What does the attached index finger mean. Show finger: Culture gestures

What does the attached index finger mean. Show finger: Culture gestures
What does the attached index finger mean. Show finger: Culture gestures

On television or on the Internet, you can often see how Muslims raise up the index finger. And if the Russians this gesture means just a pointer (and raised people believe that he is not polite enough), then Muslims it has a completely different meaning. What?

Origin gesture

Islam can be called one of their youngest religions that have entered the traditions and customs of other beliefs. It was this gesture that was borrowed from Mediterranean pagans. At the Greeks, he meant a mental connection with the gods.

If we turn to the era of the Renaissance, then in the works of Rafael, da Vinci and other famous masters of sculpture and painting, you can see the heroes with a raised upward finger. The finger points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam - as you know, a monotheistic religion, so this gesture should not be able to do this gesture in such a sentence.

Rising a finger, Muslim claim monotheism. The gesture is a symbol of the fact that anywhere there is no longer any God except Allah. Rising a finger, Muslims often read Shahada "La Ilach Illalah". The reading of this prayer indicates faith in a single Allah and the Prophet of His Muhammad.

Wahhabism and other currents

This gesture is not used by all Muslims. Most of all he is popular among Wahhabis. Muslim traditionalists are opponents of Wahhabism, and they believe that this gesture is the worship of Satan. Others argue that this Mason Gesture.

When you travel abroad and do not know the language of that country, which is visited, the language of gestures come to the rescue.

With it, you can catch a taxi, buy products in the store or ask the desired direction.

However, sometimes there are difficulties for translation, even with gestures familiar to us, which have completely different meaning in other corners of the world.

Here are 10 typical gestures that may seem rude abroad.

1. Gesture two fingers "Victory"

Gesture "Victoria", which is shown by the index and middle finger in the form of the letter V, in many countries means victory or world. However, if at the same time the palm is facing a person, then in the UK, Ireland and Australia, the V-shaped gesture acquires an offensive gesture that is non-verbal the equivalent of the phrase "dug!".

2. Relief gestures (Munza)

Stretched forward palm, which is often used to say "stop", in Greece acquires another meaning. Palms, directed in the strand of the interlocutor, called "Munza" are an offensive gesture that is used in the case when they want express extreme outrage Or roughly speaking, "send" the interlocutor.

This gesture remained from Byzantine times, when they smeared in the face of the criminal, to make it the object of ridicule.

3. Gesture "thumb up"

This gesture of consent and approval often erases language barriers, and lovers travel by hitchhiking often vote on them on the road. However, in Thailand, he is a sign of condemnation. Although the gesture itself is more childish, like leading the language, it should be avoided. In Iran, this is an offensive gesture, equivalent of which is the middle finger.

4. Manting gesture by index finger

Signing the sign of the index finger, talking "come to me" is taboo in Asian countries. In the Philippines, this gesture appropriate only for dogs And suggests that you consider the interlocutor below myself. In addition, the use of this gesture can lead to arrest in this country.

5. Stroking on the head

Stroking a child on the head is usually a gesture of friendliness and tenderness. However, in Buddhist religion, Makushka is the highest point of the body, that is, the place where the soul lives. Touching the top of the top is aggressive invasion in a child's space or adult. It is worth avoided this gesture in countries where most people profess Buddhist religion.

6. The gesture "Okay"

Ring from the large and index fingers "OK", meaning "everything is in order!" or "right", in France means "Zero" or "Nichetic". In Greece and Turkey, this gesture is very vulgar, having the meaning of a similar hole in the human body or serves hint on homosexuality. In some countries of the Middle East, for example, Kuwait, "OK" means a bad eye.

7. Gesture "Figa"

The gesture "Figa", "Shish" or "Kukish" has not completely harmless, and is often used in case of refusal or disagreement. In Brazil, this is a more benevolent gesture that is used for wishes good luck and protection against the evil eye. In Turkey, it has an aggressive and rude character, the equivalent of which is the middle finger.

8. Gesture with left hand

In many countries, people do not pay attention to what hand they offer something to other people. However, in India, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East, left hand considered "dirty"intended for waters in the toilet. Even Leftersha stands with the right hand, since only it is considered suitable for eating. Also concerns the fire and transfer of objects.

In Japan, a polite is considered to be with both hands, while the gesture of one hand can assume a disregard.

9. Crossing fingers

In many Western countries, people cross index and middle fingers to good luck or from the evil eye. In Vietnam, this gesture is offensive, especially if you look or address this to another person. It is believed that crossed fingers represent women's genitals.

10. Gesture "Goat"

The gesture of the "goat" or how it is also called "horns", the "millennium" or "root" is often used by musicians and their fans. However, it is not necessary to show this gesture in Italy, especially a man, since he hints at the infidelity of his wife ("cuckold").

Bonus: indecent gesture "middle finger"

This is the most famous and recognizable indecent gesture worldwide, which in English corresponds to the "Fuck You" curses ("went to ...!"). In addition, he is one of the most ancient gestures that still used in the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as monkeys.

Roughly speaking raised middle finger symbolizes a phallus, and pressed fingers - scrotum. Showing it, you, as it were, offer to another person "Male sexual organ" or rudely deny the request. Also analogue of this gesture is salmon gestureWhen the left hand is put on the back of the right hand.

In Asian countries, however, sometimes the middle finger is used to indicate something.

What is this symbol - finger up?

It is clear that the symbol value depends on what country and which finger is used. And here the variants are a great set: from greeting and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. The index finger of the right hand, raised up, Muslims is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian this means: "There is no God, except for Allah!"
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: "Everything is fine."
  3. In the Slavic countries, the index finger raised up, means a call for attention among others, and in American schools, students in this way ask the teacher permission to answer the question.
  4. If at the time of the conversation you will raise the index finger up and shocked them from the side to the side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand it as a refusal of the proposed or unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about, raising your finger up?

The symbol is the connected index and thumb with the rest of the rest, means in America and most European countries: "Everything is fine!". But in Brazil and Turkey, this gesture is perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly break, will raise up the little finger, and the thumb will lead to the side. Here you will probably want to answer him the gesture described above. Still: "Everything is fine"! And the Frenchman can raise in response and the little finger, which will mean: "Get out of me!"

If someone raised the thumb up - the symbol is unlikely to need special decoding - this is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything goes as needed by agreement with the proposed action program, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries, a similar gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece - the requirement: "shut up!".

The most common symbol

Finger up rises in other cases. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign known in the countries of Europe by the index and middle fingers.

He was introduced during the Second World War in the use of Winston Churchill to designate victory, and since then this gesture has become very popular. True, one nuance is important for the British: Which side turns his palm to the speaker at this moment. If the rear, then this is: "Victory" ("victory"), but if the palm, then his interpretation becomes offensive.

No less popular and one more gesture: "Goat". We are talking about the stable finger and the little finger. On the territory of the CIS, this is the infamous "rocker" symbol. Finger up rises in a similar way as a sign of superiority over anyone, desire to humiliate it. Although in mystical rituals this sign - protection against dark forces.

Why do Muslims always show an index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

ALLA ㋛ ♠ ♣ ♦

Raised up the finger of the right hand with is a symbol of the proclamation of the monotheism among Muslims) by the way, those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered "unclean." Therefore, if you defier a gift or money with your left hand, you can insult Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardyshsky, Your God Jesus? You do not even know who is your God, how can you call everything else to the shuffle!?
The central personality for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name "Christians").
It is through him Christians come
To God Father. God Father is a single image of God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

I heard the ringing, but do not know where he was coming from! Among the Wahhabis is a common sign - an extended pointing finger. According to the naive ideas of "Salafites", this sign should demonstrate their commitment to the only one - because God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in the photo with such a "finger", thereby showing their "monotheism". However, there are no Hadiths who would talk about such a finger as a certain symbol of Islam or monothima.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the stretched upward finger is one of the main symbols of Masonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized the connection of a person with the "highest forces" (that is, Satan).
Also in rituals of black magic, Satan itself is usually depicted with a finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was the invention of the English Masoneria, someone introduced this sign into it so that the Salafites would carry the Satanic mark.

What does it mean ☝☝☝ this index finger up?

Raised up the index finger in Germany means "fine", the French waitress This gesture will be for the order of one Fugera wine.
There is a difference in the gestures of different nations.
Raised up the index finger in Germany means "fine", the French waitress This gesture will be for the order of one Fugera wine.
Two raised up fingers mean:
In Germany - Victory
In France - the world
In the UK - 2
In Greece - go to hell, to hell.
Raised up five fingers of hand matter:
In Western countries - 5
Everywhere - Stop!
In Turkey - go away
In other countries, believe me, I tell the truth!
Raised up your little finger and index finger:
In the Mediterranean - your wife changes you
In Malta and in Italy - a sign that protects against danger and bad eyes
Raised up index and thumb:
in Europe - 2
In the UK - 1
In the US - to serve me please bring the account
In Japan - an insult.
Mysiline raised:
In France - Leave me alone!
In Japan - woman
In Mediterranean countries - sexy hint
Raised up thumb:
in Europe - 1
In Greece - Crossing
In Japan - man, 5
In other countries - perfectly done, well, a sign to stop transport on the road.
Signable and thumbs are connected by other fingers raised up:
in Europe and North America - good, fine
in Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey - Peregasy, sexual insult,
In Tunisia, France - 0
Raised up the little finger and toward the reserved finger:
In Holland - how about drinking?
In Hawaii - no panic! Calm down!

Finger indexing up right hand What does this mean?

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Gestures from finger combinations in various cultures have a variety of semantic load. So, for example, the "thumb up" symbol can say both about the decision to pardon the defeated (the famous gesture at the time of the struggle of Roman gladiators), and about the usual request to ride, take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if it comes to raised up a big finger Road somewhere in America. The index finger carries another information. Let's look at all more.
What is this symbol - finger up?

It is clear that the symbol value depends on what country and which finger is used. And here the variants are a great set: from greeting and approval to indecent analogies.
1. The designative finger of the right hand raised up, Muslims is a symbol of the proclamation of the monotheism, that is, translated into Russian means: "There is no God, except for Allah!".
2. In Germany, this gesture says: "Everything is fine."
3. In the Slavic countries, the index finger raised upwards means a call for attention among others, and in American schools, students in this way ask the teacher permission to answer the question.
4. If at the moment of the conversation, you will raise the index finger up and shocked them from the side to the side, the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand it as a refusal of the proposed or unwillingness to discuss the topic.
What denotes the "thumb up" symbol?

F. V. Berli.

Is the Muslim President Obama? This was written a lot, but if the photos say louder than words, the photo taken at the US summit and the African leaders in August last year in Washington, DC, can significantly shed light on this question.

On him, Barack Hussein Obama raised one thumb up, confirming the dozens of African delegates their Islamic faith.
Agency Associated Press made this amazing photo when African dignitaries posed along with Obama, represented by the receiving side of the event, for group photographs in the State Department's Hall. She was published in the article in Daily Mail Great Britain, and it was its only publication.

The gesture is one thumb up - this is a distinctive Muslim gesture: the index finger raised up, the thumb bent and presses on the middle finger phalange. The remaining fingers are compressed in palm to emphasize the stretched index finger. The raised finger symbolizes the concept of one of the god of Muhammad and is clear for all believers, representing a symbolic "shakhada", the Muslim formula of faith:

"There is no God, except for Allah, and Muhammad -prorok him."
Thus, when believers raise an index thumb up, they demonstrate their commitment to the concept of God Muhammad. They also confirm their faith in the statement of Muhammad that he represents a link between God and man. They also demonstrate that they are part umma, exclusive intergovernmental superstitivity of believers formed by Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Raising the index thumb up, Obama confirmed that he is part of this community.

Daily Mail editors did not understand what it means. They simply recorded this gesture at Obama. But the African dignitaries understood everything perfectly and showed a whole range of emotions, seeing this gesture: amazement, surprise, curiosity, disapproval, contempt. Pay attention to the reaction of Abdidential Benkiran, the Prime Minister of Morocco standing behind the left shoulder Obama, and Ibrahim Bubakar Keit, President Mali in a white robe and a headdress. They are undoubtedly Muslims, and they smile. They know what the vertically raised index finger of Obama means.

The reaction of President Fora Gnassinbe, in the top row of the second left, less approved. It is easy to read the thoughts of this educated leader, a graduate of sorbonna and the University of George Washington. His face screams: "You probably joke!"

The Country of Gnassinbe is located between Benin and Côte d "Ivoire, not far from Nigeria, and the plague of Boko Haram, perhaps at a distance of a two-hour flight on a tiny whole capital of Togo to the capital of Nigeria, less than an hour on something more fast. Just During the conference in Washington, the leader of Boko Haram Abubakar Sheku has announced the staff of Born in the north-east of Nigeria to the place of his caliphate. There were mass kills of whole villages. Only a few months ago, almost three hundred girls were abducted from High School Born.

The population of that seven million people, 50 percent of them, Animists, 30 percent of Christians. The rest of the Muslim, part "Umma". In Gnassinbe and other non-Muslims there is every reason to worry, due to the radicalization of some members of this inter-frequency superstitude of Muhammad, living among them. And so his gaze expresses contempt. "You must be joking."

Maybe Obama so joked, but hardly. The raised index finger was an expression of its position claimed brazenly. All the activities of his administration was a propaganda of Islam in the country and abroad, and only listed the evidence of this could be written a whole book. He made the United States in which Islam is comfortable, from the order of NASA to secure Muslims a good attitude towards himself before mentioning the decapitated victim of Igil Petra Kassig, calling him the Muslim name, although he accepted his life in the vain hope.

If Obama's actions were limited only to such gestures! But from the very beginning of his reign, he did everything possible to overthrow governments with strong political leaders who held away Islamic extremism in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen. The overthrow of the Syrian government was also part of the program, not yet achieved, but still possible. The methodology of each coup was built on the tactics of the old school of radicalism: rally internal problems, cause response amendment, and then use the reaction to discredit the government, blowing more riots while the mode that under the sight will not be replaced.

Obama feels comfortable with extreme Islam. He arms such people in the Middle East. He introduced them to our government. He supported Mohammed Mursi, the leader of the Muslim Brother's leader, as the replacement of Hosni Mubarak, the faithful ally of the United States and the enemy of Muslim Brothers. He threatened and mocked Egypt, when as a result of powerful riots, Mursi was replaced by moderate leadership.

All these efforts are aimed at restoring the Islamic Caliphate, the path elected by the successors of Mohammed, ended in almost a century ago with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. It was always the goal of Muslim Brotherhood. Their ambitious plans included the restoration of the caliphate stretching through the entire Middle East, with Jerusalem as the capital. Glory Islam rose! These people strive for world domination, and the Khalifat will serve as the basis for a constantly expanding war with the whole world until the dominance of Islam over it is reached. It was always their goal. Muhammad ordered his followers to create a universal "Umma"in which Islam will be the only religion. Like Obama, they simply fulfill the order.

The Khalifat was resurrected last year, only not in the hands of Muslim Brothers, at least as long as. However, this happened. Khalifat was created by Obama, and he only squeezed him slightly. Now he asked the US Congress to allow the use of military power against what he created. What does Obama plunges? The goal of everything that he does is harm. What kind of evil did he think now?

Obama's head has nothing from the American. He is an American antitiza, the polar opposite of all its values \u200b\u200bthat he regularly destroys. It is a shameless member of the cross-bred superlessness created by Muhammad 1400 years ago. It belongs umme, not america. His raised upward finger at the conference of African leaders unequivocally testifies to this.


On Wahhabi resources, it is often possible to read demagogy about the "Shiite Idole-Alyam", that is, about the symbol of the hand, which is used in the Shiite ceremonies, especially in everything, which is associated with Mourning by Imam Hussein (a).

"Alyam" looks like this:

That is, this is a hand with an open palm, which symbolizes the chopped hands of Abulfazl Abbas - the hero of Kerbel and the brother Imam Hussein (a). According to another interpretation, five fingers mean five " askhabi L-Kis"-" People under the cape ", purified by complete cleansing (Muhammad, Fatima, Ali, Hassan and Hussein, peace of them).

In one of the Wahhabi articles, we read the following: "The word" Alyam "derived from the Turkic al (əl) -" Hand ". Alam received widespread among the Azerbaijani Turks during the Board of the Shiite Dynasty of Sefavid. Some Shiite preachers are given to the name of Alam, as a derivative from Arabic علامة "Alamyat", which means "symbol" or "sign". Based on the fact that Alam is used in shiism as a symbol, this version at first glance looks plausible, but this does not correspond to reality, since the Arabic-Shiites Alam themselves are called "Alamyat", but is called "Abbas's hand" or "Fatima's hand "As for the words (ألم)" Alyam "directly, then in Arabic it does not matter at all" symbol "or" sign ", but means" pain "or" suffering "."

In fact, "Alyam" comes from Arabic "Alam" (علم) with Ayin, which means "flag", "banner" (in Farsi will be the same). This origin of the name is obvious, because Alyam is used as a banner on mourning ceremonies.

"The origin of Alyama is connected with the ancient lunar goddess of the Phoenicians tanit, which the ancient Phoenicians considered the patroness of the city of Carthage, her symbol was the image of the open right palm, and with Buddhism, where Alam is a universal defense sign. Alyam is used by Buddhists as a symbol and a protective amulet, to which they are resorted from the evil eye and damage, is called the "Buddha's Hand". It occupies a special place in Dharmachakra - Wise Buddha Teaching and Protection. In addition, Alyam is widely used in Judaism, although it is known that Jews borrowed it from the ancient Phoenicians. It is worth noting that in Judaism Alyam is called "Hamsa" (in Hebrew חמסה), and "Hamsa" in turn in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Semitic Group means "five", at the current Hebrew - "Hamisha". "

Thanks to Wahhabits for the excursion to the history of religions: along with the "Lunar Goddess of the Phoenicians Tanit" and "Dharmachakra" they could mention more Aztecs and Incas, who also had a similar symbol, despite the separation from shiites with thousands of kilometers of the ocean.

In fact, everything is much prose here: people in all places and at all times it is intended to use about similar symbols whose set is pretty limited. Since the palm, as they say, is "always at hand," it was used in their symbolism many religions, and this says nothing about any borrowings.

Otherwise, we would have to blame the "Salafites" themselves in idolatry because of the fingertip, demonstrated in all forms and angles. However, the stretched upward finger is one of the main symbols of Masonry, which, in turn, borrowed him from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized the connection of a person with the "highest forces". Also in the rituals of black magic, Satan is often portrayed with a finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.

From the book about Masonic symbols - an elongated index finger:

The statue of George Washington - the first American President-Mason:

The location of the statue figure in the Satan Pose:

Satan worship, sitting with a raised up point finger:

Raised Finger Buddha:

Raught Plato's finger on the painting of Rafael. Symbolizes the pagan wisdom and magical connection with the highest forces :

Raised finger in the papal syncstine chapel:

Isn't it like?

Of course, Salafites will say that the raised finger just symbolizes monotheism (that God is alone) and has only external similarities with Masonic and other fingers. But just as we say that Alyam symbolizes the hands of Abbas and has a purely formal similarity with the symbols of the palms used in other religions.

Or take another common symbol that many are considered inextricably linked with Islam, - crescent . Crescent is not used by shiites and takes place only in the environment "Ahlu Sunna Val Jamaa", which borrowed it from Christians, and those in turn - from pagan religions. No Hadithov about the symbol of the crescent does not exist, as well as evidence of its use in the first century Islam.

So, "Bidat", "idol", "pagan sign"? Name what you want, if you wish, like Wahhabits, exercise in demagogy:

The crescent was published on the coins of the Türksky Kaganate, then he was a symbol of the Persian Empire of Sassanidov and the coat of arms of the city of Constantinople - the capital of the Christian Empire. Most likely, it was after the conquest of Constantinople, the Sunni-Sunnithing crescents entered Sunni Islam and became his symbol.

Crescent on the royal winged crown of Sassanids:

And if they want to cry out with erudition, then you can mention the crescent in the iconography of Hinduism - it is wearing Shiva in its hairstyle:

In Egypt, a sun disc with a horned moon, or located between the bull horns (cows), mean a divine unity of two in one, common sunny moon gods and a secret marriage of Divine Couples.

The Ancient Suchmers Crescents - the attribute of the Babylonian God of the Moon Sina - a ship on which he walked along the vast spaces of space.

Crescent on ancient Sumerian coin:

Here the king is dedicated to his daughter goddess. Crescent symbolizes God of Sina, the sun - the god of the Sun Shamash: