Delegation of authority means. Advantages, difficulties and problems of delegation of authority

Delegation of authority means. Advantages, difficulties and problems of delegation of authority
Delegation of authority means. Advantages, difficulties and problems of delegation of authority

Principles of delegation of authority

Delegation of authority is entitled to the rights and obligations of any official emanating from the higher authority

There are five principles that increase the efficiency of delegation of powers.

The principle of the range is controlling that for each level of management and each type of work there is an optimal number of employees subordinate to one leader

On average, such a quantity is 7-10 people. However, it varies depending on various factors: the level of management, competence of the head and subordinates, complexity and urgency of the work performed, motivating employees, territorial location of the organization, etc. For example, the higher the level of management, the smaller the control range.

The principle of fixed is responsible in the impossibility of transferring responsibility along with the transfer of authority

Responsibility always remains the leader who delegates the authority.

The principle of consistency of rights and obligations implies the proportionality of the relationship of the rights of the employee and its duties

In the case of asymmetry of this ratio, the motivation of employees is violated, the moral and psychological climate is worse and as a result, the low efficiency of achieving the organization's target installations.

The principle of transmitting responsibility for work on the possibility of a lower level is asking that any work should be transmitted to that managerial level that is able to effectively perform it

This, in turn, requires high competence of those officials who are delegated to the authority.

The principle of management of deviations of the delegation of powers in its content requires employees of immediate signals to a higher level in case of deviation from the established tasks

The manager should know how the task is performed.

Rules for the effective formulation of the problem.To this end, first of all, it is necessary to correctly use the principles of delegation principles called above. In addition, there are some rules that increase the effectiveness of the task and delegation of powers.

1. It is necessary to make sure that the subordinates know exactly what the result leadership wants to obtain as a result of the setting of tasks and its respective activities. You can not be limited to one question "Are you understandable?". In this case, the answer will almost always be positive - "yes."

2. It is necessary to establish the exact time and completion of work on solving the problem, taking into account available resources. If the work is complicated, you need to make a detailed plan of it.

3. In case of insufficient competence of subordinates due to the complexity of the task or low professionalism, the manager needs to be trained to their required skills. However, the learning time should not be greater than the timing of the work itself.

There should be no consequence in management. Napoleon I. You can not allow tasks that are not related to official powers. Tasks should always come from top to bottom, i.e. they have a sanctioned form. However, unauthorized tasks meet in practice. The first case is horizontal, which comes from a person located at one hierarchical control. The second case, even more unacceptable tasks from the bottom, which happens when the subordinate is trying to convey its work to the head.

Centralization and decentralization.The direction, the volume and nature of the authority is determined by such important management principles as centralization and decentralization. It should be noted that the problem of the ratio of centralization and decentralization of powers in management practices is one of the most relevant. In practice, this means a solution to the problem, which powers can and need to be delegated to the lower control levels, and which cannot be delegated.

In organizations with fully centralizedthe management structure is the right to make a decision focused in the hands of a single official or they are subject to the appropriate authority. In a decentralized organization, several persons or units are endowed with this right.

Centralization means that decisions are usually taken by the management of the Organization at the Summit of Management

Organizations with a high degree of centralization usually have significantly more control levels. These are the structures of the conservative type, they are resistant to external "disturbances" are predictable and are a bright example of the implementation of the principles of the "rational bureaucracy".

The essence of centralized organizations is to separate decision-making processes and their implementation: the highest leaders make decisions, managing middle links transmit and coordinate them, employees - perform. A comparative analysis shows that centralized organizations whose activities are based on the principles of "teams and controls", as a rule, slowly adapt to changes in the market and weakly respond to the changing needs of customers, are limited in creativity and initiative, to effectively act in the context of competition.

Decentralization means that decisions and resources are transmitted to lower levels, which are practically independent organizations.

Implementation of principle decentralization It occurs in a complex, dynamic environment, which allows to make informed solutions in operational mode. Such structures have a number of advantages. First, as a result of decentralization, professional skills of managers are developing, the powers of which and the responsibility for making decisions increase. Secondly, the decentralized structure leads to the strengthening of internal competition in the organization, stimulates the leaders. Thirdly, in the decentralized model of the organization, the head may exercise more independence when determining his personal contribution to solving problems. The expansion of freedom of action makes it possible to promote the creative nature of labor, the development of non-standard solutions, an effective solution to complex problems.

At the same time, the decentralization process requires the adoption of certain organizational, economic, temporary, labor and other costs. In particular, it is necessary to develop and implement training programs, to overcome the established stereotypes of work in centralized structures and resistance to workers to change.

If, when delegating authority, the responsibility remains for the leader, then with the decentralization of the Office, both powers and responsibility are transmitted.

Such an approach leads to an increase in the autonomy of individual divisions in decision-making, to reduce the sphere of centralized control. This increases the responsibility of specific divisions for the results of their activities.

Decentralized organizations usually have less control levels. Decentralization is produced, firstly, by eliminating some levels of management and, secondly, due to the provision of great rights and responsibilities to the remaining managers. Decentralization is a consequence of one of the principles of management: it is advisable to take decisions at a lowest level.

From the standpoint of effectiveness assessment, the question is logical: what organization is the most successful - centralized or decentralized? The answer may be as follows: each of them has its advantages. Centralized structures are most successful in force majeure circumstances or for special purpose organizations with a pronounced principle of uniqueness as the first condition for solving the tasks. Decentralized structures are an adaptive type organization that respond quickly to the situation, they are mobile and build their activities depending on the available resources. Modern organizations operating in the market are always mobile, highly adaptable to changes in the external environment, i.e., structures with a high degree of decentralization.

System development phases: 1. Wild enthusiasm. 2. Disappointment. 3. Full Bardak. 4. Searches to blame. 5. Punishment of innovated. 6. Promotion by the service of those who stood aside. "Laws of Murphy"

Internal environment of the organization.Since organizations are created by people subsystems, the internal environment is the result of management decisions.

Each organization has a set of determining its functioning of the factors constituting the organizational and economic configuration. Most often allocated as the main elements of the interior objectives, structure, tasks, technology, people. However, it is possible to include an internal economy, organizational culture, moral and psychological climate, intellectual processes, equipment and a number of other elements.

External environmental environment.The value of the external environment in relation to the organization is associated with the statement of a situational approach in organizational management. The main principle is that the success of each organization, its structure is directly related to the situation, which is determined by the elements of the external environment.

The combination of external factors in the management of the Organization, as a rule, is classified into two main groups.

Wednesday direct exposureincludes factors that directly affect the organization's activities. These are labor resources, laws and institutions of state regulation, suppliers, consumers, competitors. However, it is possible to include natural-climatic factors, a geographical location, tools of direct political and economic influence. IN environmental impact environmentfactors that may not have direct impact on the functioning and implementation of the organization's goals, but, nevertheless, they affect them. These include the state of the country's economy, world economic conjuncture, macroeconomic and managerial innovation processes, intellectual potential of society, socio-cultural values, features of public policy, public and public communications and other factors.

Two dangers do not cease to threaten the world: order and mess. P. Valerie

Life cycle of the organization.Any processes: social, biological or technical and technological has their own nature of development. The same can be said about the facilities of a living and non-living world: social systems, biological organisms, natural phenomena and objects. Social organizations originate, develop, achieve success and cease their existence. The cyclicity of organizational functioning is a natural factor and even a principle that does not depend on the duration of the organization's existence. Many languages \u200b\u200bexist long enough, but they can all be subject to change. Able to adapt - flourish, inflexible - disappear. Some organizations are developing faster than others and make their job better than others.

For effective management, the head must know at what stage of development is the organization, what features of this stage and what the specificity of managerial decisions are required.

The life cycle of the organization is a consistent change in its quantitative and qualitative characteristics affecting the state of the internal environment, the relationship with the external world and the implementation of the mission

The life cycle of the organization includes several steps, ranging from its primary steps and ending with decay. Periodization of this process may be the most different in scientific, educational and other literature. As an option of periodization of the organization's development cycle, the following is proposed.

1. Organizational stage. During this period, the organization is in stage
The formation is formed its resource base in accordance with the established mission, goals, objectives, principles and functions, as well as the life cycle of products. At this stage it is important that all these elements fit one other. It is impossible to build an organization, if, for example, its functions will not follow from the content of the mission or goals.

2. "Pilot" stage.It is characterized by the predominance of strictly regulated rules and rules, formal, enshrined in relevant organizational documents dominated in interpersonal and group relations. The organizational device is pronounced the principle of unity. Employees of the organization are in the process of "recognition", identifying the strengths and weaknesses of both individual employees and the organization as a whole. It is at this stage that external communications are established very important for the organization, the necessary intellectual and information and knowledge base is being created. In fact, all work comes down to check ("piloting") officially extended missions, goals, tasks, principles and functions.

3. Stage of formation.During this period, the organization acquires stability based on the evaluation of the results of the previous stage. If necessary, initial installations are adjusted, the composition of personnel, organizational structure, production and management technologies. Organization, in essence, is ready to build capacity, since the internal environment is stable and managed, external communications are also checked. The main focus is on strengthening the norms of organizational culture, connections with the outside world. The degree of confidence and democratization of management increases, the role of informal factors and leadership in management increases.

4. Stage of high-quality growth (development).In this case, the development of the organization is provided on the basis of stable, but at the same time mobile to external changes in the internal norms of organizational culture. The organization is the closest "built-in" into the external environment. Individual, corporate and government interests are optimized, and the contradictions between them are minimized. The management of the organization is most democratic, the principles of participating management and organizational responsibility are widely developed. Goals are achieved on the basis of rational use of domestic and external resources. In essence, this is the maximum point in the trajectory of achieving the targets and objectives, as well as the implementation of its mission.

5. Stagnation or decline ("spiders in a bank").This stage is characterized by minimum quantitative and qualitative development parameters. As a result of the abundance of changes in the external environment (competitors, suppliers, institutional changes, natural climatic factors, the labor market). Externally, this is expressed in non-competitiveness, fluidity of personnel, reducing the authority of the head. The state of interpersonal relationship deteriorates, the nature of the leadership varies from authoritarian to liberal norms, it is possible to replace it, and repeatedly. The way out of such a situation is a cardinal revision of the organization's behavior strategy, including all elements (clarifying the mission, goals, principles, the revision of personnel policy, an increase in the role of an innovative component, etc.). In modern managerial practice, this is called reengineering or restructuring.

Control questions

1. What is primary for organization - mission or resources?

2. Give the organization's characteristic as a management function. What is its content and features?

3. Organization is a product of an objective coincidence or time demand, or the result of the subjective desire of one or more people?

4. Organization as a social structure. Give her definition in this quality.

5. What stages underlie any organizational process? Does one or more stages have a priority value to increase the efficiency of the organizational process?

6. What factors underlie the structuring (department)?

7. Is it possible in the organizational process algorithm (Fig. 3.1) to include qualitatively new stages?

8. What is the essence and importance of a sign of an organizational start to define an organization as a structure? What is he expressed?

9. Does all the structures of social type have a sign of organizational culture?

10. List the main signs of delegation of authority.

11. What is the control range? Does he have distinctive signs from the ruble of manageability?

12. Name the distinctive features between centralization and decentralization.

13. Is it possible to talk about the advantages of the centralized structure before the decentralized structure and vice versa?

14. Name the stages of the life cycle of the organization. Give them an essential characteristic.

This article will talk about what is delegation of authority in management. Powers are special rights to apply the company's resources, the right to independent adoption of any type of decisions, as well as the right to give orders. It is necessary to understand that the authority is not provided with a person who replaces the position, but directly position.

Types of permissions:

1) linear powers;
2) powers of staff or hardware

Linear powers.

They indulge in the principle of the chain. One person charges something else. Those officials who have linear powers can solely make sign decisions without consulted with other officials or managers. Since their knowledge is certain responsibilities and certain issues for which they are responsible. The possibility of transmitting authority can be defined in the company's charter or in position.

A chain consisting of linear powers forms a special hierarchy of various managerial levels. A vivid example is a hierarchy in a military organization. The more chain, the lower the speed of information transfer.

There are basic principles of delegation: uniqueness (it must be, that is, employees should receive tasks only from one leader, they should be reported on completed orders); The need to limit the rules of manageability (that is, one manager should not have countless workers).

Powered powers.

These powers contribute to the efficient use of human resource in the organization. The principle of unityless is not violated. This method is suitable for solving a certain circle of tasks, for example, an advisory orientation.

A variety of staff powers - coordination (the development of a joint decision and the adoption of this decision), conciliation, advisory ones (the pros in his business recommends something to the manager, since only he understands such a narrow question), reporting (the carrier of these powers has the ability to verify not Only performers, but also leaders).

Any management structure cannot exist without redistribution of authority, responsibilities and, of course, responsibility. What types of work may be delegated? Delegation of authority can be carried out by means of distribution by contractors:

Conventional routine work;
some preparatory stages of work;
specialized issues and works;
Unconscious issues.

In the life cycle of the organization there are such tasks, when solving which it cannot be discussed about the transfer of authority. These are the tasks associated with financial risks, with secret information.

Delegation of authority is also impossible at:

Determining the purpose of the company's existence;
making key solutions;
development of the company's policies and the directions of its activities;
solving issues of a special degree of importance;
Deciding issues of unusual or extraordinary.

The head, distributing the authority, independently determines the degree of responsibility.

Benefits and advantages of delegation of authority:

Liberation of the leader's time to solve more significant tasks;
the ability to show yourself to ordinary staff;
the opportunity to learn something new;
The ability to move through the career ladder.

If there are so many positive moments, then why not all the leaders hurry to use delegation of authority in management?

The reasons for such a phenomenon are in:

Doubts about the qualifications of workers and concerns that they will not work as follows;
Fear of losing office or existing power;
Doubt in some performers and thoughts that their abilities are not enough to fulfill duties;
The presence of too high self-esteem, arrogance.

Let's try to analyze why delegation of authority - An important component of the management process. The transfer of some duties may occur at the official level (if in the company everyone live together and all trust each other). The redistribution of responsibilities is preceded by the preparatory stage. What he really is? This is the stage on which the head is aware of and determines which responsibilities to transmit how to do it and why it is necessary. Will the enterprise or the employees themselves receive from this? Maybe there will be difficulties or obstacles. At this moment, this is the real analysis.

For the head, the authority is not only useful, but also beneficial, especially if it comes to routine work. He can spend the freed time to solve complex and global tasks. The head is a professional managers, he needs a concentration of attention on the integrity of the picture, and not on the parties. Delegation of powers We can consider both as a way to improve the qualification level of employees. Additional duties entrusted to them motivate them, give them significance, forced independence.

Basic goal of the managerial - Lower the work process and take all the work, lead this process. He should not do everything alone, he should only lead.

How to monitor those who are in submission? Behind the constant, perhaps, is not worth it. Not at all patronate - it means to lead to complete freedom of action and thoughts. Delegation of authority is impossible without establishing feedback (you - I, I am - to you). Only a master of his case can control, overly imposing its position and receiving results.

Many managers are familiar to the dilemma - what to charge the performer is something new for him or what he is a real speaker. The choice of the boss, as a rule, falls on something new, but, at the same time, ordinary and routine. But is it true? The supervisor should not give the opportunity to solve the new task to the subordinate, since the responsibility of the subordinate is minimal. The control and correctness of the execution will be done still the boss. Monitor the correctness of the basic tasks easier.

If a transfer authority It is carried out by the boss not for the first time, and the performer is quite experienced and hardworking, then you can charge complex tasks. The task of the administrator is to paint your order, better, on paper. The performer will be able to show himself, his abilities and opportunities. This will add him confidence.

Feature delegation of authority The fact that these possibilities almost do not use those who have just received an increase in the career ladder. It is difficult for them to get used that now they are guided, and someone submits. What good can be said about the boss, who himself disassembles the correspondence, prints documents and letters, and his secretary, while suffering idleness? Most likely, we note that this person is not called to be a boss.

Often delegation of authority does not lead to anything and the subordinate cannot cope with the task. Basically, this happens when you need to impose a fine on your colleague, to attract to disciplinary recovery, to deprive premium, read for immoral behavior. The performer does not want to become an enemy for his colleagues. In addition, he, sometimes, it is very difficult to take a weighted and correct decision, it can doubt long and fluctuate due to the lack of experience.

Distributing duties, the boss should know:

The powers of the performers must be associated with the powers of those with whom he will have to cooperate, interact, so as not to break the balance;
Powers must be extremely clear and clear. The Contractor must realize that he receives them from the head and should understand that it is responsible for the unfair fulfillment of duties;
The subordinate should be able to solve this or that problem within the framework of this order, it should be for him.

Delegation of authority is a complex process with which competent and sensible leaders are perfectly coping. Described basic principles of delegation Assist to decide how and to give orders correctly.

Delegation is a means with which the manager distributes among employees a number of tasks to be performed to achieve the goals of the whole organization. If some of the tasks are not delegated to another person, the head is forced to perform it himself. This in many cases is simply impossible to do since the time and ability of the head is limited. M. Fallet, one of the classics of management noted that the entity at the Board is the ability to perform work subordinates. To implement the qualitative implementation of delegation, it is necessary to comply with individual principles. Delegation of powers is based on the principles: the only bosses; limitations of the rules; fixed responsibility; compliance with the rights of responsibilities; reporting on deviations; Transmission of responsibility for working at a low level.

. The principle of uniqueness It is that the employee must receive powers only from one leader and respond only to him. The employee, fulfilling the commissioned work, has no right to contact the head of the highest rank, without the permission of his immediate chief. In turn, the leader of the highest level cannot give his orders to the employee, without his immediate boss.

. Principle of limitation of the management rate Indicates which the number of workers can directly manage the head. Research has been established that the best norm is 7-10 subordinates, although at the highest levels of management, their number flashes from 4 to 8, and at low levels from 8 to 15. In recognition of the number of persons directly and efficiently controlled by the head, the level plays a significant role management, character of solutions for ny, qualification of subordinate and ability of the head. If you do not comply with the rules of management at a fairly low level, the manual will not be able to fulfill coordination and control obligations. Uvat motivation subordinates.

The optimal number of workers who are directly subordinated to one leader is determined by the organizational abilities of the head; qualifications of working; type of work; Territorial posting Ennyum; motivation of employees; The importance of the robot.

. The principle of compliance with the rights of obligations means that the volume of delegated authority must comply with the duties. Current task to its subordinate provides for the provision of individual powers corresponding to the issued task to use the necessary resources. Heads do not provide sufficient rights to their subordinates for the following reasons: mistrust in the ability of subordinates, and work will have to be performed by itself; reluctance of managers to abandon their rights; political moments.

. Principle of fixed responsibility When delegation, it means that only his boss can be released from responsibility. Delegation is the process of distribution of responsibility for subordinates. But delegation of responsibility is subordinate to M does not remove responsibility from the head.

. Principle of transfer of responsibility for work The lower level of management indicates the possibility of ensuring its successful implementation. But this principle is often disturbed by the reasons: natural reluctance to return to normal work or perform a more significant robot.

. The principle of reporting on deviations obliges to inform managers about all actual or expected changes in achieving the goals and tasks. This means that the subordinate must inform his head about all deviations from us. Ichena task.

In modern conditions, the head is not able to solely solve all arising management problems, even directly part of his official duties, since there are a lot of them, they are diverse and specific, and its knowledge, experience and existing time reserve are limited.

Therefore, while maintaining the development of strategy, control and general management, it conveys a solution to less significant problems necessary for this right and related responsibility to subordinates who have the necessary knowledge, experience and are interested in participating in management. As a result, within the framework of the management structure, there is a splitting and rational redistribution of rights, responsibilities and responsibilities between its subjects.

This process, the principles of which were developed in the 1920s. Domestic scientist P.M. Kerezhetsev, received a wide distribution in the West under the name "delegation of organizational powers and responsibility."

We have already met with the concept of distribution of authority, but then it was about entailing them posts , forming a management structure; In this case, the authority and responsibility by prior arrangement are transmitted to individual lie tsam or collectives.

Delegation of authority occurs not only on the official, but also mostly on a semi-official or not even official basis, and implies the presence of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and mutual confidence between the leaders and performers. Delegation of powers is preceded by significant preparatory work, which the head must be implemented. It is to determine: for which, who, how to delegate authority? What are the benefits for him, the subordinate and organizations themselves in general can be obtained? What obstacles may arise? But the general approach is to delegate the powers to the maximum number of employees who are on the most lowthe floors of the management structure where the decisions are implemented in practice.

The delegation process begins with the classification of problems facing the organization or division, drawing up a list of powers, which can be actually delegated, benefits and risks associated with this, nature, abilities and moral qualities of subordinates.

To solve the issue of delegation, overseas management specialists recommend using the so-called eisenhuer Matrix,which greatly facilitates the head of the orientation in the situation (Fig. 11.1).

From the point of view of the need for control, delegated problems can be divided into the following types requiring: current control over their results; normal control or self-control with periodic informing of the head; special control for individual moments; Full control and non-deviations from prescribed actions. In the penultimate case, the powers are delegated selectively, and in the latter - are not delegated at all.

The following types of powers are usually delegated:

The solution of partial, highly specialized problems in which the performers disassemble knowingly better than the leader and understand it perfectly;

The implementation of preparatory work (generalization of the material, the formulation of primary conclusions, writing various projects), which is routine in most cases, but, nevertheless, gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities;

Presence at various information events, performance with reports, exchange of experience.

At the same time, the blacks and little interest will alternate with an exciting, prompting performers to improve their knowledge, skills, compete with each other, to achieve championship. Ignoring these circumstances, permanent intervention in the process of independent activity of the performers, their suppression, etc. lead to a sharp deterioration of the moral and psychological climate and undermine the very idea of \u200b\u200bdelegation.

At the same time, under no circumstances are not delegated: reproblems associated with the development of general policy organizationor divisions, as well as especially important and urgent, guessactions in critical situations or elevatedrisk; general leadership; Consideration of confidential tasks inproskov related to the promotion and punishment of employees.

Most often, the authority is delegated by direct subordinates, and those already, in agreement with the leader, transmit them further. These employees must be capable of competent in their field, to have a tendency to organizer and managerial activities, the desire to succeed in it and succeed. In addition, they must be committed to the objectives of the organization and divide the views of the head, which allows them to provide them with confidence.

The process of delegation of powers is carefully planned based on the purposes of the organization, usually separately for each task. If necessary, work schedules and control over its implementation are being developed, instructions are created that determine the boundaries of the liability of the subordinates who get acquainted in advance with these documents and make the necessary proposals and amendments.

Since the ability of people to implement powers in certain specific situations cannot be clearly defined in advance, delegation of powers is associated with a certain risk. However, this risk is justified, as considerable benefits promises all parties.

First of all, delegation of authority brings to the decision-making to the place of their implementation, and therefore, increases their quality and efficiency, prevents the spread of the time to expect orders and instructions, which is why the management process as a whole becomes more efficient.

The delegation of authority frees the leaders from many current affairs and allows us to deal with the global, most difficult problems, and also makes it possible to more rationally distribute the load among subordinates, to allocate possible successors among them, which can be replaced by advancing them at the top or retirement.

Delegation of authority subordinate allows you to:

Maximum productively use their abilities, knowledge, experience and acquire new;

Show the initiative and independence;

Develop yourself as a person;

Demonstrate those who surround their own opportunities, to increase their prestige in their eyes and create a "starting platform" for further promotion on the service staircase;

Finally, just get great satisfaction from work.

Thus, delegation of authority has a number of positive consequences, both for the head and for the artist. However, often those and others resist delegation of powers.

Among the reasons for this can be allocated as follows:

Excessive loading of current affairs, no time for setting the tasks to subordinate and monitoring their decision;

Neon understanding of the importance of the problem of delegation of authority and inability to correctly define an object for delegation;

Disbelief in the ability of subordinates, fear of responsibility for their possible failures;

The reluctance to part with his beloved thing, which was given for many years;

Finally, fear of subordinates and conflicts with them.

Subordinates in turn can shy away from making powers. Among the reasons for unwillingness, it is possible to identify the most common:

The lack of faith in itself, the fear of allowing mistakes for which it will have to be responsible;

Lack of knowledge, incompetence in charged to develop a matter;

Lack of information restricting the ability to qualitatively perform the task;

Formal approach to the case on the part of the head, i.e. the so-called fictitious delegation - the transfer of the subordinate the powers that it has long already has.

The effectiveness of the delegation process of powers is largely determined by the reasonable combination of the interests of the organization or division, the head and the contractor. The interests of the organization are taken into account by complying with existing traditions there, adopted standards and standards of activity, eliminating the possibility of abuse of obtained powers. The interests of the leaders and performers are ensured by the rational distribution of responsibilities and responsibilities between them, as well as timely remuneration.

The head should provide the organizational side of the powers delegation process, for example, the priority provision of the necessary material resources, information, consultation and assistance in difficult situations. Its responsibilities also include the activation of performers and the protection of the powers provided by him from employees who usually violate them.

In the distribution of management powers in the organization, it is necessary to take into account a number of important circumstances, which must be mentioned.

    Powers should be sufficient to achieve the goals facing this subject. Therefore, it should be remembered that the goals are always primary and determining the amount of powers provided.

    The powers of each subject should be filled with the powers of those with whom he has to cooperate to ensure that they are complementary and, ultimately, the balance of the entire management system.

    The authority in the organization must be clear so that every employee knows: from whom he receives them to whom he reports, who is responsible for whom it is responsible and who should answer him.

    Artists must independently solve all problems within their competence and bear full responsibility for their activities and its results.

Powers in the management system are not always evenly distributed. They can be focused mainly on top or on the lower "floors" of power. In this case, we can speak accordingly about centralization or decent trailing powers.

The degree of centralization of authority Determined by the following circumstances:

    costs associated with the decision-making. The higher the decision price of the decision, the higher the degree of centralization of authority;

    the task of ensuring the unity of policies held in the organization;

    the size of the organization. The larger the company, the more difficult it is to coordinate activities inside it. This leads to predominantly horizontal connections and weakening centralization;

    features of historical development and traditions on the firm;

    character and worldview of senior managers;

    the character of activity. Some activities themselves restrict the ability to centralize authority, others - on the contrary, require it;

    business dynamics - how it is higher, the higher the decentralization of management should be;

    the presence of the necessary frames;

    external forces - government regulation, feasibility of taxation, trade union actions, etc.

The advantages of centralized powers with the greatest force are manifested in the conditions of the existence of large enterprises that are engaged in the mass release of homogeneous products. They are as follows:

1) in strengthening the strategic focus of the management process and ensuring, if necessary, the concentration of resources in key areas of activity of the organization;

    in eliminating duplication of management functions, which leads to a significant savings of the corresponding costs (the creation of a single plant management with the relevant functional units is planned, accounting and reporting, marketing, etc.);

    at the concentration of the decision-making process in a single center, in the hands of those who better own the overall situation, has a larger horizon, experience and knowledge.

The centralization of authority also has a circuit over: it consumes a lot of time to transfer information from the center to performers. In addition, in the process of movement of information, the initial essence may be distorted, and part of it is lost. As a result, the decision is made not promptly, and the decisions are implemented in practice inefficiently.

In modern conditions, significant complications of production and information processes, an increase in the number and degree of economic independence of the subjects included in the organization, their significant territorial dispersion, the dynamism of market conditions, etc., arose a real need for the decentralization of the management process, which found its manifestation in crushing the powers and The essential independence of authorized in the adoption of relevant decisions.

Decentralization of management is accompanied by a number of negative consequences that must be taken into account in practical activities. First of all, solutions are local in nature, they are ineffective or contradict the policy of the whole organization. The separation of the decision-making process and its concentration on the lower floors of the management structure affect the interests of other units and the organization as a whole.

Brief conclusions on the topic

Powers are limited and responsible to use the resources of the organization, to independently make decisions, give orders and carry out certain actions to managing the organization. The scale of the authority concentrated on or another control level is determined by the complexity, the importance and diversity of the problems being solved, the development of the communications system, the personal features of managers and the moral and psychological climate in the organization.

A multi-level management system in the organization creates two main types of powers: linear and hardware, or staff. Linear - implemented through the chain of commands from the highest manual down. Pile worn advisory or service. They are aimed at ensuring all activities to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Powers are limited to the rules recorded in the documents of the organization, as well as the factors of the external environment, such as laws.

The transfer of tasks, powers and responsibility subordinates is carried out by delegation. However, it is rarely effective if the manager does not adhere to the principle of compliance with the amount of delegated powers of the volume of responsibility.

The rights, duties and responsibilities of all employees of the organization should be fixed in job descriptions. This allows you to largely streamline the distribution process and achieve more efficient management technology at all levels.

The delegation process begins with the classification of problems facing the organization, drawing up a list of authority, which can actually be delegated, refine the winnings and risk associated with this, as well as the abilities and moral qualities of subordinates. The effectiveness of the delegation process of powers is largely determined by a reasonable combination of interests both organizations or divisions and managers and subordinates.

The uneven distribution of powers on various "floors" authorities suggests the development of two opposing management processes. The first is associated with the centralization of power, the second - with decentralization. The degree of their development in management depends on the large number of internal and external factors in the organization's activities.

The principles of delegation of powers under consideration below are fundamental to the right delegation of authority. Failure to comply with them in practice can lead to the fact that delegation will be ineffective, the organization is unviable, and the management process is significantly difficult.

1. The principle of delegation based on the expected results.

Since the sense of powers is to provide the manager of a kind of tool for making an appropriate contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise, the authority delegated to the individual manager should be sufficient to ensure the possibility of achieving the expected results. Too many managers seeks to divide and definite powers in terms of the volume of delegated or acquired rights, instead of initially understand the goals that need to be achieved, but only then determine the freedom of action necessary for this. Only so the managing is able to delegate authority in a clear compliance with the requirements for subordinate later. Often, the manager has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done, but does not think about whether the subordinate to be necessary for this is the authority. Sometimes he simply does not want to admit that the task is required to provide more freedom of actions to subordinate, also fuzzily represents the expected results. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe delegation of "responsibility" was spreading at the enterprises.

Delegation in accordance with the expected results suggests that the goals are established, and plans have been developed that they are brought to the attention of subordinates and understood them that the relevant positions that will contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks have been introduced. In addition, this type of delegation indicates that planning is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of any objectives facing managers and that in practice, all the functions of the manager merge into a single type of activity.

2. The principle of functional definition.

Structural division is a grouping of activities that ensure the achievement of the goals set, and the manager of each subdivisions must have the authority necessary to coordinate the actions of this unit with the enterprise as a whole. Based on this, the principle of functional definition means that: the clearer the results expected from the managing or structural unit are determined, the more clearly the directions of their activities and delegated organizational powers are determined, the more clearly aware of official and information relationships with other managers and units, the greater The contribution is able to make these managers and structural units to implement the goals of the enterprise. Failure to comply with this principle can cause confusion and confusion in the question of what exactly from whom should be expected. This principle (which also applies to delegation and to structural division), being conceptually quite simple, is often difficult to apply in practice. A clear definition of the content of the work and delegation of the powers necessary for its fulfillment in most cases require patience, high intelligence and clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe objectives and plans. It is clear that it is very difficult to define the content of the work, if the manager does not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat results he wants to get.

3. Scalar principle.

The scalar principle refers to a chain of direct official relations of managers and subordinate throughout the organization. There must always be a person with supreme power in the organization. The more distincting line of the supervision of the highest manager with each of the subordinates, the more effective the decision-making process and communication.

This scale is described by the file as:

"... Chain of managers from the highest manager to the lower. The line of authority is the path for which they pass (through each chain link) all communications from the highest manager to the lower and vice versa. This is due to both the needs for maintaining communication and the principle of unity, but it is not always the shortest. In large concerns, and especially in government, it is sometimes threateningly long. "

A clear understanding of the scalar principle is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the organization. Subordinates should know, firstly, who delegates the authority to them, and secondly, at whose discretion they should convey the problems of problems leaving for their powers. And although the command chain can be used independently to transmit only information, the refusal of it when making decisions leads to a violation of the decision-making system and undermining the control system itself.

4. Principle of the level of authority.

The principle of the level of authority implies from the set of the principle of functional definition and the scalar principle. At each organizational level there are authority to make decisions within the competence of the enterprise. The principle of level of authority means that: the preservation of delegation efficiency requires that decisions within the authority of individual employees have been accepted by them, and not redirected to the highest organizational levels. In other words, at each level, the managers must take all those solutions to which they have enough powers, and at the discretion of their leadership to transfer only those issues that go beyond their competence. Often the highest managers, arguing that they perfectly understand the importance of delegation of powers down to understand that they are much more alarming in connection with the distribution among the subordinate practice of delegation "up". In other words, as stated in a conversation with the authors, one of the highlie controls, it often happens that, having ordered a solution to one or another problem with his subordinates, the highest managers after a few days or no longer find that the issue was reappearing upon their discretion. Obviously, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to prevent re-redirect problems up. If the right to decide is delegated properly, then the head of the NE should be the temptation to make a decision. Subordinates usually quickly understand who from managers willingly makes decisions for them.

If you proceed from the principle of the level of authority, it becomes clear that if the managers want to achieve delegation efficiency and thereby remove a certain part of the decision on making decisions, they must be sure that the powers are clear to the subordinate that he is clearly aware of them.

5. The principle of unity.

One of the basic principles of the Office is the principle of uniqueness, which is formulated as follows: the more complete the relationship of subordinate to the leader, the less likelihood of obtaining contradictory instructions and the higher the sense of personal responsibility for the results of the work. When considering the issue of delegation of powers, it was assumed that (with the exception of cases of compulsory division of powers) the right of freedom of action in a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity is transferred to the subordinate only one leader. Despite the fact that the subordinate can, in principle, to obtain powers from two or more managers and, accordingly, to be accountable to them all, the significant difficulties with which the work in subordination of two or more managers is conjured. Since the obligation the obligation is essentially personal, delegation of several managers to one person often leads to contradictions as in authority and responsibility. The principle of uniqueness is very useful for clarity to the system of relationships - responsibility. So, the president of the company usually does not distribute the sales activities between the divisions of the sale, production, public relations, finance, accounting and personnel, if they do not manage alone. Instead, because sales is a kind of binding activity, the management of this work is entrusted to the sales manager. If, for the management of the sales division, the president instead of one manager appoints a certain executive committee, then uniqueness will not be. To make each responsible employee of the Sales Division obey not to the One Manager, but to each of the members of the Committee means to cause confusion and disrupt the efficiency of work.

6. The principle of unconditional responsibility.

Since the responsibility, being assumed, cannot be delegated, then no leader can be free from liability for the activities of subordinates, since it is he delegates authority and distributes duties. Subordinates by taking the commission and having received the authority necessary for its fulfillment, carry out full responsibility to managers for their activities; The leaders in turn bear all responsibility for the organizational activities of subordinates.

7. The principle of compliance with authority and responsibility.

Since the authority is the right to fulfill the necessary work, and the responsibility is the obligation to fulfill it, then it logically follows that the powers must be responsible. From this obvious circumstance implies the following principle: responsibility for certain actions can not exceed the proposed amount of delegated powers, but should not be less than it. This compliance is not mathematical, it is rather a spatial-temporary order, since the authority and responsibility concern the implementation of the same task. For example, the president of the company can entrust the purchase of raw materials and equipment, as well as employees of the vice president of production. The latter can carry out this work only in the case of providing it sufficient to fulfill these tasks of freedom of action. At the same time, they should not endow subordinates and greater than they require their responsibilities, powers. Often, managers are asked from subordinates for work, for the implementation of which they do not have the necessary powers, which, of course, is incorrect. It also happens that the subordinates are delegated sufficient powers for certain actions, but there is no control over their right use. However, in this case, there is only ineffective guidance, which has nothing to do with the principle of compliance with authority and responsibility.

It is said that the controlling sometimes receive powers to carry out such actions for which they cannot be liable; Thus, the sales manager is empowered to sell goods, but cannot force people to acquire them. At the same time, the Sales Manager has authority to use certain material and human resources for the maximum widespread product market, therefore, in accordance with its responsibility as a manager for the proper management of personnel and material resources and its sales authority.