Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova. Summary of the lesson "Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dzhovova" Life searching for Bolkonsky and Bezuhova Table

Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova. Summary of the lesson "Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dzhovova" Life searching for Bolkonsky and Bezuhova Table

"War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy - a heroic epic that tells about a nationwide feat in the war of 1812. The historical fate of the Russian people, primarily nobility and peasantry, make up the main content of the work. At the same time the author tells about life tracks of individual heroesthat determines the genre specifics of "war and peace" as romana.

Favorite characters TolstoyAndrey Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov - Pass sophisticated, contradictory the path of spiritual quest.

Heroes Tolstoy looking for the meaning of life and happiness. Meaning of life, in thick, consists in the person gaining spiritual unity with other people, in a deep, sincere faith in God.

However, the acquisition of the meaning of life, according to the conviction of Tolstoy, unthinkable without personal happiness. Earthly happiness Writer sees in love, in creating a family, in raising children.

Not all the characters are thick capable of spiritual quest. Possess this quality individuals outstanding, striving for moral improvement.

Spiritual quest ability is an important criterion for personal assessment At fat.

The writer is important to show not only the ultimate goal of spiritual searches of heroes, but also complex, controversial path of these quest: From gaining the meaning of life to his loss, from happiness to misfortune and vice versa.

FROM Andrey Bolkonskywe first meet in St. Petersburg, in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Then Tolstoy shows the hero at the time of the conversation with Pierre in the St. Petersburg apartment of Prince. Andrei explains to his friend, why goes to war. Hero not satisfied with secular life. It family happiness does not feel.

On the main reason for the departure of Andrei Bolkonsky to the army, we will learn later. Prince Andrey dreams of glory. He wants to be like such as Napoleon, gain your "toulon."

Once at war, Andrei Bolkonsky gradually disappointed in his dreams of glory. So, the real hero of Shengraban battle Captain Tushin almost falls into disfavor to the authorities. During Austerlitsky battle, Andrei Bolkonsky commits feat, Having headed the attack with the banner in the hands. Being seriously wounded, Prince Andrei lies on the Austerlitz field and sees against the background of an endless sky, Napoleon's insignificant figurine. Dreams of glory Appeal ghosts. The sky of Austerlitz reminded the prince Andrei about eternal. However, remembering the sample given to him by Prince Marya, Andrei Bolkonsky realizes that he still far from true faith, from God, from the mystery, the existence of which reminded him of an endless sky.

Birth of the son and death of his wife - Events joyful and sorrowful - opened new stage Spiritual search for the hero. Prince Andrei decided from now " live for yourself", For your loved ones. However, quiet, calm life cannot satisfy the hero.

The first step towards the spiritual awakening of Prince Andrei becomes his meeting with Pierre in Bogucharov, their subsequent talk to ferry. For Pierre, enthusiastic activities under the influence of Freemasonry, a faith was opened in God. Andrei sympathizes the faith of Pierre, but still does not find a place for her in his heart. And yet fracture In the minds of Andrei Bolkonsky started. Tolstoy writes about this: "A date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch, which began although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world of his new life."

The next important point in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky - meeting with Natasha Rostova In Otradnaya.

This meeting is preceded episode with old oak. Andrei Bolkonsky, examining the old and clumsy oak, with sadness thinks of the departed youth, about the meaninglessness of the present.

In the Otraditan Hero involuntarily overheard Natasha's night conversation with Sonya, penetrating the joy of life, optimismwho emanated from Natasha.

On the way home, Prince Andrei covers spring feeling of joy at the sight of the transformed old oak. In the soul of the hero again reborn faith into the possibility of activity, happiness and love.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Andrei Bolkonsky takes an active participation in the reform activity of the Speransky. At first, this activity is fascinating the hero.

Happy Natasha again on the ball and falling in love with her, Prince Andrei disappointed in the activities of the SperanskyAnd Speransky himself seems to him vulgar and insignificant. Love for Natasha Fills the life of Andrey Bolkonsky joy and bright hopes.

The happiness of love lasted for a short time. Treason Natasha again enters Andrei Bolkonsky to a state peace crisis. In this state, the hero meets 1812.

Need to protect their homeland Gradually displays Prince Andrei from mental stupor. Refusing to serve at the headquarters, he commands the regiment, deserves love and respect for soldiers and officers. Prince Andrei tells Pierre about his spiritual unity with simple soldiers.

Not finding its own destination in ambitious ambitions, Andrei Bolkonsky comes to true understanding of the meaning of lifethat opens to him in unity with the people. You can call culmination In the spiritual quest of the hero.

Mortar Reggerer channeling the fate of Prince Andrei. By the will of Providence, he again meets Natasha and forgives her. Before death Andrei Bolkonsky feels alienation from the whole earthly and joyful ease of being. He opens faith in God -start eternal love and eternal life.

Son of Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikoleshown in epilogue inherits the best features of his father: mind, honesty, mental nobility, high gusts.

FROM Pierre We also first meet in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. From the emotional Pierre's statements we learn that he defender of the ideas of enlightenment. In Napoleon, he sees a great man,outstanding statesman curled extremes of the French revolution.Pierre words shock guest visitors.

At the same time Pierre leads funny life In the idle company Anatola Kuragin and Dologov.

Then in the life of Pierre comes turn. After the death of his father, he becomes a rich heir, his "Warming" on Helen Kuragin. Pierre's wife turns out to be an empty and depraved woman. After duele with Doolokhovand gap with wife Pierre turns out to be able mental crisis.

On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg at Torzhok Pierre station masona Osipa Alekseevich Basdayev meets. It turns out that Pierre does not believe in God. Basdayev tries to awaken in Pierre faith.

Soon Pierre enters the Masonic Load. Then he rides in his estates in the Kiev province, trying to free the peasants. And although Pierre is deceived and the position of the peasants remains the same, it is important for the desire of a hero to make good deeds. The meaning of life is reopened by Pierre.

On the way home, Pierre comes to the prince Andrei in Bogucharsovo. It is famous conversation Andrei and Pierre on the ferry. Sincere Vera Pierre in GodHis desire to do good produce an indelible impression on Andrei Bolkonsky.

However, Pierre soon cool to Masonry, seeing in it the continuation of secular life with her false, hypocrisy, mercenary interests. Pierre breaks with Petersburg masons. He leads again scattered existence, again not satisfied with life.

Participation in the fate of Natasha after an attempt to abduct her by Anatolem and rupture it with the prince Andrei awakens the moral forces of Pierre. Pierre falls in love with Natasha And at the same time it is conscious that their joint happiness is impossible.

Capable of mental confusion Pierre watches cometua - harbinger of great shocks in the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

The beginning of the war of 1812 awakens Pierre to life. Like most Russian people, it covers it patriotic Porry. Pierre takes an active participation in the formation of the militia. Then he himself rushes to the place of decisive events.

On the eve of the Borodino battle Pierre is observed universal spiritual ascent. In the actions of soldiers and militia, in the words of Andrei Bolkonsky about tomorrow Pierre feels "hidden warmth of patriotism." During the battle, Pierre turns out on the battery Raevsky, observes the feat of artillery soldiers, he feels a certain great event, feels a spiritual connection with the people. After the battle, at the end of the courtyard in Mozhaisk, Pierre is aware that he wants to be "like them", Wants to be a simple soldier. Thus, the Borodino battle becomes one of the climaxin the spiritual quest of Pierre.

The feeling of the involvement of "shared life", the consciousness of the need to subordinate their freedom of the Divine Will was reflected in sleep Pierrehe sees in Mozhaisk. Pierre seizes the idea of \u200b\u200bconjugation of everything is in the moral being of a person.

Upon returning Pierre to Moscow, they master the idea that it was assured kill Napoleon. Pierre stays in the captured by the French city. To kill Napoleon, the hero fails, but it makes noble deeds: in a fire saves a child, protects From abuse French woman.

Pierre enters B. captivity. From the shooting he saves meeting with Marshal Davu. Pierre and Davu exchanged her eyes, they understood each other in humans, and Pierre was saved from death.

In captivity Pierre meets Plato Karataev. Thanks to Karataev Pierre comes to the spiritual life of the people, Feels his unity with other people. However, unlike Karataeva Pierre does not lose its own personality. He finds harmony of personal and general.

An important point in the spiritual life of Pierre is becoming another sleep Hero - About Wonderful Globe. In this dream, he comes to feeling that life is God. The meaning of human existence It is to love life, love God. But harder and beast love this life in your own sufferings.

Image of globe, appeared in a dream pierra symbolizes the unity of a separate person with the world and with God.

At the end of the novel, we learn that Pierre found not only the meaning of life, but also earthly happiness. Love Pierre and Natasha Copulated happy family life.

IN epilga Pierre appears before us as member of a secret society. It is indignant by the reaction and the arakheyevshchina. In controversy with Nikolai Rostov Pierre proposed civil ideals. From now on the life principle of Pierre - "Active virtue."

IN snowwho sees at the end of the novel Nikolek Bolkonsky, the image of Pierre merges In the children's presentation in the image of the late father Child. Pierre performs in this dream as fighter for justice, carrier of high moral ideals.

Make conclusions. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov - Pass long and complicated path of spiritual quest.

As we see, the search for the meaning of life for these heroes is primarily the process of comprehension of spiritual ties with other people, with its people. At the same time it is I. overcoming individualism, closets within our own "I", the path of knowledge true love for God and to the neighbor.

Human and nature

Man and Nature is the most important philosophical problem of the novel "War and Peace". Nature In the novel appears as independent worldwho lives a wonderful life.

Proximity to nature is an one of the main criteria for personal assessment At fat. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy, for example Natasha Rostov, are close to nature. Others, on the contrary, do not feel nature, do not understand her beauty.

Nature paintings accompany the most important battle scenes In the work of Tolstoy.

Finally, images of nature serve important the means of disclosing the inner world of heroes.

Union of man with nature - substantial the face of the moral ideal of Tolstoy. The writer sympathizes its "natural" characters. For example, Natasha Rostov is originally close to nature. This is especially brightly manifested in episodes. hunt in Otradnaya. Talking about the hunt, Tolstoy notes: "Natasha, without translating the Spirit, happily and enthusiastically squeezed - so shrill that in the ears it rang. She expressed all the fact that other hunters with their one-time conversation also expressed this screech. Natasha feels his relationship with nature and, leaving a common mood, gives the will of emotions.

On the contrary, during visits theater Natasha does not understand the meaning of what happens on stage. Natasha "could not follow the progress of the opera, could not even hear music ... it was all so furiously false and unhearsalthat she gotten it conscientiously for actors, it's funny. " People sitting around her inspire her fear and bewilderment. Natasha does not feel comfortable in this fake and hypocritical atmosphere.

Unnatural, according to Tolstoy, life of St. Petersburg light. His representatives are infinitely far from nature. For example, talk In the salon, Anna Pavlovna Shershere resemble monotonous work spinning workshop.

On the contrary life of the people, on the conviction of Tolstoy, always natural. This is evidenced by the bright images of Plato Karataeva, Anice Fedorovna, Danils, other representatives of the people. Simple people living in the village do not separate themselves from the world of nature, live in accordance with its laws.

Nature theme In the novel, close associated with the theme of war 1812. Nature pictures are adjacent to the description battle scenesThe shades and complement them, contribute to the disclosure of the internal state of the person on the battlefield.

The most striking landscape associated with the theme of war - panorama of the Borodino field. "Pierre glanced in front of himself and frightened from admiration for the beauty of the spectacle," writes Tolstoy. Bright light, purple of the morning air, lightning of reflections of sunlight on the water and on the bayonas soldiers, the White Church, the roofs of Borodin - this is how the writer characterizes the battle panorama. The beautiful landscape of the Borodino field emphasizes the thought of the writer that the day of battle is light and solemn, this is the day of the great feat. At the same time, the landscape helps Tolstoy to approve the thought of unrestricted, anti-humanity of war. The contrast between the beautiful nature and the terrifying paintings of the battle helps the writer to imitate the arbitrariness of a person who started a meaningless bloody slaughter.

Prince Andrey During the Borodino battle feels its unity with nature. Tolstoy notes that the prince in anticipation of the attack broke the "Flowers of wormwood growing on the bore, and rubbed these flowers in his palms, and sniffed to the scented bitter, strong smell." Looking at the ready to explode a grenade, the hero with longing thinks about the beauty of his world around him: "I can't, I don't want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air."

The majestic description of Nature opens the story of Moscow, left by residents. The landscape becomes radiant and solemn. The invasion of the enemy did not put Moscow to his knees.

Images of nature are one of the most important tools of psychological analysis At fat. Nature seems to feel the condition of a person and reacts to it.

So, one of the most important stages of spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky is an injury on the Austerlitz field. Being seriously wounded, Andrei lies on the battlefield and sees above his head painless sky. The hero is reflecting: "How quietly, calm and solemnly, not at all, as I ran ... It's not the clouds for this high, endless sky. How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out. Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. Nothing, nothing, besides him. But even no, there is nothing but silence, calm. And thank God!.."

Against this beautiful sky, Prince Andrew sees the insignificant and miserable figurine of Napoleon. Napoleon, a recently recently hero in the eyes of Prince Andrew, now appeared in front of him in all the insignificance of his imaginary greatness. Nature awakens in Prince philosophical reflections on the strugnure of human existence, About the vanity of dreams of glory.

On the way to the Ryazan estates of Son Andrey Bolkonsky sees oakwhich "old, angry and contemptuous freak stood between smiling birchings. Only he one did not want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see neither spring, no sun. " Considering the old oak, Prince Andrei with sadness thinks of the departed youth, about the meaninglessness of the present. "Yes, he is right, a thousand times right this oak," said Prince Andrei, - let others, young, are again amenable to this deception, and we know life - our life is over! "

In Otradnaya Andrey, Bolkonsky involuntarily overheard night conversation Natasha with Sonya, penetrating the joy of life and optimism coming from Natasha. This conversation is preceded description of the beautiful spring night. Tolstoy writes: "The night was fresh and motionless." Above everything was "almost full moon on a light, almost the nearby spring sky." On this night, Natasha feels unity with nature. She can not sleep and with delight says Sona: "So it would have been squatting here, like this, I would have picked up my knees - the tightly, as it was possible, it would be necessary to fit," and flew. " Andrei heard this conversation, and the words of Natasha agitated him. "In the soul, he suddenly rose such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, contrary to his whole life," writes Tolstoy.

Returning home, Prince Andrei again meets with oak. But now it appears in front of him. other picture. Tolstoy writes: "The old oak, the whole transformed, spreading the tent of juicy, dark greens." On Prince Andrew "suddenly found a rapid spring feeling of joy and updates." The hero recalls the "all the best minutes" of his life, and in it again awakens faith in the possibility of activity, happiness, love. "No, life is not over the thirty-one," decides Andrei. The picture of the spring awakening nature reflects the revival of the soul of the hero.

Another hero of Tolstoy, Pierre Duhov, in a state of mental confusion observes cometuasymbol of the comingin the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

So, we see how important in the "war and the world" question about the connection of man with nature. Proximity to nature is an essential criterion for moral assessment of the person in the novel. With nature, the topic of war of 1812 relates: nature paintings are complemented by battle scenes. Nature, in addition, is an important means of disclosing the inner world of heroes.

To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing again, and begin again, and throw again, and forever fight and rushing.
And tranquility spiritual meanness.
L.N. Tough

Many of the characters of Roman-epic "War and World" for a long time cannot understand what the goal of their life is, so they cannot gain true happiness.

Such characters can be attributed to: Pierre Dunzhanov and. They are in the incessant search for the meaning of life, dream of activities that will be the useful people and others. It is these qualities that characterize their identity, demonstrating their spiritual beauty. For them, life is an eternal desire to truth and good.

Pierre and Andrei are close not only to the inner world, but also by their alien to the world of Kuragin and Shero. Tracking the life of heroes, we can notice that Tolstoy spends the heroes through the strip of shifts of disappointments and happiness: shows the difficulty of the way leading to the awareness of the meaning of human life. But ways to achieve happiness great many, that is why the author shows us two people: after all, they set themselves completely different goals, while going to good and truth every every way.

Prince Andrew sees himself in the rays of glory, dreams of committing feats, exalts the military gift of Napoleon, so its own "Toulon" - This is his goal. At the same time he sees fame as

"Love for others, the desire to do something for them."

To achieve the goal, the ministry is chosen in the ranks of the army. But on the Austerlitz field, Andrei understands that the path chosen by him, false, that Glory is nothing, life is all. Andrei is aware of the insignificance of dreams and, as a result, disappointment and mental crisis. He made a feat, ranging with the banner forward, but this act did not save a plight: the battle was lost, and the prince himself was seriously injured. In front of face "Eternal, Good Sky" He understands that it is impossible to live only with his dream, it is necessary to live in the name of people, relatives and others.

"It is necessary ... so that my life is not for me for me ...",

- He thinks.

In the minds of Bolkonsky, the fracture happens, now for him Napoleon is not a brilliant commander, not superfluousness, but a small, insignificant man. With the return home in the Bald Mountains, Andrei is engaged in ordinary affairs: raises his son, take care of the peasants. At the same time, she closed in himself, he thinks he is doomed, the appearance of Pierre returns him to life. And Bolkonsky decides that

"We must live, you need to love, you have to believe."

In it again awaken the vitality: the faith is reborn, love. But the final awakening occurs in Otradnaya, when meeting with. He returns to society. Now he sees the meaning of life in a joint happiness with his beloved Natasha Rostova.

And again the collapse.

It comes to awareness of the meaninglessness of state activity - he again loses the relationship with society. Then there is a break from Natasha - the wreck of hopes for family happiness. This leads it to a mental crisis. It seems that there is no hope for overcoming this state.

With the beginning of the war of 1812, during human disasters, deaths and betrayals, Andrei finds the strength to restore. He understands that his personal suffering is nothing compared to human suffering. He goes to fight, but not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life, happiness, freedom of people and the Fatherland.

And it is there that, in this chaos of deaths and blood, Andrei understands what his vocation is to serve his homeland, take care of his soldiers and officers. This sense of duty leads Andrei to the Borodino field, where he dies from the injured injury.

Before death, he accepts and understands all the advice and covenants of Mary:

  • Takes God - forgives the enemy, asks the Gospel;
  • He knows the feeling of eternal love, harmony.

Andrei completes his quest for what he began: he acquires the fame of the real hero.
Pierre Duhov, but was worried about the same problems as Andrei Bolkonsky.

"Why live and what is me? What is life that death? "

- These questions were painfully looking for Pierre.

Pierre is focused on Napoleon's ideas, protects the problems of the French revolution. He wishes, then

"Wire a republic in Russia, then be Napoleon himself."

At first he does not see the meaning in life: Therefore, it makes mistakes, makes mistakes. Searches lead it to Masons. Subsequently, he gains a passionate desire "Breaking the vicious human genus"The ideas of "equality, fraternity and love" seem to be attractive ideas. And again failures, but he does not rebound from Masons - after all, he sees the meaning of life.

"And only now, when I ... try ... live for others, only now I understood all the happiness of life."

This conclusion allows him to find his true path in the future. Soon, Pierre leaves Masonry, disappointed in public ideals. Does not acquire and personal happiness. In his life there is a band of disappointments.

And a series of mistakes is coming: a trip to Borodino, participation in hostilities. He again acquires an imaginary purpose - to kill Napoleon. And again tolerates the collapse: after all, Napoleon is unattainable.

In subsequent captivity, he acquires intimacy with simple people. He begins to appreciate life and little joy. Meeting with Plato Karataev helped get out of the crisis: he becomes an impersonation "Total Russian, kind and round."

Karataev helps Pierre to know the new truth. Pierre feels that he gained harmony with himself. He opened a simple truth: it is necessary to live to meet simple and natural needs, the main of which are love and family.

Promotion to the people, close convergence with him after liberation from captivity leads Pierre to the Decembris. At the same time he acquires and happiness. The main belief made by him from life quests:

"While there is life, there is also happiness."

The outcome of life quest Andrei and Pierre One: True happiness for a person is hidden in the ministry of the people and the Motherland. But Pierre found himself in serving the people, and Andrei does not acquire himself and his personality dies.

The meaning of life ... We often think about what could be the meaning of life. It's not easy to search for each of us. Some people understand what the meaning of life and how and what should I live, only on the mortal apparent. The same happened with Andrei Bolkonsky, the most striking hero of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

For the first time we meet Prince Andrei at the evening in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Prince Andrei sharply differed from all those present here. It does not have insincerity, hypocrisy, so inherent in the highest light. In his glance, there is only a bored, "all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but it was already tired of him so that it was very boring to listen to them." But the most of all he was tired of his wife Lisa. He despises the highest light, and Lisa constantly reminds him of him. "Whatever I gave now to not be married!" - he exclaims.

It is in order to escape from this adult life, Andrei wants to go to war. But this is just one side of the medal. The main reason is the thirst for glory, the same as Napoleon has achieved. Napoleon eclipsed by the mind of Prince Andrew. Prince is building ambitious plans. In his dreams, he presented himself with the Savior of the Russian Army, the Russian people. But after a panic and confusion, which was after Shenagraben's battle, everything turned out to be not so heroic, as he dreamed.

In the battle of Austerlitz, the fate provided the case to Prince Andrei to show himself. Decisive minute came! Bolkonsky picked up the banner from the hands of the killed soldier and led the battalion in the attack. "Hooray! - Shouted Prince Andrei, barely holding a heavy banner in his hands, and ran ahead with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run behind him. " Death, wounds, personal life - everything went to the background. Ahead is only a hero, Prince Andrei, and his feat, who (as he dreamed) will never forget.

And only the wound helped to understand how he was mistaken. Only a high Austerlitsky sky with gray nondescript clouds made him feel his insignificance before eternity.

"Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. " Prince Andrei came to this conclusion. And Napoleon, who was so admired by Bolkonsky, seemed insignificant to him. Diligently erected ideals collapsed in an instant.

After the injury, Prince Andrei returned home and drew his thoughts for eternity and love. Bolkonsky came to the conclusion that a person, like a tree, should live in his age patiently and persistently. The main thing is not to bring an evil to anyone and do not require participation. But the life of Prince Andrei has changed cool: he met Natasha Rostov loved her. Thanks to Natasha, he continues to live and, it seems, is about to touch with happiness. But suddenly the fact that Prince Andrei cannot forgive Natasha, - treason.

It is the treason of Natasha encourages Bolkonsky to re-go to war, and during the Borodino battle, he again gets wound, this time serious. And this is to blame for its excessive pride. When the pomegranate fell near him, he did not go to the ground, as he thought he would show the wrong example to other officers. "Is it really death?" ... He thought it and at the same time remembered what was watching him. Pride did not let him save himself. Prince Andrei was wounded in the stomach. And in the moments of suffering, he opened everything that he had not previously understood. "Something was in this life, which I did not understand ..." - thought Bolkonsky. Then he realized that what and how God loves people. And he, Prince Andrei, also loves them all, not sharing on loved ones and enemies. "Compassionation, love for brothers, to loving, love for hate us, love for enemies, yes, the love that God preached on earth, which was taught by Princess Marya, and which I did not understand; That's what I feel sorry for life, here it is what else remains me, if I would be alive. But now it's too late. I know it!" - These are the thoughts of Prince Andrew.

Andrei Bolkonsky experienced everything in his life, learned everything that was possible, and on his life would be meaningless. And such a person did not remain anything but to die. And he died, but in our hearts he will remain forever.

Life Search Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is commonplace, hypocrisy and lies reigning in a secular society. These low, meaningless goals that it pursues.

The ideal of Bolkonsky is Napoleon, Andrei wishes like him, saving others to achieve fame and recognition. This is his desire and there is a secret reason for which he goes to war 1805-1807.

During the Austerlitsky battle, Prince Andrew decides that the hour of His glory came and rushes his head under the bullet, although not only ambitious intentions were the impetus to this, but also shame for their army, which began to run. Bolkonsky was wounded. When he woke up, he began to realize the world around differently, he finally noticed the beauty of nature. He comes to the conclusion that wars, victories, defeats and glory - nothing, emptiness, vanity fuss.

After the death of his wife, Prince Andrew is experiencing a strong spiritual shock, he decides for himself, which will live for the closest people, but his live nature does not want to put up with such a boring and everyday life, and in the end all this leads to a deep soulful crisis. But meeting with a friend and sincere conversation help partly overcome him. Pierre Duhov convinces Bolkonsky that life is not over, which needs to be afraid, no matter what.

Moonlit night in Otradnaya and a conversation with Natasha, and after a meeting with the old oak return Bolkonsky to life, he begins to realize that he does not want to be so "old oak." In Prince, Andrei again appears ambition, thirst for fame and the desire to live and fight, and he goes to the service in St. Petersburg. But, Bolkonsky, participating in the compilation of laws, understands that it is not what people need.

Natasha Rostov played a very important role in the spiritual formation of Prince Andrew. She showed him the purity of thoughts that need to follow: Love for the people, the desire to live, do something good for others. Andrei Bolkonsky passionately and gently loved Natalia, but could not forgive betray, because he decided that Natasha's feelings were not so sincere and disinterested, as he believed before.

Going to the front of 1812, Andrei Bolkonsky does not pursue ambitious intentions, he rides to defend his homeland, protect his people. And already in the army, he does not strive for high ranks, but fights next to ordinary people: soldiers and officers.

The behavior of Prince Andrei in Borodino battle is a feat, but the feat is not in the sense, as we usually understand it, but the feat before himself, before His honor, the indicator of the long path of self-improvement.

After a deadly injury, Bolkonsky imbued with a long-faced religious spirit, changed a lot, revised his views on life as a whole. He gave the forgiveness of Natasha and Kuragin, and died with the world in his heart.

In the novel "War and Peace", you can explore the first to see the life path and the spiritual formation of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky from the secular, indifferent and vain to wise, honest and deep spiritually.


L. N. Tolstoy - a writer of a huge, global scale, since the subject of his research was a man, his soul. For a thick man - part of the universe. It is interesting for him what path the soul of man passes in the desire for a high, ideal, in the desire to know the most.

Pierre Duckers - an honest, highly educated nobleman. This is a direct nature, able to sharpen, it is easy to excite. Pierre is peculiar to deep meditation and doubt, the search for the meaning of life. The life path is complicated and tortuous. At first, under the influence of youth and the environment, he performs a lot of mistakes: leads the reckless life of a secular ride and a slacker, allows the prince of Kuragin to scroll himself and marry her daughter Helen. Pierre shoots duel with Doolokh, rustles with his wife, disappointed in life. He is hated by everyone recognized by the lie of the secular society, and he understands the need to struggle.

At this critical moment, Pierre enters the hands of Mason Basdayev. This "preacher" deftly puts up before the gullible graph of a network of religious-mystical society, which called for moral improvement of people and uniting them on the basis of fraternal love. Pierre understood Freemasonry as a doctrine of equality, fraternity and love. It helped him to direct his strength to the improvement of serfs. He freed the peasants, established hospitals, shelters, schools.

The war of 1812 forces Pierre again to take care of the work again, but his passionate call to help his homeland causes universal discontent of the Moscow nobility. He will fail again. However, embraced by a patriotic feeling, Pierre's money is equipped with a thousand militias and himself remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon: "Or perish, or to stop the misfortune of all of Europe, which happened, according to Pierre, from one Napoleon."

An important stage on the way of the quest Pierre is to visit the Borodino field at the time of the famous battle. He understood here that the story creates the most powerful strength in the world - the people. Lyuhov approvingly perceives the wise words of a soldier: "All the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. " The view of the lively and sweaty men-militias, with a loud laughter and talking on the field, "focused on Pierre, the strongest thing that saw and heard so far about solemnity and significance of this minute."

If closer rapprochement of Pierre with simple people occurs after a meeting with a soldier, a former peasant, Plato Karataev, which, according to Tolstoy, is a particle of popular mass. From Karataeva, Pierre is recruited with peasant wisdom, in communication with him "takes care of the calm and satisfaction with himself, to which he in vain sought before."

The life path of Pierre Tychova is typical for the best part of the noble youth of that time. It was from such people that an iron cohort of the Decembrists was compiled. Much relating to them with the author of Epopea, who was faithful to them in the youth of the oath: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confuse, fight, make mistakes, start, and again throw, and again start and throwing and throwing it again and forever. And calm is spiritual meanness. "

Pierre's life quest

Pierre Duhov was an extramarital son of one of the richest people in Russia. In society he was perceived as an eccentric, all laughed at his convictions, aspirations and statements. No one was considered with his opinion and did not perceive him seriously. But when Pierre got a huge inheritance, in front of him began to enjoy everything, he became a welcome fiance for many secular coquettes ...

During his stay in France, he imbued with the ideas of Freemasonry, Pierre seemed to have found like-minded people that with their help he could change the world for the better. But soon he was still disappointed in Freemasonry, although his desire for equality among people and justice in everything was inexperienced.

Pierre Duhov is still very young and inexperienced, he is looking for the goal of his life and being in general, but, unfortunately, it comes to the conclusion that nothing can be changed by this world and falls under the bad influence of Kuragin and Dolokhov. Pierre begins simply to "burn life", spends his time on balls and secular evenings. Kuragin marries him to Helen.

Bezukhov was painted with passion for Helen Kuragin, the very first silent beauty, he was happy to marry her happiness. But after some time, Pierre noticed that Helen is just a beautiful doll with an icy heart, drawn by a smile and cruel hypocritical temper. Marriage with Helen Kuragina brought Pierre Bezuhov only pain and disappointment in the female field.

The charter from the rampant life and the inaction of the Pierre's soul rusts to work. He begins to spend the reform in his lands, trying to give forty freedom, but that is very regrettable, people do not understand him, they are so accustomed to slavery that they don't even imagine how without it you can live without it. People decide that Pierre with "faders."

When the war began in 1812, Pierre Duhov, although he was not military, went to the front to see how people were fighting for their Fatherland. Being on the fourth bastion, Pierre saw a real war, he saw how people suffer because of Napoleon. Bezukhova struck and inspired patriotism, zeal and self-sacrifice of ordinary soldiers, he began to hurt together with them, Pierre's fiercely with hatred of Bonaparte, he wanted to kill him personally. Unfortunately, he failed to him, and instead he was captured.

In prison, Luzhov spent a month. There he met a simple "soldier" by Plato Karataev. This acquaintance and stay in captivity played a significant role in the life of Pierre. He finally understood and realized that the truth that was looking for: that each person has the right to happiness and should be happy. Pierre Duhov saw the true price of life.

Pierre acquired his happiness in marriage with Natasha Rostova, she was not only his wife, his children and his beloved woman, she was big - she was a friend who supports him in everything.

Lyuhov, like all the Decembrists, fought for the truth, for the freedom of the people, for honor, these goals were the reason for his entry into their ranks.

Long Way of Wandering, sometimes erroneous, sometimes funny and ridiculous, nevertheless led Pierre Dunzhanov to the Truth, which he had to understand, having passed difficult trials of fate. We can say that, no matter what the end of the life of Pierre's life quest is good, because he reached the goal she pursued initially. He tried to change this world for the better. And each of us should also strive for this purpose, because the house consists of small bricks, and they are from small grain, and the sandbanks are our kind and fair actions.

"War" and "Mir" at Tolstoy are two universal states of human being. In the situation "War" people lose historical memory and a common goal, live in today's day. The society decays atoms and life begins to rule the egoistic arbitrariness. Such is Napoleonic France, but such and Russia of the court circles and secular living rooms. In 1805, it is this Russia that determines the life of the whole country. The Great Mobile Mobile is the kingdom of intrigue, where there is a mutual struggle for personal benefits, for a place under the sun. Its essence personifies the abbellion with a mosaic portfolio in the bed of the dying Count of Laughov. The kuragic family carries some troubles and misfortunes in peaceful "nests" of Rostova and Bolkonsky. The same "little Napoleons" in the general epolettas bring a defeat for defeat and bring it to the shame of Austerlitz. Painstly experience the state of the universal chaos and the egoistic decay the best heroes of the novel. Pierre Duhov unwittingly turns out to be a toy in the hands of deft-skily predators and intrigans, applying for his rich inheritance. Pierre married to Helen, and then retract in the Nee - (* 118) Pueoul with Duokhov. And all the attempts of the hero decide the question of the meaning of his surrounding life enter the dead end. "What would he be able to think about, he returned to the same issues he could not allow and could not stop asking himself. As if he came into his head that the main screw on which his whole life was kept. The screw did not enter Further, did not go out, but spit out, I'm not capturing anything, everything is on the same cut, and it was impossible to stop her twist. " Pierre moves one after another conflicting impressions of being, trying to understand, "who is right, who is to blame, what power is controlling everything." He sees the causes of individual facts and events, but can not catch a common relationship between them, since this connection is absent in the life itself, which surrounds it. "Everything in himself and around him seemed to him confusing, meaningless and disgusting."

In the situation of the "World" life, on the contrary, discovers hidden meaning and reasonable feasibility. This is the common life of people, the warmth of the highest moral truth, leading personal interest in harmonious consent with the common interests of all people. It is such a "world" arises during the war of 1812. The core will be the folk life in which the best people from the Lord will enter. And during this period, most of the people seem to not pay attention to the general course of affairs. It's incorrect to think that "all people from Mala have been taken to great only in order to sacrifice themselves, save the fatherland or cry over his death." And the soldiers in the army retreating for Moscow "thought about the next third of the complaint, about the next parking lot, about Matreshka-Markitanche and the like ...". But now the new feeling has entered their personal life, which Tolstoy calls "hidden warmth of patriotism" and which involuntarily unites all honest Russian people in the "world", in a big friendly family. This new state of Russian life responds in a new way and in the spiritual health of the heroes of Tolstoy. "The main screw" in the pierre's head now "falls into the thread." The conflicting impressions of being begins to communicate with each other, as Pierre enters the overall life on the eve and in the decisive day of the Borodino battle. To questions "Who is right, who is to blame and what power does it lead to everything?" Now there are clear and, simple answers. The life path of the main characters of the "War and Peace" of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dzuhova is a painful search together with Russia to exit personal and public disorders to the "world", to a reasonable and harmonious general life (* 119) of people. Andrei and Pierre do not satisfy small egoistic interests, secular intrigues, empty word in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. The soul of these people is opened to the whole world, a responsive for all the impressions of the surrounding being. They cannot live without reflecting, without solving for themselves and for people of the main issues on the meaning of life, about the purpose of human existence. But with a well-known similarity between heroes, there is a significant difference, extremely important for the author of Roman Epopea, which is directly related to the main content of the "war and the world". It is not by chance that Andrei is destined to die on the heroic takeoff of Russian life, and Pierre survive him; It is not by chance that Natasha Rostov will remain for Andrey only the bride, and for Pierre will be his wife. Already at the first acquaintance with heroes, you notice that Andrei is too assembled, decisive and purposeful, and Pierre is too doubtful, soft and prone to doubts, reflections. Pierre is easily given to life, falling under its effect, indulging rags and secular travels. Understanding the worthlessness of such a lifetime, he is still by Her; A push requires a sharp shock to get out of her destructive gauge. Olight Andrei: He does not like to swim downstream and rather will be ready to subjugate life than to trust her. At the very beginning of Roman Andrei appears before us by a person, clearly knowing his goal and believing in his star. He dreams of glory, about the celebration of the Russian army. His idol is Napoleon. But in the consciousness of Prince, Napoleon looks like a character of a heroic poem, which corresponding to the concepts of heroic, what a Russian XVIII century did it. "Blessed, when, in an effort to glory, he benefited the generally kept," the "formula" of such heroism proclaimed. It has a fraction of Bolkon's pride, which Andrei inherited from his father, the state man of Catherine-time time. In dreams of glory, Prince Andrei is not individualized, they organically include the desire for the total benefit. But these dreams are too elevated and far from the reality of the Russian life of the new time, when heroism was not the privilege of the elected, but the property of many, when Russia went to the celebration of the People's Liberation War.

At the beginning of his life path, Prince Andrei dreams of a feat, it is emphasized by inscribing himself from the world of ordinary people. It seems to him that the story is going on in the headquarters of the army, it determines the activities of higher spheres. His heroic attitude requires a pedestal, proudly isolation from (* 120) people. Tushin saved the army in Shengraben's battle, the prince understands logically. But he cannot recognize the hero in Tushyna his heartside: heroes is very unbelievable and simple "captain without boot", stumbling about the anti-brief among the French banners. In the spiritual world of Prince Andrei throughout the campaign of 1805, the dramatic split between the high flight of his dreams and real weekdays of military life is growing and growing. Here is the prince rides at the headquarters, hidden by the project of rescue the army thought out by him. But the disorder of him rushes in his eyes, reigning in the troops, is infinitely distant from his ideal attitude. The prince is frozen froligly, and at that moment the wife of Lekary is drawn to him with a request to protect it from the oppression of the obligatory officer. The prince is entitled, restores justice, but it is experiencing an insulting feeling. Without lifting the eye, he "drove away from the health of his wife, called him by the Savior, and, with disgust remembering the smallest details of this humiliating scene, rushed further to the village, where, as he was told, was the commander-in-chief." Again the contrast between the sublime ideal and sober life reality: it goes to save the army, but saves the healthy wife. This contrast is so painful that the prince Andrei with Ombalism looks at his soldiers' surrounding Soldiers: "This is a crowd of bastards, not the army." Prince can not forgive life independent of his desires of development. And when a solemn-joyful minute comes at the beginning of Austerlitsky battle, the prince with reverence looks at the banners, the official symbols of military glory, and then runs to his dream, to his "toulon" ahead of all with the banner in her hands. But this heroic moment is filled with impressions, far from the high aspirations of his dreams. Defeated, with a banner in her hands, he will see the sky over himself, "immeasurably high, with gray clouds," how quietly, calmly and solemnly, not at all, as I fled, I thought Prince Andrew, - not so As we fled, shouted and fought; Not at all as the Frenchman and artilleryman trained with embittered and frightened persons, the Frenchman and Artillerist are not so crawling clouds on this high endless sky. How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out. Yes, everything is empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. Nothing, there is nothing but it. But even no, there is nothing but silence, calm. And thank God! .. "(* 121) From the height of an infinitely distant sky, where his sublime soul rushed, the recent dreams appeared, the recent dreams seemed. And when, by the battlefield, Napoleon stopped before Prince Andrei, who appreciated his heroic gust, was stopped. The former idol suddenly beat and cripped, became small and punched. "He was so insignificant at this moment all the interests of Napoleon, he himself seemed to him him hero himself, with this small vanity and the joy of victory, compared with the highest, fair and The good sky he saw and understood ... "In the soul of Andrei there is a coup. He remembered the Princess Marina, looking at the samples," who with such a feeling and awe hung his sister. "And" quiet life, and peaceful family happiness in Bald mountains were presented to him. He had already enjoyed this happiness when suddenly was a little Napoleon with his indifferent, limited and happy from the misfortune of others ... ".

So I called the prince of Earth. He remembered his wife, "Little Princess", and realized that in his dismissive attitude towards her was often unjust. Cast-loving dreams changed to a simple and quiet family life. It is the same, the prince Andrei from captivity to his native nest is returned to the native nest. But life takes him for his Bolkon's pride, for the excessive distraction of ideal aspirations. At the time of arrival, the wife dies from childbirth, and Prince Andrei reads on her frozen face eternal reproach: "Ah, what did you do with me?" By all the power of the soul, the prince is trying to master the simple life filled with concerns about the economy, about the relatives, about the orphaned little son. There is a touching humanity in the false Andrei, when he sitting on a small chair, dripped droplets in a glass of a sick child. And at the same time you feel that this humanity is given to him with difficulty. The prince seems to be the life of it at a thirty one year, that the essence of life is miserable and insignificant that man is defenseless and alone. From a severe mental state, Andrei Pierre displays. He visits a friend in Boguchars in a happy time of his life. Pierre in Zenith hobbies by Masonic teaching, he found the meaning of life in religious truth. Pierre convinces Prince Andrei that his judgments about life are irretrievable and sad, as they are limited only by the earthly world and earthly experience. "You say that you can't see the kingdoms of good and truth on earth. And I did not see it; and it cannot be seen (* 122) to see, if you look at our life as an end of all. On Earth, it is on this earth (Pierre pointed out In the field), no truth - all lies and evil; but in the world, around the world there is a kingdom of truth, and we are now the children of the earth, but forever - the children of the whole world. Do I don't feel in my soul that I make part of this huge , harmonious whole? Do I don't feel that I am in this countless number of creatures in which the deity is manifested - the highest strength, - as you wish, - what do I make one link, one step from the lower creatures to the highest? If I see, it is clear I see this staircase that leads from the plant to a person ... Why do I assume that this staircase is interrupted with me, and does not continue to continue to higher beings. I feel that I not only can not disappear as nothing disappears in the world, but what I will always be and always was. "

"If there is God and there is a future life, that is, the truth, there is a virtue; and the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you have to love, you have to believe," said Pierre, - that we don't even live today This block of land, and lived and will live forever there, in everything (he pointed to the sky). "

Andrei listens to these enthusiastic and configuring evidence of Pierre and argue with them. But the paradoxical thing happens. His look is enlivened even more than hopelessly to be his judgments. The logical meaning of words and phrases of the prince begins to disperse with the inner feeling that he is experiencing. Stubbornly proving Pierre that the separation between people is inevitable, Andrei himself the fact of the statement of these thoughts refutes their rightness. Logically disagreeing with Pierre in this dispute, the prince more and more closely with him. On top of the logic of the dispute between friends there is a living human communication. And when the sphere of the dispute Pierre exclaims: "You should not think so!" - "What am I thinking?" - Andrey unexpectedly asks. He lives no longer to express his words. "Prince Andrei did not answer. The stroller and horses have long been brought to another shore and laid, and the sun was hidden up to half, and the evening frost covered the stars of the puddle from a pass, and Pierre and Andrei, to the surprise of Laces, Kucher and carriers, still stood On the ferry and spoke. " And "leaving the ferry", Andrei "glared on the sky, on which Pierre pointed him, and for the first time after Austerlitz, he saw that high, the eternal sky he saw, lying on the Austerlitsky field, and something long ago fell asleep that "It's a beam - (* 123) the neck, what was in him, suddenly joyfully and young woke up in his soul." So the meeting with a friend in the deaf Boguchars was for Andrey an equally significant event than his participation in the battle under Austerlitz. And when Andrew then he climbs into the Otradny in his affairs, he only externally the same, disappointed and lonely. On the way to the Otradny Prince sees the old oak, bare and clouded in the midst of fresh spring greenery. "Takov and I," he thinks, deeply mistaken. And the oak is already being written from the inside living spring juices, and Andrei awakened to the revival by a meeting with Pierre. Binds a renewal meeting with Natasha and chewing communication with her lunar night in Otradnaya. On the way back, the prince with difficulty recognizes the old oak, green and loose. "No, life is not over the thirty-one year," suddenly finally, the prince of Andrei decided to definitely. "It is not enough that I know everything that is in me, it is necessary, so that everyone knew this: and Pierre, and this girl, who wanted to fly into the sky, it is necessary that everyone knew me so that I wanted my life for one thing for me so that they didn't live as this girl, regardless of my life, so that she was reflected in all and that they all live with me together ! " We will pay attention to which complicated syntactic forms transmits a thick birth in the soul of Andrei a new look at life, how the proud creature of the hero is resisting the difficult appearance of it. The very thought of Prince "Koryava", like branches of oak with a young, green foliage made on them. Tolstoy often reproached in stylistic reserves of the language. A. V. Druzhinin, for example, advised him to reduce complex proposals, remove numerous "what" and "so that" the "saving" points in place. But Tolstoy did not return the advice of aesthetically exquisite friends. After all, it is important for him to transfer it, or rather, it's not ready to catch an image, but a present thought, show the process of her birth. Stylistic and syntactic uncleanness here is meaningful and has a deep artistic meaning. What is new now in the pride of Bolkonsky? If earlier, under the sky of Austerlitz, he dreamed of living for others, separating himself from them, now there was now a desire to live with others. The former desire to benefit the general adopts in the spiritual world of Prince Andrei qualitatively different content. Democratic need for communication is increasing in its nature, thirst to live in humans and among people.

And the prince leaves the village privacy, leaves for St. Petersburg, falls into the circle of Speransky, takes part in the development of the draft cancellation of serfdom in Russia. Life calls him to himself with a new force, but, faithful to his Blocks, Andrei is again passionate about the activities of higher spheres, where plans, projects and programs fly over a complex and confusing life. Initially, Andrei does not feel the artificiality of the interests that the Speransky's circle is obsessed, he is guarding this person. But it is Natasha on his first ball. Meeting with her returns the prince Andrei a sharp feeling of "natural" and "artificial" values \u200b\u200bof life. Communication with Natasha refreshes and clears the soul of the prince, clarifies the ghostity and falsehood of the Speransky and the reforms invented by him. He "put the rights of persons who distributed in paragraphs", to his men, to Dronu-Older, and he "became surprising how he could do such a holiday work so long." Through Natasha continues the approach of Prince Andrei to the Life of the Earth, the introduction to it is even more complete than in Otradnaya: he is in love and seemingly close to happiness. But in the novel immediately the impossibility of it. Rostov, especially susceptible to the slightest falsehood, are observed with anxiety for Natasha and her fiance. The old Countess the marriage of his daughter and Andrei seems to be "something strange and unnatural." And Natasha? She, of course, is in love, but not quite in Rostovski. In her relationship, and Andrei there is no desired completeness, there is no limit mutual understanding. For Natasha, the prince is a mysterious, mysterious person. So enters the book by the motive of the presence of their relationship: Natasha is not created for the prince and the prince is not created for her. True, in Otradnaya Andrei in Rostovski decided to live "together with everyone." But the practice of such a lifetime is given to him with difficulty. Easy, credulity, democracy - all these qualities are not under the power of its proud character. Not only Natasha is mysterious Andrei, but also for Andrei Natasha - a mystery. He immediately discovers her complete misunderstanding, delaying the wedding for one year. What torture came up with for a person who has live and active love should be filled every moment! With his deferment, his inability to catch a living life in excellent moments, in seconds, he provoked a catastrophe, willy-nilly pushing Natasha to treason.

The right proud Bolkonsky began, he could not even forgive Natasha a mistake. The prince and in thoughts did not allow, (* 125) that his beloved bride had his own, independent of its calculations and not similar to his intellectual measurements of life and that this one could have his own dramatic move. The prince does not have a gift at all, which Pierre's generously endowed - feel someone else's "me," to penetrate the concerns and mental experiences of another person. This can be seen not only in communicating it with Natasha, but also in relationship with your beloved sister Marya. The prince does not show the religious feelings of the sister and often happens to be rude and awkward. He could not forgive Natasha because he did not know her to feel and understand. However, 1812 will change a lot in Natasha and Andrei. Before separating them forever, he will bring their destinies in one again. Such a meeting, such an intersection of destinies is inevitable in the Roman-Epopea Tolstoy Because in Andrei, the Patriotic War will wake new, democratic feelings. The prince realized the legality of the existence "of others, completely alien to him, but as legitimate human interests, like those who occupied him." In a conversation with Pierre on the eve of the Borodino battle, Prince Andrei is deeply aware of the people's character of this war. "Believe me," says Pierre, - that if he had depended on the headquarters orders, I would have been there and did orders, but instead I have the honor to serve here in the regiment with these gentlemen, and I think that from We will really depend tomorrow, and not from them ... Success never depended and will not depend on the position, nor from weapons, nor even from the number; and least of the position.

And what about? "From that feeling that is in me, in him," he pointed to Timokhin, "in every soldier." The prince of Andrei was left far away from his old ideas about the creative forces of history. If under the sky of Austerlitz, he lasted at the headquarters of the army, took part. In the preparation of plans and dispositions, now he becomes a combat officer, believing that the outcome of the battle depends on the spirit of troops, from the mood of ordinary soldiers.

However, to become such as they, to breed soul with simple soldiers, not destined by Andrei. It was not by chance that a conversation with Pierre was prepassing such an episode: in the Led Bald Mountains, on a hot day, the prince stopped on the pond dam. "He wanted to go into the water - whatever dirty it was." But seeing the soldier's naked, the soldier's bodies flounded in the pond, prince Andrei frozenly wrinkles. (* 126) And in vain Timokhin calls him into the water: "That's good, your crying, you would love! .. We will clear you now." Soldiers, having learned that "our prince" wants to swim, hurried from the water. But Andrei hurried to calm them down: he came up with it better to blew in the barn. In the face of a fatal injury, the prince Andrei is experiencing the last, passionate and painful gusting to the life of the earth: "a completely new envious look" he looks at the grass and wormwood. " And then, already on a stretcher, he will think: "Why was I so sorry to part with life? Something was in this life, which I did not understand and do not understand." It is deeply symbolic that under the Austerlitz princess opened the worldly blue sky, and under Borodin - close, but not giving him to the earth, envious look at her. In the dying prince, Andrei Sky and Earth, death and life with an alternate predominance are fighting with each other. This struggle is manifested in two forms of love: one - earthly, trembling and warm, love for Natasha, to one Natasha. And as soon as such love awakens in it, the hatred of an anatoly opponent flashes. Prince Andrei feels not able to forgive him. Another is the perfect love to all people, cold and extraterrestrial. As soon as this love penetrates him, the prince feels an extension from life, liberation and removal from her. Love everyone for the character of Prince Andrei - it means not to live a terrestrial life. And here the struggle is completed by the victory of perfect love. The land to which the prince Andrei was passionately stretched in the face of a minute, and did not give him his hands, sailed, leaving in his soul a feeling of anxious bewilderment, unsolved secrecy. He treated the majestic, detached from the worldly distillations to the sky, and after him, death came, from the life of the earth. Prince Andrei died not only from the wound. His death is associated with the characteristics of the nature and position in the world of people. He was antered, called to themselves, but escaped, remaining unattainable, those spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat woke up 1812. A different role in the novel was assigned to Pierra. He not only understands the legality of folk gloves, but also accepts him in his senses, he brings his soul with simple soldiers. After the Raevsky battery, where the soldiers accepted Pierre into their family, after the horrors of death and destruction, Pierre flows into a state of complete spiritual emptiness. He can't get out of those (* 127) terrible impressions in which he lived this day. " Pierre falls to the ground and loses the feeling of time. Meanwhile, the soldiers, dragging the bitch, are placed near it and bonfire is bred. Life is not destroyed, it continues; The peaceful keepers of her eternal and indecomposable basics are not the Lord, but people from the people.

"Well, sing, if you want, Kupenka!" - said the first and filed Pierre, climbing her, a wooden spoon. Pierre hooked up to the fire and there was a Kuward, then the Kushan, which was in the bowler and which he seemed to him the most delicious of all the eats he ever ate. This episode echoes the unsuccessful attempt to prince Andrei to swim with the soldiers in a dirty pond. That Rubbroze in rapprochement with the people who stopped the prince, completely quietly stepped over Pierre. It was Pierra who opened the saving path to the depths of the people: "Oh, how terrible fear and how shamefully I gave him to him! And they ... They all the time, were firm to the end, calm ... "- he thought. They, in the concept of Pierre, were soldiers - those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those that They prayed to the icon. They - these strange, the unknown led him, they clearly and sharply separated in his thoughts from all other people. "The soldier be, just a soldier! "I thought Pierre, falling asleep." To enter this common life to all the creature, to imbued with what makes them so. "Pierce the spiritual rebirth of Pierre captive and meeting with Plato Karataev. Pierre enters captivity after another test: he sees the execution by the French in anything. Not obey people. Everything collapsing in his soul and turns into a bunch of meaningless Sora, destroying "faith and in the improvement of the world, and in human, and in his soul, and in God." The world fell in his eyes and remained alone meaningless ruins. He felt that return to faith in life was not in his power. "

But again, on the path of Pierre, a simple Russian soldier arises as an immortal, no destroying embodiment "of all Russian, good, round". Something pleasant and sedative feels Pierre in his measured "round" movements, in his detailed peasant homemake, in his ability to press himself a nest under any circumstances of life. But the main thing that conquers Pierre in Karataev, is a love attitude towards the world: "And you needed a lot of need, Barin? And?" - Suddenly said a small person. And such an expression of a caress and simplicity was in the singement of a person's voice, that (* 128) Pierre wanted to answer, but his jaw trembled, and he felt tears. "The healing effect of Karataev on the soul of Pierre was hidden in a special gift of love. This is love without impurities Egoistic feeling, love is awe: "Uh, Sokolik, not the tillage," he said, with that gentle-singement caress, with which the old Russian women say. - not the tillage, a friend: an hour to endure, and live a century! "Karataev is a symbolic embodiment The peaceful, protective properties of the indigenous peasant nature, "incomprehensible, round and eternal impersonation of the spirit of simplicity and truth." This is a person who can withstand any test and do not break, not lose faith in life based on disinterested and all-consuming love for the earthly world that does not require No awards. Karataev "loved and lovingly lived with everything, with all his life was reduced, and especially with a person - not with a famous person, but with those people who were in front of his eyes." And "life His, as he himself looked at her, did not make sense as a separate life. She had the meaning only as a particle of a whole, which he constantly felt. "Communication with Plato Karataev leads Piera to a deeper understanding of the meaning of life:" Previously, the destroyed world now with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations, erected in his soul " . Pierra opens in captivity the mystery of folk religiosity, is not based on renunciation from the world, but on the active love for him. "Life is all. Life is God ... And while there is life, there is a pleasure for the identity of the Divine. To love life, love God. "Clarking this thought for yourself, Pierre sees in a dream an old teacher who taught him in Switzerland with geography. An old man shows a strange globe -" alive, hesitating ball without sizes. "This ball is life." All surface The bowl consisted of droplets, tightly compressed. And these droplets moved everything, moved and then merged out of several in one, then from one were divided into many ... In the middle of God, and each drop seeks to expand to reflect it in the greatest size. And grows, merges, and shrinks, and destroyed on the surface, goes deep and pops up again. Here he, karataev, so he spread and disappeared. "

The story in the "war and the world" goes that the description of the last days of the life and death of Prince Andrei echoes with a spiritual fracture in Pierre, with the fracture of Plato Karataev. A sense of communication with everyone, all - (* 129) Forgative Christian love Andrei is experiencing only when he is renounced from life. Refusing to personal, Andrei stops living. And vice versa, barely only in it awakens a sense of personal love for Natasha, pulling him into the earthly life, as an instantly disappears from Andrei sense of communication with everyone. Being a particle of a whole prince Andrei cannot. Completely different happens to the soul of Karataev and Pierre. The lack of personal, individual in Karataev is directed towards the Earth, and not the sky, towards life, not death. Karataev lives in complete harmony with all the specific, individual, earthly. He does not deny him, but completely merged with him, he is a drop of the ocean of life, not death. Individuality disappears in it because it enters this world and sinks in it. This is a complete agreement with life and makes calm in Pierre's soul.

So already in the "war and the world" is planned a critical attitude of Tolstoy to historical Christianity with his asceticism and alienation from earthly life, from the flesh and blood of everyday human existence. In Pierre, it is born new and close to the people's world, designed not to deny earthly life, but to highlight and inspire it. Christian feelings experienced by Andrey in the moments of death are presented to the thickness too apparent and aristocratic towards the whole worldly, intimate and intimate than the person lives. Christianity Karataeva and Pierre descends into the world, illuminates the joyful smiles of life, the flowers of earthly love, poetry of family feelings. Like Dostoevsky Tolstoy calls on the reader to love life in vivacity, before the understanding of her meaning. Recall Alesh Karamazov: "You are already half saved if you love this life." Tolstoy considers the earthly world with one of the eternal and best worlds and encourages us to see in his native land not temporary refuge, but the eternal mother-of-country-feed - cherry, cozy, warmed by the warmth of love and family a Russian home. Having passed through the deprivation of captivity, having accepted the Karataevsky view of the world, Pierre comes to conviction, "that all the misfortune does not happen from the lack, but from the surplus." In the "surplus" is now credited not only to the material transaction, but also the burdensomeness of a person from the "tops" of the spiritual excesses of modern civilization. Having enslaved by her man begins to live reflected intellectual existence and catastrophically loses the mediocre feeling of the joy of this earthly life. (* 130) He becomes a person in a stranger, not so much living as observing and analyzing life, and meanwhile, the deep spring of the soul is inhabited in it.

Natasha Rostov

What is the secret of the refreshing and renewing influence of Natasha Rostova on the intellectual heroes of "War and Peace"? Who is Natasha? Pierre refuses to give an accurate answer to this question: "I strongly do not know what it is for the girl, I can not analyze it." Unlike Andrei and Pierre, Natasha never thinks over the meaning of life, but this sense is revealed in how she lives. In relation to Natasha, all kinds of general definitions are powerless: it is impossible to answer, it is smart or stupid. Pierre says: "Does not hesitate to be smart." "Does not receive" - \u200b\u200bbecause above and more difficult than the concepts of nonsense and mind.

What is the source of the update force, Natasha? Why communicating with her and even the memories, "presentation of it" make unnecessary reflections on the meaning of life: is she herself and is this meaning?

First of all, Natasha is more than any of the people of the noble circle, immediately. She feels a living life in his own way, without analyzing it. She will know the world, bypassing a rational, logical path, right and holistic as a person of art. It embodies the best properties of a female creature: the harmony of spiritual and bodily, natural and moral, natural and human. It possesses the highest gift of female intuition - direct, uncomplicated feeling of truth. Recall the characteristic episode from Natasha. One day she appeals to Sona with a question, if that Nikolai remembers. For Sony, this question is strange, and in response to her inappropriate smile Natasha explains: "No, Sonya, you remember him so as to remember well to remember everything ... and I remember Nicollenka, I remember, she said. And Boris do not remember. I do not remember at all ... "-" How? Don't remember Boris? " Sonya asked with surprise. "Not that I don't remember, - I know what he he, but not so I remember how Nicolek. I'll close his eyes and remember, but Boris is not (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing!"

Natasha questions with all their apparent absurdity are full of serious sense. She has a special memory, bright, shaped, alive and in his own way to wise. Boris lives in the memory of Natasha in general terms, blurred and unclear, and Nikolai - in bright vitality. This different (* 131) memory of different people carries a tangible, but not formulated by their assessment. Boris Natasha remembers badly, because he is primitive and one-bedroom living and complex Nicholas. It is the living and direct feeling of the values \u200b\u200bof the life of Natasha updates communicating with her people. She lives freely and relaxed, but all her actions are warming up from the inside hidden the warmth of the moral feeling, which she has absorbed from the Russian atmosphere of the Rostov House from the Russian atmosphere. People in Natasha turns into an instinctive and scoring force of all its creatures, and it appears easily, ease. Recall the Russian dance of Natasha in the estate of Uncle: "Where, how, when he saddled in herself from that Russian air, which she breathed, - this graphic, brought up by a French emigrant, is this spirit where she took these techniques that Pas de Chale has long been have to oust? But the Spirit and Takes these were the most inimitable, unaded, Russians, who were waiting for an uncle from her ... She did something and so quite accurately that Ansia Fedorovna, who immediately filed her necessary for her Cases of the handkerchief, through laughter struck, looking at this thin, graceful, such someone else, in silk and in the velvet, a raised countess, who knew how to understand everything that was in Anice, and in the father of Anice, and in the aunt and in the mother , and in every Russian man. "

In the peaceful life of Natasha Rostov awakens the moral values \u200b\u200bthat Russia will save. "MIRIO", which is formed around it, is the prototype of the Big "World" of 1812. In all their actions and spiritual manifestations of Natasha, the laws of simplicity, good and truth follows. Boris fell in love with her. And once about marriage with him there can be no speech, mother says Natasha that Boris is indecent to ride the Rostov house. "Why not, if he wants," Natasha objects. "Let him go. Do not marry, and so." In response Natasha - the denial of those recognized in the noble circle of class constraints, which will disappear between Russian people during the Patriotic War. The entire Natasha Nature is directed towards another, more advanced state of life, where people do not live on the principle of "necessary" and "should", but freely and disinterestedly, where the unity between them keeps on a broad democratic basis. However, Tolstoy shows the internal drama of the humanity that the lifeless and immediate heroine carries. Pierre can not understand and (* 132) to understand for himself why the bride of Prince Andrei, so much loved and sweet Natasha, did the Bologkoe trade on the "fool" anatoly? However, Tolstoy considered this event "the most important place of the novel", its "node".

Note that such a surprise threatens not only Natasha. When Kuraginians come to the Bald Mountains to watten Anatol to Princess Marya, the old Bolkonsky, even in thoughts, does not allow this empty person to somehow shake family order. But he is mistaken. Princess Marya falls under the power of shameless eyes. In their brazed-free look there is an attractive, seductive force, hostile to a strictly regulated and ordered jack of Bolkonsky. Worlds of Rostov and Bolkonsky personify their family injections in which the lengthy traditions are alive. The third family association of Kuragin such traditions is completely deprived. And when the egoistic Kuraginsky began invades the world of these patriarchal families, the crisis occurs in it. What attractively in Anatole for Mary and Natasha? Freedom and independence. After all, the princess of Marya and Natasha also want to live freely, without the conventions adopted in their families .. otherwise, where did Natashino come from "not married, and so"? Countess looks at the peculiarity of Natasha as a childhood. But in this peppervilia there is a desire to free themselves from the power of external, imposed over the estate norms. Natasha's deed - out of a series of outgoing event. Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova says: "Fifty-eight years lived on white light, and I did not see such a shat."

Rightly rapprocheate Natasha with Kuragin? Is there no similarity in the style of life of Natasha and Anatol? Apparently, it is not by chance, and such common points between Natasha and Anatola have. Tolstoy so characterizes Anatol: "He was not able to think about how his actions could withdraw on others, nor what could get out of such or such an act." Anatol is endlessly free in his egoism. He lives spontaneously, easily and confident. But Natasha will obey the feeling of complete spiritual freeness. For her, there is also no painful question "Why?". However, there is a significant difference between "everything can be" anatole and the liberation of Natasha, in which there is a moral instinct. "Everything can" Natasha is the desire of open, direct relationship between people, the desire of a peaceful community, good communication.

But at the moments of complete spiritual openness, the person (* 133) living with cardiac instincts is not insured against errors and disasters. Natasha's free instinct crosses the edge of the moral feeling and closes for a moment with Kuragin's egoism. In the spontaneous feeling of truth and good, there is beauty and charm, but there is also inner weakness. Dramatically excess intellect that mild in the soul of a person's immediate sensations of life; A dramatic and spontaneous power of vitality, not controlled by consciousness, not managed by it.

At the same time, Natasha's mistake is provoked by Andrei and Anatola. These are people completely opposite, but it is known that the extremes converge. Prince Andrey is an abstract spirituality, Anatol - carnal confusion. Ideal - somewhere in the middle. In order to live a full-fledged life, Natasha must overcome these extras: and completely devoid of spiritual love of Anatol, and the abnormal spirituality of Prince Andrei, who does not know how to appreciate the immediate power of feelings. Natasha above each of them because it is spontaneously looking for an equilibrium, the unity of sensual-earth and spiritual began. From the desire to overcome these extremes, a strange appearance at first glance, Natasha's desire to combine their two love in one.

A catastrophe with Anatola and Treason Andrei plunge Natasha into a state of painful crisis, from which it displays an alarming news about the threat of the French approaching Moscow. It is noteworthy that in the "war and the world" there is a parallel between Anatola Kuragin and Napoleon. For both "not that good, that is good, but it's good that it came to his head." The complete absence of moral restrictions, the destructive power of egoism, who sowing misfortunes in the family of Bolkonsky and growth, is threatened by the whole of Russia, Napoleonic invasion. On prayer in the House Church of the Razumovsky Natasha, Intuitively seeks to exit sincere solitude, looking for rapprochement with people. When Dyacon from the Ambon solemnly proclaims: "Morty the Lord will pray," Natasha, explaining the meaning of these words, involuntarily determines the essence of that unity that will save Russia: "The world, all together, without the difference of classes, without enmity, and - We will pray. " The nationwide misfortune makes Natasha forget about himself, about his misfortune. The Russian beginning that lives in it is manifested in a patriotic impulse upon departure from Moscow. In these difficult days for Russia, her love for people reaches the tops - the complete oblivion of their "I" for others. (* 134) Princess Marya, who arrived at the dying brother, notices: "On an agitated face, when she ran into the room, there was only one expression - the expression of love, infinite love for him, to her, to everything that was close to her beloved A man, a pity expressing, suffering for other and passionate worship to give himself all, in order to help them. It was seen that at that moment there was not a single thought about herself, there was no Natasha's soul about her relationship. " The power of the love of Natasha lies in the fact that her self-sacrifice is completely disinterested. This is exactly what it differs from the calculating sacrifice of Sony, which "happily consciously aware that she sacrificing himself, this most elevates the value in the eyes of himself and others ...". In such a sacrifice there is no mental impulse, because from the inside it is treated with egoism.

Natasha's transition to a mature age seems at first glance with something unexpected: "She snapped and sewed, so it was difficult to find out in this strong mother for the same fine, movable Natasha ..." in the rudely sharpness of the portrait you feel the desire to teat a certain circle of readers. The epilogue of the novel is clearly polemic. He is directed against the badly understood ideas of Emancipation and in Russia, and abroad. Ironically tells Tolstoy about the "smart people", believing that the woman should obey the maiden coquetry and "to choose a husband in the same way as she prevented her husband." This is a corrupted look of people, "who in marriage see one pleasure, received by the spouses from each other, that is, one principle of marriage, and not all its meaningful in the family." For people who are accustomed to take from life only sensual pleasures, a woman as a mother does not exist at all. They indulge as a blasphemous crop the moral ties between the spouses, the spiritual foundations of love.

In Maternity, Tolstoy sees the highest calling and appointment of a woman. And his Natasha is the perfect embodiment of femininity - in the mature age remains faithful to herself. All the natural wealth of her nature, all of the fullness of her vital creature goes into motherhood and family. Like a wife and mother, Natasha is still beautiful. And when Pierre returned, the child recovered, "the former fire was lit in her developed beautiful body" and "it was even more attractive than before," the bright, joyful light flowed in streams from her converting face. " The spiritualized sensuality of Natasha tries in (* 135) family life with Pierre. Relationship between them is deeply humane and clean. Pierre cannot not appreciate its sensitive female intuition in Natasha, with which she guess the slightest desires, and admires the immediate purity of her feelings. Let it not very understand the essence of Pierre's political thoughts, but she always catches the good basis of his soul. Intelligent, reflecting, analyzing the life of Pierra as the air needs Natasha with its aggravated feeling of truth and false, real and imaginary, living and dead. Through communication with her, his soul is cleared and updated: "After seven years, Pierre felt joyful, the solid consciousness that he is not a bad person, and he felt it because he saw himself reflected in his wife. In herself he felt all the good And a bad mixed and donating one thing. But only what was really good on his wife: everything was not quite good, it was reflected. And the reflection did not happen by logical thought, but by another - mysterious, direct reflection.

Epilogue "War and Peace"

The epilogue "of war and the world" is the anthem of thick spiritual basics of familyhood as the highest form of unity between people. In the family, as it were, the opposites between the spouses are removed, the limited shower loving souls is completed in communication between them. Such is the family of Maria Volkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov, where they are connected in the highest synthesis of so opposite beginnings of growth and Bolkonsky. The feeling of the "proud love" of Nicholas to the Countess Marya, based on surprise "before its mentality, before, almost inaccessible" for him, "an elevated, moral world, in which his wife always lived." And touching the submissive, gentle love of Maryi "to this man who will never understand the whole thing that she understands, and no matter how much she is stronger, with a touch of passionate tenderness, loved him."

In the epilogue of the "War and Peace" under the roof of the Lyologorsky house, a new family is collected connecting in the past the heterogeneous Rostov, Bolkonsky, and the Karataevskaya began through Pierre Zuhov. "As in every real family," writes Tolstoy, "several completely different worlds lived in the Lyssogorsk house, which, every while holding his peculiarity and making concessions to one another, merged into one harmonious whole. Each event that happened in the house was equally - Joyfully or sad - it is important for all these worlds; but every world (* 136) had completely their own, independent of others, reasons to rejoice or suffer from any event. "

<Это новое семейство возникло не случайно. Оно явилось результатом общенационального единения людей, рожденного Отечественной войной. Так по-новому утверждается в эпилоге связь общего хода истории с индивидуальными, интимными отношениями между людьми. 1812 год, давший России новый, более высокий уровень человеческого общения, снявший многие сословные преграды и ограничения, привел к возникновению более сложных и широких семейных миров. Каратаевское принятие жизни во всей ее пестроте и многосложности, каратаевское умение жить в мире и гармонии со всеми присутствует в финале романа-эпопеи. В разговоре с Наташей Пьер замечает, что Каратаев, будь он жив сейчас, одобрил бы их семейную жизнь. /p>

As in any family, in the Bolshoi Lyssogor family, sometimes there are conflicts and disputes. But they are peaceful in nature and only strengthen the strength of the family foundations. Women - Natasha and Marya are the Guardians of Family Ostrov. Between them there is a durable spiritual union. "Marie, this is such a charm!" Says Natasha. "How can she understand the children." She seems to see them only. " "Yes, I know, - interrupts the Countess of Marya Nikolai's story about the Decembrist hobbies of Pierre." I told Natasha. " When a dispute arises between Nicholas and Pierre, almost passing to the quarrel, it is women that women quit it, translated into a peaceful direction. "And I today led myself, - it is divided by Nikolai Rostov." We hovered with Pierre, and I got excited. "" In my opinion, you're absolutely right. I said Natasha. Pierre says that everyone suffers, suffer, I am corrupted and that our duty is to help your neighbors. Of course, he is right, "said the Countess of Marya," but he forgets that we have other duties, closer, which God himself pointed us, and that we can risk themselves, but not children " .

"Nicholya has this weakness that if something is not accepted by everyone, he will not agree anything," the Pierre Natasha is soothing. So female hearts, protecting the harmony of family life, descend the fasterful men and soften the home conflicts. Initially Tolstoy even wanted to call his novel "everything is fine, which is well ends." Epilogue seemed to confirm the thought of the writer about the happy result of the life of heroes in a new, prosperous family. However, by reflection, Tolstoy still came to another name - "War and Peace". The fact is that in (* 137) a happy family of Tolstoy found grain of such contradictions, which questioned the harmonious world with folk moral traditions in its basis during the war of 1812.

At the end of the fourth volume, passing through the test by taking a karataevsky glance, Pierre acquires peace of mind and harmony: "Formerly destroyed all his mental buildings, a terrible question: why?" Now I have not existed for him. " But in the epilogue we see other things: the need of thought, analysis, doubtfully returned to Pierre. He says: "When the thought occupies me, then everything else is fun." Moreover, Pierre is busy political struggle. He criticizes the government and covers the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a secret society from the number of freethinking people of his circle. His ideas are high and ambitious: "He seemed this moment that he was designed to give a new direction to the whole Russian society and the whole world." And when Natasha asks Pierre, if it would have approved his plato karatayev, she hears in response: "No, I would not approve." Political hobbies of Pierre - and it feels Natasha and Marya - cast doubt the calm of the newly created family. Irritated from the dispute with Pierre Nikolai Rostov pronounces prophetic words: "I'll tell you what ... I can't prove to you. You say that we have everything badly and that there will be a coup; I do not see it; but you say that the oath Correction, and I will tell you that: what are you the best friend, you know it, but, make sure you are a secret society, you begin to counteract the government, whatever it is, I know that my duty to obey him. And I led me Now Araksheev go to you with a squadron and chopped - I will not think about it for a second and I will go. And there you want to judge there. " And although this dispute has not yet led to dramatic consequences, it has a premonition of future public shocks. It is not by chance that the memory of Prince Andrei is reborn in the final of the War and Mira. The son of his, Nikolek Bolkonsky, turns out to be an involuntary witness to the quarrel of Uncle Nicholas with Pierre. The boy is guarding Pierre, loves Natasha and alien to Nikolai Rostov. "When everyone rose to the dinner, Nikolek Bolkonsky approached Pierre, pale, with shiny, radiant eyes." Uncle Pierre ... You ... No ... If the dad would be alive ... he would have been agreed with you? "He asked ..." I think that yes, "replied Pierre.

And then Nicolenka dreams dream, which completes the Great Book. In this dream, the boy sees himself and Pierre (* 138) in helmets going on the head of the huge troops. And in front of them - glory. Suddenly, Uncle Nicholas grows in front of them in a formidable and strict pose. "I loved you, but Arakcheev told me, and I will kill the first one who moves forward." - Nicanyka looked back on Pierre, but Pierre was no longer. Pierre was a father - Prince Andrei ... "Father! Father! Yes, I will do what I would have been pleased with" ... Everything that was removed and debunking life during the war of 1812 - and proud dreams of glory, And the High Blocking Sky, and the agonizing self-analysis in search of truth, - all this is returned again in the Roman-epic finals on circles. Pierre Duhov, who opened in the tests of the Patriotic War, the universal meaning of the Karataevsky People's Truth, leaves him to proud dreams, doubts and anxieties. Glory again calls to the young Bolkonsky, dreaming of going at the footsteps of the Father. And only the loyal Natasha Rostov remains the custodian of those values \u200b\u200bof the people's life, which would certainly approve Platon Karataev and who until time went to peaceful life, so that in the era of new shocks to flare up with a flame and highlight great things.

"Anna Karenina"

After the completion of the work on the "war and the world", Tolstoy was conceived by a large historical novel about the era of Peter I, studied the documents, collected the material. In the diary dated April 4, 1870, a characteristic entry appears: "I read the story of Solovyov. Everything, on the history of this, was a disgrace in Dopurerovskaya Russia: cruelty, robbery, root, rudeness, stupidity, nothing to do anything. The government has become a correction. And the government is this I am ugly to our time. You read this story and involuntarily come to the conclusion that the history of Russia accounted for a number of disgraces.

But how so a number of disgraces made a great one, a single state? Already this one proves that the government did not produce history. But also, reading how robbed, ruled, fought, ruined (only about this and speech in history), unwittingly come to the question: Thu`o robbed and ruined? And from this question to another: who produced what was ruined? .. Who did Pecchi, Sukna, Dresses, Kami, in which Tsari and Boyar flashed? Who caught black foxes and sables, who were given ambassadors who mined gold and iron, who took horses, bulls, rams, who built houses, palaces, churches, who transported goods? Who brought up and gave birth to these people of a single root? Who is a bluing shrine of religious, poetry (* 139) People who did that Bogdan Khmelnitsky betrayed Russia, and not Turkey and Poland? "Turning to the past, Tolstoy still wanted to write" the history of the people ". At the same time, he worked with a thinking of the historical novel. Above the school book for children - "Alphabet", for which many small stories wrote, including "Shark", "Jump", "Bone", "Caucasian Captive". In 1873, Tolstoy left historical plans, turned to modernity and Made the first sketches to "Anna Karenina." However, work on this novel lasted long: it was completed in 1877 and published in the magazine "Russian Bulletin".

"To make the work well, you need to love in it the main thing, the main idea," said Tolstoy, in the "Anne Karenina" I love the thought of family, in the "war and the world" loved the thought of the people, as a result of the War of the 12th year .. . "But after all, a family topic, as we have convinced, permeates from start to the end and" war and peace ". The poetry of family nests of Roshovaya and Bolkonsky, the celebration of the family began eclipses a significant role in the Roman and Epopea. Speaking about the key role of the "thought of family" in Anna Karenina, Tolstoy, apparently, meant some kind of new sound in this novel. The best heroes of the "War and Peace" are stored in family relations such moral values, which in a minute of national danger saves Russia. Recall the atmosphere of a kindred, "as if of the family" unity, in which Pierre was on the battery of Raevsky, remember the Russian dance of Natasha and the common all - the yard and the gentlemen - the feeling caused by her. "Family" here enters the "people's", merged with him, is the deep basis of the "folk thoughts".

In "Anna Karenina" everything else. The novel opens the phrase about "happy families", which are "similar to each other." But the interest of Tolstoy is now in another: "Each unhappy family is unhappy in their own way. Everything was mixed in the house of the Blond." Not in the relative unity between people of Paphos of a new novel, but in disagreement between them and the decay of the family. The family drama between the spouses of the Bully - Steve and Dolly - responds to the fate of many people living under the roof of their home. The spiritual relationships that fastened the family were disappeared, and the people of the Oblissky also felt like a "in front of the courtyard."

In the "writer's" diary "for 1877, picking up the thought of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky so described the state of Rus - (* 140) of the life of that time:" Everything is like in the inn of the courtyard, as if there are collected from Russia tomorrow. " The fragility of human ties, the disappearance of the "related", "home" from everyday communication is a very characteristic and significant feature of the era of the 70s, the time of the rapid development of bourgeois relations. From the house of the Oblonsky, in which "everything was mixed", the thought of Tolstoy appeals to Russia, in which "everything was drowned and only still stacked." "Divorce" and "orphanhood", the collapse of once stable spiritual ties is the leading topic of "Anna Karenina". On the change of Epos "War and Peace" in the Russian novel of the 70s, the dramatic, tragedy principles insistently invade.

Dramaism penetrates into the construction of a novel, which consists of two works developing in parallel to each other: the history of the family life of a secular woman Anna Karenina and the fate of the nobleman living in the village, which is improving his farm, his relations with peasants, Konstantin Levin. The paths of these heroes do not intersect with each other throughout the novel: one-only meeting of Levin with Anna in the final does not change anything in the life of heroes. In the literary criticism even an opinion was energized about the lack of artistic unity in this work of Tolstoy, talked about the collapse of the novel into two non-other topics. Tolstoy was very depressed by such a critical deafness, and in a special explanation he showed that "Anna Karenina" is a solid work, but "the connection of the construction is not made on the Fabule and not on the relationship of individuals, but on the internal communication." Why should the toltoy need to include a story about the life of two different heroes in one novel? What is the "internal relationship" between the fate of Anna Karenina and the Life of Levin?

The history of the life of Anna and Levin are perceived as separate from each other only with superficial, non-reading reading of the novel. In fact, there is a tense artistic connection between alternating alternate episodes from the life of heroes. For example, the jumps in the circle of Anna are replaced by Koking Levin; Anna, which plays a crockety, and Levin, hunting in Russian forests and swamps ... You can not notice some artificiality in all situations related to the life of Anna, and the path of Levin this artificiality shall. In the novel there is no direct court over Anna and the people of the secular circle, but indirectly, through the com - (* 141) the positional connection of the episodes, the trial of the heroes, which is not the author, and live life.

In comparison with the "war and the world" in the "Anne Karenina" varies a lot. Even in a tonside phrase, complex syntactic periods are reduced, it becomes shorter, energetic. The artistic thought of the writer moves intensely and elastically. And this restraint is informative: a feeling of dramatic closetness, the mutual alienation of the heroes is created. "Dialectics of the Soul" is coagulated - the quality characterizing generous, sensitive to the living life of the Heroes of Tolstoy. In Anna Karenina, such spiritual openness and gullibility is already impossible: it turns into inevitable drama now. The heroes of the new novel Tolstoy - people restrained, composed, closed. And even the most lively and open world Anna is far from Natasha Rostova. With the first meeting with her at the railway station in Moscow, we see as if the same oversupply of the vitality of the vital forces, the outside, the same sincerity and the immediacy, which were overwhelmed by Natasha. But the gusts of Anna do not receive an otzok, goes out in the emptiness of the cooled world, already deprived of human sensitivity and warmth. We see "restrained liquefiness, which plays in her face," we see that she "put it intentionally light in the eyes." Anna is forced to constantly restrain himself, to suppress life-fat vitality. But they do not always obey her, come out from under control, uncontrollable, "against her will", "past her will".

Anna Married woman, she has a family, a small son of Sergei and an unloved husband, a major state official Karenin. For a long time she patiently demolished life in a loyal family. But the moment came when the love of another person broke through all obstacles. And immediately the happiness of love was overshadowed by a feeling of her tragic doom. What is the source of her tragedy?

Anna faced the fact that the secular society encourages secret treason, but does not forgive sincere and open love. In addition, leaving the formalist of the Karenin who takes for life only the pale reflection of it, Anna faces the human stability of the Vronsky: the remaining amateur and in painting, and in economic endeavors, and in love. However, it is not only in these external circumstances overwhelming Anna's living sense. This sense itself is destructive and doomed. Already at the time of his awakening, it takes a spontaneous, unmanage - (* 142). Kitty Shcherbatskaya does not accidentally notice "something terrible and cruel" in the delights of Anna in the first minutes of her passionateness in Vronsky, "something alien and demonskoe". And the first explanation of the Vronsky with Anna is accompanied by the upwards of storms in a born and a whistle of the locomotive: "Why am I going? - He repeated, looking at her right in the eyes. - You know, I'm going to be where you, - he said - I can't otherwise. " And at the same time, as if defeated obstacles, the wind fell asleep from the roof of the wagon, shoved in some kind of iron torn leaf, and a thick whistle of the locomotive was dried in front and gloomily. The whole horror of the blizzard seemed even more beautiful now. "Love Anna as the wind, whining obstacles, spontaneous and reckless. The explosion of passions, for a long time suppressed, is not free from the tragic consequences of a long, loyal life with carpets. Love Anna in catastrophicity is not free of the past.

Anna irritability testifies to the other: about some kind of hidden, even from themselves, good feelings to the abandoned husband. In exaggerated, sharp judgments about him there is an attempt by secret self-assessment. In half a demobrane, on the threshold of the death Anna, he says about the warmly (* 143) in the depths of her soul sympathy for Karenina: "His eyes, you need to know," she says, turning to the Vronsky, - Serge is exactly the same, and I can't see them from This ... "Anna's maternal feeling includes not only the love of Sergei, but also affectionate kindness to the Karenina as the father of his beloved son. Lies to her in a relationship with Karenin and in the fact that she lives with him without female love, and that, glowing with him, can not be quite indifferent to him as a mother to his father's father. Anna's soul is tragically split between the Karenin and Vronsky. "Do not be surprised at me. I'm still the same ...- says Anna in the hot delirium, turning to the kartine. - But in me there is another thing, I am afraid - she loved it, and I wanted to hate you and could not forget about that which was before. " The terrible dream of Anna, in which Vronsky and Karenin simultaneously caress her, is the dramatic consequence of unnatural attempts to "connect to one lover and the father of her child ... What should be and cannot but be alone, but that she had two."

The whole content of Roman Tolstoy proves the Great Truth of the Gospel Coven about the sacrament of marriage, about the holiness of the marriage bonds. Dramatic faceless family, where there are no sensual connections between spouses. But the family break is no less dramatically. For a mentally sensitive person, he inevitably entails moral retribution. That is why in love for the Vronsky Anna is experiencing an increasing feeling of the inequality of his happiness. Life with inexorable logic leads the heroes to the ugly one-sidedness of their feelings, especially the considered relations of Levin and Kitty. Kitty rushed faster on Levin's hand and pressed her to her. He "alone with her experienced now, when the thought of her pregnancy did not leave him for a minute, then, a new one for him and joyful completely clean from sensuality enjoying the proximity to his beloved woman."

Date added: 2016-10-27

  • Life values \u200b\u200band orientations. Life is the process of continuous solutions
  • Life values \u200b\u200band orientations. Life is the cultivation process

  • Description of the spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszheov in the novel "War and Peace" of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy all the place. The multidimensional content of the work made it possible to determine its genre as a novel-epic. It has reflected important historical events, the fate of people of different classes throughout the whole era. Along with global problems, the writer pays great attention to the experiences, victories and defeats of favorite heroes. Watching their fate, the reader learns to analyze actions, seek the goal, choose the way.

    The life path of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Baudens is difficult and aurist. Their fates help to convey to the reader one of the main ideas of the narrative. L. N. Tolstoy believes that truly honestly, it is necessary to "rush, be confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing and starting to begin, and forever fight and lose." That is what friends do. The painful quest for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Baudsova are aimed at finding the meaning of its existence.

    The path to yourself Andrei Bolkonsky

    Andrei Bolkonsky is rich, is good, married to a charming woman. What makes him throw a successful career and a calm secured life? Bolkonsky is trying to find his destination.

    At the beginning of the book, this is a person who dreams of glory, nationwide love and exploits. "I don't like anything as soon as the glory, Love is human. Death, wounds, family loss, nothing is scary to me, "he says. His ideal is the Great Napoleon. To walk on his idol, proud and ambitious prince becomes a military, makes exploits. The insight comes suddenly. Andrei Bolkonsky wounded, seeing the High Sky of Austerlitz, realizes that his goals were empty and nicchon.

    Leaving the service and returning, Prince Andrei seeks to correct his mistakes. Evil fate decides otherwise. After the death of his wife in the life of Bolkonsky, the period of depression and despondency comes. A conversation with Pierre makes him a different look at life.

    Bolkonsky again seeks to be useful not only to his family, but also to the Fatherland. Claims of state affairs briefly fascinate the hero. Meeting with Natasha Rostova opens his eyes to the fake nature of the Speransky. The meaning of life becomes love for Natasha. Again dreams, again plans and disappointment again. The family pride did not allow the prince Andrei to forgive the fatal mistake of his future wife. The wedding was upset, hopes disappeared for happiness.

    Once again, Blocks in Bogucharov, deciding to engage in the upbringing of the Son and the arrangement of its estate. The Patriotic War of 1812 has awakened the best qual qualities in the hero. Love to the homeland and hatred for invaders makes return to the service and devote their lives to Fatherland.

    Having found the true meaning of its existence, the main character becomes another person. In his soul there is no more space by vain thoughts and egoism.

    Simple happiness of Pierre

    The way of the quest for Bolkonsky and Bezuhova is described throughout the novel. The author does not immediately lead the heroes to the cherished goal. It was not easy to gain happiness and Pierre.

    The young Count of Laughs, in contrast to his friend, is guided by the bearer of the heart.

    In the first chapters of the work in front of us are naive, kind, frivolous young man. Weakness and credulity make Pierre vulnerable, make mistakeful actions make.

    Pierre Duhov, like Andrei Bolkonsky, dreams of the future, admires Napoleon, trying to find his life road. By trial and errors, the hero achieves the desired goal.

    One of the main delusions of an inexperienced Pierre was the marriage on the seductive helen Kuragin. Pain, offense, annoyance feels a deceived Pierre due to this marriage. Having lost his family, having lost hope for personal happiness, Pierre tries to find himself in Freemasonry. He sincerely believes that his active activity will be useful to society. The ideas of fraternity, equality, justice inspire a young man. He is trying to embody them: makes it easier to the fate of the peasants, gives an order for the construction of free schools and hospitals. "And only now, when I ... I try to live for others, only now I understood all the happiness of life," he says to a friend. But his orders remain unfulfilled, the brothers of the masons are false and korestoloby.

    In the novel "War and Peace", Bolkonsky and Pierre constantly have to start all over again.

    Fracture for Pierre Zuhovova comes with the beginning of the Patriotic War. He just like Prince Bolkonsky is inspired by patriotic ideas. The regiment is formed on her money, is located on the front during the Borodino battle.

    Having decided to kill Napoleon, Pierre Duhov is committing a number of frivolous actions and captures the French. Monsters spent in captivity completely change the graph worldview. Under the influence of a simple man of Platon Karataev, he understands that the meaning of a person's life is to satisfy simple needs. "A person must be happy," Pierre who returned from captivity.

    Having understood in herself, Pierre Ducheov began to better understand the surrounding. He unmistakably chooses the right path, acquires real love and family.

    common goal

    Finish an essay on the topic "The spiritual quest for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Lesuzova" I want the words of the author: "Tranquility ̶ is spiritual meanness." The expensive writer Heroes do not know peace, are in finding the right life path. The desire to honestly and adequately do the debt and benefit the society unites Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunyov, makes them such different characters like.

    Test on the work