What is a star in heaven. Spiral galaxy M74

What is a star in heaven. Spiral galaxy M74
What is a star in heaven. Spiral galaxy M74

facts about stars in space

Light stars before we see it, passes through the thickness of the layers of the atmosphere (air), which refract the light of the stars and give us a different picture that we see, admiring the stars. Stars beautifully flicker and shine. When in fact the light from the star is always exactly, constant direct luminescence.

facts about stars in space

In space, astronomers recorded a large number of double stars. So called the stars who are close to each other - one big star with its large field of attraction attracts the least star to itself, and it seems that the stars as if they are glued to each other. But, it only looks like this, and in fact, if the stars connect closely, there will be a powerful nuclear explosion from the collision, the stars will simply explode. But what is never happening. Some reason and power makes the stars hold some distance.

But, another couple of stars can join such a double connection - from the energy emitted by these bodies, a new shining asterisk may be born. True, this event happens in the star world extremely rare.

facts about stars in space

Our sun will also be such a dwarf in the future. But what happens at all at all soon, about a hundred million years. The sun first becomes huge, as if inflated as the balloon turning into a large, and then sharply decrease in size, about up to the size of the Earth or the Moon, and it will get out, turning into a "white dwarf".

As you know, the heated metal first begins to glow with red light, then yellow and, finally, white with an increase in temperature. Also with stars. Red - the coldest, and white (or even blue!) - the hottest.

The newly broken star will have a color corresponding to the energy allocated in its core, and the intensity of this selection, in turn, depends on the mass of the star. So, those stars are colder than they are more red.

Heavy stars are white and hot, and light, less massive - red and cold.

When we look at the most distant star, we look at 4 billion years in the past. Light from her traveling at a speed of almost 300,000 km / second reaches us only after many years.

Black holes - the opposite of white dwarfs. They appear from too large stars, in contrast from dwarfs that are born from too small. Golden middle between white dwarfs and black holes is the so-called neutron stars. They emit a very large amount of light due to the huge force of gravity around them.

Neutron stars are the most severe magnets in the universe. The magnetic field of the neutron star is a million million times greater than the magnetic field of the Earth.

facts about stars in space

The biggest one from the discovered by scientists today is 100 times higher than the mass of the sun.

Astronomers believe that the limit mass for the star - 120 solar masses, larger in the whole universe can not be.

Pistol is the hottest star that is not cooled at all. It is not known how she can withstand so strong temperature and not explode. By the way, this star creates a specific "sunny wind", similar to our northern shine.

A car moving speed of 96 kilomometers per hour would need 48 million years to achieve the stars nearest to us (after the sun) of the proxy centaution.

Every year at least forty new stars are born in our galaxy.

Video: Comparison of the biggest stars

facts about stars in space

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> Stars

Stars - Massive gas balloons: History of observations, names in the Universe, classification with photos, the birth of stars, development, double stars, the list of the brightest.

Stars - Heavenly bodies and giant luminous plasma spheres. Only in our galaxy the Milky Way has billions, including the sun. Not so long ago, we learned that some of them also have planets.

Story of Star Observations

You can now easily buy a telescope and watch on the night sky or take advantage of the telescopes online on our website. Since the ancient times, the stars in the sky played an important role in many cultures. They noted not only in myths and religious stories, but also served as the first navigation instruments. That is why astronomy is considered one of the most ancient sciences. The appearance of telescopes and the opening of the laws of movement and gravity in the 17th century helped to understand that all the stars resemble our, and therefore obey the same physical laws.

The invention of photographs and spectroscopy in the 19th century (the study of light wavelengths emanating from objects has made it possible to penetrate the star composition and the principles of movement (creating astrophysics). The first radio telescope appeared in 1937. With it, it was possible to find invisible star radiation. And in 1990, it was possible to launch the first Hubble Space Telescope, capable of getting the most profound and detailed view of the universe (Hubble photos for various celestial bodies can be found on our website).

Name of the stars of the Universe

Ancient people did not have our technical advantages, so the images of various beings were recognized in heavenly objects. These were the constellations that the myths were composed to remember the names. And almost all of these names are preserved and used today.

In the modern world there are (among them 12 refer to zodiacal). The brightest star receives the designation "Alpha", the second - "beta", and the third - "Gamma". And so continues until the end of the Greek alphabet. There are stars that display parts of the body. For example, the brightest star of Orion (Alpha Orion) - "Hand (armpit) Giant".

Do not forget that all this time has made up many directories, whose designations are still used. For example, the Catalog of Henry Driver offers spectral classification and positions for 27,2150 stars. Bethielgeuse designation - HD 39801.

But the stars in the sky are incredibly much, therefore, for new, abbreviations denoting the star type or directory are used. For example, PSR J1302-6350 - Pulsar (PSR), J is used by the coordinate system "J2000", and the last two groups of numbers are coordinates with latitude and longitude codes.

Stars are all the same? Well, when you observe without the use of technology, then they only differ slightly in brightness. But these are just huge gas balls, right? Not really. In fact, the stars have a classification based on their main characteristics.

Among the representatives can be found blue giants and tiny brown dwarfs. Sometimes bizarre stars come across and like neutron. Immersion in the universe is impossible without understanding these things, so let's get acquainted with star types closer.

Most of the universal stars are in the main sequence stage. You can recall the sun, alpha centautionary A and Syrus. They are able to radically differ in scale, massiveness and brightness, but one process performs: transform hydrogen in helium. This produces a huge energy splash.

Such a star is experiencing a sensation of the hydrostatic balance. Gravity makes the object shrink, but nuclear synthesis pushes it out. These forces work on balancing, and the star manages to preserve the form of the sphere. The size depends on the massiveness. The trait is 80 masses of Jupiter. This is the minimum mark at which it is possible to activate the melting process. But in the theory, the maximum mass is 100 solar.

If there is no fuel, then the star does not have enough masses to extend the nuclear synthesis. It turns into white dwarf. External pressure does not work, and it is reduced in size due to gravity. Dwarf continues to shine, because hot temperatures still remain. When it cools, it will find the background temperature. This will take hundreds of billions of years, so it is simply impossible to find a single representative.

Planetary Systems of White Dwarfs

Astrophysicist Roman Rafikov About disks around white dwarfs, rings Saturn and the future of the solar system

Compact stars

Astrophysicik Alexander Potekin about white dwarfs, density paradox and neutron stars:

Cefeidi - stars who survived the evolution from the main sequence to the lane of the instability of Cefeid. These are ordinary radio pulsating stars with a noticeable link between frequency and luminosity. Scientists appreciate them, because they are excellent assistants in determining distances in space.

They also demonstrate the change of radial velocity corresponding to the photometric curve. More brighter has long periodicity.

Classical representatives are supergiant, whose mass is 2-3 times superior. They are at the moment of fuel burning at the stage of the main sequence and are transformed into the red giants, crossing the cefeide instability line.

To speak more precisely, the concept of "double star" does not display a real picture. In fact, we have a stellar system, represented by two turns of turnover around the common center of mass. Many make a mistake and take two objects for a double star that seem close to the naked eye when observed.

Scientists benefit from these objects, because they help calculate the mass of individual participants. When they move in general orbit, Newton calculations for gravity make it possible to calculate the mass with incredible accuracy.

Several categories can be distinguished in accordance with visual properties: eclipants, visually binary, spectroscopic binary and astrometric.

The eclipants are stars whose orbits create a horizontal line from the observation site. That is, a person sees a double eclipse on the same plane (algol).

Visual - two stars, which can be resolved using a telescope. If one of them shines very brightly, it is difficult to separate the second.

Star formation

Let's carefully study the process of the birth of the star. First we see a gigantic slowly rotating cloud filled with hydrogen and helium. Internal gravity makes it turn into inside, which is why rotation is accelerated. The outer parts are transformed into the disk, and the internal spherical accumulation. The material is destroyed, becoming hot and tight. Soon a spherical protozer appears. When heat and pressure grow up to 1 million ° C, the atomic kernels merge and the new star is lit. Nuclear synthesis turns a small amount of atomic mass into energy (1 gram of mass, which passed into energy, is equal to the explosion of 22,000 tons of trotyl). Look also an explanation for the video to better understand the question of star origin and development.

Evolution of protostal clouds

Astronomer Dmitry Vibe about the actualism, molecular clouds and birth of the star:

Birth of stars

Astronomer Dmitry Vibe about protozoles, opening spectroscopy and anthravo-tubular model of star formation:

Flashes on young stars

Astronomer Dmitry Vibe about supernovae, types of young stars and outbreak in the constellation Orion:

Star Evolution

Based on the mass of the star, it is possible to determine its entire evolutionary path, as it passes according to a certain template stages. There are stars of intermediate mass (as the sun) 1.5-8 times more solar mass, more than 8, as well as up to half of the solar mass. Interestingly, the more the lot of the star, the shorter its life term. If it reaches less than a tenth of the solar, such objects fall into the category of brown dwarfs (can not be lit nuclear synthesis).

An intermediate mass object begins to exist from the cloud, the size of 100,000 light years. For folding into the protozozer, the temperature should be 3725 ° C. From the moment of the beginning of the hydrogen merge, there may be tales - a variable with vibrations in brightness. The subsequent destruction process will take 10 million years. Further, its expansion is equalized by compression of gravity, and it will appear as a star of the main sequence that receives energy from hydrogen synthesis in the kernel. Lower drawing demonstrates all stages and transformation in the process of the evolution of stars.

When all the hydrogen is overpanded in helium, gravity will crush the matter into the kernel, which is started by the rapid heating process. External layers are expanding and cooled, and the star becomes a red giant. Next begins to melted helium. When and it is dried, the kernel is reduced and becomes hot, expanding the shell. At maximum temperature, the outer layers are blown away, leaving white dwarf (carbon and oxygen), the temperature of which reaches 100,000 ° C. There is no more fuel, so there is gradually cooling. Through billions of years they are completing life in the form of black dwarfs.

The processes of formation and death at the star with high mass occur incredibly quickly. It takes only 10,000-100,000 years so that it moves from the proto station. In the period of the main sequence, these are hot and blue objects (from 1000 to a million times of the sun and 10 times wider). Next, we see red superdgigant, beginning to allocate carbon in heavier elements (10,000 years). As a result, an iron core is formed with a width of 6000 km, whose nuclear radiation can no longer resist the strength of attraction.

When the mass of the star approaches 1.4 solar marks, the electron pressure can no longer hold the core from the crash. Because of this, a supernova is formed. When destroyed, the temperature rises to 10 billion ° C, breaking iron to neutrons and neutrinos. In just a second, the kernel is compressed to a width of 10 km, and then explodes in a supernova type II.

If the remaining kernel reached less than 3 of the solar masses, it turns into a neutron star (almost one neutron). If it rotates and emits radio pulses, then it is. If the core is more than 3 solar masses, then nothing will hold it from destruction and transformation in.

The star with a low mass spends the fuel reserves so slowly, then the star of the main sequence is only in 100 billion - 1 trillion years. But the age of the universe reaches 13.7 billion years, and therefore such stars have not yet died. Scientists have found out that these red dwarfs are not destined to merge with nothing but hydrogen, and therefore they will never turn into red giants. As a result, their fate is cooling and transformation into black dwarfs.

Thermonuclear reactions and compact objects

Astrophysicist Valery Suleimanov on atmospheres modeling, "big dispute" in astronomy and the merger of neutron stars:

Astrophysicist Sergey Popov about the distance to stars, the formation of black holes and Olbers paradox:

We are accustomed that our system is illuminated exclusively by one star. But there are other systems in which two stars in the sky are rotating in orbit relative to each other. More precisely, only 1/3 stars similar to the sun are located alone, and 2/3 - double stars. For example, a proximation of the centaution is part of the plural, including alpha centautionary A and B. Approximately 30% of stars in multiple.

This type is formed when two protostations are developing nearby. One of them will be stronger and starts to influence gravity, creating a mass transfer. If one appears in the form of a giant, and the second is a neutron star or a black hole, then we can expect the appearance of an X-ray dual system, where the substance is incredibly heavily heated - 555500 ° C. In the presence of white dwarf, the gas from the companion can flame in the form of a new one. Periodically, the dwarf gas accumulates and is able to instantly merge, because of which the star explodes in a supernova type I, capable of eclipping the galaxy with its radiance for several months.

Relativistic double stars

Astrophysicist Sergey Popov about measuring the mass of the stars, black holes and ultra-power sources:

Properties of double stars

Astrophysicist Sergey Popov about planetary nebulae, white helium dwarfs and gravitational waves:

Characteristic star


To describe the brightness of stellar celestial bodies, use the amount and luminosity. The concept of magnitude is based on the works of Hipparch in 125 BC. He numbered star groups, relying on visible brightness. The brightest is the first value, and so to the sixth. However, the distance between and the star is capable of influence visible light, so the description of the actual brightness is now added - an absolute value. It is calculated using a visible value, as if it were 32.6 light years from the ground. A modern scale magnitudes rises above six and falls below the unit (visible value reaches -1.46). Below you can explore the list of the brightest stars in the sky from the position of the Earth's observer.

List of brighter stars visible from the earth

Name Distance, St. years Visible value Absolute value Spectral class Heavenly hemisphere
0 0,0000158 −26,72 4,8 G2V.
1 8,6 −1,46 1,4 A1VM. South
2 310 −0,72 −5,53 A9II. South
3 4,3 −0,27 4,06 G2V + K1V. South
4 34 −0,04 −0,3 K1.5iiip. North
5 25 0,03 (MC) 0,6 A0VA. North
6 41 0,08 −0,5 G6III + G2III. North
7 ~870 0.12 (MC) −7 B8iae. South
8 11,4 0,38 2,6 F5IV-V. North
9 69 0,46 −1,3 B3VNP. South
10 ~530 0.50 (MC) −5,14 M2iab. North
11 ~400 0.61 (MC) −4,4 B1III. South
12 16 0,77 2,3 A7VN. North
13 ~330 0,79 −4,6 B0.5IV + B1VN. South
14 60 0.85 (MC) −0,3 K5III. North
15 ~610 0.96 (MC) −5,2 M1.5IB. South
16 250 0.98 (MC) −3,2 B1V. South
17 40 1,14 0,7 K0iiib. North
18 22 1,16 2,0 A3VA. South
19 ~290 1.25 (MC) −4,7 B0.5III. South
20 ~1550 1,25 −7,2 A2ia. North
21 69 1,35 −0,3 B7VN. North
22 ~400 1,50 −4,8 B2II. South
23 49 1,57 0,5 A1V + A2V. North
24 120 1.63 (MC) −1,2 M3.5III. South
25 330 1.63 (MC) −3,5 B1.5IV. South

Other famous stars:

Star luminosity - energy radiation rate. It is measured by comparison with solar brightness. For example, Alpha Centauro and in 1.3 brighter sun. To produce the same calculations in absolute value, we will have to take into account that 5 on the scale is absolute equal to 100 at the luminosity mark. Brightness depends on temperature and size.


You could notice that the stars differ in color, which, in fact, depends on the surface temperature.

Class Temperature, K. True color Visible color Basic signs
O. 30 000-60 000 blue blue Weak neutral hydrogen lines, helium, ionized helium, repeatedly ionized Si, C, N.
B. 10 000-30 000 white blue white and white and white Helium and hydrogen absorption lines. Weak lines H and to CA II.
A. 7500-10 000 white white Strong Balmer Series, H Line and to CA II amplifies to class F. Also closer to the class F begin to appear Metals
F. 6000-7500 yellow-white white Strong line H and to Ca II, metal lines. Hydrogen lines begin to weaken. The Ca I line appears. A band G, formed by Fe, Ca and Ti lines appear and amplified.
G. 5000-6000 yellow yellow Lines H and to CA II are intense. Line CA I and numerous metal lines. The hydrogen lines continue to weaken, the pins of the CH and CN molecules appear.
K. 3500-5000 orange yellowish-orange Metal lines and band g are intense. Hydrogen lines are almost not noticeable. TiO absorption band appears.
M. 2000-3500 red orange-red Intensive bands TIO and other molecules. The band G is weakening. Metal lines are still noticeable.

Each star possesses one color, but produces a wide range, including all types of radiation. A variety of elements and compounds absorb and throw away colors or color wavelength. Studying the star spectrum, you can figure out.

Surface temperature

The temperature of the starry celestial bodies is measured in Kelvin with a zero temperature, equal to -273.15 ° C. The temperature of the dark red star - 2500K, bright red - 3500K, yellow - 5500K, blue - from 10000K to 50000k. The temperature is partially affected by mass, brightness and color.

The size

The size of star space objects is determined in comparison with the solar radius. Alpha Centauro A - 1.05 solar radius. Dimensions can be different. For example, neutron stars in width extend 20 km, but supergiantes are 1000 times more than sunny diameter. The size affects the star brightness (the luminosity is proportional to the square of the radius). In the lower pictures, you can consider a comparison of the size of the stars of the universe, including the comparison with the parameters of the planets of the solar system.

Comparative size of stars


It is also calculated in comparison with solar parameters. The mass of alpha centaurus a - 1.08 solar. Stars with the same masses may not converge in size. Star weight affects the temperature.

Used the rank to us - this The sun. It is described in detail on a separate page. Here we will talk about the stars in general, that is, including those that you can see at night.

We will not exclude the sun either from the narration, on the contrary, we will always compare other stars with him. To the Sun - 150,000,000 kilometers. It is 270,000 times closer than to the closest, excluding the sun itself, the stars. It is clear why a lot of things are known about the stars, we know thanks to our day luminaries.

Even light from the nearest stars is several years old, and the stars themselves in the most powerful telescopes are visible as points. However, it is not quite so: the stars are visible in the form of tiny disks, but this is due to distortions in telescopes, and not with increasing. Stars countless. No one is able to say exactly how many stars, the more the stars are born and die. One can only approximately declare that in our galaxy about 150,000,000,000 stars, and in the universe, an unknown number of billion galaxies ... But how many stars can be seen in the sky it is known more accurate: about 4.5 thousand. Moreover, by setting a certain limit of the brightness of stars, close in accessibility, you can call it more precisely, almost to units. The bright stars are long counted and listed in the catalogs. The brightness of the star (or, as they say, its shine) is characterized by the star magnitude, which the astronomers have long been able to determine. So what is the stars?

Stars - Hot Gas Balls. The temperature of the surface of the stars is different. In some stars, it can reach 30,000 K, and others have only 3 000k. Our sun has a surface with a temperature of about 6,000 K. It is necessary to make a reservation, which speaking about the surface, we mean only the visible surface, since there can be no solid surface at the gas ball.

Normal stars are much more planets, but the main thing is much more massive. We will see that there are strange stars in the universe, having typical sizes typical of the planets, but many times superior to the latter by weight. The sun is 750 times the massive of all the other bodies of the solar system. More about the size of the planets, asteroids and comets and about them you can learn on the pages dedicated to the solar system. There are stars, hundreds of times greater than the Sun in size and in the same time inferior to him in this indicator. However, the masses of stars change in much more modest limits - from one twelfth mass of the Sun to 100 of its mass. Maybe there are more hard, but such massive stars are very rare. It is not difficult to guess by reading the last strings that the stars are very different in density. There are among them such, the cubic centimeter of which outweighs a large loaded ocean ship. The substance of other stars is so discharged that its density is less than the density of the best vacuum, which is achievable in earthly laboratory conditions. We will return to the conversation about the size, masses and density of stars in the future.

It turns out that I. Newton quite fully formulated them long before the emergence of the first observation instructions on the gravitational instability of the interstellar medium. 5 years after I. Newton published his law, his friend, Rev. Richard Bentley, then, at the head of Trinity College, in Cambridge, asked Newton's letter to whether it could be the cause of education Stars (as it seems to us, such an accurate wording of the problem makes R. Bentley co-author of the principle of gravitational instability expressed by Newton).

Consider on a simple example as you can compare the size of stars of the same temperature, such as the Sun and Chapels. These stars have the same spectra, color and temperature, the luminosity of the chapel is 120 times the luminosity of the sun. Since at the same temperature, the brightness unit of the surface of the stars is also the same, then the surface of the chapel is greater than the Sun 120 times, and the diameter and the radius of it is more solar in the root square of 120, which is approximately 11 times. Determine the size of other stars allows knowledge of radiation laws.

The Hubble-X object is a radiant gas cloud - one of the most active areas of star formation in the NGC 6822 galaxy. The name of this area is taken from the catalog of objects of this specific galaxy (x is the Roman digital object designation). The NGC 6822 Galaxy is located in the Sagittance constellation at a distance of about 1,630,000 light years from the Earth and is one of the closest neighbors of the Milky Way. The intensive starrying process in Hubble-X began only about 4 million years ago.

Stars ... There is nothing excellent view of the night sky. Dark selfless night. In the midship of the city lights, Miriada stars satisfy the sky, revealing our eternal picture.

Already in ancient times, people began to unite the stars in the group (or constellations), and their own names were brighter. It was done for convenience, because among thousands of stars was not so easy to navigate. The rich fantasy of the ancients gave constellations the names of mythical heroes and fantastic creatures.

Sirius (left) and stars from the Constellations of Orion and Taurus over the western horizon of Lake Bakeonibel in Hungary. On the left you can also see the Milky Way. Photo: Tamas Ladanyi / Ladanyi.csillagaszat.hu

What are the stars? In antiquity, people put forward a variety of assumptions about their essence. Some philosophers believed that stars are "cutters" in the opaque dome of the sky, through which we see the reflections of heavenly fire. Others believed that the stars were literally attached to the heavenly spheres of the gods to decorate the night sky ...

The nature of the stars helped to establish accurate physical methods of observations and our knowledge of the general laws of nature. Now we know that stars are hot gas (or rather plasma) balls flying in a boundless and almost empty space. Stars may differ from each other in size, mass, temperature and radiation intensity, but the energy source for most stars is one - thermonuclear reactions going in their depths.

Our The sun - also star. The sun is the central body of the solar system, which includes planets (including earth), dwarf planets, asteroids, comets and the smallest dust. The sun is a single star, she has no stars satellite. But if we look further into space, you will find that the stars are often grouped by two, three, and even more stars, up to six. Finally, there are whole stellar clusters in space, which consists of tens and hundreds of up to millions of luminaries ...

All stars that we see at night in the sky, together with star clusters, are part of a huge system - Galaxies. Our galaxy is called Milky Way. It consists of several hundred billion stars. Outside the Milky Way there are billions of other galaxies similar to our own. They are so far from us that only a few galaxies can be seen with the naked eye.

We were lucky. We live in an era when science has achieved significant success in understanding the world around us, including space. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to look at the stars not an empty look. Turning from the constellation to the constellation, we know that in this section of the sky is a pulsar, and here is close, similar to the sun, a star around which planets also rotate. So in the sky, the history and modernity, ancient myths and scientific knowledge are bizarre. And yet - the eternal mystery of the space and the thirst to know her.