What does it mean when a person draws. By drawing meaningless doodles on paper, a person impersonates himself with giblets

What does it mean when a person draws.  By drawing meaningless doodles on paper, a person impersonates himself with giblets
What does it mean when a person draws. By drawing meaningless doodles on paper, a person impersonates himself with giblets
  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received the conclusion of a psychologist in kindergarten, fall into confusion: anxiety, aggression, rejection ... and this is all from cute children's scribbles? "All psychologists are charlatans!" - parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what exactly psychologists see in children's drawings?

    At what age children can be analyzed drawings

    Up to three years young painters are at the stage of "cephalopods" - they draw people-"bubbles" with protruding lines, symbolizing arms and legs. The drawing of details is not yet available to them, moreover, often a “masterpiece” is born first, and only then its proud author begins to ponder what exactly he has depicted.

    From 3.5-4 years old children first plan a drawing (its idea appears) and only then proceed to execution. By the age of four, the child already has a fairly good command of a pencil, and the "cephalopods" evolve into "people-cucumbers" - two ovals with limbs-sticks.

    Five years the artist was already skillful enough to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and by the age of six, smaller details appear in the drawings: nose, fingers. Often children draw in the manner of Picasso - the character's head is in profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, by the age of seven the drawn people are dressed, and in accordance with gender and age, they have hats and hairstyles and even necks!

    Drawings of children from 4 to 7 years old are best suited for analyzing their psychological state.

    Analyzing the drawing of the family

    The most popular theme is drawing your own family. He can tell a lot to an experienced psychologist, but ordinary moms and dads can also glean a lot of useful information from a drawing. Look for warning signs first.

    Arrangement of figures in the figure

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Children often “remove” an unwanted character from their work, explaining that “dad is at work” and sister is “in the next room”. This does not mean that the relationship is completely destroyed, often a brother or sister is sent to the picture "to another room" after a violent quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives can appear in the picture, even if they live far away, as is often the case with grandparents.

    The child depicts the closest and beloved relative next to him. If one of the characters is separated from the others, then, most likely, the child mentally excludes him from the family circle. This can be a working dad, brother or sister who is much older in age.

    A bad sign - if this “outcast” turns out to be the child himself, this is really an alarming situation!

    Image of yourself

    The child, as a rule, depicts himself either in the center of the picture (this is a common situation for a family with an only child), or next to the central figure. By depicting himself at the edge of the composition, apart from his parents, the child shows that he feels he is isolated from his family. Sometimes he gives a plot explanation of this, which confirms the fears of the observer: "Everyone is celebrating, but I am punished (I have to sleep, read, play alone)."

    The pose of a happy and self-confident child is as open as possible: arms and legs are spread apart. If a child takes the trouble to draw himself with his hands pressed to the body, this symbolizes his self-doubt. Too short hands or their absence - fears of their own ineptitude. Maybe you criticize your baby too often?

    Usually, the child depicts the size of the figures in proportion to the real characters: the parents are larger, himself - the smaller, the younger brother and sister - very small. Diminishing the drawn self speaks of insecurity, the need for care and, perhaps, fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the "separation" of the child from the ground, when all the characters are drawn in the correct proportions, but the child seems to hang between the parents: his head is on the same level as the adult, and his legs do not reach the floor. Often the parents of such a small artist do not even realize that he is experiencing discomfort: after all, they communicate with him on equal terms!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists are aware of the signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often go unnoticed by parents.

    Large, simply huge hands-rakes appear in the family member who is distinguished by aggressive behavior. If a child portrays himself as such, then he probably constantly has to suppress anger in himself.

    Clearly traced bright pupils are a sign of anxiety in a child, as well as hard shading with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, and sharp nails are the clearest evidence of aggression. If a child draws himself like this, then, most likely, he feels a constant need for protection, which the family cannot provide him.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to prevailing fears, the depiction of the genitals in the drawings of 3-4-year-old children does not at all indicate that someone is corrupting the baby, but rather about his interest in his own body and about the difference between the sexes, which he just learned about.

    But if a child of 6-7 years old portrays himself with the physiological attributes of an adult: a girl with a clearly defined bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - this can alert. However, most often such drawings indicate the child's need for attention, the desire to embellish himself in any way. That is why children, depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: they carefully draw clothes, accessories, ornaments (babies often draw crowns for themselves). This picture screams: “Hey, everyone, finally look at me! I'm a prince (princess)! "

    However, you should still pay attention to the child's environment again. Is it certain that no one is showing suspicious attention to him, has the child turned out to have access to information that is not suitable for his age (for example, a porn film, a porno magazine) that can scare him?

    Children's drawing and color

    A child's drawing is usually multi-colored and variegated - usually children use 5-6 colors, this is considered the norm. The more confident a child feels, the brighter the colors they use. Of course, not everything is so simple: a child can shade dad with black, because dad really has a favorite sweater of this color, but if a pencil is among the favorites and one or two colors clearly prevail in the drawing, then you should pay attention to this factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of colors by Max Luscher, a psychologist and color researcher. He concluded that the choice of color reflects the psychological state of a person and even indicates his bodily health.

    Here's how to determine the meaning of a color in a child's drawing.

      Navy blue- focus on internal problems, the need for rest;

      green- poise, independence, perseverance, striving for security;

      Red- willpower, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow- positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;

      Violet- fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      Brown- sensory support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;

      black- depression, protest, destruction, an urgent need for change;

      if the child prefers simple pencil and does not color the drawing- indifference, detachment, desire to close.

    Experimenting with the independent analysis of a child's drawing, try to make the child do it willingly, in a calm atmosphere, without distraction.

    Pay attention to the following factors.

      Composition picture. Whether the characters are located in the center of the picture or in a corner, whether there is enough space for everyone in the picture, in what order the family members are drawn.

      What kind colors uses a child.

      What details he pays special attention. How are the arms, legs, faces of the characters drawn, is the pressure of the pencil always the same.

      What kind unusual elements is in the picture. Is there something superfluous (for example, the sun in the room, a non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, something is missing (one of the family members).

      Like a child portrays himself what details he pays special attention to, where he sees himself in the family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you reach an understanding with your child!

    Children's drawings for illustration are taken from free sources.

    Anastasia Ilyina, psychologist, gestalt therapist.

    Often, listening to the interlocutor, waiting in line, sitting in the classroom, we draw something, draw, paint over. Almost no one pays attention to this: ordinary entertainment, so that it is not so boring. However, drawings can tell a lot about a person's character, preferences and condition.

    Psychologists have long confirmed that drawings can be used to learn a lot about a person. Everything is important here: what a person draws, and in what part his work is located and what size and color he has. After all, our creations are symbols coming from the depths of the subconscious. People throw them out mechanically when they move a pencil over paper.

    Many psychologists believe that a simple activity such as drawing helps to overcome absent-mindedness without harming the main task. When drawing, we concentrate better on boring tasks. This was proved by such a simple test. The subjects were given the necessary speech to listen to, in which different surnames were mentioned. Half of the volunteers drew while listening. Another suffered without pencil and paper. Bottom line: those who drew remembered much more surnames - by 29 percent. So, when going to the meeting, feel free to take a pen, pencil, paper with you and get creative!

    Where will we place it, how will we draw it?

    The position of the drawing in relation to the free space on the paper can tell a lot about a person.
    • If it is located closer to the upper edge, this indicates a high self-esteem, but at the same time that a person may be dissatisfied with his position in society, and feels a lack of recognition from others. The large size of the picture also speaks of high self-esteem. This indicates that the artist is expansive, prone to vanity and arrogance. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.
    • The drawing at the bottom means that the "artist" is insecure, indecisive, or not interested in raising his own significance.
    • If the creation is predominantly on the left - the person is focused on his past experiences, focuses on the past experience. The drawn right edge of the sheet speaks of the desire to bring the future closer as soon as possible, that life and emotions are directed towards something in the future.
    Are the lines of the drawings bold? Probably, the person is worried about something. Weak and thin "cobweb-like" lines indicate body fatigue and psychological exhaustion.
    • If the drawings are angular, the lines are perpendicular, this indicates unexpressed aggression, that at the moment it is difficult for the artist to adapt to something new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal insolence and hostility. Are the lines smooth, rounded? You are a gentle, calm, feminine person.
    • Volumetric figures, for example, say that their author is a multifaceted personality, capable of making unconventional decisions and performing unpredictable actions.
    Quite often we hatch something in the picture. Short strokes mean that the person is excitable, long ones that are measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and persistent, sketchy and light - a little anxious and unsure of yourself. Horizontal strokes are inherent in the feminine and weak, and vertical ones are inherent in the stubborn and decisive. In general, if a person constantly shades something or draws grids, this indicates that he is in an awkward position or has entered into a risky business, cannot take the initiative into his own hands and restrains irritation. The artist feels cornered or tries to isolate himself from some kind of obstacle.

    Flowers, houses, names, animals

    According to psychologists and graphologists, it is important not only how a person draws, but also what he depicts. Here are the most common images and what they can tell about a person.
    • So, if you represent words, meticulously tracing each letter, putting them in frames, underlining, it means a lot. A word in a frame is a sign of self-affirmation and conviction that one is right, it can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this. The word underlined with a straight and even line expresses your persistent intention, firmness of thoughts on this score, underlined wavy - sentimentality and some indecision, written with a "web", barely noticeable - doubt.
    • If you write your name over and over again, put your signature, the first letters of the name or initials, experimenting with elements of decoration, you are in a state of crisis and are not sure about the correctness of the decisions you make. Writing your name is a way of self-affirmation, overcoming emotional or intellectual conflicts. The only advice here is to think less about problems, and more about what you have already achieved, what life has already given you.
    • If you draw animals, it all depends on who is depicted and how. If it is a tiger or a wolf, aggression is hidden in you, if a fox, you are planning to cheat somewhere, a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel your superiority over everyone. This mechanism is similar to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables and children's stories. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, then most likely you are comparing it with yourself, attributing to yourself its habits. Sometimes in such drawings, the muzzles of animals are similar to human faces, the shape of the paws is similar to the legs and arms. This testifies to infantility, emotional immaturity, because a person subconsciously puts himself at a lower stage of development.

    Image of a person

    The image of little people is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility. In general, if a person is depicted schematically, this speaks of an unstable emotional state, a desire to close off and not let anyone near him.

    If a "real" person is depicted, the analysis should start from the head.

    • Full-face drawing - you are open to communication, the more a person "turns away", "leaves", the more you tend to avoid external contacts.
    • The head is in profile, and the body is full-face - anxiety caused by the social environment and the need for communication lives in you, a big head is guided primarily by thought, a small one - pay little attention to intellectual work, poorly drawn - show shyness and timidity.
    • If you carefully draw your face, then you are very concerned about your appearance and relationships with other people, it is important for you how you are "greeted by clothes."
    • And when you depict figures without faces or make them vague, slightly outlined, it speaks of shyness and slight fearfulness, it is difficult for you to have casual conversations and get to know each other at parties.
    • Closed, hidden or not drawn eyes indicate the desire to avoid unpleasant visual stimuli, unwillingness to really see the unpleasant moments of life.
    A dissatisfied, sad face testifies to the same state of the painter. After all, a person who paints faces thinks that he is drawing others, but in fact - himself, his inner state.

    A gloomy face is dissatisfaction with oneself, grimaces express pain and confusion, a smile is happiness. Large, wide-set eyes speak of optimism and love of life. Physiognomy with dots instead of eyes and a dash of the mouth - alienation (from the world, person, oneself). If the artist depicts beautiful profiles, it means that he is interested in communication. These drawings reveal a sociable nature and love for people.
    • Big ears - you are sensitive to criticism and depend on the opinions of others, too small or absent - you do not want to listen to other people's views and positions. Heavily colored hair - anxiety has settled in you, the unhatched hair framing your head - you are ruled by hostile feelings.
    • Large shoulders or body - you have a feeling of great strength or excessive preoccupation with power, small - a feeling of inferiority and worthlessness, sloping shoulders or stooped back - despondency, despair, guilt and lack of vitality.
    • Hands are a symbol of interpersonal relationships. If your hands are far from the body (apart), your actions are out of control, when you are crossed on your chest, you are hostile, behind your back or in your pockets - unwillingness to give in, make compromises, pressed to the body - you have difficulties in social contacts.
    • Long legs indicate the need for independence, short ones - you feel a sense of physical or psychological awkwardness. Widely spaced legs indicate open neglect and ignorance of interlocutors and their actions, legs together (a person is "on the line") - about constraint in communication.
    • If you suddenly "forgot" or deliberately drew a person without any body parts, this suggests that you experience some feeling of rejection of this part, feel a corresponding lack in your appearance, or are unhappy with something in your partner.
    Picture of dolls means that the artist is dominated by others, he feels that he must constantly give in to someone, agree with other people's decisions.

    Clown or caricature express the desire to avoid their own inferiority, to close behind a non-existent image. A robot has appeared on your sheet - you suffer from the control of external forces, you worry that much in life does not depend on you. Mask - you are secretive and careful, trying to hide from the outside world.


    Images of a house or home furniture speak of love for a warm home atmosphere. Such drawings are found in single women or bachelors. However, when they are drawn by married people, it speaks of a lack of warmth in the relationship. No matter how depicted at home or household items, these drawings show the desire to find home comfort and family warmth. But too clear, repeatedly circled the outline of the house indicates attempts to control their actions and emotions.
    • A huge window will appear in the drawing of a person with an open, welcoming, friendly character. A window (several windows) with shutters or bars indicates secrecy, the presence of complexes, greed, inability to give oneself or receive something from others. If they are located in the middle of the facade, then this is a sign of friendliness and hospitality. And when there is also a porch, the author can be congratulated: you are very confident in yourself.
    • An open door means sociability. And closed - isolation. Those who have the door on the side are not too sociable. There are people whose door covers almost the entire facade of the building. This is evidence of frivolity and unpredictability in actions. The same door at the same time indicates your inherent generosity, sometimes even excessive.
    • The absence of a pipe is a sign of insensitivity. If there is a pipe, but smoke does not come from it, it means the same thing. If smoke comes out of the chimney, the artist is generous. Bricks or other small details indicate optimism.

    Other images

    • Asterisks. A person wants to be in the spotlight, it is important for him to be bright and noticeable. But if the star has too many rays or they are depicted separately, this may indicate depression.
    • Bee honeycomb. The person who draws strives for calmness, harmony, wants to streamline his life. It is likely that he was thinking about creating a family nest.
    • Spirals, circles, wavy lines. They mean that other people's problems do not bother too much or do not interest the artist at all. Or perhaps he is going through a mild emotional crisis: he walks in the circle of his experiences. Now he needs to monitor his behavior so as not to flare up and not break out on others.
    • Labyrinths, moves. A sign that a person is in search of harmony, his life path. If the lines are inclined to the right, there is a tendency to be more open, to the left - careful. Endless designs indicate a lack of time to think about what you really want.
    • Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes. The creator has clear goals and beliefs, he almost never hides his opinion, is always persistent and stubborn. Usually overly alert and careful.
    • The shape of a circle (especially not filled with anything). Symbolizes the tendency towards secrecy, isolation. A person closes his inner world and does not want to give information about himself, does not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones creep into life and business.
    • Interlacing of circles. It seems to a person that he is outside of some important events, he wants to participate in something, to join some kind of community.
    • Interlacing of hearts. Indicates overflowing with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world.
    • Pentagon (regular pentagon). Well-being and health. The painter feels that life is adjusted, and seeks to consolidate this.
    • Hexagon (regular hexagon). Beauty and harmony. The painter wants to achieve true life balance.
    • Brickwork. Says that the artist is trying to focus on one important thought. If the masonry is drawn neatly, the character is methodical and consistent, the person knows exactly what he wants.
    • Teeth (like saw teeth or mountains). They symbolize aggressiveness, which can be positive, and mean a desire to fight, or negative (anger, hostility).
    • Chess fields. A symbol that a person is in an unpleasant, difficult situation. If such images appear often, this is an indicator of hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation, or finding oneself, one's life path.
    • Crosses... Feelings of guilt towards a loved one or responsibility for a problem.
    • Swastika. Contrary to the ingrained associations of Russians, it denotes a favorable and happy object - it is a symbol of happiness and light. The fact is that the Swastika is one of the most ancient symbols. It was used by many peoples of the world: it was present on weapons, everyday objects, clothes, banners and emblems, and was used in the design of churches and houses. The swastika has many meanings. For most peoples, they were positive - it was a symbol of the movement of life, sun, light, prosperity (before the era of the overthrow of Nazism).
    • Pistols or other weapons. A lot of aggression has accumulated in a person, perhaps he is very angry with someone or angry with life.
    • Flowers, leaves, sun, garlands or something similar. They say that a person has a kind nature. Such people love to help others and are very gentle in nature. They have a little low self-esteem. If a flower is located in a vase, a person tends to avoid conflicts, he needs support, nourishment. A flower with a cut stem - a person hovers in his fantasies, does not adapt well to situations, does not feel support and support.
    • Wood. If a person drew a tree on which there are many leaves, then he is distinguished by sociability, contact. If the branches of a tree are broken, there are difficulties in the past that have left an indelible mark on the soul. The tree has no roots - it is a feeling of lack of support.
    • River. The direction of flow from left to right is striving for the future; from right to left - a lot of unfinished business in the past. The river bed is straight - clearly set goals, the ability to achieve them. Bends in the channel - inability to concentrate on solving problems.
    • Arrows. This is the vector by which you are guided in life. The arrow is directed upwards - orientation towards other people, downwards - towards yourself, to the left - look into the past, to the right - you hope for the future.
    • Eye... The eye is a paranoid image of control. The person who draws the eye feels that he is not self-sufficient, someone is constantly pressing on him, he cannot make important decisions. Very large eyes indicate vigilance, and in extreme cases, paranoia; if the eyes are very small, the person does not want to notice something.

    Shading calms down

    Often a person does not even notice that he begins to draw involuntarily as soon as paper and a pen are at hand. However, none of the figures are “blank”. Each image is a code that our subconscious mind gives us.

    Any thought of a person is expressed in movement. Also, the drawing reflects internal mental processes. He can say what the author is going through inside, - says art therapist Maria Yalysheva. - After all, when there was no written language, people communicated through rock art.

    If you decipher the drawing, then you can not only find out the true mood of a person, but also understand his problems and even cure mental illness. Of course, each of us has the same picture may contain different connotations.

    In my work as an art therapist, in addition to the generally accepted interpretations of drawings and images, I try to rely on the individual symbolic language of each patient, his emotional and bodily reactions and manifestations, says Maria Yalysheva. - Each drawing can mean something different. But there is also universal symbolism. For example, if a person draws lines, sharp, with strong pressure, which sometimes even cuts through the paper, it means that he is anxious, angry. There is even an exercise in art therapy that relieves anxiety - the usual shading. Before chatting, we suggest that customers shade the surface to relieve an anxious aggressive state.

    Psychologists have summarized the universal symbols and deciphered them. They interpret arbitrary drawings left by people without apparent meaning, in this way:

    Small houses

    Smooth symmetrical shapes indicate a person who loves order and calculation in everything. The painter has clear goals in life.

    Faces, heads, faces of people

    They are usually drawn by funny, sarcastic, ironic people who want to laugh at themselves and the world around them.


    Especially often girls paint lips. This is evidence of special sensitivity and giftedness. Such people are very fond of art and are creative people. However, if teeth are drawn in the cut of the lips, then this is a manifestation of internal aggression!


    They express a tendency to observe. If the eyes are in different angles and views - a person delves into himself.

    Rough lines, strokes

    The thicker the lines and the stronger the pressure, the stronger the inner tension of the drawing. He is clearly in the center of some kind of conflict, from which he wants to get out as soon as possible. But for now, it "attacks" the problem only on paper.


    Evidence of chaos, internal disorder. A man is on the verge of an important decision.

    Forests and trees

    A person seeks protection in the world around him. It is believed that usually such drawings are created by people who are indecisive, unsure of themselves, who do not like to defend their rights.

    Center strokes

    They draw decisive people who are able to organize other people to achieve a goal.

    Sun, clouds

    The sun, sky and clouds are usually drawn by a dreamer. Depicting the sun, a person shows his optimism, friendliness, joy and lightness.



    Striving to harmonize everything around.


    For such an "artist" the main thing is harmony in everything - both inside and outside! When a person draws flowers, most likely, he expects failure or is facing a problem, and this worries him. He subconsciously seeks to harmonize the situation with painted flowers.

    Double arrows

    Most likely, a person is faced with a choice and cannot make a decision. He is "pulled" in one direction, then in the other.

    Sandbox from troubles

    To improve their mood, any person just needs to take a pen and start drawing. But if you need to solve a psychological problem, you will need art therapy. This is one of the methods of psychotherapy popular in the West. In St. Petersburg, this direction has been actively developing for the past five years and has already acquired its fans. Citizens come to specialized centers to find themselves in a hectic developing world and the flow of information, to establish relationships with the opposite sex and to understand children's problems.

    Art therapy is healing with art, solving mental problems through creativity, says Maria Yalysheva. - Both adult clients and small ones come. To begin with, we ask what situation the person wants to talk about. Then we invite him to draw something. Then we discuss the drawing and try to decipher it together.

    According to the psychologist, sometimes only through drawing can a person be healed. This is often the case in children - drawing their fears, they get rid of them. By the way, one of the ways to calm yourself down is to draw in the center of the circle.

    If the drawing is not enough, then the patient is sent ... to the sandbox. This method is called sand therapy. An adult enters a specially equipped sandbox and, with the help of figures, begins to sculpt his own world.

    I tried out the sandbox method myself. Only there I managed to burn off the loss of my grandmother, ”says psychologist Maria Yalysheva. - When she died, this trouble did not let me go for a long time, it was hard to part with my beloved grandmother. Depression rolled on regularly. Thanks to the sandbox, I was able to close this wound in my soul. The explanation of sand therapy is simple: our inner world consists of images. In the sandbox, we build this world. As if we visualize our inner state. Let us realize it. Then we transform and perceive back - a new world without past wounds. In the sandbox, we negotiate with our unconscious. Sometimes this dialogue takes place on an intuitive level. Let's say a person can mold a snake figure. And in fact, it will reflect the qualities that the person does not like in himself. You can talk and negotiate with this "snake"!


    "Squares" - workers and good "circles"

    The simplest psychogeometric test will help, for example, the employer understand the psychological portrait of the applicant. Look at six shapes - square, triangle, rectangle, triangle, circle, zigzag. Choose the one that attracted you the most, which is the most “like” you. Arrange the rest in descending order of your "sympathy". People who have chosen a square stand very firmly on their feet. They are good workers, stress-resistant, persistent and love order in everything. Triangles are ambitious leaders who want to be right in everything, energetic, strong personalities who set goals and achieve them. The people who put the circle first are holistic people who value interpersonal relationships. They are very friendly and outgoing. People-"circles" know how to listen to others.

    "Zigzags" - creative, creative, thinking outside the box. Natural generators of ideas. The rectangle is the most unstable shape in this set. Those who have chosen it, most likely, are in a state of transition and change. "Rectangles" are restlessly looking for a better life, as they are dissatisfied with the present. They are often confused and uncertain about themselves, but inquisitive. By the way, preferences can change throughout life.

    Know yourself

    Draw a circle, a square, and a triangle separately.

    Now draw a drawing for each figure so that the circle, square and triangle become not just shapes, but somehow.

    Now take a close look at the picture: a circle is how you perceive yourself, a square is how you perceive the outside world. And the triangle is how you perceive your sexuality. In other words, if you finished drawing the circle like a balloon, then most likely you see yourself in the world as a light airy creature. And if the square has become a beautiful house, then the outside world is probably a cozy, dear and warm place for you. If the triangle has turned into a shark's fin, then most likely in sex you are a predator.

    Many psychologists have already confirmed that our drawings can tell a lot about our personality, character and mood. It is no coincidence that in psychology and psychiatry, many diagnostic methods are associated precisely with drawings. Particular attention is paid to children's drawings. When analyzing the personality of an adult, you can use the drawings that he makes in between times - we all often move with a pencil on paper during telephone conversations, meetings, lectures or long waiting times. In this article, you will find out what our drawings can tell.

    From drawings, professional psychologists can tell a lot about a person. However, the basic rules for analyzing a drawing are now available to everyone who is interested, so that even self-deciphering of a drawing will help you get to know a loved one or even yourself better. Why analysis of drawing in psychology so effective? There are at least two explanations for this.

    • First of all, in pictures we express what we think. Since this method of dialogue with the outside world is indirect, unlike, for example, speech, drawings are less controlled by our consciousness. If, answering questions, we pass our words through some internal filters, then, expressing something through a drawing, we feel freer and demonstrate ourselves as real. For example, this can explain the location of the drawings and their content.
    • Our muscle movements are directly reflected in the drawings. The nature of hand movements will be reflected in the lines and dimensions of the image. You've probably noticed that our movements depend on both momentary emotions and temperament and character. Even in the process of ordinary communication, we receive a lot of information about a person non-verbally: observing how he gestures, and how his facial expressions change. Hand movements, which can be easily judged from the drawing, can also give us an idea of ​​the character and mood of a person.

    Sometimes in psychology, to diagnose a person, they are specifically asked to draw, and sometimes in the analysis, random drawings are used, which many of us do in between times if we have a pencil and paper in our hands. The second way is definitely more efficient. Random drawings give the most objective characterization, and in drawings made especially for a psychologist, a person may try to meet expectations.

    Analysis of children's drawing occupies a special place in psychology. It is much easier to decipher them than drawings by adults, because children's drawings are distinguished by a great variety and a wide range of colors. If you want to learn how to interpret adult or children's drawings, you should pay attention not only to the content of the image. The location of the object on the sheet, its color and the nature of the lines are of no less importance.

    What does the location of the picture say?

    By the position of the picture, one can judge the character and values ​​of a person. Adults sometimes draw in between things in the margin of a notebook, in empty space in old documents, or on small scraps of paper. However, even in this case, you can pay attention to how a person uses the available space for his drawing.

    • The drawing located closer to the upper edge of the sheet indicates high self-esteem and dedication. For this type of people, the main life priority is self-realization and striving for success. Such people love the competitive process, strive to be the best in any business. Often they are also quite reckless and have leadership qualities.
    • Accordingly, the drawing located at the bottom of the sheet suggests that the person has a rather low self-esteem, he does not feel in demand and is not interested in fighting for the championship.
    • The images on the left speak of conservatism and nostalgia. This person is immersed in his memories, and the past serves as a reference point for him.
    • If a person draws something on the right, this, on the contrary, means his aspiration for the future. This means that a person expects positive changes, but the current state of affairs does not suit him. It should be noted that these analysis rules are specific to each culture. For example, movement from left to right is characteristic of our writing, therefore, conclusions can be drawn from the figures by analogy.

    • The location of the picture, either on the left or on the right, can be associated with a certain amount of dissatisfaction with life. Usually those people who are uncomfortable in the present are turned to the past or to the future. Therefore, the most harmonious place for the drawing is the center of the sheet.

    What does the size of the picture say?

    The size of a drawing on a sheet is usually associated with a person's self-esteem. Of course, you should consider the size in relation to the entire space of the sheet if space is limited.

    • Large drawings indicate high self-esteem. If the drawing is too large and looks unnatural, it can speak of arrogance and vanity, the deep reason for which, on the contrary, is lack of confidence in their abilities.
    • The drawings, which tend to take all the place on the sheet, testify to a particular uncertainty. This is due to the psychological mechanism of compensation: if a person cannot establish himself in his place in life, mentally he seeks to take away all the best, to occupy as much space as possible. Usually such people are extroverts who, for one reason or another, cannot sufficiently realize themselves in society. This is reflected in the drawings.
    • Introverts tend to paint small images and leave a lot of white space around. Unreasonably small drawings are interpreted by psychologists as stiffness, stiffness, fear and anxiety. Such people are emotionally closed, experience discomfort in the outside world, are ashamed of themselves or do not trust their surroundings.

    Color drawings in psychology

    For the most part, children's drawings are analyzed by this parameter. Adults usually draw in between things with a pencil that is at hand. Only the presence or absence of shading can be interpreted in adult drawings. In children's drawings, color is of great importance for psychologists.

    • Green color can indicate independence, self-sufficiency and stubbornness. This color is used by children who want to assert themselves.
    • Yellow drawings indicate that a person feels comfortable.
    • Blue means concern and self-absorption. Blue drawings are made when thinking about the past or trying to solve a problem.
    • Purple indicates a developed fantasy.
    • Red color indicates the need to throw out the accumulated energy. This color is often used by hyperactive children. Also, red can serve as a signal of hidden aggression.
    • Gray indicates boredom and a lack of positive emotions.
    • Brown represents subconscious protest. A child who often uses brown paint is unhappy with a situation and feels anxious and uncomfortable.
    • Black is associated with being depressed. Such pictures indicate that the child is very focused on his problem, and he lacks positive experiences.
    • In casual drawings of adults, densely shaded figures can mean closeness, a feeling of being in frames. Often such drawings indicate a person's creative crisis.
    • If a person never shades his images, this indicates his readiness to perceive new things and accept changes.

    What do the lines in the picture say?

    By the lines that a person makes, you can tell a lot about his character. These lines can be solid or broken, rounded or sharp. Even images taken by adults in between times can be easily deciphered along the lines in the drawing. This method is equally suitable for the analysis of children's and adult drawings.

    • Solid lines indicate emotional stability, flexibility, and confidence. Such people are usually calm, and are confident that they will cope with all the difficulties that arise.
    • Broken lines, on the other hand, represent uncertainty and instability.
    • Bold lines can indicate a person's desire to stand out and assert themselves. With such lines, we can try to compensate for inner insecurity, the desire to be noticed and appreciated.
    • Deliberately thin lines, when a person almost does not press on a pencil and barely touches the paper, speak of the desire to avoid attention and communication, of the need for privacy. Similar lines can also occur if a person experiences shame and guilt.

    • Strictly geometric patterns, where all angles are straight, and all lines are perpendicular or parallel to each other, can mean hidden aggression. Also, such lines speak of conservatism and difficulties in adapting to the new.
    • Explicit aggression and hostility can be identified by the abundance of sharp corners in the picture.
    • Rounded lines and soft curves speak of softness and flexibility of a person. Typically, such drawings are inherent in women more often than men.
    • Narrow and miniature figures speak of enslavement, the desire to adhere to the rules and not go beyond.
    • Large volumetric figures indicate that a person has a broad outlook and is emotionally open.

    What do the drawn objects say?

    Of course, special attention should be paid to what exactly is drawn. Based on what objects a person depicts, a lot can be said about him.

    • Living objects, which include animals or people, indicate a lack of communication, the need for social contact. Also, such images can indicate a difficult problem in a person's life, which he is afraid to solve alone.
    • Empty landscapes depicting nature without people indicate difficulties in communication and understanding other people's feelings or thoughts.
    • Repetition of standard simple ornaments, such as flowers, clouds, trees or stars, speaks of emotional closeness and an attempt to hide your true experiences.
    • Subject drawings, depicting people or animals in motion, betray an active and active nature.

    The psychology of the drawing of an adult

    Drawings of adults, made in between cases, can be no less varied than children's drawings. By what is drawn, one can largely judge the personality of a person. Consider the most popular options for images in adults and their significance in psychology.

    • Wavy lines and spirals can indicate that a person is in a difficult situation and is trying to overcome a crisis. Such drawings indicate a hopelessness and appear if a person is confused in something.
    • The grid indicates that a person feels in an unpleasant, vulnerable position.
    • Often people draw the sun or flowers in between. Unfortunately, the meaning of such drawings is not at all as obvious as it seems. Drawings of flowers in psychologists, Like drawings of the sun, they most often express sadness and the need for attention and communication.
    • Joy can be expressed in drawings with hearts.
    • Repetitive patterns indicate boredom.
    • If a person draws people, it means that he wants to shift responsibility to someone and avoid work. It can also mean a need for help and support.
    • House drawing in psychology means fatigue, human hostility towards the outside world and a desire to relax in a favorable environment for this.
    • Chess is usually drawn by people who find themselves in an ambiguous and difficult situation, when they do not know what decision to make.
    • A honeycomb drawn by an adult speaks of harmony and tranquility.
    • If a person draws geometric shapes, this may indicate the firmness of his convictions and confidence in the decision.

    The psychology of children's drawing

    You can interpret the most common drawings on your own - in any drawing there are always several basic criteria by which one can judge the temperament and emotional state of the child. What do children's drawings mean in psychology?

    • Landscapes with a forest, a lawn, or a street without people in children can signal loneliness and communication problems. If a child paints deserted landscapes, it is likely that they are not getting along well with their peers.
    • Drawing at home, just like in adults, speaks of fatigue and the need for comfort and relaxation surrounded by loved ones.
    • Drawings of monsters can testify to inner tension, fear and discomfort. Often, these images reflect popular childhood fears.
    • Attention should be paid to the drawing of the family. Family drawing in psychology in children, it demonstrates well how they see their family. If the family is depicted in full force and in bright colors, then things are going well and the child is comfortable. If the child has not portrayed someone, it is worth considering - perhaps this person is not enough in the child's life, he pays little attention to the child. Black and brown colors in the image of the family speak of the problems and negativity that the child feels. Also, in young children, the largest figure will mean the head of the family in the children's sense.
    • Drawing a tree in psychology means the desire for knowledge and development. However, how the tree is drawn is also important. In the nursery psychology has tests on drawings- one of these tests is that the child is asked to draw a tree. By the presence or absence of roots, one can judge how deeply the child is used to thinking. A curvature of the trunk or an oddly shaped trunk indicates stress, dissatisfaction, and discomfort. You can easily assess the crown of a tree by the lines of which it consists - whether the lines are rounded or with pointed corners, thin or bold, solid or discontinuous.
    • Drawings of animals in psychology are considered a good sign - they indicate the calmness and joy of the child.
    • Interpretations of a person's drawing in psychology are given a special place - this is especially interesting in working with children. If a child draws another person, it often denotes a lack of communication. It is also worth paying attention to whether a specific person or a certain collective image is drawn. If the person is painted in dark colors and unnaturally large, the child may have a fear of people.
    • If a child draws himself, this speaks of the need for self-knowledge and self-expression. Children's drawings are often not too proportional; you can also tell a lot from the small details of the image. For example, large ears indicate insolence and a desire to stand out, short legs indicate low self-esteem, and long arms indicate that a child is always ready to try new things.

    In psychology, according to the drawing of a person a lot can be said about his personality characteristics and his mood at a particular moment. By observing your own drawings, you can be sure that the rules for interpreting them work. Of course, when evaluating a person, you should not rely entirely on the analysis of his drawings, however, some images in which one or another motive is clearly traced can help you get to know the person a little better.

    Video: "What are our drawings talking about?"

    The scribbles that we unknowingly draw during a telephone conversation or an extended face-to-face meeting can reveal many of the "artist's" ulterior motives. A carelessly drawn picture, a word or a line drawn dozens of times is of great importance, because they are determined by our subconsciousness. What do the careless pen strokes we create so often mean?

    Figures of people

    If the figures of people are clearly traced among the scribbles and drawings of the author, it is likely that he feels insecure and helpless. Thus, the subconscious mind betrays attempts to escape from responsibilities. Simple straight lines, drawn repeatedly, indicate the emotional instability of the author. This person longs to isolate himself from other people, and the conversation is given to him with great difficulty.


    Drawings, which depict eyes, give out the inner essence of a person. If the eyes depicted on paper by the author are wide open, this indicates his openness. Squinting means observation, and closed eyes symbolize the refusal of the opportunity to look into your soul.


    A person who, when talking with an interlocutor, displays his own signature on a sheet, is unusually selfish, narcissistic and arrogant. If you sign an autograph without hesitation at the most crucial moment, subconsciously, in solving the problem, you intend to pull the blanket over yourself.

    Circles and rings

    Any circles joined together or placed within each other indicate the need to seek unity. On a subconscious level, the author feels that he desperately needs a new friend or increased attention from others.


    Doodles and drawings depicting animals tell a lot about the current emotional component of the personality. Tigers and wolves indicate hidden anger, foxes - cunning designs. The images of cats and squirrels characterize the search for care and protection, lions indicate the author's arrogance. In any case, a person tends to associate himself with the drawn animal, drawing parallels with characteristic features.

    Spirals and wavy lines

    A person who carelessly draws spirals and wavy lines on paper during a conversation is actually little concerned with the problems of others. If such a person is in danger of an emotional crisis, it will be associated with her own person. The author attaches too much importance to small details in life. If you recognize yourself in this person, try to keep your emotions in check. Sometimes you are unreasonably aggressive with others.

    Geometric figures

    A love of symmetrical geometric patterns indicates specific goals and beliefs. Such a person will never keep his opinion to himself, he is stubborn and persistent. At the same time, the author is careful and attentive.


    Many people unconsciously often depict arrows. Thus, they try to find a vector of direction for their own activities. An arrow pointing up indicates concern for other people. If the vector falls down, the author focuses on his own interests. The line leading to the left indicates thoughts of the past. An arrow directed to the right speaks of striving for the future.


    If a person associates himself with a star, on a subconscious level he dreams of being in the spotlight. The author enjoys the admiring glances of people and loves it when passers-by turn after him. However, if there are too many dots in the stars depicted or they are not symmetrically depicted, this may indicate a depressive disorder.

    Flowers and natural phenomena

    If you like to draw flower buds while talking, it speaks volumes about your satisfaction with the conversation. At this point, you fantasize about the good things that await you in the future. Drawings of the sun and clouds indicate a positive mood of the author.


    A person who displays crosses during a conversation tends to blame himself for mistakes.

    Houses and boxes

    The following types of drawings reveal your pathological love of order. The author carefully plans the small details and loves to keep everything in its place. This person knows exactly what he wants to get out of life. Goals are set and priorities are set. Nothing can make you turn off the intended path.

    Chess board

    Recently, a person has been experiencing serious life difficulties. He subconsciously tries to cope with problems by playing a chess game. If queens and rooks are invariable heroes of drawings, a person is in search of becoming.
