Elina Mazur: Having learned that all her apartments, Vitalin lost interest in Gigarhahanyan. She demanded a divorce

Elina Mazur: Having learned that all her apartments, Vitalin lost interest in Gigarhahanyan. She demanded a divorce
Elina Mazur: Having learned that all her apartments, Vitalin lost interest in Gigarhahanyan. She demanded a divorce

The marriage of the famous Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has already become a parable in languages, eclipses the events of a different character for several months. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to talk about the completion of scandalous history at this stage, since Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya He again fell into a circle of events related to its marriage and subsequent divorce. And in this case, we are talking about the fact that the former friend of the ex-wife Armen Borisovich decided to tell about what about Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia Will never tell. After all, here we are talking about the presence of a secret lover in Vitalyna, to whom the woman went to Georgia.

According to the statement of Elina Mazur, Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Even before the start of the broken-produced process there was an intimate character with a man named Ilya. For romantic meetings, a woman traveled to the resorts of Georgia, camouflage travel data to the need to fix health. At the same time, the Mazur focuses on the fact that this man positioned himself as a very rich entrepreneur, and the case allegedly went to the engagement. The fact of Mazur explains the fact that Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Last A few weeks before divorce with Dzhigarkhanyan sought to create all the conditions for quickly reset the shackles of the marriage.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest News

If you peel the information space for the subject Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest NewsYou can find information that the secret attitude of the ex-spouse of the people's artist and her lover continued quite a long time. Elina Mazur confirms the same information, which notes that after one of the trips to Georgia Vitalyn, he introduced his girlfriend with his beloved. Meanwhile Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya, latest news About which is not told not in the most visible light, completely refutes the information of this orientation, arguing that in his life she loved the only man - Armen Borisovich.

Against the background of these statements, correspondents of our news agency note that only one person can love, and to sleep with a large number of other people. If you consider the fact that the alleged lover of a woman was a very influential and rich man, then for Vitaly Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya The relationship of a sexual nature, in order to achieve mercantile purposes, can be quite a real event. And in this case, the information that a couple even has already scheduled the wedding day, which was supposed to happen in France, can hardly be called a fiction. Although the fact that checking the information of this level is not possible, while Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest The weeks is on the subscription of the unseason, then this information may well seem "taken behind the ears".

What is really happening?

Correspondents of our news agency decided to check the information about the rich lover of Ex-Spouse Gigarkhanyan first-hand and tried to contact a man. However, it was not possible to establish a connection with the alleged future spouse of Vitaly, while we had information that he completely denies the fact of not only the relationship, but also his dating himself. And this is despite the fact that Mazur tells about Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya News In the key that only the beginning of a high-profile trial against the woman threw her grandiose plans. In addition, Ealina claims that she has an irrefutable evidence that Vitanin desires the divorce with Armen Borisovich in advance to get the property and money of the actor.

As says O. Vitaly Zymbalyuk Romanovskaya WikipediaLiterally the other day by the court decision, the woman was deprived of real estate and cash. The information of the same order also confirmed the lawyer of the former spouse of Armen Borisovich Larisa Larisa. The woman herself categorically marks any accusations to their address, insisting that the main desire is the restoration of normal relations with the former spouse. And this is despite the fact that Armen Borisovich himself does not take any active actions on this issue. Moreover, quite recently, Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya learned with surprise that "Gave" an elite apartment to Gigarchhanyan That again, did not make a reason for the fact that Vitalin refused to finally resolve this tightened situation.



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The whole country continues to follow the drama in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In the new release of the program "Andrei Malakhov. The livestock "gave the floor to the former representative of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Elina Mazur. At the end of last year, she suddenly opposed the pianist. Elina publicly accused Vitalyna in lies and stated that she deliberately decided to leave Armen Borisovich with anything.

In the recent release of Andrei Malakhov, Mazur explained the reasons for his act. After Elina "exposed" Vitalyna, many indignant brunette statements, suspecting it in meanness. It seemed that quite recently Mazur was fighting for the honor of his acquaintance, but suddenly everything changed.

"I realized that he was surrounded by the utmost lie, which was hopeless. It was something incredible, it was necessary to break out. It was hard for me. In general, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a story invented from beginning to the end, "the woman was told on the transfer.

According to Elina, she helped Vitalyna develop a strategy of behavior. The woman claims that he wants to figure out the situation. The last time Mazur spoke to Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya by phone. After that, Vitalin sent her SMS to which she did not answer.

"Very much in the supply of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was invented by me. For example, Vitalin suffered a mental illness. According to the mother, there was some disorder. Lydia Ivanovna (parental pianist - approx.) I wanted to present it so that it was aggravated. It was said in private conversation. We just constituted a plan, "Mazur shared. "Then I did what I believed at that time." I believed in the holy love, that the man [Vitalin] really devoted himself to serving. "

Experts launched in the truth of the words of Elina. Andrei Malakhov noticed that she made a very serious statement about the mental state of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The psychologist Elizabeth Horskova commented on the words of Mazur.

"I can not believe in any word of Elina. She began her speech with the fact that he was very worried. But she is completely calm, cold-blooded, confident woman who has a high intelligence. A bright woman makes him a PR. Let's catch everything in one pile, now also psychiatry. I, of course, was not a doctor Vitaly and I do not know if she had once a psychiatrist or not. But I don't find any sign of mental disorder, I don't find any sign of mental disorder, "the specialist believes.

Guests of the Program stated that Elina had no evidence of Vitaly's disease. "You use the most detailed participants. For example, no one can disprove this conversation or confirm, "one of those present on the shooting appealed to Mazur. "Naturally," she did not argue.

According to Ealina Mazur, it is she who is the author of the story about the long novel Vitalina and Armen Borisovich. "I thought up the story about 16 years of relationship. I and Natasha Korneva - Creators of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She was together with Armen Borisovich since 2008, "the woman told.

The journalist and the former employee of the theater of Gigarhahanyan Natalia Korneev, who once introduced Alien with Vitaly, also attended the TV show's studio. According to a woman, Elina was familiar with Tatiana Vlasova. However, Mazur has denied such words.

"I regret that I turned to Elina, I am very ashamed of Vitaly. I already asked her forgiveness for what was so deceived in a person. Sometime, the Alina and I seriously worked in the field of environmental activities. I even had no thought about what she could lie. The fact that she is not a lawyer, I learned from Shepelev at the detector, "Korneev said.

It became known about this cute brunette with a cunning look - the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur (see the photo below), and whether she has her husband and children, it became interesting to the celebrating viewer only in connection with the scandal in the Star family of Armen Dzhigarkhanian and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In just 2 months, this "queen episode" became a real television, arguing that only due to its efforts the ex-spouse of the People's Artist was able to withstand the colossal pressure from the indignant press and numerous friends of Armen Borisovich.

According to a woman, a scandal with a divorce and news about the assignment of vitaly elite square meters in the center of the capital, attracted to the pianist crowd of fans. And they are not afraid to lose their own millions, marrying a treacherous beauty with such popularity. According to her early interviews, Elina Mazur, her ward, whose interests she was so hard to defend, never deceived anyone, considering it humiliating for himself.

Those sensational was the refusal of an entrusted face of the pianist from work on his ward. At the same time, at first, Mazur presented everything as an independent transfer of all documents lawyer Larisa Wide, referring to its own incompetence in the legal aspects of the problem and the need for dense communication with the investigative bodies. And only after some time, Elina Mazur (see the photo below), whose personal life and biography, together with mythical husbands and children, remains secret for seven seals, has become a real informational bomb.

Elina Mazur was a trustee of the former spouse of Dzhigarkhanyan

Facts from biography

Since the data on this "gray cardinal" of criminal frauds with property and finances of the famous artist have to look for in its numerous performances on a different current-show of central television, to tie them into a one is very difficult.

The date of birth of the infamous well-known chain is a secret - according to some data it is 1965. Other sources argue that the woman is much younger and born in 1976.

As Elina Mazur herself told, (see the photo below), whose personal life and biography are unknown, it has a husband and a daughter-lawyer. If you believe in other open sources of information, a woman has no children at all, and the spouse is disabled. She herself has a higher economic education, but the specialty never worked. Legal knowledge confirmed by a state-owned diploma, a former assistant on a well-known pianist is also not available. More so strange it seems the choice of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya man without relevant experience to the position of his representative. Although, probably, the point is precisely in this - it was worth someone to do a dirty work with obscure legal boundaries, so that later to take away from the Matra, all the well-deserved perennial and unbearable labor.

About the personal life of Elina little is known

At one of the talk shows, several people stated that Elina Mazur is the mistress of a brothel, in which young ladies offer their services under the sign of a massage salon, their services offer their services. At the same time, the neighbors of this institution with eloquent Armenian surnames were interviewed. As if checking on the detector lies was carried out live, and all of the said is true. So this is whether or not - all viewers are probably a response from the competent authorities, we have been waiting for this strange story for a long time and even more strange actors.

According to other Internet publications, Elina Viktorovna Mazur was once Galkina. The surname changed together with her husband to be of great popularity from his clients in the process of black magic.

And a completely incredible story came up on the transfer of Dmitry Shepelev, when in the live broadcast it was said that many years the scandalous assistant was not less than a scandalous spouse of the people's artist worked for many years in the capital of housing with lonely old people. And allegedly the witness, which gave such confessions live, was in collusion with a pianist representative. It pursues it again on thinking about the inaction of law enforcement agencies and truthfulness about such applications.

For a long time, Mazur was engaged in different scams

Friendship - friendship, and money - apart

Sensational interviews that the former representative began to distribute central channels to journalists, simply blew up the network in early 2018. According to Elina Mazur, it was she who reached the scandalous divorce in the star family, advised Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to fall into the faithful and caring wife with a capricious and half-eyed old man to steal his property and money from Armen. As a woman told, a conscience suddenly woke up in her, and Elina understood that he was inevitably in relation to the people's artist and his nearest friend Artur Soghomonian. And immediately, it was noted that the betrayal of the once closest girlfriend would not be able to forgive, because with her help not a well-known pianist became richer for several millions.

Most viewers and fans of the Great Matra believe that such revelations of Madame Elina are caused by a simple insult to the equity for refusing to pay good dividends from the abducted. Vitalin itself commented on the words of a former trustee that way.

Elina Mazur refused to represent the interests of Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Moreover, according to the words of the former real estate sweatshirts, Vitalin has long ceased to distinguish reality from illusions and gained a huge number of loans to buy several apartments in prestigious areas of the capital. Allegedly ex-spouses in one of the frank conversations with Mazur said that the closest friend of Arthur Arthur Soghomonian demands that Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya rewritten this property in his name.

According to Elina Mazur (see the photo below), she does not want her biography and personal life to be deposited by the mud in which she took an invalid participation in the last few months. And even more so the former girlfriend Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not want to interfere with her husband, daughter and her future children in this situation.

Material prepared by the site editorial site

Published on 01/25/2018

Total comments: 32

Elina Mazur, a former defender of the ex-wife Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, can be a fraction of a criminal case. Like her ex-girlfriend. That's just a woman can immediately immediately impress the crime - pimp and blackmail

Elina Mazur Poguers

The fact that the 41-year-old Elina Mazur is the owner of a brothel network that is officially referred to as massage salons, it became known on the program "In fact", YarskGrad.ru reports. The first girls came to the studio, who previously worked in them. They also told that Evelina massage salons were the most that neither there are real, bored. And they manage Mazur. She not only sold girls for money (not independently, she visited the salons only once a week), but also blackmail their wealthy customers.

The employees told that surveillance cameras were installed in all cabinets. The resulting video Mazur and blackmailed the rich. Robert Vardanyan - the residents of the house, in which one of the brothels is located on the program. He confirmed that he had repeatedly seen an eline part. And the girls who discontinued the truth, the authors of the program were checked on a polygraph. Lie detector showed that they spoke to clean truth and did not invent anything. So Elina Mazur will soon become a criminal person. We will remind, recently a woman asked for forgiveness from Armen Gigarhahanyan and stated that the series of scandals started under the plan of his girlfriend, the final goal of which was the selection of all property from the actor.

In fact, the masks are reset: the exposure of Elina Mazur. Release of 20.12.2017

Who is Ealina Mazur: biography

Elina Mazur became known for the whole country after the loud divorce of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya with Armen Gigarkhanyan. In this case, the woman acted as a lawyer from his girlfriend - Vitaly.

Now Mazur repents in the deed and even apologized in front of the Dzhigarkhanyan on the air of one of the television shows.

"I operated within the judicial system. Nevertheless, I can't forgive myself a lie and betrayal. Now I want to apologize to Armen Borisovich. I was really not right and found the strength to admit it, "she said.

Elina Mazur in open said that her goal was to help Vitaly, and ultimately managed to do it. The Lacracy Process of Armen Borisovich and Romanovskaya was held according to the scenario of Elina, but after the divorce was decorated, and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya achieved what she wanted, she refused to elima services. After that, there was a conflict between women, and Mazur decided to confess all the country.

It is known that Elina Mazur was born in 1976. It is noteworthy that a woman has no legal education. She at one time received a higher economic education and worked as a realist.

"New Russian Sensations": "Announcement of Dzhigarkhanian's will"

Interest in Alina Mazur appeared quite recently. About her biography, personal life, practically nothing is known. Ealina acquired his fame of Ealina by the time of the high-profile marriage of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, being a representative of the latter.

In just a few months, Elina became the star, arguing that only due to its efforts the former star of the actor was able to move pressure from journalists.

Are there children from Elina Mazur, biography

The scandal is divorced and the news of the assignment, the Vitalina House of the spouse in the center of Moscow, attracted everyone to attention. In previously the data of Mazur interviews, its ward, the interests of which she defended, is not capable of deception, and considers it unworthy to act.

Even more strange it was her refusal to further present the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Unforgettably submitted documents on the case of lawyer Larisa Wide, Mazur referred to his ignorance in legal issues and the obligation of regular communication with law enforcement agencies.

Since the data about this mysterious woman who was trying to test the fraud with the property and finances of the famous actor, no. Information about it has to be assembled on grains. The date of birth is also kept secret, according to one data, Ealina was born in 1976, another source calls the date of 1965, the number and month is unknown.

According to Mazur itself, she has a husband and daughter who chose themselves a profession of lawyers. In other sources it is said that she has no children, and the spouse is seriously sick. Ealina received higher education in a specialty economist, although in the profession never worked. Of any diplomas confirming her knowledge as a lawyer, she does not have, so it seems even more strange to choose from the actor's ex-wife.

At one of the TV shows, several people stated that Mazur is the owner of a whole network of public houses in the city. In which intimacy services are provided under the signs of the massage salon. According to women who allegedly worked there, video surveillance cameras are installed throughout the building. Blamed Elina is that it is existing video recording blackmail wealthy customers.

Another incredible story was announced on the program Dmitry Shepelev, where they reported that for a long time the former representative of the pianist, engaged in fraud, selecting housing from lonely retirees. You can only guess the truthfulness of all applications.

Are there children from Elina Mazur, scandalous fame

Interviews who gave to journalists Elina Mazur, produced auror among the audience of the central canal. The chain admitted that it was she advised Vitaly to pretend the faithful and loving wife of a capricious crazy old man to take possession of his property and money. But the flour of conscience, from how she did with the famous artist, forced her to admit it. Most viewers and fans of Dzhigarkhanyan are confident that at the revelations a woman pushed at all not conscience, but revenge for unpaid dividends from the abducted. Elina stated that she did not want to disclose the secret of his family life so that those rumors that spread about her, did not touch her husband and daughter.