Birthday Nani Breggvadze. Nani Bregvadze - biography, personal life, songs, photos, singer daughter

Birthday Nani Breggvadze. Nani Bregvadze - biography, personal life, songs, photos, singer daughter
Birthday Nani Breggvadze. Nani Bregvadze - biography, personal life, songs, photos, singer daughter

Nanyi Georgievna Breggvadze (cargo. ნანი გიორგის ასული ბრეგვაძე). Born on July 21, 1936 in Tbilisi. Soviet and Georgian singer, pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1983).

Nani Breggvadze was born on July 21, 1936 in Tbilisi. There is also evidence that Nanya was born in 1938.

Father - Georgy Efremovich Bregvadze, actor, starred in films, played in the theater.

Mother - Olga Alexandrovna Mikelaj, originated from the noble princely childbirth of Mikeladze (the first mention of which refers to the XIV century) and Lordkipanidze. He was a talented pianist, although he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the University.

As the artist told, the name of Nani for Georgia is unusual, it is for his film "Golden Valley". Father Nani was filmed in the film. Why this name chose the director, Bregvadze does not know, it remains a secret. And her parents called the Nani on the wish of the director. "If a girl is born, name Nani. If the boy is George, "Sheengeli's desire was.

The family was musical and from the early years of Nani began to engage in vocals. Already at six years she sang under the guitar "Kalitka", "Do not leave, my darling", "Caravan", other vintage Russian songs and romances.

He graduated from music school, then a music technique.

According to Nani, initially it was planned in the family that it would become a pianist. "I graduated from the music school in the piano class, then a music technician, then entered the conservatory. But in parallel, he sang all the time: for himself, at school, in front of the guests. Finally, Mom drew serious attention and said:" She needs to sing with Scenes! " And the Word of My Mom was a continued law. So, contrary to the objections of the rest of the relatives, I began to perform with the Independent Orchestra of the Polytechnic Institute. In 1957, we became laureates of the Moscow Festival. And they spoke about me, "she recalled.

Since 1956, he worked in the amateur pop orchestra of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute.

In 1957, he became the winner of the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, fulfilling the song of Bzwanley on the verses I. Grisheshvili "I put out the candle."

In 1963 he graduated from the Tbilisi State Conservatory. V. Sarajishvili in the class of Piano Professor Gayane Machutadze. Special vocal education did not receive. Being still a student, he began to sing in the Tbilisi State Estain Orchestra "Rero" under the control of K. Pevzner of the Georgian state philharmonic, where he worked in the period 1959-1964.

In 2000, Nani Bregvadze was laid in Georgia.

He was engaged in pedagogical activities: since 2002, several years have headed the department of pop-jazz singing of the Institute of Music at the Moscow University of Culture and Arts (Mguyk) (Professor).

During the Russian-Georgian War of 2008 canceled anniversary concerts in Russia.

Member of the Women's Women's Association, Metekhi Club, was a member of the Society Society.

Nani Breggvadze in the program "Alone with all"

Personal life Nani Breggvadze:

It was married to Merabia Mamabigyevich Mamaladze. As the singer told, it was her mother who insisted that she would marry. "My future husband really liked my mother. Merab - He is no longer alive, the kingdom he is heaven," he really was a good man - decent, kind ... But I agreed to build a family with him only for one reason: to please my mother, "- She confessed.

In 1960, the daughter was born in 1960 - Mamaladze Eka (Catherine) Merabovna, who became a popular singer in Georgia.

Personal life with her husband did not work out. The spouse was in prison, she personally applied to Eduard Shevardnadze regarding facilitating the mode of its content. He also got a singer with scandals on the soil of jealousy: "He loved me very much, so much that such love was even difficult to endure." She divorced him twice, the second time - forever.

Has the grandchildren of Levan and George, his granddaughter Natalia. There are great homework: Dmitry, Sandro and Nikoloz.

Nani Breggvadze, daughter Eka, granddaughter Natalia

The singer attributed a novel with Vakhtang Kikabidze, however, they assure that they are just long-standing friends.

Nani Breggvadze filmography:

1966 - Meeting in the mountains (vocals)
1969 - Moscow in notes (vocals)
1970 - Orera, full of forward!
1971 - Necklace for my beloved - Aisha
1971 - Warm your hands (vocals)
1973 - Melodies of the Veri Quarter (Vocal Wardo)
1974 - Night Visit (vocals)
1977 - "Berega" (vocals)
1981 - Thanks for the hardest weather (vocals)
1981 - Swipe the windows (vocals)
1982 - Take a challenge, Signora! (vocals)
1983 - Vintage Russian Romances
1984 - Together with Dunaevsky (vocals)
1985 - Blue cities (film concert for music Andrei Petrova) (vocals)
1987 - Time of Our Childhood
1991 - I'm a god pele! - Maca
2006 - Streets of broken lamps 8 - Veronica Georgievna Pearl
2006 - Three Waltz (Documentary)
2008 - Sophico (documentary)
2012 - Love with an emphasis (NOVEL "Sochi-Batumi") - Jubilee

Nani Breggvadze songs:

"Waiting" (words M. Pochishvili, Music N. Watsadze);
"Lost Love" (words M. Pochishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Where was you, my favorite" (the words I. Chavchavadze, the music of Chubinishvili);
"Accidentally met with you" (the words of V. Dunin, the music of Ponomarenko);
"Ah, this red rowan" (words A. Sofronova, Music S. Zaslavsky);
"Two rings" (words A. Bektabekova, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"I remember the Waltz Sound Adorable" (Music N. Sheetova);
"Only once there are in the life of the meeting" (the words P. Hermann, Music B. Fomin);
"Gas Kozink" (words M. Kozyreva, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"I dreamed of a garden" (B. Borisov - E. Dietershs);
"Caprice, stubborn" (ancient romance);
"Give me a dear friend, for happiness to me" (words and music of K. Luchich);
"Do not leave, you are my darling" (ancient romance);
"Sing, my guitar" (words A. Bashkina, Music A. Kruchinin);
"Mount Kalina" (words N. Kondakova, Music V. Zubkov);
"Return" (words of V. Lensky, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Snowfall" (words A. Rustaykis, Music A. Ekyana);
"Kalitka" (words A. Budishcheva, Music A. Obukhov);
"Rise, completely leaving" (the words of V. Vereshchagin, Music F. Drizo);
"Dry Verba" (words of Levin, Music of Sorochan);
"Charming eyes" (ancient romance);
"Ringing guitars" (words and music N. Pearly);
"Song about Tbilisi" ("Tbilisi" (words of P. Georgian, music R. Lagidze);
"Star of happiness" (the words D. Gwishiani, Music N. Gabunia);
"You, Favorite" (words V. Pshavela, Music of Chubanishvili);
"Apple tree" (words N. Besedin, Music V. Orlovetsky);
"I loved you" (the words A. Pushkin, Music B. Sheremetyeva);
"Ivushka" (words V. Alferova, Music Ponomarenko);
"I loved you so much" (Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Waltz for you" (Words B. Dubrovina, Music M. Kompaniya);
"Romance about Romance" (Words B. Ahmadulina, Music A. Petrova);
"And finally, I will say" (the words B. Ahmadulina, Music A. Petrov);
"Dear long" (words K. Perezresky, Music B. Fomina);
"As the last time" (the words of V. Lugovoy, the music of Gladkov);
"Caravan" (words B. Timofeev, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Rain again" (the words M. Pochishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Georgian sky" (words of P. Georgian, music, Tsabadze);
"And the heart is still fully" (the words of V. Dunina, the music of Ponomarenko);
"Seven flying horses" (words of marriage, music V. Saprykin);
"Dialogue" (words L. Kuklin, Music of Sorochan);
"Farewell romance" (words and music of E. Bachurina);
"The voice of the heart" (the words I. Chavchavadze, the music of Chubinishvili);
"Song about the moon" (the words M. Pochishvili, the music of Tsabadze);
"Muhambazi" (the words D. Gwishiani, the music of Tsabadze);
"When almonds blooms" (words of P. Georgian, Music B. Kversadze);
"The sun will take up" (the words of P. Georgian, Music B. Kversadze);
"We are both lles" (words B. Timofeev, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Yellow leaf" (words A. Sofronova, Music S. Zaslavsky);
"Snowflake" (words O. Ovnaina, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Under caressing Plush Plaind" (the words M. Tsvetaeva, Music A. Petrov);
"Oh, flower Kalina" (the words M. Isakovsky, music I. Dunaevsky);
"At the time of sunset" (the words of V. Lifshitsa, M. M. Blanter);
"And you will love" (the words of R. Christmas, Music A. Rtstsi);
"Do not leave a woman one" (the words S. Karatov, Music V. Orlovetsky);
"My friend lives" (the words S. Ryskin, Music M. Shishkin);
"The soul of the name Maria" (the words E. Cherny, Music T. Markov);
"Autumn Rosa" (the words Y. Garin, music I. Yoshki);
"POUSTIN" (words K. Kerkorin, Music K. Pevzner);
"Candle burned" (words B. Pasternak);
"Yamchiki" (Words B. Vakhnik, Music Movsyana);
"A lot of others" (the words B. Timofeev and the S.phrug, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Night of Svetla" (words M. Langua, music M. Shishkin);
"Country of memories" (words A. Dmokhovsky, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Song of the grape vines" (the words I. Nonhestvili, Music R. Lagidze);
"Singleglasia Witch" (words L. Chuchubria, P. Georgian, Music Sh. Milorava, Russian Text B. Bryansky);
"Love, like a boat" (words A. Sofronova, Music S. Zaslavsky);
"Day and night" (words I. Reznika, Music O. Tevodoradze);
"And the song is pioned" (the words M. Lakhtina, Music V. Kruchinin);
"I wish you" (the words of R. Christmas, the music of Y. Glyaeva);
"Echo of Love" (the words of R. Christmas, the music of E. Blischin);
"Levko" (words A. Bashkina, Music B. Prozorovsky);
"Dark Night" (words V. Agatov, Music N. Bogoslovsky);
"Autumn sent me letters" (the words I. I. Shklyansky, Music Y. Frankel);
"The Sun is my friend" (the words M. Pochishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Art" (words M. Potchishvili, music of Tsabadze);
"Salkino" (words M. Pochishvili, Music V. Durgvishvili);
"The song is my joy" (the words of P. Georgian, Music V. Azarashvili);
Hevsur ballad (words M. Pochishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"If you love me" (the words M. Potchishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"And they did not say a single word" (the words M. Potchishvili, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Sunny drops" (words A. Dmohovsky, Music T. Megvinuhuzesi);
"Our love ended" (the words A. Borley, M. M. Zh);
"Little Ballad" (words M. Pochishvili, Music Tsabadze, Russian Text A. Dokhovsky);
"Let me dream" (words M. Panzer, Music D. Nisa);
"Where are you, my dear" (the words N. Arshidze, the music of Tsabadze, the Russian text B. Bryansky);
"Primo - Sendo" (words of folk, music of Muzakis);
"You are my hope" (words of Tabidze, Music V. Azarashvili);
"Tandem" (words Messen, Music L. Reed);
"I sing again" (Music D. Botari, processing V. Semenov, the words of an unknown author);
"But I still love you" (ancient romance, words N. Lensky);
"Sing, link, my guitar!" ("Honey-Amethyst") (Music V. Krucinin, the words K. Perezresky);
"Twilight" (words M. Pochishvili, Music N. Vatsadze);
"My youth" (words B. Purgalina, Music N. Gabunia);
"What are you whispering, trees?" (words of V. Lugovoy, music Gladkov);
"Child and Rose" (music and words M. Kuzmina);
"What you switched to you" (the words I. Selvinsky, M. Blanter Music);
"Recognition" (words N. Shemethenova, Music V. Mikhailova);
"Green Years" (words of S. Kovalev);
"This flower is not a yapkin" (words V. Mass, music M. Blanter);
"By the window" (words V. Sergeyeva, Music I. Schwartz);
"Conversation with you" (the words A. Eshpaya-Son, Music A. Eshpaya);
"Memories" (the words A. Eshpaya-Son, Music A. Eshpaya);
"Month in the blue sky" (words V. Mass, Music M. Blanter);
"Coni-beasts" (words I. Selvinsky, Music M. Blanter);
Belovezhskaya Forest (the words N. Dobronravova, Music A. Pakhmutova);
"Alone with everyone";
"My month came";
"Your eyes";
"Magic words";
"Related recognition";
"Love" (Italian Song)

Tbilisi, July 21. / Corr. TASS Tengiz Pacchiria. The name of the Georgian singer, People's Artist of Georgia and the USSR Nani Bregvadze is widely known in Georgia, Russia and many other countries. July 21, she turned 80 years old. The popularity that came to her back in the 1960s does not fade, the singer continues an active concert activity and is not going to leave the scene. She meets the anniversary in Tbilisi in the circle of family members, relatives and loved ones.

In a conversation with a correspondent TASS, Nani Bregvadze said that the anniversary creative events dedicated to its 80th anniversary will be held in Tbilisi and Moscow in December of this year. "I was born in July 1936, but at that time in Georgia is always very hot, besides this period of holidays, so the anniversary ever-concerts dedicated to my 80th anniversary will take place later," she explained. According to her, "now there is a preparation for the upcoming anniversary events."

To the question "What is the secret of her creative longevity?" The singer replied: "I always try to be in the form - both as a singer, and as a woman who should be your singing and communication to please people. The voice does not leave me. I will sing and delight people as long as there is a voice and strength ".

Nani Breggvadze was born and grew up in Tbilisi. Her father, George Breggvadze, was an actor, and Mom Olga Mikladze came out of a noble prince. Nani Prabaato sang in his salon, and the aunt was a professional singer and sang in a popular Georgian choir. Nani herself at the age of 6 began singing both Georgian and Russian songs. Bregvadze says: "I was often asked" what to explain to such a passion for Russian romances? "And I, not tired, answered:" This is from the family, from my loved ones who sang both Georgian songs, and Russian romances. "Nani graduated from music school and technical school In Tbilisi, then here the state conservatory, simultaneously sang in the amateur pop orchestra of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute.

In 1957, this orchestra and she became laureates of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. As a student of the Tbilisi Conservatory, he began to sing in the Tbilisi pop-orchestra "Raro", in 1964 she toured with the Moscow Music-Hall in Paris, then for the first time she spoke in the world famous Olympia hall and received good feedback from the Charles of Aznavour. In 1965, she was invited to the famous Georgian vocal-instrumental ensemble "Orera", in which 15 years was a soloist and played tours in 80 countries. In recent years, Nani sings together with his daughter, the famous singer Ekaya Mamaladze, and his granddaughter - Natalia Kutateladze. Their joint concerts took place in Russia, Kazakhstan, in Ukraine, Cyprus and in other countries.

TASS / Edishrashvili Sergey

In the fact that she began to sing, there is nothing surprising, says Nani Breggvadze. During the years of her childhood, he sang all Georgia: there was no family who would not kill the evening under a good song for a welcoming table. But, of course, the singer slightly smashes: many Georgians sing well, but from her voice, goosebumps ran.

Under mom wing

Her first performances began, barely nanyu learned to speak. By 10 years, she already performed "Kalinka", "Caravan", ancient folk songs and romances. Once a girl confessed to his native aunt - a professional singer - that she is fleeing goosebumps on her skin when she sings.

"Is that bad?", "Nani asked. "What are you. This means that you eat with the soul, "the aunt calmed down.

RIA Novosti / Vasily MalyshevAfter school, the girl began to study in the conservatory in the class of piano (vocal separately by Breggvadze was never engaged). And in his free time he sang with the pop orchestra of the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute - it was in its composition Nani conquered the jury of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

The young singer praised Leonid Rockov himself.

This time, Nani Breggvadze recalls with pleasure: so happy and serene calm it was. She had a favorite occupation, close people nearby, every evening - interesting guests. In a small apartment, where the girl lived with her parents, often came interesting young people.

Guests have been respectful, they joked and laughed, sang with Nani and her family. Mom invited them, and she first drew his daughter's daughter for one of the guys - Merab Mamaladze.

By that time, he imperceptibly pushed out of the nanyow of other workers: she gave himself a report that she was pulling her to this high and pretty young man. But when Mom directly raised the question of the wedding, the girl realized that he did not want to marry.

Parents did not listen to her objections. There was no way back: the Mamaladze family was already officially launched to Nani, their marriage was solved. The only thing that was insisted by Mama Nani before the wedding - to continue to sing on the right of his daughter.

Merab, without thinking, gave a promise that he would not mind her singer's career. They merried.

10 singers and jealous husband

RIA Novosti / Vladimir BogatyrevHold your promise merabe was not easy. With all his love for Nani, the Georgian temperament did not give to accept that his wife touring today in the same city, and tomorrow in another. At the same time, on stage she surrounds ten incredible beauties - Poms of the public.

In the 60s, Nani Breggvadze became the soloist of the famous Georgian ensemble "Orera" - and the only singer in his team. All other performers were men - with young, beautiful and temperamental men. There is little husbands that can easily respen with such a position.

And the Merabic was not afraid. It was worth a nani return home with a tour, he began to quarrel and annoyed on any trifle. Jealous to his wife even to their common daughter ek and parents. But barely sent somewhere together, the husband became another person.

"Friends said:" Nani, you don't think, the meab loves you badly. " And I did not need such love, I wanted respect, understanding, trust. That was not seen, "said the singer on their marriage.

Once she could not stand and suggested her husband for a while. He agreed. As soon, she translated the spirit after the incessant quarrels, as a new news came about the husband: the Merab was arrested.

It turned out that he set his signature on some fake trading documents. The husband of the Honored Artist of Georgia threatened several years in prison.

Despite their complex relationships, Bregvadze achieved a displacement of a Merab from Cold Estonia to his native Georgia. She personally asked him from Edward Shevarnadze, which was then the Minister of Internal Affairs: "Let him die, but on his land!".

Fortunately, Mamaladze did not die. A few years later he reappeared on the threshold of her house.

Second attempt

Opening the door, Nani did not recognize her former husband. He lost weight, much rethought, began to study yoga and, it seemed completely changed. But he still loved her - and asked him to give him a second chance.

Breggvadze agreed.

For the first time in their relationship, Idilly came: the Merabic accompanied her on tour, infected with his hobby of yoga, and even began to teach her for the whole ensemble "Orera". So it lasted for several years to the first serious family crisis.

Merab and Nani did not come together in views on the first husband of their daughter Eki: Mamaladze objected to her marriage. Quarrels and disagreements began again. Returning once with the tour, Nani did not catch her husband at home. It turned out that during her absence he went to another woman.

"Of course, it was surprised, and upset, but at the same time it became so easy, like a stone fell from the soul:" Thank God, he himself guessed! "


TASS / Miklayaev SergeyShortly before the care of her husband, Nani Breggvadze began a solo career. It is even more correct to say that the solo began in her in all spheres of life: on stage, in the house, in the family. A much big blow than a divorce with a meraba, the death of the mother became for the singer.

For many years, she was a reliable rear for her, with whatever the troubles would not have encountered life.

After the funeral, Nani Breggvadze did not sang for a whole year - he could not force himself to go on stage. To her life, her daughter and favorite grandchildren returned.

Now the legendary Georgian singer is already a great-grandmother: her junior grandson Georgy presented her two menpunches - Dmitry and Sandro. The daughter of Eka and granddaughter Natalia went in the footsteps of Nani - they also became singers.

Nani itself and after 80 regularly goes to the scene. Every day of his life, she thanks the fate for the fact that she has a favorite business - singing.

Nani Breggvadze is the legendary Georgian singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1983). The performer of famous songs "Snowfall" and "Red Rowan", she one of the first on the Soviet scene revived the traditions of Russian and Gypsy romances.


Nani appeared on July 21, 1938 in Tbilisi in a creative family. Her father Georgy Efremovich was filmed in the cinema and played in the theater, Mom played the piano perfectly, and parents paid great attention to the creative upbringing of his daughter. Singing the girl began to start almost at the same time, as learned to speak. Already at six years, Nani perfectly performed the romances of "gate" and "Don't leave, my darling".

After graduating from a music school, the girl decided to continue to improve the skills of playing the piano and entered the local profile college. For several years, she dreamed of becoming a popular pianist, although he was fond of singing. A conviction in the choice of the specialty Nani managed Mom, who addressed attention to the daughter's vocal talent.

The beginning of the way

In 1956, the girl began to speak with the Orchestra of the Polytechnic Institute, and the next year the team became the winner of the World Youth Music Festival in Moscow. The talents of young singers rated well-known artists, among whom was the Leonid Rocks himself. After the song, "I put out the candle" performed by Nani Artist said: "From this girl, if she continues singing, a good singer will succeed."

Despite the successes in vocal art, in 1958, Bregvadze continued musical education in the class of piano in the State Conservatory in his hometown. But she was not able to leave singing and in 1959 she became one of the soloists in the Tbilisi State Pattern Orchestra "Rero", where she worked for five years.

At one of the speeches, the singer with an unusually penetrated voice was noticed by representatives of the Moscow Music Hall and invited her to tour to Paris, where Bregvadze was lucky to sing in the legendary Olympia hall. Upon returning home, she received an invitation to become a soloist of the Orera ensemble, with which the Georgian singer was worked in the future for 15 years and visited more than 80 countries with tours.

Musical career

In 1966, Nani met with Vakhtang Kikabidze, who also joined the "Orera" ensemble. He not only sang, but played there on the shock instruments. Joint tours rallied young artists, and soon they became best friends. With Vakhtang and Nani, the team released several plates that almost immediately became a classic of Soviet pop music.

In 1968, Nanya received the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR. In 1970, together with Kikabidze, she took part in the shooting of the Orera, full of forward musical, dedicated to the journey of the ensemble to Australia. In 1974, she became a folk artist of Georgia.

Nani Breggvadze - "Snowfall"

In 1980, the singer decided to go to solo swimming. With its sensual and gentle songs, she returned the love of many Soviet listeners to the Russian and Gypsy romance. Especially loved by her fans such songs like "Lost Love" and "I remember the Waltz sound." But the business card of Nani became a lyrical song about the women's fate "Snowfall", performed by her for the first time in 1981. Two years later, the Georgian singer became the People's Artist of the USSR.

In the 90s, Nani continued to please the listeners with their heartfelt execution, releasing such albums as "Romance, Romance" (1995) and "Concert in New York" (1997). In 1997, Bregvadze founded the Nani company, in which he was supported by young Georgian musicians. In addition, she was an active participant in the public organizations "Women for Peace" and "Soviet woman."

Nani Breggvadze - "Romance about Romance"

Since 2002, Nani has been engaged in pedagogical activities, headed the populated vocal department at the Mguki Music Institute. In 2005, the singer recorded a new disc with the songs of Bella Ahmadulina and Marina Tsvetaeva. Over time, Breggvadze began to protrude less and more time to devote family and deserved rest.

Personal life Nani Breggvadze

The first and only husband of the singer was Merab Mamaladze. Because of the frequent tour of his wife, the spouse regularly satisfied her scene of jealousy.

In 1960, a couple had a wonderful daughter of Eca (Catherine), which later also became a popular singer in Georgia.

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Nani's marriage did not ask me, and after long parting and litigation, they divorced. The singer became three times a grandmother and now raises the great-grandfather of Dmitry and Alexander.