Ancient Slavs who they are and from. Origin of Slavs

Ancient Slavs who they are and from. Origin of Slavs

The historic site of the Bagheir - the mystery of the story, the mysteries of the universe. The riddles of the Great Empires and Ancient Civilizations, the fate of the disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of the special services. The history of wars, the riddles of battles and battles, intelligence operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life of Russia, the riddles of the USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - all that is because official history is silent.

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Concentration camps built by the Nazis, and now, more than half a century after victory, they suggest horror on people. And now the flower plates are broken at the place of mass executions, Memorial plates are established, and there are no smoke on the crematoriums, the terrible footage of the military chronicles are remembered: talked naked bodies, pits, pumped by corpses, people who are confused by the Nazis, tired of constant Hunger, exhausting labor and fear for their lives. And here they are the wardens and soldiers from the camp. Folded, satisfied faces of those who considered themselves almost the gods. Slowly gait, proudly raised head and eyes, full hatred and superiority over everyone. In the historical chronicles of that time, it is mainly told about men - Nazi criminals, but there were women who were horrified even who had seen to the tormentors.

Glory came to Hemingway in the zenith of life. The readers were fascinated by his courageous novels, admired bright, complete adventure life. Still would! After all, this person participated in all wars flewing on the European Continent, adored bulls, was friends with Matadora. But, according to his own admission, the most in the world, Ernest loved the hunt, fishing and ... writing work. He survived the aircraft vehicle twice, was the personification of the courage, which in the end and ends ruthlessly left him. And committed suicide, the impression of the impending depression.

The Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, which the poet Alexander Tvardovsky was metota called "unfinished", for decades was surrounded by a silence veil. It was too high for the USSR turned out to be the price of victory, and therefore 105 days of cruel, bloody battles and battles on the basis of the "top" were disinterested, distorted, and in fact they are crossed out of the Military Chronictus of the Fatherland. In school textbooks until the 1990s, it was not mentioned at all. In Finland, on the contrary, it is one of the most relevant topics in historians, politicians and ordinary people.

France. XVIII century. Jewodan's royal province is covered by horror: an unknown creature announced a hunt for people. The fact and the case are the worried corpses. Miraculously surviving witnesses talk about the coming of the beast. To this day, the mystery of terrible events of 255 years ago remains the subject of disputes between zoologists, historians, folkloristers and mystics ...

The power of man today is obvious. By pressing only a few buttons, it is able to destroy all his life on Earth. However, this is power and limited. Until we can prevent drought, nor a catastrophic flood, nor the eruption of a volcano, an earthquake, tsunami ... The consequences of them are always the same: in addition to the death of many people, large areas of land become unsuitable for further living, and this will attract the migration of peoples . And it is very possible that they will come to another country not with hand stretching for help, but with weapons!

For a long time, among many Russian and foreign archaeologists and historians, it was the opinion that before the arrival of Yermak, the frequent population of the immense Siberia lived in primitive housing - plagues and slashes, absolutely not imagining the city defendant. However, research and finds made at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries, somewhat minor a similar conviction.

We are accustomed to believe that the anarchists constantly represented the accoprose of an insubstantly unsubstantiated personalities armed to the teeth, not in moderation of drinking alcohol and constantly sowing the song "Roasted chicken, chicken, walked along Nevsky walking ...". However, these are just stereotypes of Soviet cinema. In fact, the types of anarchism were different, including those designed for people of high cultural: philosophers, writers and even ... mystics.

50 years ago, the Soviet Union and China - the two largest communist powers - were on the verge of war. A formal reason for the conflict was a dispute about the belonging to the island of Damansky on the Ussuri River.

From where the ancestors of Slavs, Zlata Argeyev came, everywhere there is an opinion that the real story of Slavs begins with Christianization of Russia. It turns out that before this event, Slavs, as it were, did not exist, since, anyway, a person breeding, fueling the territory, leaves behind a trace in the form of a system of beliefs, writing, language, rules governing the relationship of tribesmen, architectural buildings, rites, testes and legends. Based on modern history, writing and grades came to the Slavs from Greece, the right - from Rome, Religion from Judea. Raising the Slavic theme, the first, with which the Slavs connect is paganism. But let me draw your attention to the essence of this word: "Language" means the people, "Nick" - no, unknown, i.e. The pagan is a representative of an alien to unfamiliar faith. Can we be for ourselves and pagans themselves? Christian religion came from Israel as history - from the Jewish Torah. Christianity exists on Earth only 2000 years old, in Russia - 1000. Considering these dates from the position of the universe, they seem insignificant, because Ancient knowledge of any people goes far beyond these numbers. It is strange to think that everything that was long before Christianity has been gained, it was collected, passed from generation to generation - heresy and delusion. It turns out that all people on the ground have lived in illusion, self-deception and delusion. Returning to the Slavs, as they were able to create so many beautiful works of art: literature, architecture, architecture, painting, weaving, etc., if they were ignorant forest inhabitants? Lifting the richest Slavic-Aryan heritage, Slavs appeared on Earth long before representatives of other peoples. Previously, the term "land" was the same meaning as the Greek name "Planet", i.e. Heavenly object moving in his orbit around the sun. Our land had the name Midgard, where "Foreign Ministry" or "Middle" means the middle, "Gard" - hail, city, i.e. Middle Peace (remember the shamanistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the Universe, where our land has been associated with the middle world). About 460,500 years ago, our ancestors landed on the North Pole of Midgard Land. From that period, our planet has undergone significant changes, both climatic and geographical. In those distant times, the North Pole was a rich in the vegetation and animal world, the island of Buyan, on which the brown vegetation has grown, which has been burned by our ancestors. Slavic genus consisted of representatives of the four peoples: Da'ary residents, X`Ayans, Rasks and Svyatarusov. The first to Midgard-Earth arrived da'yrians. They came from the Star System of the Constellation of Sovimun or the Small Malar, the land of Rai. The color of their eyes is gray, silver - corresponded to the sun of their system, which was the name of the packaging. They called the Northern Mainland, where they settled, Daria. Next followed X'iyans. Their homeland is the Constellation Orion, the Land of Trorara, the Sun - Rada - Green Color, which imprinted in the color of their eyes. Then the sacrises arrived - blue-eyed Slavs from the constellation of Makoshi or a big bear, called themselves the Swag. Later, the carbohylase races from the constellation of race and land inghard, the system of the gogg-sun or modern beta lion appeared. If we talk about the peoples belonging to the four Great Slavic-Aryan births, the Siberian Rusichi, North-Western Germans, Danes, Dutch, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, and etc. were sent. Oriental and Pomeranian Russes, Scandinavians, Anglo Saxes, Normans (or Muromsians), Galla, Belovodsk Rusichi occurred from the genus X`Ayans. The genus of the Svyatarusov - Blue-eyed Slavs - represent the northern Russians, Belarusians, Polyana, Poles, Oriental Prussians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Scott, Irish, Assa from Iria, i.e. Assyrians. The grandchildren of the gazes, the raised are Western dews, Etruscans (Ethnos Russian or, as they called the Greeks - these Russians), Moldovans, Italians, Frank, Thracians, Goths, Albanians, Avars, and the like. The pranodina of our ancestors is hyperborea (Borea - the North Wind, hyper - strong) or Daaria (from the first Slavic genus Daaries, who settled the land) - Northern Midgard-land. Here was the source of the ancient Vedic knowledge, the grains of which are now scattered throughout the land among the various peoples. But we had to sacrifice our homeland for the rescue of Midgard-Earth. In those distant times, Earth had 3 satellites: Luna Lelo with a period of circulation of 7 days, Fatt - 13 days and a month - 29.5 days. Dark forces from the Technogenic Galaxy 10,000 planets (Darkness corresponds to 10,000), or, as elsewhere called the Hoeful world (i.e. land there is still not fully developed, only "baked") they chose her forces, turned their strength on it And they directed his blow to Midgard-Earth. Saving the land of our ancestor and the highest god - Tarh, the son of God Perun, smashing the shel and destroying the kingdom of Kashev. Hence the custom beat the eggs at Easter, which symbolizes the victory of Tarh Perunovich over the idolism - the mortal demon who found her death in the egg (the prototum of the moon). Event This happened 111814 years ago and became a new point of reference from the Great Resettlement. So the Water Leli was piled by Midgard-Earth, flooding the northern continent. Daaria as a result went on the bottom of the Northern Ice (Study) Ocean. This was the cause of the great resettlement of Slavic giving birth from Daria in terms of the cage on the ground, lying south (the remains of the cage are preserved in the form of a new land islands). Great relocation lasted 16 years. Thus, 16 became a sacred number for Slavs. It is founded by the Slavic Warring Circle or Zodiac, consisting of 16 celestial tags. 16 years old is the complete part of the circle of years in 144, consisting of 16 years passing through 9 elements, where the last 16 year was considered sacred. Gradually, our ancestors settled the territory from the mountains of Ripeye, covered with buried, or Ural, which means lying at the Sun: RA (sun, light, radiance) l (bed), to the Altai and Lena River, where Al or Altitude is the highest structure, Hence the reality - repetition, reflection of alto; Tay is the top, i.e. Altai is the mountains that store the richest deposits of mines, and the focus of energy, the place of power. From Tibet to the Indian Ocean in the south (Iran), later southwest (India). 106786 years ago, our ancestors again built Asgard (city of Asov) on the merger of Iria and Omi, erecting Alatyr-Mountain - the Temple Complex in 1000 Arshin height (more than 700 m), consisting of four aspirates (temples) of the pyramidal form, located over the other. And so the Holy Race settled: the childbirth of the ASOs - the gods living on Earth, the countries of the Asov throughout the Midgard land, have grumbled and become a great genus, forming the Asia Asia country, in contemporary - Asia, building the state of Aryev - Great Tartaria. They themselves called Belovodier themselves from the name of the Iri River, at which Asgard Iriysky was built (Irium is white, clean). Siberia is the northern part of the country, i.e. Northern True divine Iri). Later, the generic races of the Great, persecuted by the harsh Daarian wind began to go further south, settle down by different continents. Prince Skand settled the northern part of Veni. Later, this territory began to be called Skando (s) Naval (s), because, dying the prince said that his spirit would defend this land after death (Nava is the soul of the deceased Navi living in the world, unlike the world of Javi) . Gifts of Vanov settled the Transcaucasia, then because of the drought, South Scandinavia moved, to the territory of the modern Netherlands. In memory of his ancestors, the residents of the Netherlands retain the prefix Wang in their lastings (Van Gogh, Van Beethoven, etc.). The childbirth of God Veles - the inhabitants of Scotland and Ireland in honor of their progenitor and the patron saint called one of the provinces of Wales or Wels. The childbirth of the Svyatarusov settled the eastern and southern parts of Veni, as well as the Baltic States. The country of Gardarika is located in the eastern part (country of many cities), consisting of Russia Novgorod, Pomeranian (Latvia and Prussia), Rus Red (Commonwealth), Rus White (Belarus), Malaya (Kievskaya Rus), Middle (Moscow, Vladimir), Carpathian (Hungarians, Romanians), Silver (Serbs). The birth of the god Perun was settled by Persia, X`Aricians Arabia. The birth of gods settled on the mainland Antlan and became known as Antati. There they lived together with an indigenous population with the skin of the color of the fire, which they handed the innermost knowledge. Remember at least the drop in the Inca civilization, when the Indians accepted conquistadors for the White Gods, or another fact - the patron of Indians - the volatile serpent Caitsakoatl, according to the descriptions of a white man with a beard. Antlaun (Lan - Cocked Territory, i.e. Country of Ants) or, as the Greeks called - Atlantis - became a powerful civilization, where people eventually began to abuse their knowledge, as a result, violating the laws of nature, they hit the Luna Fatt to the Earth themselves They also flooded their peninsula. As a result, the catastrophe was shifted with a circle or zodiac, the axis of the Earth's rotation was leaned with a side, and winter or in Slavic Maren began to close their snow cloak by the Earth for a third. All this happened 13016 years ago and became the point of reference of the new summer from the great cooling. The Birth of Antoves moved to the country to those who lived with people with the skin of the darkness of the darkness, they taught them sciences, crafts, agriculture, the construction of pyramidal tomb, why Egypt began to be called the country of man-made countries. The first four pharaoh dynasties were white, then began to prepare in the pharaoh chief of indigenous peoples. Later there was a war between the Great Race and the Great Dragon (Chinese), as a result of which a peace treaty was signed in the Star Church (Observatory) between ASUR (AS - Earth God, UR - Caulted Territory) and Ariman (Arim, Ariman - a man with a bitter color skin). This event occurred 7516 years ago and became the point of reference of the new summer from the creation of the world in a star temple. Slavs were called asami - the gods living on earth, children of the Heavenly Gods - the creators. They were never slaves, a "short-sided herd, which did not have the right to choose. Slavs never worked (the root of the word "work" - "slave"), never by force seized other people's territories (tyranans or tirenes they called the Greeks for not allowed to seize their lands), they worked for the benefit of their kind, were the owners of the results His work. Slavs were holy honorable laws of Rita - the laws of race and blood, who did not allow heavily marriages. For this, Russians are often called racists. Again, you need to hear in the root to understand the deepest wisdom of our ancestors. The globe, like a magnet, is represented by two opposite poles. White peoples inhabited the Northern Positive Pole, Black - South Negative. All physical and energy systems of the body were configured in accordance with the work of the data of the poles. Therefore, when marriage between white and black, the child is deprived of support for the type of both parents: +7 and -7 in the amount give zero. Such children are more susceptible to diseases, because Lained full-fledged immune defense, they often become revolutionary aggressors protesting against systems that did not accept them. Now I got a mass distribution of Indian doctrine about chakras, according to which there are 7 main chakras in the body of a person along the line of the spine, but then the question arises: why the energy in the head of the head changes its signs: if the right side of the body has a positive charge, the right hemisphere will have a negative . If the energy, like electric current, flows in a straight line, without refraart, it can not just take and change his sign to the opposite. Our ancestors said that in the human body there are 9 main chakras: 7 are located along the spinal line, 2 - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression, forming the energy cross. Thus, the flow of energy is refracted in the center of the cross, changing its sign to the opposite. Jesus Christ said that everyone carries her cross, i.e. Everyone has its own energy cross. Now scientists rose the ideas of the ancients about the structure of the Universe, having a disc shape resting on three elephants, which, in turn, stand on a turtle floating in the vast Greek Ocean. The picture seems naive and stupid if flat look at things. Slavs were always famous for figuratively, for each word, each way you need to look for a series of meanings. The flat disk of the Earth was associated with flat ordinary thinking and a dual consciousness, the thinking categories of yes-no. This world is resting on three elephants: matter, as the basis of the West, the idea is the basis of the Arab East and transcanentalism or mysticism, the basis of India, Tibet, Nepal, and the like. The turtle is the source, initial knowledge, from where the "Elephants" is drawn from. Such a turtle is just the north for the rest of the peoples, directly connected to the initial knowledge - the ocean of limitless knowledge and absolute truth (energy). The simplest solar symbol of the Slavs is a swastika, which was used everywhere with Hitler, which imposed a negative imprint on the symbol of the human structure. On the other hand, the main goal of Hitler is world domination, to achieve which he used the strongest and advanced weapon, he took the basis of neither Egyptian hieroglyphs, nor Jews or Arab kabalistic signs, namely Slavic symbolism. After all, what a swastika is a cross image in motion, this is a harmonious number Four, pointing to the presence in any descendant of the Slavic-Aryan peoples of the body, which his parents were given, the souls, which the gods were settled in this body, the gods and protection Ancestors and conscience, as Merila All Acts of Man. Recall at least the holiday of the joys when people were washed in rivers (cleaned the body), jumped through the fire (cleaned the soul), went through the coal (purified the spirit). The swastika also pointed to the structure of the Universe, consisting of our world of Javi, the two worlds Navi: Dark Navi and Light Navi, i.e. Slavoy, and the world of the Vyshny Gods - Rights. If you turn to the western hierarchy of worlds, it is represented by the physical world corresponding to the world of Javi, which is washed from two sides by the astral plan, corresponding to Navi, the mental is mentioned above, as an analogue of Slav. In this case, there is no speech about the higher world of the rule. With the school bench, children tell that ignorant Slavs taught the certificate of Greek monks, forgetting that the same monks took the Slavic Book as the basis, but because it could only understand it on the images, excluded a number of letters by changing the interpretation of the remaining. Subsequently, the language was more and more simplified. The Slavs have always had two consoles without and a demon, where without meant the absence, the demon - the belonging to the resident of the dark world, i.e., saying the immortal, implies a mortal demon, if we say the murmless, it will mean quite another thing - the lack of death . The letter of Slavs carried a huge meaning. At first glance, the same word could carry a completely different meaning. So the word "world" can be interpreted completely differently, depending on which letter "and" will be used. The world through "and" meant the state without war, because The figurative value "and" is the connection of two streams. The world through "I" had an universal value, where the point - marked the Higher God of the progenitor. The world through "ï" was interpreted as a community, where two points denoted the union of gods and ancestors, and so on. Often, scientists see a kind of underdevelopment in the polybama of Slavs. But again, superficial judgments do not understand the question. The Slavs God by God, the great unknown creature, the name of which Ra-Mha (RA - Light, Lights, M - World, Ha - Positive Force), which manifested itself in a new reality, from the appearance of this reality he was illuminated by the great light of joy, and from this Lights of joy were born various worlds and universes, gods and ancestors, straight descendants, i.e. Children we are. If Ramchi manifested itself in a new reality, then there is still some kind of older reality, and above it is also. To understand this, and to know, for the Slavs, the path of spiritual revival and improvement through the creation, awareness of various worlds and infinities, development to the level of gods, was established for the Slavs and the ancestors. Slavic gods are the same people - Assa, inhabited various lands, creating for the benefit of the sort of spiritual perfection. Images of the Slavic gods were not and could not be photographic, they were not transferred not the shell, did not remove the copy, but passed the essence of the deity, the main grain and the divine structure. So Puran with a raised sword personified the protection of childbirth, welded with the sword with the edge of the downstairs kept the ancient wisdom. God he is on the fact and God that could take various bindings in an obvious world, but his essence remained the same. The same superficial understanding attributes human sacrifices to the Slavs. The materialists of the West, tied to the body, identifying the physical shell with a person, cannot understand that people did not burn in fire, but used fire (remember fire chariots), as a means of movement to other worlds and reality. So Slavic knowledge has a richest history and culture, the roots of the wisdom go deep into centuries and millennia. We, as the direct descendants of our Slavic gods and ancestors, have an inner key to the system of this knowledge, opening which we open the light path of spiritual development and improvement, we open your eyes and hearts, we begin to see, behave, live, know and understand. All wisdom is inside a person, you just need to want to see it and realize. Our gods are always near and are ready to help at any moment, like our parents, ready to put their lives for their children. Only children often do not understand this, looking for the truth in other people's homes, in the countries of the Overseas. Native parents are always tolerant and kind to their children, consult them, and they will always help.

East Slavic tribes In the IV-VI centuries, according to evidence of various sources, the Earth east of the Carpathians inhabited the descendants of Eastern Venetov - Antines, which presumably and served as the basis for ethnogenesis of East Slavic tribes. Most likely, the ANTs were formed in the II-IV centuries in the Dnieper and Dniester interference and were part of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, the successor of which became the Penkovsky archaeological culture in the VI-VIII centuries.

Another descendants of Eastern Venetov - they were alone after the 6th century, also partially migrated to the East and contributed to the ethnogenesis of East Slavic tribes.

Stories are known about 15 East Slavic tribes, which existed about the IX-XI centuries, and by the XI-XIII centuries have formed ancient Russian nationality. (Wikipedia).

So briefly describes the official history of the appearance on the Russian plain the eastern Slavs, the ancestors of the modern Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples. However, the direct connection between Ants, Venenov and Zlavnov still has not been confirmed. And to the IX century, as the magic appear on the historical scene of 15 East Slavic tribes.

There are two types of resettlement of people to new territories spontaneous and organized by the state. Spontaneous relocation is always associated with a big risk for life. Unknown Earth, habitat conditions, predatory animals, diseases and hostile local people are a direct threat to life. Therefore, spontaneous relocation most often, people perform, saving themselves from imminent problems and more often alone.

Move families with children to nowhere and, at the same time, risk their lives, not everyone will decide. And the resettlement of peasant families at the state level is quite another question. New lands are divorced, the number of land suitable for agriculture is determined, state support and protection of immigrants are carried out. Agreement with the local population is possible.

It is also important and the continuation factor of the genus. After all, if we move the family to new lands, it may mean the cessation of the genus, since the growing children will not be married. So in Siberia, the family of Lykovov moved in Taiga extinct, and four children were in the family. The instinct of self-preservation refers to the preservation of the genus.

It is difficult to imagine that spontaneous immigrants for the VIII century to form 15 tribal formations in the Russian plain or these tribes aligned and Venty. Yes, sources confirming the kinship of ants, Venenov and Zlavnov, no. As an indirect example, you can consider the female name Anna, in Polish, this name sounds Hannah. And how does the Polish Ants sound? Maybe Khanty, then they are more relative to modern hants, and not Slavs.

The binding of the tribes mentioned in the works of ancient historians to the archaeological finds of Chernyakhovskaya or Penkovsky culture is also not provable and is the conclusion of historians. As an example of the resettlement of people, you can consider the resettlement of Russian citizens in the 20th century.

At the beginning of the century, a large number of citizens lived in barracks and semi-oops, after October 1917 they began to relocate them in communal, where the luxury of the 19th century partially retained. In the mid-50s, the resettlement began in "Khrushchevka", and after 20 years in the panel new buildings. Otherwise, the same person could become a representative of four epochs and cultures. So it could be with archaeological cultures, and the difference between them in 200-300 years is not obligatory.

Empirically similar can be observed today. After 1991, a strong property bundle of people occurred in Russia. Someone lives very poorly and still uses the technique and furniture of the 20th century, and someone has everything modern. The conditional excavations of the conditional two-story house will determine the inhabitants of the second floor as residents of the 21st century, and residents of the 1st floor as residents of the 20th century. So between contemporaries to appear temporary gap in 100 years. If the "archaeologists" find a smartphone on the first floor, then explain it to the shift of the soil.

Similar processes could occur in the past. If you present an organized resettlement of five families to a given territory, and five families are enough to eliminate closest marriage among the descendants of immigrants in the nearest generations, the first two main tasks in front of people will be seed and construction of temporary housing.

In medium latitudes earlier than May, these tasks cannot be solved, and the summer is short. In such conditions, the most logical will be the collective solution to these tasks. Some of the immigrants will be occupied by the construction of new housing, and the other part of Pakhto and sowing. Without solving these tasks in the winter period, they were waiting for death from hunger and cold.

What housing can be built on an ambulance hand in the forest or forest-steppe zone? The simplest architecture is a harsh type twilight. It is possible that immigrants did so. Then they built a large twilight of five families immediately, taking into account the content of birds and livestock. This type of settlement is similar to Chernyakhov.

But peasant families prefer to live their own economy. Then it is natural that the next year they will begin to settle the overall barak. Practice shows that collective work is very rarely qualitative. Therefore, it is difficult to assume that immigrants began to build good-quality homes and household buildings difficult. The most likely step in the resettlement was the construction of individual hedrancy for each family. And it is very logical that people could look after the resettlement more convenient place.

Then, instead of a common barrack, there are five hedgeons for each individual family. What is very similar to the Penkovsky culture. And the construction of more comfortable houses with economic buildings carried out each family independently, it is possible that people continued to help each other. As well as in modern times. Thus, the same people could become representatives of three, and then four different cultures. In the 20th century, only several cultures can be traced in music and architecture.

From the point of view of a temporary estimate, the first common villain will collapse first and become an artifact for archaeologists. Family semi-windows can be used for several years before building a house, then as a cattle courtyard. Then they have a chance to relive their prototype for 20 years. But it is not 200 years!

When organizing the resettlement of peasants by the state, people could prepare their relocation and in the cold period of the year, after assembling the harvest. First of all, to prepare a building material for housing. If you submit the resettlement process entirely, it might look like this. In some kingdom, the state came flourishing. The number of rural population increased dramatically, or each family was able to grow a greater number of children.

Over time, the growing children and the emergence of new families and new children, agricultural land will stop grab. Then there will be a threat of hunger and, as a result, the decline of the state. There is the only way out of such a situation - resettlement of excessive population. Analogs of such relocations are known in the new story. So settled North America, the Urals Stroganov and Demidov, South Siberia and the Far East. The same resettlement at the state level was Tovina under Soviet power in the 60s, with the only difference that they were not sent to the virgin, but the youth.

What state could the large-scale resettlement of people in Eastern Europe? All historians attribute the appearance of Slavs in Europe in the 6th - 8th centuries. At that period, the only major state in the Mediterranean was the Byzantine Empire. So from there?

The official story claims that at the end of the 5th and 6th century, at the emperors, Justin and Justinian, the Byzantine Empire was at the peak of heyday. Then it comes to the conclusion that the ancestors of all modern Slavs moved to the expanses from Oder to the Volga, it is these emperors from the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Is there any confirmation?

There are no direct evidence and most likely will not. But there are several indirect confirmations. For example, in Russian folklore, the concepts of Tsargrad and Tsar-Batyushka exist. Tsargrad is Byzantine or Constantinople, in which the king-father was sitting. Could migrants and their descendants so affectionately call the king? And why not, if the monarch presented them and their descendants rich landfits than ensured prosperity for centuries. And why in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, never called Tsargrad, but only the capital? As if hinting, that the throne is, and there is no king on it. This reasoning brings to the question, did our ancestors accepted as the kings of Rurikovich and Romanov?

The second indirect confirmation is the name of the field flowers in the Russian field. And the Russian field, and these field flowers are the symbols of our identity. We are talking about chamomile and cornflower. In these names, a sense relationship with the Byzantine Empire is definitely traced, the chamomile is named after the favorite debris of the Romanesque Empire, and Vasilek in honor of the beloved Tsar-father of the Byzantine Emperor Bazilevs. And a good quarter of wild flowers from the Russian field have brightly pronounced Greek-Byzantine names - clover, Melis, Valerian, buttercup (louges) and Timofeevka herbs or Osim and some others.

It turns out that the ancestors of Slavs were there and from there went to the lands of Slavic.

There is another confirmation that has not been noticed by the official history. This is the date of the founding of Kiev. According to the legend, a certain prince of cues with brothers and sisters founded the city of Kiev, who became the capital of the Pollas and the Rodonachal of all Russian cities. Legend dates the base 482nd. And how much is this date legendary?

This is the end of the 5th century, when the flourishing of the Byzantine Empire begins to Justinian. At that time, the resettlement of peasants could well begin. Who in the 482nd was the Byzantine emperor? The answer is striking - Zeno Flavius \u200b\u200bTarasicodiss! Is the Ukrainian Zina and Taras appeared from here? After all, the name of Taras can be considered purely Ukrainian. The version that tivers, whites Croats and Kiev Polyan could really relocate the Byzantine emperor Tsar-Batyushka Zenon-Taras, in honor of which a huge number of children were called.

If you really consider the relocation by the state of the peasants to new lands, then the first work was to be exploited by the armed detachment, similar to Ermak detachment during the development of Siberia. In the Byzantine Empire, in those days, detachments were commanded by the heads of the cavalry - strategists. Head of the cavalry. How can it be called in another language? It is possible that the name will be the contamination or prince.

The legend says that the prince of Kiye with the brothers of the cheeks and kees founded Kiev on Kiev hills. On the other hand, it could look like this - Emperor Taras sent his squad under the beginning of Kiya (Latin Kiy) to establish the outpost for the subsequent relocation of peasants to new lands. Only what name can be associated with the name of Konong Kai? Probably only the Jewish name Cain!

If so, then the founder of modern Kiev was the Byzantine strategist Jew Kain. His detachment was organized by the resettlement of the groups of peasants from the Balkan Peninsula, which, subsequently, formed the East Slavonic tribes of the Pollas, White Croat and Tivers. Among which, and the names of Taras and Zina spread. It is possible that the second strategist-konung was a keeve, from which the name of Croats occurred or vice versa. Who was the prototype of the cheek and Lybeda, while you can only guess.

It can be assumed that in the title of the tribe white Croats the word white appeared not by chance. By analogy with the legendary Hellen, that in translation means light, white were called for the fact that they were blonde and light-skinned. It is likely that at that time genetic mutation continued, and Flooking people appeared.

Logistics of resettlement at the state level of that time suggests that for the resettlement of a population group with a number of 5,000 people in one area is enough for 3-5 years. 5000 migrants for one century can grow into a tribe of up to 150,000 people. Then Russia of early Middle Ages with the 15th resettlement centers, populated 75,000 immigrants, could count to the 8th century to 10 million people.

There are estimates of the population of Kievan Rus in the 10th century from 5400,000 to 7,500,000 people, which looks very real. The version of the resettlement of the ancestors of Slavs from the territory of the Byzantine Empire looks the same very much on this, many Greco-Slavic traditions, such as writing and religion have a lot in common. Could not live on one territory to live on one territory and, at the same time, communicate in absolutely different languages \u200b\u200band have absolutely different religion.

Of the foregoing, it turns out that the history of the Byzantine Empire is significantly reduced. All "Kievan Rus" was part of the Unified Byzantine Romanesque Empire, and until its fall in Russia could not have a certain ruling Dynasty of Rüric and his descendants. The same processes could occur in other European lands. The so-called great relocation of peoples was the relocation of peasants from the Byzantine Empire to Western Europe.

The great relocation, arranged by Justinian, was revolutionary, and at the same time, destructive for the empire. If you consider the entire territory of Europe from England to the Urals in the 10th century, and how they settled the peoples of the time. It is not difficult to imagine that the entire forest part settled the tribes of hunters, who were representatives of the Ubro-Finnish language family and partially German and Celtic in Western Europe.

Earth suitable for agriculture, which bordered with forest hunting grounds, began to give agricultural products. There was a real commodity exchange between hunters and peasants. Grain, vegetables, poultry and animals are easily exchanged on honey, wax and fur. If earlier Tsar-father could collect taxes only from the near peasants, because the smoky chicken can not be delivered for a thousand kilometers. And salt will not help!

And the wax, honey or skins of animals can be transported for thousands of kilometers. What is wax in those times? Yes, this is the oil of our time! This is a hydrocarbon energy! And honey? This is the sugar of our time and preservative! And fur? So it's freely convertible currency! It turned out that the wise emperor, moving the peasants to the forest-steppe and in the broad-sized forests, made an economic revolution in the empire!

Collectability of taxes increased in the vigor, honey and fur replacing the wax, honey and fur came in the form of coins. Is it because KUN is mentioned in Yaroslavova? Perhaps this is an assessment of the skins of a cascader, a pronounced coin. The empire intensified hundreds of stock man!

But, the great resettlement of the ancestors of Romantsev, Germans and Slavs to Europe from the autochthonous Balkan and low-union lands of the Byzantine Empire, caused an explosion of the empire from the inside. Care from the Empire of Court of Europeoids to Europe, and they were the main carriers of the European part of the general religion, caused opposition to the Semitic part of the population of the Empire.

A part of the people of the Empire - Semites, felt like a major weight of the population, demanded recognition of their religious sense as the main one. On new outskirts of the empire, religious flows of Orthodoxy and Catholicism were covered. The process of forming religion is very similar to the process of education of their dialect.

The version is sufficiently plausible. Then the appearance of Slavs, Romanticians and Germans in Europe is directly related to the split from the Church for three concessions - Christian, Muslim and Jewish. It is possible that the oscillations took place until the 10th century. What was reflected in Russian folklore as the baptism of Russia.

Very briefly, according to scientific data.
Slavs - This is the largest Indo-European language group at the moment in Europe. Inside the general Slavonic unity, Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashuba and Luzhican) are allocated, South Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenians, Montenegrins) and Eastern Slavs (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Rusins).

The origin of ethnonym Slavs
There are several versions of the etymology of the term "Slavs".
1. The value of ethnonym goes back to the word "word", i.e. Slavs are people who have the gift of the word, unlike the foreign language peoples. The version is based on the opposition of its own - someone else, which was widespread in antiquity in many nations. (supporters- L. Notherle, T. Ler-Splavinsky, R.O. Jacobson.)
2. B.A. The fishermen binds the Slavs with the tribes of the Venenov Roman authors and interprets the term Slavs as "Lears" + "Vienna" (ie, Venenov's ambassadors).
3. The etymology of the word goes back to Indo-European Korni -Kleuu-, one of whose meanings is "glory" in the concept of fame, celebrity, popularity.
4. The word "Slavs" is associated with a hydronema in the area of \u200b\u200bresettlement of one of the tribes and subsequently spread to all other tribes. The epithele epithet r. Dnipro - Slavutich, r. Serving the influx of Vazuza, Polish. Names of the rivers Sљawa, SљAWIs, Serbian River Slavnitsa, etc.
5. Samulation is derived from the Indo-European word -slauosos people (supporters - S. B. Bernstein, I. Yu. Mikkol).

Where did Slavs come from?
From where the Slavs came to find out the territory of Slavic Pranodina, linguistics data, toponymics, paleobotants and paleozologies, historical linguistics, anthropology and archeology were used. It was found that the Praodina region should be in the foothills where Oak, Beech and Grab grow, in the basin of rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea and should not go to the sea coast. The territory is approximately localized somewhere in the North Carpathian area. According to the archeology of the first archaeological culture of the associated actually with the Slavs, the Slkin Culture V - II BB. BC. The range of distribution of this culture is South Poland, the North of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, South-East of Germany and Carpathia. This place is associated actually with the allocation of the Slavic language from the Baltoslavny language community. In the north, Slavs bordered with the Balti and the Germans, in the East with the Iranian-speaking tribes of Scythians and Sarmatov, in the south with Illyrians and Thracians and Celts in the West.
Slavs are sometimes identified with part of the Scythian Cultural Area (so-called. Skify-Pahari), as well as with the ethnonym of Venteda. So Finns are still called Russia - Wenenia, and Estonians - Venemaa.

Settlement of Slavs.
By the end of the II century. BC. To the west of the Carpathians, Prazvorsk archaeological culture is localized, and east of the Carpathians - Zarubanetskaya, the carriers of which are part of the Slavs. The resettlement of the SlavsProvers of Pshevorsk culture migrate to the Dnieper, and there in the II century the Chernyakhov archaeological culture is formed, which also included the Iranian-speaking tribes of Sarmatians.
With vi in. AD Slavs are actively involved in the great resettlement of peoples, reproving a new ethnic map of Europe. There comes the Slavic stage of ethnogenesis of Europe. The settlement of Slavs in Europe took place in three main areas: south to the Balkan Peninsula, north and east along the Eastern European Plain and to the West in the middle Prawnier and Mezhdar and the Oder and Elbe.
Three directions of settlement determined the separation of the Slavs into three branches: Eastern, Western and South. In the age of the time years, twelve East Slavic tribal unions, inhabiting territories between the Baltic and Black Seas. Among these breeding unions, Polyan, Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Radmichi, Väniki, Curvichi, Slovenia, Dulyba (later divided into Volyn and Bujan), White Croats, Northerners, Oitlini, Feathers.

Written Certificates of Slavs
Written certificates of Slavanyannaya Moves the greatest references to the Slavs to contain antique authors I in. n. E (Pliny Senior, Tacitis). Online mentioned the Vecedy, which is accepted to identify with the Slavs. About Slavs, under the name of Soclavains and Ants, are first spoken in the middle of the VI century AD. Two authors are the Byzantine historian of the procopy of Caesarian and Goth Jordan. Below are the most informative evidence of the Slavs of the two specified authors.
These [Venetians], as we have already told at the beginning of our presentation, - precisely when transferring tribes, - originated from one root and are now known to three names: Venetov, Ants, Zlavenov. Although now, by our sins, they will warm everywhere, but then they all obeyed the authorities of Germanic.
These tribes, Slavs and Antines are not managed by one person, but since ancient times live in the population, and therefore they have happiness and misfortune in life is considered common. And in all the rest of both of these barbaric tribes, all life and laws are the same. They believe that alone is only God, the Creator of Liaph, is the Lord over everyone, and he sacrifice bulls and make other sacred rites. Destiny they do not know and do not recognize anything at all that she has any power towards people, and when they are about to face the death covered by the disease, or in the war, they will be promised if they are saved, Immediately bring God the victim for your soul; Avoiding death, they sacrificed what they promised, and think that the salvation was bought by the price of this victim. They worship the rivers, and the nymph, and all sorts of other deities, bring sacrifices to all of them and, with the help of the victims, we divoriate. They live in miserable huts, at a great distance from each other, and they all often change the place of residence. Entering the battle, most of them goes to enemies with shields and darts in their hands, they never put on the shelters; Ohhh do not wear neither shirts or raincoats, but only the pants, tumped into a wide belt belt, and in this form go to the battle with enemies. For those and others the same language, there is enough barbaric. And in appearance they do not differ from each other. Very high growth and tremendous strength. The skin and hair color is white or golden and not quite black, but they are all dark red. The lifestyle they have, like Massagets, rough, without any amenities, are always covered with mud, but essentially they are not bad and not very angry, but in all cleanliness they retain the Gun morals. In antiquity, both of these tribes called [scattered], I think because they lived, occupying the country "Sporadden", "scattered", separate villages. Therefore, they need a lot of land. They live, occupying most of the coast of Istra, on the other side of the river. I consider sufficient the people said.
No less interesting and data on the Slavs of the Byzantine Emperor Mauritius Strategist. The work of Mauritius "Starkon" was for the subsequent generations of the Byzantine commander, a peculiar textbook on military action against Slavs. The information concerns mainly military affairs. The author marks them a huge number of military tricks. So our ancestors could hide in a reservoir, breathing through the reed or use the reception of false retreat. Mauritius describes the Slavs as extremely freedom-loving, unpretentious and hardy people who value the hospitality, which they are erected in almost the element of the cult. On this occasion, the historian of the XIX century Petrushevsky A.F. wrote the following. Slavs were the most good and very hospitable. Going out of the house, Slavs did not lock the door and left a different meal on the table, in case the wanderer enters. Other were not even considered dishonor, if the owner behind poverty steals something for the guest. According to the author of the author of the Slavs after the death of her husband could prefer death on his grave of the position of the widow. It also noted that they have some features of patriarchal slavery, so having spent some time a slave, a person could move into the position of the free member of the community.

Reader on the history of the USSR. T. I / Sost. V. Lebedev et al. M.: 1940
Fishermen B. A. Paganism of ancient Russia. M.: Publisher "Science", 1987
Fishermen B. A. Paganism of the ancient Slavs M.: Publisher "Science", 1981
Corneli Tacitus. Works in two volumes. T.1. Annals. Small works. L.: Science, 1969
Sedov V.V. Origin and early history of Slavs. M.: Publishing House "Science", 1979
Gimbutas M. Slavs. Sons of Perun. M.: 2001.
Magazine Rodnovserie №1 (1) 2009

Modern Germany, in its northern, northwestern and eastern parts, literally pissed by Slavic on the origin of the names of cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, forests, meadows, hills and other facilities that were given to these objects of Lutchi, Bodrichi and Serbs. Slavic in the origin of the names of cities can be easily identified at the endings of -Itz, -in, -Oh, -ah. Also, Slavic in origin, are many names that are currently ending with "Burg" (in German "Fortress"). The name may include the Slavic root "Bor" adapted to German in the form of "Burg". There is another common type of names of German cities ending with "Berg" (in German "Mountain"). If there are no mountains in the surrounding area with such a name, but the river flows, or the city is located on the seashore, in this case, "Berg" in these names is adapted under German Slavic word "Breg". The word "Breg" means "coast". Compare: the Polish city of Kolobrzeg (Kolobug, literally, "near the shore") in German was called Kolberg.

Examples of Slavic names in Germany: Ratzeburg - Ratibor, is mentioned since the first attempts to conquer the Germans of these lands; Marienburg - Maribor; Brandenburg - Branibor; Krukov - hooks; Fur - possibly from the word "fur"; Belarus - Belov; Lutau - Lutov; Labenz - Mabinets, from Laba; Goltsov - from the Golts; Lukov - onions; Gudov - from the verb to "buzz"; Belitz - from the word "white"; Collov - cocov; Alt-Mölln - Old Mill, this "Mühle", and not "Mölln"; Eyes - eyes; Vendland - Earth of Vandov; Schwinau - probably pigs; Vendish-Efefer - the name contains mention of vendors; Moritz - Moritz; Plotskau - Plkov, Compare: Flex and Pskov; Lubeck - Lyubich, Lyubin, lovers, etc.; Mountain - Mountains; Grain - from the word "grain"; Breasen - cut; Koselitz - Kozelets, from the word "goat", compare with Kozelsk; Roslau - Roslov; Dobritz - Dobrich, from the word "good"; Domunities - from the word "house"; Sprout; Berlin is a city of Bera (Berloga); Chemnitz - Certice; Dresden - originated from the "Dami" a place where people live in the forest; Leipzig - Lipsk; CERBST - Serbsk; Luban - Lubin; Schwerin - Zverin; Hyromami: Elba - Laba; Oder - Water, Odra; Neis - Nisa; Zale - Sala; Sprey (on which Berlin stands) - Spere, grass (in the mouth of which Lubeck stands) - Grass, degrees - degree (Power, leisurely flows), etc. Muritz - Moritz.

Other topographic properties: Not far from Dresden there is a hill that is called, even in German: the hill. On the island of Rugen (Ruyan) there is a place that even in modern German transcription is called the Mountain Sang. In the East, the North and North-West of Germany there are thousands of Slavic names. This is a direct consequence, as well as the testimony of the primordial residence in these territories of Slavs: Pins, Pn, Mesh, Rathenov, Evil Comorts, Taurles, Barnov, Bellobrag, Biskopyitsa, Lukov, Han, Punchnitsa, Slotnik, Habrachychitsy, Vorchin, Glomach, Elov , Ilov, Kamyenz, Kamenza, Muzhakakov, Babin, Security, Rado Mountain, Dobrynya, Bebobrag, Rybakh, Wierian, Mensia, Divka, Biala, Grodk, Rivne, Rashi, Rushitsa, Rude, Salov, Zhuritsy, Chisani Dol, Chornov, Tales , Sokolitsa, Hall, Koslov, Cossar, End, Glinka, Truck, Dubts, Demyans, Dobrush, Daughters, Dechin, Dubravka, etc. Listed toponyms are indicated in the Slavic version. Under the following links, you can find the names of these and many other cities and settlements in Germany both in Slavyansky and in German versions. Mapping toponyms in German, Doloserbsky (Nizhneelzhitsky), as well as mountainhrybsky (Verkhnezhitsky) languages \u200b\u200bare given. See the comparison of German and Nizhnylzhitsky names and the comparison of German and Verkhnegutsky names. Doloserbsky and Gorninbsky are the last, preserved to the present day, the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof Germany. Language languages.

In modern Germany, in the place of residence of Luzhitsky Serbs, in the north of Saxony and the south of Brandenburg, on road signs, as well as sometimes on maps, the Slavic names of cities and villages, in an unchanged Slavic form, are indicated along with the relevant German (or German-based Slavic): Bela Water - Waisvasser, Gubin - Guben, Hoshbus - Kotbus, Budishin - Bautsen, etc.

In accordance with the ideas of modern historical science, approximately from the VI century. Our era most of the modern Austria was settled by the Slavs. Although there are modern and old hypotheses about living Slavs on these lands and in much earlier times. They controlled the eastern part of its current territory. Western border of the settlement of Slavs in the VI century. She passed along the River Ens, which proceeds in the Austrian land Salzburg. Thus, at that time, the Slavs settled significantly more than half of the square of the modern Austrian state. In the VI century Local Slavs are part of the Avar Kaganata. Then their land, along with the lands of Chekhov, Slovaks, some Polandskiy Slavs, modern Slovenians, partially Croats and partly, the Slavs of modern Poland, as well as some lands of modern northeastern Italy, are part of the independent state of themselves. Next, there is the Slavic Principality of Quarantion. In the VIII century The lands of Western and East Austria were included in the Empire of Charles Great. Eastern brand was established by them. Austria itself stood out in autonomous education within the framework of the Sacred Roman Empire, at the end of the city.

On the map of modern Austria, you can find a large number of Slavic on the origin of the titles. One of the first in the middle of the XIX century. The Czech historian, the linguistic and ethnographer of Shembra drew attention to it. Although here you can also mention, for example, the Russian Generalissimus Suvorov, who during his alpine campaigns at the end of the XVIII century. Noted recogniziness and understanding from the point of view of Slavica, many local names, as well as the possibility fairly easy to communicate in Russian with the local population. It is widely known for his statement that how much has passed since, since they left Russia, and everything with local people can express themselves. This remark he did in the Austrian Empire, on the way to Italy, about the territory of modern Austria or Slovenia. But among the studies of the new time, one of the first, the problem was investigated by Shembra. He studied thousands of cards of this country and found, according to him, more than 1,000 Slavic names of rivers, mountains, forests, plains and towns. Shember continued his own research by studying archival materials and personally traveling to the areas of interest to it. In addition, he discovered a huge number of Slavic toponyms on the territory of some of the then northern German states, such as Brandenburg, Saxony, Mecklenburg, etc. The results of their research was published in the book "Západni Slované V Pravêku" (1860). Slavic toponymy Germany

If you view the rivers of Russia (European part), Ukraine and Belarus, then from about a thousand rivers more than half ends on-way, ",", ",", ",", "," said, "Yes. These names were given in those days when these endings themselves were the words of Ka - the soul, which became the diminutive end, Ma - Mother, ha - movement, Va - water. Consequently, the names were given several thousand years ago. In Russia, these were the time of settlement of its European part, after the departure of the glacier, and were used during the settlement of Europe by Aria. In addition to these endings, the sign of Arie-Slavic rivers is - Don, Dan, Dun.

Here are the rivers of other European countries with hydronism of Slavic origin:

Rivers of the Czech Republic: Vltava, Morava, Odra;
Poland rivers: Kachava, Kvis, Root, Cortuvka, Krutnya, Kurucking;
Serbia Rivers: Drava, Morava, Nishava, Kolubara, Racina:
Albania Rivers: Berish, Bistrita, Buna, Bustrice, Willon, Guests, Guyanica, Duneavetsi, Kalas, Lana, Lesnich, Tirana;
Romania River: Bistrita-Moldova, Bogonos, Bega, Dymbowitsa, EP, Zhizha, Krasnova, Moldova, Suceava, Tisa, Yalomitsa;
River Hungary: Tisa, ID, Slave, Drava, Hall;
France Rivers: Loire, Sena, Garonna, Somme;
Rivers England: Severn, Don, London (Thames);
Norway Rivers: Glomma, Wam, Running, Quenna, Piece, Nidelva, Orkla, Sira, Rena, Queen;
Lithuanian Rivers: Bartuva, Ditz, Jean, Zizhma, Kotra, Lepon, Flyer, Mituwa, Musa, Meat, Radin, Rudamine, Smilga, Yura;
Latvia Rivers: Abava, Bartuva, Veda, Ventoga, Wildoga, Telight, Majer, Dubna, Isnauda, \u200b\u200bKira, Page, Lada, Langa, Lauzes, Luza, Lypne, Loudonka, Mill, Misa, Paslauchka, Perfovka, Playing, Riva, Rica , Blue, soup, co-bar, tripled;
Denmark River: Huden, Stora, Ward, View, Susa, Odenza.

There are obviously Slavic Rivers in the Scandinavian Finno-Ugi: Sweden, Finland and Estonia. On Peloponnese, Apennines and Pyrenees of Arie-Slavonic hydronism practically no. Separate names are not explained by any resettlement, how much influence of the Slavic-Aryan ethnos, as well as late renaming and distortion of pronunciation in the historical process.
River Estonia: Narva.
Finland River: Vuoksa;
Greece Rivers: Eridan, Vios, Vardar, Maritsa, Places, Struma (Four Recents - in Greek Macedonia, Former Slavic Earth);
Rivers of Spain: Guadiana, Segura, Pisuherga, Harama;
Rivers in Italy: Adda, Dora;

Here is a map of hydronism of Slavic origin. Interestingly, the fact that in places of resettlement of Russian Finno-Ugrations and Turks (Mari, Mordva, Udmurts, Chuvashi and Other), Arya-Slavonic Hydronimes are also preserved. This confirms that the primary Volga region was settled with arias. And only after the cooling of the subtlest period of Aria, these places left and the finno-ugrons were settled. This card corresponds to the genetic data distribution of the haplogroup R1A1. But exclusively Germanic hydronomists, as well as an exceptionally German haplogroup.