Good doctor Aibolit. The birthday of Dr. Aibolita who is the author of Dr. Aibolit

Good doctor Aibolit. The birthday of Dr. Aibolita who is the author of Dr. Aibolit
Good doctor Aibolit. The birthday of Dr. Aibolita who is the author of Dr. Aibolit

Aibolit is the fairy tale of Kornea Chukovsky in verses, which admires adults and guys for almost a hundred years. It describes the feat of Dr. Aibolit. In the day and night, the animals are born to him for help, and the doctor helps everyone. Glory about the best doctor for animals scattered throughout the light. Once an unusual guest arrived at Aibolit. What will change in the life of a talented doctor after this visit? Read in a fairy tale about talent, mercy, sympathy, self-denial and how important it is to do your job well.

Part 1

Good Dr. Aibolit!
He sits under the tree.
Come to him to be treated
And cow, and a wolf,
And bug, and worm,
And bear!

All cure, heal
Good Dr. Aibolit!

Part 2

And came to Aibolit Lisa:
"Oh, I was bitten by the OSA!"

And came to Aibolit Barbos:
"My chicken pecked in the nose!"
And came running Zhenichikha

And screamed: "Ah, ah!
My bunny fell under the tram!
My bunny, my boy
Hit under the tram!
He ran along the track
And he cut legs,
And now he is sick and chrome,
Little Zainka my! "

And Aibolit said: "It's not a trouble!
Sign it here!
I will send him new legs,
He will run on the track again. "
And brought a bunny to him,
Such a patient, chrome,
And the doctor sewed his legs.
And Zainka jumps again.
And with him and hassiness mother
Also went to dance.
And she laughs and shouts:
"Well, thank you, Aibolit!"

Part 3.

Suddenly, from somewhere jackal
On the mare rushing:
"Here is a telegram
From the hypopotam! "

"Come, Doctor,
In Africa soon
And save, doctor
Our kids! "

"What is? Really
Your children got sick? "

"Yes, yes yes! They have angina,
Scarlatina, Cholery,
Diphtherite, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come sooner
Good doctor Aibolit! "

"Okay, okay, run,
Your children will help.
Only where do you live?
On the mountain or in the swamp? "

"We live on Zanzibar,
In Kalahari and Sahara,
On the mountain Fernando-software
Where hippo walks
Broad Limpopo.

Part 4.

And Aibolit got up, ran aibolit.
In the fields, in the forests, in the meadows he runs.
And the only word is repeated aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in the face of him the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, turn back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:
"I can't go further."

And now it's because of the tree
Shaggy wolves run away:
"Sit, Aibolit, riding,
We will catch you! "

And the arabolit rushed forward
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 5.

But in front of them the sea -
Raging, noise at the square.
And the wave walks high in the sea,
Now Aibolita will swallow.

"Oh" if I drown,
If I go for the bottom.

With my beasts of forest? "

But here heats whales:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big steamer,
I'll take you forward! "

And sat on whale aibolit
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 6.

And the mountains get up in front of him,
And he starts crawling in the mountains
And the mountains are all higher, and the mountains are worse,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I do not come
If in the way the break
What will be with them, with patients,
With my beasts of forest?

And now with a high cliff
Eagles flew to Aibolit:
"Sit, Aibolit, riding,
We will catch you! "

And sat on Eagita Aibolit
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 7.

And in Africa,
And in Africa,
On black
Sits and crying
In Africa
Sad hippopo.

He is in Africa, he is in Africa
Sitted under the palm
And on the sea from Africa
Without rest looks:
Does not go in the boat
Dr. Aibolit?

And grow on the road
Elephants and rhinos
And they say angrily:
"What is no Aibolit?"

And near Behemotiki
Grabbed the tummy:
They have hippo
Tumors hurt.

And right there
Scattered like piglets.
Ah, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor fucking!

And measles, and diphtherite they
And there, and bronchitis from them,
And their head hurts
And sore hurts.

They lie and wander:
"Well, he does not go,
Well, he does not go,
Dr. Aibolit?"

And nearby confused
Toothy shark
Tord shark
On the sun lies.

Ah, at her baby,
At the poor shark,
Already twelve day
Teeth hurt!

And dislocate the player
At the poor grasshopper;
Does not jump, he does not jump
And bitter bitterly crying
And the doctor calls:
"Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come? "

Part 8.

But here, look, some kind of bird
Getting closer and closer through the air rushes.
On a bird, look, sits aibolit
And the hat is waving and loudly shouts:
"Long live my dear Africa!"

Aibolit: Aibolit Fictional Veterinarian, a character of several works of Kornea Chukovsky, 1929 1936. Aibolit (Tale) Children's fairy tale in verses Kornea Chukovsky, 1929. Aybolit 66 Single Music Artistic ... Wikipedia

Aibolit and Barmali Aibolit and Barmalei ... Wikipedia

Aibolit 66, USSR, Mosfilm, 1966, CV., 99 min. Tale, eccentric musical comedy. According to the fairy tale, the root of Chukovsky "Aibolit". Director R. Bulls made jokes, funny, carnival representation. He even came up with a particular spectacle ... ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (Values). Aibolit 66 Genre Fairy Tale Comedy Adventure, Family Movie Music F ... Wikipedia

This term has other values, see crocodile (values). Crocodile Genre: Tale

Muha Costochuha on the Russian Postage Mark. 1993 Fly Casting Children's fairy tale in verses Kornea Chukovsky and the main heroine of this fairy tale. The fairy tale was written in 1923, but at first it was banned by censorship: in the phrase "And the beetles are horned, men ... ... Wikipedia

- "Crocodile" Children's fairy tale in verses (poem) Kornea Chukovsky, the first children's essay of the author. The fairy tale was written in 1916 in 1917. For the first time published called "Vanya and Crocodile" in the appendix to the magazine "Niva" "for children." In 1919, under ... ... Wikipedia

This term also has other values, see Barmals (Values). Barmalei Genre: Fairy Tale

This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (Values). Dr. Aibolit ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (Values). Dr. Aibolit Type Cartoon Hand Drawn Animation Genre Fairy Tale Director David Cherkasy ... Wikipedia


  • Aibolit. Fairy tale panoramic, Chukovsky roots Ivanovich. The Panoramic Book "Aibolit" will take the imagination of the child in the fairy tale of Kornea Chukovsky about good Dr. Aibolit, who loves animals very much and takes care of them. Considering the book, the child is not ...
  • Dr. Aibolit Fairy Tale, Chukovsky K .. The book included two first part of the famous fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit", written on the motives of the fabulous story about Dr. Dulittla English writer Gü Lofting. About dangerous ...

Does the children who wrote "Aibolita" know - the most popular fairy tale among young preschool literature lovers? How was the image of the doctor, who was a prototype and whether to read this fairy tale at all? Below about it is described in more detail.

Who wrote "Aibolita"?

This fairy tale was written by the famous children's writer and the poet in 1929, she was first introduced to the readers' court and immediately won the hearts of thousands of readers. She fell in love with not only kids whose caring parents read them fairy tales for the night, but also adults who had fallen in the soul of the plot of the work.

The author of "Aibolita" did not simply told the story of a selfless medicine worker, strictly observing the oath of the hippocracy, and it became stamped into living poems, which easily fall into memory and literally from the second reading is remembered by children.

The prototype "Aibolita" Chukovsky considers Dr. Dulittla - the hero of the English fairy tale, which heals animals and understands their language. The roots of Ivanovich translated a fairy tale for Russian-speaking children and at some point thought that it would be nice to write his fairy tale about the same wonderful person.

"Aibolit" is a story about how a medical wide profile is engaged in medical activities, healing animals from various diseases, and sometimes it is quite peculiar: chocolate, sweet Gogol-Mogol, which suggests that he is not just a skillful healer bodies, But the unfortunate souls. He takes the patients, sitting under the tree, which suggests his altruism and complete dedication, while he does not divide animals into classes, caste or by the nature of activity - for all there is a minute of attention and treatment.

At some point, the messenger arrives at the horse with an urgent letter, in which residents (animals) of Africa, who says about his abilities, is begging for help. Naturally, the compassional Aibolit is in a hurry to the rescue and various beasts and birds help him in this. By common efforts, they defeat the terrible epidemic within ten days, without releasing either a moment. As a result, the fame of the striking abilities of the doctor applies to the whole world.

Characteristics of the main character

"Good Dr. Aibolit ..." - this is exactly what the first line of fairy tales in verses sounds, and it is she who defines the essence of this fabulous man: his kindness and love for animals does not know borders, because sometimes the doctor finds himself in critical situations, on the verge of life and death And still makes a choice in favor of suffering, and not yourself. His professional qualities will not be allowed to doubt the huge luggage of knowledge to which the aibolit possesses. Chukovsky gave him such qualities as the latitude of souls and fearlessness, gullibility, but the softness of the soul.

At the same time, according to the plot, it is clearly seen that even such a wonderful and brave person comes the moments of despair and the decline of the forces, which makes it even more humane, closer to the simple people, unlike European and American stories, in which the main characters were often endowed with "Divine "Qualities.

What does this work teaches?

Aibolit's fairy tale is designed to open knowledge about what does not matter what kind of, family and family do you belong: in moments of grief, difficulties and suffering living beings should help each other not only for payment or gratitude, but simply by kettling Hearts and kindness of the soul. Combined such wisdom, a person rises to a higher level of evolution - disinterested love for animals and the whole world.

The one who wrote "Aibolita" made a work simple for understanding even the most small listeners, knowing that the seeds of good, laid down in early childhood, will definitely be powder and will give great fruits, forming the moral and high spiritual spirit of man.

Author about "Aybolit"

The roots of Ivanovich picked up the rhymes for this fairy tale quite a long time, turning out hundreds of phrases and plot phrases, trying to invest a maximum of meaning in a small amount of words, knowing that there is no longer a long "epic" of a child who has a scrupulous descriptions of nature, items and appearance is not interested, because he himself Maybe it is to think, thanks to an amazing fantasy, which is strongly developed for each kid.

At the same time, Chukovsky wanted the rhymes of the fairy tale to be banal and primitive, because he was the admirer of the great poetry Pushkin, Derzhavin and Nekrasov: He simply could not lower his creation to the level of boulevard rhymes. Therefore, the tale in verse rewrited again and again: something was added, the other categorically cut off, sometimes in large parts. The author wanted to focus the attention of the reader on the character of the doctor, on his heroic attitude to his profession, no! - Rather, the lifestyle when his honor and conscience did not allow to leave the suffering in trouble.

Therefore, the fairy tale has undergone several changes, he drove into half and only then was presented to the court of readers.

The continuation of the fairy tales is!

The one who wrote "Aibolita," did not stop at what was achieved, because the popularity of history was a pretty: the children wrote the letters to Chukovsky, falling asleep with questions about what was further, as the doctor lived, whether he had relatives and about other things that are interested It is children. Therefore, the roots of Ivanovich decided to write a fairy tale about the same doctor, but with a more detailed description of what was happening: if the tale in verses was close to children up to six years, then the second version of the story was closer to children from six to 13, since the plots in it More - four more, and in each there is a separate morality, which Chukovsky wanted to convey to small readers.

For the first time, this story was released in 1936, he was redoned several times by the author, refined and in 1954 finally approved in the completed version. The fairy tale came to the soul fans of the creativity of Kornea Ivanovich, but many admitted that the fairy tales in verses succeed better.

It is worth mentioning that the character of Aibolit appears in two fairy tales in verses of the same author: "Barmalei" (1925) and "over-the Barmaley" (1942). If you judge the dates, then "Barmalei" was written earlier than "Aibolit", which means that the author first created the fleeting image, which after fully opened in a separate work.

Leningrad, Gosizdat, 1925. 35 p. With IL. Circulation 10,000 copies. In color Publishing lithographic cover. Emergency rarity!

In 1924, a book was published in the Leningrad Division of Detgism, on the title page of which it was: "Lofting Guy. Dr. Aibolit. For young children, K. Chukovsky retraced. Fig. E. Beluhi. L. State Ed. 1925 On this output, it is worth paying attention to four points at once: the name of the author, the name, formulation "for young children has retold" and the release date. The easiest problem is with the date. 1925, located on the title page, is the usual trick in the publishing practice, when the book coming out at the end or December or December is marked with the next year to preserve the novelty of the publication. The name of the author, incorrectly specified in both the first Russian publications of the lofting (in the retelling of Chukovsky and the transfer of Havkina), is the publishing mistake. Employees of the State Publishing Service The name of the author (initial "N.", standing on the cover of the original edition) was incorrectly interpreted, perhaps (if the name was known at all), as an abbreviated form. Indirectly, this error shows, by the way, about one important circumstance. Russian Lofting began as a publishing project. Moreover, the project "Miscellaneous" - provided by the publisher Material Havingina translated for middle aged, Chukovsky retells for the younger. Probably, the publication of a series of books was planned (in any case, the second book of Lofting from the series - "Travels of Dr. Dulitle" series was announced to the translation of love with Havkina, and promised that "this book will also be released in Russian translation in the publicism). For quite understandable reasons, the continuation did not follow. Neither the second nor the third books in the twenties did not come out.

One of the features of Chukovsky's creative manner is the presence of the so-called. "Through" characters that are moving from a fairy tale in a fairy tale. At the same time, they do not combine works in a certain serial "series", but as if there are in parallel in several worlds in different variations. For example, Moidodyra can be found in the "phone" and "Bibigon", and crocodile crocodilovich - in the "phone", "Moidodyra" and "Barmalee". No wonder Chukovsky ironically called his fairy tales "crocodilees". Another favorite character - Hippopotamus - exists in the "mythology" of Chukovsky already in two bits - actually hippopotamus and hypopotam, which the author asks not to be confused ("Hippopotamus - pharmacist, and hippopotam - king"). But, probably, the most multivariate characters of the writer were the good doctor Aibolit and an evil pirate-cannibal Barmalei. So in the prosaic "Dr. Aibolit" ("retelling on Gü Lofting"), a doctor from the foreign city of Pindmont, in Barmalene - from the Soviet Leningrad, and in the poem "Obuch Barmaley" - from the fabulous country of Aibolitia. The same with Barmalem. If he is corrected in the same name in the same name and goes to Leningrad, then sharks are burned in the prosaic version, and in the "bumbelery" and are shot at all from the machine. Fairy tales about Aibolit - a permanent source of disputes about plagiarism. Some believe that the roots of Ivanovich shamelessly stole the plot of Hugh Lofting and his fairy tales about Dr. Dulittle, others - believe that Aibolit originated from Chukovsky earlier and only then was used in the leaf retelling. And before we begin to restore the "dark" past of Aibolit, you need to say a few words and the author of the "Dr. Dulittla".

So, Hugh Lofting was born in England in 1886 in Maidenhead town (Berkshire) in a mixed Anglo-Irish familyand, although since childhood he adored animals (he loved to mess around with them on the mother's farm and even organized a homely zoo), he learned not at all on a zoologist or veterinarian, but on the railway engineer. However, the profession allowed him to attend the exotic countries of Africa and South America.After graduation in 1904, a private school in Chesterfield decided to devote himself to a ceremony of a civil engineer. Learn went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in America. A year later returned to England, where he continued his studies in the London Polytechnic Institute. In 1908, after a short attempt to find a decent job in England, moved to Canada. In 1910 he worked as an engineer on the railway in West Africa, then again on the railway, in Havana. But by 1912, romance changed places and such a kind of hiking life began to arrive, and lofting decided to change life: he moved to New York, married and became a writer, got a family and even began to write different profile articles into magazines. In many articles on the life path of the Lofting, a curious fact is celebrated: the first story of the former engineer, a videos of the world and having mastered a wide variety of impressions, was not at all about the African or Cuban exotic, but about drainage pipes and bridges. People who know the lofting only on the epic about the adventures of Dr. Dulittla, and it seems strange at all that he started as quite an "adult" writer and that the "History of Dr. Dulittla", so noticeably on the tone and naivety of the presentation differing from other books - not " The first experience of the novice writer. " By 1913, the Lofting writer already has a rather steady reputation among publishers of New York magazines, in which he with avid regularity publishes its short stories and essays. Life is gradually being built. Children are born: Elizabeth in 1913. And Colin - in 1915. By the beginning of World War I, Lofting is still a British subject. In 1915, he entered the service to the British Ministry of Information, and in 1916 he was called to the army in the rank of lieutenant in the regiment of the Irish Guard (Mother Lofting - Ireland). His children were very bored by dad, and he promised to constantly write letters. But will you write the kids about the surrounding bloody slaughter? And here, under the impression of the painting of the horses of Horses, Lofting began to compose a fairy tale about the good doctor, who learned the beast language and helped in every way any animal. The doctor received a very speaking name "Do-Little" ("Make Small"), forcing Chekhov and his principle of "small affairs".

H. Lofting:

"My children waited for houses of letters from me - better with pictures than without. It was hardly interesting to write to the younger generation of a summary from the front: the news was either too terrible or too boring. In addition, they are all censored. One thing, however, more and more attracted my attention is a significant role that animals played in world war, and over time, they seem to have become not less fatalists than people. They risked the same way as we all. But their fate was very different from human. No matter how seriously soldiers were injured, they fought for his life, all the means of surgery, well-developed during the war, were sent to help him. A seriously wounded horse shot on the battered bullet. Not very fair, in my opinion. If we were subjected to animals of the same danger that came across themselves, then why didn't they surround them as the same attention when they were injured? But it is obvious to operate horses on our evacuation points, it would take knowledge of a horsepower. So I got this idea ... ".

All his books lofting illustrated himself

Total about Dr. Dulittle Lofting wrote 14 books

V. Konashevich, Soviet Edition

prosaic retold "Dr. Aibolit".

Good Dr. Aibolit!

He sits under the tree.

Come to him to be treated

And cow, and a wolf ...

V. Suteev, Aybolit book (M: Children. Lit-ra, 1972)

In a number of articles in Russian publications, it is likely that at some point the legend lofting himself that the writer's children allegedly referred by the father's letters to one of the publishers, and by the time the latter return from the front was already published. Reality - a little prose. In 1918, Lofting was seriously injured and dismissed from the disability army. His family met him in England, and in 1919 they decided to return to New York. Even before returning home, Lofting decided to recycle stories about the animal doctor in the book. By a happy coincidence, on the ship, on which the family was returning to America, the writer met Cecil Roberts - a famous British poet and themelist - and she, having familiarized himself during a swimming time with the manuscript, recommended that he appeal to her publisher, Mr. Stokers. In 1920, the first book was published in the Publis. In 1922 - the first sequel. From this point on, until 1930, Stokes began to produce one Dulitle per year. The success of the series was not phenomenal, but stable. By 1925, the year of the release of Russian translations and lofting transfers already known in America and the author. Laureate of several literary premiums. Severe and preparing for the publication several translations of his books. To some extent, you can even say that his doctor Dulitle became a symbol - a symbol of a new "post-war humanism." What is this symbolicity? In 1923, at the Newbury awards ceremony, awarded by the American Library Association, Lofting "admitted" that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "History of Dr. Dulitla" came into his head at the sight of horses killed and wounded in the battle, which is there on the front, he was so Impressed by the courageous behavior of horses and mules under fire, which invented a little doctor for them to do for them what was not done in reality, - to make small (actually, this principle illustrates the speaking surname of Doctor - DO-Little). But "Make a Small" means also to return to the past and replay, make it impossible happening today.
In this sense, "Dr. Dulitl" is not just a fairy tale or adventure series for children and adolescents, but one of the first deployed alternative history projects. No wonder the effect of the epic belongs to the 30th - mid-40s. XIX century - "Almost a hundred years ago," and without mentioning the "values" of Victorian England, almost no detailed review is required. In total, the dulitall cycle of the Lofting has fourteen books. Ten of them - novels, written and published during the author's life:

The story of Dr. Dulitle. 1920);
Traveling Dr. Duttle Dolittle. 1922);
Doctor Doctor Dolittle S Post Office. 1923);
Circus of Dr. Dulitle (Doctor Dolittle "s Circus. 1924);
Dr. Dulitle Zoo (Doctor Dolittle "S Zoo. 1925);
Caravan Dr. Dulitle (Doctor Dolittle "s caravan. 1926);
Doctor Doctor Dolittle (Doctor Dolittle "s Garden. 1927);
Dr. Dulitle on the Moon (Doctor Dolittle In The Moon. 1928);
Dr. Dulitle returns (DOCTOR DOLITTLE "S RETURN. 1933);
Dr. Dulitle and Secret Lake (Doctor Dolittle and The Secret Lake. 1948).

Two are compiler, published by Olga Fricer (the sister of the Third Wife of Lofting, Josephine) after his death. Two more - "added", composed of lofting in the intervals: Collection of stories "Cook-gab-gab-gab" Cook-gab "S Book, An Encyclopedia of Food. 1932) and" DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR S BIRTHDAY Book. 1936) - Illustrated diary with quotes. Everyone without exception is equipped with copyright illustrations, the heirs of those pictures that lofting accompanied their letters home. The procedure for the release of books is different from their "internal chronology". Starting from the second volume, the story of the storytellor appears in the text - Tommy Stabbins, the son of a shoemaker working at Dr. Assistant, and others have enough enough, in the psychological manner of outlined regular characters. The action begins to be built as a memory (rear, and what is happening in the first book is not just a prehistory, but as it were, also a memories, although retolding with other people's words). In general, the style of the narration changes noticeably. This is an adventure story for middle-aged children, rich in events, numerous inserted episodes, on the alternation of which is built internal logic of the story. It is from the second book of the beasts at Lofting begin to acquire "human features" (and these human traits are not idealized, they are given "without embellishment", the animals are looking for benefits, they are lynching, capricious, the motivation of their actions is largely dictated by egoism, etc.). It is from the second book that we begin to learn some details from the life of the doctor himself, his family (history of sister's sister) surrounding him (Tommy Stabbins, Matthew Magg).

In 1924, Dulittl was noticed in Soviet Russia. Publisher ordered already two translations of the fairy tales. The first was designed for middle-aged children, and I was fulfilled by E. Havkin. Subsequently, he was forgotten and more in the USSR did not reissued. But the second option that was carrying the headline "Guy Lofting. Dr. Aibolit. For young children, K. Chukovsky retold, "had a long and rich history. It is the target audience that caused the tale language very simplified. In addition, Chukovsky wrote that he was "made to its processing dozens of realities, which are not in the script." And indeed, in the new editions of the retelling constantly processed. So Dulittl turned into Aibolita, a jeep dog - in Avvu, Jab-Jab's piggy bank - in Hrew-Khrew, a boring Khuja Puritanka and the sister of Dr. Sarah - in a very evil barbarian, and the native King of Jolinginka and the pirate of Ben-Ali are alive in one The image of the pirate-cannibal bamlay. And although the retelling "Dr. Aibolit" constantly accompanied the subtitle "according to Gü Lofting", in the 1936 edition appeared a mysterious Editorial after:

"A very strange thing happened a few years ago: two writers at the two ends of the world composed the same fairy tale about the same person. One writer lived behind the ocean, in America, and the other - we have in the USSR, in Leningrad. One called Gü Lofting, and the other - the roots of Chukovsky. They never seen each other and did not even hear about each other. One wrote in Russian, and the other in English, one verses, and the other - prose. But the fairy tales turned out to be very similar, because in both fairy tales, the same hero: a kind doctor who treats animals ... ".

So after all: who came up with Aibolita? If you do not know that the first retelling of the lofting was released in 1924, it seems that Chukovsky simply took Aibolit from his poetic fairy tales and simply placed in the retelling. But taking into account this fact it does not look so unequivocally, because Barmalei was written in the same year as the retelling, and the first version of the poetic "Aibolit" and at all after 4 years. Here, probably, one of the paradoxes appear in the minds of people comparing the worlds of Dr. Dulitla and Dr. Aibolita. If we proceed not just from the first fairy tale of the lofting, and at least from the three or four stakes of the cycle, we begin to consider it as part of a whole, as a preliminary approach, just denoting the characteristic of the relationship of the characters, but does not transmit any other complexity and completeness (despite the fact that the kernel still remains there in the first book). The heroes change, the narrator agrees (Tommy Stabbins), grow potential readers (this is all, of course, not a certain "distinctive feature" of the Lofting cycle, similar to the same happens with the heroes of Milna, Tuva Yanon, Rowling, etc.). When we begin to compare the loofing cycle with the cycle of Chukovsky, it turns out that (with almost equal volumes) the heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales remain as if unchanged. The point is not even in the absence of a "solid chronology". Each Chukovsky's fairy tale is a separate world, and these worlds are not simply parallel, they have an influence on each other, they are mutually permeable (albeit to a certain limit). In essence, we cannot even say anything defined about the identity of the heroes. Indeed, Aibolit "Barmaley", Aibolit "Limpopo", Aibolit of different variants of the Lofting "Dr. Aibolit", Aibolit "military fairy tale", etc., etc. - is it literally the same hero? If so, why do one live somewhere abroad, another in Leningrad, the third in the African country of Aibolitia? And Barmalei? And crocodile? And why if Barmalee ate sharks, he again attacks Aibolita with Tanya-Vanya? And if it was before that, because he was already corrected, why did he behave so badly again that in the end the sharks eaten him? Or even not sharks at all, and the valiant Vanya of Vasilchikov cuts off his head? We are dealing with some "invariants": the invariants of the heroes, taking place with them, our estimates. That is, the first book of Lofting (retold by Chukovsky and becoming if not the center of this world, the first step in it) in this system of relationship does not receive the development that it received in the Lofting book system. Development here is completely in a different direction. At the same time, it is also worth noting that the texts here not only have no direct chronology, there is even a mandatory set of texts themselves. The potential reader will always have a certain truncated option, there will be an obviously fragmentary representation of not even about the whole, but the ratio of the parts available at its disposal. The number of options and editions of the fairy tales that we have at the moment (only the Lofting "Dr. Aibolit" has four main options other than each other not only by volume, but also by heroes, plot construction, general direction), gigantic book circulation (not Giving to the end to disappear to the end with one or another rejected or corrected editions), the absence of clear copyrights, multiplied by the arbitrariness or incompetence of publishers in the selection of materials, create a situation in which the reader himself (but unconsciously, by the will of the case) is a certain individual card for itself reading. We, if possible, will try to work with the entire main building of the texts, try to trace the main movements within this special space. But even in this study it is possible to consider only the basic options containing cardinal plot and semantic differences (while Chukovsky introduced the right to almost all editions of 1920-1950s.).

Chukovsky himself argued that the doctor appeared in the first improvisational version of the Crocodile, which he composed for a sick son. K. Chukovsky, from the diary, 10/20/1955.:

"... And there was" Dr. Aibolit "as one of the actors; Only he was called then: "Obolit". I entered this doctor there to soften the difficult impression that remained from the Finnish Surgeon. "

Chukovsky also wrote that a Jewish doctor from Vilno-Timofey Osipovich Shabad, with whom he met in 1912, was so kind that he agreed to treat poor people for free, and sometimes animals.

K. Chukovsky:

"Dr. Shabad was the kindest person I knew in my life. Will come, there was a slender girl to him, he tells her: "Do you want me to write you a recipe? No, milk will help you. Come to me every morning and get two glasses of milk. "

Is it really loose in the head of Chukov's idea to write a fairy tale about the animal doctor, or not, one thing is clear: the incentive for her appearance clearly served as a lofting. And then almost original creativity has already begun.

Beluha, Evgeny Dmitrievich (1889, Simferopol - 1943, Leningrad) - schedule, artist of decorative and applied art, illustrator of books. He studied in St. Petersburg in the Gravoy Workshop V.V. Mate (1911), the Highest Art School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with Eah (1912-1913), took lessons at V.I. Shujaeva (1918). He lived in Leningrad. In early work, he worked under the pseudonym E. Nimich. Worked in the field of machine, book, magazine, applied graphics; Engaged in the place, lithography. Performed portraits, landscapes, animal sketches and sketches; In 1921-1922, several portraits of miniatures created a miniature (wife, E.K. Schadikov). Illustrated magazines "The whole world", "Spark" (1911-1912), "Sun of Russia" (1913-1914); Drew for the "Red Newspaper" (1918), Petrograd Pravda (1919-1920; including the headline of the newspaper). Created exjibric projects. He was engaged in the painting of porcelain products at the state porcelain factory (1920s). In 1920-30, it preferably illustrated books for publishers: Gosizdat, "Surf", Academia, Lenzdat and others. Designed books: "Fairy Tales" R. Kipling (1923), "Tales of South Slavs" (1923), "Dr. Aibolit" K. I. Chukovsky (1924), "Passionate Friendship" of Wells (1924), "Student Tale" L. N. Rakhmanova (1931), "In People" A. M. Gorky (1933), "Mul without Uzda" Pajen from Mezer (1934), "Stars look down" A. Kronic (1937), "Life Street" E. Dhabi (1939) and others. During the Great Patriotic War, there was a blockade Leningrad. He completed the posters: "Fighter, avenge the German gangsters for the suffering of Soviet people" and others, the series "Leningrad in the days of the war" (1942-1943). From 1918 - participant of exhibitions.

Exposed on exhibitions: Communities of artists (1921, 1922), Petrograd artists of all directions, original drawings of Petrograd bookmarks (both - 1923), Russian bookmarks (1926), "Graphic art in the USSR. 1917-1928, "Anniversary Exhibition of Fine Arts (both - 1927)," Artistic exlebris "(1928)," Woman before and after the revolution "(1930) in Petrograd (Leningrad)," Russian Book Sign "in Kazan (1923), "Artists of the RSFSR for the XV years" (1933), "Heroic Front and Rear" (1943) in Moscow and others.

Member of many international exhibitions, including a book exhibition in Florence (1922), an exhibition of art and decorative arts in Paris (1925), "Art of the Book" in Leipzig and Nuremberg (1927), "Modern Book Art at the International Press Exhibition" in Cologne (1928). The artist's personal exhibition took place in Leningrad (1951). Works are located in the largest museum collections, among them - the State Tretyakov Gallery, GMII. A. S. Pushkin, State Literary Museum, State Russian Museum and others.

K. Chukovsky's translation is known to our reader much better than the translation of L. Havkin:

Lofting, Hugh John. Adventures of Dr. Dulitle. Drawings of the author. Translated into Russian Love Havkane. Moscow, Gosizdat, 1924. 112 p. With IL. Circulation 7000 copies. In the publishing soft cover. Emergency rarity!

The Gosizdat used the illustrations of the author himself - they are fun:

Havkane, love Borisovna (1871, Kharkov - 1949, Moscow) - Russian theoretics and library organizer, major library science and bibliographic. Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR (1945), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1949). Born in the family of Kharkov physicians. After graduating from the women's gymnasium in 1888-1890. He taught in a Sunday school founded by Holchevskaya. In 1891, he serves one of the organizers of the first Kharkov free library. In the same year he comes to work in the Kharkov public library, where it works, with breaks, until 1918 in 1898-1901. Havcilna studied libraries in Berlin University, visited the World Exhibition of 1900 in Paris, where he met the methods of the American Library Association and the ideas of her founder Melville Dewey, who had a great influence on it. In addition, Havkina, in parallel with the work in the library, graduated from the Kharkiv Music School in the specialty "Theory of Music", which allowed her in 1903 to organize and head in the Kharkiv Public Library The first in Russian publicly available libraries with a subscription music department; Havkane also published musical reviews and reviews in Kharkiv newspapers. Library Sciences Havkachina originated from the book "Libraries, their organization and technology" (SPb.: Edition A. S. Suvorin, 1904), which has been widely recognized in Russia and a Gold Medal of the World Exhibition of 1905 in Liege. Throughout 1900-1910. Havkane cooperates with the magazines "Russian School", "Enlightenment", "Bulletin of Education", "For People's Teacher," writes several articles for the "People's Encyclopedia". In 1911, he was written by the Having "Guide for Small Libraries" (M.: Edition of the Partnership I. D. Sytin), withstood six editions (up to 1930); For this book, Havcilna is elected by an honorary member of the Russian bibliographic society. In the same period, Havcilina publishes the popular science books "India: a popular essay" and "How people learned to write and print books" (both - M.: Edition of the partnership I. D. Sittina, 1907). Since 1912, Havkane's love divides his life between Kharkov and Moscow, where in 1913, at the People's University, Shanyavsky open, on the basis of the project prepared by her, the first in Russia, librarians, the need for which Havkane spoke in 1904 in his report At the third congress of Russian technical and vocational education figures. Havkane combines teaching on courses of a number of disciplines with work for the Kharkiv Public Library (in 1914 It is elected to the board of the library) and foreign trips - in 1914, in particular, Havcilna meets the experience of organizing library activities in the United States (New York, Chicago, California, Honolulu) and Japan, describing this experience in the New York book Public Library and in various reports. The work of Having "Copetish Tables in Recycling for Russian Libraries" (1916) is based on American experience - rules for the placement of books in library shelves and in library catalogs on the basis of the principles developed by Ch. E. Catter; These tables are used in Russian libraries to this day and are referred to as the "Having Table" (copyright table). In 1916, Havcilna's love takes part in the preparation and holding of the Constituent Congress of the Russian Library Society and is elected by the Chairman of its Board, remaining in this post until 1921. In 1918, Havcilna publishes the work of "Book and Library", in which it formulates its attitude to ideological trends of the new era:

"The library lays the foundation of the universal culture, so the influence of state policy diminishes its task, narrows her work, gives her activities a tendentious and unilateral character, turns it into the instrument of party struggle, which the public library should be alien to the public library."

After the October Revolution, Shanyavsky University was reorganized (and essentially closed), but the department of library affairs led by Havkane was maintained in the form of a research office of libraries (since 1920), which later became the basis for the Moscow Library Institute (now - Moscow State University of Culture and Arts). In 1928, Havkane's love retired. Throughout 1930-40s. She advised various Soviet organizations (not as much as a library science, as in line of foreign languages: Havkina well owned ten languages). At the same time, she did not stop working on the methodical works on the library science, publishing the books "Compilation of pointers to the content of books and periodicals" (1930), "Consolidated catalogs (historical and theoretical practice)" (1943) and others after the Great Patriotic War About Havkaina remembered. She was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign (1945), she was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR (1945), and in 1949, shortly before his death, she was awarded the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences (for the book "Consolidated catalogs"). Love Borisovna is buried at the Mius Cemetery in Moscow.

Good doctor Aibolit

In the autumn of 1924, Chukovsky and Dobuzhinsky walked around St. Petersburg and thought: where did the name "Barmaleev Street" come from. "Who was this Barmale?" - Interested in Chukovsky. Dobuzhinsky replied that Barmalei was a robber, a famous pirate, "in a triangle, with such crazy." Drew a terrible robber and offered Chukovsky to write a fairy tale about him. And the fairy tale was written, and the positive hero was almost immediately hit - Dr. Aibolit from retold K. I. Tales Hugh Lofting, endowed, however, the most expensive heart of Chukovsky features of the Russian intellectual.

In order for the reader not to be confused, explain at once: "Dr. Aibolit" is the retelling of lofting, a separate publication came out in 1936. Just "Aibolit" is a completely original poetic tale of Chukovsky, published in 1929. Some kinship is, but only remote. "Barmalei", where Dr. Aibolit tries to save Tanya and Vanya from the robber, written in 1924. Despite the time of publication, all these fairy tales go back to the beginning of the 1920s, when Chukovsky read and retell the lofting.

And copyright questions in Soviet Russia were solved simply. When Chukovsky was shared with Mr. Kini from Ara by publishing plans of "World Literature", the American asked: "What about copywrit?" Chukovsky was embarrassed and could not really explain that in Soviet Russia, the copywrites are considered to be a bourgeois remnant. He himself seemed wilderly to him, and at the prosaic "doctor Aibolit" he honestly pointed: "According to Gü Lofting." Why not "lofting in the translation of Chukovsky"? Now we will see.

Here writes lofting (a substitution translation of my. - I. L.):

"Many years ago, when our grandfathers were small, there was a doctor, and his name was Dulittl - John Dulittl, d. (Doctor of Medicine. - I. L.)."D. m. " It means that he was the right doctor and knew quite a lot.

He lived in the town of Luzhinsk-on-the-Marsh Luginsk-on-the-marsh. All people - and old and young people knew him in the face. And when he walked down the street in his cylinder, everyone said: "Here is the doctor! He's very smart!" And the dogs, and the children ran and walked behind him, and even the crows that lived on the bell tower, Karkali him and nodded their heads.

The house in which he lived on the edge of the city was rather small; But the garden is quite large; It was a spacious lawn and stone benches, over which Iwaii wipes. His sister, Sarah Dulittl, led his farm, but behind the garden, the doctor worked himself.

He loved animals very much, and many lived at him at home. In addition to goldfish in a pond in the depths of the garden, rabbits lived in the storage room, in the piano - white mice, in the lounge closet - a squirrel, and in the basement - hedgehog. He also had a cow with a calf and the old lame horse twenty-five from the genus, and chickens, and pigeons, and two lambs, and many other animals. But most of all he loved the duck dub-dub, the pigeon jeep, the piglet Gab-Gaba, Polynesia's parrot and the owl of Tu-Tu. "

But what made from this Chukovsky:

"There was a doctor. He was kind. He called His Aibolit. And he had an evil sister, which was the name of Varvara.

Most of all, the doctor loved beasts. In the room he lived hares. In the closet he lived protein. The sofa lived a barbed hedgehog. White mice lived in the chest.

But from all his animals, Dr. Aibolit loved the most duck kick, the dog of Avvu, a little pig in Hrew-Khrew, parrot Korudo and Ol Bumba. "

What happens to the text? All the details giving the doctor nationality, concreteness, social status fall out. A small house is lost with a typical English garden, weaving whales and a pond, even the cylinder disappears and the main thing remains: "there was a doctor. He was kind. " If you compare this work on the text with a diary, it is immediately seen: Chukovsky is trying to tell this fairy tale by a four-year-old Murochka, which is absolutely not important, there were stone benches in the garden or not, she is interested in another: "Is it good?" (The record in the diary of July 15, 1924 reads: "In the evening, on the terrace, I retell the" Golden Goose "Mura - and whenever a new character appeared in a fairy tale, she asked:" Does he need to know whether to sympathize with him Or not, whether to spend his love for him: - "And he sees, a hungry old man is sitting in the forest." - "Is he kind?" - "Yes." - "Well, I feel sorry for me." ") And sister Dr. (Varvara, not Sarah) was angry, immediately sets the Chukov coordinate system; About Sarah, Lofting Nyigde says that she was evil. She simply presented a doctor of claims within a common sense: in the reception, full of mice and heroes, the best patients from you turned away, how will you live?

For Murochka, by the way, even new names of the beast are invented. "ABVA" in her infant language meant "dog", "booby" she called the secretary of Chukovsky Maria Nikitichna Ryzhkin, who wrote under the pseudonym "Pam" ...

The text is reduced, only the backbone remains from it - the most significant thing is that the baby is not lost in abundance of details - even if the rheumatic patient of the doctor sat in the reception room for hedgehog and has not come to him since then). The main thing remains: kindness of the doctor, the ability to heal any patient, knowledge of the animal language and heroism. A concrete English doctor with the name-surname and a scientific degree, with a sister-housekeeper Sarah, with a lounge cabinet and piano completely turned into a fairy-tale doctor for children from two to five.

Interesting in the Aibolit-Barmaley cycle images of good and evil in Chukovski: Evil personifies Barmalei - Big, rough and cruel, and good - cozy, intelligent, merciful doctor, related to the spirit of Chekhov in understanding K. I. If you read the description of Chekhov in " Contemporaries "and compare him with Dr. Aibolit - a type, undoubtedly, the same: delicate, selfless intellectual strainer with a strong inland rod. The wrong thing is that Chukovsky wrote off his doctor with Chekhov or from the Vilensky Dr. Shabad, as he himself said about that; Just for him both, and the other, and the third doctor is the best personification of the forces of good. The article about Chekhov is written far away "Aibolita", and it is unlikely that Chukovsky himself thought about the relationship of the two doctors described by him, but the clearer, and the most clearly, whatChukovsky could anticipate the tight, crumular, urgent, coarse evil, which does not even have similar ethical ideas.

Here are Czechs, the patient and exhausted, rides to Sakhalin "with the sole purpose of bringing at least some relief of powerless, rejected people, at least a little to protect them from the arbitrariness of a soulless-police system":

"He was so brutally shaking all the way, especially since Tomsk, that he had a joint, clavicle, shoulders, ribs, vertebrae ... Hands of his legs from Holodi from the cold, and there was nothing to be, since he, inexperienced, did not capture With you the right food ... "

"... making my way on the spring spill in the trolley, he knocked his felt boots and had to jump into cold water in wet boots to hold the horses in wet boots.

But Dr. Aibolit goes to Africa to help a sick animal:

And in the face of him the wind, and snow, and hail:

"Hey, Aibolit, turn back!"

And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:

But Dr. Chekhov does not stop: "And yet he makes his way forward and forward."

And do not stop Dr. Aibolit:

And go arabolit ahead

And the word only says:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo ..."

And the Chekhov will spend the night in the huge island in wet clothes, and bypassing a huge island on foot to draw up a census of his population, and here Aibolit Ten nights in a row "Does not eat, does not drink and does not sleep, / Ten nights in a row / he treats unfortunate animals / And puts and puts the thermometers ... ".

On November 9, Chukovsky records in the diary: Barmalei "I don't like completely, I wrote it for Dobuzhinsky, in the style of his pictures." Calls it "verbal operetta", created specifically in order to awaken in children a sense of poetic rhythm. He called "Barmaley" and an adventurous novel for the smallest. However, adventurous novels - both for small, and for large - there were no yard and not by time. Time wanted to build and live in a solid fever Budy.

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