Elena Banya and her pages in social networks. Elena Banya launches the new version of "Auditorro" in Vkontakte and on YouTube in instagram

Elena Banya and her pages in social networks. Elena Banya launches the new version of
Elena Banya and her pages in social networks. Elena Banya launches the new version of "Auditorro" in Vkontakte and on YouTube in instagram

In October 2017, Elena Bullie left the audioral project, where he was engaged in testing restaurants, hotels and nightclubs to comply with sanitary standards. The channel "Friday" replaced the leading to the actress Nastasya Samburskaya. However, Elena is confident that the audience lost interest in the show with her departure. "For all" Audioralo "- this is me," Elena said in a conversation with Cosmo.

We met with a bat at the Comedy Slub festival, which was held on September 15 and 16 in Yerevan. Elena admitted that almost everything in the capital of Armenia asked her, whether she captured white gloves and was going to check the purity of the humor Comedy Club. The TV presenter is launched on these issues, but if it comes to dismissal from "Auditorro", Elena does not leave the answer.


Rumors that the channel "Friday" dismissed her, cause a smile from Elena: "There was no other channel to say that I was expelled. "Audioralo" was a channel chadeliner, and now the transfer has lost its social importance, and with this and ratings are also gone. I do not need to prove anything to anyone, but it's no secret that when people hear "audioralo", they only have an Association with Elena volatile. "

Flying believes that Sambursk and the canal are delivering the scandal to raise the transfer rating. "Public insults in my direction is only a vain attempt to assert and attract attention to the project," Elena says. - I don't worry these attacks, because such behavior is only the humiliation of the speaker. I will not interfere with to humiliate myself in front of the whole country, insulting others, but, in my opinion, it would be more efficient to work more about your own professionalism and the essence of the project. "

Elena does not regret that he left "Audio", and even satisfied with his decision. There are many new projects from the TV host: soon there are two documentaries on the first channel about the collection of garbage in Russia, and on YouTube and in Vkontakte will start a new project "Flying supervision without censorship".


"I decided to stay" Audioralo ", but already on the Internet so that no one clapped me into the framework. Now it will be not about restaurants and hotels, but about producers of products, marketers that use a large number of tricks so that people buy unnecessary products to them, as well as about falsification. "Flying supervision without cesura" is a practical program for people to make everyone, come to the store, was aware of the goods he puts in the basket. I decided to make this program on the network, because honestly such content on television is impossible to do. "

Member name: Elena Batya-Anashenkova

Age (birthday): 5.12.1978

City: Moscow, Native City Yaroslavl

Education: Blagoveshchensky College of Economics, Ruths

Family: Married to Yuri Anashkov

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Elena Batya by education is an economist, but works on television.

This girl does not need a presentation, and its appearance in public places speaks only about one thing - the auditorroo came with the check!

Indeed, Elena has been standing for consumer protection for several years, checking the quality of services in hotels and restaurants.

Elena was born in the city of Yaroslavl, but after 7 years the family moved to the distant and cold city of Tynda. The girl studied there at school, visited the circle of figure skating and the artistic team. In school, a fly never lagged, although it was quite unreasonable, and she dreamed that when he would grow, would live in St. Petersburg and there will be an architect.

After graduating from school, the plans of the girl underwent changes - she entered the Financial and Economic College of the city of Blagoveshchensk. Bata was an excellent specialist, she had a chance to work in Russian Railways and in Gazprom.

In parallel with this, she received a higher education in Ruths at the Faculty of Economics.

A brilliant specialist and the soul of the Elena team did not feel satisfied with his work, therefore, on the eve of the 29th anniversary, it was decided to radically change the direction of activity. It has become an economist at the venue of the relatives, but a journalist at his own request.

Lena entered the Ostankino Television School. The first work has become a blood donation program.Throughwhul, the Russian audience learned about all the flaws of Russian medicine.

Despite the tremendous desire to achieve heights in the chosen profession, Elena at first nothing worked. Familiar in this sphere was not, work experience too. The first year of volatile had to adjust the scripts.

The parents were called home all the time, and Opened Elena still went to her goal. Soon she managed to get ready for the first channel, where she became a producer of some documentaries.

But a bigger success was waiting for Elena ahead - when the project "Auditor" came out on the Ukrainian Channel
And instantly became popular, the "Friday" channel bought the right to create a similar show, but under the other name "Verizorro".

At first, it was planned to lead it to the Ukrainian leading Rolling Freimut, but later decided that the Russian woman should stand at the head of the project. Elena Bat perfectly approached this role, and for several years now continues to lead an unequal battle with insufficient service in Russia.

After several seasons, Elena decided to go to the project producers And to develop other programs, and Olga Romanovskaya came to replace it.

All this time, flying remained behind the scenes and was a member of the audio-show, where she had a chance to meet with restaurateurs and hotel managers, which, in her opinion, poorly perform their work.

This project, as well as "Auditorro," turned out to be resonant and very emotional, but the flying always behaves flawlessly, not allowing himself to break away.

In 2016, she again had to become AudioSince Romanovskaya unexpectedly left the show.

This time, Elena undertook to check Moscow and all its establishments, including rollers, parks, shopping centers and other public places.

At the moment, there is a selection to the School "Audio", where one of the teachers will become Elena. A graduate that has shown the best results will be entrusted to the continued project.

Elena's personal life is always in the spotlight - in 2016, she married a businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The wedding celebration took place in the Greek Island, and with a detailed photo report and the event itself can be found in its instagram.

In addition to the main work, Elena is fond of equestrian sports, yoga, regularly visits fitness centers. She is a real shopaholic, loves the series and never turns to stylists, preferring themselves to choose hairstyles, outfits and accessories.

In one of the interviews, Elena Banya said that he would never make serious plastic surgery and it was against strict diets. All photos of Elena before and after plastics, which you will find on the Internet - just a comparison of two pictures, fleece did not make operations.

Photo of Elena

The leading is an instagram, where she lay out frames from various events of secular life and personal photos.

Elena Banya, a thunderstorm of the Russian catering and a hotel business, a lot of time devotes to its account in instagram. She has more than a million subscribers, and new publications appear quite regularly so that the page does not lose interest among the public.


Popular presenter was born in 1978, in Yaroslavl. Those fans who are interested in how many years the star is responsible - thirty-seven.

When the girl was 7 years old, the family moved to the city of Tynda, the Amur region. There are Lena's parents, engineers by profession, should have been working on the construction of Bama. By the way, flying - real last name of the girl. And that is why Nick Lena in volatile in instarkam is "Pegasus".

Here, in Tynda, Elena went to general education and art school, began to engage in figure skating. The future star learned to "excellent", approaching his dream - after school to go to St. Petersburg and get the profession of architect.

The first higher education girl received in Blagoveshchensk by choosing a specialty "Financier". After graduation, he worked in such major organizations as Russian Railways and Gazprom, and, at that, perfectly coped with her duties. In 2005, a second higher education was received in the Russian Technical University of Communications, Elena received a diploma of an economist.

But the future star manifes television. And therefore, in 2007, Lena decided on a steep turn in fate and went to receive another education, this time at the Ostankino Television School.

Career Lena on television was not easy. About a year, she edited the texts and moved the paper. Then there were projects on cable channels, where the fly showed himself, thanks to which he got a job on the first channel in the talk show "Let them say" and "tonight", where they performed the duties of the editor.

As a producer, the girl was engaged in such large projects as reality "Vacation in Mexico", the series "Kitchen" and the film "Kitchen in Paris".

But the real success came to Lena, when she began to keep the program "Audio" on the TV channel "Friday". It is thanks to this project that the girl won nationwide love. And when the host left the program and Olga Romanovskaya occupied her place, the fans literally flooded the Internet requests to return bat back. And the return took place, "Audioralo", on the joy of fans, Elena is now leading again. And she herself is very glad to return, as mentioned in Instagram.

About personal life eloquently talk photo Lena bat in instagram. In the last pictures, it is quite often possible to see it together with the spouse, businessman Yuri Naeshankov.

Roman ended with a wedding on the island of Santorini lasted two years. For a while, lovers hid their relationships, Elena Bat in the photo In Stagram preferred to hide the satellite face. There were rumors that Yuri for the sake of the famous lead led the family, but it is not the case, the previous relations of the man ended long before the meeting with Lena.


On the official website of Instagram Elena Banya, registered for a long time. According to photographs and videos that there are here, you can see what happened in the lives of the famous TV host for the last few years. Before the eyes of the subscribers, an affair with Yuri Anashkov developed, they were the first to know that the star is now a married lady. Travel, secular clips, shooting, meetings with friends - all this is present on the page of Elena in Instagram. And Lena Bullie told that she was pregnant, instagram subscribers learned this news among the first. But while rumors about the pregnancy of the star are only rumors, although she herself admits that he is ready for the appearance of the baby.

Elena Batya - economist and popular TV presenter. It became known to the general public due to the transfer "" on the channel "Friday!".

The sophisticated blonde became a real thunderstorm of Russian institutions of catering and hotel networks. It is not surprising that Elena Biography is an incredible interest to fans of the show.

Childhood and youth

The future television star was born in Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978, under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius. Her parents, Alexander Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, construction engineers by profession. When Lena was only 7 years old, the family moved to the city of Tynda Amur region. Here they had to do the construction of Bama. Since childhood, the girl went to figure skating and to the art school, was distinguished by a restless and inquisitive character.

After school, Lena entered the Annunciation Financial and Economic College, which graduated from the specialty "Financier". At the end of study, the girl worked in Gazprom and Russian Railways and coped well with her duties. In 2005, a complete higher education for the Russian Technical University of Communications appeared in the biography of Elena Vieta in the specialty "Economics".


In 2007, before its 29th birthday, the purposeful girl decided on a steep turn in fate. Bataly considered that her vocation is journalism, and went to study at the Ostankino School of Television. At the same time appeared on the Capital Channel. The first work as a television journalist was the program on blood donors, which opened all the vulnerable places of Russian medicine.

Later, the bat began working on cable television. For some time she worked in Zodiak Media, which produces television content. The editor of the first channel of the studio of special projects Lena has become in 2011, engaged in the talk show "Let them say" and "tonight", which was then the TV presenter. In 2012, Elena was engaged in television programs on MTV. Then she began to produce documentaries. By the way, she worked as a producer of a documentary picture about the rating series "Kitchen" and "Kitchen in Paris", as well as a frank reality show "Vacation in Mexico".

The transmission of the auditor created in Ukraine on the quality of service in hotels and restaurants is unique, no analogues around the world. In 2014, TV channel "Friday!" I decided to do something similar and bought the format of the television show, changing the name on the "Audioralo".

Initially, the Russian transmission "Audioralo" was gathered to invite the Ukrainian teleproject. But then the role of the TV presenter was approved by Elena Bulk, who easily copied the style and image of the Ukrainian colleague.

SuperPremper "Audio-show" with Elena volatile

The first institutions that were inspected were cafied in Kislovodsk, the restaurant "New Rome" in Stavropol, the market in Rostov-on-Don, Wimpark "Limpopo" in Yekaterinburg.

Breaking revisions were rands not all the establishments that visited the journalist. But Lena rightly believed that he was working for the benefit of fellow citizens, helping to improve the quality of services provided in Russia. When conflicts during filming TV presenter did not lose dignity and self-control. The journalist taught the audience how to react to insufficient service how to defend rights.

A selection of video Drak in the program "Revizorro" with Elena Baiste

The battle program received a great resonance in Russian society and showed excellent ratings. In January 2016, the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" invited TV host for a teaching office in the Faculty of Journalism "School of Elena Vieta".

In the spring of 2016, it became known that the TV host. Fans immediately began to issue various options for this care - from the conflict with the leadership to the pregnancy of the television. Everything explained the interview with the TV presenter, in which in response to the question of why he left the audioralo, Elena explained that he did not leave the program, but becomes producer.

The leading program "Audioralo" Elena Banya

In addition, the "Slotnyashki" show was launched with a valet in the lead role. They said that both Elena valeuer played a latter role in this decision, fearing the life and health of his chosen after some unpleasant incidents during filming. The new TV host "Verizorro" became an ex-soloist of the group.

These changes caused a storm of indignation among the versators of the television program. Fans even organized a protest action, distributing Hesteg # on the Internet veneelerable. All this affected the transmission rating. And the audience noted that Romanovskaya does not cope with the duties as the predecessor did. These events began to generate rumors that Elena Bat returned to the project.

Rumors were also reinforced by the fact that in the summer of 2016, Elena received two figurines "Teffi" for the transfer of "audioral" and "audio-show". The fans hoped that the awards would kill the lead back.

And indeed, in the fall of 2016 it became known that the new season "Audioralo" in Moscow Elena Bata will behave. Ex-presenter did not hide joy from what came back to the project. Yes, and the creators of the show tried - one advertisement of a new issue of what is worth. Bat in the image at the village of Borodino caused delight of fans. The creative biography of Elena Vieta received a new round after returning to the program. Also heading is the co-host "Audio-Show" with. In honor of the return to the transmission, she at the request of fans opened the Name Store "Flying Shop".

On October 27, 2016, Elena Volata first tasted as a dubbing actress. TV presenter gave his own voice Jane, which in the original voiced, from the film "Worse than Lie". Also in 2016, the bat starred in the cinema. She appeared in Kameo in the film "Friday!". In the same year, she became the face of the network of stores "Eldorado" in the Advertising campaign "Firewater disposal" and the drug "Solkosaryl".

Personal life

The personal life of Elena Breaking began to be discussed in the circles of media mass after the woman began to appear with a Russian businessman who, according to media information, works by a lawyer. Then they said that the TV host allegedly led a man from the family in which two children would grow up. But from a volatile interview it follows that at the time of dating with the entrepreneur, the former family of men have already broken down. The novel broke between a couple, lasted 2 years, continued in the registry office.

February 14, 2016 TV presenter officially announced the engagement. In August 2016, Elena Banya and got married. It took place on the Greek Island of Santorini. Among those invited to the ceremony are only close friends and native pairs.

For a long time, the celebrity believed that he was not ready for marriage. In his youth, the journalist was careful and traveled a lot. To the question about Children, Elena Bullie replied that it was simply responsible and serious about this. Fans more than once advised the TV presenter to "give birth to themselves", but Elena invariably answered that he did not want to become a single mother and deprive the future child of the family.

After Elena began to advertise relations with Anashankov and told in an interview that he found a personal "Prince on the White Kone", from which it was not scary to give birth to a child, the press began to fill with photos of an allegedly pregnant bat. Journalists were assumed first that Elena announced the engagement due to pregnancy, then - what was married for the same reason. The TV presenter sharply refuted these news and reproached colleagues that they speculate "holy things" like children and families.

In parallel with the wedding, the spouses were prepared and a family nest. TV presenter acquired a cottage in the elite village in Novorizhskoye highway and ordered designer repairs. The house of Elena volatile is made in the style of minimalism, with contrast finishes. The TV presenter claims that in his own house adheres to the same level of purity and accuracy, which requires the TV show "Audio".

Bat - a versatile personality, she has a lot of hobbies. Among your favorite - yoga, horse riding. Lena constantly walks on training in a fitness club to support himself in shape.

After the wedding, the fly continues to appear at the events in open dresses and publish provocative photos in "Instagram", for example, footage with a bare foot in bed, in a swimsuit or in underwear. TV presenter can afford similar "pranks". Often Elena demonstrates the public pictures on which it appears without makeup. Its parameters are close to the model: the growth of volatile is 178 cm, and the weight is 60 kg.

In February 2017, TV presenter struck fans. Elena Bullie honestly admitted that she made plastic surgery. On the Internet there were already rumors that she resorted to the plastic, the collections of the photo of the TV presenter appeared under the headlines "plastic: before and after", but most fans did not perceive these species seriously and were confident in the natural battle.

Elena Banya made plastic surgery

TV presenter exposed an open post with a description of the plastic surgery on social networks and explained these revelations with two reasons. First, Elena did not want to deceive fans who constantly asked the star how to achieve such appearance. Secondly, I wanted to thank the plastic surgeon, which conducted an operation. Helds also gave a link to the doctor. Part of the fans rated the honesty leading, others were indignant by the fact that she resorted to plastic.

Elena Batya now

On June 15, 2017, the animated film "Tacchus-3" was released on the screens, in which Elena Bata voiced the heroine named Natalie Digest. The TV presenter became the face of the cosmetic brand "Faberlic" and appeared in the advertising saver of the TV channel "Friday".

In the summer, Elena Batalya was nominated for the "Teffi" award in two nominations: for Promo "Audioralo. Moscow season. Borodino and for TV project "Audio. Moscow".

In 2017, the Prime Minister of the Audioral School was held, in which the new face of the project was chosen from the presented participants. Also, Elena Vella TV show "Flying Drug", created in the style of a documentary audit. The program was devoted to tests in social institutions. In January 2018, the project was suspended due to the problems of a health journalist. Helena has discovered angina.

Elena Flying in a Talk Show "Flying Drug"

However, fleece did not sit without a case, but took up the designer project, presenting a debut collection, made jointly with the fashion designer Olga Yakubovich.

In September 2018, on the first channel there was a show of the new TV project - the documentary tape "Elena Banya. Without garbage in my head. "

Teleproject 2018 "Elena Banya. Without garbage in the head"

On the air TV presenter compared the situation in the sphere of garbage disposal in Russia, Germany and Japan, visited European garbage plants, told about the principles of separation.

From October 2018, Elena Batya became the official person of the CTC channel. It participates in the set of two channel projects, one of which is associated with the sphere of beauty. TV presenter travels around the world, meets beautiful people and tries to themselves their secrets of beauty.

In November 2018, a flying announced the launch of his own show on Youtube - "Flying Supervision. Without censorship." Within the framework of the project, the leading explores the sphere of sales and service and fights for their purity. According to the journalist, television can not afford to speak on some topics and on some brands. The truth is in the Internet the same case with censorship.

Trailer show "Flying supervision. No censorship"


  • "Art Life"
  • "Territory of Men"
  • "Funny people"
  • "Auditorro"
  • "Audio-Show"
  • "Slim"
  • "The audoro. Children"
  • "School of Auditorro"
  • "Audioralo. Moscow"
  • "Audioralo. Moscow season. Borodino "
  • "Flying squad"
  • "Elena Banya. Without garbage in the head "
  • "Flying supervision. No censorship"

To date, Elena volatile can be considered very interesting. This person has quite a few fans from all over the country. We will not have an assessment of the activity and views of Elena, we just would like to tell our readers, whether such a page exists: Elena Bat in contact, because quite a lot of people, both from the Russian Federation and from other countries, is worried about this issue.

Before you answer the most important question, I would like to stay in more detail on the main milestones from its biography and the creative path. We are sure that you will be interested!

Brief biography leading

Elena Batya was born in the Russian city of Yaroslavl. As is known on the coat of arms of this settlement, the bear is banging in the hind legs - symbolizing overnight and foresight. And this means that the native of Yaroslavl - Elena to deceive almost impossible - the intuition of this person "pumped" from birth. In addition, the formation of Lena economist and for a long time she worked in the largest financial organization. So, Elena instantly will instantly disabled on clean water.

It is also worth noting that the surname of Elena - Bat! Having decided to significantly change his life, she graduated with a brilliance of a television school. "I made a story about blood donors," Elena shared his thoughts, "showed all the weak aspects of domestic medicine to the viewers, and realized that the journalist was my vocation."

But the function of the "talking head" Elena bit little satisfied. For this reason, when the casting was announced to participate in the new social action "Audio", Elena was one of the very first applicants for this role. The girl conquered the organizers of this TV show sincere, honesty and perseverance. What she spoke herself in a special interview. "I am very meticulous and regularly tormented waiters in restaurants with a variety of questions," says Elena. It is difficult to imagine a more successful candidacy.

Elena Banya is fond of yoga, skiing, as well as horse riding. In general, Elena is a fairly sporty person and if there are problematic situations with the protection, she will definitely stand for himself. "When we filmed the test release of the TV show" Vorizorro, "Elena told representatives of the media," the owner of the restaurant was afraid and called the police. I had to spend the night in the present chamber. Here I was very useful to yoga classes! "

Is Elena Bat VKontakte?

Now let's move on to the question, the most acclaimal readers: Is there a real Elena bat in the social networks contact? So, dear friends, the famous Russian TV presenter, actress and television journalist in the social network VKontakte is! And here is the very page: https://vk.com/id74824762

Moreover: its page is confirmed by the administration of this social media resource, as evidenced by the neat blue "tick" near the TV host name. So, this page definitely deserves the attention of all fans of Elena. This page will help you stay abreast of the latest events and news from her life.