Emma Watson showed the chest in a new photo session for the famous gloss. Emma Watson came in principles and first showed the chest Emma Watson in big breasts

Emma Watson showed the chest in a new photo session for the famous gloss. Emma Watson came in principles and first showed the chest Emma Watson in big breasts
Emma Watson showed the chest in a new photo session for the famous gloss. Emma Watson came in principles and first showed the chest Emma Watson in big breasts

Emma Charlotte Dierre Watson was born in Paris, France. Her parents are Jacqueline Lewsby and Chris Watson, lawyers, practitioners. Emma moved to Oxfordshire when she was five years old, where she studied at elementary school under the very magical name "Dragon" (Eng. Dragon School). From the sixth year old, Emma decided for himself, which would become an actress, and began to study in the Oxford branch of theatrical arts of Diligence - theatrical school with partial employment, where singing, choreography and acting art were studied. By ten years she had already managed to speak in several school productions.

In 1999, casting casting for "Harry Potter" began, the film was aware of the British author of the british author J. K. Rowling. Casting agents found Emma through her Oxford theater teacher. After eight consecutive auditions, David Hayeman said Emma, \u200b\u200bDaniel Radcliffe and Rupert Greent that they were chosen to execute the roles of Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. The output of the film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2001) was the Emma Cinematic Debut on the Big Screen. The film broke the numerous and was the 2001 cash transmission film. Critics praised the film and the work of three leading young actors.

After the release of the first film, Emma became one of the most famous actresses in the world. She continued to play the role of Hermione Granger for almost ten years in all the following films about Harry Potter: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2001), "Harry Potter and a Secret Room" (2002), "Harry Potter and Azkaban Prisoner" (2004 ), "Harry Potter and Fire Cup" (2005), "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix" (2007), "Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince" (2009), "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part 1" (2010), and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" (2011).

After the end of the work on a franchise about Harry Potter followed several works in large projects. Girl prefers to choose dramatic roles. He starred in the film "Noah, where on the set was with Russell Crow. In addition, now Emma Watson is also engaged in model activities.

What is the real name of Emma Watson

The real name of Emma Watson (full name) is Emma Charlotte Daerr Watson. Surname and name in your native language - Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson.

When was Emma Watson born?

Birthday Emma Watson 15.04.1990.

What zodiac sign Emma Watson?

Emma Watson Zodiac sign - Aries. Born in the year of the horse in the Eastern Horoscope.

Where was Emma Watson born?

Emma Watson was born in France, in Paris, although her parents were and are citizens of Great Britain.

What is the growth of Emma Watson?

The growth of Emma Watson is 5 feet of 5 inches, which in the metric system is 165 cm.

What is the weight of Emma Watson?

The weight of Emma Watson is 110-111 pounds, which is approximately 50-50.5 kg.

What is the eye color of Emma Watson?

Emma Watson's eye color - Cary.

What are the parameters of the Figure of Emma Watson?

Emma Watson Emma Parameters: 81-65-86 (Breast-Waist-Hip). On the site there is a photo of Emma Watson in a swimsuit if the numbers do not speak the numbers.

What is the size of the leg of Emma Watson?

Foot size of Emma Watson on American standards - 7. Transferring importance to us - approximately 37 size.

What is the size of the breast of Emma Watson?

Breast size Emma Watson - 1st. There is hope that she will not do with it. Emma is a smart girl and prudent.

  • He has two cats, one called Babbles (bubble), and the other named Domino. Cats - a thing is not very durable, pets are listed according to 2016 data.
  • Favorite book about Harry Potter - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban."
  • Emma was called in honor of her grandmother in the father's line, Freda Emma Duerr, who, as a result of marriage, became Fred Emma Darr Watson.
  • At the age of fifteen years old became the youngest man who appeared on the cover of Teen Vogue.
  • Born at 18:00 on Sunday.
  • In 2007, Forbes magazine estimated its $ 4 million per year.
  • Favorite Films Emma: "Notting Hill" (1999), "Real Love" (2003), "Bridget Diary Jones" (2001), "Four Weddings and Funeral Westerns" (1994), "Boyfriend from the Future" (2013), " Giant "(1956)," Self-free "(2008)," Amelie "(2001)," Favna Labyrinth "(2006)," Fountain "(2006)," Escape from Shawshank "(1994), Gladiator (2000) , "Brave Heart" (1995), "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (2008), "Filomen" (2013), "Jasmine" (2013), "Race" (2013), "12 years of slavery" (2013), " Great beauty "(2013)," Proximity "(2004)," Beauty "(1990)," Chicago "(2002)," Romeo + Juliet "(1996)," Moulin Rouge "(2001)," Dirt dancing "( 1987), "Broccolin" (1978), "Shrek" (2001), "Ice Age" (2002), and "In Search of Nemo" (2003).
  • Fans of Fantasy Trilogy "Dark Beginning" Philip Pulman.
  • Her parents divorced in 1995; Each of Emma's parents has had a new marriage since then.
  • She said that she would like to work with directed by Alfonso Quaraon and Guillermo del Toro.
  • Style tries to be similar to Women: Jean Seberg, Miu Farrow, Kate Bosworth, Dian Kruger, Jane Birkin, Edid Sedgevik, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Blacl, Sofia Koppol, Kate Blanchett, Tilddu Swinton, Francoise Hardy, Charlotte Rampling and Michelle Obama.
  • Favorite actors Emma - Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe.
  • Favorite actresses Emma - Julia Roberts, Rene Zellweger, Sandra Bullock, Goldi Houne, Nicole Kidman, Kate Blanchett, Helen Bonham Carter, Natalie Portman and Meryl Streep.
  • Favorite TV shows and TV series Emma: "Friends" (1994), "Sex in the Big City" (1998), "Girls" (2012), "Gossip" (2007), "Top-model of American" (2003), " Madness "(2007)," Cardhouse "(2013) and" Pride and Prejudice "(1995).
  • Favorite director Emma: Richard Curtis, Alfonso Quaron, Guillermo del Toro, Sofia Coppola, Darren Aroneofski, Danny Boyle, David Fincher, Lynn Ramzi, Enning Li and Tom Hooper.
  • Allocate Justin Timberlake and Alanis Morissetta among their favorite singers.

Who did not see the underwear, which wears Emma Watson? Perhaps, at least his color - it's no secret to anyone, approximately as the fact that Kate Hudson increased his breasts, Scarlett Johansson failed his own business with clothes, Daria Pynzar, like Victoria Bonya - not too gifted actress, Sarah Jessica Parker - Stunning, and Alla Mikheeva and Anna Hilkevich stylishly dressed. Hermione has long grown, according to several ratings, it even became the highest paid actress, starring in a serious cinema and changed his hair a hundred times. But one remains unchanged - the girl remained surprisingly awkward.

Scandals, Intrigue, Investigations and Bust Emma Watson

Individual personalities are generally said that when Selena Gomez has increased his chest, all young stars began to follow her example.

Bust Emma became the object of universal attention after the premiere of its first independent film the girl was extremely unsuccessful, and the world was chest, a sticker for a nipple and ... no constraint. Right like Sarah Jessica Parker in "Sex in the Big City", she just gave a dress in place and continued to pose. What everyone saw could belong to Scarlett Johansson, or it could wear Victoria Bonya or Alla Mikheev, but not so young girl.

Emma Watson denies the fact of operation. Emma is generally far from Daria Pynzar or Klimov, rather Ekaterina Strizhenova - I study in a serious university, it is preparing for the diploma, removed in normal cinema, without magic sticks, and no heroine cartoons like glucose, nor a heroine of men's magazines like a king. We tend to believe such as Emma Watson. However, there is no size Scarlett Johansson or the same Hilkevich: the chest is small and quite natural.

Lies and implants

Breast implants - a sure way to get into news and discussion. Glucose, king and parshuta, in between albums with their help, revived his career breathing incense. Bella Thorn by increasing the bust also attracted general attention. Julia Parshuta, increasing his chest for his beloved, became a star of men's magazines. It is known that Julia Parshuta, unlike Kati King, is very pleased with his new breast, and Julia's compliments receive now much more, that is, the people around it can only be envied. About such personalities, like Ekaterina Klimov and Elena, volatile not so often mention in this vein, but also for them, the chest played a certain role. It really does not mean that some Katya from Ivanovo will become a star only thanks to his chest. If someone is undermining the operation only for the sake of fame, Alla Mikheev or Klimova, or Klimov, will be immediately from him.

True, few people speak normally about the operation. When the Russian singer Alsu increased the chest, she was two of the mass media felt with fairy tales about how motherhood decorates a woman. Ekaterina Strizhova, Bella Torn, Hilkevich, Lena Bat, like Scarlett Johansson, do not confirm and do not refute the fact of operation. Victoria Bonya spoke about himself the truth in Instagram, but only after some press. Glucose also casually mentions that he made plastic, but does not reveal details. Layisan Urtyaeva, like the king, was completely flat at the beginning of a career, and now Layisan - the owner of a full-fledged "Troika", and is unlikely to be a matter of maternity. Daria Pynzar, like Victoria Bonya, Julia Parkshut or Ekaterina Klimova, did the chest, as mentioned in the media. Alla Mikheeva, too, just see what she was at the beginning of a career.

The same Catherine Strizhenova, like Sarah Jessica Parker or Bella Thorn, has a bunch of photos in social networks, where the edge of the implant is visible. Glucose, like Hilkevich, is in the photo topless or in very frank clothes, and everything can be seen there too. Layisan Utyasheva changed sharply after pregnancy, but it is unlikely that it is breastfeeding that Layisan helped make a beautiful form. Daria Pynzar, like Lena Bat, Layisan Urtyasheva or Ekaterina Klimova, came to the TV "flat", and are now suitable for the cover of a male magazine. Victoria Bonya not only made the chest, but also, apparently changed implants more than once.

Julia Parashuta, like Ekaterina Strizhenova or Bella Thorn, it seems to all the charm of which natural. But even on the cover of a male magazine, for which she posted, it can be seen that the milk iron is too round. We see and Scarlett Johansson and Scarlett Johansson, the same can boast Daria Pynzar, although this girl's forms were always. Who worked over her breasts is the retoucher. Catherine Strizhenova and Alla Mikheeva naked were not filmed, but in the photo from the beach chest her everywhere different shape. Emma Watson, like Hilkevich, or the same glucose and the king, really changed the time that we see her on the screens, but in their case it could actually be a simple growing.

They are not shy to tell the truth

Sasha Gozian from home 2 did not lie, which did not increase the chest. The girl on the whole world boasted rounds and gave contact of the surgeon. We cannot say that gosic is an example for imitating otherwise, but it was honest. Sarah Jessica Parker also did not hide, which increased the chest and passed all the necessary procedures. When Paris Hilton increased his chest, this news for a long time and was actively discussed in the circle of her fans and in the media as a whole, but the actress itself did not give any comments about this. Sarah, from "Sex in the Big City" spoke in an interview, which made plastic.

Glucose increased his chest, but did not tell anything in detail, as Lena Bat, King or Thorn, but also to lie about motherhood and other factors did not. In general, the truth is easy to find out so. If the breast is suspiciously round, symmetrical, and in a bathing suit looks so that the lower edge of the implant is distinguished, the doubt is practically not left.

In less than two weeks, a new film with actress Emma Watson will be released on large screens - the film is shielding the Disney's fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". Of course, in the film Emma embodies the image of Beauty Bell. In connection with the premiere of this game movie, the magazine Vanity Fair decided to make an actress of the heroine of his new number.

A very provocative photo session of the British appeared on the publication pages, in which she was denied and first showed the chest. Intimate actress covers only the openwork bolero cape.

It is worth saying that the fans of the Star "Poterians" were shocked, seeing her practically naked, because Emma defended her completely opposite position and was sure that she was demonstrating his bare body - the top of vulgarity: " What is sexy in saying: "Here is my breast and a short skirt, see what I have"? It seems to me that the smaller the better. The less you show, the more interesting. I have no desire to just shock people. Of course, if Bertolucci invited me to take off, and for the role it was necessary to expose, I would do it. But showing the chest to just prove that I'm not Hermione Granger, it's stupid. "

In a conversation with journalists, Vanity Fair Watson told about some aspects of his life. For example, Emma frankly told about how books changed her life and influenced her communication with his father: "The books helped me to reunite with my father. They are associated with some of the most expensive memories. I remember how my father read me before bed - he used to change the voice depending on the plot and hero. I grew up on the set, so the books were also a connection with the outside world, with friends who read the same thing. "

Emma also did not see the answer to the question of personal life. The actress admitted that now marriage is not in its priorities: "Private life for me is not an abstract idea. I want to be consistent: I can not talk about my boyfriend in an interview, otherwise then the paparazzi will follow every step. In Hollywood, the personal relationships of the actors are used to promote movies - part of the show becomes with whom you meet. I hate everyone who tried to use me this way. "

Of course, the journalists of the question about the character, which Emma embodied in the "Beauty and the Beast: "I used to be afraid of such words as" feminism "," Patriarchate "," imperialist ", but I don't feel any more fear. In the original version of Belle is the assistant of his father. She is the Disney "Princess", but not passive character - responsible for his own destiny. "

Based on: starslife.ru

The 26-year-old actress Emma Watson became the heroine of the new issue of the magazine Vanity Fair. Harry Potter has interviewed the eve of the release of one of the most long-awaited premieres of this season - the Music film "Beauty and the Beast" directed by Bill Kondon. Russian viewers will be able to appreciate it from March 16.

During the conversation with Correspondents, Emma Watson touched several important topics for her. The girl told about how he belongs to the fans of Harry Potter, as well as about their personal life and the difficulties faced. In addition, Emma took part in a fairly frank photo shoot. On one of the pictures provoked rapid discussions on the net, the girl poses with naked breasts.

Nude breasts Emma Watson

"Removing the cinema from 10-11 years old. It often seemed to me that it turns out bad because I am very serious. As a zanoz. It's hard for me. Only with age felt a change, "the star shared.

According to Emma Watson, the work influenced the lives of many. "I met people with tattoos depicting my face. Saw those who have a fabulous story about a wizard boy helped go through cancer. I do not know how to explain how to explain, but the Harry Potter's phenomenon is that he goes into obsession, "the actress shared.

Watson also made it clear that she did not intend to discuss his personal life with journalists. Emma believes that excessive frankness can harm its relationship with a boyfriend. The star is confident that it is not worth sharing a secret with the public.

"I can not talk about my boyfriend in an interview, otherwise then the paparazzi will follow every step. In Hollywood, the personal relationships of the actors are used to promote movies - part of the show becomes with whom you meet. I hate everyone who tried to use me in a similar way, "the artist noted.

By the way, Emma Watson can afford to refuse role in a high-budget Hollywood film. The girl prefers to support the author's cinema. Interestingly, the actress was offered to be held in the sensational "La La Lene," and she had to make a star of the "rabbit hole". However, negotiations with artists were not set, and the producers approved candidates and Ryan Gosling.

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Emma Watson

26 years

Did: Rhinoplasty is made, also cosmetology procedures.

Recommendations:by "Da Vinci" face is not proportional. Too wide forehead and fine features. You can raise your eyebrows - it will be aesthetic. Maintain a person with minimally invasive procedures, for example, threads.

Anna Sofia Robb


Did: Cosmetology procedures. I'm not sure that there was surgery, most likely did not make plastic.

Recommendations:slightly increase lips. Apply injections based on the purified botulinum or neurotoxin of the Botulism of the group, and to the transition area of \u200b\u200bthe nasomasic fold. Also pull the tail of the eyebrows.

Dakota Fanning


Did:cosmetology procedures. Most likely, the plastic did not. Good turgor leather.

Recommendations: In the future, there will be a check-lifting, the correction of the face and the submandibular zone, since the face is "heavy" and expressed subcutaneous fatty space. Blefaroplasty of the upper eyelids is not excluded.

El Fanning

18 years

Did:before the plastics did not reach. Surely, care cosmetology.

Jennifer Lawrence

25 years


Recommendations: In the future, the contour plastic is needed to maintain the lump of the cheek, the correction of the face of the face by minimally invasive nite methods, as well as the overhead blefaroplasty.

Saoirse Ronan


Did:cosmetology procedures, good care.

Recommendations:the skin of the face is fine, obviously expressed oblastic wrinkles, subcutaneous fatty fiber is small. Therefore, it would be recommended to reinforce the person to maintain skin elasticity. And I would advise to use thread methods for creating a natural amount of cheeks and lips.

Taisza Farmiga

21 year

Did:too young face. Use cosmetology care and decorative cosmetics.

Chloe Grace Moretz

19 years

Did: Cosmetology procedures, good care.

Sheilly Woodley

24 years

Did:without plastic operations, makes cosmetology care.

Emma Roberts

25 years

Did:cosmetology procedures.

Ebigeyl Breslin

20 years

Did: Skin care, without plastic operations.

Selena Gomez

23 years

Did: Young attractive face, the actress uses everyday care and decorative cosmetics.

Recommendations: It would not be recommended to think about the "scalpel" in the near future. However, in the future will have to reduce the volume of the person. We see that the cheeks are expressed, and the lower jaw is small. Due to pronounced fat packages, fabrics in the Bryl area can be accusing. It will need to adjust.

Sarah Hyland.

25 years

Did:use the help of a beautician.