "fuel" soon forgotten, and other books - "interrupted friendship", "Discover your shoes" - and at all passed unnoticed.

And only on the slope of years, in the middle of the fifties, she found one of our journalist Evgeny Tagatuta. Suddenly, fame and worship fell on the head of the poor old woman. Wagoney did not imagine that her "hedge" stood more than a hundred editions and has an incredible, according to America's concepts, the circulation is millions of copies. Favorite and attractive once Russia responded with gratitude to Ethel Lilian Voynic, and even in the USA, sensational stories about the forgotten writer and her works appeared in the Wave of this interest.


She actually did not know her father, because he died shortly after her birth. Her mother, Mary Everest (eng. Mary Everest.), was a daughter of Professor of Greek. Their surname is quite famous in the world, because the so-called the highest mountain peak in the Himalayas, named after Uncle Mary Everest - George Everest (English. Sir George Everest.).

The mother in need brought up his five daughters, so when the youngest, Ethel, reached an eight-year-old age, she took her to his husband's brother, who worked in the min. He was a very religious and harsh person. In 1882, Ethel got a little inheritance and began to study music in the Berlin Conservatory as a pianist. In Berlin, she also visited the lectures of Slavists at the University.

Arriving to London, she was present at the meetings of political immigrants, among whom was Russian writer Sergey Kravchinsky (pseudonym - Stepnyak). He told her a lot about his homeland - Russia. Ethel had a desire to visit this mysterious country she implemented in 1887

She worked in Russia for two years like a governess and a teacher of music and English in the Verevitinov family

Mikhail Wagoney

The Ethel Vichanic was a member of the "society of friends of Russian freedom" and "Foundation of the Voln Russian Press", which criticized the royal regime of Russia.

Under the impression of conversations with the Russian writer Kravchinsky, as well as read biographies of the Great Italian Patriots Giuseppe Garibaldi and Giuseppe Mazhini Voynica created the image and character of the hero of his book - Arthur Berton, who is called in the book also a heated (The Gadfly). The same pseudonym had the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.

Writer Robin Bruce Lockhart (whose father Bruce Lockhart was a spy) in his adventurous book "King of Spies" argued that the lover of Waiches allegedly was Sydney Railley (a leather from Russia Sigmund Rosenblum), which later called "As Ac Spies", and that they were traveling together In Italy, where Railley allegedly told the war of his story and became one of the prototypes of the hero of the book - Arthur Berton. However, Andrew Cook, the famous Biographer Raili and the historian of the special services, challenged this romantic, but a smokeless legend of "love relationship" with Railil. According to him, it is more likely that the Raili Spy traveled on the heels of free-thinking Englishwoman with a very prose-friendly goal - to write a denunciation to the British police.

In 1897, the Book "Wood" was published in the United States and England. Next year its Russian translation appeared in Russia, where he had a grand success. Later, the book was repeatedly reprinted in many languages.

Three times, in 1928, the films "Wood" based on the novel of the Roman Ethelviki. Several playwrights and directories presented performances and operas in theaters.

In 1895, she wrote the book "Humor Russia" (The Humor of Russia).

At the same time, she translated a lot of books of famous Russian writers and poets: Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Lermontov, Fedor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gleb Uspensky, Vsevolod Garshin into English.

In 1901, the writer finished his new novel "Jack Raymond". In the heroine of another novel (1904), Olive Latham (Olive Latham) are noticeable features of the character of Ethel Voyan.

In 1910 her book was "interrupted friendship" (An Interrupted Friendship). Her translation into Russian was entitled "Heavy of Exile".

Six lyrical poems of the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko (Six Lyrics from Ruthenian of Taras Shevchenko) She also successfully translated into English in 1911.

Later, she did not compose anything for a long time and did not translate, preferring to Muzitish. She created several musical works, which considered the best oratorio "Babylon".

In 1931 in America, where she settled, her translation of the collection of letters of the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin from Polish and French in English was published.

In the spring of 1945 (she was then 81), she finished writing his last work "take your shoes" (Put Off Thy Shoes). About its incredible popularity in the USSR, huge editions and filmms of "Odod" forgotten in the US, Valkalnich learned only at this age: it was found in the US literary critic (see "Our friend Ethel Lilian Wagoney" Library of Spark, number 42, 1957). She began to come with letters from the Soviet readers, she was visited in New York delegation of pioneers, artists of the Bolshoi Theater, sailors and various Soviet citizens who were working in the United States.