David Tokaou in contact. Musician David Todaus: About the Russian "Voice", Pain and Love to Georgia

David Tokaou in contact. Musician David Todaus: About Russian
David Tokaou in contact. Musician David Todaus: About the Russian "Voice", Pain and Love to Georgia

"Many years ago, a company of teenage hooligans was attacked by Kemerovo, a person fifteen. Beat a lot. As a result, my retina was peeled. I was lying in the hospital for a long time, but recovered, "David shared.

The musician was able to stand on his feet and continued his creative career. He moved to the capital and worked in the musical, where he performed a major role. Later, the artist created his studio and began writing music for other singers. But some time ago his health state worsened.

"Two years ago I had a recurrence of the disease. I started to blind. During this period, more than twenty operations have passed, "the musician told.

On the show Tokaou chose the team of Leonid Agutin, but for many years a sign with Dima Bilan. "Somewhere in 2009-2010, we crossed out a couple of times in the studio, I sent him my songs, then he contacted me, and I made him the arrangement of the hit" Do not be silent, "said David.

According to the singer, the ailments periodically returned to him, during these moments he could not go to the scene and work. After that, the artist fell into deep depression. "And then Dima called and asked for him the song" Deltaplan "Valery Leontyev in a new reading for a" new wave ". Because of the fact that I did not work for a long time, put all my soul and pain in this song, "the musician told.

According to Todau, the show "Voice" helps him cope with the disease and gives strength. "I believed that I could, that the disease is temporary, you can and need to fight. This is exactly what I am doing now on the "voice." I still have operations, "David told.

The singer is tormented by pain, his pressure rises. "Sing is actually very hard, but this is not visible," said Tokaou. The artist is happy that he hit the TV project. "I did not expect that everything would turn to me. It was a feeling that this is not happening with me, "said the participant of the" Voice "show, David Todau in a conversation with the publication Wday.ru.

"David, you were born in Sukhum, we lived for some time in Kharkov, then moved to Kemerovo, and now work in Moscow. Let's start from the beginning. Tell us about your brightest and warm memories of childhood.

- It is good that you clarified that warm memories are needed. Otherwise, the brightest I would call the beginning of the war in my birthday, when I was 12 years old ( On August 14, 1992, Georgian-Abkhaz conflict began - approx. ed.). Despite this, I had a happy childhood, I was a very happy child. The brightest memories are going on the scene of the first children's theater in Abkhazia, where I played a major role. When you walk with my mother along the embankment, around the city, you go into a beautiful restaurant, you order a khachapuri-boat and lemonade. The distant 80s, when all the neighbors and relatives are going to your birthday, all happy and fun. One huge warm memoir - all my childhood.

- How did you get involved in music? As far as I know, you have no professional musical education, you have learned everything yourself.

- Just in childhood, my musical activity began. At the age of 4-5, I started singing and played on the scene. After that, he received a major role in the first children's theater of Abkhazia. Then there was a well-known event that made me and my parents refugees. We left our home, and we were sheltered Ukraine, the city of Kharkov, in which we lived 8 years.

see also

Just there I started playing the guitar, I bought with all the truth and untrue my first electric guitar. In this, the relatives helped me. And he created his rock group at school. And here we were piloted after lessons in the assembly hall, opposite the Cabinet of Chemistry. We suffered a teacher, she swore: "Tokaou, well, when are you silent?" And I connected the guitar, I didn't know how to play much, I overloaded it and played so loud! Everything crashed at school. But they loved me. Life so happened that people always treated me well. I always performed on the stage, read poems, sang songs, so they through their teeth allowed to do me with music in the assembly hall.

About Kemerovo and severe injury

- Why did you move from Kharkov with your family to Kemerovo?

"I got to Kemerovo thanks to my aunt Louise." In 1998, my mother died. And when it dies very important in the family, a person is always a big tragedy, both personal and family. Mom was the foundation on which all family upbringing was held. Father worked all his life, he was engaged directly earning money, and Mom sent us on the family vector. And when she died, the father became difficult. So that we keep together for the family to have some kind of future, it was necessary to change the surrounding environment. And aunt suggested to move to Kemerovo, work, live here, make it easily. All my life I will be grateful for the fact that I and our family fell into Kemerovo. Father began working in the administration of the region, in the management of capital construction. He achieved good heights in Kemerovo. He has a lot of awards and merit in front of Kuzbass. Awards from the governor and the recoor Kemga, where I entered the third course of the law faculty, were and me.

see also

- In Kemerovo, you did not stop doing music?

"After the move, I stopped engaged in the Kharkov rock band and completely switched to my personal creativity." Probably the decision to become a vocalist arose here. When I just moved to Kemerovo, I doubted about the music, I played more on the guitar and did not sing much. But something happened to the voice, he seemed to revealed. I began to perform at different sites of the city, take part in the concerts of non-professional student creativity "First Snow" and Student Spring in Kemp. I even went to Samara to the All-Russian Justice and took a prize room. And it was in Kemerovo that I began to sing and position myself as a vocalist.

Here I also released my first pop album. Many guys from the Europa Plus radio station helped me write it and promote it. When in the winter of 2002, I released an album, I even had a solo concert in Operette ( Music Theater Kuzbass them. A. Bobrov - approx. ed.), where there was a club "Colosseum". And I wanted to surrender to the complete Kuzbass and the city of Kemerovo. I can no longer know that life in Kemerovo is one of the most vibrant and interesting stages. I lived in Kuzbass around three years old, but it was here that I became becoming me like a man and artist.

"David, you say that you have a lot of warm memories about the coal capital, but it is here that you have received a serious injury that still affects your health.

- Event is unpleasant, it affected some moments, but did not change my life. We were then returned with a friend in the evening through the park, passed by the crowd of cheerful and drunk teenagers - a man 15. Apparently, we didn't like them, a fight began. There was a retinal detachment. At first there was anger. I will not hide when it happened, not only me, but the Polgorod of my friends and buddies went and were looking for the Kemerovo of these people. They did not find them. By the time I was already known enough in the Kemerovo Region, because it was often at the concert venues on the city day, the day of the miner in different cities. I was constantly shown on Kuzbass television, there were esters on the radio. Probably, these people found out with whom it happened. Yes, I already forgot about them. I do not like to pay so much attention to some things that no longer change. Inside myself, I have long forgive everyone for a long time and I do not hold evil.

- In an interview, you said that after injury you had about 20 operations. And at concerts, especially at high notes, pain is tormented. Didn't you think to give up music?

- I will rather refuse my eye than from music. I had a moment when I asked the doctor after numerous operations: "You can remove this eye?" What the doctor was very surprised and answered: "You still have everything in order. It can be fixed". "Well, I just asked," I finished the conversation. I will not give up music ever. Abandon music - equivalent to my death. Believe me when I produce - this does not mean that it does not hurt me. I constantly work with the monitor. The eyes get tired very much, the pressure rises. But I can't give up this - this is my life. I ask God every day to give me the strength so that I could continue the case he gave me. It is clear that the injury is unpleasant, it still does not give 100% my voice. But it is impossible to give it such great importance and erect into such a rank so that the event changes life.

- Ahead of you still expect operations?

- Now I am at the stage of medication treatment, maintaining intraocular pressure, which has become a side effect of numerous operations. Increased pressure leads to these terrible pains, and we managed to keep pressure at the desired level with a new doctor from St. Petersburg. These are constant drops, permanent checks. If we are not able to keep pressure within a month, if it goes up and will not respond to medicines, then it is waiting for a very complex and long operation. My surgeon's surgeon wants to avoid.

About the Queen group and show "Let's get married"

- How did your musical career develop after Kuzbass?

- In 2002, I graduated from the university, and next year I took part in the TV project "People's Artist". This show pulled me from Kemerov, and thanks to him I moved to Moscow and stayed here. In 2006, when I was 25 years old, I entered the Moscow College of Improvisual Music, where almost 4 years studied vocals from a very good teacher Natalia Kudryavtseva. What I sing and I can now is all this thanks to her. In college, I did not die, I don't have a professional diploma and higher musical education. I can not say that I regret it. And, believe me, self-development - what I have been doing for several years - it is much more complicated than studying at the university.

see also

- In any case, the lack of professional formation did not prevent you from writing music for the cartoon Lars von Trier, create arrangements for songs Dima Bilan and cooperate with Brian Meiy from the Queen group. Tell us why for blind listening in you chose the song Who Wants To Live Forever?

- I chose this song, because she is very difficult, and I wanted to put a high bar from my very beginning. Plus in 2004 I worked with the Queen group. Then I took part in the casting of the Musical WE Will Rock Yoy Queen Group. Brian Mei. and Roger Taylor Approved me on a major role. After this project, I created the BOHEMIANS group - the official Tribute Band band Queen. I always wanted to popularize the music of this group in Russia. Since it is unusual, beautiful and just legendary.

- In contrast, I can not get around your participation in another legendary project - Show "Let's get married."

- Lord, probably, this video will chase me all my life. "Let's get married" - this is an adventure of my friend Anton Tsygankova, guitarist of the "Disco Accident" group, with whom we had a D & A group. He really wanted to unwind our team. "David, this is such a chance to light up our group on the first channel," he said to me. No, I did not want to participate. I would not have thought of going to look for my wife on "Let's get married."

see also

With my wife, I met a group that was produced. It was a Girl group. She left the group, we got married. Now I can, so help her career. But in fact, she helps me more. It is very important for any artist, so that there was the one who you trust. She teaches vocals and corrects me some moments on the scene in behavioral plan, vocal, helps to work on yourself. My spouse is my ears and eyes from the side.

About Shaw "Voice"

- There were many interesting and popular projects in your career. Why did you decide to take part in the show "Voice"?

- In the "voice" I did not really want to go. By this moment, I really did other things: I produced the artists, I went to Scandinavia, and health was certain problems. But recently there has been a desire and a certain visualization of what I would like. Therefore, I decided to participate.

- David, on blind auditions, the "I choose you" button pressed all members of the jury. Why did you choose the team of Leonid Agutin?

- honestly, when I walked on blind listening, I simply represented to whom I would like to get, and Leonid Agutin was the first in the list. Although S. Dima Bilan. I associate a long-time friendship and working relationships. In 2015, we worked on the arrangement of the song "Do not be silent." And, probably, Dima, I did not consider due to the fact that there was no rumors about the project's injuries. Only because of this. As a real man, when all four mentors turned, I coped with my emotions and did not show what was delighted. This is very pleasant sensations, however. But pleasant sensations need to be tried to keep in yourself, so as not to tempt the devil.

- How do you have cooperation with Leonid and at what stage is the "voice" show now?

- Leonid is an incredible professional, a very good, kind and responsive person. Of course, we are not so often we would like. There is employment, schedule show. Many guys and many songs need to be ahead. But I spy through various professional moments and tricks. The next stage in the show is "knockouts", three people from the team will go to the scene and sing one song. One drops out, two remain. This stage has already been filmed, but have not yet shown. Therefore, I still can not talk about the results. After that, the participants are waiting for the quarterfinals with direct ether, where the audience will vote.

see also

- What is your mood? Crestive?

- There is an excitement. But everything is in working mode. It is normal, even pleasantly worry a little. Everything goes according to plan.

- Of course, what kind of person does not make a goal to win? Then already for some circumstances or he allowed to do it or not. Therefore, let's see. Goals always need to put high to achieve some results.

- What do you do in addition to participating in the "Voice" show and with what artists now cooperate?

- My Home Professional Activities - I write songs to artists. We are now actively rehearsing with The Bohemians, because we are waiting for tour to Surgut 16, 17, November 18. Then the concert is planned in Moscow. A couple of weeks ago, I graduated from the song "White Magic" for Dima Bilan, which will be released in his new album. I am her author, together with my close companion Dima Mironenko Posted music and text. I work now in the studio over the song with the legend of Soviet and Russian rock music Leo Gutkin. Also study new directions in music, improving your production skills. I read a lot of articles about the producing, I am mainly self-development.

Recently bought a camera with his wife. And so I liked it! I did not think that something would still hook me as much as the music. It is very interesting - to unload the musical part of your head, go a little in the visual.

About plans and concert in Kuzbass

- When you introduced the jury on blind auditions in the show "Voice" show, "My name is David Tokaou said. I am immensely loved in Russia Georgians from Moscow. " Name the most favorite cities in Russia.

- I really like Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Yaroslavl, Vladikavkaz, can be infinite to talk about favorite cities. St. Petersburg, no doubt, every street. Moscow. Kemerovo, of course. I was last in Kemerovo in 2010. I love this city, I love this edge. This smell of Siberia, taiga aroma. I can not convey, as it is nice when you find yourself in these parts. In Kemerovo, I loved spending time in the center, on Spring Street, Soviet Avenue, loved to be within the alley near the Philharmonic, along the embankment to walk, along the builder boulevard, where we still have an apartment. He loved to go to the chapel opposite the Philharmonic, across the road. She's so small-little one stands there. When I was leaving Kemerov, I bought an icon in this chapel, which is still with me.

- David, what are your plans for the near future? After the victory in the "voice", of course.

- The most important thing is my plan - to be in music. What an aspect will be, I do not know. In any case, I will stand on stage, win or not in the show. There is an idea with one of the participants of the Voice, with a person who has become a close friend, to fulfill the song. I want to become a producer as Michel Kretu, make modern good music for artists - these are my plans. And I really want children.

- When will you wait for you in Kuzbass with a concert?

"My friends have already called and invited me to speak in Kemerovo." Even before the participation in the show "Voice" they were interested in my affairs, worried about me. Therefore, now I definitely can't say, but as soon as the opportunity, I will immediately come to Kuzbass without slowdown. It will be a big event in my life - to return with a concert to one of the favorite cities of Russia.

", Season 6, on the first channel.

David Tokaou. Biography

David Toda Born in Sukhumi (Georgia), but lives in Moscow. David from early childhood was fond of music and theater. Already at the age of five, he ranked first at the competition of vocalists and played a major role in the first children's theater of Abkhazia. Since 1999, he began to speak throughout Russia and received support from Europe Plus radio.

In 2002, David Todas graduated from the Law Faculty of Kemerovo State University, but did not work in the specialty, continuing the singer's career. In 2003, in Moscow, he passed two rounds in the TV project "People's Artist". In April 2004, he took part in the Casting of the Musical WE Will Rock You group Queen and was approved on the main role in Brian Meem personally and Roger Taylor. After the closure of the musical with the help of the Queen Feng Club in Russia, David Tokodua founded the group The Bohemians..

In 2006, David entered the Moscow College of Improvisual Music. In November 2008, he met Anton Gypshankov, and they decided to perform together.

David Todaus's motto: "It is better to regret what I did than what I did not do.

David Tokaou in the show voice on the first channel, season 6

37-year-old David Tokaou on the blind listening in the "voice" show, season 6, performed the song WHO Wants to Live Forever Group Queen. David turned all four mentors, but he "appreciated the degree of trust" and chose Leonid Agutin.

Alexander Gradsky agreed with Agutin that David began singing "bad and cowardly". But Dima Bilan drew attention to Dima Bilan, and Dmitry Nagiyev appeared, and Dmitry Nagiyev joked that his hair began to grow from the singing of David.

Leonid Agutin appealed to Toda after his speech on blind auditions: "Maybe you still understand my degree of confidence in you, David: You started a little bit, knocked down, could not" inflate "a voice ... then, at the end, when I turned, and you sank stunningly cool! And everyone began to turn. Of course, after that you might think that everyone also trust you as I ... "

In the fights that started on the first channel on October 20, 2017, David Todau spoke in a duet with Dave Dario. David and Dave perform the song of Elton John Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Agutin remained very pleased Tokaou: " David, I will say that I did not expect, I turned, at one time, on the potential. As a result, I discovered you, it turns out, just a big well done! "The singer continued the struggle in the project, however, his opponent stayed with the show" Voice ", season 6: Dave Dario saved Pelagia, and he switched to her team.

David Todaou still has a long treatment, the musician is confident that the disease is temporary, you need to fight with it.

Today, the broadcast came out, perhaps, one of the most touching issues of "voices". The scene rose 37-year-old David Todaua - a modest man in jeans, a T-shirt and glasses. He sang the famous composition of the Queen group "Who Wants To Live Forever", and everything turned to him.

Then few people knew that in such a mental execution it is true pain in the literal sense of the word. David after the transferred operations is difficult to sing, but the audience does not see it.

A few years ago, when the musician still lived in Siberia, he was brutally beaten.

About 15 people attacked me at night and beat greatly, "David shared with Woman's Day. - After that, I lay for a long time in the hospital. Then there was a recessed disease. For two and a half years, I made more than 20 operations, there were side effects from them, I constantly have pain and high pressure. Now I actually sing very hard, but this is not visible. I went to "voice" in order to prove to myself that in any situation a person can fight. Of course, there are people who are sick and harder me, I don't rush in any way, I just want to show that it is impossible to stop, you need, no matter what, go ahead. I am a married man, I am writing music for many interesting artists - for Emina, Dima Bilan, Dima Malikova, Gregory Leps, for theaters, cinema, and Western musicians - Spanish, Korean, Swedish and others. I work around the world, but now it's time to declare about how I sing and what I feel.

After the speech, David shared with the audience, in some plan, Dima Bilan helped him to return to the scene.

I am engaged in music from childhood, for a long time was a guitarist, "said David Woman's Day. - Somewhere at 21 I sank, and decided to develop vocals. I arrived in Moscow, I worked in the musical "We Will Rock You", where Galileo played the main role, and then decided to create his group and make music for different artists. At some point, life brought me with Dima Bilan. Somewhere in 2009-2010, we crossed the studio a couple of times, I sent him my songs, then he himself contacted me, and I made him the arrangement of the hit "Do not be silent." Now I say that Dima helped me, allegorically. After the incident with the attack, I had a recessed disease, peelled the retina and I began to blind. Long could not go to the scene. Once, Dima called me and asked for him the song "Deltaplan" Valery Leontyev in a new reading for a "new wave". Due to the fact that I did not work for a long time, this request and song became something special for me. I invested the whole soul and pain. Dima, you can say, returned me to work. I believed that I can, that the disease is temporary, it is possible to fight it, it is just what I am doing on the "voice." I still have operations.

Since artists are familiar, David decided that he shouldn't go to Bilan to Bilan, and Chose his mentor Leonid Agutin, whose songs loved from childhood.

Somewhere a month before the speech in the "voice", I worked with Dima in the studio, he told me that he would be a mentor, and I casually mentioned that I would go to Casting, "recalls David. - Dima did not know how I sing, because I just made him music. I was wondering myself, my vocal will hook his vocal or not. I did not think that I would turn to me. But when everything turned, there was a feeling that it was not with me. Do you know how in movies, when a person jerks the handle of the machine and suddenly disrupts the jackpot? That was it. But I went to the stage not in order to expand the mentors, it is clearly clearly visible on the video that I appeal to the audience. I wanted to sing for them.

About how he got from Sukhumi to Moscow, as music became his life, why it hurts and that Georgia means for the musician, David told Georgia Anastasia Schreiber in an exclusive interview with Kolumnistist Sputnik.

- David, good afternoon! Very nice to meet you.

- Thank you too!

- Your let from Sukhumi in Moscow was not easy and long. Tell me about him.

"When I turned 12 years old, in my birthday, August 14, war began in Abkhazia. It was already clear that schools do not work, but I needed to continue learning. All men, respectively, stayed - Uncle, Father, Grandfather. And women and children sent to Tbilisi, learn, reinforce the bombing ...

- Have you had relatives in Tbilisi?

- No, there was no one in Tbilisi. We shot an apartment at Martzhanishvili, more precisely on David Agmanesebelli Avenue, towards the Church.

- I'm just with Agmanebeli and call you.

- Yes? Oh my goodness! I now have goosebumps on the body, everyone remembered, so much connected with this place. We lived in Tbilisi year. I graduated from the 6th grade in the Georgian school. And we moved to Ukraine, in Kharkov, because it was already clear that the conflict was delayed. And in Ukraine, the father sent us, because there were his friends who invited us to themselves. You understand, war, it was necessary to somehow survive.

© Sputnik / Levan Avlabreli

We were refugees, but they will not live on these benefits. So we left in Kharkov, where we just heard the tragic news about the fall of Sukhumi. There we had a lot of relatives. Grandfather and grandparents were captured, then they aroused them from there, our Abkhaz relatives helped.

Eight years we have lived in Kharkov, there I graduated from school, entered the legal. And mom died. Then we moved to Siberia, in Kemerovo, where aunt called us, Mom's cousin. We helped us very much, Dad began to work there. I went there, graduated from Jurfak at the Kemerovo State University. And as soon as he finished, he said that I want to do the music, I bought a ticket on my birthday and went to Moscow.

- Why did your passion for music begins?

- I worked on your work all my life. Sang, played in the theater. By the way, I played in the first Georgian children's theater in Abkhazia, then he was called "Tetri Talga" (Note. Sputnik - Translated from the Georgian "White Wave"). By the way, in this theater we played together with a grurant Matu from "Comedy Club", he is also Sukhumsky.

photo: Courtesy of David Todua

- And more seriously when did you start to engage in music?

- In Kharkov, I had a group. I went to Kemerovo, then I began to develop it. And already in Moscow, where I moved in 2003, more precisely six months later, I was taken to the Queen group called We Will Rock You. They themselves selected the participants, and I got into the premiere, played the main role of Galileo. After the musical, I decided to professionally engage in vocals. He began to study in a jazz college, but did not finish, because there was no time - it was necessary to speak, ride on tour.

- True, what do you have a license for the performance of songs from the Queen repertoire in Russia?

"The fact is that, then I worked with Queen, and after the musical ended, I decided to create a Queen tribute team and play only Queen.

- Are you about the Bohemians? Does she exist now?

- Yes, it exists and tourists very well. So we recently arrived from Vladikavkaz. This team I do almost thirteen years. There was a period when I left because of health problems, but then returned. As for the license, it really is not. There is a verbal agreement with Queen management that I am allowed to sing these songs. But, however, there is one song We Are The Champions, to which my group had a license to record and edition.

- David, let's talk about the project "Voice". How did you decide to take part in it? This is the first such experience.

- No, before the "voice" I participated in the "People's Artist", thanks to which he moved to Moscow. After that, I did not really seek to participate in such projects. And with the "voice" turned out completely by chance. I have a lot of friends because of my work, I will produce different artists, I am writing music, sell it in Russia and abroad. And, accordingly, during this time I met with the management, and with the editors of the Channel One. Somehow in the conversation I was told: "David, do not want to try?". And I decided to try, see what it will work out. I did not even think that I was turned to me ...

But you turned to you. And all four. You are a member of the team of Leonid Agutin. What do you tell about him? Why did you choose it?

- We have good relationships, workers, friendly. And about why I chose it, not the other, you know, if, probably, there would be no old friendship with Bilan, I would go to Dima. Because Music Dima is slightly closer to me. And then goes Leonid. But I did not go to Bilan to avoid rumors about the angeliness. Only because of this. And to Agutin went, because I have long been familiar with his work, he is also close in spirit. And I think I was not mistaken.

- What is your mood? What do you expect on the project? What do you want: win, become famous?

- You know, today I can say from the height of my age, which - no: I want it to be worthy. Do not just win, break someone, put on the blades. Not. For me, music has nothing to do with competition. I want to experience myself as far as I will allow me, firstly, my body after a long illness, as far as I can withstand it and where I can get. And, of course, make a maximum, but that this is all honest.

What do I expect? I probably expect more from myself, rather than others. Because I already like it, but implemented in music, in creativity. I just want to see how interesting I can be interesting today to both the producer and the public. Of course, no artist can circumvent the manifestation of popularity. But in the "voice" she is fleeting, especially if you do not apply special efforts further, do not make new songs. About you very quickly forget. All adults know this perfectly. Therefore, let's see, now I just want to sing.

David, you wrote music and to theatrical productions, and to the animation of the company Lars von Trier, arrangements to various musicians and performers. In one of the interview, I read that you want to get an "Oscar" for music for the movie. Is there such a thing?

- No, my dream is "Grammy". But if I give "Oscar", I will not give up.

- That is, for the movies, you still did not write music?

- But would you like to write?

- Highly. The fact is that for the company Trier, I wrote exactly the music that I write for the theater, she closer to Georgian. That cartoon was called Children "S WORLD. This is an arthow animation.

David, I wanted to touch the injury that you received many years ago, when you were beaten in one of the parks of Moscow, a group of Gopniki, and you got serious eye damage. Since then, I have read that over the past three years you have done about 20 operations and still feel pain, especially when we sing in high notes. How do you cope with this?

- I just arrived from St. Petersburg, where I met with a new doctor. I have a secondary glaucoma.

- Do you sing contraindicated?

- I am not desirable to strain. Any voltage is pain.

- Can it be cured? Only operably?

- Now I was given a chance for the fact that I could treat pressure to discharge, then make some injections. I have already started this therapy. Let's see what will happen. If the pressure does not start falling, it will not be amenable to medicines, then you need a very serious and long operation. But I want to compete. But this, of course, on medicines for life. This is a very serious disease in fact. A lot of side effects have evolved after operations.

"We wish you a speedy recovery, David." You must cope!

- Thank you!

I wanted to ask about your family. I remember you on the transfer "Let's get married." First, you then easily sang a Georgian lullaby. Then you have not been married. And where did you meet your spouse?

- Believe me, I definitely found my spouse (laughs). I found my wife a little later, four years ago. It has a lot of blood: Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, German.

- David, and what about Georgia. Are you coming here? Or have not been since moved?

- In Georgia, I was last in 2007. Unfortunately, then I did not work. Now I really hope that next year I will come to come. I'm really looking forward to this. As soon as I will settle things with the documents, I'll immediately go to Georgia.

- But the language of the Georgian you remember?

- I'm not only Georgian I know, I still know Megrelsky. And so I read news every day in Georgian, we communicate in the Georgian language, and my wife is also trying to teach.

- That is, the traditions of Georgian honors and save?

- Yes, what? Only thanks to them I live!

Well then you need to urgently in Georgia. Because ten years is a long time. During this time, Georgia changed, updated.

- I know, I follow Georgia. Believe me, I follow the Georgia much more chasing than that country where I live. It is very important for me what is happening with my homeland, especially the political social situation. I would really like Georgia to be a prosperous, rich and kind, which one was always.