Dmitry Sokolov - "Ural Pelmeni": biography. Ksenia Lee and her star husband How old is Xenia whether his wife Dmitry Sokolova

Dmitry Sokolov -
Dmitry Sokolov - "Ural Pelmeni": biography. Ksenia Lee and her star husband How old is Xenia whether his wife Dmitry Sokolova

Dmitry Sokolov graduated from the Chemical Faculty of Technology of the Ural Polytechnic University.

In 1993, Sokolov initiated the creation of the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni", which in the same year won its first victory on the intra-anniversary competition.

In 1994, the Ural Pelmeni was awarded the title of Champions of Yekaterinburg.

In the student years, Dmitry fell ill with abdominal typhoid during a trip to Kazakhstan, as a result of which Artist had to take an academic leave. Then the agenda came from the military office, and Sokolov was sent to serve in Stroybat, where he continued to engage in the organization of concerts, holidays, directed and author's work.

In 1995, the team debut in the Higher League of KVN took place. Ural Pelmeni under the leadership of Sokolov several times became the winners of the Voting Kiwyn festival in Jurmala, and in 2009 they celebrated their 16th anniversary. All the speeches of the KVN UPI team ("Ural Pelmeni").

In addition to performances in the team, actively filmed in the cinema. His debut in the cinema took place in 2002 in the comedy series "If the witch's bride" directed by Oleg Fesenko. Then a fighter "Unmanaged skid" and comedy Alexander Sorokina "Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - Flying to Cosmos. "

Sokolov first of all proven itself as an actor of the Sitkomov. He starred in such comedy TV shows, as "Thank God, you came!", "Unrealist" and "South Butovo". In addition, he appeared in the "Comedy Club" and "Ural Pelmeni" show. In addition, the actor played Kameo in the Comedy "Random Communications".

In 2011, he took part in the Russian television drama "General of the General", where Alexey's role played.

Creative path of Dmitry Sokolova

According to Dmitry Sokolov, it is impossible to take and get into KVN if he wanted. It is necessary to be born a funny person - to merge your own family, then friends, colleagues.

- What is KVN? I like everything that people do from the soul, honestly, sincerely and understandable. KVN cut, like a segment of man, I like the fact that when a person does something sincerely, purely, good, it turns out funny.

The debut speech of Dmitry Sokolov on the stage was held in the "Neighbors" team, but soon he initiated the creation of his own project called the "Ural Pelmeni" - its residents were the guys from various student construction units of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. The team's speeches within the framework of the KVN show had a deafening success. The Ural Pelmeni entered the Higher League and won a total of six different awards, including the KVN Super Chamber Cup and the prizes of the Music Festival "Voting Kiwyn" in Jurmala.

One appearance Dmitry Sokolova On the stage makes the audience in the hall to laugh up to tears, and his speeches are literally quoted in wide circles. For example, poem "Lonely white mouse" In his execution:

- Lonely white mouse lost innocence in the barn. There the next day lost innocence is different. I do not know what to do now with this wonderful sense of nature, but it will always be. Happy new year friends! Happy New Year!

Star disease does not suffer - there are no colleagues from the stage. In addition to creative work, there are many things, without which he does not think of life - sleep, fresh air and church.

- What exactly prolongs life is a good mental state when a person is calm. And laughter? Probably prolongs. For example, a person had a problem, and he laughed, discharged. It became easier, and the soul is joy. I had such moments when the hall did not understand what I wanted to say. And I want to wish every person to and he is not one such case, because the failures teach a person to remain himself.

As part of the favorite team continues to engage in the organization of holidays, concerts, directed and author's work. In September 2009, the premiere of their project "Show" Ural Pelmeni "took place on the CTA channel. Dmitry can also be seen with solo numbers in some humorous television programs: "big difference", "ProjectorParisHilton", "South Butovo", "Comedy Club".

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov - Russian comedian and actor, one of the older commander of the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni", a participant in the Talk Show to the CTC and a number of other popular humorous projects: "Out of the game", "Show News", "Big Grater", "South Butovo "," ProjectorParischolton "," Valera-TV "," Unreal History ".

The hearts of millions of Russians conquered the enchanting concert programs of the domestic "dealer of humor," as the participants of the "Ural Pelmeni" themselves call themselves. Among them is "visiting the rill", "Smekhbat", "Pelmeni - rebash", "back to bunny", "people in something", "happy in the test".

In the ranking of domestic celebrities from Forbes in 2013, the team held 15th place with an income of 2.8 million dollars, in 2015 - 16th with 800 thousand, in 2016 they did not fall into the list of the highest paid stars.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Sokolov appeared on April 11, 1965 in Pervouralsk, located 40 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. He became a second child in the family (Dmitry has an older sister) Vladimir Sergeyevich and Irina Alexandrovna Sokolovy.

According to his mom, the artistic inclinations manifested themselves from the Son for 3 years, when he quoted the monologues from the "Bremen Musicians" with dancing and songs. And all this - despite the lack of musical hearing. This circumstance, however, did not prevent him from graduating from a music school later and protrude in the folklore ensemble.

In primary classes, he studied badly, as it was overly active, non-dismantuous and inattentive. But, matured, corrected the situation with academic performance. And during the trip to the whole class in Moscow, and at all pleasantly struck teachers when he proposed to reduce them not in a cafe or zoo, like other children, but in the theater.

After receiving the attestate, the young man entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI) to Himfak, where his older sister studied. She was an active participant in public life, a stroke fighter, a member of the Agitbrigada, always invited relatives on their thematic evenings and numerous concerts that they organized not only in the walls of their educational institution, but also in hospitals, at the factories, and was able to captivate brother with the opportunities of the beautiful construction worker and student life.

Speech by Dmitry Sokolov

At the end of the second year, he went with the building "Horizon" to work in Astrakhan, where he met many good friends, but fell ill with abdominal typhoid. Subsequently, he had to be treated for a long time and take a academotic test. When the service time came in the army, he fell into the military-building part.

Dmitry Sokolov and KVN

After serving in the army, Dmitry returned to his native institute. In 1991, with a team of KVN "Neighbors", uniting students from the UPI and Medinstitution of Tyumen, he participated in the Games of the Higher League (they lost to Novosibirsk that year). Then he was elected by the Commissioner of the Student Council of the Institute. In 1993, the team of the "neighbors" collapsed, and he decided to organize his own team, inviting her close to the world from the best representatives of the Agitbrigad construction projects.

The first game of Dmitry in the freshly created team, called the "Ural Pelmeni", took place in the fall of the same year in the semifinals against the team of the Law Academy and ended with a convincing victory of beginners. In the final, they met with the guys from the local university, again won a beautiful victory and became champions of the native city.

In 1995, one of the most significant events occurred for the "dumplings" - they played brilliantly at the International Festival of KVN in Sochi and first fell into the highest leagues. In the future, their speeches usually always produced a furor. In confirmation, you can recall the parody of Vladimir Zhirinovsky "I am water, I am water" or the song "Bubbles fly", Sooty Sokolov in 1997. And his congratulations in verses with the 2000th New Year ("Lonely White Mouse" - about the mouse that lost innocence in the barn) generally became a classic genre.

Dmitry Sokolov and "Ural dumplings" in Sochi

As part of the team, Dmitry became the owner of many prestigious awards and titles, including the title of the Higher League champion, winner of the Super Champions Cup and the winner of the Music Festival in Jurmala Voting Kiwin.

Further Career Dmitry Sokolov

After completing a career in KVN, Dmitry, together with other team members, continued to operate in the entertainment industry under the brand name "Ural Pelmeni". In 2007, they submitted to the TNT program "Show News" - a comic version of ordinary news releases. Its first releases were very popular with the audience.

In 2009, there was an opportunity to show a big concert performance "Pelmeni" on the Ren-TV channel. It was not allocated to the organization of filming of funds, but they decided not to miss the chance that had a concert and recorded their own money. And they did not lose - soon they were offered cooperation CTC channel.

Within the framework of the STS "Pelmeni" began to prepare and show such humorous "registered" performances per month. Sokolov, or "Falcon", as his friends call him, usually performed in them as a rustic guy, seemingly rustled, but possessing special folk wisdom.

Subsequently, no participation of the talented comedian did not affect the team. He offered the original ideas, was engaged in organizing touring, concert preparation, writing shock songs and jokes, and also performed with solo rooms - on the first channel in the "big difference", on TNT in "Comedy Club", in other humorous television shows.

In parallel with the show "Ural Pelmeni", the team released the "Unreal History" with a test, where Dmitry got the role of Luke Lukich, was the initiator of the Communication Talent Competition "Measoring", the exit of the Sketch show "Valera TV", where Andrei Rozhkov, Dmitry Brecotn, Ilan Isaczhanova (Yuryeva) and other colleagues.

Nubuk - "Last year's laughter fell"

In 2013, the creative association of talented performers who marked the 20th anniversary of the business with a grand performance called "20 years in Test" was awarded the prestigious television award "Tafi-Commonwealth". In 2014, they became the finalists of Thafi, and also presented new show programs "Visa is - the mind is not necessary!", "With Milic Paradise and in Boutique".

In 2015, the team of creative humorists noted the 50th anniversary of her Matra with the concert "50 friends of Sokolous." Among their works of 2016, it is possible to note the "dough under the sun", where they discussed the cost of dishes in the deputy dining room, "game jokes" with Dmitry in the image of the goat, New Year's Eve "Olivie".

Personal life Dmitry Sokolova

Star "Ural Pelmeni" - a large father, he has five children. From the first marriage with Natalia, in those years a student of the economophia, with which they met in a construction engineer, Dmitry has a son Sasha, which appeared in 1992, and born 10 years after Brother's daughter Anya. Their family broke out due to household problems and the constant absence of a husband engaged in shooting or touring with concerts.

From a second marriage with Ksenia Lee, Ex-Participant of the KVN team "Irina Mikhailovna", the artist has two daughters Masha and Sonya, 2012 and 2017 year of birth, and the son of Vanya, born in 2015, during "a somewhat delayed celebration of the half-century anniversary your dad. " Native little daughter originally wanted to call John, but with baptism gave a more traditional name Sofia. Dmitry Sokolov with his wife and children

It should be noted that the artist showed himself as a real and caring husband not only the purchase of fur coats, cars and houses, but also care during her illness. She suffered by deformation of the lower extremities, moved on crutches, suffered an operation. And in a difficult period of life, he was a real support for her - helped recovery, made massages, supported morally.

A young woman participates in the creative life of his extraordinary chosen one - drives him to touring trips, makes sentences in the script, is always present in the hall during performances or filming.

Dmitry Sokolov Now

In 2017, a wonderful artist continued to surprise his fans with an inexhaustible humor, slaughter jokes, scratching cartoons, speaking in concerts, on various holidays, shows and corporate countries.

Dr. Sokolov - from dirt in rhinestones - Ural dumplings

In October, at STS, he together with other "dumplings" presented the next sparkling masterpieces. Among them: the release of "Icra of Thrones" and the program with the intriguing name "50 shades of tanned".

The comedian also noted in the video of the "All-Russian Folk Front", on which the famous artists congratulated the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a 65-year-old. Dmitry invited the head of the state to fishing, noting that near their city "there is a wonderful field, where the lake could be made to his arrival."

Dmitry Sokolov - Russian Showman, humorist, founder of the famous KVN team "Ural Pelmeni", actor. Also known in the TV show "Valera-TV", "Unreal History" and other projects.

Main films actor Dmitry Sokolova

  • short biography

    Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov was born on April 11, 1965 in Pervouralsk. As a child, he was engaged in a music school, but he studied mediocre. After school, Dmitry decided to go in the footsteps of the elder sister and entered into the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Sokolov became a student of the chemical and technological faculty.

    Served in the army, being there, according to His assurance, by chance. "Once, being in a construction student detachment, with the guys went to Kazakhstan. There fell ill with abdominal typhoid and, as a result, I did not study the year. And after an academic leave, I could not join my studies, I got used to rest. I had to go to the army. At the national point, in Yegorchino, they said: "The abdominal typhoid was sick? Then in Stroybat! " So it was in the army, in Stroybate, "the falcons remembers.

    In the most student construction team, Dmitry met his first wife Natalia - in 1992 he had a son Alexander, and in the 2002th daughter Anna.

    In the student of Dmitry and became interested in the game in the club cheerful and resourceful. Already in 1993, he created the team of KVN "Ural Pelmeni", which began its procession around the country with a small scene in the province and doshagala to the capital. Dmitry Sokolov with his team of "Ural Pelmeni" became the champion of the highest League of 2000, then-aforementioned summer cup in 2002, winner of the five awards of the Jurmala Festival "Voting Kiwin" ("Big Kiwin in Gold" (2002), "Big Cywin in Light "(1999, 2004)," Big Kiwin in the dark "(2005, 2006). Games were broadcast across the country through the federal channel - it was at this time Dmitry Sokolov became a massively famous humorist.

    Since 2002, Dmitry has become filmed in domestic TV shows. Its first game projects were - "if the witch's bride" with Sergey Bezrukov, "Kazan is involved" with Vladimir Goriansky, "Thieves and prostitutes. The prize is flying into space. "With Vladimir Glasova.

    Since 2005, Dmitry Sokolov began to appear in the popular comedy show "Comedy Club" TV channel TNT, as well as another rating humorous project - "Thank God, you came!" CTC channel.

    From 2011, Dmitry became a member of the comedic show "Unreal History", which is created by the members of the "Ural Pelmeni" members. He embodied the image of Lukich Luki.

    On September 8, 2011, the 46-year-old Dmitry married the second time - on a 23-year-old resident of Kazakhstan Ksenie Lee-participating in the team of KVN "Irina Mikhailovna". Dmitry sought a young colleague on the workshop for a very long time. According to friends, he was next to her in a difficult period for her, when the girl was to have an operation (she suffered from childhood by deformation of the legs), shouted with gifts, attention and care, insisted on operations. In the end, Ksenia surrendered. At 47 years, Sokolov became the Father for the third time - in October 2012, Ksenia gave birth to Mary's daughter.

The humorous show "Ural Pelmeni" has become very popular thanks to the talent of his participants, which, although they became celebrities, but do not rush to advertise their personal life. Agree, because we know much less about them than other stars. Interesting facts about the personal lives of the participants of the show "Ural dumplings" are waiting for you further.

Sergey Ershov

Sergey Ershov also does not advertise his wife and children. The light with them does not come out. Most often, the public appears with its television "family" - with Julia Grishina and Zoya Berber

Dmitry Sokolov and Ksenia Lee

Ksenia Lee is Dmitry Sokolova's wife, like her spouse, also a humorist. The participant of the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni" Sokolov after a divorce with his first wife became one of the members of the jury in KVN and watched all what was happening on the stage. One day, during one of the games, Dmitry Sokolov noticed a charming girl from Kazakhstan, which was called Ksenia. She not only withered withered, but also sang perfectly.

Sergey Netyevsky and Natalia Nehtyevskaya

In the photo Sergey with his fans. He does not advertise his personal life. Sergei Netievsky's wife, Natalia, with him lives sixteen years old. In his interview, he always tries to bypass the themes of personal life, and, although he tries not to even mention her name, it is known that her name is Natalia. In the family of Netyevsky, three children.

Dmitry Brekotkin and Ekaterina Brecotna

Dmitry Brekotna Catherine's wife met his future spouse in a student building camp. Dmitry and Catherine are married since 1995. Spouses raise two daughters.

Sergey Isaev and Irina

Irina is the second wife of Sergey (civil marriage). Feelings arose at first glance. Sergey jokes that, working nearby, they could see each other in the window, and met ... in the club. It is curious and the fact that once Irina was in love with him. Now Sergey appreciates the most stress resistance and positive. While the lovers rejoice just every day spent nearby. And advise everyone: look around attentive. Maybe your happiness nearby? And on October 12, 2013, this couple was born Son Elisha.

Andrei Rozhkov and Elvira Rozhkov

It is difficult to believe that the merry and balagen, the soul of the KVN team "Ural dumplings", TV presenter and actor Andrei Rozhkov could not find himself a suitable bride. Helped to get rid of the bachelor life of Moscow friends. He was already broken between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, lived in the Urals, worked in the capital. In one of the arrival friends and introduced him to His friendly Elvira. This was the future wife of Andrei Rozhkov. But from the wedding, then they were separated by the six years: they found out each other, they wanted to understand whether they could hold a lifetime hand. And now the horn has two adorable sons.

Vyacheslav Butchers and Nadezhda Myasnikova

Vyacheslav is married, has two children. The family of the butcher, like the family of all the "Ural Pelmeni", lives in Yekaterinburg, from where he is constantly leaving for Moscow to work. Vyacheslav has to literally break between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, where he basically has to work. Moreover, he tries to give his wife and children, returning to his native city. Vyacheslav Myasnikova's wife Hope is engaged in the upbringing of twins - Constantine and Maxim.

Yulia Mikhalkov-Matyukhina and Igor Danilov

In 2010, Julia had a worker - a 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region Igor Danilov. Now he is headed by the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. At the thirty years Igor gave a ringer to a friend. True, the date of the wedding is not yet known.

Ilan Yuryeva (Isaczhanova) and Dmitry Dildin

Dmitry - the second husband of Ilana. With the first husband, Anton Yuryev girl divorced. The couple became acquainted by chance in one of the Moscow restaurants. According to Ilans, it was love at first sight. Already five minutes after the acquaintance, they began to plan a wedding joke. And even after a year of Ilan and Dmitry got married, and recently they had a daughter Diana.

July 28, 2017 no comments

If you are interested in Dmitry Sokolov from the "Ural Pelmeni" show - his biography in Wikipedia (left the "Ural Pelmeni"), personal life in instagram, family, the text below will be useful for you. We will talk in details about the childhood and youth of the humorist, his acquaintance with KVN, career and relationships with women.

Dmitry Sokolov biography

Some fans do not know how many years Dmitry Sokolov from the Ural Pelmeni. This year he noted his 52nd birthday, since it was born on April 11, 1965. Native for Dima became a small town called Pervouralsk, finding which will not be difficult, looking at the map of the Sverdlovsk region.

Sokolov grew by a mischievous and restless boy who did not feed much interest in studying. Meanwhile, it did not prevent him from getting a school certificate and become a student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Dmitry attracted the selected specialty, so in terms of academic progress he was among the gooders. Unfortunately, the young man was not destined to receive a diploma for the reason that he could not pass the session after a long academic leave taken due to serious illness.

Dmitry, who was always cheerful and sociable, decided to realize his creative potential, playing in KVN. At first he became a team member who was called "Neighbors". Later, the guy realized that he had all the necessary qualities to create his own team. Having found like-minded students from among students and calling them the "Ural Pelmeni", he was at the very beginning of his creative path.

Each speech of Kaviencen, under the leadership of Sokolov, was successful. This led to the fact that the guys quickly went to the highest league and several years later became her champions. Together with this, the real popularity came to them, which many remains only to dream of.

As you know, the participants of the club of merry and resourceful, previously part of the team "Ural Pelmeni", became the creators of the television show of the same name. Dima Sokolov turned out to be among them. Currently, the humorist is engaged in several types of activities at once: takes part in productions, organizes concerts, writes scripts, filmed in advertising. You can see his name in the list of creators of many popular shows taken for different TV channels.

Dmitry Sokolov Personal Life

Behind Dmitry two marriages. He met his first wife, being a student. Her name was Natalia, and she gave the humorist of two charming children. First, in 1992, a son appeared at the pair, which was called Sasha. The boy was 10 years old when parents gave him a sister, called Anna.

After Sokolov had to spend most of his time on tour and shooting sites, his family life gave a crack. This led to the fact that, despite the long years of russia, the spouses divorced.

In about 2006, fate collided Sokolov with a girl named Ksenia, who played one of the KVN teams. Despite the solid difference in age equal to 23 years old, Dmitry really fell in love. Ksyusha conquered his heart with beauty and, of course, an excellent sense of humor, so after five years of relations the lovers entered into an official marriage.

At the moment Ksenia Sokolova, the wife of Dmitry Sokolov, happy with his companion of life and gave him three children. Spouses raise two daughters, one of whom is Masha, and the second - Sonya, as well as the son of Vanya. This is a really strong and friendly family, all members of which love and respect each other.