What is Cameton? Features and varieties of musical chalktones principle of operation and therapeutic effect of the chalkton.

What is Cameton? Features and varieties of musical chalktones principle of operation and therapeutic effect of the chalkton.
What is Cameton? Features and varieties of musical chalktones principle of operation and therapeutic effect of the chalkton.

The device Camerton is a new generation of devices by which radio wave therapy is made by manigat. The main purpose of the apparatus is the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the internal organs, stimulating blood supply to systems and the processes of regeneration of cells and tissues. This device is allowed to use medical workers in independence from their profile of their work, as well as suitable for home use.

Principle of operation and therapeutic effect of Chamber

The human body is a complex system with continuous functions. In the body at the cellular level, information is regularly exchanged by electromagnetic waves. Cells are engaged in the generation of electrical and acoustic signals. NPPs provoke electromagnetic oscillations and launch the control components of the organism biosystem. Based on the laws of quantum field theory, all physiological and biochemical processes are subject to, and each cell acts as a transmitter and receiver.

A special signal is created by the charton, which is similar to the pulse of a completely healthy cell, and is purposefully transmitted by the directional flow.

They have an impact on acupuncture points, receptors and reflex zones of all organs.

The effectiveness of the apparatus is aimed at the treatment of childhood diseases, gynecological diseases, urinary organs, skin, oral cavity and teeth, eyes and their apparent devices, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs and ENT organs, digestive organs, metabolism, endocrine system, psycho-emotional disorders nervous system, cardiovascular system. Among the main effects of the device should be noted:

  • medical;
  • anti-college;
  • firming;
  • restoring, etc.

This apparatus is in production since 2007 and is actively used in many medical institutions.

The device is more secure and can be used even for the treatment of children. But still it has certain contraindications, among which the presence of built-in implants and stimulants, serious violations of the CNS functioning and the cardiovascular system, epilepsy. Consequently, to therapy through the use of the device, the Chainton is recommended only after consulting the doctor and obtaining its recommendations.

Technical characteristics of the device

Among the technical characteristics of the instrument for physiotherapy should be noted:

  • the duration of work is about five years;
  • until the full capacity is needed 2 thousand hours;
  • has the ability to continuously work eight hours;
  • output time - twenty minutes;
  • power supply - 220 V, 50 Hz;
  • radiation on the maximum brightness - from 11 to 13 seconds;
  • radiation at minimum brightness - from 20 to 22 seconds;
  • radiation brightness is at least a hundred kD / m2;
  • visible, infrared, millimeter range of emitted frequencies.

Indications for use and effects

The apparatus of thekton is shown to use if necessary primary prevention to eliminate various risk factors, for the rehabilitation of patients with chronic course of the disease, for the treatment of diseases of all systems and organs regardless of their form and localization.

Physiotherapy apparatus Cameton for children

The device is actively used in pediatrics, as it is considered as safe as possible, and does not cause any side effects in children. Doctors prescribe the use of the device for the treatment of endocrine pathologies, skin diseases, ENT diseases, as well as to reduce fatigue, improve memory and normalize metabolism. It is worth noting that the Tamington demonstrates excellent indicators in the process of treating gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. It has a stimulating effect on the cells, launching its regeneration, therefore, it can be actively used to treat muscles during dislocation and stretching, as well as to restore bones and tissues during fractures.

Since the device has no contraindications for child use, it can be used to treat pregnant women and newborn children from the first day of their lives. As complex therapy, the tape is used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, infectious severe diseases.

The device does not replace medication therapy, and is its auxiliary means along with integrated treatment.

The main components of the technologies of recovery with the use of chamberon are: ecology of habitat, physical education, active recovery, healthy psychology, irrevocrustive correction of the body's condition, screening diagnostics of the body.

The duration of the procedure is from twenty to twenty five minutes. If the manipulation is carried out in the postoperative period, then in the first three or four days it is performed up to six times a day, and in the next seven or ten days - up to three times a day. After, you need to do the procedure for ten days once a day with a duration of up to five minutes.

If the device is applied to remove pain, it is necessary to use it every day 2 times a day for 5 minutes for one week. The use is possible not with direct contact with the skin, but through an antiseptic bandage. If you do a procedure together with special medicines, the recovery process will be within times faster.

More acute diseases are treated harder and longer, it is important to choose the right medicine complex. It is worth noting that when choosing therapy by applying the apparatus, the Cameton needs to find a reliable clinic with experienced and professional experts.

Musical accompaniment surrounds us everywhere. Camerton to configure the guitar is an object that sets up a tool in the correct tonality. It corresponds to the notebook "La" whose frequency is 440 hertz. Thanks to him, the musicians set up the tools that sound in unison in an ensemble with a microphone.

What is Cameton and what is it needed for?

In the distance, this amazing subject was created in 1711. It looks like a plug with teeth, walking in parallel. Hitting the chalkton, he starts to vibrate, creating sound. In string tools when changing the environment, the string tension changes. Violinists constantly pull up strings. This is an indispensable assistant. He will always come to the rescue.


For purpose, there are several types of tunes:

  1. Electronic. Received the second, usual name - toner. This is a small electrical with the device screen. The screen shows the sounding note. Camerton electronic to set up the guitar is easy to handle. Within the range of the band reproduces the tonality.
  2. Mechanical. This species appeared in the distant 18th century. The sole purpose of the device was the configuration of the orchestral musical instrument. Chaintones in those times were made of metal in the form of a fork. Musicians at concerts with it quickly set up tools. The current mechanical is no different from the older fellow.
  3. Acoustic. These modifications help in setting up wind instruments. Represent small devices. They set the tone in the range of the first octave.
  4. Wind. This device resembles a whistle. The strings of the musical instrument are configured by sound. The sound of notes is formed when the Admitter is blowing into it. The positive side of the device is that the recoverable notes correspond to six strings that are so necessary for the sound. The item is equipped with three or six holes. It is they who create sounds that allow you to customize the seven-fold, six-string tool.

The brass is an assistant, thanks to an affordable price and small size. This adaptation develops hearing.

Attention! To use the last version of the device, you must have exceptional hearing.

It does not compare it with an electronic tuner.


Today you can use electronic devices. The programs allow you to find out the setting, bass and configure them to the desired tone. So the electric guitar is connected and thanks to the device on the instrument screen displays the display on the display. The device signals both arrows and light bulbs specified on the device. At the exact setting, the device arrow will take the position in the middle of the screen, and the LED will glow green.

Adjusting the acoustic guitar is also possible due to such a device.

The electronic device is accommodated next to the guitar. Removing the sound from the guitar, the device estimates the sound and gives its estimate that is displayed on the instrument display.

Toner-clothespin - a unique device. It is attached to the head of the grid. When the string is sound, the device shows the setting status. The fixture screen will also be highlighted in different colors, according to the current setting state. The green display flashes the correct configuration.

Positive side - convenience in use, dimensions and small weight. To configure guitars, Internet resources offer many online tons, which brilliantly copble with their functions. They meet the requirements of users.

They only need to install on the computer and learn how to use.

How to configure using the device?

One of the most sought-after musical instruments over the years is a classic guitar. This tool is available to everyone. But it has to be often customized due to temperature drops, shifting strings.

Today you can use the Camerton to configure the guitar. If there is such an object at hand, the time is essential. In it, each sound corresponds to a certain string.

If there is only an ordinary charter at hand, the setting will slightly delay in time. It is necessary to rely on your hearing. To start, it is necessary to hold the first string on the fifth rud. This press corresponds to the note "la" of the first octave. The same note is published by Tam. The setting of the first string is tied with a ring until the guitar sound is equal to the sound of the chamberon.

As soon as the first string corresponds to the sound of the camera, the second string is taken in the same way. It should be consonant with the first string.

Attention! All remaining strings are also configured. It is worth noting that all the strings are clamped on the fifth Lada, only the third string is clamped on the third.

If the musician has no special fixture, he can use the phone beep. He is also noto for la.

How to choose the device?

This question is quite interesting and ambiguous. To select akton, it is necessary to take into account an important detail - where you plan to use the device (on hiking or in the conservatory). A properly configured guitar sounds excellent. It personifies the purity of the sound and transmits the mood of purity around. Today online programs and toner clothespins are in demand.

Standard tape records the sound of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. In performing practice is used to configure musical instruments. When singing the choir A Capella (that is, without instrumental accompaniment), Khreasister finds the height of the sounds from which they start their singing. The device forklone can be different. Mechanical, acoustic and electronic tunes are found.


see also

  • Tuner for setting up musical instruments


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  • charton - Skalton -a; m. [Him. KAMMERTON] A tool in the form of a small steel plug with two teeth, looking at the sound of a solid body of a certain height (used as a standard when setting up tools in the orchestra, in choir singing). Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • camerton - Kameton, m. [Him. Kammerton] (music.) The steel tool in the shape of a fork, which is always the same sound when the solid body is always the same, as the main tone when setting up tools in the orchestra, as well as in choir singing. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • tambleton - Camerton, a, m. Metal tool that has a sound, which is a sound, is a benchmark of height when setting up tools, in choir singing. | arr. Tambleton, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Camerton - Camerton (KAMMERTON) - the device - a sound source that serves as a benchmark for the height of the sound when tuning musical instruments and in singing. The reference frequency of the first octave is adopted - 440 Hz. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
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  • Camerton - (Diapason, Stimmgabel, Tuning-Fork) serves to obtain a simple tone of a constant and a certain height. This is its important importance in physics, and in music. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • camerton - Camert'on, Chapelon, · Husband. (· It. Kammerton) (music). The steel tool in the shape of a fork, which is always the same sound when the solid body is always the same, as the main tone when setting up tools in the orchestra, as well as in choir singing. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
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