Jackie Chan State. Amazing facts about Jackie Chan, which you did not know

Jackie Chan State. Amazing facts about Jackie Chan, which you did not know
Jackie Chan State. Amazing facts about Jackie Chan, which you did not know

Having settled in one of the most expensive windows Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, star action movie Jackie Chan It is recognized to us in how much he is a pragmatic person. Dressed in the shirt of his own brand, decorated with a branded emblem in the form of a dragon, it shows a darned piece of soap in a plastic bag, brought by him from his room at the Grand Mgm Hotel in Macau, where she stayed earlier. "This soap follows me everywhere," adds Chan to confirm his practicality. A similar lean attitude towards things is explained by the fact that the actor is an active wrestler for the protection of nature. Recently, he participated in the filming of social advertising, calling Chinese consumers to abandon the use of products prepared from tiger skins and rhino skin.

However, in the case of soap, brought from Macau, metaphor in another: So Jackie Chan balances between different ways of life in the USA and China.

He did not starred in American action films over the past five years, despite this, he managed to earn $ 50 million Over the past year - more than any actor in the world (except Robert Downey Jr) and get on 38 lines Celebrity rating magazine Forbes. In 2015, leaving behind Taigera Woods.. What does this mean? Jackie Chan is one of the few people who have a complete picture of the work of the film industry on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, and effectively uses their knowledge and experience to enter into profitable transactions. For example, the film of the Dragon Sword. Never heard about him? It is clear: the picture has not yet entered the American rental, despite the famous partners of Chan, such as Adrian Brudayand John Cusak. However, in China, "Sword" produced Furore, collecting at the box office $ 120 million, of which the main star of the film earned $ 10 million. At the end of the year, Jackie Chan plans to play in the picture "On the following" with the American comic John Knoxwell. According to experts, it has every chance of success in both the USA and China. Chan himself, besides what is the performer of one of the main roles, acts as an investor.

To date, the star owns an impressive business empire who can envy the famous american rapper-tycoon jay zi: Supply of Sigveev, a network of cinemas, various goods under his brand. According to the magazine Forbes., the state of the Chinese actor is estimated $ 350 millionHowever, Chan and his representatives refused to comment on these numbers. "In essence, Jackie Chan is Mickey Mouse of Chinese culture, a star, whose name is known all over the world and has already become a nominal one," says Grady Hendrix, founder of the New York Festival of Asian Cinema.

Since in China, the commercial success of the business largely depends on the correct relations with the authorities, Chan thoroughly approached this issue - he is a delegate of the influential Russian Chinese political advisory conference, which provides the green light to all films with his participation. Over the past five years, the total profit of films in Chinese rental has grown by 33% - up to $ 5 billion In 2014. In February of this year, the indicator exceeded a similar on the US rolled steel market. Hollywood films could have a greater success in the imminent, if not the actions of the regulator for foreign paintings, which compete with each other for the right to enter a wide screen, and often their premieres pass at the same time. As a result, to circumvent this rule, the Hollywood film company began to attract Chinese partners to the production of films, an example is "Transformers: the era of extermination" and "Iron Man - 3". In the whole model, Jackie Chan perfectly balancing somewhere in the middle. Without any irony in China, it is called "big brother", which has a huge impact on the film industry. "I always look at the card," says Chan, turning an imaginary globe. - Why should one side of the light be considered "mine", and the other "yours"? Who came up with these borders? I believe that the world belongs to all of us. " Similar worldview is explained. Jackie was born in 1954 in Hong Kong, controlled by Great Britain. His parents worked in the kitchen of the French Embassy, \u200b\u200band then moved to Australia. After some time, Chan found out that his father was Taiwanese spy.

Returning to Hong Kong, he entered the school of theatrical arts, where he began to study the foundations of martial arts and acrobatics from teachers similar to Masters Kung Fu. For several years after graduating from school, Jackie has balancing between part-time construction in Australia and unsuccessful attempts to get into the film industry in Hong Kong. At the age of 20, the guy still smiled at luck - he was invited to be invited in an episodic role in the famous film "Dragon Exit" (1973) with the participation of the legendary Bruce Lee..

However, Jackie's parents initially were categorically opposed and did not support the desire of the Son to become an actor.

Bruce Lee was the role model for the young Chan, but he did not want to be completely similar to his idol. So, Jackie began to invent his own style of play and its battle technique.

Whether in films were perfectly honed in the films, and the image was always serious and calm, which would not be said about the militants with the participation of Chan, comical and full self-irony in style Charlie Chaplinand Basher Kitona. "I didn't want someone to imitate me," the actor says. "I didn't want to imitate anyone myself."

Thanks to Jackie Chan, Hong Kong militants reached a new level, and the actor himself became known and outside of China. In the films, he personally performed all the dangerous tricks, repeatedly breaking his hands and legs (in 1986, on the set of the film "Armor of God" in Yugoslavia, in which he performed a major role, was the director and screenwriter, Chan almost lost his life, having received serious injuries after Falls from a tree). When the Chinese market became more open in the 1990s, the actor began to actively switch to other markets. So, he began to open restaurants, the gyms and even tried to become a singer. In 1998, he founded Jackie Chan Design, which sells more than 400 items of goods - from drinking water to hours, while it is written on the site that "the design of all products was exclusively developed by Mr. Jackie Chan."

With the picture "Disassembling in Bronx" (1995), Jackie first reached the American market, but he brought world fame "Peak Hour" (1998), where he played with Chris Tucker. The picture is still leading among the comedies for fees in the starting weekend - her box office was $ 140 million in the ssh i. $ 100 million abroad. Of course, now such a model of income is habitual for blockbusters, but in those years it produced a furyor.
"American box office is comparable to the world," Jackie adds. According to the director "Hour Peak" Brett RatnerJackie Chan is the best export product of China. Chan also participated in commercially advantageous franchises, such as the Shanghai Noon, Kung Fu-Panda and in the Sicwells of the film "Rush Hour". (Now Ratner plans to release the fourth part.) Unlike Arnold Schwarzeneggerwho left Native Austria and completely joined American culture, Jackie Chan is very strongly tied to his Chinese fans, so, returning to Hong Kong, is filmed in the usual comedy action films or tries themselves in more serious roles. "I always wanted to be Asian Dustine Hoffmanor Robert De Niro."," Says Chan.

Jackie's popularity contributed to the interest from the Government of China, which suggested him as an ambassador of the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. Then the actor moved from Hong Kong to the capital, which at that time became the forge of the Chinese film industry. According to the star, in his homeland, he faces the same problems as other market players, but there is no doubt about its special situation that opens up new opportunities. At the same time, Jackie Chan's proximity to the Chinese authorities and his disapproval of Hong Kong protests caused indignation among the opposition. "If you are always talking and do what the authorities want, it may be easier for them to approve your affairs," it is ironic Emily Lo, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong. Chan is angry with such statements. "I wonder why I should not be closer to the government? We are Chinese and must love our country, "the actor argues with an increased intonation. According to the star, it contributes to the development of the domestic film industry. So, recently the authorities of China supported his proposal to reduce import taxes on equipment. "All this is aimed at improving the state of the industry, - emphasizes Chan. - We are listening to us. "

Today in China about 20 thousand Cinema, roughly twice as much as in the United States, despite the four-time difference in population. "If in China will 45 thousand screens, then for the starting weekend movies at the box office will be able to earn $ 500 million"Ratner believes. Chan also sees these advantages. In 2010, together with his partner, he opened a 17-fold multiplex Jackie Chan Yaolai International Cinema in Beijing and now sells 50 thousand Tickets in peak weekends. Thanks to such success, the actor managed to attract investors and launch another 37 cinema hallsthroughout China, in each of which you can buy products under the brand Jackie Chan. He also develops its service company J.C. Stunt Team, providing American studios by bilingual Chinese film production professionals - from illuminators to director's assistants.

Chan continues to develop US-Chinese cooperation. "Now I am not only an actor, I am an investor," the star explains. And although it does not comment on the data Forbes. About your condition, about the level of income Chana can be guessing from his arguments about future projects, similar to the bid in the casino: "On this project I can lose up to $ 10 million. But if I win, it will be already $ 90 million».

$26 - In this amount, Jackie's parents appreciated him immediately after birth. They could not pay the services of the British Okusher doctor and offered him to pick up the baby, from which the doctor decisively refused. The father of the boy had to take money from the neighbors. Approximately six years later, by gathering on earnings from Hong Kong to Australia, parents again tried to attach Jackie in good hands, this time - successfully. He was taken to the boarding office at the Beijing Opera.
Among the Chinese at that time, there was a kind of idea that artist should know and be able to know. Children were kept locked in Spartan conditions. The teaching of the diplomas was considered superfluous. "I still do not know how to really read and write even in my own Chinese," Jackie admits. - He began to master the wisdom only after forty, now I can disassemble something that I wrote the secretary to my dictation. When life made, learned to speak English, although with reading and writing this time did not work out. " To teach boys singing, dancing, acrobatics and martial arts, extremely inhuman, but effective methods were used. "Every day from five in the morning until midnight taught me a stick," recalls the actor. - The stick ordered me to jump and strike a blow. The teacher said: "Jumping through the table." I answered that I could not. Then he got a stick, and I jumped through two tables. For misconduct or mistaken one punished everyone, so we tried not to make mistakes. "

- From five in the morning until midnight, a stick was taught me, "recalls the actor his stay in the boarding school at the Beijing Opera. Photo: Global Look Press

30 seconds The first street fight continued, in which 17-year-old Jackie and his two friends got involved after the release from the boarding school. Six bikers did not like that teenagers examine their motorcycles. Trained juvenile fighters came out of the fight winners, but not without loss. "In the usual fight, knowledge of martial arts gives not such a big advantage, as they show in the movies," Jackie says. - Especially since it was raised rather trickling than athletes. We scattered these evil unuses, rushed to run, and after a few quarters I felt that blood flows on the shoes in the sandals: one of the bikers hung me with a knife. The next day I knocked someone's tooth from the fist. And I realized that I hate violence. In the films of the fight more similar to dance, it is choreography and beauty. Packing on the street - a dirty case, in which there is no heroism, no romance. "

2900 doubles One scene allowed Jackie to enter the Guinness Book of Records and earn a reputation for the very pedantic leader of tricks in the history of cinema. He is also known for the fact that neither self-cascaders do not spare on the set. "When I make Bam-Bam-Bam Asian Cascadera, it blocks almost all shocks," explains Jackie the permanent amount of dubs and injuries. "When I make a Bam-Bam-Bam America, he, God forbid, beat off one blow with the third attempt." In Asia, we have the right to insert the scene into the film, on the filming of which someone suffered. In America, it is prohibited. " The most serious injuries in most cases receive Jackie himself. With age, self-preservation instinct made it stop performing tricks without doubles and use computer graphics. "Forced to admit that for many things I am no longer gung, the actor is sad. - And then, any damage means a hospital and injections. I am not afraid of little in life, but from one thought that the liquid through the needles will be injected into my body, the cold sweat is stuffed. You can not imagine how many times I escaped a shameful flight from the nurse with the syringe! "

For one of the scenes of the film "Lord Dragon" in 1981, Jackie Chan made 2900 doubles

2 girlsfinished with them in 1982, learning that Jackie has a girlfriend. One rushed under the train in the subway, the other drank poison right in his office. "I was popular with women, even when was a simple cascadener," said Chan. - And after it became famous and got rich, they flushed at me like butterflies on the flower. I enjoyed the proximity with so many beauties, Chinese and foreign, that at one fine moment the female beauty stopped worrying me. How sliced! I no longer feel desire to run behind skirts - or there are no skirts around, capable of making an impression on me. "

The fans vainly envied actress Joan Lin, who eventually became his wife. "We just met until Joan became pregnant," says Chan. - I wanted a child, so he took her with him in the USA. When the time came up to give birth, it was necessary to fill in the documents, and the Agent advised to make a marriage to avoid migration problems. We got married in a coffee shop during a lunch break. " Personal career and love adventures, Jackie quickly abandoned his wife and son Jacy, who in the end together moved to Taiwan. "In our life there was a period when I saw a family six times in six years," says the actor. "Even when came to them, he spent more time with friends than behind the family table." Those who call me bad father, but I did everything so that my son will receive a present education, embodied my children's dreams to become a lawyer, an engineer or doctor. And Jacy from all professions chose actors! My wife loosened and told him: "This damned craft has already taken away my husband."

Jackie simply met with the Chinese actress Joan Lin, until she became pregnant. Then Chan married her and drove into the United States. Photo: Zuma / Tass

17 years ago Former Miss Asia Elin NG gave birth to a daughter from Jackie. Despite the fact that the actor after a long thought acknowledged the child, to demand an alimental alimony refused. "My mother almost slept, so it was difficult for her to raise me alone," says Ett's NG. "I do not consider Jackie Father: He was never part of my life, and I have no kind of feelings for him."

Oddly enough, the scandal with an illegitimate daughter returned Jackie into the family. He waited for his wife would ask the divorce, but she behaved differently. "We frankly talked for the first time in many years, and maybe for all the time," says Joan. - Jackie asked for forgiveness for challenging us. He said that I am too good for him. As it turned out, he never trusted women, always waiting for them to blow back. I thought that I was as frivolous and unreliable as his mistress. And only this unpleasant story forced Jackie to understand who loves him truly and never betray. "

100 g marijuana Discovered police during the search of the Jacy Chan's apartment in August 2014. He having heard that the Son regularly smokes the grass for eight years, the fanatical opponent of drugs Jackie said he would have invented him with his own hands if he had learned about this before the police. For six months of imprisonment, he never visited Jacy in prison and refused to use his extensive connections to make a conclusion more comfortable. "I will be happy if the prison is at least teaching him," Jackie said.

The attitudes of the actor with the son were very cool and before that incident. According to the testament of Jackie, after his death, most of the state will not leave the family, but charitable funds: to protect the environment and the construction of schools in the poorest regions of China. "If my son is worth something, he himself will be able to earn," the actor commented. "And if not, I don't want a worthless loser to spend my money."

Most of the state of Jackie Chan bequeathed by charitable foundations. "If my son stands something, he himself will be able to earn," the actor believes. - And if not, I do not want a worthless loser to spend my money. With the son of Jacy. Photo: Gettyimages.ru.

$ 130 million - Approximately this amount is estimated by the state of Jackie Chan, although it does not know exactly the exact numbers. "Hands do not reach calculating," the actor laughs. In addition to the cinema, the income is brought to him restaurants, theaters, coffee business, clothing line and own brand hours. "The history of love with my clock began with the first serious earnings," Jackie says. - Imagine a rough guy who suddenly became a millionaire. For the week I bought myself almost everything, which dreamed of a whole life. And now I go into a chic watch shop, and for me two of my cascaderers with a bag of money. This is not a speech figure, but a natural bag in which $ 64,000 lies in our currency. I ask to show me the most expensive hours and buy seven different models. The following week, I put on a new watch every day, as if it was inadvertently met with friends and rushed the sleeve during the conversation so that they were admired. "

Jackie did not immediately have learned to be managed with his colossal state. He admits that it was easy to deceive and it was insets even people whom he considered closest. Once the decorator of the shooting sites volunteered to rent an estate for him, after which it disappeared along with money. "I decided not to look for him," Jackie shakes his shoulders. - The people who have stolen did not become richer, and I, despite my then naivety, did not become poorer. My attitude to wealth has changed: I am more not interested in buying cars, yachts and aircraft. I wear the same clothes, modestly eat, appreciate the convenience more than luxury. Now I need money to give them to good things. The only thing I would like to buy is time, because it is always not enough. "

Interview Forbes Actor Jackie Chan begins with reasoning about his own leaning. At first, it is difficult to believe - we are in one of the most expensive in all the Beverly Hills Hotel Rooms at the Montage Hotel. The movie of the militants is dressed in the T-shirt of the Jackie Chan brand with a branded logo in the form of a dragon.

To dispel doubts, he brings a bathroom with a piece of soap in a plastic soap. Chan explains: this is soap from the Mgm Grand in Macao, which the actor in the proof of his drawing is around the world. The economical approach is also concern for the environment: Recently, Jackie participated in the record of social videos with a call to Chinese consumers not to buy things from tigrin skins and surname skin. But the main soap metaphor in the other: it, like his owner, symbolically connects America and China.

The vigorous in Hollywood Chan is in fact for five years as has not been in the portfolio of a successful project at the "Dream Factory". It does not prevent him from being one of the highest paid actors in the world ($ 50 million in revenue from June 2014 to June 2015, 39th place in the ranking of the 100 highest-paid stars in the world according to Forbes) - last year more than him among Colleagues on the workshop earned only the "iron man" Robert Downey Jr.. 61-year-old Chan as no other can sell himself at the same time American and Chinese audiences.

Do business with him - a profitable enterprise on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

Take last year's film "Dragon Sword." The American audience in the mass has not yet heard anything about this work, despite the star casting - besides Chan, the Hollywood stars Adrien Brody and John Cusak are involved in the ribbon. In the Chinese car rental, the picture has already thundered, collecting an impressive boxing-office at $ 120 million, from which Jackie received at least $ 10 million. On the approach - the next similar collaboration: Chan and American comedian Johnny Noxville will play in the film "On Train", and the first acts in the project also in the role of an investor.

Money that Jackie earns on the set is far from its only source of income. The branchedness of the actor's personal business empire would envy the Rap-magnate Jay Z: here are countless attributes with the name of Chan, and the supply of SIGVEV, and even a whole network of cinemas. According to Forbes, the star state has already reached $ 350 million. The actor and its representatives refused to comment on these numbers.

"He is like Mickey Mouse for Chinese culture. Its image is so recognizable that "Jackie Chan" sounds already as a name of a nominal one, "says Grady Hendricks, the founder of the New York Festival of Asian Cinema.

Commercial success in the PRC always relies on good relations with the authorities, and Chan prudently acquired a political "roof": he is a delegate of the Chinese People's Political Advisory Conference. This is an influential pricing organization, whose membership lights "green light" all films involving the star.

There is a loyalty for what. The cumulative revenue of Chinese rental over the past five years has grown by 33%, to $ 5 billion in 2014, and in February of this year even surpassed the same indicator of the American market. Hollywood blockbusters could potentially tear a big kush in the PRC, but the local regulators oppose the overall expansion: Foreign hits by the will of officials may look for a wide screen for a wide screen or compete with each other in the same time slot. There is a way out - in the production stage to attract Chinese companies to partners. So, for example, the creators of the last "transformers" and "Iron man" were received - and films shot.

Chan perfectly fits into this model.

In China, his without any irony is called "big brother" - other actors about such a reputation remains only to dream.

"I always look at the map," says the star, turning the invisible globe. "Why should one part of the world necessarily be called" yours ", and the other" mine "? Who spent these borders? The world belongs to us all. America belongs to me. China belongs to you. "

Such an interpretation of the global world order is not surprising, if you know the biography of Chan. Jackie was born in Hong Kong under control of Britain in 1954. His parents worked in the kitchen of the French Embassy, \u200b\u200band then moved to Australia (later the actor learned that his father was spying in favor of Taiwan). From there, the future idol of billions soon returned to his homeland and entered the school of theatrical art, where he began to comprehend the basics of oriental martial arts and acrobatics. Teachers at school were like Masters Kung Fu from classic militants. "Make a mistake - you get a blow. And sometimes they beat without any reason, "the actor remembers. At the end of the school, he had been balancing between part-time at construction site for several years and failed to entrenched Hong Kong in the film business. Parents in an ultimative form discarded the Son from the acting career, but everything decided the case. In the early 1970s, 20-year-old Chan was invited to an episodic role in the legendary film "Dragon Exit", one of Bruce Lee canonical paintings.

It was Bruce Lee at first became the role model for Jackie. Moreover, the young actor walked from the opposite - he did not want to be like a cumier. On the contrary, Chan with zeal took up the production of his own style of conducting the battle, the most distinctly from the technique of Lee (from comparisons with which, however, he could never get rid of it). If every movement of Lee on the screen was honed, and his image was thrown to the tragic heroes, then the Chan moved to the militants comic mechanics Charlie Chaplin and Kiton's Basher. Jackie's films are always filled with humor, which often turns them into Balagan. "I didn't want someone to imitate me," the actor says. "I just didn't want to imitate myself."

Diligence and originality very quickly brought Chan to the highest star league. He put on the conveyor, the release of Hong Kong action-paintings, in which he himself performed the most dangerous tricks - sometimes the price of the hand and leg fractures (and in 1986, on the set of "Armor of God", Chan fell from the tree and received severe injuries, almost who did not put the cross on his further career). With the opening of the Chinese market in the 1990s, the actor switched from the film industry to related businesses: among his projects there were cafes, gyms and even an attempt to become a singer. In 1998, he founded Jackie Chan Design. On its website today more than 400 items are sold - from drinking water to hours, - "The design of which is exclusively designed by Mr. Jackie Chan."

The actor began its offensive in America in 1995 with "Disassembly in Bronx". After another three years in the United States, "Rush Hour", which glorified Chan and his partner in the film Chris Tucker for the whole world. The picture still holds the record among the comedies for fees in the starting weekend - her box office amounted to $ 140 million in states and $ 100 million abroad. Today, such a proportion is familiar to blockbusters, but at that time such essential income in other countries seemed fantastic. "The American Boxing Office was considered a global box office," says Chan. And the director "Hour Peak" Brett Ratner still calls Jackie "the best export product of China in history."

In the American career Chan there were commercially successful franchises "Shanghai Noon", "Kung Fu Panda" and two sequel "Hour Peak" (and today there are negotiations on the shooting of the fourth part). But unlike, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who after moving from Austria to the States fully broke from the historic homeland, Jackie never forgot about his Chinese fans and regularly returned to Hong Kong to either play in the traditional role of a comic martial arts wizard, or to try more Serious dramatic roles.

"I dreamed of becoming an Asian Robert de Niro or Dustin Hoffman," the actor admits.

Its popular with pleasure by the Chinese authorities, recruiting Chan as an ambassador of the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. At the same time, the actor transported all his business enterprises to the capital of the PRC. The city, to his surprise, rapidly turned into the epicenter of a new powerful film bank, which tightly worked out the state.

Although in an interview with Chan insists that it is faced with the same difficulties as other players, few people doubt its privileged position, which opens the opportunity for lobbize. To approve the film in all instances, to agree on its distribution - to match all the nuances require "teamwork", only then success comes, carefully argues the agent of the actor Philip Button.

The proximity of the Chan to the PRC authorities and its ironic attitude towards protests in Hong Kong turned the star to Non Grata's person among local Democrats. "If you always do and say that it is beneficial to the authorities, you will certainly be easier to turn your affairs," the actor Emily Lo criticizes, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong.

Chana similar reproaches lead to rabies.

"Why can't I be close to the government? - The actor goes to a cry. - We are all the Chinese. And we must all love our country. "

According to the star, his position helps to develop the industry. So, recently the authorities have reached its recommendations on the decline in import taxes on film equipment. "All this is aimed at improving the state of the industry, - emphasizes Chan. - We are listening to us. "

In total, China today is about 20,000 cinemas, roughly twice as fewer than in the United States, despite the four-time difference in population. "If they have 45,000 screens, the PRC will allow movies to earn $ 500 million for the starting weekend," predicts Bruce Ratner.

Chan does not sit back. Five years ago, along with a partner, he opened a 17-fold Multiplex Jackie Chan Yaolai International Cinema in Beijing and now sells 50,000 tickets to peak weekends. The success of the enterprise led to the appearance in the country another 37 branded star of cinemas, in each of which you can buy the Chan attributes. The actor also develops its service company to supply American studios by bilingual Chinese specialists of all stripes, from illuminators to directors' assistants.

But his main business remains American-Chinese coproduction. "Now I am not just an actor. I am an investor, "Chan explains. And although it does not comment on Forbes calculations, an actor's income level can be guessing from its reasoning about future projects similar to the casino rates: "I can lose [on the project] to $ 10 million. But if I win, it will already be $ 90 million .

Born Jackie Chan In 1954. A man known to the world as an actor / director / challenging the challenge and logic Cascadener Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan) is one of the largest movie stars in world history and the first one who eliminated the gap between Hong Kong's film and a large-budget American blockbuster. From "Drunk Masters" and "Police History" before "Disassembly in the Bronx" and "Hour Peak" Chan shoots films for more than 40 years. Now, overcoming the threshold of 60 years, he still risks his life to continue to bargain the audience. Here are some of the facts that you, most likely, did not know about the amazing Jackie Chan.

Tooling (and his infancy) were difficult

Chan was born in April 1954, but was to be born in January 1954 - he lived in the mother's womb full of 12 months before the British doctor had to get him surgically. After his forced birth, he weighed funny 5.4 kg. Mother nicknamed his PAO-PJSC, or "Cannon Core." Only this kind of medical procedure is expensive, and the parents of the Chan could not afford it; They tried to sell their child to a doctor who took him. The doctor refused. According to Memoram Chan, parents have gathered money from their friends, and they needed ten years to return debts.

He had 2 films with Bruce Lee

When the Chan was 7 years old, his father got a job as a chef in the American embassy in Australia, but could not take Jackie. Therefore, the boy was enrolled and sent to the Chinese Academy of Drama, where he studied the game and singing as part of preparing for a career in the Beijing Opera. It was there that Chang lived and trained over the next ten years and eventually formed an acrobatic trouck with several classmates called Seven Fortunes (Seven Little Fortunes). After graduating from school, Chan used a group to get his first roles in Hong Kong films. He and "Seven Little Lucky People" were extras and cascaders in "Dragon Output" and "Fist Freak", Two most famous and popular films made by Bruce Lee. Chan even fought at the camera with the legend of the screen.

He starred in the "soft" porn movie

There are two things that today's children probably should be avoided from the 1970s: film "All in the family". The first of these is the Pedantic Sitkom 1970 on political issues, and the other is the 1975 Hong Kong film, sex comedy with the participation of Jackie Chan. At that time, it walked a long-standing urban legend, which Chan starred in the "porn film" at the beginning of his career. Technically, this is not a pornographic film, and the actors do not engage in actual sex, but there are many sexy scenes, and Chan appears naked. This on TV is shown only late at night.

So why did he go for it? For the reason that most actors are filmed in porn, erotica or the like: because of money. "I had to do everything I could to earn a living 31 a year ago, but I don't think it's a big catastrophe. Even Marlon Brando is exposed in his films ", "said Chan. "All in the family" is also notable for the fact that this is the only film where Chan played the main role and did not participate as a cascade.

He has complex relationship with voice acting

Although he was a star in Asia since the 1970s, Chan was not the main star in the US to release "Disassembly in the Bronx" In 1996. Prior to that, he helped creating American films in Asia: he provided the heap of the monsters for Chinese dubbing "The beauty and the Beast". Chan has since voiced in English in other major animated films (for example, Master Monkey in "Kung Fu Panda"). One project, where he did not provide his voice: cartoon "Jackie Chan's Adventures". Before the appearance of Live-action scene at the end of the series, the cartoon version of Jackie Chan is voiced by James Si (who will also voiced by the monkey master in the TV series-spin-off "Kung Fu Panda"). Oddly enough, Jade Chan's character, the fictional niece of Jackie in this series, was voiced by Stacy Chan, who in real life - the niece of Jackie Chan.

He had a lot of injuries

After the main role in dozens of martial arts and films in which he did his tricks, the chan suffocated a number of injuries. Yes so much that in 2013 on his film "Climbing Dragon"poster posted, which consisted of a body image with arrows, pointing to all its damaged parts of the body. Among injuries from which Chan suffered in pursuit of art and entertainment:

At the "drunken master" he damaged the bone of eyebrows and almost blind.

He dislocated the right shoulder on the "City Hunter".

Chan fell from the tree while filming the "Armor of God" and received a fracture of the skull, dice behind the ear and hemorrhage into the brain. During the operation, the pieces of bones were removed from the head.

He broke his breast on the "Armor of God II".

During the filming of the film "Random Spy", he broke the tailbone and was temporarily paralyzed.

He broke the nose four separate times: during the filming of the "Young Master", "Project A", "Miracles" and Mister Cool.

He had to appear in the film shot at the World Trade Center

Approximately during the terrorist attacks 9/11 at the World Trade Center in 2001, Chan was preliminarily gathering a comedy called "Nosebleed" (blood from the nose). His character was a modest washer of windows on the WTC, who upset the plans of the international terrorist conspiracy on the explosion of the Statue of Freedom. The project was quickly canceled after 9/11.

He is generous (but not to his son)

Chan movie star, which means that he is rich. He has accumulated a state of more than $ 350 million. In addition to salary and percent of the cash collections from his films, he owns a network of cinemas and dealership sigves. And when he dies, a lot that will go to charity.

But his son, Jacy Chan (in the photo above), will not inherit anything exactly. In 2011, Chan publicly noted that he would not leave his fortune his son, noting: "If he is capable, he will be able to earn his own money. If not, he will just spend my money ". Jackie also admitted that he once beat Jacy when he was a child, and said he was not a "exemplary father."

He supports communism

Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars earned, Chan is still very loyal to the political system of communism of his native country of China. This means that the state controls the majority, and Chang agrees with this, even opposed the American lifestyle more than once. In 2013, he said: "New China. Real success was achieved over the past twelve years. The president of our country also admits that they have problems with corruption, as well as other moments, but we do progress ... I see that our country is continuously achieving progress and learns. If we talk about corruption, then in the world, the United States, no corruption? [This] The most corrupt country in the world. ".

In 2009, he spoke about the danger of too much freedom in Taiwan, which is controlled by China. "I do not know: it is better to have freedom or have no freedom. When too much freedom, chaos may form. Everything can end, as in Taiwan. Chinese people need to control ... Otherwise, they will do what they want ".

He demanded hundreds of doubles for one scene

Directors may require a lot of doubles so that it is such a scene what they want: for example, Stanley Kubrick demanded that Shelly Duval removed the scene in the "radiance" 127 times. According to such logic, the most demanding director with whom Chan ever worked is ... He himself. The director and the main character in the film "Lord Dragon" of 1982, a scene in which the characters play "Ti Jian Tzu" (the Chinese sport, similar to throwing the bag with their feet, only with a dumbfounded wallet from badminton) did not like. As they said, the scene took 2900 doubles, but most likely there was no so much. The book "Kung FU Masters" writes that more than 190, and others are evaluated in more than 1000. In any case, Chan devoted himself entirely to this scene.

He can teach fish tricks

Everyone needs a hobby to ensure a relaxing break from harsh work. And if your job is to jump from the building and other acrobatic tricks that damaged a large number of bones, then the hobby should be sustained and associated with thinking. For Jackie Chan, such a hobby is fish training, in particular, koi and catfish. In 2007, he posted this video on his official website, which demonstrates how he trained the fish to bother to scratch her tummy.

What is your favorite movie Jackie Chan?

The story of Jackie Chan is the story of how huge ambitions are eternally hungry little boy committed a miracle.

Katia Checushina

What is a happy childhood? The best toys, sweets, stroller cane and Finnish waterproof clothing of the last collection? Elite kindergarten with teaching two languages? Or limitless freedom to climb on abandoned construction sites, jump on the garages and is a guestron? A recent study has established that both can be quite a happy option under one condition: the child grows in an environment where all the boys and girls are the same social level with it. For happiness, it does not matter how things are in a small children's paradise: everyone has everything or anyone has no penny.

However, happy childhood does not mean that you are waiting for big successes in adulthood. If you did not envy anyone and I didn't want anything passionately when I was small, you can hardly be motivated for career growth in the future.

Jackie Chan's story about how huge ambitions are eternally hungry little boy committed a miracle.

Neighboring Chinese

Little Jackie, whom then called A-PJSC ("The child is a cannouncer kernel"), surprised everyone as soon as it was born in April 1954. He was born incredibly large for that time, the parents even told the mother to carry his twelve months instead of laid nine. Newborn weight in five with more than kilograms hit the local newspaper! It was a tricky move. Jackie's parents were not too rich, so they even thought to give a child to adoption for remuneration. However, it was decided that such a weighty, an unusual infant would be useful to them. So Jackie got the opportunity to stay in his native family.

It was a rather strange childhood. Jackie's father worked as a cook, and Mother - Maid in the House of the French Consul. The family lived in Hong Kong, in the Embassy town at the peak of Victoria. However, their home was the poorest in the diplomatic quarter. Most of the time Jackie was engaged in fighting with neighboring boys, proving that he was not worse than others, and defending his girlfriend from the encroachment - a daughter of the consul. The father began to teach the son of the receptions of the ear at the earliest age, and for six years, the "neighboring ways" was convinced that fists could well compensate for the social status of parents.

Alas, at the very first school year, it turned out that the ability to virtuoso to fight would not contribute to success in school. Hyperactive bully, who constantly lost his homework portfolio and strolled lessons, showed himself so badly at the Embassy School, where his parents managed to arrange him for a great thought that he had a serious question about his future. On the Family Council, a fateful decision was made to "sell" the baby A-PJO, more precisely, give him to study in the Chinese Drama Academy. In fact, it was a boarding school, where children spent most of the time in zealous acrobatic training. At the same time, when the child came there, his parents signed an agreement that he became the "master of a mentor". Thus, the teacher can use any physical punishment and theoretically even kill the ward, if he does not fulfill the requirements of the Academy.

Meanwhile, in the same 1960, Father Jackie received a new appointment. He was called to work as a cook to the American Consulate in Australia, and the family of Little Drachuna left the country, leaving him on the care of the boarding schools. Jackie subsequently recalled that, on the one hand, he was very sad that he could not go home even for the holidays, and on the other - it was quite satisfied that mom no longer came every week with a bucket of hot water to wash him over What constantly laughed his classmates. In Hong Kong, in those times there were difficulties with water supply, and hygiene at the Academy was at the very primitive level.

The first love

Sleep on the floor, rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, grueling physical workouts, as well as roses for anyone could break someone, but not Jackie Chan. For agility and artistry, he soon got into the main composition of theatrical troupe and began to perform on stage and work as a statistical on film venues.

In Hong Kong, the height of the era of action-militants, and the students of the Academy, perfectly owned Kung Fu, were glad to be taken by the statis. The part-time job on the side did not bring them a big money (55 out of $ 60 hid the teacher, as students were still considered his property), but for Jackie it was a wonderful chance to get a sip of freedom, which he had no early childhood: after all, Shots could run away! The fee was paid only to those who came to the frame, and in the Academy could always be said that today was not lucky, but instead to go on personal matters. And they just appeared in the young Daryun.

Jackie turned fourteen years old, and the future "the most galant actor of the Chinese cinema" spun his first novel - with a girl from a good family. "Then we were still kids, just sitting with a side shoulder to the shoulder on the bench," Jackie recalls. - Often I hugged her, and so we could see the clock five to six in a row. I often had a hand left, but I was embarrassed to clean her. " Romantic seat on the bench almost ended with a marriage - at least, adolescents were very serious. However, the girl's parents categorically refused to give daughter for the "begging statist".

It was a serious blow to Jackie's pride. Those who in childhood he is used to respond to a desperate fight. "Beggar Statists" decided to prove to everyone that he is the best Cascadener in Hong Kong, and to achieve the status of the Wizard "Dragon Tiger" - the main assistant of the battles on the shooting. Parents agreed to support the ambitions of the Son and on the savings bought him a tiny apartment where he could move from the Academy to start an independent life.

Mr. "Curse of Cassive Fees"

Jackie Chan started the execution of his dreams immediately from several positions, and, I must say, its method should be adjusted to all young men who think about living in a big city. First of all, he hurried to become famous as "the most unreasonable Cascade of Hong Kong." He was taken to fulfill the tricks, who simply nobody agreed to fulfill. Subsequently, Jackie confessed that this was his blessing and curse: so Born the famous "corporate identity" Jackie Chan, who can easily jump from the roof without fling and insurance. However, this is the public from now on, he was expelled from him every time, and it was already impossible to reduce the bar.

In parallel, he began to delve into the technology of filming. For example, one of the basic requirements for statists in the action films was "good to die", that is, lay motionless after they finished the main character. It was especially important to detain the breath, especially if it were about the duel on Katani: the rolling of the sword sticking out of the chest instantly gives a poor-quality corpse. Jackie figured out that the shooting begins after the "Motor!" Command. Therefore, while the director shouted "prepared! Camera!" And all the rest of the alignments have already been sanguous to the corpses, our sly, on the contrary, breathed out of all his might. And only after the third team, he faded, which allowed him the longest to portray the perfect dead man. This trick helped him become the most popular statist in Hong Kong and even get a pair of roles with the words. And the dexterous guy was light and enjoyable in communication. He could drink and not to lose composure, sincerely admired expensive cars, which only began to appear in China and which were traveled by the most influential people in the movies.

The dream of becoming a master "Dragon Tiger" no longer seemed so impracticable. And soon she became a reality! However, the initial goal of Jackie is the marriage of his beloved girl - by this moment I finally lost your attractiveness for the rising star Kung Fili. Beloved all this time lived with him: she decided to go against the will of the parents. But Jackie spent at home and less time and increasingly escaped to have fun with friends. He had mistresses from dancers and actresses, and in the end the first love left Jackie. At that moment it brought him an incredible relief. However, then Jackie experienced a sense of guilt all his life because of this. He tried to contact his first girl when he became famous, sent her expensive gifts. However, she refused any contacts and, as Jackie learned later, went to the province where one lived.

Meanwhile, in the career of the "Greatest Cascadener of Hong Kong" there was an unexpected steep turn: Bruce Lee and the action-militants died unexpectedly out of fashion. The filming was getting less, there was no money. Jackie, who did not know anything except Kung Fu, survived one of the harsh poverty and despair periods. In the end, understanding that he lacks even for food, he decided to leave for parents to Australia. Mother met him with tears in his eyes, and father, of course, was disappointed. However, the Son tried his best to not be parents in charge (he remembered how he was trying to "sell" twice). Jackie entered the construction and assistant to the restaurant. However, the mother saw that quiet Australian life was tormented by him and dreamed. When a year later from Hong Kong, an unexpected offer to participate in the filming of the film, and as an actor, Jackie, without thinking, pulled back.

It was the project Lo Wai - director who at one time did Bruce Lee. Patriarch was looking for a talented novice capable of revive interest in kung fu-films. Jackie Chang could not come to himself from happiness when realized that fate threw him. However ... there was a serious trap. Lo Wei wanted to resurrect Bruce Lee - Gloomy, perfect superhero. But Jackie with his nose-potato and a sled physiognomy was far to the ideal image of the Hero-lover. Alas, "New fist of rage", a film with Jackie Chan in the lead role, waited for a crushing failure in the box office. The next picture was not better, so that the "New Kung Fu Star" in producers soon the nickname "Curse of Cassive Fees" was soon secured.

Magnificent Jackie

Many would have already lowered their hands to this point, but not Jackie Chan! He continued to stubbornly and perform incredible tricks. And unexpectedly stars coincided: he was noticed by the producers of another film studio and offered to play in the film "Snake in the Eagle Shadow", which marked the beginning of a new Criton - Comedy Kung Fu. It was the element of Jackie, and incredible hits followed one after another. For several years, the former beggar statist has become a multimillionaire and a superstar!

It was a time when his unbridled character was revealed in might and. Jackie gathered his own kaskadetner team and bought them the most expensive identical sports cars, so their tuples with warned on Hong Kong, forcing people to turn their heads. He missed the Polbutka of the Swiss watches and fashionable shirts, and then distributed to his friends. Running daily pears for the entire film crew. I acquired antiques without trading and started myself a whole zoo of exotic pets. However, all this could not eclipte his main passion - to adrenaline madness on the set.

Jackie continued to personally invent and perform incredible, deadly tricks. For example, a description of one of them in the autobiography "I am happy": "In the plot, my hero has a criminal and must jump off the gallery down, in the hall of the shopping center. Being at the height of the sixth floor and standing on rounded, slippery railing, I had to first take a long jump, a meter for two, and then grab the iron pillar, seized with metal wire, electric light bulbs, sugar and pyrotechnics, and move down it down . It was very scary to decide to start shooting this frame!

Jackie Chan is so harsh that ...


Always wearing $ 4,000 in cash. Master Kung Fu does not like to deal with bank checks and cards, because it is not sure that he will turn out to sign the same way as on the sample.


Returned to the shooting platform a week after the skull was broken. Just offered to shoot all the major plans on one side of the head.


Personally erases his lingerie and is removed in the cabinets from employees. Since the Chinese Drama Academy, Jackie believes that cleaning is the best remedy for stress.


I looked at the secret cartoon in Tetris. Three times. It costs Jackie Chan to get into any computer game, he will not calm down until it breaks all records.


Once after a fight pulled the human tooth from his wound!


Books your son tickets to the economy class, and it is flying in the first thing that the child learned to understand the price of money. However, flight attendants usually transplant Jacy to Father.


Heals teeth without anesthesia. Jackie Chan before fainting is afraid of injections.


In 2006, announced that he would make half his condition for charity.

Finally, I climbed on the railing, at the same time pulled my shoulders completely involuntarily - and heard the at the bottom synchronously launched ten with excess cameras! I wanted to say that this is not a start signal, but it was too late. Imagine: a few hundred people on the site - and the utmost silence. No sound can be heard, except for uniform buzzing of working mechanisms. "Dyep up, so dying," I thought and jumped forward.

After a second, I grabbed my hands and legs a metal pillar, while sliding down the electric light bulbs were sparkled and exploded, glass and sparks were sprinkled in all directions. At first I felt in the palms of the heat, then severe pain, and then the hands just numb. All this process was accompanied by my lengthy cry "A-A-A-A-A ...", then I flew into the sugar glass, breaking it to the clock, and fell on a wooden house, packed with candy. Happened. But the double was not yet completed. To finish this frame, I had to grab the scoundrel and beat him. And after the landing, I immediately jumped to my feet, grabbed one of my band's stuntsels and began to bother: boom! boom! boom! I beat him while he did not prayed: "Jackie, you will have enough to score me to death!" I released it, and he fell to the ground. And I realized that I lost my mind and acted as crazy. After performing that trick, I got burns of the second degree, the whole face was in the blood, and the body turned out to be wounded by the fragments of the shrinking glass. "

Fans committed suicide for Jackie, and in the press they walked rumors about his novels with Asian actresses of the first echelon, one of whom was true. In 1983, Jackie Chan married Joan Lin, who became his faithful girlfriend and his son's mother.

Discovery of America

The next logical step would be conquering international market. And in the 1980s, Jackie goes to Hollywood to take part in the filming of the film "Race" Cannon Core ". Here the Chan had to get the next slap of fate: in America he was not only not a star, but was considered a certain similarity of a fun Circus monkey, over which laugh due to ignorance of the language and barbaric habits. There were really big problems with the tongue: the first six months of Jackie was fed only by Hamburgers and Coca-Kolola, because he did not know how to order another food. As a result, he fell into the hospital with a critical cholesterol content in the blood. Everything in America was against him, and the release of the film with his participation also ended in failure. In full disappointment, Jackie Chan hurried to return to his homeland. However, Hollywood revealed his eyes: Cascader understood how different the western approach from Chinese, where everything was kept on human resources. Jackie Chan decided that his Cascader team would be not just the most crazy in China, but would meet the highest western standards.

In 1995, what was not able to do with the help of Hollywood resources, unexpectedly was made by their own: Hong Kong action "Disassembly in Bronx" went on screens in the United States and broke all imaginable records. In 1998, "Rush Hour" was removed, and after that, Jackie Chan was finally fixed the status of a global star. He became the director of his films. Now James Cameron, Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone - His fans and friends! In 2002, he had his own star on the "Alley of Glory". Comic kung-fu opked the world!

It is impossible to jump down forever from the tenth floor. Since 2003, Jackie still focuses on acting and starring, which are not implied by crazy tricks. In 2011, a hundredth film was released in his acting career - the historical drama "Fall of the Last Empire". And in 2012, at the festival in Cannes, Chan announced that it became too old, numerous injuries would be felt about themselves, therefore he will no longer perform the tricks on the site. The era of the very harmful actor on the planet approached the end. However, this does not mean that Chan completely stops working. He continues to shoot movies, engaged in business and politics. Jackie lives so full of life that in 2016 his name even lit up in Panaman documents.