What is altruistic. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite

What is altruistic. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite
What is altruistic. Altruist is the highest degree of egoist or its full opposite

Altruism is a desire to help other people without thinking about their own gain, sometimes to the detriment of their own interests. This term can be called a desire to take care of others without expecting response.

Altruist can be called a person who first thinks about others and is always ready to help.

Altruism can be imaginary and true. Behind the imaginary altruism is the desire for gratitude or to raise your own status, when a person helps something else to enjoy a kind and responsive, raise in the eyes of others.

True altruist is ready to help not only relatives and relatives, but also unfamiliar people. And most importantly, such a person is not looking for thanks in return or praise. He does not make a goal to put another person dependent on him with his help. Altruist does not manipulate others, providing them with services, showing the visibility of care.

Theories of Altruism

The nature of altruism and the motives of the behavior of altruists are actively investigated by both sociologists and psychologists.

In sociology

In sociology, there are three main theories of Nature Altruism:

  • social exchange theory
  • theory of social norms
  • evolutionary theory.

These are complementary theories and none of them gives a complete answer to the question why people are ready to disinterestedly help others.

The theory of social metabolism is based on the concept of deep (latent) egoism. Her supporters believe that a person persisons always calculates his benefits, making a disinterested act.

The theory of social norms is considering altruism as social responsibility. That is, such behavior is part of natural behavior within the framework of social norms adopted in society.

Evolutionary theory defines altruism as part of development, as an attempt to preserve the gene pool. As part of this theory, altruism can be considered as a driving force of evolution.

Of course, it is difficult to determine the concept of altruism based only on social studies to fully understand its nature it is necessary to remember the so-called "spiritual" personality qualities.

In psychology

From the point of view of psychology, the basis of altruistic behavior may be the unwillingness (inability) to see the suffering of other people. This may be a subconscious sensation.

According to another theory, altruism can be a consequence of the feeling of guilt, helping the needy person as if "sins worst".

Views of Altruizma

In psychology, the following types of altruism are distinguished:

  • moral,
  • parental,
  • sociable
  • demonstrative,
  • sympathetic,
  • rational.


The basis of moral altruism is moral attitudes, conscience, human spiritual needs. Acts and actions are consistent with personal convictions, ideas about justice. Realizing spiritual needs through the help of others, a person is satisfied, acquires harmony with himself and the world. He does not feel remorse, as it remains honest towards himself. An example is the normative altruism, as a form of moral. It is based on the desire for justice, wishes to defend the truth.


Under the parental altruism is a sacrificial attitude towards a child when adults, without thinking about the benefit, and without considering their actions as a contribution to the future is ready to give all the best. It is important that such parents act with the personal interests of the child, and do not implement their unfulfilled dreams or ambitions. Parental Altruism is unconsunient, the mother will never tell the child that he spent the best years for his upbringing, and in return did not receive thanks.


Social altruism is gratuitous help to relatives, friends, good friends, colleagues, that is, those people who can be called the near surroundings. In part, this type of altruism is a social mechanism, thanks to which a more comfortable relationship in the group is established. But the assistance rendered for the purpose of subsequent manipulations is not altruism as such.


The basis of such a concept as demonstrative altruism is social norms. The person makes a "good" case, and at the subconscious level focuses on the "Rules of decency". For example, give way to an old man or a small child in public transport.


At the heart of sympathetic altruism lies empathy. A person puts himself in place of another and "feeling" his problem helps to solve it. These are always actions aimed at a certain result. Most often, he is manifested in relation to loved people and this species can be called the form of sociotic altruism.


Under the rational altruism it is understood as the commission of noble actions not to the detriment of himself when a person is thinking, the consequences of their actions. In this case, the balance between the needs of the individual itself and the needs of others are observed.

At the heart of rational altruism lies with defending its own borders and the proportion of healthy egoism, when a person does not allow his surrounding "to sit on the neck", manipulate or use yourself. Often, good and responsive people are not able to say no and instead of solving their problems help others.

Reasonable altruism The key to healthy relationships between people in which there is no place of operation.

Distinctive features of Altruista

According to psychologists, altruistic can be called actions that are characterized by the following features:

  • Delicate. Making one or another, a person is not looking for personal gain or gratitude;
  • A responsibility. Altruist fully understands the consequences of his actions and is ready to be responsible for them;
  • Priority. Own interests are departed into the background, the needs of others go to first place;
  • Freedom of choice. Altruist is ready to help others on his own request, this is his personal choice;
  • Sacrifice. Man is ready to spend personal time, moral and physical forces or material resources for the sake of other support;
  • Satisfaction. Refusing a part of personal needs for helping others, the altruist feels satisfaction, does not consider himself deprived.

Often, thanks to altruistic actions, it is easier to reveal your personal potential. Helping the needy, a person can do more than for himself, feel more confident, believe in his strength.

According to the results of research, psychologists have determined that the person performing altruistic actions, feels happier.

What personal qualities are characteristic of altruists?
Psychologists allocate the following features of the nature of altruists:

  • kindness,
  • generosity,
  • mercy,
  • unselfishness,
  • respect and love for other people
  • sacrifice
  • nobility.

The total of these features are their focus "from themselves." People who are inherent with a greater hunt give than they take.

Altruism and egoism

At first glance, altruism and egoism seem to be polar manifestations of personal qualities. It is generally accepted to consider altruism virtue, and egoism - unworthy behavior. Self-sacrifice and disinterested assistance to others causes admiration, and the desire to achieve personal gain, dismissive attitude towards the interests of other people - condemnation and censure.

But if we consider not the extreme manifestations of egoism, and the so-called intelligent egoism, then you can see that it is based on the principles of morality and morality in it, as well as in Altruism. Caring for yourself and the desire to achieve a goal, while not harming the harm to others, not betraying, it is impossible to be called unworthy.

Also, rational altruism, which was mentioned above, is a manifestation of not only kindness, but also a healthy egoism.

To extreme manifestations and egoism and altruism in society a negative attitude. Egoists are considered to be soulless and calculating, styled at themselves, but also altruists forgotten about their own needs and refused to their own lives for those around others, they consider it insane and belong to them with distrust.

Each person combines both selfish features and altruism. It is important to develop the latter, while completely without refusing our own interests and needs.

How to develop this quality

Become kindly and responsive, you can help, without thinking about gratitude, not seeking to increase your social status, to enjoy a "good" person.

Ideal for the development of altruistic traits, volunteer activities are suitable. Caring for severely ill in hospice or abandoned old men, or visiting the guests of orphanages, or helping animal shelters, you can show your best quality kindness, mercy, generosity. Human rights organizations can be involved in the work of human rights organizations, helping people who have found themselves in difficult life situations faced with injustice.

Harmony with the world and can help manifest altruistic qualities. At the same time, disinterested care of the needy can help find peace of mind.

Pros and cons

It is important not to forget about yourself with everything, allowing others to use yourself. The ability to go on its own interests for the assistance of the opportunity to be in trouble or a difficult situation undoubtedly deserves respect.

Today we will talk about Altruism. Where did this concept come from and what is hiding behind this word. We will analyze the meaning of the expression "altruistic person" and give the characteristic of his behavior from the point of view of psychology. And then find the differences between Altruism from Egoism on the example of noble deeds from life.

What is Altruism?

The term is based on the Latin word "alter" - "Other". If briefly altruism is disinterested help to others. A person who helps everyone, not pursuing any benefit for himself is called altruist.

As the Scottish philosopher and the economist of the late XVIII century, Adam Smith, said: "No matter how selfish people seemed to be, in its nature, certain laws are clearly laid down, forcing him to be interested in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for themselves, although he himself does not receive anything from this, With the exception of the pleasure of seeing this happiness. "

Definition of altruism

Altruism is a person's activities aimed at concern about another person, his well-being and satisfaction of his interests.

Altruist is a person, the basis of moral concepts and whose behavior lies solidarity and care primarily about other people, about their well-being, compliance with their desires and help them.

Altruist individual can be called when, with its social interaction with others there is no mercenary thoughts about their own gain.

There are 2 very important points: if a person is really uncanyten and claims to be called an altruist, he must be altruisting to the end: to help and take care not only about his loved ones, relatives and friends (which is its natural duty), but also to assist it unauthorized people, regardless of their sex, racial, age, official belonging.

Second important point: help without waiting for gratitude and reciprocity. In this, the indigenous difference between Altruist from the Egoista: an altruistic person, providing help, does not need and does not wait for praise, gratitude, the response service in response, does not even allow the thought that he now should now. He herself eats the idea that with his help he put a person in a dependent position from himself and can expect help or service in response, according to the efforts and means! No, the true altruist is helps disinterestedly, this is his joy and the main goal. He does not apply to his actions as "investments" into the future, does not imply that he will come back, just gives, not expecting anything in return.

In this context, it is good to give an example of moms and their children. Some moms give the child everything he needs: education, additional developing classes that reveal the talents of the child - exactly what he likes himself, and not his parents; Toys, clothing, travel, hiking in the zoo and attractions, balding sweets on weekends and soft, unobtrusive control.
At the same time, they do not expect a child, becoming an adult, will give them money for all these entertainment? Or that he is obliged to be tied to the mother, not to have a personal life, as she did not have, being occupied with a baby; Would spend all your means and time on it? No, such mothers do not expect this - they simply give it, because they love and wish you happiness to their baby, and never then do not stop their children spent by means and forces.
There are other moms. The set of entertainment is the same, but most often all this imposed: additional classes, entertainment, clothing - not those that the child wants, and those that parents choose for him and consider it the best and necessary for him. No, maybe in a small age, the child himself is not able to adequately pick up clothes and diet (remember how children love chips, popcorn, sweets in huge quantities and are ready for weeks to eat Coca-Cola and ice cream), but the essence is different: parents Refer to their child as a profitable "investment".

When he grows, phrases are sounded in his address:

  • "I caught you not for this!",
  • "You must care for me!",
  • "You disappointed me, I invested in you so much, and you! ...",
  • "I spent my young years on you, what are you paying for your care?".

What do we see here? Keywords - "pay for care" and "invested".

Caught, what is the snag? There is no concept of "pride" in Altruism. Altruist, as we said, never expects fees for your concern about another person and his good, for their good deeds. He never belongs to this as "attachment" with subsequent interest, simply helps, at the same time becoming better and self-improvement.

The difference between Altruism and Egoism.

As we have said, Altruism is an activity aimed at care for the well-being of others.

And what is egoism? Egoism is an activity aimed at concern about their own well-being. We see here a completely obvious general concept: in both cases there is activities. But as a result, this activity is the main difference of concepts. Which we consider.

What is the difference in altruism and egoism?

  1. Motive activity. Altruist makes something to others well, while Egoist - so that it is good to him.
  2. The need for "fee" for activities. Altruist is not waiting for remuneration for its activities (monetary or verbal), its motives are much higher. The egoist considers it quite natural, so that his good deeds noticed, "put on the expense," remembered and answered the service for the service.
  3. The need for glory, praise and recognition. Altruist does not need laurels, praise, attention and glory. Egoists love when their actions notice, praise them and lead as an example as "the most disinterested people in the world." Irony of situations at the same time, of course, blatant.
  4. Egoist is more profitable to be silent about his egoism, since this is not considered to be considered not the best quality. At the same time, there is nothing reprehensible in recognition of altruist altruist, since it is worthy and noble behavior; It is believed that if everything was all altruists, we would live in the best world.
    As an example of this thesis, you can bring lines from the song "If Everyone Cared" of the Nickelback group:
    If Everyone Cared and Nobody Cried
    If Everyone Loved and Nobody Lied
    If Everyone Shared and Swallowed Their Pride
    Then We'd See The Day WHEN NOBODY DIED
    In free translation can be retended as follows: "When everyone will take care of the friend and will not be sad when love is in the world and there will be no place to lie when everyone will achieve his pride and learn to share with others - then we will see the day when people are immortal "
  5. By the nature of the Egoist - anxious, a small person, chasing his own advantage in constant calculations - how would you benefit here, where it would be distinguished to be noticed. Altruist is calm, noble and confident.

Examples of altruistic actions.

The easiest and most striking example is a soldier who closed mine to his combat comrades remain alive. There are many such examples in military periods when, in view of hazardous conditions and patriotism, almost everyone wakes up a feeling of mutual assistance, self-sacrifice and partnerships. The appropriate thesis here can be brought from the popular novel "Three Musketeers" by A. Duma: "One for all and all for one."

Another example is sacrificing himself, its time and forces for the sake of care for loved ones. An alcoholic wife or a disabled person who cannot take care of himself, the mother of a child-anutist who has forced to carry him on speech therapists, psychologists, therapists, to care and pay it to study in the boarding school.

In everyday life, we are confronted with such manifestations of Altruism as:

What qualities the altruistic person has?

  • Unselfishness
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Mercy
  • Love for people
  • Respect for others
  • Sacrifice
  • Nobility

As we see, all these qualities have a direction not "to yourself", but "from ourselves", that is, to give, not to take. These qualities are much easier to develop in yourself, what seems at first glance.

How can altruism be developed in yourself?

We can become altruisting if we take two simple things:

  1. Help others. And completely disinterestedly, without requiring a good relationship (which, by the way, it usually appears exactly when you are not waiting for it).
  2. To engage in volunteer activities - to care for others, patronate them and take care. It may be help in the shelter of homeless animals, in the homes of the elderly and orphanages, help in hospice and all places where people themselves cannot take care of themselves.

At the same time, the motive should be only one - disinterested assistance to others, without the desire of glory, money and increasing their status in the eyes of others.

Altruists become easier than it seems. In my opinion, you just need to calm down. Stop chasing benefits, glory and respect, calculate the benefits, stop evaluating the opinions of others about yourself and relieve a desire to everyone like.

After all, true happiness lies precisely in disinterested help to others. As they say, "What is the meaning of life? - There'sked to get better for how many people. "

Altruism - from the Latin word "alter", which translated "other" or "others". This is the principle of moral behavior of a person who implies selflessness in actions aimed at meeting the needs of the surrounding people with the infringement of their own interests and benefits. Sometimes in psychology, altruism is regarded either as analogue or as a component of common behavior.

The concept of Altruism, in opposition to egoism, the French philosopher, the founder of the sociology of Francois Xvii in the first half of the 18th century, was formulated for the first time. Its initial determination sounded like this: "Live for the sake of others."

Theories of Altruism

Allocate three main complementary altruism theory:

  • Evolutionary. It is based on the concept of "preservation of the kind - the driving force of evolution." Supporters of this theory consider altruism by the biologically programmed quality of living beings, the most promoting the preservation of the genotype;
  • Social exchange. Subconscious accounting in any situations of the basic values \u200b\u200bof the social economy - feelings, emotions, information, status, mutual services. Becoming before the selection - to assist or pass by, a person always instinctively calculates the effects of the decision, mentally merging the efforts spent and the bonuses received. This theory interprets providing disinterested assistance as a deep manifestation of egoism;
  • Social norms. According to the rules of society, determining the behavioral duties of the individual within the boundaries, called norms, the provision of disinterested assistance is the natural necessity of a person. Modern sociologists put forward this theory of altruism, as based on the principles of reciprocity - mutual support of equal, and social responsibility - promoting people, obviously unable to answer reciprocity (children, patients, elderly, poor). The motivation of altruism in both cases is social norms of behavior.

But none of these theories gives a complete, convincing and unambiguous explanation of the nature of Altruism. Probably because this quality of a person should also be considered in the spiritual plane. Sociology is the science more pragmatic, which significantly limits it in the study of altruism as the properties of a human character, as well as in identifying motives that encourage people to do disinterestedly.

One of the paradoxes of the modern world is that society, long and firmly mesown price tags for everything - from material benefits to scientific achievements and human feelings - continues to generate incorrigible altruists.

Views of Altruizma

Consider the main types of Altruism, from the point of view of the above-mentioned theories in applied to certain situations:

  • Parental. Irrational disinterested and sacrificial attitude towards children, when parents are ready to give not only material benefits, but also their own life for the rescue of their child;
  • Moral. Implementation of its spiritual needs to achieve the state of internal comfort. For example, volunteers, disinterestedly caring for incurablely sick, show compassion, content with moral satisfaction;
  • Socible. The view of Altruism, spreading to the near environment - acquaintances, colleagues, friends, neighbors. Free services to these people make existence in certain groups more comfortable, which allows them to even manipulate them in some way;
  • Sympathetic. People trying to test empathy, to imagine themselves in the place of another person, competing to him. In such a situation, the provision of any support from Altruism is potentially projected by itself. A distinctive feature of this type of care - it is always concrete and aims to the real end result;
  • Demonstrative. It is expressed in automatic, at the subconscious level, the implementation of generally accepted behaviors. The assistance provided from this kind of motivation can be characterized by the expression "so it should be".

Often the manifestation of mercy, philanthropy, unattended, sacrifice is interpreted as altruism. But there are major distinguishing features that only in the complex are inherent in altruistic behavior:

Altruism helps to reveal the potential personality opportunities, since for the sake of other people it is often capable of making much more than what makes for himself. At the same time, such actions give him confidence in their own power.

Many psychologists are confident that the tendency to altruism in people is directly connected with the feeling of happiness.

It is noteworthy that scientists zoologists note the manifestations of altruistic behavior in the natural habitat among dolphins, monkeys and crows.

Altruist, classical definition - A person acting according to the principle: try more often to sacrifice and disinterested to give other people.

Sacrifice forces, time, sometimes money. They give that sometimes you need, as well as much more - attention, care and affection.

It would seem that life with altruist is beautiful - he seeks to give, take care, not requiring anything in return.

But the classic altruists, it turns out, also cause irritation. Not so long ago, an experiment was carried out, in which living players (as participants were stated) in a collective game), one for the team was replaced by soulless computers.

One of them was recorded by a screeching and bump, the other - an unselfish angel Altruista. And what would you think? The outrage of the team comrades was in both cases!

Why do Altruists cause so much discontent?

After all, they bring to the life of the people around them who are surrounding them, the world, understanding!

And in fact, the secrets here are not alone, but as many as two - interrelated each other.

  • Firstly, absolutely disinterested difficult to be any person. Well, how is it - just take and do? At least to feel satisfaction and pleasure - get moral compensation. Confirm your significance in your own eyes. Compliance with some internal standards. Get stroking "I am good."
  • SecondlyAnd this is due to the first secret, no one wants to be "worse."

The social contract is tied to the fact that we are not talking to each other. In any case, the whole truth you think.

Many think about themselves: "Oh, I'm good!" - There is a lot of reasons to say about yourself. And only, perhaps, close to personality sociopaths (or even healthy, but very occasionally and in suitable situations) are able to sincerely enjoy "Oh, I'm bad! Great! "

It turns out, next to such an altruistic altruist, no matter how tried, you feel worse. For example, just altruist. Or a simple good person who will come to the rescue. But the last shirt will remove with himself only in the most extreme case.

Therefore, altruist - the concept of relative. And the greater altruist will be with you (or more church - to cause you good, to benefit) - the more you will be annoyed. And in the end, you will find than "flipping" of this person in your eyes.

Because in your eyes we are always the most altruistic, the most kind, most reasonable ... and that's fine! :)

Another thing is that you can still argue about why they become altruists. How it turns out that altruist feels good, made by another person, more pleasant than his own. After all, in theory, it should be the opposite - first of all, to ensure myself and your needs, in the second one, too, and then the remnants to give people ...

And finally - A small story about the altructure dentist

The lady struggled to help the poor, siphe and disadvantaged. It will come, it happened, a person at the reception is paid, by the way. She sees that next to the big caries hole next to the little caries - and let's treat for free the one that is smaller.

It happened that he would not say a patient that he had two seals now - so that the receptionist would not be tightened and not forced to pay.

And somehow, after time, then this quiet altruism was poured into solid problems. Almost all patients of different sexes and age is this, the little seal fell out. Naturally, they walked to complain "in this terrible dentistry." And on the card, they should have a healthy tooth there ...

Apparently, somehow the world hinted her. What every work should be paid accordingly.

According to definitions, altruism is selfless concern for the good of other people. The manifestation of Altruism can be attributed to dedication - the offering of their personal interests sacrificing for another person. Altruism is interpreted as a certain benefit, the highest manifestation of virtue.

The concept of altruism

The term "altruism" (from the Latin language "Alter" - "Other") was French and "Father" - an unwaste right. According to the touch, a kind of altruism: "Live for others." It is worth noting that the concept was allocated on the basis of long-term observations of the behavior of people. It turned out that very many, even the reserved beaches and criminals, someone in their lives love, and they care about these people. And for the sake of loved ones, many are ready to cross through our own principles, beliefs, assist, assistance in something.

There were many observations, experiments in order to find out the ability of people to take care of others completely disinterestedly. The results prove that people are capable of it, but it is very difficult to identify true motives.

Altruism and egoism

Altruism is contrasted, of course, egoism, which is presented as a kind of evil. Unlike altruism, selfishness involves dominating their own interests over public. To some extent, it is considered that selfishness is something bad, vicious. However, it is worth understanding that neither altruism nor egoism is "truths in the last instances", and with a high share of confidence can be argued that both in reasonable proportions of virtue.

Almost every person has both altruistic and egoistic inclinations. The imposed care can give the effect, reverse altruist expectations. And the rejection of our own goals, the dreams can hardly be perceived as a pure good. Unrealizations of their own desires very often entails misfortune in life.

It is worth understanding that both altruism and selfishness in pure form practically do not exist. Comprehensive personally and similar to selfish self actually makes sense within the context. Perhaps most people will be able to fight in themselves, will agree with the statement that most often people are altruists and egoists in relation to specific persons, groups of the population, and not to the whole inhabitant of the globe.