What is a lie? True and not true - an eternal opposition. What it is

What is a lie? True and not true - an eternal opposition. What it is
What is a lie? True and not true - an eternal opposition. What it is

Lie as a psychological phenomenon

The phenomenon of lies is widely investigated in psychology and psycholinguistics.

There are many copyright definitions: J. Mazip offers a complex integrative definition of phenomenon. Cheating (or false) - intentional attempt (successful or not), hide and / or fabricate (manipulated) actual or / and emotional information, oral or / and non-verbal means to create or maintain in another or in other faith that communicator himself He considers false.

O. FRAY: A lie is a successful or unsuccessful intentional attempt committed without warning, to form the belief that the communicator considers it wrong with another person.

D. Deppulo proved that the lies are very common in the widespread life of a communicative phenomenon, which includes a variety of situations and tactics of lies. The author offers a three-factor model of lying, which includes components: content, type and referent. Lie content can act emotion, action, excuse, achievement and fact. By type, a lie happens: a straight lie (not true in pure form), exaggeration and thin lies (lowering important details). The referent lies is the one of whom (or what) says a lie (self-oriented and focused on others).

Sometimes a lie is called unintended creation and retention of the opinion that the transmitting can consider the true, but the inconsistency of the truth of which is proved, confirmed and is known, but for this case, the term "misconception" is more often used. P. Ekman defines a lie as "the intentional decision to mislead the information to whom the information is addressed, without warning about its intention to do it."

False as a psychiatric phenomenon (pathological falsehood)

In general, the pathological falsehood (Pseudologia Fantastica) understands both falsification, a very complex structure, extensive in time (from several years to a lifetime), which is not caused by dementia, madness and epilepsy. The need to attract attention to himself and inspire in others an unfair feeling of respect for their personality is connected with overly excitable, rich and immature fantasy and moral defects.

Many researchers consider pathological facilities as an integral attribute of severe mental and "social" diseases. For example, Dick with colleagues to pathological liars include drug addicts and alcoholics, people with narcissism, psychopathy and sociopathy.

Psychologists from Canada Victoria Talver (University of McGill) and Kang Lee (University of Toronto) conducted an experiment to study the consequences of authoritarian and liberal education methods. Results stunned scientists. It turned out that strict orders and strict requirements forcing a person to learn to lie. And than the authoritarian method of upbringing, the more artistic lie. The essence of the study is to observe children of younger school age, one of which is brought up by authoritarian discipline, and others are quite liberal. Psychologists have created various playful situations, surveys and interviews are individually with each child. The results obtained during the scientific experiment unambiguously showed the negative impact of the authoritarian system on children. The fear of being punished for the slightest guise pushes children to false, improves pretense skills. In the future, such a person may be an unproductive employee who covers his misconduct the skillful strategy of deception. False in many nations is cruelly punishable, and in some countries there is a similar law.

Types of Lie.

  • Example
Example - This is an exaggerated statement, usually found in advertising or campaign materials, such as "Our powder washes perfectly purely", "Candidate N is the only hope of democracy" and so on.
  • Lie due to information obsolescence
An example of such a lie is forms and business cards on which an outdated address or phone numbers are specified; Still not shot advertising shield of the bankrupt company, etc. It is often not perceived as a lie, since initially such information was reliable. Lie due to ambiguity of information - The type of misleading, in which the information is given in an ambiguous form allowing more than one interpretation, while only one of the possible interpretation is correct. Sometimes it is not perceived as a lie, because the information provided is the right answer. Nevertheless, most often the ambiguous message is constructed in such a way that it pushes a listener to the choice of erroneous interpretation. (An example from the history textbook of the world of the world: "If the king goes the war on Persians, then crushes the great kingdom" - it is not clear what kind of kingdom: Persian or his own.)
  • False refutation
False refutation - Correction of faithful information on knowingly false, the belief of the interested party is that previously reported information was erroneous, although in fact they were correct. Frequently combined with other types of lies, as it can pursue different goals.
  • Pathological lies (unfortunate lie)
Pathological lies - Unmotivated lies, lie for the sake of the lie. Although this kind of lies is called "pathological", the question remains the question of whether psychopathology really takes place here. It is not established that how much pathological liar can control its lies, and, therefore, can this person be considered fully capable and can it perform some social functions (for example, to attract in court as a witness to act as a guarantor with financial transactions and t . P.). There is a hypothesis, according to which the pathological lies believe in their own lies, which brings the pathological lie with a children's lie and suggests that the pathological lies are just a children's lie, which has survived in a person to mature age. However, this is not proven. Practice shows that in the overwhelming majority pathological liars are quite sane and capable of responding for their words.
  • Self-deception
Self-deception - The specific type of lies, which consists in the fact that the subject of lies is and its own object, in other words - a person convinces itself in the truth of the obviously false judgment. Suppose a student who has poorly prepared for the exam suggests that he is well prepared (in the depths of the soul, realizing that it is not so). The basis of self-deception is the issuance of the desired for valid. According to a number of psychologists, self-deception is a mechanism for psychological protection in cases where the recognition of the truth may mentally hurt a person or cause moral discomfort. Some psychiatrists bring together self-deception with pathological lies on the sign of faith in the obviously false statement. From the point of view of the philosophy of opinion about whether it is possible to truly deceive himself, much diverges, so some doctors and philosophers avoid the words "self-deception", replacing it with the word "self-confedecy."
  • Unwitting lies ("innocent" lie, naive lies, unintentional misleading)
Unwitting lies - Involve misleading, associated with faithful to the truth of erroneous approval. For example, a child is convinced by parents that children brings a stork, and tells about it to their friends who want to find out where children come from. Often, such a lie is a consequence of what the speaking himself was deceived by someone. Therefore, such a lie is sometimes called "innocent" (because wines for a lie fall on the one who informed the speaking of false information) or naive (as a sign of naivety and gullibility of the speaker, repeating someone else's lie). In most cultures, unintentional lies are not considered a "real" lie and is not condemned. So, if a witness who gave wrong testimony in court, in good faith was mistaken, he is not attracted to liability for perjury.

Lies and emotions

The quality of lies is closely related to the liar tested by emotions (Paul Ekman):

  1. delight from "selling" - a sense of omnipotence

Noble lies

For the policy of "noble lies", there was another Plato, which in the work the state assumed that in the ideal state, the queen philosophers will distribute false in the name of the common good.

In the modern world, such philosophy promotes Leo Strauss and his followers and other supporters of neoconservatism.

see also

  • Linguistics Lie.
  • Khlestakov



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Dike, C., Baranoski, M., Griffith, E. (2006). What is Pathological Lying? The British Journal of Psychiatry, 189, 86.
  • McCornack, S. (1992). Information Manipulation Theory. Communication Monographs, 59, 1-16.
  • Depaulo, B.M., Kashy, D.A. (1998). Everyday Lies in Close and Casual Relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 63-79.
  • Depaulo, B. M., Kashy, D. A., Kirkendol, S. E., Wyer, M. M., & Epstein, J. A. (1996). Lying in Everyday Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 979-995.
  • Fry, O. False: Three ways to identify / O.Fray. - SPB.: PRIME EVNOGOK, 2006.
  • Selivanov, F. A. Errors. Misconception. Behavior / F. A. Selivanov - Tomsk: ed. UN-TA, 1987


Lies are the ability to deceive another person. Although no one likes to be deceived, we all became victims of this, who does not give a reason for pride, skill. To surprise, a lie rather recognize. Just carefully follow the tongue of the body of your interlocutor.

What is a lie

False - This is a deliberate concealment of truth. From the point of view of psychology, a lie is an oral statement containing information incompatible with actual events. The definition of lies, therefore, shows it as a conscious, deliberate action directed to Cheating recipient information.

And although many people believe that the deception of loved ones, there are few important things in affairs, that is, the so-called little lie to salvation is a completely normal and innocent thing, but, in accordance with the definition of lies, it is always fraud, that is, manifestation of dishonesty and insincerity in relation to others.

How to understand that someone lies

When you lie, our body has a task to hide the truth that causes us a sense of discomfort and tension. In connection with this language, we reveal the hidden intentions.

Here symptoms Lie.:

  • Redness on the face.
  • Desire to scratch the body.
  • No visual contact with the interlocutor.
  • Durable pupils.
  • Excessive body expression.
  • Counted facial crops.

Lies can also issue method of statement. In stressful situations grow speech, volume and voice tone. The luge man very often does not finish offering and faces the problem of expressing thoughts - says chaotic and vigorously.

Why are we the time to other people

Flazy to achieve a specific goal. Simply speaking, people lie to achieve defined benefit - for example, material, social or political.

According to psychologists, the lies often resort low self-esteem peoplewho are trying to raise their significance in the eyes of others. It happens that you lie from noble considerations, for example, we are not talking to a child about severe illness, because in this way we want to protect it from huge mental suffering.

Do you know that each of us liar? And lie, we are accustomed since childhood. And the older we become, the fact our lies are becoming a sophisticated and plausible. Why are we going to each other, what is a lie, can we talk only to the truth at least one day a year?

How does it take from?

First of all, a person daily deceives the neighbor because of the coachable love for himself.

Think, do we easily recognize your own mistakes and miscalculations? It is much easier to come up with a hundred arguments in your favor, than to say that be bitter, but the truth.

For examples, I think there will not be far away. They are familiar to everyone since childhood:

  • "Who broke my Chinese vase?" - asks mom. "This is our cat Murzik ... inadvertently ..." - answers the child.

    And while the child is small, he often blues and lowers his eyes, but at the perfection of mastering the universal art of self-defense named "Lie" and becoming an adult, he is not yet blushing.

    Are the parents guilty?

    Approximately three years old, the child is not able to lie.

    And the reason is simple - he does not need it. In infancy, the child gets everything in what has the need. It is enough to give to understand the surrounding what exactly he wants. Then, even further deepening in the educational scheme of "whip and gingerbread", the parent itself puts his child on the path of deception, consistently and unconsciously escaped him to interact in society. And from this trail, he is already never collapsed.

    Any child psychologist knows that the most skilled manipulators are children, and a lie and there is a way to manipulate other people's actions or opinions.

    Lies like an instrument of attack

    So, a lie is a means of own protection.

    As you know, the best defense is an attack. And if so, it is not a sin as, unfortunately, many people think to take advantage of heavy artillery called "Lie" to gain benefits for themselves beloved and the only one. And went - went. To achieve career growth - patented intrigues at work. For profit - deception of customers. To justify your own weaknesses - lies in.

    Of course, we all consider themselves tactical, educated and educated people, and everyone will say that the disgusting and immoral described above and will be absolutely right, however, we continue to lie. Consciously and unconsciously.

    • First, even the smallest, household and at first glance is harmless, everyday lies - after all, a lie. And secondly, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered here, and we return to the excuse of our own "I", arguing something like this: "Who will be better from my truth, if a mother knows what I broke the vase? Murzikah still will not be anything, but they can punish me. "

      Lie or silence?

      The most disgusting lie is a lie, which deliberately introduces an interlocutor to delusion in order to gain benefits.

      Such a lie was relegated in religions and cultures of almost all societies at all times. Even the so-called "lie to salvation", "silence" will not solve the problem, since its goal is still conjugate with obtaining any benefit. And if such a lie turns out, then the consequences can be the most catastrophic in all spheres of life, ranging from family conflicts, ending with state, economic and political cataclysms.

      And for examples, it is not necessary to go far. It is enough to get acquainted with daily news.


      What we are forced to lie are obviously. Otherwise, we just do not survive in modern society.

      So thinks the vast majority of people who do not want to be deceived at the same time. So what is it? Frank hypocrisy? Or another lie in your excuse, they say "I am a luge on the little things, forced to protect yourself from the negative reactions of the surrounding world"?

      I think everyone will agree that listen to the lie, especially if it is obvious, an indvous occupation. It does not have a disgust with us, and some even bitter offense.

      Lies - means of manipulation. And if you think about how much we ourselves? To live in society, the willy-unilies we have to deceive each other every day under various pretexts.

      Do we need it?

      "Your lie, Pinocchio - lies with a long nose",
      So told Fairy from the fairy tale of Carlo Callodi about the adventures of a mischievous boy who loved to be taken, and from each of the wrong untrue his nose was becoming longer.

      The most harmless lie in the world is the embellishment of events. Moreover, a person has a need for bringing bright emotional details into a story about any vital phenomenon of bright emotional details, in order to cause surprise of the interlocutor, and thereby awaken interest in herself. Such a lie is designed not only to conquer authority in society, but also to increase your own self-esteem.

      From such a lie will not harm anyone. Moreover, the interlocutor, listening to the story, can understand the obvious absurd in the history of the narrator, while receiving the pleasure of intentionally saturated emotional paints.

      Holiday disobedience

      Now imagine that at the state level introduced a "day without lies", when citizens are obliged to speak only the truth and nothing but the truth.

In this article, we consider the following A varieties of a lie:

- imitation of emotions;
- bringing to the absurdity, namely, the reporting of truthful information in the form of lies;
- Tail (trick).

Consider them in more detail.

There are three varieties of lies: false, vile lies and statistics.
Benjamin Dizraelie

1. High truth

As you know, the semi-truth is one of the most convenient ways to hide certain information.

In this case, the information is not hidden, that is, the details of something, and thus truth becomes comfortable for who purposefully hides.

Here we note that from an objective point of view, a half-trial impact on people can have a positive effect on people, as they do not know and do not take into account frightening details.

In most cases, it is the awareness of the truth forcing to take fateful decisions that in the root change life. Not every person is ready for this, so many of us do not dig in search of truth, since it is subconsciously fear.

Many psychologists face a half-trial daily, and most often notice it, for many patients prefer some details to hide. For example, people can seek help to a psychologist, thereby telling him about their personal life and about themselves only what they need.

Although, such a state of affairs is not quite correct, as people can miss very important points that will remain outside the process of therapy. As a result, experts pull out the truth, which is first needed by patients, and not attending a doctor. But people are afraid of truth, so they ignore it, and turn to a specialist only for a universal recipe from all their experiences.

Unfortunately, such a "solution" does not exist, but it is important to take into account that many semi-truths or worries, or does not give rest. Therefore, before you hide any information from the rest, think about it, for the benefit or not. We add that the truth is also subjective, because everyone perceives and sees it in his own way, and not everyone knows what to do with this truth.

As for the deception, first of all, this is a way to save for mentally weak people who are at all to speak reliable facts, and the one who seeks them early or later will find, and this will be his true.

It is important to know that every truth has its own and it is an indicator that it is man who wants to know. Therefore, you can call the actual analysis of the fact that people want to hide, actually, it is perceived from this easier, but still worries.

2. Imitation of emotions

Often, in order to hide your real emotions, the liar begins to imitate them, because it is due to the simulation you can hide genuine feelings and sensations.

Inexperienced liar with difficulty can look truthfully and remain not caught in deception. At such moments, you should put on Max to hide fake emotions.

It is thanks to such a mask, a liar will be able to disguise the real feelings, and introduce an interlocutor to delusion.

3. Bringing to the absurdity

This method of lying is used in order to mislead the interlocutor, as the information that is coming to a person in a distorted form, does not create an impression of truthful, and due to the clarification of all the circumstances and details of the liar can be exposed.

In this case, the mocking expression of the face and the model of information reports are key.


We are talking about another kind of lying, which provides the ability to lie without the message of truthful information. Paul Ekman such a method of lies gave a name - "confusing fading."

Imagine that someone from your friends for a long time works on the design of the site. Once he decided to ask your opinion regarding his work done.

You think that this site leaves much to be desired, but you do not know how to inform him more correctly. From now on, faders and freedoms begin.

At the end, we add that the main advantage of freedoms and excuses is that you do not need to know false information.

FALSE - APPROVE, REALLY NOT COMMUNER THE TRUE AND POSSIBLE IN THIS IS Consciously. In everyday life, the lies call the intentionally distorted transmission of actual and emotional information,
To create or maintain a distorted belief or fact in another person.

Physical consequences Lie.

The pain under the destructive action of lies from a loved one is for an emotional person a strong blow. When all the principles of confidence are violated.
Can memories of the cause of the pain and love of a loved one, cause a vomit reflex? It turns out yes! This is really a common cause of emotional people, emotional tension or excitement causes a vomit reflex.

Manifestations of falsehood and lies

Under the outdoor view of the truthfulness, a false person is able to introduce her not to the fact that it is in fact, not only in the eyes of people of innocent and easily deceivable, but also before the perceptive.

The manifestations of falsehood as the style and the nature of the behavior of such a person are so implemented in nature that in the continuation of many years, a person can make him recognize himself the most devoted and honest. A false prostroster, which lies in the character showing always disgust for tricks and cunning.
A deceitful person is often distinguished by good-natured cheerfulness, everyone is good-natured to treat, to create a look that he has all the heart with a lap.
False, using confidence, has a frankness of its guests and buddies and derives everything that he needed.
At the same time, expressing his loyalty, he heavorits false, ignoring the obvious and indisputable facts of life, sincerely believes the false ego
In such a false person, only feelings, as zanoz in the heart, sometimes continue to resist falsehood.

Formation of falsehood Beginning

Of course, like any negative quality of personality character, most often formed in childhood. According to some studies, falsity is heredity and DNA by 75% of their parents or deeper branches of the ancestors.

Conscious use of lies in childhood may become the quality of personality. The child feces punishment and at the same time observes that honesty and frankness create in trouble.

Gradually, the child is studying the sickness and do not pronounce, and every successful case of the use of lies to attribute the manifestation of his mind, dexterity, smelting. Having accumulated successful experience of falsehood, the child persuades himself and justifies the following phrases - "everyone speaks of honesty and truthfulness, and in fact they just know how to lie well."

By convincing himself the need for a constant lie for a good prosperous life, he makes a permanent communication tool with surrounding and close.
It is no longer waiting for certain circumstances, trying to learn from his ability to lie from his ability to lie.
False becomes its manifested personality quality.

Types of lies and falsehood

There are several types of lies - manipulating the quality and number of information, deception, the reporting of ambiguous, blurred information, falsification.

Manifestations of falsehood

  1. Ignoring - liars often evade the topic, so as not to speak in a lie.
  2. Justification - a liar tries to justify his behavior, bothering the guilt on the surrounding people and situations.
  3. Pressure on the conscience is the main task, wrap your internal feelings of guilt and awkwardness in a favorable for a deceiver, and sometimes to take revenge on you.
  4. Charges - Liar often accuses interlocutors in where the main task is not to get to the truth.
  5. Philosophy - Liar is trying to justify his behavior with reference to authoritative individuals and famous behaviors.
  6. Ignorance is trying to demonstrate a misunderstanding of the essence of the questions and the whole situation as a whole.
  7. Amnesia - Liar demonstrates his forgetfulness and says that he clearly does not remember this event.
  8. Religiousness - liars often call for help their religiosity to confuse you. For example: "I am a believer"
  9. Flying - trying to break the interlocutor to lead it from the necessary and meaningful information.
  10. Theatricalness is if a person demonstrates you a preliminary joy, feigned by friendliness, as well as any other inexperience, be careful - this person needs something from you. He can't tell you the truth, which means he lies.

Man and his brain is the most unsurpassed master to deceive himself. The owners of falsehood in this matter are simply no equal. They manage to go around the lies of obvious facts, it seems, if you do not think about it, then this is no matter.
A false man is afraid of admitting his wrongness to once again not to get involved with his false ego, causing pain.
The rooted falsehood will experience real pain in the mind, feelings or mind in case of recognition of their own inappropriate.
They are never amented to persuasion and continue to lie. He can't take the truth, for him it is pain.

A false person, really physically painful to speak the truth. Inability, the lack of effort to take the truth.

False turns a lie to the norm of their behavior

False is a fanatical fiddler. You can distort only the derived truth, so it persistently seeks to learn about other people to maximize the truthful information. In other words, since dedication denies the truth, it can only apply their skills when it is thoroughly known for the truth.

False seeks to explain its immoral behavior, finding all sorts of reasons for this, for, for, whatever disgusting it is in the eyes of others, in front of himself she wants to look decent and decent.

False can not do without its opposite - truthfulness.

Located in every specific period of your life at a certain point on the scale of these antipodes.

At the same time a false person, his whole environment considers dishonorable, suspecting lies. Self-defining and psychologically defending, the deceit is aware that people will be calculated with her the same coin.

Determination of falsehood in the eyes and not only

Secret thoughts, deceit, small or low-lying motivations and egoistic goals are clearly visible to a feline green light. Usually appears barely noticeable green glitter in the eyes, like a devil or evil. You can define a false person in a pimp face.

To determine the deceit - look into the eyes of this person.
Secret thoughts, deceit, small or low-lying motivations and egoistic goals are clearly visible to a feline green light. Usually appears barely noticeable green glitter in the eyes, like a devil or evil. I can define a false person in a pimp face

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