Wild tribes: Papuans of New Guinea. Riddles New Guinea tribes

Wild tribes: Papuans of New Guinea. Riddles New Guinea tribes
Wild tribes: Papuans of New Guinea. Riddles New Guinea tribes

The last cannibals are known to live in Papua New Guinea. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa (or Wooden people) is the most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives. The name "Wooden people" got out of their homes, which are incredibly high (see the last 3 pictures). The tribe of Vanuatu is a peaceful enough, so as not to eat the photographer, the leader bring several pigs. Yali - Grozny Warriors (photos of Yali begin with 9 pictures). The phalange of the man's fingers of the Yali tribe cut off the hatch in the sign of the sorrow along the deceased or deceased relative.

The most important holiday of Yali is a celebration of death. Women and men paint their body as a skeleton. For the holiday of death earlier, perhaps this is done and now, the shaman and the leader of the tribe were killed his warm brain. It was done in order to meet death and absorb the leader of the knowledge of Shaman. Now Yali people are killing less frequently, mainly, if it was crumbling or for some other "important" reasons.

Hungry cannibalism, which precedes the murder, is regarded in psychiatry as a manifestation of the so-called hungry insanity.

Also known to household cannibalism, not dictated by the need for survival and not provoked by the hungry obstruction. In judicial practice, such cases are not qualified as an intentional murder with special cruelty.

With the exception of these not too common cases, with the word "cannibalism", it is more likely to come into mind, still incredible ritual pears, during which the victorious tribes devour parts of their enemies to gain their strength; Or another known useful "application" of this phenomenon: the heirs thus cost them the bodies of their fathers in the pious hope that they will reinforce the body of their flesh.

The very "cannibal" strange modern world is Indonesia. In this state there are two famous center of mass cannibalism - from Indonesia. Part of the island of New Guinea and the island of Kaliman (Borneo). The jungle of Kalimantane is settled by 7-8 million giving, famous hunters behind the skulls and cannibals.

The most lack of body parts are considered the head - language, cheeks, leather with chin, removed through the nasal cavity or ear opening brain, meat with hip and caviar, heart, palm. The initiators of crowded trips for the turtles in Djakov are women.
The last splash of cannibals on Borneo occurred at the turn of the 20s and 21st centuries, when the Indonesian government tried to organize the collonization of the internal regions of the island by the forces of civilized immigrants from Java and Madura. Unfortunate peasants - settlers and accompanying their soldiers for the most part were carved and were eaten. Until recently, the cannibalism was preserved on the island of Sumatra, where the Bakak tribes were ate sentenced to death criminals and incapacitated old people.

A large role in almost complete elimination of cannibalism on Sumatra and some other islands was played by the activities of the "Father of Indonesian Independence" Sukarno and the Military Dictator Sukharto. But even they could not improve the situation in Irian-Jay - Indonesian New Guinea. Living there Papuass ethnic groups, according to the testimony of missionaries, obsessed with passion for human meat and differ in unprecedented cruelty.

They especially prefer human liver with healing herbs, penises, noses, languages, meat with hips, feet feet, chest glands. In the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, in the independent state of Papua - the new Guinea facts of cannibalism is fixed much less.

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papuans New Guinea "


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Melanesia, or Black Islands, is a new Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Bismarck Archipelago, New Caledonia, Fiji, Santa Islands - Cruz, Banks and many other, smaller sushi bulls. Their indigenous population consists of two large groups - Melanesians and Papuans.

Melanesians live on the coast of New Guinea, and Papuans are in the inner parts of the big islands. Externally, they are extremely similar, but differ in languages. Although Melanesian languages \u200b\u200benter the larger Malay-Polynesian family, people who speakers cannot communicate with them. And Papua Russian languages \u200b\u200bare not only not related to any other languages \u200b\u200bof the world, but very often even each other.

In addition to the Melanezian and Papuaass peoples in the low-cost mountain areas of New Guinea and in many large islands there are small-sized Pigmean tribes. However, and their languages \u200b\u200bhave not been studied enough.

Papua-New Guinea in ritual the closure of the sorcerer.

In the eastern part of the island, New Guinea, on the Bismarck Archipelago and the Northern part of Solomon Islands there is a state of Papua - New Guinea. In the XVI century These lands were opened by Portuguese. Since 1884, the territory of the territory of the United Kingdom and Germany, and at the beginning of the XX century. She was controlled by Australia. Although in 1975 the country became independent, it enters the Commonwealth and the formal head of the state is the Queen of Great Britain. Copper, gold and zinc are produced in the country. Coffee, cocoa and coconut palm.

Papua - New Guinea is often referred to as "paradise for ethnographers, but hell for any government." This expression was invented by colonial officials, but it is no less fair for our days. Why "Paradise" - it is clear: there is little on earth places with such a variety of languages, customs and cultures. On the one hand, officials, businessmen, workers in the city of Port Morsby, wearing European clothing and educated. On the other hand, the mountain tribes, leading war from the stone century, leading to each other and not understanding the language of people from the neighboring valley. They may warmly meet the consecration of scientist, but kill a person from the nearest village. Therefore, for the government, this is "hell", because it has to "catch in the wagon" of the state device not only "Will and Verbetnaya Lan", but also "Swan, Cancer and Pike" in addition.

The government of the country tried to strengthen the consciousness of Papuans and Melanesians what they belong to one people are hiring Papua New Guinea. For this, it is necessary first of all a common language, because the number of languages \u200b\u200bin the country is not calculated by anyone. In essence, the common language was, besides understandable in all melanesia. In Papua - New Guinea, it is called "Tok-Pisin". It arose from the English words and melanezian grammar among the battles recruited on the plantation from different tribes that needed to communicate with each other. The British were called "PIDAIN-INGLISH" (from the English. Pigeon - "Pigeon"); The pronunciation of Papuars and Melanesian reminded them to the bonding of pigeons. Very quickly, the language has spread, reaching the most remote mountain villages: he was brought by a man returned from earnings or stray merchants. Almost all words in it are English. Although the Germans have long owned the territory of Papua, only two words left their tongue (one of them "Pasmaalauf" - "shut up").

If in English "You" - "Yu", and "me" - "Mi" (in Tok-Pisin, it means "I"), then the combination of "Yu-Mi" ("You,") gives the pronoun "we " "Kam" - "Prii", "Kam - Kam" - "came"; "Onions" - "Watch", and "Luk-onions" - "Watch for a very long time." The most common word is the "fala" (from the English, "guy"); So treated planters to bathers.

In essence, there is nothing strange in the language-pisin language: the French and Romanian, Spanish and Portuguese of the Latin brought by the Roman colonialists, which the conquered peoples changed to their own way! It is only necessary to develop the language to publish newspapers, talk on the radio, etc. Therefore, Tok-Pisin teach in all schools Papua - New Guinea. And the main slogan of the country - "Yu-Mi Wang-Sang Pipel!" ("We are one people!").

It is interesting that Papuats and Melanesians not only consider current-pisin by their tongue, but also know that there is another English, real. It is called "Tok-Ples-Bulong-Sidney" - "Sydney". After all, Sydney is the nearest major city, populated by white. Therefore, the one who wants to get an education should own the Sydney language.

The famous traveler Miklukho-Maclay observed Papuans of New Guinea, who did not die still get the fire, but already knewing the preparation of crumpled drinks: they chewed the fruits, pressed their juice in the coconut shell and after a few days they received BRAG.

Agricultural crops grown on forest clearing by Papuas of New Guinea for the most part fruit or tuber plants, and in contrast to grain crops they cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, the community always lies the danger of hunger.

There are some principles of relationships between people. Ethnographers who gave years the study of societies with a primitive economy have repeatedly emphasized that people here are far from alien to romantic love. While the basic principles of the family device are not regulated by any rigid rules and allow wide freedom of choice,

comparatively insignificant, in our opinion, the details of the behavior of women are under the strictest control of traditions and customs. Most clearly we are talking about negative prescriptions. Papuans New Guinea, a woman does not have the right to enter the male house, playing the role of a village club, participate in festive trapes, touch the Keu exciting drink. It is not only not allowed to attend the game of men on musical instruments, but it is strongly recommended to strive up to run away with some sounds of music. The wife cannot eat from the same dishes as her husband, and while eating her, like children, usually gets what worse. The duties of the woman enters the vegetables and fruit from the garden, clean them, bring firewood and water, plant fire. The husband is preparing food and distributing it between those present, and the best pieces he takes himself and offers guests.

The life of a primitive person is inextricably linked with hunting. Therefore, first of all, magical operations belong to it. The so-called "field magic" has been preserved from modern backward peoples. Papuans of New Guinea when hunting on the marine beast are placed in the edge of the harpoon a small stress insect so that its properties give the sharpness of harpoon.

In Papua - New Guinea, religious views always played and continue to play an important role. Animistic beliefs were deeply rooted in the consciousness of many people in the same way as faith in the magical action of witchcraft, which serves as a means of regulating public relations. From the middle of 19 century. The activities of Christian missionaries intensified, so at the present time about 3/5 of the population, at least nominally, are nominated by Protestants and about 1/3 - Catholics. Up to World War II, the treatment and education of the Melanesian population was mainly missionaries. The largest Protestant confessions are Lutheran and the United Church of Papua - New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Over the past 20 years, new evangelical communities have achieved significant success, in particular, one of the largest Pentecostal organizations - the Assembly of God.

The population of the country on ethnic and linguistic criteria has always been divided into many groups, often very minor in numbers. A separate group forms Papuass tribes on the southern coast of New Guinea.

Papuats live in so inaccessible and dangerous places that their lifestyle has practically not changed over the past few hundred years.

Papuats believe in their pagan gods, but with the arrival of the night there are evil spirits, which they are extremely afraid. They definitely follow the customs of their ancestors during hunting, holidays, war or weddings. For example, the tribe of Dani Arcum believes that their ancient ancestors were birds, and the "bird" topics are present in their dances and exotic native coloring. Some traditions of the natives of Papua may seem shocking, for example: they mummify their leaders and talk to mummy in the days of the most severe tests; Native sorcerers of spells cause and stop rain.

Most of the male Papuans (and the boys of 8-16 years old almost all) are constantly walking with onions and arrows, as well as with a large knife (with its help, the new arrows are tightened), and shoot all that moves (Li's bird, is the beast ). Papuars's reaction is simply great.
Many Papuans men walk absolutely bare, but with tubes tied in front.

Yali is the wild and dangerous tribe of cannibals in the XXI century, which has more than 20,000 people. In their opinion, cannibalism is the usual thing and there is nothing special about this, eating enemy for them is a valor, and not the most cruel way of violence. Their leader says that this is the same as the fish fish eats, the one who is stronger is stronger. For Yali, it is somehow a ritual, in the process of which the victims the power of the enemy eaten by him.

The Government of New Guinea tries to fight inhuman addictions of their wild citizens. Yes, and the adoption of Christianity affected their psychological perception - the number of cannibal feasts has decreased significantly.
The most experienced warriors remember recipes for cooking dishes from enemies. With imperturbable calm, it can even be said to be happy to say that the enemy's buttocks are the most delicious part of the person, for them it is a true delicacy!
Even at present, residents of Yali believe that pieces of human flesh enrich them spiritually, the victims of the victim with the pronunciation of the enemy gives eating. Therefore, visiting the most terrible place of the planet, it is better not to pronounce the sinks of your name, in order not to provoke them to the ritual of your eating.

Recently, the Yali tribe believes in the existence of the Savior of all mankind - Christ, so do not eat people with white skin. The reason for this is the fact that white color is associated into residents with death color. However, the incident recently occurred - the Japanese correspondent disappeared as a result of strange events. Probably, people with yellow and black skin, they do not consider the old women with oblique.
Since the colonization, the life of the tribe has practically not changed, as well as the robe of these coal-black citizens of New Guinea. The women of Yali are almost completely naked, their day apparel consists of only a skirt with vegetable fibers. Men, in turn, go naked, covering the critical organ with a cover (Khalim), which is made of dried bottle pumpkin. According to them, the process of making clothes for a man requires large skills.

As the pumpkin grows, they are tied to the severity in the form of a stone that strengthen the threads of Lian to give an interesting form. At the final stage of preparation, pumpkin decorate feathers and shells. It is worth noting that Halim also serves as a "wallet" in which men keep roots and tobacco. Love the residents of the tribe and decorations from seashells and beads. But the perception of beauty in them is peculiar. For example, local beauties they knock out the front two teeth, so that they are even more attractive.
The notable, loved and only occupation of men is hunting. And yet, in the villages of the tribe, you can meet domestic cattle - Curia, pigs and opossums that women are being reached. It also happens that several clans spend a large-scale meal, where everyone has its own place and takes into account the social status of each savage in terms of food distribution. Alcoholic beverages they do not accept, but they use the bright red flesh of the walnut of the Bath - for them it is a local drug, so tourists can often see them with a red mouth and blurred look ...

During the period of joint trapes, the clans exchange gifts. Although Yali cannot be called very welcoming people, but they will be happy to take gifts from guests. In some particular, they appreciate bright shirts and shorts. The peculiarity is that shorts they put on their heads, and the shirt is used as a skirt. This is due to the fact that there is no soap in them, the result will be the fact that unstained clothing can cause skin diseases over time.
Even considering the fact that Officially, Yali ceased to defend himself with neighboring tribes and eating victims, only the most "frostbitten" adventure crafes can go to these inhuman regions of the world. According to the stories of this area, dukari still sometimes allow themselves to conduct barbaric acts eating flesh of enemies. But in order to justify their actions, they come up with different stories that the sacrifice could have stuck, or crashed from the rock.

The Government of New Guinea has developed a powerful program on bodybuilding and raising the living standards of the inhabitants of the island, including this tribe. According to the plan, the mountain tribes must move to the valley, and the officials promised immigrants to give a sufficient stock of rice and building materials, as well as a free TV.
Citizens of the valley were forced to wear western clothes in the boards and schools. The government even carried out such measures as the territory of the Savior National Park announced the territory where hunting is prohibited. Naturally, Yali began to confuse resettlement, as the first 300 people died 18 and this is the first month (from malaria).
An even greater disappointment to surviving immigrants became the fact that they saw - they were highlighted by barren earth, at home rotten. As a result, the governments strategy with collapse collapsed and the immigrants returned back to the favorite mountain edges, where they still live, rejoicing "protecting the spirits of ancestors."

: https://p-i-f.livejournal.com

Deep in the jungle of Papua New Guinea discovered a wild tribe was never once in contact with the outside world. The study of the island of New Guinea began only in the 19th century. Prior to that, all Papuans were at the level of primitive people of the Stone Age. Nowadays, civilization has reached almost all the corners of this island. Almost, but not all! Belgian Jean-Pierre Dutilleux found the Tulambi Papuars tribe about which until recently was not known anything. Watch the video depicting the first contact of a modern person with the residents of the Stone Age, as well as, the life and customs of Papuans of New Guinea. Today, wild tribes are a big rarity, unique video will allow you to see their lives with your own eyes.

The film is called: "First Contact With Tribe Tulambi." He is in the English and Russian version, as I understand it, no. But even if you do not own English, I think you should see these unique video frames.

First part. Jean-Pierre is sent in search of a wild tribe of Papuans lost in the middle of the jungle Papua New Guinea. In his journey, residents of the nearest selerges closest to the destination are helpful to him, the same Papuans, which only have already had time to experience all the benefits of civilization. By the way, they found it a lost tribe.

Part of the second. This part of the film is most interesting, especially if you do not own English. Papuats from the Tulambi tribe for the first time they meet a white man, and also see the mirror and metal. Prior to that, they lived in the Stone Age, in just a day they fall straight into our age of steel and computers, the mining of the Millennium of Development. And seriously, they are quite friendly and quickly learn. By the way, their fear of Jean-Pierre can be explained by the fact that the Paps of the Tulambi tribe consider Jean Pierre revived by the dead or God. Sonately soon they are convinced of His humanity and begin to behave more at ease.

Part 3 and 4. Jean-Pierre gets closer with Papuas, teaches their language and customs, and also gives them medicines from malaria and other diseases. In front of Jean-Pierre gets up a dilema: leave them to live in the Stone Age or integrate into modern civilization. In any case, such wild tribes like Toulambi remains not long to live in isolation. Civilization penetrates all corners of our planet, and tourists do not regret money to look at such a "miracle of nature". Therefore, perhaps it will be better if they get acquainted with her with the help of someone who worries their fate. The only problem is that Papuans, living in their stone age, are free, and by taking modern civilization they fall into the poorest part of society.

When it comes to something outdated, we say: Stone Age. We are trying to imagine how our ancestors lived, and in this we perfectly help museums in which we can see all the attributes of the "century" - stone axes, flint scrapers and arrow tips. A lot of books, paintings and films are dedicated to this. But not everyone knows that we have a unique opportunity to observe the "of the time" in the present.

Land spaces today are mastered, clothing, filled with people, places to a large taste. And yet there are "surplus" on Earth, where without this and not invented "Time Machine" with surprise, you will find life as it was in the Stone Age, when people have not yet knew neither iron nor bronze, when the non-sharing metal is still He did not go crazy human genus. One of these corners of the relict life is located in the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, on the Bismarck archipelago and the northern part of the Solomon Islands, it is there that the state of Papua is New Guinea.

Tribes that preserved the original life lifestyle of ancestors who do not know how to write and read that do not know what electricity and the car that produce food in fishing and hunting. They believe that these gods send them rain and try to protect themselves from contacts with our modern world. It was Papua New Guinea that holds several dozen unique tribes on its territory.

Many missionary scientists tried to enter the life of representatives of various tribes, but few people returned from there alive ... almost no one! .. And the reason for the "travel one way" is banal - "someone else's person" eaten. I am expressed by the scientific language - Obelchkov ruined the cannibalism tribes Papua. They did not take strangers - the violation of their space led to death.

Now everything has changed. Residents of many tribes are happy to accept guests and with no less mutual interest are observed for representatives of civilization.

There are few places on Earth with such a variety of languages, customs and cultures. Imagine - on one part of the island, officials, businessmen, workers, wearing European clothes and having education - modern people, and on the other - and not overgrown the stone age of the mountain tribes. They fight among themselves and do not understand the tongue of tribes from the neighboring valley. And for us their life is amazing. So strange that in the 21st century there are still peoples living in primitiveness. But we are for them as wild as they are for us.

Here are some of the tribes of Papua New Guinea.

Tribe Dani. It was unknown for a long time, and high mountains on Western Papua for a long time were considered uninhabited.

Places here are beautiful and people are cute, one problem - strangers could not establish contact with them. Everyone disappeared without a trace - both travelers and missionaries.
In 1954, the first Christian missionary came here on the parachute. So the local population learned that they are not alone on this earth.
It is almost impossible to believe it, but the stone ax here remains the main taste of labor, and the boom and bow - the main weapon. But the hunt feeds them is less and less, because The number of animals is reduced - civilization occurs.

Dani avid smokers. They are smoking with them - from children to old men. The first meeting with Dani may seem aggressive - this is a ritual in the form of hostilities, which they welcome the natives. So the meeting with them is better to morally prepare.

Papua is an amazing island. A hundredsteid share of percent of all mankind lives here, which speaks 15% of all existing languages \u200b\u200bin the world! Even the Dani uses four different dialects.
For some time, Dutch missionaries did not understand why they were asked to get up with a leeward side, when they went with the members of this tribe - it turned out that Dani did not like the smell of a white man. The sensations were mutual - the smell that comes from Dani, for a white man is also unusual.

Dani has a terrible tradition - they are very hard to experience the loss of loved ones, and when it happens, a man cuts off a bamboo knife a piece of ear, and women are the phalange of the fingers.

Perhaps a lot of time will pass before in the Papua New Guinea tribes, the Internet, social networks and other nonsense of civilization will get. Then, perhaps, and here they will talk about loneliness and egoism, vanity and cynicism. In the meantime, Dani has all the common and they have much less problems, or they are completely different than in our "Our" world.

The main wealth of the people of Dani - Pigs. Everything is measured here with pigs. The richness of man here can be determined by two things - the number of wives and the number of pigs. For ceremonies and holidays for Dani very important pig. If you are gathering to visit them and want to make friends - buy a pig and you will be a welcome guest!
Dani Excellent farmers - their harvest is an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Women carry herbal skirts, and men - a rope, an object that dresses for a causal place and is the only element of a man's clothing. To the question: "Can a man walk without Kakek?" One traveler received an answer: "No, of course, without Harima, you like naked! We'll have to hide behind the hands so that women do not see! ". Of course, people who live closer to Venama and are often there there are already wearing clothes. But, despite some eroticity of the costume of local men, the Dani strict morals. Funnyness inherent in people in other parts of the world, there is no place!

Dani live quite a long time and rarely sick - life is also affected here, and physical work. It is clear that it contributes to longevity. And this is with a terrible antisanitarian, which they will be so generously sharing with you treats with their oakovy dishes. But they live and do not even complain! In general, their immunity can only be envied.

And there is something incredibly touching in these people and what we already have - simplicity and sincerity.

Once also before this tribe, the fruits of civilization and technical progress and Dani will change. And become similar to us ...

The following representatives of the "Stone Age" is tribe Lani.. Arriving on their land, do not be surprised if you see a considerable amount of abandoned huts. The fact is that people of the Lani tribe, wherever they stay, even for a few hours, build huts from branches, bamboo, leaves and fern to protect against rain.

Not so long ago, the glory of Cannibals went for the Lani tribe. Lani communication with the civilized world is still practically not installed. In exchange for knives, matches and pans, they offer hospitality in a hut filled with caustic smoke.

In general, the tribal people of Papua - the people are amazing, who knows how to live in perfect harmony with nature, mining food and agriculture. Men look strong and wear the same "clothes" as men of Dani. Clothes here do not even wear in the cold, in such cases the body is rubbed with swine fat.

The appearance of women will be simpler - they are dressed in the skirts of vegetable fibers, the long network is worn on the head, descending on the back like a bag in which personal belongings are kept, including babies or piglets. Their fingers are often terribly disfigured: this is the result of ritual amputation in a sign of mourning in native. So, finger behind your finger, the tribe of Lani donates part of himself in memory of loved ones ...

According to the authorities, in the tribes of Papua cases of cannibalism no longer, but someone assures that in the depths of the island, in the most remote and difficult places, bloody battles between the tribes are still flashing, which are a continuation of a long-lasting hostility. In case of victory, they simply make the traditional ritual - eating the body's bodies.

But, despite all the "stoneness" of Lani's life, they still held an inevitable meeting with a white man, and hence with metal knives, plastic buckets, jerseys, jeans, missionaries, anthropologists and tourists.

Tribe Yali 35 years ago, it used to eat "human flesh". Today it was a queue of civilization - she "eats" them. Missionaries their intervention in their lives gradually destroy the original culture, and the Government of Indonesia is unceremonably seizing the territory belonging to Yali with antiquity. Now the Yali tribe is about 20 thousand people.

The very first acquaintance of Yali with white people happened more than 50 years ago, but this meeting has practically changed nothing in the life of Papuans. If you do not consider such trifles, such as the appearance in the life of the Yali metal pots and pans. Their appearance differs little from the appearance of other Aborigines of New Guinea. They have a very small growth (the highest Yaliec - one and a half meters), and they still go naked. Only a kind of mini-skirt is located on women from the clothes, and men on their male dignity wear a rope - like a covered of the dried pumpkin.

Yali is very hardworking, their main occupation is agriculture, they grow sweet potatoes, bananas, corn, tobacco. They also eat what they grown and what the nature gives them. The only food of the factory manufacturer, which enjoys uli is great popularity - Dry Vermicelli "Mivina"! What can be seen by passing through the jungle, where the wrappers from this fastfood are lying.

Yali is one of the few tribes that are known cannibalism. Aborigines have various tricks and weapons to attack people, which costs one black onion, made of palm tree and for which there is a whole arsenal arrows for different mining. And among these arrows on birds and other animals there are arrows on people. According to the statements of Yali, the buttocks are considered the most delicious delicacy. In cannibalism they do not see anything reprehensible. But according to the statements of many travelers and the authorities of the island, Yali no longer eat people with white skin. Since white color for them is mourning. It seems to them that white people are servants of death.

They live according to the principle of "Girls - left, boys - to the right", i.e. Women with children live separately from men. But when boys reach 4 years of age, they move to the "Male House".

What can break such an ordered lifestyle? The answer is simple - war. The most amazing thing is that the reason may become a perfect trifle, but if not a trifle, then definitely not the reason for the beginning of the war. Pig, or rather her disappearance - here it is, the "global" reason for the strife. And this happens like this, Yali is immediately taken for the onions and spears, ready for attack. Everything is explained by the fact that the pig of Papuans is valued by the weight of gold, you can buy my wife for one replete cable. Here is such an exchange.

But to please yourself with a fried cable Yali can be extremely rare, exclusively on holidays. For example, a wedding or a rite of initiation, that is, the formation of a boy of Yali man - here and the pig can be shipped. And on weekdays, it is necessary to walk around the appetizing pig and "delight" yourself with a half-fledged root or novoguine carrot.

Missionaries are increasingly "implemented" into the life of the tribe, trying to make their lives more civilized. They bring them medicines, teach children by literacy, build small hydroelectric power plants, landing platforms for helicopters, bridges on rivers ... But at the same time, the territory in which the Yali tribe lives, declared a national park, and, therefore, it is forbidden hunting that deprives the tribe Impregnation. There were attempts to cross the Yali closer to civilization, because There are frequent earthquakes here, but in the valley, the people of Yali begin to hurt with malaria.

At the time when cannibalism in New Guinea has not yet dropped its turnover, local authorities obliged to ensure all visitors to take permission to the police and inform them their data - an approximate expedition route. Probably, at least know, in which bowler then look for them ...

The will of fate tribe Asmata settled in the wet and swampy terrain with a high degree of humidity and the richest source of diseases.

They live in the regions of the province of Papua in Indonesia. The number of Asmatian people is estimated at about 70,000. Asmaty is professionals in the woodwood area, their products are highly appreciated among collectors.

The culture and lifestyle of Asmatov are very dependent on the natural resources mined in the forests, rivers and seas. Asmaty lives at the expense of starch, fish, forest game and other species of animals and plants, which can be found on the island. Because of the frequent floods, Asmati put their dwellings on wooden beams - two or more meters above the ground level. In some regions, the dwellings of Papuans are located in 25 meters from the ground.

Asmaty, as well as other Papua tribes, in due time "sinned" cannibalism.
They have a lot of busy ways to use the parts of the human body - the use of a skull as a "pillow" under the head or a children's toy, human bertovoy bone was used as a dart.
And now they will help to build a house, every day will provide you with fish, shrimps and boar meat in exchange for a fishing line, hooks, razor blades, matches, salt, knives, axes or machete. Some of them will find time to help you learn their language, which first stuck you with an incredible mixture of incoherent muttering, Kuldyukanya and Kudaganya.

Cows - a tribe living on trees

Cow's tribe is one of the most interesting and unique finds for anthropologists and other researchers. They live in the eastern region of Indonesia in the trees and talk in one of them understandable. According to the census of the population, conducted this year, the aborigines of this tribe numbered about 3,000 people. They skillfully climb the stairs to their wooden houses located at an altitude of 50 and more meters from the ground. The height on which the house is located depends on the relationship with the tribesmen. The worse the relationship, the higher the house. For construction, the trees are cut, for which a rather specific structure is established. It is incredible: there, along with members of one or two families, there are also dogs, pigs and other livelihood. You can go up to this house only on a very thin wooden ladder - on a bamboo stalk with cut steps.

Until the end of the 1970s, when anthropologists began to study this tribe, cows did not know about the existence of other people besides their tribe. Favorite tribe dish - beetles larvae. For this, the trees sago cut down 4-6 weeks before the pir and leave to rot in the swamp, where they are filled with these larvae. At the right stage of development of larvae, trees "reveal" by a stone ax or a sharp spear. Zhukov eat both raw and fried. They have a pretty good taste. In the world of the cow's tribe, where protein lacks, these beetles are one of several important sources of fat.

Meet guests they carefully, but wary. They can treat their delicacies - a sail starch with a dish. They also feed on bananas, pineapples. Pork for them is a luxury, it is eaten, probably once a year. But it's not so easy to communicate with representatives of this tribe - I didn't like something, they immediately rode up and closed.

One of the most mysterious peoples of the Earth - tribe combay. Until recently, they practiced cannibalism. Many missionaries tried to understand what makes the tribes be like that?

In order to understand another culture, you need to become part of it. What made many travelers' scientists. No roads, no concrete, nor buildings, nor telegraph pillars - only kilometers of jungle. These people live deeply in the most common forest and are engaged in hunting and collecting. The path to them could take several weeks if it were not for the network of aerodromes built by missionaries. In Vangamal, built in the 70s live about a hundred representatives of the Combay tribe. They wear European clothes, children go to school, and on Sundays everyone is going to Mass. After coming to them missionaries, the Combians did not immediately accepted them and were very hostile. But after the missionaries gave them clothes, dishes, tobacco, the attitude towards them changed. People who live in the villages are much easier than those who live in the jungle. Seeing a person in clothes, they hide and shoot it. These people still eat each other.

Do not be surprised if at the meeting they will ask you to undress. Perhaps in order to make sure that you are willing to speak their language, following their traditions. Combians go naked, covering only the area of \u200b\u200bgroin leaves. For a stranger, the invasion of one of the clans can cost life. If one of the horses come alone, you can shoot you. There is no utensils that we use. Imagine what to live without pancakes and dishes, in which you can boil water and even without dishes for drinking - there are only leaves and stones.

Smoking their favorite occupation and surprisingly, these people have no problems with the lungs, at least, they calmly move around the mountains and slopes, without experiencing sidiers.

In this society, the obligations are clearly divided into men's and women. When men cut down a tree, women get the core from it. Their life seems easy. When they want to eat - they go hunting, and the rest of the time rest.

It is difficult to imagine that these calm and good-natured people can be cannibals. In different world cultures, cannibalism is explained in different ways. The reasons vary from ordinary hunger before the departure of the honors are dead. Some tribes cannibalism is considered to be a shape of execution - only criminals eat. It is believed that if a person is angry, it needs to eat. Combay believe that the soul lives in the stomach and the brain. That is why these parts of the body need to eat. "If a bad person kills someone from my family, I will kill him. If he is from another village - I'll eat it. If he is from our village - I will give him to eat all his neighbors. " Like this. They follow this morality now.

The jungle is covered with a carpet of their barns, but they are all nipple. They do not wear shoes - from this their feet are hard and insensitive.

Traveling through Papua can be a good school life. Having been following with the danger and difficult living conditions, assessed your life in a new way and you find an extremely important thing that it was unequally careless.