Elena Maksimova with whom is found. Elena Maksimova: "We and my daughter and for many years lived on suitcases

Elena Maksimova with whom is found. Elena Maksimova:
Elena Maksimova with whom is found. Elena Maksimova: "We and my daughter and for many years lived on suitcases

Elena Maksimova - the star of the Russian show business. The greatest popularity in the solo career acquired after participation in, "exactly in-point" and victory in the project "exactly in-point. Superseason. " Prior to that, in groups of "Non Stop", "Decadence" and.

Elena Maksimova was born in the hot August 1979 in the Crimea. In Sevastopol, under the noise of the surf, children's and youthful years were held.

Beautiful vocals and absolute rumors have discovered from Lena in kindergarten. Mom girls who worked as a teacher in the same kindergarten, advised to develop the musical talents of the daughter. So Elena Maksimova fell into a music school, where experienced teachers worked on the child's vocals.

At 11, Maximov took into the famous children's team "Multi-Max", with whom the young singer toured over the cities of Ukraine. A collection of diplomas and diplomas gathered in Lena.

After receiving the school certificate, Elena Maksimova entered the university, for a paid office, where he was studying foreign languages, although from an early age he dreamed of becoming an artist. Parents insisted on the acquisition of a "serious" profession.

To cope with a considerable material burden that fell on the shoulders of parents, Elena went to work. She sang in a cafe and nightclubs, on the open areas of the Crimean homes of rest and sanatoriums.


After receiving a university diploma, by the way, with honors, Maksimova entered Gitis. She studied in the Black Sea department of the university, which was located in the "sailor club". The club belonged to the ChF of Russia. Elena Maksimov was noticed and invited to become a soloist in the orchestra of the headquarters of the ChF. From this, the musical biography of the performer began.

It became an indispensable experience for a beginner singer. Together with the orchestra, she visited Cannes, where the festival of military orchestras was held. Maksimova performed songs. After Cannes in the same 1998, the girl went to the Yalta-Moscow-Transit festival, where he won.

Elena Maksimova is grateful to parents for infused at obtaining the first education. Knowledge of English was useful to the singer in 2004. She passed the casting and was adopted in the Musical "We Will Rock You". The girl was selected from several hundred contenders and took into the main composition. For the success of a talented performer, Bryan May, a member of the legendary group, was accurately followed. He became a project consultant.

The musical was set half a year, and every day, without breaks and weekends. After Elena Maksimova is completed: Producer Vyacheslav Tyurin invited the girl to the Non Stop group. It became a new step up in the career of the singer. With this team, Lena participated in the Music Festival "Five Stars". And in 2008 she went to the "new wave", sowing to reach the final.

In the summer of 2009, the singer's debut album came out, whose songs were performed in English. Then Elena Maksimova sang in the "Decadence" and "Reflex" groups. At this time, the candid photos of the singer appeared in Playboy.

2013 was the year of breakthrough for Maximova. She participated in the 2nd season of the show "Voice". On the "blind listening" Lena sang "Run To You". Execution turned out to be so impeccable that all members of the jury turned to the girl.

Elena Maksimova fell into the project. The girl's mentor became a strong team.

In the quarterfinals, she presented the touching song "Je Suis Malade", for the execution of which received enthusiastic jury reviews and viewers.

Maximova managed to reach the semifinals. She introduced a cover version of the song "Back in In UsSr". The victory went not Elena, but the rival of the girl -. But the singer believes that the TV project played a maximal role in his life, and Agutin's mentor managed to teach the artist a lot, open all the verge of vocal.

In 2015, Maksimova became the participant of the 2nd season of the project "exactly". The audience saw the singer in the images, and. In this show she managed to reach the final.

After two popular TV projectors, Elena had new songs, among which the brightest "won't let you go," our first new year "and" weightless words ".

In 2016, Elena was invited to the project "Extremely Superseason. " Only the brightest stars of previous issues called in the new season. As a result, Maksimova scored the maximum number of points, heated to one point, and ranked first.

Personal life

Lena married at 21 years for Vadim Gitlin. A young couple went to Moscow. But after the birth of the daughter of Diana, the relationship of the spouses spoiled. In the native Sevastopol Maksimova returned to her husband, with a little child. Parting she survived painfully. It seemed to her that she would rather become a grandmother than married again. And the former spouse eventually headed the Union of Consumers Roskontrol.

Later, the singer had a relationship with a colleague. They even recorded joint compositions. One of them is "promise me love."

But at the time of the novel, Eugene was married to the actress by Natalia Troitskaya. After a break with his spouse, the singer gave a frank interview, in which he stated that she repent of the ex-wife, but the mistress became an indicator in the relationship of the artist with Natalia. He called Elena "Lacmus paper" thanks to which problems were exposed in relations with Trinity.

Maksimova was indignant by the words of Cungurov. Especially a woman thoried words about a litmus paper.

"Zhenya in one of the interviews, without pointing to my name, called me a" Lacmus paper ". Thank you for not a piece of toilet paper, "said the singer.

She, in turn, also gave an interview. According to the singer, Elena did not want to meet with a married man, so he asked to decide. She also pointed out that Evgenia and Natalia also did not intervene.

Today, Elena Maximova's personal life has improved. She had a loved one. But the name of the man's singer does not call: says, it is afraid to move happiness. It is known that the new chief of the artist is the musician with whom she has been working for a long time.

The main pride of the singer is Diana's daughter. The girl was already decided on the profession: she dreams of becoming a flight attendant and adores the sky.

Like many stars of show business, Elena Maksimova leads microblogging in "Instagram". The artist is divided with subscribers personal photos and video from performances.

Elena Maksimova now

In the summer of 2017, Elena introduced a new incered composition "Happiness inside". And in the fall released the video for the song "Before Dawn."

In early 2018, Elena's name was seen in a small scandal. The singer in Instagram expressed dissatisfaction with the director of the "First Channel". The fact is that the performance of the performer was cut out from New Year's ether. Later it turned out that the same fate was posing, and.

After some time, Maksimova posted a post in which he expressed regret for his hysterics and uploaded a displicated performance in the profile. The fans of the singer supported the favorite and advised not to be upset.


  • 2014 - "Our first new year"
  • 2015 - "I will not let you go"
  • 2016 - "Be with me"
  • 2016 - "Voice of Love. Live4Love »
  • 2016 - "Happiness inside"
  • 2017 - "Dancing Rabbit"
  • 2017 - "Before Dawn"
  • 2017 - "When love comes"
  • 2017 - "Hear, departed"

Elena Maksimova (singer)

Elena Gennadievna Maksimova. Born on August 9, 1979 in Sevastopol. Russian singer. Ex-soloist group "Reflex".

Father - Military.

Mother - teacher, worked as a teacher in kindergarten.

Grandma - primary school teacher, grandfather - physics teacher.

From an early age he was fond of singing. "Mom recalls that it was impossible to go on the street with me calmly and ride in trolleybus - I read poems and singing to the whole street. In kindergarten, where mom worked, I was a regular snow maiden, a red cap and other characters. Sometimes I was taken straight From the playground and dragged on the next matinee, so that I sang my corona number there - the song of the Elephant Trainer, "Elena said.

From 11 years spent in the Multi-Max group, participated with a team in various singing contests and repeatedly won. "It's right fate that I got there. I lost six years in her and as an artist learned a lot," she said about participation in the group. The talent of the girl was so prominent that the mother even quit his job to accompany her in contests.

He graduated from a music school in the piano.

After graduating from school at the insistence of parents, he entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bto Sevastopol University, who later graduated from a red diploma. "And now knowledge of English and French helps and sing songs, and on tour with people to communicate. Now languages \u200b\u200bare a completely natural and mandatory element of education. And I'm not talking about the university, but in general - you need to know at least one foreign one. But working on I was not going to my specialty, because the music and scene - my vocation, I can't do anything more at the professional level, "she said.

During his studies, he worked in the university: sang in cafes and clubs, in the summer - in sanatoriums and holiday homes.

After graduating from the university, he entered the Black Sea branch of Gitis. Their course was based in the theater of the sailor club, which belongs to the Black Sea Fleot of Russia. There she noticed the conductor of the orchestra of the fleet headquarters and invited to solo at the festival of military orchestras. They walked on the Kerch ship. "And when came to France, I performed songs of Patricia Kaas: the orchestra accompanied, admirals and diplomats applauded. It is impossible to forget," Elena shared.

Three years have studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class of pop-jazz vocals and the year - in Rati Gitis.

Later, together with her husband, moved to Moscow, but then returned to Sevastopol again.

At one time, her musical consultant was a guitarist of the legendary group Queen Brian May (Brian May).

In 2006, Producer Vyacheslav Turin invited Elena to his project - a group "NON STOP". It was with this group that Elena Maksimova became a member of the Music Festival "Five Stars".

In 2008, the singer fell in the number of finalists of the International Competition "New Wave", where she performed the song "Angel Wings", which struck the audience and was one of the most frequently downloaded compositions on the Internet. Then, in the metropolitan concert hall, the "World" composer Kashin presented a new project "Decadence", and Maksimova became the voice of this group.

In the same year, it became one of the soloist "REFLEX"where it worked for almost two years.

After Reflex, she participated in the national selection for Eurovision with a song written by Swedish authors. Was a participant of the 2nd season of the show "Vote". Elena Maksimova passed the "blind" listening, performing the song Run To You, and got into the team.

Elena Maksimova reached the semifinals of the competition, where he made a fabrary version of the famous back in USSR group of The Beatles.

In 2015, the second season of the show reincarnation was participant "Exactly the same" On the first channel. Peese viewers appeared in the images of the Frenchwoman, pop singer and sang the famous "Moscow Region" - exactly as.

In 2016, participated in the project "Extremely Superseason ", in which the most vivid participants in previous seasons were invited. Final Shaw took place on January 22, 2017, and Elena Maksimova, having gained the largest number of points (299), became the winner. Only 1 point she lost.

In the final release of the "Superseason" Elena Maksimova appeared in front of the audience in the form of Zemfira.

After participating in popular TV projects presented the songs "I will not let you go", "our first new year", "weightless words" and others.

Height Elena Maximova: 165 centimeters.

Personal life Elena Maximova:

It was married to Vadim Gitlin (later he became the head of the union of consumers "Roskontrol"). The daughter of Diana was born in marriage. Almost immediately after the birth of the daughter, they broke up.

He consisted in relations with a colleague - a singer. The artists recorded joint songs, but after some time their cooperation stopped. At the time of their relationship, the pair did not share - Kungurov was married actress Natalia Troitskaya. But after he left his wife and gave a frank interview, interrupted silence and Maximov. Eugene told reporters about what repents before the ex-wife, and his mistress was only a litmus paper, which exposed problems in relations with Natalia.

Elena Maksimova was offended by the words of the former beloved: "Zhenya in one of the interviews, without pointing to my name, called me a" lactium paper ". Thank you for not a piece of toilet paper. Maybe it hurts him and hurt and he asks for forgiveness from his wife for treason. But he humiliated not only me, but also the former spouse, saying that he was her conversation. I can't meet with a married man, so I told my wife: "Defect". But this is only the first step so that the relationship began to be honest. And then it was necessary To do more steps. Zhenya did not do them ... In marriage, I did not interfere with Natalia Troitskaya. Why did I seduce it? Maybe I fled from him without a look. "

At the moment, according to Elena, her heart is not free, the chief of singer is a musician with whom she works for many years.

The winner of the project "exactly" humiliated the lover

The winner of the project "exactly" humiliated the lover

In the TV show "Extremely, the finalist of the project" Voice "Elena Maksimova gained the maximum number of points, ahead of the rest of the participants. On the eve of the Superseason final, we met Elena and asked why so long it was her way to success.

- You noticed after the video "First New Year" ...

- You said that every new year in kindergarten dressed up with the Snow Maiden. Liked?

Mom worked as a teacher, naturally, she put me with the Snow Maiden in Blat. Santa Claus dressed one of the educators. In general, I stopped believing in Santa Claus.

- I see, with winter holidays you have a lot related.

Somehow before the new year I collected money with fans for a monument Michael Jackson. While little collected, but I do not leave the idea.

After kindergarten and school, the way was lying in Sevastopol University. The Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bYou graduated with a red diploma, and then - the Black Sea Branch of Gitis and the first tour.

Where they just did not speak! I remember on a combat ship in Sevastopol sang near the guns and two rocket complexes. I was not afraid of nothing, although I used to be in storms. And now I am watching health, no extra death. I fly a business class not because Ponte, but because of what is more comfortable.

Sex near Pushkin

- Why did you leave the Decadence group?

Somehow familiar bassist invited me to visit the composer Pavel Kashina. He suggested that I participate in the project "NLP" - "inspired by Lermontov and Pushkin." I only graduated from Gitis, I arrived in Moscow. I thought for a long time, how to sing. I decided to infantilically, a subtle voice. It was my first reincarnation. Say, no one knows in a strange rattling voice my. Famous musical critic - blogger Guru Ken. Posted by: "Maksimova - a nightmare, drive from the scene!"

Pasha tried all the time to lead to the project of his girls. They did not participate in Decadence, but stood with me for the picture. As a result, the cable channel "Russian Night" let our "NLP" soundtrack for video with naked girls who were laid out in a foam bath.

- Then you went to the Reflex group?

I got into a restaurant Arkady Novikova "Cheese", where Western stylish things sang. Somehow I saw a soloist "reflex" Irina Nelson and producer. I sang something from the repertoire of the "reflex" and "hooked". They still existed the Non-Stop group - a subsidiary. Producer offered to go there. I did it, and after a few tour got into Reflex.

- And the money flowed the river? Rich dumping, impossible, revived.

No matter how I tried to give sex, I can't work. True, in Kazakhstan, one dude approached the director of the team and said, pointing to me: "A million dollars is ready to invest in a group, and this is all because of her!" But sex did not offer. The Reflex at all existed a tough discipline, it was impossible to even touch the girl.

Earned Arthrosis

In the "exactly" saw the number: you are in the image of Gurchenko with Boris Moiseev. This is not your first reincarnation in this woman's element?

Last year I had to leave Moscow for the New Year, but unexpectedly reported to me that I should play on Red Square in Lyudmila Markovna's dress. Wind, I'm kicked in the coupling, I sing "Five minutes". From this time, Lyudmila Markovna did not leave me. Sit for "culture" song from the film "Old Klyachi", then for the "exactly in-point" performed a hat from the movie "Straw Hat". By the way, on the project number with Moiseev Must do another actress. At first I was offended. Do not believe, sobbed and spoke to ourselves: "How can you, Lyudmila Markovna, is it to allow?!" And then this artist refused, so we sang with Borea. We have convened three weeks ago with the director of Moiseeva - Sergey GorokhovI planned to record a song with Boris. But he disappeared. Probably it does not feel.

- We were not afraid that your reincarnation in love Kazarnovskaya would not take?

The following happened to the "flea": she planned more grotesque, but I was advised to make a restraint. I was afraid to go Wa-Bank and show how rehearsing. And still he was satisfied, because he did not work until the opera vocal.

- How are you satisfied with the work of the Grider?

I am only my makeup Bianchi I did not like - it turned out not like. Her smoky nose was made to me sharp, like Baba Yaga.

- What do you think the victory deserved?

For the whole season, I was put on only one four. I earned Arthrosis. At six o'clock rehearsals per day, and at night. I am tired to such an extent that I barely crawled the prize.

Left with Breast

- Why did you break up with your husband? And by the way, who is he?

It took 16 years, and I myself want to know the reason. Before marriage, we met for three years, and everything was fine. I wanted to become my mother already at 21, to then devote myself to work. Signed when I was on the ninth month. And so, when I only gave birth, my husband went on a business trip for three months. Vadik spoke, they say, saves family business. I did not understand: the wife gave birth, lies then in one, then in another hospital, how can I quit it, knowing that she has a weak health? Then I returned to the father's house with the baby. See, we have such a share. Vadik was surprised that I was divorced with him. I did not even feel that I need help. Vadik, how could you do this to me? I can see, I will live with this question until the end of the days.

- Give the former spouse to see Diana?

The first time was afraid that he would take my daughter, but he was not going. After me, Vadik appeared another abandoned wife with a child. Sometimes I beg so that my father call his daughter at least once a year. But any conversation ends with the fact that we should not communicate.

- Your surname is your daughter?

Father, but she wants to change it.

- Although the alimony pays?

I could ten children pay such alimony. And he considers them enough. How can you pay such an amount in Moscow?! And I do not spend a penny on myself. The daughter has a Sberbank card, which dips money to her, and she wins them on things. And a removable apartment where we live, I pay. I believe that Father Diana should also participate in this. Vadik is not a poor man, public, now in the program "Natural selection" as the head of Roskontrol speaks. (This organization is managed Vadim Gitlin. - N. M.)

- It turns out, for all these years in show business you did not work on your apartment?

In 2006, I bought an apartment on Rublevka, in the village of Gorki-10. Invested in a new building, but the house was completed only after ten years. I bought the apartment in the business class house, and in the end I received an Economy. It is still without repair. The daughter does not want to leave the area in which he grown. Therefore, probably sell it and buy in Moscow.

Who seduced anyone?

Why didn't you have a member of the "Voice" Zheni Kungurov? What was a beautiful duet! "Promise me love" ...

Zhenya in one interview, without pointing to my name, called me a "lackmus paper". Thank you for not a piece of toilet paper. Maybe it hurts him and insulting and he asks forgiveness from his wife for treason. But he humiliated not only me, but also a former spouse, saying that he was her conversation. I can't meet with a married man, so I told my wife: "Defect". But this is only the first step so that the relationship began to be honest. And then it was necessary to do more steps. Zhenya did not do them. So we broke up.

- From his interview it turns out that you broke his family.

In marriage Zhenya with actress Natalia Troitskaya I did not interfere. Why did I seduce it? Maybe I fled from him without looking back. Maybe you need to pay attention to the moral edge of Eugene. It is unpleasant to me that it happened, but any other could be in my place. The magnia is now another woman, the child was born, we do not communicate, even sometimes do not greet. But with Zhenya, we had plans to create a family, although we did not live under the same roof, but only met.

I also have a problem. It so happened that Diana knows: Mom's work in the first place. I have a strong feeling of guilt before my daughter because of the fact that we often were in the separation. In addition, Diana told me that he would not take someone who would walk at home in "training". However, if the daughter sees that a real man appeared in my life, maybe it will be possible to break this psychological barrier.

Now my heart is not free. He is a musician, we work together for many years together. But marriage for me is not an end in itself.

- Happy New Year with your loved one?

I hope, but I do not hurt. If everything works out, meeting at a private party in Paris. I wanted to take a daughter with me, but she prefers to be with friends.

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Biography, Life History Maximova Elena

Elena Maksimova - Ukrainian and Russian singer.


Elena was born in Sevastopol on August 9, 1979. The singing talent manifested itself in the girl still in kindergarten. Mom Lena, who worked as a teacher in the very kind, gave a daughter to a music school, so that experienced teachers should have worked on her voice.

At the age of 11, Lena Maksimova became a member of the Multi-Max Children's Music Team, with whom the girl toured a lot over the cities of the native country. The ensemble often held prizes, which even more convinced Lena in her abilities to music.


After graduating from high school, Elena entered the university at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. And although the girl dreamed of a career of the artist in the soul, she had to get a "normal" profession for the calmness of his beloved mother.

Elena Maksimova's free from lectures and seminars, Elena Maksimova, he worked as a singer in local cafes, nightclubs and sanatoriums. It was her invented, the occupation, which helped her cope with stress from tense studies and ensure itself with the most necessary material benefits.

After receiving a diploma, Elena decided to continue their education and arrived (this time already at his sincere desire) to the Black Sea Department of Gitis. The branch itself was located in the "sailor club", which belonged to the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. The leaders of the local orchestra were allocated Maksimov from the crowd of other female students and offered her to become their soloist.


Work in the orchestra of the Black Sea Fleet has become for Elena the first step towards glory. In 1998, the beginning of the singer visited Cannes at the festival of military orchestras, then she went to the Yalta-Moscow-Transit festival, where, by the way, won the honored victory.

In 2004, Elena Maksimova successfully passed the casting for the role of the singer in the Musical WE Will Rock You. Bypassing several hundred competitists, it helped her brilliant knowledge of English, charm and ability to stay on stage. Maksimova faced Briana Mei, a group guitarist who was a project consultant.

Continued below

WE WILL ROCK YOU has been set every day for six months. After the project is completed, the girl was invited to the Non Stop group. With this musical team, Maksimova participated in the Music Festival "Five Stars". In 2008, Non Stop visited the "New Wave" and reached the final.

In 2009, Elena Maksimova released her debut solo an English album. After that, Lena's popularity began to gain momentum. The singers were a party to such popular groups as "decades" and "". In addition, another drop of fame to her added candid photos in Playboy magazine.

Participation in TV show

In 2013, Elena Maksimova decided to try his happiness at the vocal TV show. The artist performed perfectly performed the song Run To You, which deserves honor and respect for members of the jury and the love of viewers. Mentor Lena became the famous musician. Elena reached the semi-final, leaving the palm of the championship of the shuffle.

In 2015, Elena Maksimova became a participant in the parody project "exactly in-point." The artist was reincarnated in such stars as Vanessa Paradi, Irina Saltykov and.

Personal life

Elena Maksimova married at the age of 21. After the wedding, the newlyweds went to conquer Moscow. Soon, the spouses were born daughter Diana. Unfortunately, after that, the relationship between Lena and her beloved began to deteriorate. Maksimova took the daughter and left in his native Sevastopol. I left for a few years to return to Belokamenny again, but this time did not be offended by the fate of the girl, and confident a woman who loving mother and sought-after artist.

Many media have information that Helen's heart is busy. True, the name and family of human classes who conquered it, is not mentioned anywhere.