What is Roman Ryabtshev with a face. Roman Rowbets: "I survived the painful divorce

What is Roman Ryabtshev with a face. Roman Rowbets:
What is Roman Ryabtshev with a face. Roman Rowbets: "I survived the painful divorce

Roman Roman

date added: 14.02.2008

Full name - Roman Nikolayevich Roman. Born in Voronezh, January 25, 1970. Music was carried away in his youth, in eighteen years old by entering the duet "Forgive youth."

And the larger stage pleased a little later, in 1990. As a keyboard, he settled in the Bioconstructor team. And at the same time, the group has changed the name. So the novel was in the famous team "Technology".

In this case, he handed over to the colleague Leonid Velichkovsky. And he himself took the guitar and began to sing. In addition to them, Vocalist Vladimir Nechitaylo was registered in the "technology" and taking responsibility for the percussion Andrei Kakhaev.

In addition to all, Roman writes songs. Many of them bring fame to the group. The public responds well on "Click on the button", "half an hour." And the composition "Strange Dances" for more than a year held the first lines of the charts "Sound Track". In 1993, the success of Ryabtsev as a composer strengthened the track "Sooner or Late", according to the TASS version of the year.

Feeling confidence in our own power, he agrees to participate in the Radio France Intenationale contest. The result of this event was a contract with one of the Parisian studios, where he was given the opportunity to write an album called "Strange Dances" ...

After this work, the novel leaves from "Technology" to do a solo career. In 1995, he produces a debut disk "If I become another". In his new songs, techno-pop ceases to prevail, giving way to the guitar. In parallel, he begins to cooperate as a composer and the author of the texts with such performers like Yu-la, Vlad Stashevsky, Svetlana Razin, the group "brilliant" and many others ...

In 1997, he returns to the dance style and records the album "Red Calendar Day". With his participation, the work of the "Songs of Adult Boys", made by the duet "Forgive youth" and dedicated to the old and new hips of the team.

His work appears on the new collection of "technology", which the group calls the "best songs". Another former romance colleagues are trying to collect remix album, and think about the release of the next album.

The peculiar result of the creative path of the novel becomes the fact that the most famous part of his records in 2001 entered the Music series "Star Collection".

In January, the singer, the musician and the composer will be 45 years old. Shortly before the new year, the novel for the second time married. Telogram magazine met with Ryabtsev to find out what he is doing now and what is happening in his life

Photo: Ivan Prokhorov

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2015 begins for me from filming in a television series, where I once again play myself, "Roman says. - A fairly funny role.

- And this is exactly what you do not like the TV. At least talk about it.

At some point I revised it so much that I understood: I can't give anything new to me. Films, for example, I can not watch on TV, because they are interrupted by advertising all the time. I'd rather go to the movies or buy a disk. If I want to see some particular transmission, I download it from the Internet.

- For example, political fights?

No, they are not interested in me. Probably, it came with age, became calmer. I do not think that in them something can hook. In addition, I know the television kitchen: people who are ready to beat each other on the air, then cute cute in the smoker. All this is a great show ... This year I was often called to act in the TV projects since the transfer of Alexander Gordon and ending with funny quiz in which you need to perform a song, being suspended under the ceiling. The essence in general is one thing: the show should like the viewer.

"And you agree: hang under the ceiling in the" Stars without Paphos "show on the" Yu "channel. About the same program speech?

I participate, yes. It was very funny, I would even say, rust. I looked at myself in the record and rolled with laughter.

- ... Understanding that all this is on the fun.

And I'm sorry where I work? In show business. Recently, I drastically changed my attitude to all these programs. Let's say, ten years ago, the maximalism was still played in me: "Yes, I am a serious person, I will not go to these entertainment programs!" And now I think: why not? If I fool in the company of my friends, then why not do the same thing to do with the audience? If earlier the group "Technology" tried to keep the brutal image - we tried not to smile, were serious, now, in general, we do not care about everything. We can afford to be ourselves.

"I was brought up in the right communist spirit"

- You were born in Voronezh, then returned there after life with parents in Syria. Now something connects you with this city?

There is a certain nostalgia ... After all, it was in Voronezh that I entered the institute and even learned there one course. At this time there were many events that turned my life ... This year something covered me in the summer, and I understood: Be sure to go to Voronezh! Just like that, not on tour. I think I was finally caught up with the notorious middle-aged crisis. Summer was generally very messy and insane. I tried to sort out myself, in life, including personal. Thank God, now everything looked out. But then I was tormented by mental throwing, I suddenly felt sharply that I needed to Voronezh - to come and a couple of days just wander around the city, go to the village where grandparents lived with a grandparents. I do not like pathetic words, but I wanted to fall to the roots.

- By the way, about the Voronezh Institute ... why did you decide to enter the pedagogical university?

At the insistence of parents. They, diplomats, there was another campaign abroad. I was at that time, when I could not have been leaving them. In schools at the embassy in the Middle East, children usually learn to the fourth-fifth grade. The decades are usually only in major capitalist countries: states, France, Germany ... Therefore, we made a brother with a school in a special boarding school for children of overseas workers. Going to the next country, my parents pondered: where to give me? They perfectly fairly to leave me at home. 16-year-old teenager, free life, one in the apartment. What will happen? Now I understand them very well. And then terribly angry. However, Mom with Pope insisted that I entered the Voronezh Pedagogical Institute, which they themselves ended. In addition, the depths are their one-laugher. Grandpa with grandfather under the side. In general, I was, in their opinion, under the supervision. Parents expected that I would do to the Voronezh Institute, and the next year I translate into Moscow. So, in fact, it turned out.

- You realized that Moscow is the city of big prospects?

For me, Moscow was just the capital of our Motherland. And that's it. Understand, I was brought up in the right communist spirit. And how else could a teenager who lived for five years in the embassy could be raised? Amoral people abroad were not allowed. I all took for a clean coin. The word "careerist" for me was the same abusive as the "bureaucrat" or "bribward". I sincerely despised people who seek to make a career and break somewhere. It believed that it was very dirty, ugly and bad. That is, I was an absolutely communistly educated child. This is later to me, the Muscovite, who came to Voronezh, had an envy-contemptuous attitude that I was very oppressed, and I tried to show it with all the funds: I am absolutely the same as everyone else, I do not differ anything.

"Technology" drove. And I revised my views on life and creativity. "

- Are you still at school started thinking about a musician career?

No, I didn't even think about the musical career. The fact is that in the 9th - 10th grades, we are with a friend, serving the "link" in the very beginning, tried to write songs. I played on the piano, and my friend had three tools at once: the drum machine, synthesizer and electric. They presented their parents working in Italy for his good studies. As a result, we recorded three magnetoalbom, completely disgusting in quality, but very funny, sincerely naive in content. Although, I admit, I recently started writing one of these songs, a little recycling the text and leaving a melody unchanged, which was 16 years old! .. Then, during the time of the USSR, it was impossible to even dream about the musician's career, without having a musical education and appropriate Certification. Already in the first year of the institute, parents bought me a Casio electrician. With him I was the first guy in the village! (Smiles.) I took me without conversations to the Institution International Via "Solar Circle". In 1987, I managed to get to the first Voronezh Rock Festival as a guest, outside the competition. I was allowed to sing three songs, pre-forcing us through the hell of lithsets. I drove my texts either in the district, or in the hill Komsomol, they were claimed there, they were looking for Kramol, they did not find and put stamp. Everything was so gloomily ... I myself, in general, was going to go in the footsteps of my father and build a diplomatic career. The music was just my hobby, but there were people with whom I was interested in playing and which I was interested to play with me. And when I already arrived in Moscow, I had to go to the group. Now I do not remember how to what. Then there was another group. Speaching rushed, went, followed the first tour in Smolensk ...

- At one time you managed to rise with Christina orbakayte, and with a group T.a.t.u., and with Vlad Stashevsky. Continue to work with other artists?

About 10 years old did not do anything like. "Technology" took too much time. But now I restore the former skills, I start working for other performers, I do not want to advertise their names. In one case, I perform as the author of the music on the poems of another person, in the second - the producing songs.

- What about the new album of the group "Technology"? After all, you said that he was about to come out.

I revised my plans for life and creativity. In my opinion (although not everyone agrees with me), the Group "Technology" finally turned into, as they write on the bills, "the legendary group" Technology ", that is, she worryed, completely switched to the discharge retro. For touring practice I see: no one new from us from us. The organizers of concerts are also talking to us: "Only, for the sake of God, you do not need to sing new songs!" Therefore, I consider it inappropriate to do something new under the brand of technology. In 2009, we recorded the ideas album. But half of the songs from it at concerts do not play. I have already had a similar situation in 1993. I wrote the songs that the group did not fit at all, it was never "technology" - Celtic-Irish melodies ... In general, as then, now I decided to release my solo album. And for the "technology" to the coming anniversary (in March 2015, we are 25 years old, we plan to note with a scope of large concerts) to record several new singles.

- Something surprising you, pleases in modern music?

It is surprising that nothing new and interesting happens in it. Solid trimming of the old one. Previously, let's say, a fashion has arisen for some kind of dance music. Take at least Goa Trans, Tribal House or Drum-n-Base, who kept for several years, and then replaced by some other universal hobbies. Now - thanks to the Internet and Flashmobam - everything is happening twice, in a few months, and quickly forgetting. Music TV channels almost died, no influence.

"But thanks to the same Internet" born "Igor Rästerayev, Peter Nalich ...

Trusheev interested me: I started well, but then, in my opinion, everything became sad. I didn't like the cash at once, did not hook. Where to listen to listen to the next song Slepakov Seeds. So he, in my opinion, is beautiful. Especially the song "The best sex is sex with my wife." How many years already this hit, and every time he is delighted with him.

- On your Facebook page you admired the composition of Gangnam Style.

She is chic. This is a great constructed song in which absolutely all pop stamps are collected: sounds, structure, arrangement. Perfect cocktail!

- Some time, the Technology Group collaborated with Yuri Aizenshpis. And with whom from producers would you be happy to work with pleasure?

With Max Fadeev. This is the only one you can call the producer in the correct understanding of the meaning of this word. Of all our producers, he is most interesting to me close. I think that he does everything very cool.

- Maybe it's time to try again for your strength abroad?

No, because no one has managed to anyone. No examples! And think that I will succeed, stupid and naive.

- But you did not think so, leaving in the early 90s to France?

I did not leave there - I lived in Paris only during the album record. In France, I went solely with the hope that my album would be sold in the future. However, I did not build illusions, marveling about the experience of the release of Radio Silence Boris Grebenshchikov - with much greater budgets and producers like Dave Stewart. So what? As a result, his album failed. Therefore, I regarded my trip only as an interesting experience of "differently", not as with us.

- What is the cardinal difference?

Mentality! We recently played at a rehearsal basis consisting of several rooms. There in Non-Stop mode from morning to night various young groups rehearsed. And 90 percent of them played hardhesthesky metal: adrenaline, teenage energy ... But no matter how funny it sounds, they fulfill fashionable and fairly relevant music. Young people do not pass through the club of amateur songs and the yard brand in the guitars, they do not sing Soviet songs in singing lessons. These musicians are brought up by the Internet and radio on proper music. And in 20 years, when wins out our generation and remaining in the brain scoop, there is a chance that such groups will break through.

- And in principle, could you re-go abroad?

For what? Unless to record the album. But I have my own studio here, and I can not physically carry it abroad. You can, of course, go with a mobile keyboard and one synthesizer, but it will not be that. Of course, if the situation of 1993 would repeat and some French suggested to sign a contract and write an album, I would agree. But so far no one offers anything ...

- You love to argue about corruption in the domestic music business. And they yourself come across this?

Sure. You seem to have a good relationship with "radio." Offer a song for Ether. "Yes, yes, let's listen," answer. And nothing. Silence. And then you will find out through other people - and this is the most nasty, - that the song is not suitable in the format. Hint that you need to make money. They even shy about it in the forehead. You can not just come to a commercial department and pay for the rotation of the song on the air. Everything happens at the level of the semi-shafts.

"I don't need extra hysterical love"

- What are the best qualities you adopted from your father?

Despite the fact that my dad diplomat, it was he who taught me to do everything with his own hands. I thought about it literally the other day, screwing the next shelf. In principle, I can do everything that does not require gas welding: to put up the table, paint it, hang the shelf ... I rushed from it. It is easier to drill yourself, to nail, rather than call the masters. Dad always did something at home, nailed, picking. And I watched and studied independence.

- You somehow stated that the musician has three permanent costs of expenses: studio, car and spouse. The situation has not changed?

Ugh-pah, for medicines not yet hung (smiles). Number one in this list, of course, wife. Studio is already, fortunately, it does not need expenses. Only in rental fees. 28 synthesizers are more than enough. At a minimum of the couple, I want to get rid of. I do not play on them, but do you take a place ... car? Yes!

- Although lately you prefer the subway.

I try to ride more often on the subway, because it is fast. In Moscow, FIG park. Today, two more meetings and rehearsal are scheduled for me. In the car, I would spend half a day, and on the subway - Vzhik-Vzhik, there and here ... I absolutely do not have any complexes on this. And when it's warm and dry on the street - I also go on a scooter or bike.

- We talked about three main items of expenses ... Alcohol interferes with this "coordinate system"?

Only non-alcoholic beer, and even then without fanaticism. For more than four years.

- How did you come to this?

There were many calls. Naturally, admonish from the side of loved ones. Yes, I myself felt how quickly I get tired, - eternally broken condition, poor well-being. Volodya Nechutoly dragged me to the clinic - check the body. Then I understood how terrible everything is. I decided: it's time to tie if I want to live long and happily. Elementary fear of his health appeared. As a result, a half-hour session, a bunch of electrodes, supposed to the head, and the next day I calmly looked at alcohol, no emotions!

- You do not have a feeling of nostalgia at times when your entrance was written by confessions in love when the fans were overcome and at night and during the day?

Not! It was terribly and unpleasant. Honestly, without coquetry, because it terribly complicated my life. Vanity - such an interesting thing: it is good when monetized when fans scream "Roma, Roma!" And at the same time buy tickets for the concert. And individually - not interesting. By the way, now the fans did not become less, just from the entrances they flowed into the same Facebook, became more civilized. And now they do not interfere (laughs).

"Once you said:" I plan my life on a day ahead and what will happen in three years, and in the interval - freestyle. " Where did such a framework come from? Why exactly three years?

Three - good number, magical. But not everything in my life can be divided into such segments. The notorious middle-aged crisis, which I survived this summer, led to what I was trying to plan with great care. Especially in the current economic situation, it is unrealistic to plan anything. What will happen in three years? Lesus him knows! Of course, I have Napoleonic plans - next year finally release your album. At least on the Internet ... But, I feel, planning and I am, altogether things. It is very bad, of course, incorrectly, but this is here I am the Roman Roman.

Makeup and hairstyles: Christina Kovaleva.

We thank Bar The Box for helping in organizing shooting.

Private bussiness

Roman Ryabtsev was born on January 25, 1970 in Voronezh. Grew in the family of diplomats, for five years he lived in Damascus (Syria). Professional musical career began in 1988 in the composition of the duet "Farewell, youth." In 1990, he became the keyboard "Bioconstructor" group, which was then transformed into the "technology". In 1993, Ryabtsev left for France to record a solo album under a contract with Radio France International. Returning to Russia, soon left the team and officially announced the beginning of the solo career. For 10 years, Ryabtsev released four albums, parallel with remixes and arrangements for different performers. In 2003, he recreated a group "Technology", in which she still performs with Vladimir Nechuto and Matvey Yudov. The wife is a journalist Marina Chancellor (Ryabtseva).

An ideal woman, what is she, where to find it? These questions excite the minds for no one century. Today, the composer was joined by the composer, the author, the musical producer of the group "Technology" Roman Rowbets on this topic.

I.D. Is there an example of impeccable relationship in your life?

R.R. In life, this has never met. All externally prosperous families always have their own "skeleton in the closet." Even in cinema and books, relations are always complicated by those or other factors. Otherwise, it would be uninteresting to read the novels and watch melodramas (smiles).

I.D. The romantic image created in "Technology" meets internal content?

R.R. To begin with, I did not create and did not even try to create any image. All songs and poems that I wrote and write is an absolutely honest reflection of one side of my inner world. But any world is not unionolar. And sometimes you have to remind some surprisingly asking: "You're like such songs, but now I was rude and obscene, how so?" That angels and demons live in every person. And if the angels flute in the scenic embodiment, then the demons need to be periodically walking. Otherwise, we will tear into pieces (smiles).

I.D. What is unbearable for you?

R.R. Forest egoism, expressed in a jealous desire to limit the freedom of a partner. What does not speak about the absence of respect, confidence, and, in principle, the love itself.

I.D. What women inspire on creativity?

R.R. Favorite.

I.D. Should your woman share hobbies?

R.R. It would be strange if a woman watched a demo of various synthesizers and other musical equipment with me together with me on the Internet (laughs). No, of course, there are also plenty of such women in the world, but I have not met them. But hobbies not related to my work are simply obliged to at least to some extent to be divided by it. "Watch not at each other, but one way." This is perhaps one of the fundamental factors of harmonious relationships.

I.D. Is there a recipe, how to not forget about love? About how it all began and for what was created?

R.R. No recipes and magic sticks, everyone has everything individually. But it is necessary to clearly understand that "as then, at the beginning" will never be anyone else. Because every day you go to bed with one person, but you wake up a little different. And over time, this difference is accumulating. And so as not to bury your soul in the grave of nostalgia for those times, it is necessary to learn about the relationship in the daily world every day. Two main words here: compromise and respect.

I.D. With what person would you never be friends?

R.R. With a fanatical supporter of the authorities. All other deviations are just welcome (laughs).

I.D. What a raisin in man demoling the roof?

R.R. The main thing is that this raisin does not grow up to the size of the Kuragi. Well, the taste, on the color, - all the markers are different. Never guess what makes you lose rest and sleep (smiles).

I.D. Appearance matters? Would you have a relationship with a ugly woman?

R.R. Of course, it has a priority when meeting, but what will happen next ... although not. Could not. It was a relationship: long and serious, as it were charming and clever she was not.

I.D. And the last, but if you do not want to answer, I will understand (laugh). Is it true that "technology" broke out due to a woman?

R.R. Not true. This is just a loud journalistic title, broken from context, and so stuck to our story. The reason was insurmountable, as it seemed to me at that time, creative disagreements and resentments related to our work. Women near, of course, attended and influenced, but not so much to appear the main factor (smiling).

Thanks for the conversation, novel. It was nice to talk and, I hope, this is not the last of our conversation. I wish new breakthroughs in creativity and stability in personal.

Irina Danilchenko

(Photo from the personal archive of Roman Ryabtseva)

In the early 1990s Songs "Strange Dances" and "Click on the button" were megahitis, group "Technology" gave 4 concerts per day, and her soloist Roman Ryabtseva overwhelmed fans. In 1993, he unexpectedly decided to leave the group and went to Paris to record the album. There were rumors that a woman is actually blamed in the breakdown of the group ...

Technology techno-pop group was founded in 1990 by the musicians of the Bioconstructor team after a soloist left them. Leonid Velichkovsky, Andrei Kohaev and Roman Rowbets, were entered the first team, and later Vladimir Nechitelo joined them. The soloist became the rippers - according to his expression, "if necessary, and then - by inertia, and for some reason, everyone liked." In the same year, Technology began working on a debut album and released the first clips. These performers were not similar to anyone (they were compared only with "Deposta Ma", although the similarity was only an external), so the group immediately turned attention and won thousands of fans.

In 1991, with "technology" began to work as a producer Yuri Aisenshpis. He helped the group to release the album "All you want." With his arrival, the group became recognizable and popular on the scale of the country. For 14 months, the song "Strange Dances" held the leading position in the "Sound Track" charts of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper. "Previously, everything was somehow easier, we brought our video to the music channel - and put it. At that time, it was generally possible to break through without any particular PR. All personal connections solved, "the Roman Roman Roman later admitted later.

The following year, Technology released the remix album, took part in the Rock-Summer festival in Tallinn, gave several large-scale concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, gathering about 15 thousand spectators at each of them, and went on tour in other cities of the country. The popularity was incredible, they often gave 4 concerts per day. A complete surprise for many was the news that in the fall of 1992, the Group ceased to cooperate with Eisenshpis, and soon the Roman Ryabtsev announced a desire to do a solo career.

At that time, rumors were about the fact that women are really to blame for the breakdown of the group. Vladimir Nechitaylo stated that "the Ambitions of Roman Ryabtseva" gave birth "his favorite girl who worked on" M-Radio ". She convinced him that he was able to make a solo career. " Later, he broke up with this girl and, as the musicians suggest, regretted that he left the group. And soon, after him, Andrei Kohaev left, and Leonid Velichkovsky took up the production of singer Lada Dance. "Technology" has disappeared for some time, and then appeared in an updated composition.

Roman Ryabtsev in 1993 went to France to record a solo album. He told about this period like this: "I signed a contract, then - rehearsals with the French group in Paris, then - recording ... And then the curator of my project dies ... And since RFI is about the same as guest handewo In the USSR (i.e. - the Goskontor, the money - treasure), then the whole story sued no. Pros? A lot of them. I bought good tools, I worked with a "lively" group, signed up in the West, I learned some things that we did not do ... ".

After returning to Russia, Ryabtsev fell into depression, a creative crisis began, problems with alcohol appeared. However, all this he was able to overcome, again took up the solo career and released 4 album in 10 years. In 2003, the reunion of two main vocalists of the "Technology" Roman Ryabtsev and Vladimir Nevutaylo, and the group began to perform with concerts again. However, the audience still demanded the songs "click on the button" and "strange dances".

Now they are not afraid of disagreements because of women: "Since then, we have matured, they gained life experience and learned to separate flies from the kitlet. Personal life and work should not interfere with each other. " Optimistically, they appreciate their prospects on the music market: "We do not want to remain a" group from the past ". Recently recorded a new album "Idea's carrier", which, on the one hand, retained the branded sound "technology", and on the other hand, addressed modern youth and consonant with her musical tastes. "

Yuri Aizenshpis was engaged in producing and