Grandfather Pihto from where the expression comes from. Who is the grandfather Pihto - the secret is revealed! Usage in fiction

Grandfather Pihto from where the expression comes from. Who is the grandfather Pihto - the secret is revealed! Usage in fiction
Grandfather Pihto from where the expression comes from. Who is the grandfather Pihto - the secret is revealed! Usage in fiction

Grandfather Pihto (grandfather Poyuto) - the character of the Russian dialogic phraseologist (awards, response phrase-cooplication), gradually penetrating into a massive culture.

Origin and initial semantics name

The main one, the most rolled form of this dialogic phraseologist looks like this: " - Who? - Grandfather Pihto!».

Philologist Galina Mandrikova notes that the function of the phrasenevo-response responses to question words is to deviate a questionnaire replica as inappropriate and often used in reluctance to respond to the question. In addition, the response phraserebliks often serve to replace the tabulated obscene vocabulary, that is, they perform the function of euphemisms.

Usage in fiction

The image of Grandfather Pichto penetrates children's literature: In 1973, V. M. Shugaev published a fairy tale about Santa Poyto, and in 1998 - Galina Kiyashko published a book for children in verses called "Father Pihto" (Ukr. "Dіd Pikhto").

In adult literature, it is used as a symbol of "namelessness": in 2000, the Perm writer V. A. Kurshin released a prose cycle under the same name.

« Hero ... an adult, quite sane, he cannot answer a simple question: "Who are you?". Well, he does not know who he is. And where his homeland does not know, lost. And where his happiness drank ... He is looking for ... He is "Grandfather Pihto." It is natural and inevitable in the hunt of our today's life».

As a symbol of "originalness", "RUSSKIY" The image of Santa Pichto was used in the ironic poem Alexander Sokolov, connecting allusions to Pushkinsky "Miracles there, there is lying ..." and the synthesis of obscene and unhappy:

Such representations penetrate into educational and educational literature. For example, the author of the "educational" section of the children's publication "Class Magazine" quite seriously tells the children's audience:

"The Nordic peoples believed that grandfather Pihto lives in Taiga. Forest spirit like our lash. He strictly follows the order in his possessions. In winter, the paths of paths in deep snow so that it was easier to go for firewood. Lost hunters helps to find the road home. It was he who taught people to build warm yurts. But the grandfather Pihto applies well only to those who choose nature. The same who breaks the trees, a litter and suits fires in the forest, waiting for a harsh punishment. "

« We still call the secret name "Grandfather Pihto", fearing, no matter how bad does not have a bad, and when I go on the mushrooms, I didn't start in the deaf forest».

However, the erotic origin of the image sometimes appears today, for example, in the scene from the speech of the KVN team "7-40" (VSTU):

  • Bondarenko V. T. Response phraserebliki in Russian dialogic speech // Russian language at school. 2004. No. 6. P. 75-77.
  • Golev N. D. Foaming Tabuism in Russian Linguistic Folklore. Game rhyme // "Evil Laya Maternaya." Sat Art. / Ed. Zhelvis V. I. M., 2005. P. 324-327.
  • Mandrikova G. M., Najornova L. S. Who is grandfather Pihto? (Response phraserebliki: the problem of allocation and definition) // Frameological readings of the memory of prof. V. A. Lebedinskaya. Issue.4. Kurgan, 2008. P. 92-94.
  • Mandrikova G. M. Where? - From camel! (Or for what is needed by response phraserebelki) // phraseology in text and text in phraseology (fourth Zhukovsky readings): materials international. Scientific Symposium. 4-6 May 2009 / resp. ed. V. I. Makarov. Veliky Novgorod, 2009. P. 333-336.
  • "Who, who? Grandfather Pihto!". Familiar expression, isn't it? We hear him from an irritated friend or a neighbor, often pronounce. Sometimes in our sayings of an unknown grandfather accompanies the elderly lady with firearms (Baba with a gun). These words are so habit and are usually usually, that we sometimes do not think about the origin of these mysterious personalities. In the article, try to figure out who grandfather Pihto and his gray-haired companion?

    Mysterious old man

    From the earliest years in the child awakens curiousness. He looks at the world surrounding the world, asking parents a lot of questions: "Mom, and who is it?", "Dad, and then - who?". Parents come off from affairs and patiently explain that this is a cow, it's a sun, this is a bee, and that I already told you. This happens many, many times. One day, the baby hears the annoyed response of his too busy parent on his burning question: "Who, who, grandfather Pihto!".

    Baby in bewilderment. Who is grandfather Pihto? What is this person? Grandfather Vanya is, at the guest they had, Uncle Lesha lollipop brought, and grandfather Misha - a neighbor walks with a wand and eternally scolds. And who is this then? And why didn't they talk about him before? And further to continue the story about him do not want.

    Who who?

    Who is Santo Pihto, will give an accurate answer to our article. Grandfather Pichto - a fictional person, created for the response phrase. This replica was invented by unwillingness to respond to a given question. When he is tedious or inappropriate to whom they treat him.

    This phrase firmly entered into a conversational speech, as compensates for the lack of a mate speech in a conversation. An irritable tone instead of indecent words gives an emotional splash in a simple and interesting phrase. And everyone immediately becomes clear who is the "grandfather Pihto". This is an image that symbolizes the reluctance to talk.

    And grandfather Pihto went to the road

    Many proseculations for an interesting and sparkling dialogue used this replica in their works. Who is the grandfather of Pihto, told even in fiction. Mention of the notorious old man with these names can be found in such narratives:

    • "We have in the yard" (Avdeev V.F);
    • "Stepan Kolchugin" (VS Grossman).

    There is a powder ...

    If you want to eat well in historical wilds, you can find more information about who Pihto's grandfather. There are sources indicating that the name of a strange old man is an abbreviated form from the word "shove", and the gray-haired character points to the male beginning.

    From modern replica, we know that as soon as grandfather Pihto appears, a grandmother with a gun will be dragged next. So the full phrase sounds. And used to be said: "Grandfather Pihto and Grandma Torahto". And this expression had far from innocent meaning. A couple of elderly "Salayolubs" hints at the intimate course of the conversation.

    Another version

    Another version of the expression "Grandfather Pihto" has a cute children's context. With New Year's notes. It turns out that "Pihto" - meant "Fir", that is, a coniferous tree. Grandfather Pihto and grandmother with a gun most likely meant a fir and thirsty hunter. Meaning again takes a strange turn.

    Grandfather Pihto began to appear in fairy tales, New Year performances in Leshego's image with a green beard. Later, he was declared with respect and honors, explaining to children that grandfather Pihto is no one as the spirit of Taiga.

    In one of the New Year's play, this character manifests itself as a strict hunts, who follows the safety of the forest, and in the winter he has a hibernation in his Nore. Like a bear. This is a rolling old man who has generic roots with unclean power.

    Jokes on the topic

    How many jokes and jokes are invented with this interesting and unfamiliar person!

    For example, one of them:

    Funny thing - intercom. Today in the entrance I had to let in: "Konya in the coat", grandfather Pihto "and" Agnia Barto "!

    But such a rather funny joke:

    Lucy, I know everything! You changed me! I know who it was!

    Yes, and who?

    Who, who, grandfather Pihto!

    Oh, you know about grandfather?!

    Logical chain

    It became specifically known who is Santo. This is a venerable pensioner named Pichto, who comes to visit, to the question "Who is there?" Replies: "100 grams". Like this. They say 100 grams - the real surname of Pichto.

    It was also not difficult to know the place of residence of the old man. It is known where - of course in Karaganda. How did we find out this information? Well, of course, from camel! By the way, he lives with his grandfather Pihto and a grandmother with a gun.

    The camel is known in the whole district of his chatty. He constantly tells anyone anyone. And the grandfather of Pihto leaves his possessions on horseback. A hoofed animal is very often covered with a coat. Why grandfather Pihto does, it's not known to anyone. Probably, we are on fun.

    Origin and initial semantics name

    The main one, the most rolled form of this dialogic phraseologist looks like this: " - Who? - Grandfather Pihto!».

    The earliest of the known consumption in fiction refers to 1940, in the story V. F. Avdeev "We have in the yard."

    « Leaving the door to the Chosan openly, the film approached closer and, gathered with the Spirit, asked:
    - Who are you?
    - grandfather Pihto, - grinned red».

    Philologist M. Mandrikova notes that the function of the phraseneplic-responses to question words is to deviate a questionnaire as inappropriate and often used in reluctance to respond to the question. In addition, the response phraserebliks often serve to replace the tabulated obscene vocabulary, that is, they perform the function of euphemisms.

    According to one of the versions, "Grandfather Pihto", it is an eufemic substitute for the word denoting a phallus (the root of the word "Pihto" is formed from the verb "to shove", the end is formed to maintain the rhyme to pronoun "who", the word "grandfather" emphasizes the male start). This is confirmed and often in old publications writing the word "Pihto" from the lowercase letter: "Father Pihto" or "grandfather-pirchto", that is, as an indication of the role, and not a name.

    However, in the process of widespread use, the initial obscene value of this phrase-cutter is erased. Consonance with the name of the Fir tree, contributed to the "legalization" of the image, gradually published beyond the "its" phraseology.

    Secondary rethinking and use in modern culture

    Grandfather Pichto on the illustration in the book of Kiyashko

    In adult literature, it is used as a symbol of "namelessness": in 2000 the Perm writer V. A. Kurshin released the prose cycle under the same name.

    « Hero ... an adult, quite sane, he cannot answer a simple question: "Who are you?". Well, he does not know who he is. And where his homeland does not know, lost. And where his happiness drank ... He is looking for ... He is "Grandfather Pihto." It is natural and inevitable in the poorness of our today's life.»

    As a symbol of "originalness", "RUSSKIY" The image of Santa Pichto was used in the ironic poem Alexander Sokolov, connecting allusions to Pushkinsky "Miracles there, there is lying ..." and the synthesis of obscene and unhappy:

    Such representations penetrate into educational and educational literature. For example, the author of the "educational" section of the children's publication "Class Magazine" quite seriously tells the children's audience:

    "The Nordic peoples believed that grandfather Pihto lives in Taiga. Forest spirit like our lash. He strictly follows the order in his possessions. In winter, the paths of paths in deep snow so that it was easier to go for firewood. Lost hunters helps to find the road home. It was he who taught people to build warm yurts. But the grandfather Pihto applies well only to those who choose nature. The same who breaks the trees, a litter and suits fires in the forest, waiting for a harsh punishment. "

    « We still call the secret name "Grandfather Pihto", fearing, no matter how bad does not have a bad, and when I go on the mushrooms, I didn't start in the deaf forest».

    However, the erotic origin of the image sometimes appear today, for example, in a scene from the speech of the KVN team "7-40" (VSTU).

    « - Katya, I know - you have someone!
    - Oh, he knows about Vasya ... and who?
    - Who, who, grandfather Pihto!
    - God, he knows about his grandfather ...» .


    • Bondarenko V. T. Grandfather Pihto in Karaganda after the rain on Thursday (about the response replicas in the dialogic speech) // The edge of the word. Sat Scientific Art. to the 65th anniversary of prof. V. M. Mokienko / T. ed. M. Alekseenko. M., 2005. P. 30-33.
    • Bondarenko V. T. ON SADE PICHTO and KYU-KOM (phraseology and discourse) // Problems of semantics of language units in the context of culture (linguistic and methodological aspects). International. scientific study. conf. (March 17-19, 2006). M., 2006.
    • Bondarenko V. T. Response phraserebliki in Russian dialogic speech // Russian language at school. 2004. No. 6. P. 75-77.
    • Golev N. D. Foaming Tabuism in Russian Linguistic Folklore. Game rhyme // "Evil Laya Maternaya." Sat Art. / Ed. V. I. Zhelvis. M., 2005. P. 324-327.
    • Mandrikova G. M., Najornova L. S. Who is grandfather Pihto? (Response phraserebliki: the problem of allocation and definition) // Frameological readings of the memory of prof. V. A. Lebedinskaya. Issue.4. Kurgan, 2008. P. 92-94.
    • Mandrikova G. M. Where? - From camel! (Or for what is needed by response phraserebelki) // phraseology in text and text in phraseology (fourth Zhukovsky readings): materials international. Scientific Symposium. 4-6 May 2009 / resp. ed. V. I. Makarov. Veliky Novgorod, 2009. P. 333-336.

    see also


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is "Grandfather Pihto" in other dictionaries:

      Simple. Jelly Speaks in response to question who? With reluctance to respond. Vakhitov, 2003, 45 ...

      Who is who?! Grandfather Pihto! - An irritated answer to the question about the person standing behind the door or asking about whom, mentioned in a conversation ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

      Naked grandfather. Jarg. comp. Jelly Mail Editor Gold Edit. Sheygal, 207; Sadrenhenko, 1996. Grandfather and grandmother. Bryan. Dandelion. SBG 5, 13. Sed Klim came. . Jelly Iron. On the occurrence of Klimaks. Nikitina, 1998, 101. Grandfather prickly (stitching, rod). 1. Bryan ... ... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

      Who! - Grandfather Pihto (horse in (pink) coat) The answer is not essentially ... Living speech. Dictionary of spoken expressions

      - (r. 21. 11. 1952) Rod. In Zyryanovsk East Kazakhstan region. Kazakh SSR in the family of geologists. He graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic. In t. was a member of the CPSU (since 1986). Worked Art. Engineer in Tomsk Polytechnich. Institute (1975 80), Head of Regulation. lite ... Large biographical encyclopedia

      Galina Kiyashko (English. Galyna Kyyashko, Ukraine, Poltava region, Kiyashki, September 10, 1971) Ukrainian Netherlands actress, leading TV programs, poetess, fashion model. Lives since 1998 in the Netherlands. Contents 1 Biographical ... ... Wikipedia

    It became interesting that in general this "name" means and where did it come from.

    Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia:

    Grandfather Pihto - Character of Russian dialogic phraseologist (anxiety, response phrase-vegetable), gradually penetrating into a massive culture.

    The main one, the most rolled form of this dialogic phraseologist looks like this: " - Who? - Grandfather Pihto!».

    The earliest of the known consumption in fiction refers to 1940, in the story V. F. Avdeev "We have in the yard."

    « Leaving the door to the Chosan openly, the film approached closer and, gathered with the Spirit, asked:
    - Who are you?
    - grandfather Pihto, - grinned red».

    Philologist M. Mandrikova notes that the function of the phraseneplic-responses to question words is to deviate a questionnaire as inappropriate and often used in reluctance to respond to the question. In addition, the response phraserebliks often serve to replace the tabulated obscene vocabulary, that is, they perform the function of euphemisms.

    According to one of the versions, "Grandfather Pihto", it is an eufemic substitute for the word denoting a phallus (the root of the word "Pihto" is formed from the verb "to shove", the end is formed to maintain the rhyme to pronoun "who", the word "grandfather" emphasizes the male start). This is confirmed and often in old publications writing the word "Pihto" from the lowercase letter: "Father Pihto" or "grandfather-pirchto", that is, as an indication of the role, and not a name.

    However, in the process of widespread use, the initial obscene value of this phrase-cutter is erased. Consonance with the name of the Fir tree, contributed to the "legalization" of the image, gradually published beyond the "its" phraseology.

    Behind the name "Father Pihto" (as well as for other names, own from phraseologism: Kudykina Mountain, the king of the pea, chasing calves Makar, Enicami-Benikov, etc.) is not worth no broader text, "whose fragment" it would be could be. However, for modern culture, this is not an obstacle and gradually it is this text for grandfather Pichto creates.

    "The Nordic peoples believed that grandfather Pihto lives in Taiga. Forest spirit like our lash. He strictly follows the order in his possessions. In winter, the paths of paths in deep snow so that it was easier to go for firewood. Lost hunters helps to find the road home. It was he who taught people to build warm yurts. But the grandfather Pihto applies well only to those who choose nature. The same who breaks the trees, a litter and suits fires in the forest, waiting for a harsh punishment. "

    « We still call the secret name "Grandfather Pihto", fearing, no matter how bad does not have a bad, and when I go on the mushrooms, I didn't start in the deaf forest».

    Grandfather Pihto (grandfather Poyuto) - the character of the Russian dialogic phraseologist (awards, response phrase-cooplication), gradually penetrating into a massive culture.

    Origin and initial semantics name

    The main one, the most rolled form of this dialogic phraseologist looks like this: " - Who? - Grandfather Pihto!».

    Usage in fiction

    • Vasily Grossman in the novel "Stepan Kolchugin", written in 1937-1940:

    Once Marfa said:
    - Customer came, the work gave.
    - Who? - Immediately excited, asked Stepka.
    - Well, who is Pihto's grandfather. Calls. "She looked at the boy and shook his finger, added:" You're just one remember, Stepka that I said to you. "

    - Grossman V. S. Stepan Kolchugin. Part 1. - M.: Goslitisdat, 1937. - 192 p.

    • Victor Avdeev in the story "In our yard" in 1940:

    « Leaving the door to the Chosan openly, the film approached closer and, gathered with the Spirit, asked:
    - Who are you?
    - grandfather Pihto, - grinned red».

    - Avdeev V. F. We have in the yard. - M.: Soviet writer, 1940. - S. 201.

    Secondary rethinking and use in modern culture

    The image of grandfather Pihto penetrates children's literature: In 1998, Galina Kiyashko published a book of fairy tales for children in verses called "Grandfather Pihto" (Ukr. "Dіd Pіchto").

    In adult literature, it is used as a symbol of "namelessness": in 2000, the Perm writer V. A. Kurshin released a prose cycle under the same name.

    « Hero ... an adult, quite sane, he cannot answer a simple question: "Who are you?". Well, he does not know who he is. And where his homeland does not know, lost. And where his happiness drank ... He is looking for ... He is "Grandfather Pihto." It is natural and inevitable in the hunt of our today's life».

    As a symbol of "originalness", "RUSSKIY" The image of Santa Pichto was used in the ironic poem Alexander Sokolov, connecting allusions to Pushkinsky "Miracles there, there is lying ..." and the synthesis of obscene and unhappy:

    Such representations penetrate into educational and educational literature. For example, the author of the "educational" section of the children's publication "Class Magazine" quite seriously tells the children's audience:

    "The Nordic peoples believed that grandfather Pihto lives in Taiga. Forest spirit like our lash. He strictly follows the order in his possessions. In winter, the paths of paths in deep snow so that it was easier to go for firewood. Lost hunters helps to find the road home. It was he who taught people to build warm yurts. But the grandfather Pihto applies well only to those who choose nature. The same who breaks the trees, a litter and suits fires in the forest, waiting for a harsh punishment. "

    « We still call the secret name "Grandfather Pihto", fearing, no matter how bad does not have a bad, and when I go on the mushrooms, I didn't start in the deaf forest».

    However, the erotic origin of the image sometimes appears today, for example, in the scene from the speech of the KVN team "7-40" (VSTU):

    « - Katya, I know - you have someone!
    - Oh, he knows about Vasya ... and who?
    - Who, who, grandfather Pihto!
    - God, he knows about his grandfather ...» .

    Write a review about Article "Father Pihto"


    • Bondarenko V. T. Grandfather Pihto in Karaganda after the rain on Thursday (about the response replicas in the dialogic speech) // The edge of the word. Sat Scientific Art. to the 65th anniversary of prof. V. M. Mokienko / T. ed. M. Alekseenko. M., 2005. P. 30-33.
    • Bondarenko V. T. ON SADE PICHTO and KYU-KOM (phraseology and discourse) // Problems of semantics of language units in the context of culture (linguistic and methodological aspects). International. scientific study. conf. (March 17-19, 2006). M., 2006.
    • Bondarenko V. T. Response phraserebliki in Russian dialogic speech // Russian language at school. 2004. No. 6. P. 75-77.
    • Golev N. D. Foaming Tabuism in Russian Linguistic Folklore. Game rhyme // "Evil Laya Maternaya." Sat Art. / Ed. Zhelvis V. I. M., 2005. P. 324-327.
    • Mandrikova G. M., Najornova L. S. Who is grandfather Pihto? (Response phraserebliki: the problem of allocation and definition) // Frameological readings of the memory of prof. V. A. Lebedinskaya. Issue.4. Kurgan, 2008. P. 92-94.
    • Mandrikova G. M. Where? - From camel! (Or for what is needed by response phraserebelki) // phraseology in text and text in phraseology (fourth Zhukovsky readings): materials international. Scientific Symposium. 4-6 May 2009 / resp. ed. V. I. Makarov. Veliky Novgorod, 2009. P. 333-336.

    see also


    Excerpt characterizing grandfather Pihto

    - And I will shoot, shiping, as soon as possible empty myself. None of your business. Not you, but I will be bad. Leave, leave me. I hate you.
    - Natasha! - frightened Sonya.
    - I hate, hate! And you are my enemy forever!
    Natasha ran out of the room.
    Natasha did not speak more with Sonya and avoided it. With the same expression of excited surprise and crime, she walked around the rooms, accepting the time for another occupation and immediately throwing them.
    As it was neither hard for Sony, but she, not showering eyes, watched her girlfriend.
    On the eve of the day, in which the count was supposed to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha sat all the morning by the window of the living room, as if waiting for something and that she did some kind of sign of the military, whom Sonya took for Anatol.
    Sonya became even more attentive to watch his girlfriend and noticed that Natasha was all the time lunch and evening in a strange and unnatural condition (answered the nefple for the questions made to her, began and did not have any phrases, he laughed everything).
    After tea, Sonya saw a robling maid girl, waiting for her at Natasha doors. She missed her and, overhearding at the door, he learned that the letter was transmitted again. And suddenly Son became clear that Natasha had some terrible plan for this evening. Sonya knocked her. Natasha did not let her.
    "She will run away with him! Thought Sonya. She is capable of everything. Nowadays it was something particularly pitiful and decisive. She cried, saying goodbye to Uncle, recalled Sonya. Yes, it's right, she runs with him - but what should I do? " I thought Sonya, recalling now those signs that clearly proved why Natasha had some terrible intention. "There is no graph. What should I do, write to Kuragin, demanding explanations from him? But who tells him to answer? Write a pierra, as I asked Prince Andrei in case of unfortunate? ... But maybe, in fact, she has already refused to Blocks (she sent a letter to Knuckle Marya yesterday). Uncle No! " To say Marie Dmitrievna, who believed in Natasha, it seemed terrible soma. "But one way or another, I thought Sonya, standing in a dark corridor: now or has never come time to prove that I remember the benefits of their family and love Nicolas. No, I will not sleep for three nights, and I will not go out of this corridor and I will not put it out of this, and I will not give my shape to collapse on their family, "she thought.

    Anatol recently moved to Dolokhov. The Rostova's abduction plan has already been respectable for several days and was cooked by Dolohov, and that day, when Sonya, overhearding Natasha at the door, decided to protect it, this plan was to be carried out. Natasha at ten o'clock in the evening promised to go to Kuragin on the rear porch. Kuragin was to land her in the cooked three and carry for 60 versts from Moscow to the village of Kamenka, where the pressed pop, who had to marry them was prepared. In Kamenka and was ready to stand, which was supposed to take them on the Warsaw road and there they had to jump abroad on the postal.
    Anatoly had a passport, and zapalae, and ten thousand money taken from the sister, and ten thousands engaged in Dolokhov.
    Two witnesses - tails, a former conjunction that was used to play Doolohov and Makarin, a retired hussar, a good-natured and weak man who fed an infinite love for Kuragin - was sitting in the first room for tea.
    In the large office of Dologov, removed from the walls to the ceiling by Persian carpets, bearish skins and weapons, Singing Solokov in Road Beshmete and boots before the opened bureau, on which the scores and packs of money lay. Anatol in the unbuttoned uniform went from the room where witnesses were sitting, through the office to the back room, where his footman, the Frenchman with others laid the last things. Shelachov considered money and recorded.
    "Well," he said, "the tail should be given two thousand.
    "Well, let me," said Anatol.
    "Makarka (they were so called Makarin), this unselfishly for you into the fire and into the water. Well, the scores are finished, "said Solokhov, showing him a note. - So?
    "Yes, of course," said Anatol, apparently not listening to Dologov and with a smile who did not converge from his face, looking forward to himself.
    Shelahov slammed the Bureau and turned to an anatoly with a mocking smile.
    - And you know what - I quit it all: still there is time! - he said.
    - Fool! - said Anatol. - Stop saying nonsense. If you knew ... This Chort knows what is!
    "The right to quit," said Doolokh. - I tell you the case. Is it a joke that you started?
    - Well, again, again tease? Went to Chort! And? ... - wriggling Anatole said. - The right is not up to your stupid jokes. - And he left the room.
    Shelokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatol came out.
    "You're waiting," he said after an anatoly, "I'm not joking, I'm talking about," I look here. "
    Anatol again entered the room and, trying to focus on, looked at Dologov, obviously unwittingly conquering him.
    "You listen to me, I last telling you." What should I joke with you? Did I reread you? Who made you everything, who had found, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
    - Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? - Anatole sighed and hugged Dologov.
    "I helped you, but still I should tell you that it is dangerous and, if you disassemble, stupid." Well, you take her away, well. Will it leave this so much? The business is that you are married. After all, you will be submitted for the criminal court ...
    - Ah! Stupidity, stupidity! - again wriggling anatole spoke. - After all, I interpreted you. BUT? - And anatole with those special addiction (which happens to people stupid) to the conclusion, which they reach their mind, repeated the reasoning, which he once again repeated Dolokhov. - After all, I interpreted you, I decided: if this marriage would be invalid, - he said, bending a finger, "it means I do not answer; Well, if valid, anyway: abroad no one will know it, well, so? And do not say, do not say, do not say!
    - Right, throw! You only tie yourself ...
    "Get out to Chort," said Anatol and, holding the hair, went out into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on the chair close to Dolokhov. - This is Chort know what is! BUT? You look like beats! - He took the hand of Dologov and attached to his heart. - AH! QUEL PIED, MON CHER, QUEL REGARD! Une Desese !! [ABOUT! What leg, my friend, what look! Goddess !!] a?
    Shelokhov, coldly smiling and brightly with his beautiful, impudent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have enough to have fun.
    - Well, the money will come out, then what?
    - What then? BUT? - repeated Anatol with sincere bewilderment before the thought of the future. - What then? There I do not know what ... Well, it's stupid to talk! - He looked at the clock. - It's time!
    Anatole went to the back room.
    - Well, will you soon? Draw here! - he shouted for servants.
    Shelokhov removed the money and shouting the man to be told to eat and drink on the road, entered the room where the tails and macarine were sitting.
    Anatole lay in the office, leaning on his hand, on the sofa, smiled thoughtfully and she whispered gently to himself with his beautiful mouth.
    - Go, eat something. Well drink! - shouted to him from another room of Polokhov.
    - I do not want! - answered Anatol, all continuing to smile.
    - Go, Baiga arrived.
    Anatol got up and entered the dining room. Balag was a well-known threefold bar, six years old knew Dologov and Anatol, and served them with his top three. Once he, when the regiment of Anatol was stood in Tver, from the evening he took him out of Tver, he delivered to Moscow to Moscow and took the other day at night. More than once he hosted Dolokhov from chase, more than once, he was on the city of Kori with the Gypsies and ladies, as Baigalag called. More than once, he pressed the people and cabrs in Moscow in Moscow, and his Lord had always brought him down, as he called them. Not one horse he drove beneath them. More than once he was a bit, more than once they attacked his champagne and Mader, who he loved, and not one thing he knew for each of them, which Siberia would have deserved an ordinary person long ago. In the kits, they often called Balagu, forced him to drink and dance in Gypsy, and not one thousand of their money went through his hands. Serve, he risked twenty times a year and his life and his skin, and on their work argued more horses than they were overpayed by money. But he loved them, loved this insane ride, to eighteen a moss per hour, loved to rejected the cab driver and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and to fly through the Moscow streets in the entire SC. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices: "I went! Went! " whereas it was impossible to go shiber; He loved to pull painfully on her peasant, who was not alive, neither was dead by him. "Real Lord!" He thought.