Long sentences with appeals. Appell: Examples

Long sentences with appeals. Appell: Examples
Long sentences with appeals. Appell: Examples

213. Read the passage from the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox with Rocky". After the appeal, make a pause (ι) and utter them with a challenge intonation. What are the goals of the statement of sentences with appeals?

Offers with appeals on the purpose of statement question mark.

214. Read, find the appeal. How do they stand out in oral speech and in writing in writing? Spish, emphasizing appeal.

Appeal is allocated by commas. If the appeal is at the beginning of the sentence and pronounced with an exclamation of intonation, then an exclamation mark is put after it. In oral speech, the circulation is distinguished by a challenge intonation.

215. Rearrange the appeals in the middle or to the end of the sentence. Read out louds from you.

1. Mom, break e. Shi (words.) To me today go to the book exhibition. - Allow me, mom, today to go to the book exhibition. "Let me go to the book exhibition today, Mom."
2. Guys, do not forget to prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language. - Do not forget guys, prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language. - Do not forget to prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language guys.

216. Make proposals on schemes. (Ο refers to appeal).

1. Kohl, when will you wake up?
2. Mikhail Igorevich! Congratulations on your anniversary!
3. You, Annie, you need to read more.
4. How do you have a cozy, Marya Ivanovna!

217. Read the Russian folk song. In which sentences dedicated words are appeals, and in which are subject to?

Just like I love my cow.
Well, how I will cling to her.
Eat an enzyme korovushka (appeal) my;
Eat you burnushka (appeal) my!
Just like I love my cow!
Folded I sailed a naul cowhide:
So that it was korovushka (subject to) my,
To cream burnushka (subject to) Dala.

218. Come up with the situation when Nikolai Ivanovich Fisherman appropriate to contact him, calling him:

Nikolay Ivanovich;
- Nikolai;
- Son (son);
- Mr. Fishermen;
- colleague;
- young man;
- Doctor.

Make up and write 2-3 sentences with appeals. Make the scheme.

1. Nikolai Ivanovich, we are waiting for you in the Ninth Cabinet. (Handling colleagues at work).
2. Nikolai, what do you think I have time to jump on the stadium today? (friend's appeal)?
3. Son, help me, please put a sofa in the living room. (Mom's appeal to son).
4. We are glad you, Mr. Fishermen, see at our conference! (Appeal on a business meeting)!
5. Well, a colleague, proceed to bypass. (Handling a colleague with which in good relationships).
6. Young man, allow you to pass. (Appeal of an unfamiliar person).
7. When will you write us down, Doctor? (patient handling).

219. Make proposals with contacts to an unfamiliar person in the following situations:
- You want to know the road;
- You ask the seller to show the goods;
- You ask what time it is.

Please tell me how to go to the stop. Be kind, show the crystal vase. Sorry, you will not tell me what time it is.

220. As in different ways (by last name, name and patronymic, a word with a diminutive - smear) can contact your parents (familiar, neighbors) Different people? Make 5 sentences with various appeals addressed to one person.

Marinochka, let me help you cook lunch. Marina Petrovna, today at ten o'clock in the morning we will have a meeting. Dear Marina! Happy Birthday! Well, tell me the ring, aunt Marina so that he does not felt. And where is our salt, Marin?

221. Read fragments from the letter M. Gorky to his son. Write off proposals with appeals, put the necessary punctuation signs. What can be said, judge only on this appeal, about the attitude of M. Gorky to the Son?

Offers with appeals: I am sending you, buddy, the book "Live Word", there is a ray (words.) The image of the TSA (the image C) of Russia (words.) Language ...
Bye see you! I hug you, my kid!
Judging by the appeals, we can say that M. Gorky loved his son very much.

In the grammar of the Russian language there are various characteristics of the sentence. One of them is an indication of complicent elements. Thus, proposals with common appeals are suggestions with complications.

Offer characteristics

When performing syntactic, you need to determine the speech of all words in the sentence, to identify what members of the sentence they are.

At the final stage of the parse, it is necessary to give a description of the proposal:

  1. Emotional coloring.
  2. Grammar bases (one or more).
  3. Secondary members (eat or absent).
  4. The presence of the necessary members.
  5. The presence of complicating elements.

Complete designs

Performing clause 6 requires knowledge of complicating structures.

These are separate members, introductory words, homogeneous members specifying members, circulation. An example of proposals with appeals and introductory words: Yuri, when, in your opinion, will the broadcast of sports competition begin? It seems to me, Valya, you should not stay here. Ivan, you, apparently, rested in Cyprus?

More about how the offer can be complicated is in the table below.

Complicants of proposals
Separate membersPlant, grown in the southmay die in the sharp climate of the North. Opening the windowShe felt the smell of flowering cherry from the garden.
Introductory words and expressionsSpring perhaps, we will go hiking. According to researchersThe found artifact of more than 5 thousand years.
Homogeneous membersChildren collected plum, apples and cherry. On the sea shore schoolchildren were playing into the ball, plaby on banana sunlights in the sun.
Comparative revsBreeze, Like a warm mother's handkerchief, enveloped her shoulders. Like spiny needles hedgehog, Tolerated grass in the field.
Specifying membersIn the north, in the National Park "Arctic", White bears live. Last year, in AprilHe brought a motorcycle.
AppealsKolyaWhere inhabes narrow? Nikitin, go to the post office.

Appeal - part of a complicated sentence: intonation

Proposals in which there are circulation, have a number of differences. They are pronounced with a special point, ascending and downward intonation. If the appeal is part of the main sense load is divided between the appeal and the verb. If the appeal is included in the question offer, the emphasis falls on appeal. An example of proposals with appeals: Klim, bring documents about the sale of equipment. Son, let's not indulge in change. Where are my sketches, Nadia? Daughter, how to go to the library? There are motivating-questioning offers, where two main logical strokes are: Tell me, Dmitry, how did you manage to succeed?

Appeal - part of the complicated offer: grammatical features

The Offer appeals is entered in the nominative case. Sometimes, especially in colloquial speech, the appeals can not stand in the nominative case. For example: Are you in the kitel, paid the passage? Hey, in a straw hat, you asked permission?

Appeals are usually nouns (often names are different): Mom, take me with you. Eugene, be prudent!

Sometimes the appeal is the names of adjectives, pronouns, numeral, communion. An example of proposals with appeals expressed not by the name nouns, but as it: Young, come to the registrar. Eh, you, have done things! Six, in battle! Dancing, pay attention to the rhythm.

As a design that complicates the proposal, the appeal is allocated by commas. If the appeal begins the proposal, then after it needs to put a comma: Uncle, where did you serve?

If it is in the middle of the sentence, it is allocated with commas on both sides: You tell me, Volga, where the wind blows.

If the appeal completes the proposal, then the comma is needed in front of it: Repeat the word for word, Lisa.

In cases where a particularly strong exclusional intonation is needed, an exclamation mark may stand after the appeal: Friends! Let's meet more often.

If the appeal is accompanied by the intonation of shortness, then after the appeal is made a dot: Cat ... look at me!Given the features of consumption of appeals, it is possible without difficulty with the appeal.

Common appeal

If there is a definition pronounced by the prison, the name of the adjective, with a pretentious pronoun, the appeal will be prolonged. Suggestions with common are given below are also complicated. Laughing baby, how are you? Dear brother, tell me a fairy tale. My friend, long ago we have not seen.These are complex proposals with common appeals. There are cases when the appeal contains a whole separate design. An example of proposals with appeals complicated by separate structures: Comrades awaiting trains, be attentive. A friend who always understood me, you are dear to me.

Use of appeals in fiction

In the artistic literature, the appeals are introduced not only in order to name one or another character, but also to express the feeling with whom they treat the hero.

For example, sentences with appeal from literature, from stories I.A. Bunin: Thank you, gentlemen, I feel too tired. Valya, brother, Valya bold! Barchuki, look like ships! Mitya, they are hungry! Kohl, and Kohl!

Examples of proposals with common appeals from literature: What so, Barchuk is nice? Letters, Ivan Filimonovich, no? Sergey Lvovich, I ask you to play! Nikolai Nylch, how many pieces of sugar? Forgive, Leschinskaya Pani. Goodbye, sisters, angels, thank you for chatting with me.

Appeal and etiquette

Many states exist generally accepted, gender and socially labeled appeals. it mr. Mrs., Miss, Madame, Mam, Sir, Lady - in English-speaking countries, senor, Senora - in Latin countries, monsieur, Mademoiselle, Madame - in France. There is no generally accepted circulation in Russia. in Russia allows you to apply Mr. and madam. In colloquial speech, an impersonal form is often used, for example, sorry, sorry.There are mainly in oral speech, gender differentiated appeals: woman, young man, girl, manother.

According to etiquette, in our country it is customary to distinguish between the two main and most common forms of appeal to a person.

Official appeal

In modern Russian, there is no generally accepted handling of a man or a woman, as in the West or in the East (Mister, Miss, Madame, Hani Efendi, etc.).

  • If the initials are known to usThe official form is the name and patronymic of a person (sometimes you can observe with the addition of the surname). Also in the dialogue uses the pronouncement of a plural number "You":
- Ivan Sergeevich, have you already prepared documents for our December conference? - Ivan Sergeyevich, Have You Already Prepared Documents for Our Deceptcher Conference?

! This applies to both familiar people and strangers:

Our lecturer on the history of Russia 20th century will be Professor Ivanova Maria Petrovna. - OUR Lector of Russian History of 20 Th Century Will Be Ivanova Maria Petrovna.

  • Semi-official form allows us to use only name:
- Nikita, what do you think the play of Chekhov "Three sisters" this season is waiting for the same success? - Nikita, How Do You Think, The Play "Three Sisters" by Chekhov Is Waiting for the Same Success in this Season?
  • If we do not know a person , then the most consumable words at the beginning of the conversation:
« man"(Middle age and older)," young man or guy" (youth), " boy"(Baby);

« female"(Middle age and older)," girl" (youth), " girl"(Baby).

Young man, do you know if there is a number of post office? - Fellow, Do You Know Whether Thera Is A Post Office Nearby?

! Also permissible by nameless appeal,when we do not know in advance with whom will be communication ( for example, messages in messengers, a call on a call center or letters to support service on websites). In this case, it is enough to speak politely and immediately proceed to the reason for your request:

Good day! Tell me, please, is there any smartphone model in stock? I can't find it in your search on your site. - GOOD AFTERNOON! Could You, Please, Say The Availability Of this Smartphone Model? I CAN't Find It in Search On Your Website.

Informal appeal

If we talk about the unofficial form of appeal, then it is necessary to separate it on a living dialogue and communication in the Internet space and messengers. In all the examples listed below, the personal pronoun is used in the only number "you", in more rare cases "you".

  • For personal conversation It is possible to start a conversation with a person immediately by name or with the addition of related bonds, or at all without behalf. The last option is possible if two people take part in the conversation or it is clear to whom the question is addressed:
"Aunt Anya, we will come to visit you on the school holidays." - Aunt Anya, We are Going to Visit You on School Holidays.

Uncle Sasha, do you want to drink more? - Uncle Sasha, Would You Like More CoFee?

Can you notice two birthdays in one day? Raise your hands, who likes this idea. - Maybe Will Celebrate Birthday Party AT The Same Day? Raise Your Hands Who Likes This Idea.

  • When correspondence in social networks or messengers As a rule, an abbreviated form is used, without contacting the name with the transition to the topic of the conversation. The pronoun "you" here is also more common:
- Hello! What about meetings on this weekend? - Hi! How about Meeting this Weekend?

Appeal - This is a word or phrase, called who is addressed to whom or what is addressed to. For example: Would you chase, pop, for cheap (Pushkin).

The main purpose of the appeal is to draw attention, although sometimes the appeal may express attitude towards the interlocutor. For example: What are you doing sweetie? (Ostrovsky).

In one sentence, there may be even a few appeals aimed at one addressee, one of which only calls the listener, and another - assesses, for example: Go, Drain, Ilya Ilyich! (Goncharov).

Sometimes in poetic speech it is possible to rhetorical personification-appeal. It encourages an inanimate item to become a participant in communication. For example: Shumi, noise, obedient sail, worry under me, sullen ocean. (Pushkin.)

The appeal is not a member of the sentence, but may have dependent words, that is, to be common, for example: Low house with blue shutters, do not forget me never! (Yesenin).

The writing letter is allocated by commas. If the appeal is emotionally painted and stands at the beginning of the sentence, then an exclamation mark may stand after it. Compare Examples below:

What, Batka, so early rose? (Pushkin)
Guys! Not Moscow? (Lermontov)

In the official letters of circulation, it is customary to record on a separate line. After the appeal, in this case an exclamation mark is set. For example:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Please note: the word respected is part of the circulation and is not separated by the comma. Compare:

Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!

In this example, after the words, hello need a comma, since it is not included in the appeal, but acts as a faithful.

Interdomitia - This is a special part of speech, which serves to express various feelings and volitional motives. This part of the speech includes the words ah!, Ah !, Alas!, Patty! other.

Interdomitia, as well as appeals, are not members of the sentence, and in the letter are separated by a comma or an exclamation mark.

Alas! His confused mind against terrible shocks did not resist (Pushkin).
Life, alas, not the eternal gift (Pushkin).

As with many spelling rules, this rule has an exception that needs to be remembered. If the interjection o in the proposal is before handling, the comma or exclamation mark between the interjections and the appeal is not put. Compare:

Oh why I'm not a bird, not Raven steppe! (Lermontov).
Not your rights, about the sky, holy verdict (Lermontov).

In addition, you need to know that sometimes interjections are part of whole combinations, for example: Eh you, Oh, you, well, ah, yes. In this case, the commas do not need to install, for example: Well, now to do now?

The exercise

  1. What do you need an older? (Pushkin).
  2. Tsyz_ Cursed_ How not to die on you (Turgenev).
  3. Smojeysome_nign Fish (Pushkin).
  4. You'd_ Tsarin_ all Mile, all rosy and whiter (Pushkin).
  5. Stupid you fad_ Where would you use us? (Pushkin).
  6. Goodbye_ free element! (Pushkin).
  7. Yes, how does it_ Batyushka_ Ilya Ilyich_ I dispose of? (Goncharov).
  8. And to look in the face of him: Fu_ What is the importance shines in the eyes! I have never heard him to say the unnecessary word (Gogol).
  9. Yeah_ I yourself confess you that you are stupid (Pushkin).
  10. What are you_ guests_ bargaining lead and where you go now? (Pushkin).
  11. Ba_ familiar all persons! (Griboedov).
  12. Hello_ Prince You are my beautiful! (Pushkin).
  13. Ah_ you_ frozen glass! You're lying you called me (Pushkin).
  14. The sovereign is our_ Vladimir Andreevich_ I, your old nannik, decided to report on the health of Parenkin (Pushkin).
  15. Barin_ will not tell whether to grind? (Pushkin).
  16. Well, Maximych_ go to yourself with God (Pushkin).
  17. Saint_ how she was dressed! The dress on her was white, like a swan: Fu_ what a magnificent! And how she looked: the sun_ her-God_ sun! (Gogol).
  18. O_ gods_ gods_ Why do you punish me? (Bulgakov).
  19. O_ Do not believe this Nevsky Prospect! (Gogol).
  20. The wind twisted the sand, the water was rinking, choking, and, looking at the river, whispered Poulag: "Lord_ yes, I would soon have frost!" (Yesenin).
  21. Do you have no at least Pogodinsky edition_ general? Then I wrote here to another font: it's round, large french font, last century ... (Dostoevsky).
  22. Ahy_ what voice! (Gogol).
  23. "Where is it_ you_ beast_ cut off your nose?" She screamed with anger (Gogol).
  24. - o_ hero! We all lined up in front of you in the ranks one for expressing our admiration for your bold and completely meaningless act (Klyuyev).
  25. "Stay Praskovya Osipovna! I will put it, wrapped in a rag, in the corner: Let Malechenko lie there; And after I will carry out "(Gogol).
  26. For me_ reader! Who told you that not in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? (Bulgakov).
  27. "Nor take a copy, a copy of the" repeated grief ", a copy of you_ Erofeev," I immediately thought about myself and immediately laughed (Erofeev).
  28. He put them in front of me, revealed my bag with drugs and announced that it would try all the drugs in a row on these children until it would be found. That's how the king_ Don Rumata was poisoned ... (Strugatsky).
  29. How happy I went! Isless friend_ What is human heart? I love you so much: we were inseparable, and now they broke up, and I am glad! (Goethe).
  30. For the fourth day, I arrived here by a kind of friend_ and, on the promise, take the pen and write to you (Turgenev).
  31. - Well, Brother Pereshnitsky_ It is a pity that I missed! - said the captain ... (Lermontov).

Appeal- This is a word or phrase, called the face (less often - the subject) to which we are talking.

1. The appeal can be expressed alone and intensely.

Challenge appeal It happens to a noun or any part of speech in the function of the noun in the nominal case, the inmissible appeal may include dependent on this noucent or interomotion about:

For example:

Dear granddaughter, why did you rarely call me?

Waiting for flight from Sochi, go to the arrival zone.

Again, I'm yours, about young friends! (Name of Elegy A. S. Pushkin).

2. The appeal can be expressed by the nouns that are in the form of an indirect case, if it denotes a sign of a subject or person to which we are addressed.

For example: Hey, in a hat, are you extreme?

Appeals can be expressed by special, descriptive turns that are allocated as conventional appeals - names: - Hey, on the Salaland! - said Reg (Green); - Hey, who is fluttering there, come here, to the goal (P. Kapitsa).

3. Personal pronouns You and you, as a rule, do not act as appeals: they perform the function of the subject if they have verbs-fag.

For example: If you are reader, love autumn, you know that in the fall water in rivers gets from the cold bright blue color (Paust.) - appeal is reader , but pronoun youcombined with verb you love.

Proponation you , you can take the appeal function in the following cases:

but) in structures with a separate definition or determinant pressing part: You, third with the edge, With a dust on his forehead, I do not know you. I love you! (Called); You whose broad overcoats have resembled sails whose spurs have fun ringing and voices, and whose eyes, like diamonds, left the mark on the heart, - Charming Farts of the past years (CV.);

b) With independent use, usually with interjections hey, well, eh and etc.: Eh, you, women, women! Garden your heads (Cool); - Eh, you! And do not disgust you sit next to Chebukhai? - He throws on the go(Krut. .); Ksyz, you! She's no longer you servant(M. G.); "He hurts his head," Baev sympathy with his heart. - Eh ... you. Residents! (Shuksh.);

in) As part of other appeals: Dear friend you are mine, do not get together ... (FAD.); Cute you are mine(Shuksh.).

The appeal is grammatically associated with the proposal, is not a member of the sentence.

Punctuation signs when appeals

1. The circulation is usually allocated (or separated) with commas, and with a special emotional load - an exclamation mark standing after the appeal.

For example: Congratulations, comrades, with a prosperous arrival (Paust.)

- Do not go, Volodya, - Rodion said (C.).

Goodbye, it's time, my joy! I spry now, conductor(Paste.) . Poke, wind. Not barking, water glass (EU.). Transparente, Comrade, in the lake in the drain of water (A).

The charting intonation is enhanced if the appeal is placed at the end of the sentence.

For example:

- Hello, brothers! - he said (C.);

Goodbye, it's time! Life - Changing ashes (A).

2. Several appeals are separated by commas or exclamation marks.

For example: " My dear, dear, my torment, my longing "," She read (Ch.); Goodbye, my happiness, my short happiness! (KUPER.); Proletarian! Poor brother... When you get this letter, I will already be on your departure(C.).

Handling connected by the Union and , not separated by the comma.

For example: Bitch kabatsky violins and harp (NOT).

3. If after the appeal there is a definition or application, it is isolated; Such a definition is perceived as a second appeal.

For example: Grandfather, Prettywhere you were? (Reception); Miller, Bluebone, Stand up. On the shore of the lights! (Paust.).

4. Parts of the dissected appeal are highlighted separately, each in itself.

For example: Hear me, good, hear me beautiful, dusting my evening, Love is restless! (Is.); ABOUT, neglected my, thank you and kiss you hands of Motherland, Robust, Friendship, Family (Paste.).

5. If the appeal finishes the question offer, then after it is a question mark.

For example: Hear Dmitry Petrovich? I will come to you in Moscow (C.); When will the Kara-Ada, Captain be? (Paust.); What is with you, blue sweater? (Called); Did you pray for the night, birch? Have you prayed for the night, s apocketed lakes Senez, Svityaz and Naroch? Have you prayed at night cathedrals Covers and Assumption? (A).

6. Particles Oh, ah, and And others facing appeals are not separated from them.

For example: Oh my dear my gentle, beautiful garden! (C.).

- Posh, and I ask! - called Prokhor Abramovich(Boards.).

Ah Nadya, NadyaWe were happy ... (OK.).

About whirlwind, take all the depths and hollows (Paste.).

About the bunches of compensation! I set off a volley to the west - I am ashes an unrivalent guest! (A).

Oh youth, Phoenix, fool, All in the flame diploma! (A).

About favorite heart deception, misfortune of infant years! A day when Green Polyany, I don't have to get rid of you (Zab.).

7. If the interomotion turns out to be interominated (in contrast to the particle, it is focused), then it is separated by a comma or an exclamation mark.

For example:

- Ah, nice Nadia, - Sasha began his usual afternoon conversation (C.);

- Hey, three osks under the threads, Go take a bolt! - From that day Zakhar Pavlovich called the nickname "three octs under the thread" (Boards.). As interjections, the word O (in meaning oh ): ABOUT, my lost freshness, eye riot and flood feelings (EU.).

Arctic (as a call to attention) can also act as a circulation.

For example: Hey, beware! Arrange a closure! (A).

- Hey, care there! - shouted Stepach (Cool.).

Where to? What are you? Hey! (Shuksh.).

8. After the appeal, which is a separate vocative proposal (proposal, i.e., a single-delivery proposal, in which the main and only member is the name of the person - a speech addressee), is made of a dot or exclamation mark - single or in combination with ellipsis.

For example: - Miller! - whispered Shatsky (Paust.); Anya, Anya! (C.); - sing! .. - Lyalka again in the window (Shuksh.);

- Mother ... and mother! - he called his old woman(Shuksh.); - Brothers ... - he said quietly, and his voice was broken (Paust.).