Daniel Radcliffe that he loves. Daniel Radcliffe: Wife, Biography, Personal Life, Filmography

Daniel Radcliffe that he loves. Daniel Radcliffe: Wife, Biography, Personal Life, Filmography
Daniel Radcliffe that he loves. Daniel Radcliffe: Wife, Biography, Personal Life, Filmography

Well, you are ready to know about the most famous young wizard interesting and little-known facts? You will definitely read them in our article. About childhood, first samples and career takeoffs of Daniel Radcliffe.


1. Daniel was born on July 23, 1989 in Fulfem (Western London District).
2. The father of the actor is a literary agent, and the mother is the Casting agent.
3. The acting debut occurred in 1999, when Daniel played young David Copperfield in a television film with the same name.
4. Radcliffe fell into the film Thanks to his mother, who sent his picture to the TV channel.
5. In 2001, Daniel starred in the film with a pier with the "tailor from Panama".
6. Casting for the role of Harry Potter was held in 1999, and the film was released in 2001.
7. The global cash collections of the first film "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" exceeded $ 970 million.


8. The parents of the boy did not want him to pass the samples for the role of Harry, since the contract was indicated that the actor will be filmed in all eight paintings.

9. Never guess where Daniel was at that moment when he learned that he had received the role that had brought world popularity. The boy took a bath. Here is a pleasant surprise!
10. The actor suffers from such a disease as a disptions, it affects visual and motor coordination.
11. Radcliffe loves to write, listen to music, play on the console and guitar.
12. The most favorite book from the series about Harry Potter is the third - "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban."
13. Daniel is a very punctual and responsible person. Remember, because he signed his contract at the age of 11, and the shooting of subsequent paintings took the whole ten years of his life. During this time, the guy did not appear on the set only twice due to the illness. This is power and masculinity!
14. In 2007, according to the British press, the state of the actor was about $ 35 million.
15. Imagine how the red-haired Rupert Grint is able to laugh. With its infectious laughter, it is unlikely that you can concentrate. Therefore, during the shooting of the Kiss of Hermione and Harry, the actor had to leave the shooting platform.


16. Daniel's favorite color is green.
17. The guy loves to drink hot chocolate and dietary cola.
18. Radcliffe has three favorite actresses: Scarlett Johansson, Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz.

19. In 2011, the actor played in the musical "how to succeed in business, without doing anything."
20. The first filmmaker after Harry Potter was the horror film "Woman in Black".
21. Once Daniel admitted that he dreamed of becoming a professional cricket player.
22. In 2007, the actor played in the statement of Ekvus, where she appeared completely naked.
23. Daniel gave his voice to one of the characters of Simpsons.
24. He is the youngest man (besides representatives of the royal family), whose portrait hanging in the National Portrait Gallery in London.
25. Daniel loves meeting with fans, but the tears of fans put it in an awkward position.

Simon James.

26. Radcliffe is the owner of the MTV award, and was also a repeated nominee for the Saturn Prize.

By the way, it was today Daniel Radcliffe celebrating his 26th birthday. For such a wonderful case, we wish the young and talented actor more success in the career and a huge inspiration in life!

1. For about two years, Daniel has been in a relationship with a 22-year-old British artist Rosana Cocker, which many fans of the actor consider unworthy of his love (mainly due to appearance). We do not solve them, but since November 2010, when the couple began to meet the dislike of fans to Rosean only enhanced. Dan himself believes that it is necessary to build your own world only with a single girl who love with all my heart. A good example for him is the relationship of his father with mom - because Pope Daniel had only one girl and this girl his mother.

2. The growth of the actor is only 1.65 cm (5 feet of 5 inches).

3. Daniel is an atheist. He does not believe in the existence of God and relies in this life only on himself.

4. Favorite book of Radcliffe - Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov. He admitted that he would love to take part in the screening of this immortal work.

5. The idols of the young actor in the profession are Brad Pitt and George Clooney.

6. Daniel does not like to look at himself in films, so many films with his participation he did not see ...

7. One of the most terrible fears of Daniel is a fear of a nuclear war.

8. Also, the actor is madly afraid to become a living embodiment of the hero of Ryan Reynolds from the film "Breaky,", that is, Radcliffe is afraid of what could be buried before his death.

9. Daniel loves drawings, so I am pleased to attend humorous shows in different countries of the world, where he always feels like his plate.

10. As soon as the little Daniel at the age of 8 learned that it had a chance to get a role in the film about the wizard of Harry Potter, he immediately began to read the books of Joan Rowling, which was not easy for him, because In childhood, his intellectual development was extremely weak, due to illness (fact No. 21). But he was mastered the book, he was able to bypass 16,000 boys on the casting.

11. Daniel does not like to sunbathe, so his skin has a natural pale shade.

12. To restore the forces during the shooting of Radcliffe films drink a dietary cola and there are chocolate bars. No matter what diet when shooting even speech can not be!

13. In one of the interviews, Daniel admitted that if he had a revolving potion, he would reincarnate in a spider man.

14. Favorite animals of Radcliffe - Wolves, so it is not unuschaued that on the cover of the magazine "The Face" he appeared in the company of the dog of the Husky breed (Husky is very similar to wolves).

15. The Madame Tussao Museum is a wax copy of Daniel:

16. The actor can fold his tongue twice and tripled. This unusual ability he demonstrated on one of the show ...

17. In addition, Daniel is able to rotate with a hand of 320 degrees! Unfortunately, I did not find a suitable photo, but the fact is a fact.

18. The actor is not indifferent to Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. They like it not only as excellent actresses, but also as attractive women.

19. Daniel - Meloman.

20. The actor writes poems and is published under the pseudonym Jacob Jershon. The pseudonym is a combination of his second name and the Jewish form of the Mother's maidest name, Grassham. Poems about infidelity, about pop idols (in particular, Pete Doherty) won the love of many people who did not even suspect that these creations are the work of Daniel. Some of the works are conducted on behalf of the narrator and narrate the seduction of women and relationships with prostitutes.

21. Daniel suffers from a light form of a disction (a disptions is the inability to the correct execution of targeted movements), so in the movie he cannot perform too complex tricks. As the actor said that he was terribly awkward at school, he studied poorly because of this disease, but he always dreamed of becoming an actor, no matter how they divide him.

22. Dan is still friendly with Emma Watson and Rupert Greent.

23. He took the lessons of dance, because he believes that everything can be useful in the acting profession.

24. Daniel got into the Guinness Book of Records, as the most profitable star over the past 10 years. Radcliffe film projects bring on average 558 million dollars for the film, which is the best result among actors.

25. Seven things that Daniel would like to do in life, they sound like this:

Write a book. Read as many books as possible.

To go to Australia, visit the cricket game of the English team and Australian, while watching the victory of the British.

One day to control a small country.

Everyone says that we would like to swim with dolphins, right? I would also like, but do not swim with dolphins, and ride with them on the rollers. That would be fun.

Marry and raise children.

Have time to do more than seven things.

I dreamed in my childhoodbecome Michael Kane.

I can afford Do not do what I do not want.

I love New York.In the UK, no one will not surprise the London accent, and here you have your own style.

I am a feminist.

Once with me in the jungle, Hope will not be what. I was not a boy scout, I can't even get a fire.

I love cricket, But I do not play it. Coordination of movements is terrible.

After I read rap at Jimmy Fallon,i am constantly asked if I hip-hop fan. Yes, but much better I know punk and indie - I grew up on them.

I do not want to say that I listen to Eminem,and be like all white guys. But it is so. Although in recent years I have become better to deal with hip-hop.

I'm going to do directed. And since I do not want to failing someone else's script, I write my own. If I set out, I will at least not feel guilty.

I have a whole list of directors,with whom I would like to work. In it Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, Brothers Cohen, Martin McDonah and Quentin Tarantino. Although I can't imagine what role it could give me Tarantino, but how to know.

I never played a terrible psychopath, Making terrible things, but recently I suggested something like that, and this is what you need.

Any role and any scenarioif they are written quite well, is an opportunity. I do not think that there is something that I could immediately reject.

I always ask myselfdo I like the script and my role, did I do something similar before. Now I only captures something completely new. Everything else does not matter. Previously, I was still thinking whether the film would be successful, but I don't wonder for this question.

What I definitely do not want to complain. I do not want to talk about the difficulties of filming.

I love NFL is the passion of the last five years.Sunday I am entirely dedicated to remake everything up to five hours, and then looking at the sofa and see American football seven hours. It's great!

I do not know how to handle my money very well. But, fortunately, there are people in my life who can.

I am extremely luckythat such a career fell on me and such a role for which I paid very good. The most important thing for me is that I can not worry about money.

If someone told me: "Wow, yes you spent a lot of money for it!" -this would be related to flights. It is unlikely that there is something else in my life, which can be considered waste.

On the set I feel right at home. But on the stage do not relax, so the theater helps me remain in shape.

With the theater, as with all the rest: If you start to study them seriously, you will respect.

I still want to prove What those who thought, as if, after Potter, I could not be wrong, mistaken.

Communication between me, Rupert and Emma(Greenlet and Watson. - Esquire) will never disappear. We will always be happy to each other. But I am the Sovar, if I say that we continuously hang out together. ≠

Daniel Radcliffe is a talented, popular British actor, which was born on July 23, 1989 in a small town near London. Daniel Radcliffe Biography and Personal Life is a simple, but exciting story of the success of a young talented guy.

Childhood actor

Daniela family has always been connected with the world of cinema and art. His father comes from Ireland, all his life worked as a literary agent. His mother is engaged in the organization and holding of various acting castings, speaking as a manager.

Of course, his mother wanted her son to have an outstanding future. It is worth saying that the boy has already shown his acting talents at an early age. From the age of 5, he walked on various samples and castings, where they were looking for children for filming in various projects. In 1999, luck smiles: he gets a little role in the series on the novel by Charles Dickens about the big surprise and parents, and the director, the boy played the role perfectly, remembering the audience. This influenced that it began to pay attention to and other directors. In the same year, he successfully passed the selection to the cast on the first part of the legendary "Poteriana".

Boy who survived

On the main role in the "Philosophical Stone" of the actor was selected from several thousand children. Casting was divided into several stages, so Daniel wanted to get at least in the crowd to this film. But, to great happiness, he was approved on a major role. All the weekend he could not come to himself from delight and shock. This work has become his ticket to the big world of cinema. In the role of Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe became famous for the whole world.

Nevertheless, a big role affected his school training. Parents dreamed of giving him a gorgeous education, and Daniel walked to a great school. However, after shooting started and learned about this at school, the children began to envy his success, which spoiled the attitude of the guys to the young actor. He began to tease, and in just a few months he turned into a real burler.

Fortunately for Daniel, his mother perfectly understood that his future would be determined not to education, but by these shootings in which he was busy. The fee that Daniel will receive after filming in the first part, gave the opportunity for his parents to hire private teachers. They gave him an excellent education, after the parents took the Son from school. Radcliffe received his certificate a little later than his peers. It was on these shooting that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson occurred, they became good friends.

Money and glory

After the first part of Ptteriana, which brought a huge profit to producers, work on the second part was immediately launched. Boy fee significantly increased. The role in the film will provide it for a long time, today the condition of the actor is estimated at about $ 20 million.

It is worth noting that the films on the books about Harry Potter were filmed for 12 years. If, during the release of the first part, Daniel was only 12 years old, when this fantastic epic ended, he was already 24 years old, even though he continued to play a teenager. Fortunately, his young appearance, as well as the skill of the makeup team made it possible. Not only Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson were older than their heroes, Rupert Grint also essentially converting a book Ron.

Life after Harry Potter

Despite the fact that the producers did not forced Daniel to abandon other sentences while working on Harry Potter, he still had no free time and desire to do in other projects. There was also no conversation about his wife for Daniel Radcliffe. It is worth noting that his fees rapidly increased, so that he could afford the measured, luxurious lifestyle. Actually, this is what he did for several years. At the actor began small problems with alcohol, which could well destroy all his career. Nevertheless, his loved ones helped him cope. After two years of rampant life, the actor took the mind and appeared on the site already in the new role.

For the first time in the new Ipostasi, the audience could see Radcliffe in a mystical thriller, where he played the role of a young lawyer and traveled a ghost. Of course, the film "Woman in Black" has not received such success as movies with Harry Potter, but the picture turned out quite successful. It was even nominated for several prestigious premiums. Rumors began to appear about the possible wife of Daniel Radcliffe, because he had long ceased to be "the boy who survived."

The next interesting work was the Frankenstein thriller, where Daniel played a pair with James McAweight. He chose the role of assistant talented scientist who was engaged in revitalizing the dead. Despite such an interesting duet, the film could not justify the expectations of the audience and, unfortunately, did not pay off. Further, the actor plays in the film "Kill your loved ones", where Erin Dark and Daniel Radcliffe got acquainted.

Then Radcliffe appears in a detective thriller "Illusion of Cheating 2", where he played Walter antagonist. The film was warmly accepted by critics, and the studio earned on it three times more from the spent budget. At the moment, the actor has about 20 work in the filmography, and he is constantly looking for a new field for his talent.

Theater life

Periodically, the actor also plays in London theaters with great success. During the filming, it turned out that Daniela had good vocal data, so he often appears on the Broadway scene. Now the actor often appears in theatrical productions, which brings pleasure.

Personal life

There are many questions about the possible wife of Daniel Radcliffe. Actor tries not to spread much about his personal life. It is more known for his charitable and social activities. Since 2008, he often supports gay protection programs, as well as LGBT movements. As we have already spoken, the actor almost does not tell about their love connections, and even paparazzi is rare when it is possible to show him with someone. Of course, during the filming of "Poterians", rumors often walked about his novels with partners in the site, but only friendly relationships were always between him and his colleagues.

The first known romantic interest among the actor appeared in 2010. He began to meet with Rosie Cocker, a girl that worked as an assistant director. In essence, their novel ended as soon as the work was completed related to Harry Potter.

In 2012, Daniel Radkliff jointly worked on the set of paintings "Kill their loved ones". Despite the fact that it is 5 years older than the guy, it did not bother to love each other. They did not advertise their relationship and practically did not appear together in front of the chambers.

Their first exit together took place in 2014, when the press buried his rumors about their possible engagement. Nevertheless, this event or did not take place, or until now it was not promulgated. While she is not his wife Daniel Radcliffe. In any case, the conversations about the wedding certainly does not exist. Young people enjoy each other, and is it not beautiful?

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe -british actor and film actor, famous for his role in films about Harry Potter.

Daniel was born in London, in the family he was the only child. Mother Actor Marci Janin Grass Jakessson has a Jewish origin and works as a casting agent. Father - Alan George Radcliffe on the origin of the Irelander, works as a literary agent.

From early childhood, actor Daniel begins to show interest in acting art, participates in school productions and domestic performances.

Daniel studied in private London schools for boys, however, with the release of films about Harry Potter, Daniela classmates begin to treat him hostile to him. The actor was forced to leave the school and continue his home education.


For the first time on the screens, Daniel Radcliffe appeared when he was 10 years old. His first role was the role of a young David Copperfield in the film BBC "David Coppervid". Then Daniel passed the casting for the role Harry Potter In the film "Harry Potter and a philosopher's stone." The film was released in 2001 and had a stunning success.

The films were then released - "Harry Potter and the Secret Room", "Harry Potter and Prisoner Azkaban", "Harry Potter and Fire Cup", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", "Harry Potter and Gifts Death: Part 1 "and" Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part 2 ".

Roles in movies

2012 Notes of a young doctor | Young Doctor "S Notebook, A(Great Britain) :: Vladimir Bogugard in youth :: the main role
2012 Woman in black | Woman in Black, The(United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden) :: Arthur Kipps. :: the main role
2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 | Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part II(USA) :: Harry Potter :: the main role
2010 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part I(USA) :: Harry Potter :: the main role
2009 Journey | Journey. (USA)
2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince(United Kingdom, United States) :: Harry Potter :: the main role
2007 My boy Jack | My Boy Jack (Great Britain)
2007 December boys | Deceptber Boys(Australia, United Kingdom, United States) :: MEGS.
2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix(USA) :: Harry Potter :: the main role
2006 Massovka | Extras.(United Kingdom, United States) :: Daniel Radcliffe

2nd season, 3rd series: "Daniel Radcliffe"

2006 Children's holiday in the palace | CHILDREN "S Party at the Palace, The (Great Britain)
2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(USA) :: Harry Potter :: the main role
2004 Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban | Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban(USA, United Kingdom) :: Harry Potter
2002 Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(USA) :: Harry Potter
2001 Tailor from Panama | Tailor of Panama, The(USA, Ireland) :: Mark Pendel
2001 Harry Potter and philosopher | Harry Potter and The Philosopher "s Stone(USA) :: Harry Potter
1999 David Copperfield | David Copperfield. (Great Britain) :: Young David Copperfield :: the main role

Work in the theater

In addition to filming, Daniel Radcliffe plays in theatrical productions: In 2004, he played in London "The Play What I Wrote". Then there was theatrical statement EkvusIn which Daniel on the plot played nude. After publishing photos from the play, many parents opposed the participation of Radcliffe in this performance, and even threatened to prohibit their children watching movies with Daniel.

In 2011, Radcliffe played the windwash the windows in the music play " How to succeed in business without doing nothing».

Among other things, Daniel writes poems - in 2007 there were verses of Daniel under the pseudonym Jacob Gershon in the English magazine.

Daniel Radcliffe is known as a wrestler for gay rights. It is filmed in social advertising, and also makes major donations for the organization "Trevor", which disseminate information about homosexuality and preventing suicides among homosexual adolescents.

Personal life of Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe admitted that he abused alcohol. He even came drunk at the shooting "Harry Potter". All this was associated with glory, a very young boy who had rapidly fallen on the shoulders. However, Daniel found the strength to cope with a detrimental habit.

About the relationship between Daniel with female sex is known not so much - He carefully protects his welfare from curious views.

It is known that Daniel has met for a long time with Olive Anyak, Fader of the producer of films about Harry Potter.

Then he had a relationship with Rosie CockerWith which he met on the set of the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", where Rosie worked as an assistant director.

But in October 2012, Daniel and Rosie parted.

It is rumored that at present Daniel Radcliffe is in gentle relations with a colleague on the set Erin Dark.

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