What to wish the actor before the performance. Theater for "Teapots": Theatrical Signs

What to wish the actor before the performance. Theater for "Teapots": Theatrical Signs

On your birthday, first of all, I want to wish you nationwide recognition! This is exactly what the real artist should strive for! Let every role teaches you something and helps to avoid unpleasant situations in life! I wish good health and good luck in the most ambitious and most minor endeavors!

On your birthday, we want you to wish you that your talent will reveal even stronger, and cramped with all its faces on theatrical chaise! Let each role adds you confidence. Let all trouble be only played, and in the real life of the trouble will go through your home side! Good health!

Congratulations on your birthday! And wish, let the director dream that you play under their leadership! I wish you that everything is good both at work and on the personal front! Let the screams of "Bravo" and "bis" you could hear not only on stage, and sometimes in bed! Let your health never bring you!

Today, congratulating you on the birthday of Birth, I want to say that your work is worthy of all silence! You are an artist with a capital letter! I wish you to continue to please the public with my skill and become a truly popular artist! Let your health be strong! Let Melpomen and Fortuna pretended you further!

Congratulations on your birthday! We have repeatedly seen you in business, and therefore I can say with complete confidence that you are a table of talents! Be careful for you! The art of reincarnation is completely sufficient! I wish you creative luck in the theater and cinema! Let your health be strong, and years long!

There is no art for art - there is only art for life. The highest task of the artist is toggle the desire of people to be better. Wonderful your talent, loyalty and dedication of the chosen business of the whole of your life - a sample of genuine service of art, worthy of deepest admiration, respect and non-merging ovations.

Dear ..., your talent will not fade over the years. You continue to amaze and delight us, opening all new facets in creativity. On this day, I really want to wish you health and many years of life, because you want to witness your triumph, and it will definitely be in the future.

Official congratulations to the actor

Poetic congratulation actor

You are master of backup games
And staged intrigues!
You are the Master of Reincarnation,
Let them be inspired!
You from the halls are applied,
And behind the game Walking, tremble!
You are famous and recognizable
On the stage you are inimaging!
You are famous and adore
And for the talent of yours - respect!
You congratulations,
We tell us from the soul!
We wish you happiness and victories
And live without grief and without trouble!

Congratulations on the holiday of the actor of the series

There is no art for art - there is only art for life. The highest task of the artist is toggle the desire of people to be better. Wonderful your talent, loyalty and dedication of the chosen business of the whole of your life - a sample of genuine service of art, worthy of deepest admiration, respect and non-merging ovations.
Young your heroes have become a sign, a symbol of their era. After all, it was you who played the main roles in the TV shows that made the fame of the national movie. For you, as if there are no genre borders, everything is subject to you - from comedy to drama. The special acting is your gift - the ability to play not a private story, but to bring an image to the ideal, before the embodiment of the idea laid down in the character of the hero.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! We wish the creative burning and love of the audience.

Original Congratulations to the actor in prose

With the greatest joy, congratulations on this unusual day! We wish that the mood and pleasure that you bring people, do not spare any strength, nor feelings, were in your life, let them return with excess and love, and openness, and care! We wish you new interesting roles, new interesting people and new interesting ideas.

Comic greeting an actor

Curtain opened, bright light turned on,
The face has changed in one second.
Now the actor is here on stage, no,
There is only a hero, everything else has forgotten.
Whom to congratulate us on this day -
Hero Ile Actor in a new mask?
I was not! Congratulations!
Let them always be in order!

Congratulations to the actor in the anniversary

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength. Dear our jubique! Thanks to you, colleagues on stage art, directors, the performances became the most significant last season. The uniqueness of your reward is that the winners are chosen not critics or colleagues, as in most premiums, and the main judges are the audience. After all, the audience voted for you and other favorite actors, directors and the best performances of the season.
Your creative way is a vivid example of devotion to your profession and domestic culture. You successfully implemented ourselves on the scenes of the leading domestic theaters, the discontinuity of its multifaceted acting talent. Thanks to the skill, temperamental game and charm deserved love of film workers. We wish you inspirational creativity on the way to new victories in the theater and cinema.

Interesting congratulations to the actor

Dear …! There are no enough capacious words to express the admiration that the person overwhelms after the acquaintance with your work. Congratulations on your holiday and want to wish a lot of creative forces and opportunities. Let all your plans come and will appear new, even more ambitious. And let their execution bring you real happiness!

Interesting congratulations to the actor

Dear …! There are no enough capacious words to express the admiration that the person overwhelms after the acquaintance with your work. Congratulations on your holiday and want to wish a lot of creative forces and opportunities. Let all your plans come and will appear new, even more ambitious. And let their execution bring you real happiness!

Congratulations to the actor of the series

Your talent and desire to touch each heart, bring new good feelings in it surprise and conquer. Every day you enter the houses of people in the rights of a family member, it is a great honor, but also a big responsibility. We wish you for many years to work with pleasure - in health, love and well-being!

Comic congratulations to the actor of the series

The blue screen caught fire,
Again the passion on it spiked,
Again the most beautiful hero
I was embodied in you, we learned you!
Maybe this is happiness - enter
In every house, like a hero from a film.
We wish good luck in the way
From the screen to each girl ...

Official congratulations to the actor of the series

Multi-dressed ...! From the pure heart helmet you your congratulations and wishes for the multiplication of forces, inspiration and love of fans! Let all your life be seized by the warm heart of the audience, because it is only a response to your big love!

Official congratulations to the actor of the series

Multi-dressed ...! From the pure heart helmet you your congratulations and wishes for the multiplication of forces, inspiration and love of fans! Let all your life be seized by the warm heart of the audience, because it is only a response to your big love!

An incredibly talented artist, a stunning person I congratulate on the day of birth. I wish that with the years Harisma did not fade so that the activity brings fame, popularity and success, so that there are always forces and health to fulfill their desires and achieve the goals so that the heart is filled with love, and the soul is light happiness.

Happy Birthday. I wish brilliant and excellent performances, ringing and loud applause, pleasant and praising compliments, interesting and fascinating clauses, wonderful weather in life and outside the window, the wonderful mood of the soul and heart.

Magnificent artist, a person of versatile talents and great skill, on your birthday with all my heart I wish you frequent reasons for a smile, brilliant ideas for activities, excellent opportunities for manifestation of your nature. I wish the faithful fans, loud applause, wonderful moments of life and happy love stories.

Today is a wonderful and unique artist's holiday, today is your birthday. From the soul, congratulations and I want to wish the sea of \u200b\u200bfans and lucky, the restless spark of talent and skill, brilliant reincarnation and magic of witchcraft. I wish great good luck, reliable good, loyal admirers and sincere love.

Happy Birthday, Harizma and Talent Man. I wish not to lose artistism, no doubt in my success and not to leave aside my ideas. Let every day be fun and wonderful idea with emotions of joy and thunder of applause in your honor.

I wish you a bright life, hundreds of creative ideas and many interesting acquaintances! Let each other day be saturated with joyful events and rainbow paints! With pleasure, create and always love your business! I wish you great happiness, mutual love, hard health and, of course, wealth in the house!

Happy Birthday, Pet of the public and the people, pride of art and country. I wish the tireless artistry, bright charisma, perfect talent and great success in any role. Let every day be happy and wonderful as your birthday - with applause, gifts, flowers and the most kind of wishes.

I wish you creative victories, accomplishments, star fame and successful roles. Let everything be romantic as in the movies, fun, as in comedy and ends happily! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Happy Brightties and Loud Applause. And may there be many such beautiful days in your life. I wish to always be on the wave of positive and glory, I wish Bravo to cope with any role of the artist and always implement my dreams to the reality!

Happy Birthday, Talented! I wish many bright performances, limitless fantasy and genius in everything! Be happy and is good. Love, Create, dream, embody your thoughts in success, improve yourself and this world, catch the positive and joy of every moment. I wish you great opportunities and many fans of your talent.

World Theater Day (English World Theater Day) is an international professional holiday of all the theater workers, celebrated throughout the planet annually on March 27. This international day traditionally passes under a single motto: "Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening the world between nations."

Despite the fact that World Theater Day does not have official state status in Russia, the officials of the highest echelons of the Russian authorities will not be sealed on congratulations on the day of the theater and compliments addressed to employees of the theaters of the country. In some regions, representatives of the authorities are awarded the theater leaders by honorary certificates, cash prizes, thanks and valuable gifts.

For fans of theatrical art Theater Day It is also a real holiday, because all sorts of solemn events are confined to this day, various theatrical festivals, and some theaters are trying to present the premieres of new performances for the festive day.

Congratulations on the World Day of the Theater Poems and the prose to the professional holiday for the staff of theater - directors, costumes, actors.

Congratulations on the day of the theater in verse, with beautiful wishes of all goods in the family and success in service, will be excellent facilities in the rhyme of the poems to the professional holiday of the theater workers. Congratulations on the day of the theater in prose, with spiritual wishes of all the best in the service, will be an excellent speech said in your own words in the professional holiday of the theater workers.

Who at least once was amazed
Art theatrical?
Theater is beautiful, he is wonderful
Magnificent, just unique.
Unanimously the hall got up,
Delight filled,
And every viewer risked
Relieve your palm.
Each performance is like a lesson,
And it means there is a lot.
We give this congratulations
Both theater and theater!

We sincerely congratulate you on the World Day! The theater enriches our lives with new colors, gives a miracle of conscious empathy, brings up aesthetic taste. Thanks to you, a true spiritual beginning is maintained in society, the ideals of good and justice are brought up, cultural values \u200b\u200bincrease. You carefully retain the centuries-old traditions of the Russian scene, offering a new modern reading of the classics. Thanks for the unique atmosphere, for your talent, skill, individual creative handwriting and hard work. Express your love and appreciation to you. We wish you new bright prime ministers, successful performances, interesting tour, demanding critics, the constant interest of the audience, and amalslags and enthusiastic applause! Good health, happiness, creative creative energy, inspiration, achieve all new heights in the beloved and necessary people.

Magic Atmosphere Theater
Captivates the beauty of extraordinary
And all arts perhaps only it
We makes thinking about pleasant.
Happy theater Day Congratulations,
You want to wish you inspiration
Only with the beauty you personify ...
We - admire. Well, and you - shine!
© http://yapozdravil.com/pozdravlenija_s_dnem_teatra/

In this beautiful and joyful World Theater, we want to wish you that the audience always inspire you to new ideas and paid for creativity with stormy ovations! However, in addition to work, any person has a private life that can affect the career. We wish that and on the personal front you had everything in order. Happy holiday!

"The whole world theater, and people in it are actors,"
Said Shakespeare, and was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will close soon:
The best roles have not yet won
You go to admission step by step!
I wish you from the heart now
Benefishes, success and alllands!
With the World Theater Day you!

From the pure heart I congratulate you on the World Day of the theater and I want to wish that your life is happy! After all, in essence, the theater displays everything that happens to us in life! So let them in life you will have as much successful productions, and there will be no failures!
© http://poehali.at.ua/publ/sms_pozdravlenie/pozdravlenie_day_teatra/pozdravlenie_day_teatra_prose/139-1-0-1765

SMS congratulations on the day of the theater

World Theater Day! Class!
Well, just creative ecstasy!
I wish you a beautiful day
To be your mood!

Exciting scene
Mysterious plot ...
Manyat, no doubt
Performance and ballet!
World Day Theater
Today marks the world!
Be always pleasant
Our theater. You are idol!

In the morning a wonderful mood, -
Theater Day, grace!
I turn on the brains, I take the phone,
I write sms, congratulate you!

On the day of the theater, World holiday,
Wish I want from the soul
To have the heroes of different
Equally good
To each spectator
Hurried to look from the beginning.
Create, Play, Create,
To hear "Bravo" from the hall!

Take advantage of the audio congratulations service to organize a small one, but at the same time a truly pleasant surprise for expensive and people close to you.

Congratulations on the day of the motorist on the phone You can listen and send to the recipient to a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on the mobile phone to the phone you can both immediately and specify the pre-date and time of the audio postcard.

You just imagine how unusual there will be a similar version of congratulations and how vivid emotions he can cause a person. In addition, to choose a unique and cool congratulations in fact truly easily, so the surprise will not become burdensome for you.

Funny congratulations on the day of the theater

Theater is a huge world of riddles,
Culture royal crown.
And with the World Theater Day
Congratulate you in a hurry finally.

I wish you inspiration
Rapid, joy, love,
As well as eternal luck.
So that all the premiums found you.

Let the legendary spirit of the theater
You protect you from adversity,
I will warm your soul from your azart,
Success, faith will bring.
© https://zebroo.ru/gratters/huliday/vsemirnyij-den-teatra/verse/

Actors, director, actresses
Today we call you to bis!
Artists, souflers, directors,
Dancers, musicians and doubles,
Workers invisible for the scene,
And costumes with their stitch is invaluable.
To you - admiring words and views,
We are happy to congratulate everyone on the day!
© http://pozdravlenija.su/prazdniki_v_marte/denj_teatra/

Although they say that life is theater,
And we are the actors and on stage!
Theater is life guys
And created his true genius!

You, ingenious actors
We congratulate on the day of the theater!
Let him all be in you
You are our thoughts psychiatrists!

We wish you, geniuses of art,
Terrestrial riches, material,
And give up forever feelings
Big ... and the same premium!
© http://www.pozdravuha.ru/p/s-dnem-teatra-147/dlinnye.

On January 23, 1933, in his letter to the workshop of the MCAT swipers, wrote a great Russian theater director and acting teacher Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky: "... The performance begins with the moment of entry into the theater building. You are the first to meet the coming spectators ... ". This quote, over time, was transformed into a wilt phrase: "The theater begins with hangers", which implies the following: There are no secondary roles in theatrical art.

therefore World Day Theater - This is the professional holiday of all the workers of the theater: actors, theater directors, producers, producers, lighting, sound engineers, scenery monitoring and even tickets and swipers. But not only ... Theater Day - This is a holiday of millions of viewers.

Each artist knows that the scene is an absolutely "living being", it all feels. To someone she is favorable, to someone - no. It is believed that at night in famous theaters, when everything is closed, and all the actors left, the phantoms of previous performers come to life, hear music, ahi-sighs, Echo "Bravo and Bis"! Theater lives at night with his memories.

Many actors have some kind of talismans or commit some ritual actions before the performance. G. Vishnevskaya even came to specially say goodbye to the scene when he left Russia forever.

About talismans.

E. Exodinova always wore a toy peel of Bobcu with him. L. Pavarotti on the day of her first concert, having received a large iron nail from Mother, made it for some time with his talisman. Later he replaced him to another.

In general, nails ridden by straight from the theater scene, the most common mascot in the theatrical environment. Some even on their neck are worn.

About signs.

Before the premiere can not be said to actresses: "I wish you success." We must say: "Neither a fluff, no feather!"

The actor cannot be said: "I wish good luck"! It should be said: "Sleep yourself neck," and spit in his direction.

If actresses for the role should be in makeup big eyelashes, they never take new, use the same. Otherwise, you can lose your role.

Famous actress I. Miroshnichenko always asked Grimer to glue old eyelashes. The make-uprode began to call this process of gluing by resuscitation, because the eyelashes were already falling apart on 2 parts, but by 3-4. But the actress did not want to take other eyelashes, because she first came out in the performance with these eyelashes, then it should continue in them.

There is still a believer that if the role of the role dropped, it is necessary to sit on it.

The artist of Tyus R. Dukhnitsky told that he had a couple of times a role fell under the chairs of the auditorium. And in order to sit on her, it was necessary to climb under the armchairs. At such moments, the actors even stop the rehearsals and look, how will you get out of it.

And if, changed to the play, accidentally put on something out of the costume inside out, you must immediately remove, throw it on the floor and sit on top. Otherwise, you can forget something in the role or losing it at all.

Friday is considered the most unhappy day.

You always need to go to the locker room from the left leg.

You can not hang pictures on the door of the dressing room.

It is impossible to eat melodies from Macbeth during rehearsals.

The terrible disasters brings the number 13, so there are no makeup in theaters with this number. In the theater unfortunately considered yellow.

On the stage, only artificial flowers can be worn and in no case - alive.

If the actor stumbled on stage and fell not according to the script, then on this day he is better to leave the theater.

If, during the premiere of the performance, the actor creaks shoes, it means that the role will bring good luck.

But if in their debut costume to cling to a nail, you need to return for the scenes, despite the protests of the administration, and then re-enter the scene.

You can not look into the mirror over the shoulder, something terribly bad can happen.

Macbeth is considered the most ominous play, it brings the theater most of all misfortunes.

The most unhappy children's performances are "Children in the Forest" and "Robin Hood". The spectacle "Cinderella" is considered one of the happiers.

Some actors fear of roles in the plays of Bulgakov and Gogol, it is believed that these texts are mystical. There are many legends about mystical accidents associated with them.

Some theaters have special superstitions.

It is forbidden to whistle and nibble seeds behind the scenes in the "Lenkom", "Theater them. Yermolova "," Theater them. Vakhtangova "," Small Theater ". In the music theaters, another belief. A bad sign, if a heel falls on the scene, it means that the actor holds something from the appearance on the scene.

The actors of Mkhat believes that it is necessary to go on stage only with the right leg. Then the performance will be successful, and no one will forget its role.

In the Shevchenko Theater it is believed that the premiere will be very successful, before the start of the performance be sure to touch the scenes.