Kind jokes and pranks for April 1st. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes

Kind jokes and pranks for April 1st.  April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes
Kind jokes and pranks for April 1st. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes

April 1 breaks all records in the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates make fun of their boss, schoolchildren make fun of teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that's April Fool's Day. You can joke with friends and strangers, at home, at work, in a minibus, and not only is it possible, but it is imperative to charge everyone with a positive! The main thing is not to forget: the sense of humor of your "victim" should be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should be funny (including the victim of the joke). What pranks can you think of on April 1 for colleagues, friends and relatives, so that the mood is at the level, and the holiday is remembered for a long time?

World famous draws for April 1st

  • the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • the appearance of a UFO in London;
  • photo report "Flying Penguins"
  • transition to a new, decimal time measurement system;
  • change of the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and not only

We spend a significant part of our time at work, and for sure colleagues will not miss the opportunity to play a trick on you. So be the first.

Bottomless box

It is best to set up a stage for the curious, prying their nose anytime, anywhere. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box is installed without a bottom, but the top must open. There may be a bright sticker on the box that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!”. Fill the box with confetti or a similar filling. When the chosen one for fun appears in the room, it is better to go out in order to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. Come back with a broom for the most curious.

Secretary's draw

From another office they call a gullible colleague or secretary and inform them with all seriousness that they are calling from a telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through a cable to clean the telephone network. In this connection, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them on the floor. It is important not to show yourself while a naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

Joke over the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You borrow a colleague's computer while it is not there.
  • Take a picture of the screen with the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphic editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and insert the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. Bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the "screen properties" section.
  • Install the FUN. bmp background pattern.
  • Select all the shortcuts on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the "Taskbar" for full effect.

When the kettle user starts to reboot the computer and run around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help him "arrange icons by" and restore the background of the screen.

The mouse ran away

For presentation you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague's computer, but not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) - long and reliable;
  • movable chair on wheels;
  • ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • the ingenious absent-mindedness of a colleague is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Pull the cord with a rope behind the table, fix the other end on the chair so that in the retracted version of the chair the mouse is in its usual place, but with its “tail” stretched. Moving back the chair, the victim pulls the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch, a colleague grabs the fleeing mouse, the chair drives off with a blow under the knees. The unfortunate colleague looks very funny in these races.

Fatal call

Call your secretary or other employee and introduce yourself as a telephone company fitter fixing a fault on the line. Ask not to use the phone for about ten minutes, as this can provoke an electric shock to the fitter. After the expiration of the established period, you call back to the same number and, when the phone is answered, you utter a heartbreaking cry.


A cruel, albeit hilarious, prank for a company with numerous clients. On the door of the selected office, fix a plate (or just a piece of paper) with the text "Toilet". That, in principle, is the whole joke. But you can imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly rushing in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April Fool's Day and Friends

Pranks for April 1 are the most fun for friends, because you know exactly who and how you can play, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don't stand on ceremony with friends, but still know when to stop.

Phone joke

Calling a friend late in the evening, asking in a serious voice if he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, give advice: "Quickly wash and sleep!"


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then suddenly fall silent, change your face and with a yell: "Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta ...) you have a cockroach on your head!" .Do not use for the faint of heart.

Winter diesel fuel

If you happen to meet a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at a gas station, you can play them off by glancing at the gas station with the question: "I hope you fill up with WINTER diesel fuel?" Before a friend sees through the joke, he has time to get scared. And for the girl there will be a reason for acquaintance.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he be a smoker. You invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a present from a distant mutual friend. After a smoked cigarette, having conspired with friends, turn on the music quietly, quietly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is that everyone behaves as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

Give your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and a request to bring the bouquet with you. When we meet, a stranger takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim does not get too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and gives her his own bouquet.

Fortune telling on matches

Invite a friend or friend to tell fortunes about your future destiny. Give a box of matches with a request to gently break off the heads. Meticulously inspect the result of the work, ask to redo it. Then you insert matches with the victim in the nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: "Well, who needs you so terrible?"

How to joke at home

Pranks on April 1 for parents are a lot of fun, no matter who is joking at whom.

Hello homeless people!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents are not at home. When trying to open the door, they should be met by a stranger in shorts with a remark: "What do you want?" To the question: "What are you doing in my apartment?" explains that he acquired it in some real estate office. The length of the negotiations is proportional to the strength of the parents' nervous system, but do not overdo it.

The rout

If the kitchen door opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and fasten as many unbreakable objects as possible on it: spoons, towels ... The end of the thread should be fastened from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bundle. When the doors are opened, all objects fly apart, and mom will instantly arrange a real defeat. True, they can arrange for you a head wash.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, set all clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when sleepy household members get ready for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently watch them as they get to work, rejoice at the surprise.

One size larger

In the evening, put cotton or paper in boots and boots for everyone, hammering in socks and making shoes one size smaller. When your family is worn out with shoes, do not forget to congratulate them on April 1.

Young hairdresser

Prank for blonde mom or dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to photograph the pink hair of your dreams.

Focus on the kitchen

Put water in a saucepan or 3-liter glass jar. Covering it with a piece of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat table top. The paper can be safely pulled out - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

School jokes

In any country and at all times, rallies on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, everyone was expecting some kind of dirty trick. But even if the teacher himself is a joker, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Ceiling mop

A simple and witty joke is arranged right in the classroom, by writing a note with the text "mop on the ceiling" and asking to give it to a neighbor after reading it. At the next glance at the ceiling of the student, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one can write on it, you will have to go to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you.

There will be no algebra

Such a joke can also upset the educational process. Come to the lesson first and tell each person that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Teachers warn that the schedule has been rescheduled. When everyone is completely confused, do not forget to remind about April 1st.

New diary

The draws for April 1 for a classmate can be organized as follows. Buy a new diary with a cover just like a friend's (we hope it's common enough) and change it discreetly. The surprise of both the teacher and the classmate when called to the blackboard is guaranteed. I hope they will appreciate the joke too.


Attach a notice on the school door with durable glue that there will be no lessons today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students must show up by 11.00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Non-lifting bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate's bag, accidentally left unattended. Observing the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep serious, calm faces. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who - where, and I'm on skis

Ask a friend to stretch his arms forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and innocently ask the question: "What month is it now?" To the obvious answer that it is already April, specify: "Why is he skiing." The delight of classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a dummy classmate in computer technology. Tell him about email and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money order. And calmly get out the bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not hysteria, so play everyone kindly. And we also advise you to read What contests to hold on March 8, read in

Hello, friends! I propose to think together about how to have fun on April 1 with your family. There is nothing left before the holiday, so it's time to develop an insidious plan of pranks on mom, dad, husband, wife, brothers and sisters. I am sure that good draws for April 1 at home will cheer you up.

Home Draws for April 1st

A family where they know how to laugh at themselves and each other is the strongest and most cheerful. But here it is also important not to go too far. Let `s start?

A scenario for a wife is not for the faint of heart

Let's start with the fact that in order to implement the plan, the beloved half of April 1 will have to be sent somewhere for several hours. Captivate her with the prospect of shopping, going to a beauty salon or her favorite cafe with friends for a festive breakfast. Be sweet, persuasive, and accommodating.

As soon as the little wife crosses the threshold of the house, get down to business. Call the locksmith urgently. Hit a brand new lock on the door and wait for your wife. Oh yes, I completely forgot. To make it boring to wait, invite a colleague or friend whom your wife has never seen live.

Well, then the script will develop like clockwork. After a great time in a cafe, shops or a hairdresser, a happy and elated wife will return home. The first thing that will surprise her is the key. She will not be able to open the door for them as before. Do not wait for your beloved to break a new lock, activate your colleague's “onstage” exit. To enhance the effect, invite him to dress at home, in leotards and slippers, or even wrap himself in a towel, as after a shower.

Now imagine the picture. The wife tries to open the door, nothing comes of her, in despair she rings the bell, knocks, showing impatience and annoyance. The door is opened by a brutal man in a leotard or a loincloth made of a terry towel, looks at her with the utmost bewilderment. The wife is shocked, asks who he is and what he is doing in her apartment, to which she receives a logical answer - he lives here. From today. I bought an apartment from a man according to the description of a man who looked like a husband. Well, this is where the fun begins - the reaction to the prank.

It will be fun and amusing to remember this joke after a while. Well, immediately get ready for female revenge. It cannot be avoided.

For a sister - simple and tasteful

Pranking your sister is a pleasure! It's so much fun to watch her scream and then run away from flying pillows and slippers all over the apartment.

  • So, here's a tried-and-true, easy-to-follow joke - a clapperboard. Before the arrival of your beloved sister, fasten a large clapper on the door handle. As soon as she opens the doors, the firecracker will work. Get ready for a storm of emotions!
  • If you decide to save your sister's nerves, but are not ready to give up the April Fools' rally, use the services of the free anonymous SMS service. It's always fun, and most importantly simple and interesting. Comic messages can be very different, but not offensive. For example, you can send a text asking you to increase your breast size for free as a prize for the title of "Best Sister in the World".

An SMS with a proposal to correct the shape of the nose or teeth (depending on what the sister does not consider to be perfect in appearance) at a distance will look even funnier. Such SMS always cheer up.

  • Sewing up the legs of your sister's favorite jeans is a great idea for those who like to joke brightly. Do not overdo it, sew with a basting stitch so that you can quickly return everything to its original state.
  • And this idea will come in handy for a younger brother, who does not yet know how to play a prank on his sister. Start an argument about how tactile sensations are developed differently for everyone. Hurt your sister's pride by saying that with her eyes closed, she will never tell which part of her body she is feeling. As soon as the victim of the provocation falls on the hook, blindfold her, substitute a ripe tomato under your finger and offer to stick your finger into the pulp with juice. At the right time, shout out loud that it was your eye and it is flowing!

You will definitely remember your sister's reaction for a long time!

Jokes for Brother, Husband and Dad

Moving on to jokes on men. Dad, beloved husband, brother - they all deserve to become participants in the April Fools' rallies. You can joke about them in revenge, or you can just like that, to raise vitality and general fun in the family.

A funny joke on my husband - with a thrown illegitimate child. The day before the holiday, prepare a basket with the following set:

  • a toy baby in a blanket;
  • pacifier;
  • bottle;
  • packing diapers and a note.

On a festive morning, volunteer to go to the store, discreetly put a basket with a doll on the doorstep.

Returning from the store, supposedly find a "child", tell us that you met a strange girl with a tear-stained face and inappropriate behavior at the entrance. How the husband will react to the joke is anyone's guess. The main thing is that the rally does not become fatal, does not suddenly open the Pandora's box.

A more innocent and kind joke is a secret manicure. Suitable for brother, husband and even dad. As soon as the men in the house fall asleep, make your way to their rooms and paint your nails with bright varnish, while moving the alarm clock hands forward 30 minutes. In the morning, in a hurry getting ready for work, school or a business meeting, a man may not immediately pay attention to a manicure. The time of ignorance is your time, have fun!

Jokes for the whole family

  • Everyone at the table will have a great mood if you joke with a magnet. Clip it under the table just where the forks and spoons are. Don't forget the tablecloth. It will be fun to watch a man try to free himself from a tablecloth stuck to his fork!
  • The classics of the genre are mayonnaise or sour cream instead of toothpaste, replacing the antiperspirant with butter or a cheese sandwich in cellophane packaging.
  • A cute prank for the youngest members of the family is a queue of plush toys for the toilet, and for a dad or mom who spend a lot of time at the computer - a substitution of keyboard keys or a screensaver with a message about a system failure.

It turns out that in order to play pranks at home, it is not even necessary to leave the apartment. The main thing is to prepare for the holiday in advance! Share this post with your friends - inspire them to make funny April Fools' jokes!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

April 1 is a day of laughter and fun, practical jokes and surprises. It is on this day that it is not only possible to joke, but also necessary. A good and funny joke will surely cheer you up and leave behind good memories. April Fool's Day is not marked on the official holiday calendar, but, nevertheless, it is popular in almost all countries of the world. April 1 is April Fool's Day, so it should bring joy and fun to every person's life, therefore, jokes and pranks should not be evil or demean the dignity of a person. On April 1, you can joke and arrange pranks for your loved ones, friends or colleagues, and you definitely need to be prepared that someone will certainly make fun of you.

April Fool's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. So in the USA, this holiday is called "the holiday of the heart", in Italy - "April Fool's Smile", in England - "Blockhead", "Fool's Day", and here - "April Fool's Day." Each of the countries on this day adheres to its own traditions, which must surely raise the mood of others. Considering that April 1 is celebrated by many states, it is difficult and almost impossible to find out the "homeland" of the holiday.

April Fool's Day can be called the most unusual, because it is on April 1 that you can turn on your imagination and have a lot of fun with your friends, relatives, colleagues or completely strangers who, in response to a joke or a practical joke, will definitely smile. Throughout the history of this holiday, a lot of events took place, thousands of jokes and jokes were invented, which are popular in many countries of the world. But no one can accurately answer where and when the "Holiday of Jokes and Fun" was born, because there are several versions of its origin.

In Russia, the holiday of jokes was introduced by Peter I, who held the first mass rally in Moscow in the 18th century. Residents of the city were invited to the performance of visiting actors from Germany, about whom it was said that during the performance one of them would completely crawl into the bottle. At the end of the performance, all people were waiting for the actor to get into the bottle, but at the same time they saw a large table with the inscription "April Fool's Day - not trusting anyone."

In pagan Rus, April Fool's Day was celebrated as the awakening of the Brownie. Many believed that he, together with spirits and animals, went into hibernation, and woke up on April 1. On this day, everyone had fun, put on ridiculous outfits, joked and "played the fool."

There is another version of the origin of the holiday, which dates back to the 16th century by Charles 9. It was he who in France compiled the calendar from Victorian to Gregorian, so the New Year began to be celebrated not on January 1st, but in March. New Year's week began on March 25th and ended on April 1st. Some were conservative about these changes, and those people who adhered to the new style and had fun all week were called "April Fools."

April Fool's Day gained particular popularity in the 18th century in England and Scotland. On this day, people made fun of each other, gave some meaningless assignments to others, at which they laughed merrily.

In India, the holiday of laughter is celebrated on March 31st. People joke a lot with each other, paint themselves with colorful paints, throw spices, jump over the fire and at the same time celebrate the beginning of spring.

In every country, April Fools' jokes and pranks are quite diverse, but their meaning is the same - to have fun from the heart, warm up those around you, cheer up and laugh at yourself and those around you. The main thing to remember is that on April Fool's Day all pranks and jokes should be limited. It is very important not to overdo it, it should be fun not only for you, but for everyone around you. The object to be pranked must not be physically harmed or disgraced in the eyes of others. Only good and moderate jokes can cheer you up and leave pleasant impressions on April 1.

Prank for colleagues

Pranking your colleagues, boss or subordinates on April 1 is a sacred cause. After all, if you do not do this first, then someone will definitely get ahead of you. There are many jokes and pranks for colleagues at work that will amuse the whole team well.

A prank like this is perfect for a curious colleague who always wants to be at the center of everything in the office. For the draw, you will need a small cardboard box, in which you need to remove the bottom, but the top should open. Place the box in a prominent place, and put a lot of candy inside. It is imperative to leave a large intriguing inscription on the box, for example: "personal photos" or "do not touch with your hands" or any other intriguing note. When the "victim" of the rally enters the room, she will definitely pay attention to the box and the inscription. At this moment you need to leave the office. The curiosity of the remaining person in the room will take over, and after a few minutes as you leave the office, he will definitely want to see what are you hiding? The moment a box without a bottom is taken in hand, all its contents are poured onto the floor. At this moment, and as soon as you enter the office and look at the face of your curious colleague, you can immediately grab a broom and a scoop.

April Fools' Draw "TOILET"

Among office workers, toilet jokes are considered a fairly popular prank. Jokes like these are fun, but a little harsh. For example: on the morning of April 1, at the office where a large number of people usually gather, hang the sign "Toilet". Imagine that everyone who will look for a toilet will enter the office every time and ask several times: "Oh, this is not a toilet!", "Where is the toilet?", "Can you please tell me where the toilet is." Nerves of course "victims" will be at the limit, but everyone else is having fun.

The second joke with the toilet consists of changing the signs on the doors by the toilet in advance. The staff will be confused all day long.

Probably one of the harshest jokes among colleagues is when you come to the toilet, you notice or not notice that the top of the toilet is wrapped in transparent film or tape. Someone thinks out not only to wrap the toilet bowl with tape, but also to unscrew the light bulb. The consequences can only be guessed at!

Prank with computer

Try to get to work early, trick your colleagues' computers, but don't delete important files. You can glue the bear with tape, or change the picture on the desktop for everyone, change the mouse settings, disconnect the cable from the computer and run away. Return to the office with your colleagues. Half an hour of colleagues' panic is guaranteed.

Glue and Keyboard Joke

For fun, you need PVA glue. Pour a small amount of glue onto the paper, wait a few hours for it to dry well. Then take it, gently tear off the finished stain and put it on the computer keyboard. When a person enters a room, he will have the impression that something has been spilled on his computer. The joke was successful!

Telephone draws.

Telephone jokes are no less popular among colleagues at work. With the help of a phone call, you can not only make fun of a person, but also lead him to hysterics. Therefore, you need to choose not too harsh, but funny jokes.

Both a mobile phone and a landline can become a tool for the drawing.

Joke 1. Take clear tape and cover the microphone of the tube with it. As a result, it will be possible to observe a person who will not be able to shout to the interlocutor.

Joke 2. For the second joke, you'll also need scotch tape. Before starting your day, tape the hook of the handset. As a result, when someone calls the phone, the call will work even when the receiver goes off-hook. Most people immediately guess what is the reason for such a long call, but you will still get your portion of fun.

Joke 3. Jokes with a mobile phone, to which you can send various SMS, are considered not a bad option. For example, that a person has extended a loan and his case is brought to court, which will further entail the confiscation of property. After such an SMS, your heart will definitely beat and your face will change. Even those people who do not have bank loans immediately start to worry. You can also send an SMS with the following content: “Dear subscriber, your number has been blocked due to squandering state secrets! "SMS-Service-Center". A person will immediately start to panic and check his phone number. You can send SMS of a different nature, the main thing is that after reading the person gets excited, and then laughs with you.

April Fools' pranks for friends

April Fools' jokes are good for your friends. After all, everyone is well aware of the reaction of a friend to one or another joke. Some people choose somewhat tough jokes for their friends, but a person who has a good sense of humor will definitely cheer up and take revenge with an equally tough prank. But the measure must always be, otherwise you can lose a friend.

Draw "Take off the thread"

You will need a spool of thread for the draw. Put it in your pocket, but so that the end of the thread sticks out and is visible. Some of your friends will surely notice the sticking out thread and want to remove it, here the most interesting and funny thing will begin, when a person will endlessly remove the thread from you.

Chalk joke

For this joke, you need to smear your hand with chalk, go up to a friend and pat on the shoulder like a friend. Then honestly admit that he has a white back. Of course, they won't believe you and say: "Yeah, I know, on April 1 - I don't believe anyone." A friend's back is really white with chalk!

Little salt joke

Ask a friend to visit, prepare dinner, but before that, take a salt shaker and pour fine sugar into it. When serving lunch, tell them that you forgot to add salt to the food and that the “victim” will add salt herself. Knowing that there is salt in front of you, few people would think of checking a salt shaker. This joke is often used, but considering that sugar is added to hot or main dishes instead of salt, lunch will be spoiled.

Troubled shoes.

To make the joke a success, you need to ask your friend to visit when he is sitting in the room, take a piece of paper or a small piece of cotton wool and put it in your friend's boot. The paper should not stick out from the boot; it should be well tucked into the toe of the boot. When a friend goes home and puts on his shoes, they will seem uncomfortable to him. In such cases, there are 2 options, or he will not be able to put it on, or he will put it on and go, but after a couple of minutes he will definitely feel that something is wrong.

Draw: "SMOKED"

Such a prank is hopelessly dilapidated, but the effect of it is amazing. To make such a joke, accomplices will be needed, and the person who smokes should be the "victim". You will need to buy new cigarettes and offer them to a smoking friend during friendly gatherings. You need to agree with other friends in advance so that they help in the drawing. So, after the "victim of a joke" smokes a cigarette, do something to surprise the person: run a cat into the room, let the parrot out of the cage, or find a chicken and let it walk around the room. The main thing is that you and all other friends must pretend that they do not see anyone, and everything that is happening in the room is seen only by the person who smoked your cigarette. The expression on your friend's face and the reaction to what is happening will definitely cheer everyone up. Of course, then you have to admit that this is just a joke, not hallucinations.

Such an April Fools' prank requires acting talent and liberation, and it also needs to be carried out by several friends. During the drawing, one of the friends must play a moose. He folds his fingers in a fan, puts his hands to his head and runs shouting: “I’m a moose!”, “Let the moose!”. You need to run near a large crowd of people, it can be a hostel or a stop. After the "elk" has run, other guys run next to the same people and, imitating hunters, ask passers-by: "Have they seen a moose", "Didn't the moose run?" The result is amazing. The people around are shocked, the joke was a success and will be remembered for a long time, both by the “elk” himself, and by the “hunters” and bystanders.

Prank with phone

The following idea is considered a good way to play a trick on a friend. But you need to prepare in advance for such a draw and buy the panel itself from the phone. Find a convenient moment and ask your friend for a phone to make a call. Hide your phone in your pocket, and pretend to be talking on the phone yourself, but take a pre-prepared panel. Pretend that you are arguing with someone on the phone, and then, initiating anger, throw the phone on the asphalt, you can stomp on it a little. Success is guaranteed. The joke was a success. The owner of the phone will come to his senses for a long time after the deed.

The ceiling is falling joke

Such a rally is often held by students in a hostel. The first thing to do is choose the "victim" of the joke. When she falls asleep, take a white sheet with your friends and spread it over the sleeping person. Then call him loudly: “Name…. Get up the ceiling is falling! ". Through a dream, a person will definitely not understand what happened, but he will be scared in earnest.

Drill drawing

We find an object for fun, take a drill and turn it on several times in front of it. Then we distract his attention, go from behind and poke his finger in the back and start the drill. The effect is amazing! The joke was a success, only the "victim" will move away from such a joke for a long time.

Practical jokes for your beloved family

April Fools' morning is a great time to play a trick on your family, but you need to get up as early as possible so that someone does not get ahead of you. You can prepare for jokes even in the evening, but so that no one will notice that you are cooking something.

Soap draw

Soap and clear nail polish are a great prank idea. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, when everyone in the house has already fallen asleep, you need to go to the bathroom, take soap and apply transparent nail polish on it. Already in the morning the result will be noticeable when someone first goes to the bathroom. No matter how much you lather the soap, or soak it in water, it will not foam. The man is at a loss for what it is! The joke will turn out 100%.

Draw "Thread - insect"

A funny joke can be made to your family on the evening of April 1, when someone from the household goes to the bathroom before going to bed. Your actions must be prepared in advance. Take a long thread, place it under the sheet, and bring the end of the thread outside the room. When the person goes to bed, you need to gently pull on the thread, pulling it out from under the sheet. The feeling of an "insect" climbing into bed will not leave indifferent even a person with a steel psyche. The joke will turn out accurately and will be remembered for a long time in the memory of the “victim”, and you will laugh for a long time.

Mattress joke

Such a joke can be carried out on the same evening on April 1, but only when the person is fast asleep. You will need the help of another person. Take the sleeping person together with the mattress and gently place them on the floor from the bed. Then quickly wake the person up and watch the person try to jump from the mattress to their feet, thinking they are on the bed.

Toothpaste prank

You need to prepare for such a rally in the evening or early in the morning on April 1. While everyone is asleep, you can press the cream or add sugar or salt into the tube of toothpaste with a syringe. The result will be evident after someone first goes to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

The second prank in the bathroom is to stick a toothbrush, paste or glass with tape. In the morning, a person who is not quite awake will be surprised by this phenomenon.

Pile of Objects joke

You can play a brother or sister with the help of several objects that need to be connected together and tied to the doorknob. The joke will only work if the door to the room opens outward. Tie several items together, you can use tape or thread. As objects, take everything that does not beat, but rings: pens, toys, pieces of iron. Tie them to the door handle and quickly hide. When the "victim" of the rally opens the door to the room, then all the objects will fly in different directions, there will be a complete pogrom. Just be careful not to get it from your older brother or sister for such a joke later.

Prank for husband

A good joke that will help not only cheer you up on April Fool's Day, but also check your husband or boyfriend. For a joke, you need a doll with an example of the size of a real baby. Take the doll, wrap it up well, put it in the basket and leave it near the door, you can also leave a note, as if from a real mother to dad. After placing the doll near the door, ring the bell and run one floor below. When your husband opens the door, start going up the stairs, as if you were coming back from somewhere and say out loud: "Some crazy woman almost knocked you down." It's interesting to look at the expression on the man's face and, of course, listen to excuses.

Prank for the wife

An original and fun idea to play a prank on your wife is a shower joke, but you need to prepare for it in advance. When your wife is asleep, take a cube of chicken stock or food coloring, unscrew the spray bottle in the shower, and insert the pre-made coloring agent into it. You can wake up your wife! After a sweet dream, a woman will run to take a shower, and then broth or bright-colored paint will pour on her together with water. The wife will be terrified, and your joke will turn out 100%.

In the same way, you can joke when a woman will take water into the kettle or wash her face. But in this case, it is better to use food coloring.

Pot draw

For the draw, you will need a pot or jar filled with water. Take a piece of paper, place it on top of the pan and quickly turn it upside down. Such a saucepan with a "pin" is placed on a flat surface. No water will come out of the pot. When the person you want to play enters the room and takes away the overturned pot, he will immediately want to pick it up. The result is clear, you will have to change for sure. You do not need to pour a lot of water into the pan, otherwise the neighbors will have to make repairs.

Joke with "manicure"

Not a bad prank, but it should be done on a person with a good sense of humor. When your husband, brother or dad falls asleep, grab a nail polish and give him a manicure. Then set the alarm clock forward 30 minutes. In the morning, a man may not immediately notice his manicure, as he will rush to work in a hurry. But having come to work, or driving a car or in transport, he will definitely take his nails away. The joke was a success, but if the man is in a bad mood or has no sense of humor, then expect a scandal.

Draw "unusual umbrella"

This joke should only be done when it rains on April 1st. Prepare a lot of candy in advance and pour it inside the umbrella. When a person goes out into the street and opens the umbrella, his contents will fall on him.

Sewing joke

One of the good old ways of pranking, which is often held in children's camps, but it will be appropriate on April Fool's Day. When the "victim" of the prank falls asleep, take a needle and thread and carefully sew along the edges of the pajamas to the bed. Just do not miss the moment when the person will wake up, otherwise you will miss the most interesting thing.

Sneaker joke

Such a rally can be done either in a hostel or at home with your household. When everyone is asleep, glue the slippers to the floor.

Practical jokes for classmates

April Fool's Day is very fond of schoolchildren, who always do not mind playing pranks and being naughty, especially since on such a day they will not be very punished for what they have done. On this day, all schoolchildren are very attentive and are sure to expect help from their peers.

It is important to remember that when choosing a particular prank, you need to remember that any joke should not offend another child, although children are sometimes too cruel, so on this day you need to be extremely careful not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers, who also often become objects for fun.

Paper draw

On the eve of the holiday, you need to prepare two or more sheets of paper with different inscriptions, you can write: "The school is renovated", "No water", "Toilet is being renovated", "April 1 - lessons are canceled" or other interesting inscriptions that will attract the attention of schoolchildren ... Such inscriptions can be pasted everywhere, the main thing is that you are not caught by the teachers, otherwise there will be no time for jokes.

Brick Joke

Select a potential victim who has a large school backpack with multiple pockets. Find a brick and when the "victim" of the joke is not in the classroom, hide the brick in your backpack. At the end of the lessons, the student automatically takes and puts on a backpack, not giving much attention to the fact that it is much heavier. What will be at home, he will tell the very next day.

The joke "You got kicked out of school!"

Such a rally should be carried out only on those classmates who rarely attend school. On April 1, call a classmate or write a letter as if from a teacher to the parents, in which to inform that their son is being kicked out of school, and tell the "truant", but be sure to tell them to pass it on to the parents. " Together letters can make a call, as if on behalf of the teacher.

Soap and Chalkboard Joke

If you are not afraid of the anger of teachers, you can rub the board with soap before class. Then the chalk will not write on the board at all.

Draw "With matches and soot"

This joke is best done on a friend or someone who has a good sense of humor. And so you need to take 15 matches, completely burn them. The remaining ash should be smeared on one or two hands. Then choose a potential "victim" come up from behind and close your eyes. A person, of course, will guess who is behind. Then let go of the "victim", but just hide your hands in your pockets, and look at the person's face - it will be black.

How to prank passers-by

April 1 is a day of laughter and fun, so you can play pranks not only on your friends or relatives, but also on completely strangers. Although here you need to be extremely careful. It is difficult to guess the reaction to the joke done, so you need to be extremely careful not to run into trouble.

Draw in the subway

If the city has a subway, the following joke can be made. The result is guaranteed. Enter the car, when the electric train starts to move, pretend that you have pressed the button to the driver and say loudly: “Please bring me a big pizza with bacon and cola,” then calmly sit down on the chair. At the next stop, a friend with whom you agreed in advance should enter the car and bring pizza and cola. You settle accounts with him, take the order, he leaves. People who pay attention to such a "miracle" will be shocked, but that's not all. Get up, go to the same button and, as if turning to the driver, say: "To the final, without stopping." The result is guaranteed!

Lift draw

Take a small table, bring it into the elevator, cover it with a tablecloth, put flowers, a vase, coffee and wait for your "victim". When a person presses the elevator button and the door opens in front of him, you can say: "Why are you breaking into my apartment" or any other phrase. Enough and the most seen to surprise a person.

Draw "Whiskas"

You can play strangers and draw attention to yourself as follows. Take a bag of dog food, pour in cereal or "Nesquik". When you go in transport, take out the bag as if with food for animals and start eating, you can offer such a treat to your neighbor in the chair. The drawing will work out for sure.

Finally, we suggest watching the video "How you can make fun of your friends and family"

The jokes and pranks on April 1 are very varied. They are funny and interesting, someone is driven into paint, someone starts to take offense, but in most cases people know and are waiting for the "Day of Laughter", which will allow them to play pranks and laugh heartily at their own jokes or the jokes of their friends. Successful and funny jokes can be remembered for a long time. Turn on your imagination, and make April 1 a fun and unforgettable holiday, but do not forget that each of your jokes should not cause severe harm to a person or humiliate him among others. Come up with new pranks, play pranks on your friends and family. After all, April 1 is exactly the holiday in which laughter and fun should sound. Make this day unforgettable for yourself and your loved ones.

Or Fool's Day- this is the day when it is customary to arrange pranks for friends and acquaintances or just joke.

April 1 - April Fool's Day

There are several theories regarding the origin of this holiday. The most famous of them dates back to the 16th century in France... Until the middle of the 16th century, the Julian calendar was in use, according to which the New Year began in April. However, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, according to which the new year began on January 1.

However, not everyone immediately accepted the new calendar and continued to celebrate the new year from March 25 to April 1... These people became the subject of ridicule and practical jokes.

In ancient Rome, a similar holiday was also celebrated. Hilaria March 25, and in India, with the beginning of spring, a fun festival is celebrated Holi when people joke and throw paints at each other.

If you decide to play a trick on someone that day, here are some interesting ideas.

A warning: DO NOT try to harm anyone or destroy someone's property!

How to play a prank on a friend or colleague?

1. Plant grass in his keyboard... However, get ready to buy your colleague a new keyboard if you decide to resort to this prank, or just discreetly replace it with an old and similar keyboard.

2. Attach horn with scotch tape and watch your friend jump in complete delight.

3. Convert wipers in a multicolored rainbow... Warning: this can be hazardous to your health.

4. Offer water in an original way. Pour water into a glass, cover with a piece of paper, turn it upside down and place on the table, and then remove the paper.

5. Improve technology their colleagues.

6. Cover soap with colorless varnish and leave in the bathroom.

7. Complete the office toy rats.

8. Make their worst fears a reality by building imitation on toilet paper.

9. Demonstrate to a colleague that he is too self-absorbed.

10. Make sure your colleague reads morning newspapers.

11. Arrange a surprise with balls.

12. Leave them big brown surprise.

13. Indulge their taste buds by cooking caramelized onion.

14. Suggest a glass of water, or two, or a few thousand.

15. Try to get your friend to come to work on time by setting several alarm clocks that will ring at intervals of 5 minutes, and hide them all over the house.

16. Remind him / her of his / her favorite actor or singer.

17. Stick the tape to the optical mouse sensor.

19. Do " head in a jar"by printing a portrait of the head.

20. Change the icons on the toilet doors.

How to prank people on the street?

Glue superglue a coin to the sidewalk and watch the reaction of people.

Have a casual conversation with a passerby, and then report that you escaped from a mental hospital.

· In a busy place, lift your head up and, waving your arms, give instructions: "To the right, to the right, and now to the left, to the left." When a few onlookers gather, shout: " Now drop it!"and jump back. Watch the reaction.

· When you are driving in transport, passing by a river or lake, exclaim in surprise: " Look, dolphins!"Enjoy the reaction.

· Dress alike with a friend. When the trolleybus starts its journey, run after it. At another stop, your friend runs into a trolleybus and says with relief: " Barely caught up!".

Here's another a few examples, how people are played on the street:

How to prank a friend on the phone?

· Inform that you conduct a survey and ask random and funny questions.

· Call a random number and ask for "(any name"), when they tell you that you made a mistake, hang up. Do this in different voices several times. At the end, call and in a different accent tell me that you are "(name)" and ask, are there any messages for you?.

· Call a friend on the phone and tell him that you are his neighbor, you have no water. Ask him to wash, or bathe a cat or a child.

Call the office posing as a telephone exchange master and ask do not pick up the phone for 10 minutes as you may be electrocuted. Call back, and if they pick up the phone, start screaming heart-rendingly.

Introduce yourself as an operator and inform that due to non-payment turn off the phone.

Call on the phone and let us know that today turn off the water... Ask to collect more water in the bathroom, basins, pots. Call back in half an hour and ask: "Have you got some water?" If the answer is yes, say: "Now let the boats go!"

Literally a few hours remain before the holiday, which some consider senseless and merciless, while others see it as an excellent reason to joke. April 1, aka April Fool's Day, forces us to be careful in communicating with friends, or to include our creativity and sense of humor to the fullest. If you do not want or do not have time to come up with your own joke, we offer you a dozen of time-tested April Fools' jokes.

Classics of the genre

1. If we discard the vulgar "your whole back is white", then the most unkillable classic is the transfer of all clocks in the house one hour ahead. The "victim" wakes up by the alarm clock an hour earlier, and goes about his business through the morning darkness. And he does not even suspect that the meeting / start of the working day / opening of the museum will have to wait another hour.

2. Fill the bottom of the glass with the toothbrushes with Moment glue. Primitive? Yes, but in the morning the rage and bewilderment of your relatives are guaranteed to you.

3. Hide all your slippers before bed tonight. The effect is similar to the previous point.

4. If your family has gourmets with a heightened sense of beauty, skip this point. In other cases, the good old salt in the sugar bowl works like a clock, no matter how old this "joke" may be.

5. In recent years, a joke with soap and nail polish has become popular thanks to VKontakte publics. Actually, soap and transparent nail polish are taken. The first is covered with the last, and after drying it is not visible from ordinary soap. But an attempt to "lather" such a piece turns around for an ignorant "victim" of the fiasco.

6. Food coloring to help you! There are many ways to use it as a joke (luckily common dyes are safe), but the most popular way is to dye your toothbrush at night. I wonder why people so often joke with hygiene products? ..

If you have a working day

Maybe it so happened that you have to spend this Saturday at work? Well, maybe office pranks will come in handy.

7. The optical computer mouse can be sealed from the bottom with a piece of scotch tape. Before your colleague knows what the matter is, he will be sure for a while that an essential part of the computer has fallen into disrepair.

8. Give or lend to a colleague a banknote. Just make a reservation that it is better not to insert it into the ATM. For a long time and painfully your "victim" will look for signs of a forgery on the banknote.

9. If you have a particularly curious person at work, take a cardboard box with a cut out or just poorly secured bottom. Put a variety of things in it, and on the outside write something like "do not touch" or "personal items". Then leave the room and wait for the player to enter it. Then go to the rumble of falling out things and watch the reaction.

Creative approach

There are many unusual ways to play tricks on others. We offer one of them.

10. Make an agreement with your friend, and go to buy some food "to go" in the nearest fast food shop. Then you go down to the subway, and your friend leaves for the nearest station. On the next train, you enter the same carriage, during the trip you approach the "passenger-driver" communication button and pretend to speak into the microphone. Say the following loudly and clearly: "Hamburger, country-style potatoes and a little cola!" At the next station, a friend, to the surprise of others, solemnly hands you a package with an order.

Whatever prank you do, do not forget to congratulate your friend on April 1 after and say that it was a joke. Friendship is more expensive!