What happens with the departed for 40 days. Important days after death

What happens with the departed for 40 days. Important days after death
What happens with the departed for 40 days. Important days after death

Below you will find signs that you need to know people who buried a loved one - when you can open the mirror after the funeral, make cleaning and repair, watch TV. There are many restrictions and prohibitions that were invented by our ancestors, for the most part, even in pre-Christian times.

When to open the mirror

Famous fact - after the death of a person, it is supposed to close all reflective surfaces. This is not only mirrors, but also televisions, computer monitors and other things in which you can see your reflection. This is done so that the reflection of the deceased is not left in the house, and his ghost was not alive.

About when you can open the mirror after the funeral, there will take a lot. By one, it can be done immediately after returning from the cemetery and commemoration. On other beliefs do it three days later, or not before the ninth day after death. But it's all - modern traditions. In the villages to this day remove the curtains from the mirrors only on the 41st dayWhen the fate of the soul of the deceased is already solved.

Signs are based on the way the deceased. So, after three days after death, the guardian angel led him to inspect heaven. For 9 days, he will appear before the Lord and will go on inspection of hell. On the 40th day, the soul is made by the final verdict about where it will stay. Since only the first three days after the death of the soul is among the living, open the mirrors after it leaves it. That is, on the fourth day. It used to be believed that all 40 days of the soul from time to time could visit relatives. Therefore, they did not open the mirrors all this period.

Sometimes the mirrors do not fall at all. For example, when a person died in the hospital, and his body is brought to the cemetery from the morgue, and not from home. It is not right. The soul of man will still return home and stay near the people close to the lifetime. Sometimes only those mirrors are closed, which are where the dead man is. Also incorrect, because the soul will wander through all rooms at home.

Some Slavic signs claim that the one who is the first to look at the mirror open after the funeral, will soon die. To prevent this, the cat is brought to the mirror first. She is not terrible to her.

Can I watch TV

For obvious reasons, ancient will not exist on this occasion, but as already mentioned above, the TVs believe to close, like the mirrors. You can open them simultaneously with mirrors. That is, or after the funeral, or after the third, ninth or fortieth day.

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The church does not prohibit watching TV, but recommends refraining from entertainment at least nine days. Watch the news, cognitive programs can be, and watching movies and talk shows better postpone. You can not turn on the TV in the house where the dead man lies. Wait for the end of the funeral. If the deceased was not close to you, the restriction on you does not apply.

These rules concern and listen to music. Exception - church chants. If there is such a desire, you can listen to classical music. By the way, a mourning orchestra is a Soviet innovation. In the old days accompanied prayers and religious chants.

Do you store the photos of the dead?

The answer is positive. The photo is the memories of an expensive person, memory for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. By destroying the photos of the deceased, you allow his descendants to never know about him.

But still the image of the dead man is connected with the world of dead. Psychics in the photo can determine, a person is alive or not. Therefore, it is not worth considering photos of the departed too often. It is also impossible to remake with their amount on the walls, shelves and tables. Do not hang near portraits of living people, separate live and dead energies. The best storage place is a photo album.

Much more negative carry photos taken during the funeral. It is best not to do them. But, if the photo is already available, it is better to destroy them. It does not matter what is depicted there - a coffin, a cemetery, the process of funeral, they are a strong source of necrotic energy.

When to get out in the apartment

While the house is located in the house, cleaning and make garbage can not. Otherwise, another person in this house may die. By referring, removing wiping or wables it from the home.

You need to clean immediately after the deposit of the coffin. Behind the deceased sweep and wash the floors at the time when defending the last path had already left the cemetery. So do to immediately reciprocate death, illness, grief.

Moreover, such a light cleaning can not be made by blood relatives of the deceased. They are better to come into contact with the emanations of death, so the dead man did not take his loved ones. Do not remove after the dead and pregnant,. Usually asked to fit together and wash the floor of someone from family friends. Only he must remain in the apartment after the deposit of the coffin. After that, the person joins the mournful on the commemoration, is not present in the cemetery.

Some things are particularly strongly impregnated by the energy of death. So, stools or the table on which the coffin stood, they put on the street for several days and leave there with legs up. This is done in order to get rid of this energy. The apartment you can use the balcony.

Be sure to carry out everything connected with a mournful rite. These are the remnants of the tissue for the upholstery of the coffin, sinters from it, as well as other ritual attributes, except portrait with a black ribbon, a glass of water and a piece of bread. Everyone brought by mournful flowers should be left on the grave - they are intended to be clever.

Do not leave in the house also the tool that the measurements for the coffin were removed, he brings death to another tenant during the year. From the coffin do not take anything. The ropes that the hands were associated by the dead man, a penny, who lay in front of - all this should remain in the coffin. Candles are taken at the cemetery, as well as the grain in which they stood. You can also store an icon that stood before the coffin. It is allowed on the river or attribute to church.

When can I get out after the funeral, if the question is in general cleaning or putting the deceased room? At any time, but after the commemoration or takeaway the coffin. If at the same time you open the mirrors, they should also be washed. If you decide to keep them closed 3, 9 or 40 days, leave it for later.

Can I do repair

Repair after the funeral can be done, but only how it will pass 40 days after death. The soul of the deceased from time to time will visit see how close people live. She would like to see the familiar setting, changes can angry the Spirit.

After 40 days, at least, you will have to replace the bed on which the deceased, as well as the bed (sofa, flooring or stairs, chair, etc.), which became the mortal one. The bed of a dead person can not use its blood drains. It can be given or sell. It is not necessary to put a new bed, use the vacant space as you consider it necessary.

The place of death will also exhibit necrotic energy. Therefore, it is supposed to replace everything that in contact with the dying, whether it is the floor covering where it fell, or furniture and bed linen. As a rule, such things are thrown out or burned. In the villages come somewhat differently - they take three to the chicken coop, so that the rooster "goes off the whole negative."

Personal things deadAs a rule, distribute poor or sell. This concerns not only clothes. Favorite Cup or Plate, ashtray, Antistress toy - Do not store it all. Although many are left in memory of the deceased.

What else can not be done after the funeral

In the house where a person died, it is impossible to do washing. This ban acts while the house has a coffin. That is, after the funeral, you can proceed to bring clothes in order.

Can I swim after the funeral? Belutors are recommended to do it at the same time when you decide to remove tissue with reflective surfaces. That is, immediately after the commemoration, three, nine or forty days. In the old days we were turned only on the 41st day after death.

Among what is impossible to do after the funeral - noisy holidays. For 40 days it is undesirable to arrange celebrations. Birthday celebration It is better to transfer or cancel at all. But it can be noted modestly, in a family circle, without loud music and noise.

Nine-day, and better a forty-day prohibition concerned and weddings, but here it all depends on the emotional state of the relatives of the deceased. In addition, the wedding is a designated event associated with high costs. If you play the wedding before, the forty days from the day of the death of a relative, during the celebration you need to mention this and give a tribute to the mind about the mustache. Wedding is allowed at any time.

Many believe that among what you can not do after the funeral of a near person, there are trips and travel. This is not true. They will help to distract, but during the trip it is worth abandoning various entertainment events. Do not forget to remember the deceased and pray for his soul during the holidays.

In addition, the relatives of the deceased during the forty days cannot be sewed and cutting. If there is a need to repair clothes, you have to do it. But tailoring, which is not urgent, must be postponed. The same concerns the haircut. Bang prevents everyday affairs? Get rid of it. But if it's about changing the image, do it through forty days.

As much time the family of the deceased cannot drink alcohol. Perhaps the prohibition is caused by the fact that the Mountain is an accomplice of alcoholism. But memorial signs forbid drinking also on commemoration. The reason is that alcoholism is a sin. Forty days relatives can pour a sinful person. If at this time they will sin, it will only complicate his afterlife.

After the funeral goes only on the commemoration, and from there - home. It is impossible to go to visit, otherwise death will come to the house. You can go to visit or on business only on the next after the funeral and the alert day. Commemoration is also the ninth and fortieth day, and after them also has this ban. It is also impossible to go to the celebrations that pass in public places - birthdays, weddings.

Do not go with the commemoration on the commemoration. If one day comes with two spirits, choose the one who is closer to you. But you can say goodbye to several dead, support relatives, express grief. During the funeral, the graves of loved ones and friends are not attended. This time you came only to one deceased, and the visit of others will be regarded as disrespect.

The opinion of the Church

There are many beliefs that it should be observed after the funeral. This will help protect against necrotic energy, diseases and other troubles. In addition, some signs are aimed at improving the afterlife of the deceased and his cleansing from sins.

40 days after death are a special date, since it is at this time a verdict, a decassive place for the soul, where it will be to a terrible court.

If you want the deceased to get into the best place, then you need to pray for him, because this is the right path to ensure that the verdict is to be changed in favor of the best option.

But for suicides you can pray only if the priest blessed you to it. Also for suicides is forbidden to submit any notes.

Commemoration - mean remembrance. Initially, they were satisfied for the poor people who tasted food could pray for the deceased. It makes no sense to confuse close, especially unbelievers, because they will not benefit the deceased. A simple presence on the commemoration does not mean that such people remembered.

It is necessary to make the cemetery: to stay next to the grave and remember the bright moments from the life associated with this person. At this time, you can think about what constant tombstone will be installed - an affordable marble monument or.

40 days after death - how to remember the dead

Only a sincere prayer can be remembered by a person. That is why it is desirable to collect on the commemoration of people believers, which will pray for the deceased. The commemoration is needed to establish a connection with the soul of the dead, and if it is not achieved, there is no point in the commemoration.

I would like people to understand that the table during the commemoration when it comes 40 days after death, I should not shine with refined dishes and drinks accordingly.
The food must be as simple as possible, and the best thing is to lean. Food must encourage you to prayers, it is for this that simple food will be perfect.

According to the Orthodox traditions on each commemoration, there should be such a dish as a catgy. It symbolizes rebirth and happiness in the future. Commemoration begin with a special prayer over the buns, then each present must taste only one spoon of this dish. It was already mentioned that lean food would fit well to the table, especially attendant. It is best to comply with all the rules of fasting, so we show the Lord that you follow all commandments and express our great love with victims.

On the commemoration, we try to get close to the departed, do our best to have a certain sacred connection, but alcohol on the commemoration will not allow it to find it. Drinking person harms the mustache, he is only distinguished from him. The soul of the drinking will be separated from the soul that is sent to the best place. In hell, every soul remains in complete loneliness. That is why we must do everything so that forty days after death, the scales bowed in favor of the holy place.

If the commemoration does not fall into the post, then it is still necessary to avoid the disassemble, which are created only in order to fit. On the commemoration, the main thing is prayer, not food, the prayers are important here, and not the deck of guests.

The table on the commemoration should be arranged from the considerations of the following rules: Alcohol is better to avoid at all, he has nothing to do, lean or most simple food contributing to prayers. More benefit you can bring, sacrificing money for charity, and not on the organization of a gorgeous table. Set priorities.

In no case cannot perceive the commemoration as the collection of all relatives as a secular event or feast. It is very important to remember that the most important action should be prayer in the name of the deceased.
If you are afraid that the deceased can not find peace or want to console it in that light, go to the father to confession in front of all prayers. There is nothing more pleasant for the deceased than confessions. Confected in all sins and continue to pray in the temple - the best thing you can do for the soul of the deceased.

Why is it so important? Because we acquire harmony, become close to the Lord and loved ones. Due to this, prayer becomes so strong and benefits and joy to die.

Cancel in the name of the deceased from some sin. It will also give him peace and consolation. Even if you cannot pray, but refuse at least for some time from some kind of sin, then such actions will also be covered as a victim and will serve the benefit of that for whom all this is done. For example, you can refuse some bad habit: throw smoking or give up alcohol. Everyone will be all better from it.

As for the wrapping of mirrors, it is essentially, this is a rather useless effect. But what can be done, so it is to stop watching TV, at least for the period of forty days. Watching TV is very far from spiritual intimacy with the dead and, accordingly, they will not be able to honor it with their prayers or actions.

All these thoughtless programs only squeeze and kill everything spiritual in man for a very long time. By refusing the TV, we will not only become closer to the soul of a person, but also enrich your inner world. In addition, when we look at the TV, then the soul of the deceased, watching us, disappointed in us, because instead of prayers we spend time thoughtlessly with the TV. The whole meaning of past effort is lost, the whole connection is lost. All the sacred actions were in vain, because we are harming the same connection so diligently tried to support.

Do not foresee fun and entertainment during all these forty days. After all, during mourning, it is not customary to have fun and have fun, otherwise it would be no time and not called Mourning at all. Fun only breaks out that close connection with the departed. During the celebration of anything we completely forget about our main duty, we are immersed in the atmosphere of fun and again lose a fragile relationship that it is so difficult to find again. Let's not tear all our efforts, indulging in primitive entertainment. You will still have time to have fun and may already soon, just forty days after death - clearly not this time. Try to keep yourself in your hands.

How to dress for 40 days after death

What is the role of mourning robe? It is very important to show the mourning, wearing appropriate clothes, because it helps to keep in rigor and abide by proper behavior, and also encourage prayers. However, it must be remembered that Mourning is expressed not only by the robe, but also the condition of the soul. Therefore, it is necessary, of course, first of all, take care of the state of the mental, rather than the appearance, since clothing is only auxiliary attribute to gain the very spiritual state.

Everything in man is closely connected, the state of the soul depends on the position of the body and, accordingly, from the vestments. That is why it is important that your clothes are simple and strict, no readiness and openness. No decorativeness, practical robe - the most. Perhaps everyone noticed that when the clothes do not correspond to the situation, then you feel uncomfortable, and also that the clothes partly sets the tone to your mood, which is why the inappropriate clothes will distract you from the most important thing on the commemoration after 40 days after death - from prayers .

Forget about the open outfit, it is here completely none to the place, and besides, he only grieves the soul of the deceased due to the manifestation of the real disrespect for him. Taking care of the style, you pay less attention to prayers, thereby bringing with you a negative energy that will only be harmful to the mustache, which is so required by our prayers to gain utter peace and peace.

Therefore, I gather on the commemoration, think first of all about the mustache, about how it is possible to facilitate the fate of him how to make it in the best world.

Acknowledged - a ritual committed to honor the memory of the deceased. The basis of the aplex - a joint meal, suitable in close people in the house of a deceased person or in the dining room.

Commemoration carry out:

  • on the day of death;
  • three days after the death - the day of the funeral when the soul goes into another world;
  • on the ninth day;
  • on a fortieth day;
  • the memorial meal is arranged six months after the death, and after all further anniversary.

As usual, relatives come to the commemoration, or close people of the deceased. It is important to remember that it is impossible to drive those who came to honor the memory of the deceased. As a rule, the commemoration is not organized for guests and not for the sake of the feast, but to recall the dead man, pray for its rest. It is especially important to read the prayer about the mustache before the memorial meal. The priests advise to read the seventeenth cafisis from the Psallet and the prayer "Our Father" before starting the trapes.

Shift of the date of the compensation

It happens that the memorial day comes to a church holiday, or on working days, when there is no opportunity to remove from work, due to the preparation of everything necessary for a memorable meal. As a result, the question appears: is it possible to move the date of the minute?

The priests believe that the meal can be arranged before, or later the exact date of the death. In the presence of good reasons that prevent a memorial lunch, you should keep a landmark, first debt, it is on them. However, if there are no good reasons to move the commemorative meal to another day, it is better not to do this, because in the afterlime world there are their rules. On this day, it is better to focus on good deeds, for example, to distribute the memorial treats to those in need.

Do not arrange commemoration during the bright Easter and the passionate week of the Great Post. On these weeks, everything rushes to the donation to Jesus Christ, as well as to the news of his return to life. Therefore, if the date assigned to the memorial dinner coincides with these periods, it is best to move the remembered meal on Radonitsa's Day - the day when they commemorate the departed.

If the day of remembating falls on the eve of Christmas holidays, it will be more correct if the commemoration will be transferred to January 8. Such an event is taken for a good admission, because the commemoration is devoted to the birth event in an endless life in another world.

The priests are also recommended to remember that about the departed, in the first cerebral, should be prayed. Because the day before the memorial meal is recommended to book a liturgy about the burial of the soul of the deceased and a memorial dirt on a memorial day. And the memorial meal can be postponed on one of the first weekend days of the subsequent anniversary of the death. However, it is not desirable to postpone the commemoration, arranged on a fortieth day after restoring, for an early term.

Memorial Day

In each religion, a certain date is assigned to the memorial day, when relatives, or just close people commemorated. If, in connection with urgent circumstances, it is not possible to honor the memory of closely deceased people on the day of their death, you need to do it in a memorial day.

  • In Orthodox religion, Tuesday of the second week after Easter is given to the commemorative day. However, this is not the only day when you can remember relatives. In addition to Radonitsy, there are five more days, allocated memory about the departed;
  • In the Catholic belief, the memorial day falls on November 2. Matching on the third, seventh and thirtie days may not arrange;
  • In the religion of Islam, the main task is to remember the sleeping prayer, to make good actions from his behalf: help orphans, poor people. In this religion, it does not matter, on what day after the restoration of the soul will be arranged for a memorial meal. It is important that no one needs to know from whose behalf these acts are happening;
  • In Buddhism, the day of obedience is the holiday of Wambana - comes from the first half of the seventh month in the lunar calendar.

Everyone knows that those who have gone into the world of other people should be remembered, but not often people understand for what purpose it needs to be done. Do not forget that the connection between alive and dead exists. Therefore, after the death of a person, his loved ones are restless, in their soul anxiety and sadness, they often dream the dead, who ask for food, or to give them any help.

It is believed that after such dreams, a person must pray, visit the temple, to accomplish any good matter (help with poor, orphans). All this benefactability has a good influence on the souls of the dead. If it is not possible to arrange a commemorative man in a laid day, do not be upset. You can leave the priest note, and he himself will hold it.

The spiritual state of man affects both the state of the departed in the afterlife, in a different world in order to assist them. To do this, begin to change, first of all, itself and society around themselves. To begin with, it would be nice to free yourself from harmful habits, forgive all your offenders, do not hide evil on them, start praying, attend temples, read the Bible, help others and orphans.

During the remembrance should be remembered about the goal, a kind, ritual. Giving a general prayer, it is better to ask the Lord God for him to endure the deceased kingdom of heaven and stopped his soul.

Days of the commemoration after death: on the day of funeral, 9 and 40days, after 1 year.The essence of the sound. What to talk to the commemoration? Measuring words and mourning speech. Lenten menu.

What to say acknowledged

The first word on the commemoration traditionally gets the head of the family. In the future, the obligation to monitor the general conversation and gently directing its flow is assigned to one of the enough close or relatives, but still not on the nearest relative. It is cruel to expect from a mother, a mourning child, or a spouse, untimely lost his wife that he / she will be able to maintain the order of speeches and at the same time cope with their own feelings. This role is chosen man who knew the late and capable of recalling some kind of damage to his character, a pretty habit or event of life, about which you can tell the gathered.

It should be noted that the usual rules of "Sospeople Party" are not applicable to the commemoration.: Do not try to fill in a pause that arise in a conversation or interrupt the silence with minor comments - especially on an abstract theme. Silence on the commemoration is not only normal, but even right: in silence everyone remembers the deceased and fully feels his connection with him.


If you want to speak - stand up, out in short, how do you remember the deceased (naturally, speech only about positive features) What made it a special person in your eyes. If you remember any case when the deceased made for you personally or for someone's abstract, unfamiliar, good deed - tell me about him, but do not tell the stories in which someone appears. Everyone can speak on commemoration, but try yet not too tighten your speech: After all, many of the gathered and so hard.

You may not know absolutely accurately how to "correctly" commemorate - Do not worry too much because of this. The main thing in this case is sincere intention and pure thoughts on the deceased. Making something in memory of the late heart with an open heart, you can not make a mistake. It is important to remember only one thing: commemoration in a secular sense We need more alive than the deceased: like any ritual effect in our life, designed to alleviate the experiences and adopt a new reality of life. Therefore, when organizing the alert, do not forget about the feelings of those who come to honor the memory of the deceased.

As for strictly orthodox compensation, here, of course, it is better to do everything in accordance with the canon, in order not to accomplish something unacceptable from the point of view of the ROC. It is better to know about these rules in advance in the church - for example, when you will order the funeral.

Asks: Inna

Replies: Editorial site

Hello! Tell me, please, how to remember 40 days correctly - day a day or before / later?. Many thanks!

Dear Inna!

Homemade prayers and commemoration must be performed on the 40th day, and the memorial table can be transferred.

Pious custom for the meal to remember the dead is known for a very long time. But, unfortunately, many commemorations turn into a reason for relatives to gather together, discuss the news, tasty to eat, while Orthodox Christians and the memorial table should pray for the dead.

Before the meal should be made by Lithium - a brief chin of the Panhid, who can be imprisoned. In extreme cases, at least read the 90th Psalm and the Prayer "Our Father". The first dish that fell on the acknowledged is Casca. These are boiled grains of cereals (wheat or rice) with honey and raisins. Grains serve as a symbol of resurrection, and honey - sweets, which enjoy the righteous in the kingdom of God. According to the charter, Keat must be consecrated by special ranks during the memorization; If there is no such possibility, you need to sprinkle it with holy water.

Naturally the desire of the owners is to treat all those who came to commemorate. But it is necessary to observe posts installed by the Church, and to eat the allowed food: on Wednesday, Friday, in long posts - not there is a rapid one.

From wine, especially from vodka, it is necessary to refrain on the memorial meal! Wine of the departed do not remember! Wine is a symbol of earthly joy, and the commemoration is a reason for enhanced prayer about a person who can suffer hard in the afterlife. Do not drink alcohol, even if the deceased himself loved to drink. It is known that "drunken" commemoration often turn into an ugly assembly, on which they are about the late simplicity. At the table you need to remember the deceased, its good qualities and affairs (from here and the name - commemoration). The custom is to leave a glass with vodka and a piece of bread "for the deceased" is a liagement of paganism and should not be respected in Orthodox families.

On the contrary, there are pious customs, decent imitation. In many Orthodox families, begging and miserable, children and old women are pretty for the commemorative table. They can also distribute the clothes and things of the deceased. Orthodox people can talk about numerous cases of certificate from the afterlife about the great assistance to the departed due to the creation of alms with their relatives. Moreover, many people have a loss of loved ones encourages to take the first step towards God, to start living the life of an Orthodox Christian.

Since after death, a person can no longer pray for himself, and we have to do it for him. Therefore, the memorial and home prayer about the departed is very helpful, as well as good cases, creative in their memoirs - alms or donation to the church. But it is especially useful to them - this is a reciprocating on Divine Liturgy. There were many phenomena of the dead and other events confirming how it is useful to remember the deceased. Many who died in repentance, but failed to show him during his lifetime, were liberated from torment and gained rest. That is why the churches constantly raise prayers about the rest of the deceased.

So, one of the already sad Archimandrite tells the following case from his pastoral practice.

"It was in the difficult post-war years. Comes to me, the abbot of the village temple, the Mother-grimaced, which drowned her eight-year-old Misha's son drowned. And she says that Misha dreamed of her and complained about the cold - he was completely without clothes. I tell her: "Did it remained what his clothes?" - "Yes of course". - "Distribute her friends Mishin, for sure they will come in handy."

A few days later, she tells me that I saw Misha again in a dream: he was dressed just in that clothes that was given to his friends. He thanked, but now complained of hunger. I advised me to make rustic kids - friends and familiar Misha - a memorial meal. No matter how hard it is time, but what you can't do for your favorite son! And the woman could have treated children.

For the third time she came. I thanked me very much: "Misha said in a dream that he was now warm and satisfying, only my prayers lacking." I taught her prayers, advised not to leave for the future of the case of mercy. She became a zealous walkway, always ready to respond to requests for help, as far as possible helped the orphans, poor and poor. "

It is especially good about what we can do for the dead, Archbishop John (Maksimovich): "Everyone who wants to show his love for the deceased and submit them to real assistance, can best make it a prayer for them and in particular the melting on liturgy, when particles , seized by living and dead, immerse themselves in the blood of the Lord with the words: "Omoe, Lord, the sins of the sins of the blood of the blood honestly, the prayers of your saints."

We can't do anything better or more for the deceased, than praying for them, remembering on liturgy. It is always necessary for them, especially in those forty days when the soul of the deceased follows the path to the eternal villages. The body does not feel anything: it does not see those who gathered loved ones, does not smell the smell of flowers, he does not hear tomb speeches. But the soul feels the prayer, brought for it, thanks to those who attract them, and spiritually close to them.

Oh, relatives and close deceased! Do them what you need and what is in your power, use your money not to the outer decoration of the coffin and grave, but to help those who need, in memory of their deceased loved ones, on the church, where prayers are asked for them. Be merciful to the departed, take care of their soul. The same path lies both in front of you, and how we will then want to remember us in prayer! We will also be merciful to the departed.

Immediately take care of the fortiest, i.e. daily commemoration on liturgy for forty days. Usually in churches where the service is performed daily, the deceased, which they fought, are coming up for forty days or more. But if the funeral was in the temple where there are no daily services, relatives themselves must take care and order a fortyst where there is a daily service. "

We will take care of those who have gone to another world to make everything we can, remember that Blazhenia of the Milostivia, the Yako Tii Pardon will (Matt. 5, 7).