Dmitry Monatik: from the ordinary dancer to the supermultyartist. Singer Monatik for the second time he became a father, and the soloist O.Torvald is waiting for replenishment in the family who Dmitry Monatik

Dmitry Monatik: from the ordinary dancer to the supermultyartist. Singer Monatik for the second time he became a father, and the soloist O.Torvald is waiting for replenishment in the family who Dmitry Monatik
Dmitry Monatik: from the ordinary dancer to the supermultyartist. Singer Monatik for the second time he became a father, and the soloist O.Torvald is waiting for replenishment in the family who Dmitry Monatik

Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik (Monatik) was born in a simple Ukrainian family, where he was the only child. From early childhood, he was a very creative boy and had many hobbies, including dances.

The hobby led Dima in Lutsk Break-Dance team "DBS Crew". Being his participant, in 14 years old monk won the title "Best B-Boy" team of Western Ukraine. But the creative biography of Dima Monatary is not only dancing, but also singing. As it turned out, besides the ability to move well, Dima has also manifested the ability to vocals.

In 2003, the monk became a student of the Law Faculty of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. But despite the serious chosen profession, the creative character of the guy regularly made himself felt. During his studies, Dima monk continued to actively engage in dancing and music, and soon the final casting in the famous project "Star Factory-2" where Dima notices. She personally invites Dima to his ballet. It was this event that became a "fateful" for the monatary. He agrees and moves to Kiev.

Talent Show

In 2009, the monk graduated from the university and gathered his first MONATIQUE music team with whom he spoke in clubs, fulfilling his author's repertoire. In the same year, he passes the casting to the ballet "D'Arts", which made a lot of career successes. In July 2010, Dmitry takes part in the dance show "Dance all-3" and falls into the twenty of the best dancers of Ukraine.

In August of the same year, Monatik successfully passes the casting in another popular talent show, this time the vocal - "X-factor", in which it becomes one of the most vivid participants. At the same time, Dima Monatik acts as choreographer-director video clip "on a large balloon."


Grand successes on the talent show gave Dmitry monasticity to the push completely surrender to creativity and make a solo project. In the summer of 2011, together with his friend, Nikolai Boychenko and the ballet "D'Arts", the monk removes his debut video clip to the Single Tailetya. Instant the video scored a huge number of views and has become a business card of a young artist. After six months, the monk launched the second single called "Air", then also took a video clip on it.

In August 2012, Dima Monatik wrote a song "40 degrees" in his career, which was performed by the most shock Ukrainian. The song instantly blew up all the charts of the country. Thanks to Loboda, the monk becomes well-known as the author of words and composer.

In March 2013, the monk presents track and video to "sorry ..." and produces its first solo album called the "Soundtrack of today". A month later, Dmitry writes the first solo track for "by himself", with whom the singer makes debut as a solo singer after leaving the group "VIA Gra".

In the fall of 2014, the collaboration of Dmitry Monatik and the Yula PR Agency begins. During this period, the artist appears a short scenic name Monatik. In the same year, a large solo tour of the artist on the big cities of Ukraine called "Now". Dmitriya Monatary was expected by Achlag, which speaks of his incredible creative success.

In the winter of the same year, Monatik writes for the singer Anna Sedakova Remix to the Single Piranhai, and on February 14, 2015, on the day of all lovers, Anna and Monatik produce a joint single "quieter." In the same period, Monatik, together with Anton Chilibies, opens its own monatikchilibisound recording studio and is closely engaged in writing the second album.

A major success in the career of the singer can be called that Dmitry Monatik entered the top five of the best artists in Ukraine according to the Yuna Award. On May 25, 2016, Dmitry presented his second album "Sounds", which includes 16 compositions. In the same year, Monatik became a stellar coach in the project on a 1 + 1 TV channel.


  • "Intro"
  • "Smoke"
  • "Tailetya"
  • "Important"
  • "Today's Soundtrack (S. S.D.)"
  • "Air"
  • "Sorry…"
  • "Smiling"
  • "In the best light"
  • "Greedy"
  • "Terrorizer. E.T.
  • "Sorry ..." (Greenleto & Sam Radeo Remix) "Important" (Feat. Open Kids)
  • "Wise trees"
  • "Running"
  • "Quieter" (Anna Sedokova & Monatik)
  • "Wet" (Monatik & Quest Pistols Show)
Dmitry Monatik - the youth Ukrainian singer, composer and dancer, speaking under the scenic name Monatik. Creativity is its main and favorite lesson: he himself writes music and texts, performs songs and removes clips.

Childhood Dmitry Monatary

Dmitry was born on April 1, 1986 in Lutsk. Grew in an ordinary family with ordinary parents: Dad worked at the aircraft factory, Mom was secretary. Later, when Dima matured, they began to work on their business.

Most likely, the musical talent of a young man received from grandfathers: one of them was a deaf-and-and-and-the-mounted dancer and an athlete, the second sang well, and even the masterfully accompanied himself on the accordion.

Up to the eighth grade Dima grew, completely not differing from other peers. The starting point for a teenager became seen on the city square of the Break Dance show. Walked dance expression, he decided to learn to dance and joined the DBS Crew Dance dance group. The purposeful Dima quickly achieved success, becoming one of the best performers. Together with the group, he began to perform across the country.

In the graduation class it was time to be determined with a future profession. Parents managed to convince the Son in the vitality to learn about the lawyer, and to translate the music to the hobby level. As a result, Dmitry Monatik was a student of the law faculty in the afternoon, and in the evening he returned to the musical element.

Music Career Dmitry Monatary

Nevertheless, Fortuna was male to Dmitry, giving him the opportunity to do his beloved thing instead of a crowded seating in the office. The impetus to a serious musical career was unrequited love.

During this period, the monk was hit by the casting of the Ukrainian "Star Factory", where he managed to impress the People's Artist Natalia Mogilevskaya. She took him to his team and helped move from Lutsk to Kiev. The next stage is the work of the dancer in the Metropolitan Professional Studio TURBO. This gave Dmitry the opportunity to learn from the example of the best dancers of the country, and in his free time to test his own skills.

At the same time, Dmitry managed to create a personal vocal project "Monatique". He himself wrote and performed songs.

In 2010, Dmitry Monatik fell under the wing to the famous choreographer Nikolay Boychenko, and also participated in the filming of the "Mukhtar" series. That year became successful and in contests: the monk entered the thirty dancers selected in the third season of the competition "Dance everything" and became one of the best performers of the "X-factor".

The next year the clips "Tailetha" and "Air" laid on Youtube, the effect of a broken bomb. Already by 2012, Dmitry Monatik became unsolicited in the musical environment by the author of Hita "40 degrees", which he wrote for Svetlana Loboda, as well as the songs of "ourselves" for another former Viagraka Eva Bushmin.

In 2013, the light saw his first solo album from 13 songs - "S.D.", which was deciphering as a "current-day soundtrack".

2014 was marked for a singer with a new pseudonym Monatik and two songs created in co-authorship with Anna Sedokova. Next - your own recording studio. In 2015, the Ukrainian musical channel M1 called him a "breakthrough of the year."

Monatik - Clip "Closed"

In 2016, the monk released the second album that received the laconic name "sounds" and consisting of 16 songs, including a duet with Anna Sedokova and Quest Pistlos. In the same year, the premiere of the clips of the "day off", "circling", "Eternity" and "Sleep", which was removed with the participation of Rapper L'One.

Monatik Feat. L "One - Sleep

Personal life Dmitry Monatary

On his verified page "Vkontakte", the singer willingly shared with fans of music and clips, creative plans and reports. But a word about personal. He does not like to spread about his family.

Nevertheless, the fans of the singer are known that he is married, the spouse is the name of Irina Demicheva. Partly, she is the director of the project Monatik.

They got married in 2015 after perennial relations, immediately after this event had a son born. In February 2017, the family replenished with another child.

Among other favorite activities of Dmitry - drawing. In his youth, he even created his own "Monatary's Cartoon Cartoon", and the cover for the first album he also issued himself. Also, he is not against spending free time for the game in the console.

Dmitry Monatik is a comprehensively developed character of Ukrainian show business. Singer, dancer, clipmaker, songwriter, actor - all in one. Today we will tell you about the "breakthrough" of the famous Ukrainian performer and his way to glory: where and how Dmitry Roste, as the performer's path chose, and who helped him.


Monatik Dmitry Sergeevich comes from Western Ukraine, namely the city of Lutsk. Born on April 1, 1986 in the most ordinary family. His parents could not boast of particular sufficient, rather, on the contrary. Dmitry's dad worked on one of the Ukrainian aircraft facilities, collecting engines for the aircraft, and a little later began to work on the production of foam rubber.

Mom was held by the secretary in the executive committee of the city council of Lutsk. Over time, Dima's parents managed to get money and discover their own little business.

Monk was always a low dense boy, but in the 8th grade fate made him change. Once, returning home from school, he drew attention to the dancers, which were about the central square of his city, and realized that he wanted to dance no worse than them. From this day, Dmitry begins to actively engage in dancing, namely popular at that time the "Break Dance" style.

Soon the guy becomes the participant of the famous DBS Crew dance team, which actively toured all Ukraine. After some time, Dmitry participated in the popular program "Dance John".

But we all know the monatary in the image of a popular Ukrainian singer. According to the artist himself, the love of music was passed from grandfathers. One of them was deaf and dark, but it did not prevent him from becoming a dancer and to achieve great success in sports, the second was a virtuoso bayanist-singer. As a result of the mixing of all genes, a charismatic and, of course, a talented artist was turned out.

Carier start

In the eleventh grade it was time to solve his fate, namely choose the direction of further study at the university. Guy's parents persuaded him to choose a more landed profession and go to learn to a lawyer. So he did, enrolling at the Faculty of Law. But it did not prevent him from doing the work. In his free time, the monk continued to actively engage in music and develop his talents.

Unrequited love has become an impetus for further promotion of Dima on the musical career staircase. The rupture of unsuccessful relationship made the monatary go to the casting of the Ukrainian "Star Factory", where the singer Natalia Mogilev took him under his guardianship. He moves to live in Kiev and is engaged in creativity. After some time, Dmitry begins to work as a dancer in the "Turbo" studio.

The next stage of his creative path is to participate in the "X-factor" vocal show, where he became one of the strongest and loved public of the participants.

"Atomic bomb explosion"

2011 marks the monatary breakthrough on the Ukrainian singing scene. The guy posted on Youtube two clips on the songs "Tailelet" and "air," and ... Ripped the public! The popularity fell to the monatary, as if snowing on the head.

In 2012, he writes the text of the song "40 degrees", which singer Svetlana Loboda performed. A year later, he produces his first music album, which included 13 singles, under the general name "S.S.D.", which is translated - "Soundtrack of today".

The Monatik alias appears in 2014, and with him his own recording studio, where the singer has created two new chit in collaboration with Anna Sedokov. In 2015, the Ukrainian television channel M1 called the Monatary "Breakthrough of the Year."

In 2016, Dmitry Monatik releases his second album, which includes songs "circling", "Eternity", "day off", "Sleep", as well as songs in a duet with Anna Sedokov and Quest Pistlos group.

Hidden love

The monk remains one of the few artists whose personal life did not have time to disassemble the Ukrainian media on the shelves. He thoroughly hides his personal and skillfully avoids questions on a love topic. But some facts we still know. Dmitry Monatik married in 2015. His beloved name is Irina Demicheva, she also performs the role of the director of the creative project "Monatik".

In the same year, their firstborn was born - Son. And in 2017 the second child was born, although the artist himself had refuted the information of this kind for a long time.

Monatik now

In 2016-2017, Dmitry appeared as a judge show "Voice of the Country. Diti, "where his ward Deltei Tuleshov won.

Also in 2017, the album "sounds" and the clip "circling" recognized the best on the "Yuna" music premium. 2018 for the monatary marks many victories. On February 26, at the award ceremony of the Award "Yuna", the monk won three figurines, namely:

  • The best performer;
  • Best video clip ("Vitamin D");
  • Best Concert Show (Live Show "Vitamin D")

Member name: Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik

Age (birthday): 01.04.1986

City: Lutsk (Ukraine)

Education: LF Maup

Family: married, there is a child

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With this article read:

Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik was born on the holiday of laughter's day on April 1, 1986 in the territory of Western Ukraine in the city of Lutsk. Parents were simple people. The father constantly changed the work, somehow he was engaged in assembling motors for aircraft at the factory, subsequently by the production of foam rubber at another enterprise. Dima's mother was secretary in the local urban executive committee.

The salaries of parents almost grabbed to feed the family, but when Dima became older, they were able to establish their small but profitable business business.

Dima did not differ from his peers. One day in the center of the city he saw the show of the Break Dransser team. At that time, the monk learned the city school in the 8th grade. He saw him to the depths of the soul, and the boy began to think about being seriously dancing.

Already soon, Dima became famous in the city, as one of the best brakers. Popularity began to go beyond Lutsk, Monk has become part of the DBS Crew team. Together, the group toured with solo concerts in Ukraine.

By inheritance, Dima took over to dance and singing. The genes made themselves to know, and soon the monk began to get involved in singing. The development in the vocal sphere has soon gave the first fruits.

Having finished learning in high school, Dima decided that he had to do, as Parents say and became a student of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management of the Law Faculty. Being on the pair, his thoughts were only about one, how to wait for the evening and devote time to dancing and vocals.

Participation in Talent Show

After unsuccessful first love, Dima not only began to write poems, songs and draw paintings, but also to shoot video clips of amateur level. He took up self-development even more seriously. At that time, he saw an announcement of the casting on the second stars factory, and therefore went to conquer the jury. I didn't have enough future artist, to become a member of the project. But present on the casting of the singer N. Mogilevskaya decided to give the monastic chance and invited to his ballet.

Dima moved to live in Kiev. It was difficult, but the young man understood exactly what he wants to achieve the goal and become successful. The desire to prove the beloved that she did an incorrect choice in favor of another Moving Dima solely forward. It was important for him to prove himself that he was worthy to be the best.

After a time, Dima got a dancer to the capital dance studio "Turbo" for 2 posts at the same time: the administrator and the dance teacher. He collaborated with the best choreographers of the country, looked at their lessons and trained at night. Monk knew exactly that in the future it would be very useful for him.

Subsequently, he developed his vocal talent and was able to create the team "Monatique". And in 2010, he became part of the ballet "D'Arts", under the leadership of the experienced choreographer Nikolai Boychenko. Then the monk became an actor in the TV series "Mukhtar" and took part in the casting show "Dance everything" 3 season.

He got into the hundreds of the best artists, but could not go to the top 30. Simultaneously with the participation in "Everyone", Dima decided to try happiness in the H-factor vocal contestHe even reached the final qualifying round, but it did not reach the direct ether.

Lefting with anything, Dima began to develop independently. In 2011, he released his first clip "Tailetya". He was removed on the phone along with the ballet "D'Arts".

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Career growth

To date, Dima is a popular artist not only in Ukraine, but also the nearest CIS countries. He not only sings and dances, but also writes compositions to such stars as S. Loboda, E. Bushmina, D. Bilan, Serega, A. Grosu, etc.

In 2015, the first album of the artist called the "Soundtrack of today (S. S. D.)", And a year later, the second album appeared, called "sounds." The song "Smiling" immediately took the leadership positions in the leading charts of the country, and the fans waited for new songs. Dima pleased the fans of the hits "circling", "Vitamin D", etc.

Since then, Dima can often be seen in different talent projects, but already as a jury. He is a judge show "Voice. Children". The clips of the monatary are often overlooking the ability to dance the singer, and at the concerts of Dmitry there is always a full all-wheelhang. In the country, he even earned the nickname of the most energetic artist.

Personal life and hobbies

In 2017, it became known that Dima Monk was his father. For a long time he hid the truth about his personal life. As it turned out, he was married for 4 years on Irina Demicheva, which is still found in Lutsk.

Dima is fond of drawing from ornament. He was able to create cartoon characters with his own hands, draws portraits to friends on birthdays in the form of a family of Simpson. The cover of the first album issued personally.

Dima like to get into the house, repair, in general, he does not run away from homework. And still loves to cook. The singer has Pug nicknamed Kirill.

Photo of Monatary

The singer actively leads his instagram, constantly glad the subscribers with new photos and video. And he has more than 960 thousand.

The name of the monatik is now a rumor in many who are interested in modern music. This young artist is now, as they say, "on horseback": he also has a song, he shoots clips, appears in various transmissions. How did Dmitry Monatik come to success?


The future star of the Ukrainian and Russian show business was born in Lutsk in 1986, on the day of laughter. The family of Dima, in which he, by the way, was the only child, was quite ordinary: Mom is a secretary, dad - an employee of the aircraft. A little later, when the son became older, the family opened her business.

Music liked Dim since childhood, but it is impossible to say that he still firmly decided to become an artist in young years. He was engaged in the game on several musical instruments, but for the time being, all this was just a hobby. Up to the eighth grade Dmitry Monk did not differ from his peers. And then his life came Break Dance.


For the first time, Dima's Break Dance met on the city square - that day there was some show there, and Dmitry just turned out to be nearby. Expressive dance liked the young man so much that he solidally decided: it will dance the same and even better. Without postponing the case in a long box, he signed up in a dance group and began to practice hard. The purposefulness and independence were peculiar to Dima from an early age: if he set something, he sought it. So it turned out with Break Dance: After a completely short time, Dima became one of the best in the team. So the dances firmly entered his life, now the biography of the monatary without them is unthinkable.

Dima was only fourteen years old when the team in which he opposed was the best in all Western Ukraine. After such recognition, the team began to invite across the country. Together with all I went and Dima. Such a state of affairs continued until the graduation class, and then it was time to be determined with a further vital path. Together with her parents, it was decided to obtain a lawyer's profession - in this faculty in 2003 and monk was enrolled.

Start of creativity

Do not think that when he became a Jurfak student, there was no place or time for creativity in the monatary biography. He managed to successfully combine and study, and dancing, and music. It became more seriously engaged in the last one in the senior courses - everything is faith, as in many other artists, has become unrequited love. His sadness and pain Dima treated in creativity.

And then I decided to try my hand at the Ukrainian "Star Factory". The first season of the project started in 2007, Dmitry also hit the casting of the second, already in 2008. He did not get into the show, but he was no less: Natalia Mogilevskaya, the famous singer, who was a producer on this project, noticed a talented young man. And not just noticed - he liked it so much that she suggested Dima in moving to Kiev and work in his ballet. Of course, he grabbed the chance that had fallen him and immediately agreed.

Through hardship to the stars

In 2009, Dima received a crust on higher education. Nothing connected him no longer, and he could devote all his time to creativity - music and dance. He worked as a teacher in one of the dance schools, in parallel himself honing his skills, and also collected his first musical team. Dmitry called him simply - in his honor: Monatique. Together with this team, Dima performs in Kiev clubs, performing songs of its own essay - of course, about love.

A year later, the biography of Monatary appeared ballet under the leadership of Nikolai Boychenko, a famous Ukrainian choreographer. For two years, Dmitry worked in the team, being one of the leading dancers - often he trusted the main roles in production, and he always justified his confidence in him.

TV project

2010 became for Dima rich in various contests. At first he got to the project "Dance everything!" (in the third season). Despite the fact that the young artist did not become a finalist, the experts called it exactly among the thirty the best dancers of the country. It was a recognition, it was a success that inspired Dima to work even more diligently and responsibly.

Showing himself as a dancer, he decided to test his vocal opportunities in the same year and was adopted at the most popular show "X-factor". This time he also did not get to the final, but demonstrated himself from the best side and was remembered both to the audience and mentors. And so much that the famous singer tree (she was as part of the judges on the project) wanted to work with a talented young man. As a result, Dima became a choreographer-director of the next video of the artist ("on a large balloon"), which was a serious step forward. Monatary's work began to gain momentum.


A year after participating in projects, "shutting up" and clinging for the threshold of Music Olympus, Dima (not without the help of Nikolai Boychenko and his ballet) released his first video clip on the song "Tailetya" (words and music were written by Dima himself). The clip was removed on the mobile phone, and after poured on the Internet, on Youtube. The roller, as they say, blew up the network - in a few days he scored a phenomenal number of views. After six months, the success of the first video repeated the second - on the song "Air". Dime came popularity.

And she fixed even more when Dmitry Monatik, the Ukrainian singer, wrote for his colleague Svetlana Loboda song "Forty degrees". The composition instantly became a hit and brought his portion of glory not only by the performer, but also the author - about Dima and as a talented Master of the songs. From this very moment, he began to cooperate with many eminent and beginner artists as an author and continues to do it to this day.

Three years ago, thanks to the signed contract with one of the major Ukrainian agencies, Dima began to tour in the country - and his warm welcome was expected everywhere. Then in the biography of the monatary and his today's stage name appeared, under which he now knows not only in his homeland, but also in Russia.

Two years later, Dmitry tried himself as a mentor in the Ukrainian version of the famous show "Voice. Children". According to his own words, he was very easy to work with the guys, because he feels herself with them on the same wave - watching cartoons, reads comics, interested in the same things and always knows what to talk to the younger generation.

Monatik: Albums

At the moment, Dima came out two disks. The first, called "S.S.D." ("Soundtrack of today"), saw the light four years ago.

It includes thirteen compositions. Work on the second plate continued for three years. Last year, the album "sounds" - with such hits as "circling", "sleep", "wet", "quieter" and so on - finally got to its admirers.

Monatik: Awards and Nominations

Dima nominations are still more than awards, but, as they say, "not the evening" - he has everything ahead. He received the first prize three years ago as the author of the song "Forty degrees". A year later there was a "best singer" nomination and the victory in the category "breakthrough of the year" on M1 Music Awards.

Last year brought Dima award as the best singer, and he was nominated in three categories: the best solo artist, the best duet (with the "Quest Pistols Show") and the best dance clip. At the present year, Dima managed to win in the nominations "Best Album" and "Best Video Clip".

Personal life

About the biography of the monatary on the Internet is enough of information, but there is practically no information about one thing - about the personal life of the artist. Dima himself repeatedly admitted in an interview that, being a fairly open and sociable person, he did not like to talk about his personal, because it should remain.

Nevertheless, it is known that the young artist is married, his spouse is called Ira. They signed two years ago, and before several years they just met. There is Dima and Ira and children - their two, the younger child was born this year.

  1. Craving for creativity and talent inherited from grandparents on both lines. One of them was a dancer, another sang and played on the accordion.
  2. Dmitry low growth - only one hundred and sixty-four centimeters.
  3. Loves to move on the electrosocate.
  4. It believes that it is fully happy to be impossible, while there is no world on the planet.
  5. Favorite dish - pizza and crab chopstick salad.
  6. The hat, in which the Monatary can constantly see, became an unchanged attribute of his style since the time of the Break Dance class: then she saved his head when the young artist spinning on it.
  7. He starred in one of the episodes of the "Mukhtar" series seven years ago.
  8. He loves to draw and even decorated the cover of the debut disk.

The biography of Monatary is a vivid example of how purposefulness and perseverance to the talent helps to achieve the desired. The main thing is to believe in your strength and not to lower the hands, then everything will turn out. This is exactly what Dima Monk is coming.