Children to the music of the song (music D

Children to the music of the song (music D
Children to the music of the song (music D

Celebration script for Victory Day for preschoolers

Family holiday "Victory Day" in kindergarten


1. Foster a sense of respect for the Motherland.

2. Develop visual and auditory perception.


1. Children make drawings on the theme “The world through the eyes of children.”

2. The teacher conducts individual work with parents: the preparation of concert numbers and performances is discussed.

3. Multi-colored flags are prepared - two for each boy, flowers - two for each girl; telephone, binoculars, map, machine gun, order; a cap, a pilot's cap, four caps, a headscarf and a nurse's handbag; bandage; flowers for a WWII veteran; fireworks (bundles of ribbons) of red, green and yellow - for each child.




Telephone operator


Submachine gunner

On the central wall there is a rainbow, under which a boy and a girl stand, holding out their hands to it. The word "Victory" and fireworks shine above the rainbow. On the side wall in the center there is a sign “Caution – Children!”, in a triangle of a road sign bordered by a red line, a boy and a girl are sitting on a globe. Children's drawings are attached around them.

Children enter the hall with flowers and flags and perform a festive formation to the tune of the song “Hello, Moscow!” A. Lepina.


Hello, Victory Day holiday,

Great, glorious day!

You are an adult, you are a child,

The holiday is the most important.

A. Kuznetsova

1st child

Now the Kremlin clock

They will ring the bell solemnly,

And I will see you with my mother

Fireworks in honor of the holiday.

2nd child

It will illuminate the entire area,

All the faces, orders...

So today is Victory Day

The country is celebrating again.

"Exercise with flowers and flags" by M. Krasev

Leading. More than 70 years ago, Nazi Germany attacked our country.

Poem "True for Children" by S. Mikhalkov Parents tell it.

Summer night, at dawn,

When the children were sleeping peacefully,

Hitler gave the troops an order

And he sent German soldiers

Against all Soviet people -

This means - against us.

He wanted free people

Turn into hungry people

To be deprived of everything forever.

And the stubborn and rebels,

Those who did not fall to their knees,

Exterminate every single one!

He ordered them to destroy

Trampled and burned

Everything that we kept together

They took better care of their eyes,

So that we endure need,

They didn’t dare sing our songs

Near his house,

So that there is everything for the Germans,

For foreign fascists,

And for the Russians and for others,

For peasants and workers -

Leading. This war lasted for four long years, and finally victory came.

The May afternoon is radiant,

The storm has subsided over Berlin,

And silence came

Wary and sensitive following...

The one who saw her

Who then looked into her eyes,

He remembered forever

Features of the long-awaited Victory.

V. Kochetkov

Song "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov

Performed by children and parents.

1st child

It was a great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the grandchildren knows.

2nd child

Remembers the glorious Victory Day

All beloved country,

On Victory Day our grandfathers

They put on orders.

3rd child

We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love to listen to their story -

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world, for all of us!

L. Nekrasova

A veteran remembers the war. The children give him flowers.

1st child

On our street

Twenty houses

On our street

Twenty yards.

2nd child

On our street

One sky:

Open, loud,

It's for everyone.

3rd child

And troubles and sorrow

One wound:

Twenty of our grandfathers

The war killed.

N. Opanasenko

Song "Eternal Flame" by A. Filippenko

Leading. After the war, it was necessary to restore our cities destroyed by the war, to boost industry and agriculture. Guess what professions people began to heal the wounds of war?

He is at the machine day and night,

He can do everything, he is ... (worker).

The stove hums like a samovar,

Steel is welded in it... (steelmaker).

The flame is burning with heat,

Sweat pours from my face

Sounds loudly on steel

Hammer... (blacksmith).

He is a hunter before work,

Every day with a plane... (carpenter).

Under the spring bird whistle

Plowing the land... (tractor driver).

A chorus is heard in the harvester field,

The grain ship is leading... (combine operator).

He is a resident of construction forests,

Builds houses for us... (builder).

I. Ageeva


A peaceful day floats above us -

Joy in villages, cities,

Over factories, fields -

The sky is pure in scope.

Leading. Our children will say together -


It's good in your native land!

We need to learn good things

We grow for joy.

N. Frenkel

Pair dance (optional)

Leading. Children enjoy the world, have fun, laugh, play. But boys often play at war.

Staging of the poem "We are the military" by S. Mikhalkov

Telephone operator(with phone)

Hello, hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

I can hardly hear you at all.

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello Hello!

Nurse(bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans)

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It’s a trifle to be patient,

And your wound is so light,

That it will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks through binoculars)

There's an airplane on the horizon.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Leave us alone, our fighter.

Submachine gunner

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Pilot (looks at the map)

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Five minutes left to fly.

Do you understand the combat order?

All. The enemy will not leave us.

Private(with order)

I'm a young infantryman

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

More than once I went on reconnaissance missions,

The colonel awarded me.

Song “The Hour Will Come” by L. Kazachok

Performed by boys.

1st child

A winged serpent soared into the sky

Above the native green land.

This means we guys

We play peaceful games.

2nd child

Behind the thunderstorm there are thunderclaps

They are heard, then they freeze.

Thunder, I think guys

He plays war with the clouds.

3rd child

The flame bursts with a crash

The gloomy sky is in tatters -

Lightning is playing at war,

Lightning doesn't want peace.

4th child

But already in washed blue

A flock of pigeons flutters.

The flash and thunder of military power

They don't like it, I know.

Let evil go from the world,

Let the dove spread its wings...

We play war so that

The adults forgot about her!

A. Ciocanu

Game "Salute" by L. Olifirova

Three adults participate in the game. They stand in different places in the hall, holding red, green and yellow fireworks.

Part 1. A march sounds. Children with colorful fireworks march around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up! Get ready quickly!” Children gather around an adult who has fireworks of the same color as theirs and shout: “Hurray!”

Part 2. It sounds like a waltz. Everyone is dancing. Adults change places while dancing. When the music ends, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up! Get ready quickly!” The children again gather in three groups according to the color of the fireworks, raise the fireworks above their heads and shout: “Hurray!”

3rd part. It sounds like polka. Everyone is running around the hall in all directions. When the music ends, they gather in fireworks and again shout: “Hurray!”

After each part, the presenter notes which “fireworks” came together faster than others.


The evening hour is coming,

Mothers don't close their eyes

And they look at the guys with love.

The call of mothers is heard everywhere:


Our life is the happiness of children!

Look at our guys:

Silence - the children are sleeping, the children are sleeping.

Born in order to live,

Let them not know the war!

We believe that reason and peace will win!

Silence - the children are sleeping, the children are sleeping.

Song "Snub Noses" by B. Emelyanov

Performed by one of the mothers.

Leading. Children want to live joyfully and happily. Look, our guests, what sunny and bright pictures our guys drew. But we called this road sign “Caution – Children!”

1st child

This road sign

They know everything in the world.

He calls, he asks:

"Caution - children!"

2nd child

And, leaving the sign,

Jumping around the planet

Girl and boy:

"Caution - children!"

3rd child

"Caution - children!"

The car is slowing down

On the country roads of Kursk,

On the Berlin highway.


But every mother

I'm worried at heart:

"Caution - children!"

Just be careful.


We are responsible for them.

We are responsible for peace.

"Caution - children!"

"Caution - children!"

V. Medvedev

Song "Let there always be sunshine!" A. Ostrovsky

This day is special, desired,

The sun is shining brightly above.

Victory Day is a long-awaited holiday,

Celebrated in our country.

But it is especially dear to veterans,

Tears of joy and pain in my eyes.

There is no way to heal mental wounds,

And the flowers in their hands tremble.

Victory Day is a holiday of grandfathers,

This holiday is yours and mine.

May the sky be clear

Over the guys' heads!

Let the guns roar today

At the parades and cinema!

We are for peace, there is no need for war,

It's definitely decided!

We are for the whole planet

Turned green like a garden

To serve quietly

Peaceful Motherland of soldiers.

We are for children in the world

We wouldn't play war

So that in the morning at dawn

Listen to the silence of the world!

Song "Victory Day"

Educator. 66 years separate us from the glorious date of May 9, 1945 - the first Victory Day in that terrible and difficult war. But we know and remember the name of the winner - the people, many of whose sons and daughters gave their lives for their great Motherland. We were born and raised in peacetime, we have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by military bombs, we do not know what an unheated house and meager military rations are like. For us, war is history. We dedicate today's concert to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Child. Today will be a day of memories

And my heart is tight from lofty words.

Today will be a day of reminders

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

Against the background of the music “Invasion” from the Leningrad symphony by D. Shostakovich

June. Dawn. The river is broken.
Fog over the forest. Silence.
Projectile. Gap. And from the sky with thunder:
"Today the war began..."

You can’t say: “She wasn’t expected...”
“They didn’t believe in her...” - more precisely.

We went from Moscow to our dachas
We were catching perch in the river...

The crowd stood confused

Someone will tell me - everything is not new,
The country is no longer the same...
But three words live in my memory:
"Today the war began..."

The phonogram of the song “In the Dugout” plays

There were battles with the sworn enemy,

Moving east,

Evenings at the dugout

We whiled away the evening.

Those who are with a machine gun in the morning,

I was in battle with a machine gun,

And the soldiers are on vacation

They sing a quiet song.

Educator. Song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldiers' ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end. The song shared both sorrows and joys with the soldiers, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and was sad with them about their abandoned relatives and loved ones. The song helped to endure hunger and cold, in the name of Victory. She helped the people survive and win. And it helped! And we won!

Medley of war songs

To everyone living in the world
A star shines quietly in the sky.
If a person suddenly dies,
His star is burning in the sky.

During the war days, my grandmother told me,
A lot of stars fell from the sky,
As if they were rolling down a hill,
Souls ascended to meet them.

These stars on the heart are like pieces of ice,
And there are tears in my grandmother’s eyes.
Quietly whispers: “Lord, don’t
Never such a meteor shower!"

In August the birch turned yellow,
And grandma’s star burned out...
We reached grandma's garden
Reflections of a dashing starfall.

On Victory Day there was a lightning flash
Bright fireworks over the capital.
Millions of stars sparkled in the sky,
So that the living remember the dead.

Dance "Waltz" for preparatory group children

To the soundtrack of the song “Clouds in Blue” (music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, composition by E. Kuznetsova).

Let us not forget this date,

That ended the war

That great spring.

To the victorious soldier

Bow to the ground hundreds of times!

Senior boys dance

To the soundtrack of the song “Our Cossacks are riding, riding through Berlin” (music by D. Pokrassov, lyrics by Ts. Solodyr, composition by E. Kuznetsova).

To us for all memorable dates,
The most important one seems to be.
The day when in the spring of '45
The war on earth has ended.

The memory of generations is unquenchable.
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Minute of silence

The stars are burning brightly,

And in the Kremlin garden

Unknown Soldier

Sleeping in front of everyone!

Above the granite slab

The eternal light is unquenchable.

The whole country is an orphan

She leaned over him.

Unknown Soldier,

Someone's son or brother,

He's never been since the war

Won't come back.

He didn't hand over the machine gun

And my cap.

Unknown Soldier

Fell in a difficult battle.

We lit a light for him

Under the Kremlin wall,

And his grave is

The whole earth, the whole earth!

Children bending their knees lay flowers at the Eternal Flame

Song “Eternal Flame” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by D. Gibisov, translated from Ukrainian by K. Lidina).

Children present flowers to WWII veterans. The floor is given to WWII veterans

Educators. In Germany, in the city of Berlin, there is a monument to a Soviet soldier who saved a German girl.

It was at dawn in May,

The battle intensified near the walls of the Reichstag.

I noticed a German girl

Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,

Fear froze in the blue eyes,

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and torment were sown around...

And then, in Berlin, under fire

The fighter crawled and, shielding with his body,

A girl in a short white dress

He carefully took it out of the fire.

How many children have their childhood restored?

Gave joy and spring,

Privates of the Soviet Army,

People who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a holiday,

Was erected to stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet Soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms!

He stands as a symbol of our glory,

Like a beacon shining in the darkness.

This is him - a soldier of my state -

Protects peace throughout the world!

Dance of girls of the senior and preparatory groups “Stork on the Roof”. (music - D. Tukhmanov, lyrics - A. Poperechny, composition - A. Burenina).

Thank you, soldiers.

Here's to life, childhood and spring!

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Let the machine guns not fire,

And the menacing guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

May the sky be blue

Let the bombers run over it

They don't fly to anyone

People and cities don’t die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Dance with flowers by children of the preparatory group “A Day without a Shot” (music and lyrics by D. Tukhmanov, composition by E. Kuznetsova).

Veterans of the Great War,

Please accept our deepest bow

For the fireworks of the victorious spring

And for the world that you saved.

We will not forget the exploits of those

What did the Soviet soldier do?

Without giving up and believing in success!

Long life to you, health and strength!

Children changing formations to the soundtrack of the song “Victory Day”

Kindergartens celebrate Victory Day together with all the people. Educators strive to make the celebration touching, bright, and memorable. On this day, kindergartens and schools welcome dear guests - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The scripts necessarily include congratulations for veterans and a concert program for them. To make May 9th a memorable day for your students and guests for a long time, use the holiday ideas presented in our section. Here you will find:

  • scenarios for holidays and meetings;
  • ideas for poetry competitions;
  • scripts for theatrical productions and literary and musical compositions;

Scenarios of events for the Victory Day

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4733.
All sections | Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9

Scenario “Propaganda brigade “Our grandfathers bequeathed us to live” for the 75th anniversary of the Victory 1 Leading: It's good to wake up and know that you have a wonderful future ahead. day, 2 Leading: that you are not in danger, 3 Presenter: and all your dreams will come true. 4 Leading: It's good to be happy! 5 Presenter:But we must not forget that these peaceful dawns were won at the cost of the lives of our grandfathers and...

Scenario for the holiday "Victory Day" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 33 Holiday scenario« Victory Day» . for the preparatory group. musical supervisor: Tselykh E.A. 2019 Victory Day in kindergarten. Scenario May 9 for kindergarten Even small children should know...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events for May 9 - Scenario for May 9 “Memory and glory are bequeathed to us!”

Publication “Scenario for May 9 “Memory is bequeathed to us and...” The purpose of the event: to create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, preserving the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. Objectives: - fostering love for the Motherland, for life; - education of humanity; - broadening the horizons of students; - develop...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario for the thematic lesson “This Victory Day” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Shumyachsky Child Development Center - kindergarten "Solnyshko" Scenario of the thematic lesson "This Victory Day" Educator: Bogatyreva I.A. Shumyachi 2018 Scenario for a thematic lesson with the presentation “This day...

Scenario for veterans for Teacher's Day It's a holiday again. Autumn is just around the corner. We are waiting for guests again for a cup of tea. Let this beautiful day bring joy, Interesting meetings and news! The samovar is chugging. And the guests are invited. The samovar is a broad soul. Mugs and glasses are waiting for guests, Our meeting will be good. (to the tune of the song “We Are All...

Scenario for a holiday for veterans dedicated to the Day of the Elderly “We are a year old - it doesn’t matter!” The music room is decorated with flowers, autumn leaves, bunches of berries, and tables are set. The song “My years are my wealth” plays. Guests pass, sit down at tables and... Presenter 1: There is an unusual holiday in the midst of autumn, the sky shines blue, the sun is pretty. Holiday...

Victory Day. Scenarios for festive events on May 9 - Scenario for the holiday “May 9 - Victory Day!”

SCENARIO OF THE HOLIDAY “MAY 9 – VICTORY DAY” Footage of a peaceful time. Music. Children. Scene. There are three couples on stage. 1 couple – hugging, dancing. 2 couples – sitting on the floor, leafing through a book. 3 couples – sitting on a bench, the boy gives the girl a flower, the girl puts her head on the boy’s shoulder. W e d u...

Scenario of the musical and literary composition “Victory Day” Musical and literary composition Victory Day For children of the preparatory group Educational area: “artistic and aesthetic development” (musical development) Type: integrated. Forms of GCD: musical and artistic, communicative, educational. Goals: expand...

Integrated lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques “Holiday fireworks” Integrated lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques “Festive fireworks”. Developed by: teacher Natalya Aleksandrovna Busygina, 1st category music director Lyudmila Vladimirovna Borovitskaya p. Rodino, MKDOU kindergarten "Solnyshko". Integration:...

Modern children do not know what war is. Victory Day is a holiday that every child should know about. It is necessary to tell children from childhood about war, about the hardships of war not only for soldiers, but for the whole country, for ordinary people. For our children this is already very far away...

Victory Day holiday in kindergarten

May 9 is a significant day for every person in our country. And despite the fact that more than six decades have passed since Victory Day, we still remember and know a lot about those years. I think this is due to the fact that we were given knowledge about the war and the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers at school, or even in kindergarten. And it is right. It is not for nothing that they say that in early childhood the foundation or foundation is laid for everything on which a harmonious personality can later be built.

You can celebrate the holidays dedicated to the ninth of May in older groups or attract help from preparatory students. The holiday script, as well as preliminary preparation options, can be found on the website. In order for the holiday to be emotional and successful, the teacher must tell the group in advance about the significance of Victory Day. It is best if the teacher reads thematic literature, books about victory, about fascism and the heroism of our soldiers. You can even reinforce the material you have covered with a thematic drawing lesson.

The site also has a great idea for holding a holiday for war veterans and home front workers. The teachers organized a meeting with war participants and delighted the grandparents with musical numbers and songs from the war years. The article on this subject correctly noted that wars should never be forgotten. And not only because this is a feat of the whole country and a historical event. When a war is forgotten, the ancients said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Holiday script for preschoolers.

Target: to form patriotic feelings in children, to cultivate love and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Tasks: expand knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and the holiday. Form more accurate and complete ideas about sailors, pilots, border guards, etc. To support children's interest in serving in the Russian Army, the desire to be like Russian heroes, like a Russian soldier.

Forms of organizational activity: conversation, reading fiction, listening to music, learning poems, songs, dances.

Progress of the event

To the sounds of D. Tukhmanov’s “Victory Day” march, children enter the hall and sit down.

Presenter: Ninth of May! Victory Day! This is a bright and joyful holiday. 72 years ago, on the same spring day in May, the war ended with a victory over Nazi Germany. We remember with gratitude our warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, generals, and marshals that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather,
On the ninth of May Victory came to us.
The entire Soviet people expected that day,
That day became the most joyful holiday.

We celebrate many holidays
We all dance, play, sing
And we meet the beautiful autumn,
And we are waiting for a beautiful Christmas tree.
But there is one holiday - the most important.
And spring brings it to us.
Victory Day is solemn, glorious,
The whole country celebrates it.

Song "Big Holiday" lyrics. and music N. Ya. Solomykina.

We celebrate Victory Day in May
A bright holiday for all people.
In May the rainbow laughs
The color of bird cherry trees is becoming more tender
In May we sing joyfully,
And he walks more amicably.
Pigeons fly higher
On a May morning at dawn,
They fly into the blue and wish everyone
Peace, happiness on earth.

Everything today is not the same, not the same as yesterday
Everyone goes out into the street, everyone sings, shouts: “Hurray!”
Everywhere is noisy, interesting, fun and crowded everywhere.
The drums beat loudly, they dance and sing everywhere.

Song "Balloons" lyrics. Y. Akim, music by M. Karminsky.


The war has long since ended,
She brought only sorrows and troubles.
Today the whole country celebrates
Great, glorious holiday - Victory Day!

The song “Everyone needs peace” lyrics by S. Bogomazov, music by V. Muradeli.

Presenter: What a blessing that you and I live under a peaceful sky, that we can only learn about that terrible war from books and films.


“Children know about war from books” T.V. Bokach

We only know about the war from books
And in films where explosions rattle in the frames.
And the orphan boys are watching from the screen
And the stern faces of tired soldiers.
How much grief and tears, how much pain and blood,
How many tests did they have to go through?
To defeat the enemy, give the people freedom,
To achieve a happy victory and peace.


You need to know the history of the people!
About that terrible war, losses and hardships
Please never forget!


M.I.Sidorova “So that there is no war”

Bombs fell and grenades exploded,
The soldiers boldly rushed to the attack.
Many of them did not return from the war,
But they saved our land.
They gave their lives and fought against enemies.
So that a peaceful sky is above us,
So that there is no more terrible war,
All people should remember this.

Presenter: In preparation for the holiday, we learned poems, dances, and songs. We listened to songs written during the war. One of them made a particular impression.


“Father's Song” I. Shaferan

No, I won't get bored with this song,
And, having heard it, you will understand everything yourself -
In an hour of respite, rare in war,
My father once sang it with his friends...
Father's song, familiar from childhood,
She remains an inheritance for her sons!
And I touched the very heart again
Soldier's song, father's youth.


Everyone in Russia knows this song,
And at holidays it is often performed,
The soldiers in the trenches sang it...
Both Masha and Andryusha know this song.
Let's sing our favorite “Katyusha”

Song "Katyusha" lyrics. M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter.

The boys come out.

Presenter: The boys will soon grow up and serve in the Russian Army.

Very soon we will grow up and serve in the army.
You just need to not be lazy, do well in school.
You need to play sports, try to become brave and strong.

You need to know a lot in order to protect the Fatherland.
In the sea, sky and on land, a competent defender is needed.
He should be an example and love his homeland very much.

Presenter: We bring to your attention the dramatization “We are the military!”

Signalman (by the phone):

Hello, Jupiter?
I am Diamond!
Hello, Jupiter?
I am Diamond!
I can hardly hear you at all...
We occupied the village with a fight...
And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the patient):

Why are you roaring like a bear?
It's just a matter of patience
And your wound is so light,
Which will heal for sure!

Sailor (looks through binoculars):

There is an airplane on the horizon.
On course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Leave it alone! Our fighter!

Pilot (looks at the map):

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here...
The flight to the target is seven minutes.
The battle order is clear!
The enemy will not leave us!

Submachine gunner (walks with a gun):

So I climbed into the attic -
Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?
We are cleaning the house behind the house...

All: We will find the enemy everywhere!

“We are still preschoolers” lyrics. V. Malkova, music Yu. Chichkova.


Victory day!
It is marked in red on the calendar,
He is our Army's glory and honor.
May the sun shine over Russia forever,
May our Motherland live in good peace.

“What is the Motherland?” I asked my mother.
Mom smiled and waved her hand:
“This is our Motherland, dear Russia,
There is no other Motherland like this in the world!”
In everyone’s heart you are the Motherland of Russia!
White birches, full ears.
There is no one more free than you, there is no one more beautiful than you,
There is no other Motherland like this in the world.


On a joyful, spring and wonderful day
Our songs are about the Motherland, about the world
Let there never be war again!
And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!

“There is no better native land” lyrics. and music T.V.Bokach

Presenter: So that people do not forget about the exploits of our heroes who defeated fascism, the Eternal Flame burns. Every year on the day of Victory Day we bring red carnations to the Eternal Flame to honor the memory of those who died a brave death in a fierce fiery battle.


“People come to the Eternal Flame” by M. V. Sidorov

People come to the Eternal Flame.
They come to bow low
To those who died in a brutal war,
The Motherland is proud of their exploits.
The fire burns in rain, snow and hail.
The blizzard and wind will not notice it.
The feat of valiant soldiers is immortal.
Both adults and children carry flowers.
To those who stood for their homeland,
So that the war could not happen again
People come to the Eternal Flame.
They come to bow deeply.

"Remember!" R. Rozhdestvensky (audio recording).


Let us remember the feat of our people,
Soldiers who died in a fiery battle,
With victory they brought freedom,
Saving the world in a brutal war.
Because we live in the world,
Because we sing songs -

All: Thank you!

Because we can sleep peacefully,
For what we can play -

All: Thank you!

For what's in the blue sky
The sun is shining for you and me -

All: Thank you!

Because the stream babbles for us,
For a hundred different little things -

All: Thank you!

Song "Victory Day" lyrics. V. Kharitonova, music. D. Tukhmanova.

A thematic entertainment scenario using a multimedia presentation for preschool children.

Presenter: Hello, dear children and our dear guests. Today we have gathered in this hall to pay tribute to the memory of the feat of the Soviet people, the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defeated fascism. And to say that we remember the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. We are grateful to them for peace. They forged Victory, and in a fearless fight they defeated the enemy; we will never forget the Great Victory.

The song Victory Day sounds (children enter the hall.)

Presenter: Childhood! Wonderful, carefree time! Peaceful sky above. And you don't know what fear is. You don’t know that you can be afraid of explosions, raids, hear bombs exploding, hide in bomb shelters.

Child: May the sky be blueLet there be no smoke in the sky,Let the menacing guns be silentAnd the machine guns don’t fire,So that people, cities live...Peace is always needed on earth!

Presenter: However, 70 years ago, on June 22, 1941, this silence in our country was broken by German planes with bombs.Nazi Germany, without declaring war, attacked our country from the radio loudspeaker, people heard:Levitan's recording sounds: "Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks. We are conveying an important government message. Citizens and women of the Soviet Union! Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War has begun."
The Nazis bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on kindergartens, hospitals, and residential buildings.

Presenter: And then our entire huge country rose up to fight the enemy. Every day they took soldiers to the front. These were difficult partings and those last minutes of parting remained in the heart of every fighter.

Dance "Blue Handkerchief"

Presenter: The homeland was defended by soldiers, women, old people, and children. Everyone did everything they could, some on the front line, and some in the rear forged victory through military and labor feats

And our hometown of Sarapul also helped the front. Machine tools were brought to the city from other cities covered by the Nazis. The machines were installed right on the street and despite the cold weather, blizzards, snow, and rain, people worked without knowing any rest. Everything for the Front! Everything for Victory! - this is the motto of that wartime.

The bloody war lasted for four years, 1941-1945. It touched every family in our country and brought so much grief, tears, and devastation. Fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, mothers - all fought for one common victory.

To become a soldier

There's a lot to learn.

Be agile and skillful.

Very dexterous, strong, brave!

Relay race "Throw March". Team members take turns with a backpack and a machine gun and run to the landmark and back, passing on the attributes to the next one. The team that completes the task first wins.

Presenter: In between battles, sitting around the fires, the fighters remembered their home. Someone wrote a letter, someone re-read letters from relatives. Front letters were in the form of triangles. Because the war was a difficult time, there was not enough food, clothing, ammunition, but also ordinary paper. On one piece of paper, the soldier wrote a letter, folded the sheet into a triangle and wrote the address on a blank space.

And here is what a father wrote to his son from the front:

Child: Hello, dear Maxim!Hello, my beloved son!I am writing from the front line.Tomorrow morning - back into battle!We will drive out the fascists.Take care of your mother, son,Forget sadness and sadness -I'll be back with lunch!I will finally hug you.Goodbye! Your father.

Presenter: At the front, the letter and report played an important role. He had to be brought to headquarters as quickly as possible


Each participant takes turns running a snake between the pins (in their hands is a report that each participant passes on to each other).

Presenter: The war was very cruel. Not only men, but also women fought for the Fatherland. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.

Game "Help the Wounded".

Girls nurses are playing. They play in twos. Opposite them, “wounded soldiers” (boys) are sitting on chairs. At the signal, nurses should run, crouching low or bending over. Run to the wounded person, quickly bandage an arm or leg and take him to the medical unit (a certain place). The game is played several times.

Presenter: The path to victory was difficult and long while defending freedom, many fighters fell heroes - the war claimed many human lives; their names remained forever in the people's memory. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

Bird Dance (older children)

Presenter: Let us take a minute of silence to honor the memory of those veterans of the Great Patriotic War who are no longer among us. I ask everyone to stand up.A minute of silence.

Presenter: Despite everything, our people survived and won.

The war ended on May 9, 1945. It was on this day that the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reikstag in Berlin! Peace has come on earth.

This day has become a great national holiday in our country! Every year our country celebrates this great holiday - Victory Day. On this day, people remember those who, without sparing their lives for the peaceful future of their country, fought on the battlefield.

Song of Victory

On May 9, the younger generation gives flowers to veterans, those who fought and won this cruel battle. Loud cheers for Victory!

And now there will be fireworks in honor of Victory Day.

Hands out fireworks to the children, invites three adults, gives them yellow, green and red fireworks.

Children (in unison).

Above the ground here and there

Fireworks light up.

Adults and children

They shouted “Hurray!” in unison.

The game "Salute" is played:

Three adults participate in the game. They stand in different places of the hall, holding fireworks (bundles of paper ribbons) of red, green, yellow colors. Children are given fireworks in the same colors as adults.

Part 1. A merry march sounds. Children with bundles of ribbons march around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!” Children gather around an adult who has fireworks of the same color as theirs and shout “Hurray!”

Part 2. It sounds like a waltz. Everyone is dancing. Adults also dance, changing places. When the music ends, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!” The children again gather in three large groups (according to the color of the fireworks) and, raising the fireworks high above their heads, shout “Hurray!”

3rd part. Fun, fast music sounds. Everyone is running around the hall in different directions. When the music ends, they gather in the “Salyuts” and unanimously shout “Hurray!”