Dan Balan, biography, news, photo. Dan Balan: Biography of the Young Star Dan Balan from

Dan Balan, biography, news, photo. Dan Balan: Biography of the Young Star Dan Balan from
Dan Balan, biography, news, photo. Dan Balan: Biography of the Young Star Dan Balan from

Crying voice, sweetly singing about love, plus sexual and courageous appearance have long led the Moldovan singer Dana Balan on the top of the musical Olympus. His millions are heard by his songs, clips are often broadcast on musical channels, and he himself is a frequent guest of girlish sweet dreams. Unfortunately for the fans, the personal life of Dana Balan is carefully hidden behind the doors of his house, since he himself considers this topic forbidden to communicate with journalists. Very long curious fans remained in ignorance wives Dana Balana Or at least his girls, making their own conclusions often from fragmentary information taken from the media.

To date, the sultry Moldavian singer is still not married. Although he prefers to bypass the topic of personal life and novels by the party, but he himself shared information that only three women played a large role in his fate. And they all did not differ in any way or a celebrity nor a solid public situation, nor special wealth, which, undoubtedly, pleasantly surprise the fans of the singer, because makes the chances of each of them very real. Moreover, Dan Balan, according to his own recognition, does not push any increasing demands on his future life companion. The only quality that must be present in it is necessarily - this is an external beauty, and all the others he will adopt unconditionally, if he feels his halm in the girl.

In the photo - Dan Balan with Son

By the way, according to publications in the media, Dan Balan is already, it turns out, I managed not to learn what family life is. Even before the start of his solo career, he was married to a girl named Ella Brushchenina. True, this marriage was short-lived - about five years, - and in 2009 the couple broke up due to uncontrolled jealousy from the spouse. Although it is easy to understand. It is difficult to keep calm when your husband is constantly in the center of attention of numerous fans. In this marriage, the heir appeared - the son of Alan. Just a couple of years ago, the press again remembered the former singer's spouse in connection with the attempt of suicide again on the soil of jealousy to her husband, whom she did not cease to love and after the divorce. How true this information is difficult to judge.

In the photo - Estimated Girl Dana Balan Christina Russu

In the same period of time, they rumored that Dan Balan had already given his heart. As his beloved girl was represented by Christina Russu, a close friend of singer sisters. However, he himself again, this information did not comment on anywhere, limited only to recognition, which is indeed indefinitely. What happens in the personal life of Dana Balan is now unknown, since all the secular events on which journalists are present, he usually visits one.

Text: Evgenia Yudintseva

In an exclusive interview, the site is the sexiest singer of the Music Prize RU.TV according to the readers of our portal Dan Balan described the girl of his dream, he said that he could never forgive a close man, thought about real men, admitted that he could never sell the soul to the Devil Also invited everyone to his large solo concert on November 29 in Arena Moscow.

website: Dan, on the Internet hundreds of pages are devoted to your work, but there is nothing at all about your personal life. How did you manage to protect yourself from the ubiquitous journalists?

Romanian media wrote a lot about scandals with my participation. And everyone was invented. The Romanian press is very cruel, probably the most cruel in the world. And at the same time unprofessional. For the sake of ratings, they are in a scratch invent stories, just to sell it. As for the past few years of my creative activity in Russia, yes, I can not boast of gossip or scandals. I do not like it.

"And I never tell about your personal life."

website: Then at least describe the girl of your dreams?

There is no girl's dream. When I meet my woman, I'll just know what it is she. I feel it. It is stupid to endure future love with some qualities. Of course, I have already identified important moments for myself. For example, it should be natural in everything, confident, very gentle ... But I do not exclude that a girl will appear, who will have completely different qualities, but I feel so good next to her that all I am now invented, it will be completely unimportant.

website: In general, are you in love or waiting for that very meeting?

"And what, you can't at the same time be in love and wait for the very meeting?! What if there is no big love, should I stay alone? A person can not fall in love every day. But I have these beautiful feelings, if you compare with other people, which I know - my friends, - appear, probably more often. "

website: What should a man do to stop communicating with him?

Betray me

website: You do not forgive?

I forgive. But this does not mean that I must continue to communicate. Relationships are not only forgiveness, it is important in a relationship to trust a person, it is generally the most important thing. And when he betrays you, it is very difficult for him to trust.

website: Would you be able to beat off his wife from a better friend if they realized that this was your half?

I would never have done this. Even if it fell in love very much.

website: What is real male friendship for you?

I would not want to speak banal ... A real friend is the one who can tell everything when you feel bad or - especially when well. After all, many will readily support you in a difficult moment, but very few people who know how to sincerely rejoice at you.

website: Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

I know that such friendship exists, but I have never had it. In my relations with girls, usually one of us was attended by the interests of another character.

website: Can you describe a real man?

It can be said that a real man should be strong, smart, confident, honest, contain a family, do not betray ... But this is all the lyrics. Life is different. You can not classify real men for some signs. There are weak men, but they are also real. They are just others, and it's good that they exist.

website: And in your relationship you could let the woman be the main?

No, it's against my nature. This may allow only weak men. Strong men will never allow this. They are miners, and they must take everything in their own hands.

website: You are very attractive outwardly. It means much for you?

Compliments are pleasant to any person. If someone tells you that he is unpleasant that he likes others, do not believe. But this is not the most important thing for me in life. And from a professional point of view, this, of course, worries me. I work in the pop industry in which the aspect of appearance is not less important than the music itself.

website: Imagine the situation: you appeared in a public place, and you did not know. What do you experience - relief or disappointment?

I am absolutely anyway. I don't think about it at all.

website: What can bring you out of yourself?

Pofigism. When I do something important and other people are included in this process, often errors can not be avoided. If professional errors, I react normally. But when it can be seen that everything happened due to the fact that a person was just noted to her work, and because of this mistake, much changes for the worse, for example, during the concert, I can annoy it very much.

website: And in everyday life, you are a comfortable person or quick-tempered?

"I am very calm. Never shout. To friends and loved ones need to be very tried to bring me out of themselves, and most likely they will not succeed. I know how well to control my emotions. "

website: Do you like to risk?

I love. If the goal is worth it. After the success of the O-Zone group in Moldova, I decided to take the next step and go to the Romanian market. Then it was very hard. None of Moldova has not signed contracts with Romanian record labels. I developed a strategy of actions. To do this, I had to sell everything that at that time I had, plus a lot of money. Although it was very risky, we removed an incredibly expensive clip, but in the end everything turned out, it was worth it!

website: You were born in Moldova, live in New York, often come to Moscow, travel around the world ... And what city on earth can you call your home?

There is no longer such a city. In New York, I have my own life, in Bucharest, too, in Chisinau, my parents live, and I always come back there. And in general, I spend more time on the road than in the destination items, and I feel better traveling.

website: Is there anything you want so that you would be ready to sell the soul to the devil for it?

"I would never sell the Devil's soul."

In general, it is very dangerous - I read the books and watched movies about it. Yes, and the temptations remained not so much. I am such a person that I'm not grieving something so much that I would have given away for it.

website: You will soon be expected a large solo concert in Moscow. How do you prepare to him?

Preparation is in full swing. We are preparing a 2-hour program where songs from the new Freedom plate will be presented. Part.1. Now write a double album. Its first will come out very soon. It can be called quickly by Prunovoy, because there are songs as well-known and not. In the second part of the release, only new compositions will be presented.

Musician, author of many songs, talented producer - all this is about the hero of today's article. Dan Balan is a young promising singer who conquered the hearts of many fans of modern music. The creator of several successful musical projects. He entered the story as a young performer with his own vision in the music industry.

Fate propheted him a completely different specificity of life, but the singer, contrary to everything, chose his way. How nevertheless was the life of the star at the beginning of his creative path and before him. We'll find out about this today.

Growth, weight, age. How many years is Balan

Looking at a high, state guy, fans of the whole world begins to reflect on what he has height, weight, age. How old is Balan? The growth of the musician is really impressive, with a weight of 73 kilograms, it is 190 centimeters. High, slim handsome man - the dream of any young girl.

And, despite his 39 years, Dan Balan, looks very young. Girls look at him enthusiastically and undoubtedly want to get acquainted with the star. Such a chance can fall out at any time, each of them. So the guy's heart is free.

Dan Balan photo in youth and now is not particularly different, of course, the age of the face has changed and physical indicators are not as in 20 years. But it absolutely did not change the pigets's boyhood and even give him an extra charm.

In general, the photos will not even say that in front of you a forty-year-old man, no one gives him for more than 30 years.

Biography and personal life Dan Balana

Biography and personal life of Dan Balana takes his beginning in Moldova. A future musician was born on February 6, 1979, in the city of Chisinau. Father - Mihai Balan, was ambassador at the Embassy of Moldova in Israel. Mother - Lyudmila, famous TV presenter. In addition to dan, in the family of the singer, there is also a sister - Sanda Balan.

The creative tenders of the guy, manifested themselves in the youth. He even graduated from a music school. And parents for eleven-year-old, made his son a gift - Accordion. But, despite the guy's thrust to music, they insisted on the choice of another profession. And Dan entered the Faculty of Law. What triggers just did not follow the father with the mother so that their son would finish their son, they even promised to buy him a new synthesizer. But this trick did not work. Having gathered his first musical group "Inferialis", the guy was completely forgotten about studies and devoted himself completely to music.

But loud glory and recognition, he received thanks to the creation of another, solving the "O-Zone" team. It is part of this group that a lot of songs popular around the world around the world were fulfilled, such as: "Dragostea Din Tei", "Despre Tine" and "Oriunde Ai Fi". The team of Dana Balan, flew to the tops of musical charts, and their hits played almost on all radio stations. Already becoming popular, the musician is parallel to expand the horizon of its activities. So, for example, it will produce a popular children's show leading the mother of the singer. The introductory song, the composition was chosen, which he wrote still in the youth.

The composition of the group in the meantime changed, a friend was gone from her. But after qualifying quintings, a new composition was approved and the group continued to work on their work. Since 2001, the guys worked diligently over the release of a new album, and by 2002, presented the second largest project, "Number-1". For all time, from 1998 to 2005, the group won many awards and was nominated for many premiums and Oscars.

As part of this team "O-Zone", the musician was until 2006, after which he decided to try himself in a solo project. He went to the United States, where he lives today. The bulk of his time singer travels with touring. For his solo career, he recorded several albums and worked in an experimental, not characteristic of the genre. By 2009, he was even attached to such award - as the Grammy Award, and thus Dan Balan becomes the first Moldovan musician who received it.

Family and Children Dan Balana

The parents of the boy were not engaged in his upbringing, because of the workload at work, they simply did not have time to raise their child. Therefore, from an early age, Dan was granted to myself and the upbringing of a young guy took on the street. Perhaps due to this, the young man grew by purposeful and stubborn, suitable for any task with complete perseverance.

In the personal life of a talented singer, so far there is no certainty. Family and children Dan Balan are only plans for the future. But despite age, the musician is not going to rush in this direction, devoting himself to completely music and creativity.

Wife is given Balana

The musician was so deeply plunged into creativity that the creation of a family went deep into the background. Of course, in the future he would like to have a loved one, as well as children. But at the moment, the wife of Dan Balan is music, and children are his masterpieces.

Of course, the singer had a girl, but in a serious relationship he was noticed. First love came at the age of sixteen, but due to moving to another country - he did not even have time to open his feelings. Upon return, Dan tried to catch up, but the romance was missing for a long time. Also, Balanu attributed an affair with faith with Brezhneva, during their teamwork on the song "Rose Petals". However, all the rumors were dispelled, as he did not intend to bring in someone else's family. It remains to hope that in the near future we still heard the news about his upcoming wedding, in whom we wish him success.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balana

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balana quite voluminously reflect all aspects of the life of the musician. Wikipedia can see the full history of projects and created by Balan groups. The life of the singer and outside of creativity is quite expanded. Information about his family, friends and colleagues is painted as in detail and even in more detail than from other performers of its generation.

Also, Dana Balan has its own pages in other social networks. There he shares with his fans news and plans for the future. Lays the novelties of his creativity, and conducts correspondence with friends. For quite a long time, on the Internet there is a fan club dedicated to the activities of Balan. There he actively communicates with his fans. The same was found on Alabanza.ru

Dan Balan. (Dan Mihai Bălan) / Dan Balan was born in the winter of 1979 in Chisinau, in the family of Moldova Ambassador in Israel Micah Balana and TV host Lyudmila Balan.

Creative Way Dana Balan / Dan Balan

Dan Balan. He graduated from a music school in the accordion class. In 1993, he received a diploma lyceum named after Mikhaya Eming. From childhood he was fond of music, played in the group Pantheon, Inferialis and preferred Gothic Doom Metal style.

- Parents, of course, have seen that the music interests me, but I could not think that it would become my profession. Moreover, I told them about my choice in 1997, when a single pop star in Moldova was not yet and a musician could be, or playing a symphony orchestra for $ 10 a week, or at weddings. And the one and the other options meant the poverty and hungry death. And here I inform them that I leave a prestigious legal entity university for music, which just entered. Of course, they had shock!

In 1998. Dan Balan. Posted his debut solo song De La Mine and in a year created a group O-Zone Together with another Peter Zhelikhovsky.

- I knew that major recording companies receive tons of demo-cassettes every day and the chances of the fact that my disc would be chosen from this heap and listen to, insignificantly small. And I went to the trick: I asked my mother, an incredibly spectacular woman, pay the disk to the manager. Not doubted that he would be interested in what kind of beauty writes for music. So it turned out. The deception, of course, was quickly revealed, but the material was so good that it had no matter if we started working with this company.

In two years Dan Balan. And his new colleagues on stage, Arseny Toderash and Rada Syzbu, presented the album Number 1 album.

Numai Tu & Despre Tine singles have become hits in Moldova and Romania. Then Dan Balan. and group O-Zone They recorded the composition Dragostea Din Tei, which brought worldwide fame to musicians. This song has occupied the top line of the European Hit 100 Singles hit over twelve weeks.

In 2005, a group O-Zone Space, and its participants took up solo projects. Dan Balan.created a team called Balan.. He also released The Power Of Shower album under the Crazy Loop pseudonym in December 2007.

In 2009, a presentation of Crazy Loop Mix disk in Chisinau took place, and after a few months, Hit Chica Bomb took up the top lines in domestic charts. In the summer of 2010, Balan was performed by the Single Justify Sex, and in the fall, the audience heard the premiere of the composition "Petals of Tears" Dana Balana And faith of Brezhnev on the air Love Radio.

In the spring of 2011, the rotation of the Freedom song on the NRG radio was rotated, and six months later the lyric composition "only until the morning" fell into the charts of all Russian radio stations.

In May 2012 Dan Balan. released video clips to the singles "not love" and "love".

To date Dan Balan. Almost all his time spends in New York, where Mercy has been cooperating with a record studio since 2006.

In 2012 Dan Balan. It was presented among the nominees for the MUZ-TV Prize in the category "Best Artist", but the prize went


Born in the family of Ambassador Michaya Balan and the famous TV presenter Lyudmila Balan, Danhe showed great interest in music from childhood. His first public speech on the entertainment TV show took place when Dana Balaun turned 4 years old. At 11 years old, he received an accordion as a gift, which was performed by the Walves of his own essay. From the age of 14, he played in the Pantheon and Inferialis groups, who performed music in the style of gothic doom metal. But it was only amateur attempts to enter the world of music. He began to do more serious steps in 20 years.

star way

In 1999 Dan Balan.together with a comrade, Peter Zhelikhovsky, founded the O-Zone group, for which he composed and produced all the compositions. The Single Dragostea Din Tei, also known as Numa Numa Song, headed the charts in 32 countries, reached the third place in the UK, has developed a circulation of more than 12 million copies and became the best-selling single in Europe (2004). Currently, even after the collapse of the group, this song is considered a "business card" once popular O-Zone. The most-selling compact disc O-Zone group was the DiscoZone album, which climbed to the tops of the charts in six countries of the world. Despite the mad success, in 2005, the participants in this group decided to stop joint creativity. The team collapsed, and each participant took up his own career. Dan immediately went to Los Angeles, where he had great opportunities for solo work. In search of their own, branded "sound" Dana helped the famous producer Jack Joseph Puig.

Few later under the pseudonym Crazy Loop Dan Balan released its first solo studio album, which was called the Power of Shower. Soon the singer stopped using a pseudonym and began to perform under his name. He presented to the public the song Chica Bomb, the video was removed by the director Khaim Williams, who worked with Jebe, Missy Elliot and many others.

One of the Balan's new hits came out: In 2010, the Single Justify Sex appeared, as well as recorded with the faith of the Brezhnev duo "Rose Petals"; In 2011, Freedom composed on the radio, which for a long time was the leader of many charts, and "only until the morning." The musician is now working on new songs, lives in New York and often visits Russia.

Personal life

Fans love Dana Balan not only as a world-class singer, but also as an attractive young man. But he still did not give anyone about his heart secrets. "I am a free bird, an artist, and so far everything remains," said Balan in one of the interviews. He was attributed to the novel with faith of Brezhnev, but in fact the musician remains free.