What does see to see in a dream the grave. What dreams fresh grave

What does see to see in a dream the grave. What dreams fresh grave
What does see to see in a dream the grave. What dreams fresh grave

If you dream of fresh grave, then someone's dishonest act will hurt you a terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows you dangerous.

Sleep about the grave most often promises troubles and illness.

Walk in a dream among the graves - to an unsuccessful brand. Looking into an empty grave - to the loss of loved ones.

To see in the unwrapped grave of a person, half of the ground, foreshadows the danger that threatens him. See your grave - the foresight of the goat preparing against you.

Speak in a dream grave - a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you have time to finish your work in a dream, you will feel the top over them. Adversely sleep, in which you see that the corpse disappeared for which the grave is dug - this dream is fading bad news.

If you dream that the night caught you in the cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave - it means the loss of friends, the cooling of the beloved.

Sometimes the grave in a dream foreshadows trouble at work.

Old, the dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous disease and death.

If in a dream you are reading the inscriptions on the graves - it means you will come to unpleasant troubles.

Brain, brains see their own brain in a dream - means that some adverse circumstances will annoy you and tie you with an unpleasant companion, companion. See of animal brains - foreshadowing soul suffering from everyday adversity.

If you eat brains - it means that you will suddenly acquire great knowledge and profits.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Mogila

To see in a dream the old, abandoned grave means that you will live before the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will stay on the care of the people who are completely related to you.

Dinking just bouncing the grave foreshadows that you will suffer from the rudeness and inattention of loved ones. To see in a dream the inscriptions on the graves - you will be attended by the troubles that you would prefer to avoid.

Read on the grave your name and dates of life with just no shop means that you will be mistaken by accepting a person who is completely unfamiliar to you, but by the side very similar to him. To be at night alone among the cemetery graves, from which vampires and other evil spirits get out, "such a nightmare foreshadows the unsuccessful union of two hearts, one of which is eager to learn all the strength of the other.

To see an empty grave left by those who rinsed in the native of the Greats, - the foresight of close losses, losses and disappointment.

Feel yourself in a dream in a cramped and stuffy grave, from which you are not able to get out, is a dream-warning about the danger of serious illness and the need to pass a thorough medical examination.

If in a dream you dig the grave for loved ones - it foreshadows that your enemies are willing to mix you with the ground at the first time, as soon as you give them for this even the slightest occasion.

In a dream, the grave in which you buried a stranger to you - to get unpleasant news from the farm friends. To fall into the same grave, the warning is not building a goat against people with whom you work or live side by side.

If you live in the grave of raketira or mafiosa - this means that you are standing on the hairs from a big mistake, which is not able to get out of debts for a long time and get rid of someone else's influence, which takes the sword's damocles. If at the same time you still succeeded in a certain way to escape, then all your problems and troubles are allowed to safely, to the worst satisfaction of both sides.

To see in a dream of young children, carelessly frightened among overgrown with bright colors of cemetery graves, is such a dream to promise favorable changes to the one who is inclined to enjoy the life benefits, not complaining of their destiny, whatever it is unsatisfactory from his point of view.

Interpretation of dreams

in the dream of flowers

dig a grave - loss of its fault; see the grave - news from afar; see the revealed grave - unkind news; be in the grave - to wealth depending on the thickness of the earth above you (the thicker layer, the more richer); Prepare yourself a grave - build a house, buy or purchase an apartment.


according to Ayurvedic dreamy

Such a dream prevents the death of a friend or relative. The recovery of a sick person will be very dubious.

Dreamed Mogila

by dream of Miller

If you dream of fresh grave, then someone's dishonest act will hurt you a terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows you dangerous. Sleep about the grave most often promises troubles and illness. Walk in a dream among the graves - to an unsuccessful marriage. Looking into an empty grave - to the loss of loved ones. To see the man's grave, half of the ground, he foreshadows the danger that threatens him. See your grave - the foresight of the goat preparing against you. Speak in a dream grave - a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you have time to finish your work in a dream, you will feel the top over them. The sleep is unfavorable in which you see that the corpse has disappeared, for which the grave is dug - this dream is fading bad news. If you dream that the night caught you in the cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave - it means the loss of friends, the cooling of the beloved. Sometimes the grave in a dream foreshadows trouble at work. Old, the dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous disease and death. If in a dream you are reading the inscriptions on the graves - it means you will come to unpleasant troubles.

What dreams of the grave

in the dream of flowers

well-groomed - benefit; evaporation, cloud over - to deliverance; The light, trees grow, flowers, the coffin appears - fortunately, good; Monument to put - to the acquisition; See Earth.

What dreams dream about the grave

by dream book Vangu

In a dream, see his own grave - forever shocks, an unusual event that will change your destiny not for the better. If you dreamed a few graves, it means that there is a chain of adverse events ahead of you, with each of which you will still lose confidence in your abilities, and only prayers will return to you hope. Abandoned, neglected grave - a sign of confusion, internal emptying, loss of landmarks in life, longing and despair, which will be held thanks to a new acquaintance with a wise and sparse man.

What dreams cemetery

in the dream of flowers

see - long life; Stones on the graves, read the inscriptions - a lot of friends; Launched - alienation.

Dreamed cemetery

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you walk around the cemetery or church court in the winter, - foreshadows you a long and desperate struggle with poverty; Perhaps you will live away from your home, in separation with friends. But if you notice some signs of spring, you will find a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment by the society of friends. For lovers to see yourself in a dream in a cemetery or in the church yard means that they will never marry, but will see their beloved under the crown with others. See yourself in a dream on a beautiful and well-keeled cemetery - means that you will get unexpected news about the recovery of someone you have already paid. Will be recognized by your right to take the land from you. To see the old, launched cemetery - means that you will live before the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will stay on the care of others. For young people to see in a dream that they roam the silent alleys of the dead, means the gentle and loving attitude of friends. But they are also waiting for sorrow and sadness, in which friends will be powerless to help. The brides seeing in a dream that their wedding procession crosses the cemetery will lose their husbands as a result of accidents. For the mother, bring fresh flowers in the cemetery - means a long good health of the whole family. If the young widow dreams that she visited the cemetery, "hence, soon she will change mourning clothes on the marriage. If she sees himself sad, she is waiting for new concerns and regret. Old people who see the cemetery in a dream, will soon wait for the last journey to the edge of eternal peace. The spectacle of small children, collecting flowers and catching butterflies among the graves, promises favorable changes. The one who sees this dream, health will allow a long time to enjoy life, and friends will not leave him in the middle of a life path.

Dreamed funeral

by dream of Miller

Be at the funeral of a relative in a good sunny day - a sign of good health of your relatives; Aggre happy fate is possible. But if it rains and the weather is dark, then wait soon illness and bad news, as well as decline in affairs. If you are present at the funeral of a person unfamiliar to you, unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. The funeral of your child is foreshadowed health and peace in your family, but problems are among friends. To hear in a dream funeral ringing - means unexpected sad news or a disease of the missing person. Call the bell to the foresight of the disease and failures.

What dreams of funeral

in the dream of flowers

prosperous outcome, to the wedding; You buried - a long life; The dead man is alive - invitation to the wedding; The funeral procession is sophisticated (depending on the procession length due to personal).

What dreams grave hill

in the dream of flowers

well-being (the greater the higher, whale.); The end of the alarms about those who are buried.


by dream of symbols and numbers

The Latin Cross is the most common Christian religious symbol in the Western world. According to the tradition, it is believed that it was from this cross, Christ was removed, hence his other name - Crucifixion cross. Usually, the cross is a untreated tree, but sometimes it is covered with gold, which symbolizes the glory, or the red spots of the blood of Christ on a green tree of life. This form, so similar to the man who spread his hands, symbolized God in Greece and China long before the appearance of Christianity. Rising the cross symbolized the kindness from the Egyptians.

What dreams cross

in the dream of flowers

fate, share; Wear - will arrange, to the condemnation of sleeping; on the road - joyful news; fenced - exit from difficulties; Cross (see, keep in hand) - happiness; (On someone) - suffering because of the commencement of the cross.

Cross in a dream

by dream of Nostradamus

The cross is a symbol of salvation, tests, hopes. To see the cross - it means that you will be coming long and heavy tests. To see the church crucifixion in a dream - your unacceptable deeds will cause your mental suffering. If in a dream you squeeze the cross in your hand, then you choose not the easiest, but worthy of life. The dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in their claws means aggression of the powerful empire. To see in a dream the cross, outlined around, is a badge of trouble, under the threat of all the planet and humanity. If in a dream you put on the neck cross - prepare for the fact that someone from the neighbor will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you. To see the burning cross - warning about danger. Cross, similar to anchor, means spiritual revival.

Dreamed the cross

by dream of Miller

To see a cross - this is a warning about the approach of misfortune, which you will involving. Kiss in a dream Cross - predicts that you will take the misfortune with due durability. For a young woman to see that she holds a cross in his hands, predicts that it will abide by the modesty and goodwill in behavior than the love of others will conquer and cause the favor of fate. If you dream of a person with a cross in your hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity, care for others.

What dreams dream about the cross

by dream book Vangu

In a dream, this symbol means a petition, protection against evil, update. The dream in which you saw the cross with a chain with a chain, symbolizes repentance, uncompanness and love of neighbor. To see in a dream, the priest baptized you and put the cross on you - a sign that in real life your guardian angel will save you from misfortunes. In a dream, you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary quality character, as the ability to forget and forgive insults. You dreamed that you are standing on the cemetery and before you the grave, where you see a big cross, - this dream means that in reality you should do more good things, as bad things will be punished by the highest forces. In reality, you burned in the justice of this truth.

What dreams crucifix

in the dream of flowers

be crucified - unwanted marriage.

Dreamed Crucifixion

by dream of Miller

If you happen to see a crucifix in a dream - then you will find that your former opportunities disappeared, your hopes collapsed. However, you will show durability, stop the wedding about the crash of hopes and continue your business.

What dreams of a pit

in the dream of flowers

danger; see how someone dug up - cooling of feelings (if familiar), nuisance, material or personal; Climb into a pit - experience relationships.

Meaning of sleep about the pit

by Dream Freud.

To see a pit in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for the fact that I hid the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that will come to mind with a similar explanation is treason, infidelity in relation to the partner for marriage. However, this is optional. It may well be that once for a long time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then I was ashamed of what happened and no one began to tell about it. So - the pit that you see in a dream symbolizes what everything "gets out" out. If in a dream you fall into the pit, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some not quite good from the point of view of the generally accepted morality. Maybe you met a man who really liked you, and would you like to go to more informal forms of communication? Only one large "but" stops you - your duties before your spouse (or spouse). To jump over the pit - in an intimate life, you and your partner have some kind of problem, but it seems difficult to discuss it. Thus, every time you reach the "hard place", trying to pretend that nothing "such" does not happen that everything seems to be in order. You jump over the problem as if the pit dreameded to you. If you dream that someone sits in the pit, it means that you have a kind of sadistic principle, you want to have and ruin in bed. Well, it's great if you like to obey your partner.

Dreamed to dig

by dream of Miller

To see earthworks in a dream - it means that hard, but not a poor life awaits you. If, Roy Jama, you find some sparkling valuable things, then it promises a favorable turn of fate. But extensive emptiness in the pit - means that true misfortunes will be chased. Water filled with a pit that you dug out means that despite your most stressful efforts, the position of things does not obey your will.

Dreamed burial zalway

by dream of Miller

To see himself buried alive - means that you are about ready to make a huge mistake that enemies quickly use to insult and harm you. If you saved, getting out of the grave, then the price of great efforts you can safely reach the right way.

See in a dream cross or crucifix

by Dream Loffa

This most powerful religious symbol personifies consolation, condemnation, healing, pain or need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what influence has a dream on the entire plot. The cross can cause both opposite feelings: attraction, disgust or desire to avoid it. Avoid the Cross - the indicator of condemnation, shame, inadequate attitude towards eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore memory, that is, a kind of protective mechanism that helps forget about the consequences of the choice or events associated with religious symbolism in your life. Crucifixion certainly has a positive start - it bears salvation and sense of security. Many religious icons are positive for us. Taboo. Just as we avoid links with dark symbols or tabs, we feel the good power of positive characters. The strength of the symbol gives us a sense of security. Christians, seeing a crucifix in a dream, can reach internal purification, updates and reconciliation. Who is with you next when the cross appears? What events precede and follow immediately for the appearance of the crucifixion? It will tell you whether the cross is the symbol of internal healing or the external guide to reconciliation. (Sofia)

For a detailed interpretation, you need items, but your sleep may mean that you are standing on the threshold of a new stage in relation to people important to you.In reality, you will have to rethink what is happening so that after building the interaction in a completely new level.

It is impossible to say that the dream, in which the chief story was becoming a cemetery and grave, while waking brings many joy. But do not rush to panic, because dreams often warn us about future problems or serious errors, to which we can still prepare or change.
What is the most often dreaming of the grave?

  • Dream Interpretation: See your grave - means that you are experiencing sincere solitude and emptiness. The dream promises you serious tests and events. It may be a success, and grief, but everything that happens is very important for you.
  • To see the grave of a living person in a dream - means that he will live a long and happy life, if this is a person familiar to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave of a living person - means that you constantly think about someone. You too dwell on this man.
  • What dreams of the grave of an unfamiliar person are dreaming - you will lose in something, although they had all the chances of success.

What does the grave of relatives dream?

  • The dream of the "grave of a relative" is an unfavorable symbol, but he does not promise death or a severe illness of someone from your loved ones. Such a dream means problems and trouble in your life, which will affect not only you, but also your relatives.
  • To see the grave of a deceased relative in a dream - you often do not fulfill these promises or in the past you have unfinished affairs. Return your debts: Execute what they promised, otherwise you will have serious problems.
  • Sleep "Cemetery, graves of relatives" - if relatives are still alive, then the dream is very favorable. Your relatives will live long and happily, and if someone has now suffer from a serious illness, he will soon be amended.
  • What dreams of the grave of the deceased grandmother - you still continue to go back to the past and do not let him go, remembering wonderful days. Watch better in the future and live by the present. (cm. )
  • What dreams of the grave of the deceased father is a serious blow, the existing situation will be aggravated. It is impossible to say where you have to wait for a trick, but you have enough time to prepare yourself for trouble, because they will happen very soon.
  • What dreams of the grave of the dead mom is - you are too kind to others. On the one hand, it is not bad, but on the other hand you for some reason do not allow the thoughts that someone from your environment can take advantage of your kindness for your own pearliness and benefits. (cm. )
  • The Sleep of the "Grave of the Child" is a warning. At work or in business there will be serious problems. It will be hard for you, but do not lower your hands, because how much such a situation will last unknown, thanks to your persistence, it can drastically change in a short time.
  • What dream of a friend's grave is to be in reality to your friend threatens a serious danger. You must offer him your help, because he desperately needs it, but for some reason cannot contact you. (cm. )

What did you see or do in the cemetery, on the grave?

  • To see in a dream how the grave is digging - the goats and conspiracies are built against you, with whom you often and closely communicate.
  • Cell the grave is a good sign, you will not have to take anything to defeat your enemies, they themselves will leave you alone.
  • Forum, sleep "To remove the grave", interprets as follows: Pleasant troubles, an unexpected arrival of a familiar or distant relative.
  • "Drain grave in a dream" Dream Interpretation gives the following explanation - you have to have a serious struggle with your enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: The graves see in large quantities - means a series of troubles and troubles that will follow one after another.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed the grave - a very good sign, if it burns, it predicts you a completely different, free life.
  • Dream Interpretation Online "Grave" is often identified with your emotional state. Fear of death, philosophical reasoning on the topic of life may be reflected in your dreams.
  • Sleep "Find out in the grave" - \u200b\u200bin spite of everything you will achieve success.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave in a dream to another person - you will make a dishonest act in relation to another person.
  • To see in a dream dug up graves - you are waiting for a series of problems and troubles that will follow one after another.
  • Sleep "Put in the grave of two people" - you wick over your enemies, but not without the help of your real friends.
  • Cancel the grave in a dream - means that someone from the past will disturb you.
  • Burning grave in a dream - you get rid of concern, problems and troubles.
  • Sleep "Stand up on the grave" - \u200b\u200bit prophes it to achieve a high position and wealth.
  • Sleep "Move the grave" - \u200b\u200ba bad sign, you will make a serious mistake and you will not be able to fix it.
  • Sleep "Three graves" - your situation will be worse, but only for a short time, so do not take anything while you will jump out.

Dream Meridiana

  • This dream interpretation is the interpretation of the dreams "Togil" gives the following: you trust in vain to those who do not know at all. This led to the next in your life a series of problems will begin.
  • What dreams to dig a grave - be careful, trouble you can deliver those people from which you do not expect a trick: close relatives, friends, work colleagues.
  • Sleep "Kopl's grave to himself" - in troubles and misfortunes that only you blacken you. Understand yourself.
  • Split the grave in a dream - to return to the past.
  • What dreams of the mother's grave to - if you dreamed of the grave of the deceased person, this is a warning that now is a bad period for new things.
  • This dream interpretation is the interpretation of the dreams of the "Living Human" gives the following: Your troubles and problems are not so significant as you think at first glance.
  • Dream Interpretation: Living Grave - Your Situation will soon change for the better.
  • To see his grave with a monument in a dream - the time comes when you need to be very careful: carefully read all the documents that fall into your hands, do not believe anyone on the word and act, listen to your intuition, and you will defeat the circumstances.
  • The dream of the "grave of the girlfriend" - means the danger that threaten your girlfriend.
  • What does the dream "grave" mean for a young girl - do not hurry in decision making regarding your favorite young man, he may not be at all how you imagine it.
  • Sleep "Mom's Grave" - \u200b\u200bmany use your kindness and location for mercenary purposes.
  • Crying on the grave in a dream - if you felt facilitated, your troubles will end soon, if you felt pain, loneliness - it means that your situation will become even worse.
  • Clean the grave in a dream - you will have a chance to change the situation for the better.

Dream of white magician

  • What does the grave mean in a dream is a warning about troubles and problems.
  • The meaning of sleep "grave" can reflect your obvious fear of death and physical pain.
  • What dreams to dig a grave in the cemetery is your life situation even worse. If you have experienced material difficulties - your position will be aggravated. But do not despair, this is the last test you have to withstand with honor. The white stripe is about to start, all difficulties will stay behind.
  • What dreams of the grave of the daughter - your daughter is waiting for a long life and good health.
  • What dreams "stand on the grave" - \u200b\u200bin your life there comes a traumaous period, no health problems are excluded.
  • What dreams of fresh graves - you get rid of worrying from you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Friend of a friend - Your support and help with your comrades are vital.
  • What does it mean to see in a dream the grave - a dream will tend to serious changes in your life that can touch off relations, work, relatives.
  • What does it mean to see in a dream the grave - a dream can only be a reflection of your inner mood, if you are afraid of death, often talk about the meaning of life and how the short life, etc.
  • To see a man in the grave - you have a serious enemy.
  • To dream of a husband's grave - means well-being in the family.
  • Children's graves in a dream - prophesy the onset of a new period, a new life.
  • Sleep "Photography on the grave" - \u200b\u200bafter the burden and tests you will achieve the desired.
  • To remove the grave in a cemetery in a dream - your envious will not be able to harm you.
  • Sleep "Coming on the grave" - \u200b\u200bbecause of your excessive gulling towards unfamiliar people you will be in trouble.
  • Take the land from the grave in a dream - you continue to return to the past, and it does not allow you to live normally in the present and threatens your future.
  • The meaning of sleep "grave, women" is a cunning, conspiracies, squabbles and gossip.
  • Snake in the grave in a dream - a sign of a curse, prepare for serious problems and tests.
  • Sleep "To see the grave of Sveti" - you do unfair and dishonest towards others than ruin your soul.
  • Sleep "Tomb of Aunt is not in the cemetery" - you are waiting for loneliness, you will not have anyone to look for supports and support.
  • The meaning of sleep "Dress on someone else's shoes from the grave" - \u200b\u200bDo not take the problems of others, even close relatives. For you it is fraught with serious problems.
  • In the dream "Grave of Grandma with Black Stone" - you were in front of her. Stone is your feeling of guilt, shook and ask for forgiveness.
  • Dream Interpretation: Search for a grave - With the help of friends you will choose from trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: Flowers on the grave - a very important acquaintance awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Mom's grave - strong and good relations between relatives.

Dream Ezopa

  • What dreams to dig a grave in a dream - be careful of your ill-wishers and enviouss decided to unite to win the top over you.
  • "I woke up in the grave" - \u200b\u200bSleep means that in reality you expect well-being and if you forgot what the joy of life you will soon find it. Try to remember how deep the grave in which you turned out to be. By dreams - the deeper there was a grave pit, the more importantly, your money income in reality will increase.
  • It dreams that I fall into the grave - an unfavorable sign, which revealed to you serious life tests, sharp negative changes in life, prepare for them and take the strength.
  • To see in a dream a freshly buried grave and himself in it - you are waiting for unexpected news from which you will learn a lot about those who are next to you.
  • What dreams of the old grave - you will find an unusual surprise, an adventure on the road or a small incident.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave of the relative of the deceased - you must fulfill those promises that were once given, otherwise you are waiting for trouble.
  • The dream "What dreams of the grave" - \u200b\u200byou are waiting for serious tests.
  • Sleep about the grave on the old abandoned cemetery - means that you will be disappointed with some circumstances.
  • In a dream, the grave was dreamed, clean and well-groomed - you will meet a wise person who will help you in your problems.
  • To see the sown's grave in a dream - you are worried too much for him, it is in vain anxiety.
  • For the grave - your enemies are scattered against you.
  • Crying over the grave in a dream - your troubles either end, or they will become even more, it all depends on what you feel in a dream.
  • In a dream, you can make a person in the grave - you will defeat your enemies.

Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

  • Dream Interpretation: the grave of seeing old - predicts that good changes are waiting for you. They concern a person to communicate with which in the past you diligently avoided. Perhaps he will still risk contacting you for help and opens in front of you from the new side.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave of the girlfriend is a deadly danger.
  • What dreams of flowers on the grave - you are waiting for joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging the grave - promises you restrictions in the ability to show yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Magal husband - you will marry the second time.
  • Dream Interpretation: Grave of Grandmothers - you miss the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean the grave - you will be asked for help.
  • Dream Interpretation: Search the grave in the cemetery - look for a way out of this situation. You will find the burial - you will find and exit.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave with hands - you are waiting for losses, but exclusively in your fault.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cemetery, see Empty graves - bad news, severe illness from someone from loved ones.
  • Live flowers on the grave in a dream - a good sign, you can believe your friends.
  • In a dream, brush the grave from the leaves - you will learn a lot about those who are near you.
  • Sleep "Put the dead man in the grave" - \u200b\u200bif someone from your loved ones is seriously ill, he will soon cure.
  • Get to the grave in a dream - communication with people you know for a long time, but could not understand their true essence. Be careful, they can take advantage of it.
  • Care for grave in a dream - pleasant troubles.

Dream Vangu

  • What dreams of a cemetery, graves, crosses are awaiting serious tests. They will radically change your life and, and not at all as you would like. But look at it on the other hand, you may have rushed to your destiny from the road in this life.
  • What dreams a lot of graves - you have a serious test of your faith in your own strength. Soon a series of unpleasant events will follow.
  • What dreams abandoned grave and an abandoned cemetery are a sign of spiritual emptiness, longing, full despair. Your wanders and Maya will end, and will help you with a meeting with a wise and understanding person.
  • What dreams of the grave of the deceased grandfather is a bad omen, which is a heavy illness. And if someone from your relatives is sick, it is possible that the disease will be aggravated.
  • Dream Interpretation Vangu: the grave is fresh - the goats of the enemies to substitute you.
  • What dreams to dig a grave in a dream is a serious fight with enemies awaits you.
  • Clear on the grave in a dream - care for loved ones, bustle, horses.
  • In a dream, correct the grave - you will independently handle the unpleasant situation.
  • What means digging the grave in a dream for yourself - do not trust those who do not know well, otherwise you will fall into trouble.
  • Sleep "Dead in the Grave" - \u200b\u200byour past sins will let yourself know.
  • Sleep "I dig dead grandfather grave" - \u200b\u200bfulfill all your promises, otherwise you are waiting for trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a cemetery and graves - troubles and serious illnesses.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams the grave is a symbol warning about the deadly danger that hung over someone from your loved ones or friends. You must have a post assistance and take part of other people's problems on your shoulders.
  • What dreams the open grave is dreaming - someone from your environment will show a hidden illness in severe form, a fatal outcome is possible.
  • What dreams of care for the grave is a good luck in business: you make a profitable contract or partnership.
  • What dreams to cry over the grave - there is a couple of nuances. , experiencing bitterness and despair, then in reality you are waiting for big trouble. But if you cried and felt relief - it means that all the troubles and sorrow, who have overwhelmed you recently leave you, will be abandoned.
  • What dreams of cleaning the grave - you are waiting for some pleasant troubles and joyful things.
  • What dreams of sagging graves are dreaming - you will get unpleasant and sad news from friends or relatives living in the distance.
  • What is the dream of unfamiliar graves - there are people in your surroundings who will not mow a chance to betray you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave in a dream - your abilities and potential you are wasted, you are waiting for losses.
  • Dream Interpretation: Spice the grave - analyze the past, the ability to correct errors.

Sonnie Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: To see the grave in a dream - means danger.
  • In a dream to see in the grave of a living man - means that troubles and circumstances will take top of you.
  • To see in a dream, how to dig the grave - soon your problems will disappear by themselves, take care of patience and do nothing.
  • To see a dug-out grave in a dream - you will cope with your own ill-wishers.
  • To see the grave of grandmother - nostalgia for the past.
  • To see "roll up the grave" - \u200b\u200bit's time to correct past errors.
  • To see the Mom's grave - your troubles will end soon.
  • To see other people's graves - unpleasant troubles.
  • Sleep "Walking by Mogilas" - ahead of you are waiting for serious troubles and severe diseases.
  • What dreams of the grandfather's grave is a health problem.
  • What dreams the grave of a live mother is a favorable sign promising for many years of your mom's life.
  • What dreams of the overgrown grave Matrona - you lose your soul, analyze your behavior and actions.
  • In a dream, walking around the cemetery among the graves - means an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Miller

  • Miller's dream book: Grave - is identified with a sense of guilt. Sometimes such a dream dreams of legal proceedings.
  • Miller's dream book: Cemetery, graves - a lot of graves dream of severe trials. Each of them will knock you out of the usual rhythm of life, depriving strength and self-confidence.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fresh grave, a cemetery - a dream is a warning of severe diseases. In addition, the likelihood is great that close people will not affect you and unfairly to you than you cause a strongest pain.
  • What dreams of empty grave - if you look into it, this is a sign warning about what misfortune can happen to some of your loved ones.
  • Sleep "Father's grave" - \u200b\u200bcan mean both your dependence in the emotional plan from it and a warning about the start of trouble.
  • Search the grave in a dream - you yourself create your own behavior.
  • Sleep "Flowers on the grave" - \u200b\u200byour misfortunes and misfortunes go away from you, only light ahead.
  • To see the grave of a living person in a dream - a new acquaintance with a man who will help you survive before difficulties.
  • Sleep "Tomb of her husband" - a disorder in the family.
  • Sleep "Two graves" - the situation in which you are now, will be worse, you should not start anything new.
  • Sleep "Open grave" - \u200b\u200ba bad sign: health problems, if you or someone from your surroundings already sick, the disease will show itself stronger.
  • Sleep "Cemetery, graves, crosses" - a bad omen, meaning difficulties and troubles, and who wines and how to do it properly to prompt individual elements of sleep: what graves you saw what crosses were what you did in the cemetery, etc.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave - you will come across the cunning plan of the revenge.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dipped grave, empty - problems, disappointment, unpleasant news.

Idiom dream book

  • To see the grave in a dream - someone will take a promise with you on non-disclosure of secrets or any secret.
  • Search the grave in a cemetery in a dream - search for answers to questions. You will find the grave - you will find the answers, no - do not decide now your problems.
  • Dropped graves in a dream - health problems.
  • To see the grave of the father in a dream - you need help, to have a wise and experienced person.
  • "Destroyed graves" Dream Interpretation gives the following explanation - your past does not let you go.
  • Drain the grave in a dream - only you are to blame for your problems.
  • Sleep "Tomb of a friend" - someone desperately needs your help, you must offer it yourself.
  • To see his grave in a dream - be careful, something is crying against you.
  • In a dream, find the grave - you will have to donate something to achieve what you so passionately want.
  • Sleep "Sit on the grave" - \u200b\u200byour affairs will soon improve.
  • Sleep "Dead at the grave" - \u200b\u200byou do not notice a lot around yourself, you are waiting for trouble.
  • Many graves in a dream - you are waiting for a quick change of events that will require an instant reaction from you.
  • What does "dig a grave in a dream to himself" - betrayal from friends, colleagues at work, loved ones.
  • Operate the grave in a dream - past mistakes will remind you of yourself.

Female dream book

  • Sleep "What dreams of the grave" is a sign of trouble, the vicissitudes of fate and grave diseases.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cemetery, walk among the graves - means that you are waiting for a difficult and extremely bad marriage.
  • What dreams of empty grave in the cemetery are - you lose someone from your loved ones.
  • What dreams of digging the grave is your envious and enemies right in the fight against you. Remember what your dream ended? If you managed to finish work to the end, it means that in reality you will be overwhelmed over your ill-wishers.
  • What dreams of seeing your grave - you are waiting for a strong shock, which will provoke changes in the usual lifeguard, but these changes will not be for the better.
  • What dreams of freshly buried grave is that you threaten danger. Perhaps something one of your loved ones or good friends will make betrayal towards you, and you will suffer greatly.
  • Dream Interpretation: Old Tomb - your failures will lead you to complete moral exhaustion. You will feel confused and loneliness. But soon the person will appear in your life who will help you again to gain the meaning of life.
  • To see a lot of graves in a dream - it can mean that a truly black strip awaits you ahead.
  • Fall in the grave in a dream - you will plunge with your head in troubles and problems.
  • Sleep "Mother's grave" - \u200b\u200bsomeone seeking your friendship from the pearls.
  • Sleep "Grave of Grandma" - a reflection of your experiences about your loved ones.
  • Sleep "Grave of Grandpa" - does not foreshadow anything bad. And if the grandfather is alive, he will still stay in full health and clear memory.
  • In a dream to see the graves of relatives - you too trust some people from your surroundings. Be careful, they can substitute you or use your good relationship for mercenary purposes.
  • Sleep "Pit for the grave" - \u200b\u200bclouds are condensed over you, envious builds are building a goat against you to destroy your plans.
  • Sleep "Outproken graves" - you are waiting for serious tests, but you have to withstand them, then everything will immediately work out.
  • Rissing the grave in a dream - you are waiting for quarrels and scandals.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • Dream: Grave - This symbol can dream of both unpleasant West, and to great profits.
  • Which means "see in a dream of a grave" - \u200b\u200bthe burial located in the distance, says that you are very far from our goals.
  • Dream Interpretation Interpretation of sleep "dig a grave" gives the following: you buried your talent and because of this suffer the loss.
  • What dreams dug up grave - to good news.
  • What dreams to dig the grave of the shovel - you will be caused by a lot of damage and the blame you yourself.
  • What dreams the bursting grave - expect bad news and sad events. They can concern both your close relatives and you.
  • Photo on the grave in a dream - if this is your photo - you will achieve unprecedented success if someone else's, wait for joyful news.
  • Sleep "Saint Grave" - \u200b\u200bgoing to his plans and goals, you tear away from your soul.
  • Sleep "Freshly, grave" - \u200b\u200ba real plot is preparing against you.
  • To see broken graves in a dream - to great troubles.
  • Choosing a rupture grave in a dream is a good sign, you will be able to cope with all the troubles that will fall on your share.

Ukrainian dream book

  • To whom to dream of the grave - most often a dream with such a symbolism warns about the coming troubles and diseases.
  • Scho Mean I mean, if you dream of your grave - your enemies prepare a conspiracy against you, weave the goats and intrigues.
  • Dreaming as the construction of the grave - if you take direct participation in this actions, you have a serious fight with your ill-wishers or you are waiting for serious financial losses.
  • The grave z will vivers the go of the Dream Interpretation - you are waiting for heavy wear, you will suffer greatly in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Zwintar, the grave (cemetery, graves) - you have a long and difficult struggle with the need and what the outcome of this battle is unknown.
  • Dream Interpretation: To remove the grave in the cemetery - a disease that has long overwhelmed someone from your relatives or acquaintances, will soon disappear without a trace, a person will be amended.
  • Yakschko dream of the grave - if you dream the grave and the cemetery, then you should be attentive to what is happening events and your own health.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave in the water is just a reflection of your inner overvoltage. Difficulties and problems wanted over you, you are tired of fighting and resist them, you surrendered.
  • Dream Interpretation: Empty grave - if you look into it, there will be a loss of loved ones.
  • To see in a dream in the cemetery, children's graves - deterioration of relations in the family and between relatives.

Intellone dream

  • What dreams of the cemetery and graves are needed - you need to complete the cases started as soon as possible. Their outcome is of much greater value for you than you think. Subsequently, your achievements will help you resist your enemies.
  • What dreams of a relative's grave is - a new life awaits you ahead. Such a symbol means revival. If you were alone or experienced a serious loss, you will again gain love and family.
  • What dreams of grandma's grave is a sign that you remember past too often, live memories of cloudless days. Also, such a dream can only reflect your emotional state and strong attachment towards a close person.
  • What dreams the old cemetery and graves are waiting for strong emotional shocks and disappointment.
  • To see in a dream the graveyard and graves, well-groomed, with wreaths assigned to the tombstones - this is a good sign. Ahead of you are waiting for many useful dating, effective meetings, acquiring new friends.
  • Walking around the cemetery in a dream, look for a grave - a bad omen. There is a risk to face serious and completely unexpected problems. Also such a dream can fill a speed and very unsuccessful marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: Distributed graves - deception, betrayal, fraud. Be careful not to trust strangers.
  • This dream interpretation interpretation of dreams "dig a grave" gives the following: You yourself are to blame for the fact that they have come so many enemies. Now they make something against you.
  • Clean around the grave in a dream - you are waiting for small things and troubles.

Egyptian dream book

Dream Stranger

  • What dreams of the grave of a person - the news is waiting for you, changes for the better or worse depends on the aspects of sleep itself.
  • What dreams of the grave of the deceased relative - you have some important unfinished matter, the significance of which you are understood.
  • Why dream of digging the grave - you are waiting for bad news related to you or with your relatives.
  • The dream "Abandoned grave of an unknown soldier" - Glory, success and promotion in the service.
  • Sleep "dig a grave in the cemetery" - you will have a chance to correct your mistakes.
  • In a dream, seek the grave of a relative in the cemetery - your relatives will help you survive the black stripe in your life.
  • In a dream, "the dog sits on the grave of a relative" - \u200b\u200byou have a real friend who will help you in solving your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: See the graves of relatives who died - you forgot about your promises.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave of a live relative - this man does not threaten anything, he will be waiting for a prosperous and long life.

Dream Interpretation Y. Longo

  • This dream interpretation is the interpretation of dreams "Cemetery, graves" gives the following - all troubles and troubles are necessary for your development, becoming of yourself and, as a result, implementing your plans.
  • What dreams of seeing the grave - problems, vital difficulties, proceedings and disputes.
  • What dreams of the grave of the deceased relative - this sign indicates a strong attachment to the past and at the same time starting a new life period, in which it should be calculated solely on its own forces.
  • What dreams of a live grave is a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance.
  • What dreams of the child's grave is - such a dream is often dreaming if the reality is burdened by a difficult period of proceedings and conflicts. Sleep means that all difficulties go, it is an end to complex relationships.
  • What dreams of the grave of the father - be very and very attentive and careful, the likely to get into a serious misfortune. Snnowment can warn about serious financial problems. This period is a bad time for deposits and investments.
  • What dreams of the mother's grave - you are too often sacrificing yourself and your interests because of other people if you continue to continue, you will get into trouble.
  • What dreams own grave - you have to survive a serious shock, it will negatively affect your life and the state of your health.
  • What dreams of looking for a grave is a bad omen, foreshadowing sad news that relate to severe illness or even the death of loved ones. Such a dream may be a symbol of serious problems and the onset of heavy life circumstances. If you have recently married, then such a dream promises you a short and unhappy marital marriage.
  • - Very favorable symbol. Your difficulties and problems will be ended very soon, and then you will be waiting for only a big luck and luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave in the cemetery - by samples and errors you will be able to find the right way out and overcome all the difficulties.

Dream Solomon

  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the grave - disputes and proceedings, wines in some misdemeanor.
  • What dreams of the dug grave is a bad sign to a strong scandal in the family or death.
  • What dreams of digging the grave - you are waiting for a misfortune, but to blame that circumstances will be challenged this way, you can only yourself and anymore.
  • What dreams of a beloved grave is not destined to be together. You can put the cross on your relationship, the fate itself against you.
  • What the graves dreams, the coffins are ahead of difficult times, you are waiting for a chain of events that will bring you some grief, pain and tears.
  • What dreams to bury the grave - you do not use the abilities that are laid in you from birth. All troubles and trouble are given to you so that you can use your own strength and talents to implement the goals. And while you will not start acting, your black bar will not end.

English Dream

  • The sleep "Cemetery, graves" is always a sign, some global changes in life or events preceding these changes. Such dreams often warn about threatening danger or a series of troubles and troubles.
  • Fresh grave in a dream - a bad sign. You are waiting for deception or betrayal, from people from your environment.
  • - But such a sign is favorable. He promises you new, useful dating.
  • Dream Interpretation: the cemetery, the graves of old and nonsense - warn you about large disappointments that can cause incomparable spiritual flour and pain.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave of the relative is a good sign - the sign of the Renaissance. You, like a Phoenix bird, will stand out of the ashes and start all with a clean leaf and all the troubles that are now, for you quite overcome, believe in yourself.
  • What dreams your own grave with a photo is that the symbol promises you serious, fateful changes. They can be both good and bad.
  • Sleep on the grave in a dream - there is a big risk of developing a dangerous disease, take all necessary measures to minimize risks.
  • Sleep "On the grave two crosses" - in the family and at work there will be major troubles. Get ready for complete misunderstanding in relationships with colleagues, bosses and close people. The period begins when you feel lonely and all abandoned. The Council is one, continue also in good faith to fulfill your duties, avoid conflicts, relieve difficulties, but most importantly do not lower your hands and everything will gradually begin to improve.
  • Speak potatoes on the grave in the cemetery - Dream Interpretation gives the following interpretation: after all the tightness and adversity you will be waiting for a long-awaited and full vacation. In addition, all your efforts in the fight against difficulties will not be a gift, you will find a good income and the more potato tubers in your dream, the greater income is waiting for you in reality. (cm. )

French dream book

  • What does it mean if the grave dream is - if in a dream you looked at her and did not make any actions, all that you predict such a dream is to obtain important news from afar. Relatives and old friends, and classmates can send you news.
  • To see the cemetery and graves in a dream - means that the period of difficulties and constant voltage ends. Now you can afford to relax and fully rest.
  • The dream of "graves with crosses" - after the difficulties you experienced, luck turns to your face. Next comes a favorable time for change.
  • What dreams of fresh grave in the cemetery is not in vain not worry about what your enviousness is on your back. Now they are actively trying to harm you by committing some kind of domestic act and substituting you. Confine yourself from risks to become a victim of deception or betrayal. Do not get involved in dubious events, do not talk about your personal life and do not associate with bad people.
  • What is your own grave with a monument - some kind of very pleasant surprise that is a very pleasant surprise, which for a long time will raise you.
  • What dreams of seeing the grave of a living person - in fact - this is a good sleep that foreshadows a man whose grave you saw in a dream, a long and happy life.
  • To see the grave of the deceased in a dream - means that you should be careful and more careful to you in your real life. Be careful to how you behave: What do and what you say, analyze your actions and do not go from the right and good way.
  • To see an empty grave in a dream - your experiences, fears and anxiety is meaningless. They are caused by your excessively rich imagination. Calm down, all your experiences are meaningless.

Dream Khasse

  • This dream book Interpretation of the dreams "Cemetery, Graves" gives the following: Ahead of change, news and events that should make you think about what is happening around you and what you do. Most often, such a symbol is a warning sign that you are confused from your true path.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave in a dream - a period of heavy testing for you ends. And if you all withstood with honor and bother to fame, get ready for a full-fledged stay.
  • Dream Interpretation: Do the roof over the grave - troubles and care are waiting for you. But you do not need to worry, these are small, non-night cases that will give you joy.
  • What dreams of walking on the graves - anxiety awaits you. In the depths of the soul you understand that they are doing wrong and go not that expensive. You do not really listen to your intuition.
  • What dreams to fall into the grave is a strong disappointment and pain waiting for you. But you can avoid so negative emotions. Just follow yourself, do not go from the right track, do not believe in dubious people or friends promising the golden mountains. Calculate only for your strength.
  • What dreams to plant flowers on the grave is a wonderful sign. It hurries a lot of happiness to you, and you deserve it.
  • What dreams to remove the grave on the cemetery are awaiting business, worries and troubles that you will deliver joy. Pleasant and desirable work for you.
  • Sleep "Flip the grave" is a good sign, a character of getting rid of adversity, troubles and problems. Ahead has a big change, your stage of life tests is finished, only joy is ahead.

Dream of Zhou-Guna

  • What dreams of the grave of a living person - a dream promises this person for many years of life, happiness and prosperity.
  • What is the dreams of other graves - you have a lot of meetings and new acquaintances, do you bring something useful from these events for yourself.
  • Sleep "Old graves" - you completely forgot about spirituality. You will meet a person who will help you sort out yourself.
  • What dreams "To look for a grave in the cemetery" is an unknown omen, which promises unexpected problems in affairs, relationships or sad news about the deadly disease of the loved one and the expensive person of your heart.
  • The husband's grave is dreaming - a new beginning, a new life, a new marriage.
  • What dreams "Drop the dead man from the grave" - \u200b\u200bin the troubles that you will soon begin, you yourself are to blame. Your actions and actions you have made yourself enemies and envious.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sleep on the grave - in a relationship with your partner there will come coldness.
  • Sleep "Own grave" - \u200b\u200bsee such a sign, means that you are waiting for a serious shock, which will affect your future life.
  • Sleep "To look for a grave and not to find" - you are waiting for troubles and problems, which you cannot solve that yourself.
  • Sleep "Grave without a Cross" - be careful in your desires and thoughts, you are waiting for danger. If you do not listen to the voice of your mind, it can cause irreparable consequences.
  • The dream of "graves in the house" - such a frightening and strange sign indicates that you are in a step from some kind of mystery, and it concerns your family. We are talking about those who have already left this world and make sense to keep their secrets and the secrets are no longer.
  • To see a child's grave in a dream - trouble. Your plans and hopes will not work. And the reason for this is. You forgotten something left in the past, dismissed from some kind of business, as from insignificant, you did not finish something to the end.
  • To fall into the grave in a dream - you have a meeting with people, thanks to which you will learn a lot about those who have long surrounded you.
  • In a dream, drip the grave - you will be limited in implementing your plans and actions. Do not grow on fate and try to go to the goal. We accept, relieve, soon this period will end.
  • Sleep "Graves in the yard" - you will get some news from afar. They will be very useful for you.
  • Sleep "Shed flowers on the grave" - \u200b\u200ba good symbol meaning that you are waiting for well-being and happiness, change to a new one and it is purely your merit that you deserve and distinguished, this is your reward.

Slavic dream book

  • Sleep about the cemetery and graves - a symbol warning about vital variables, diseases. It is very important what you did in a dream: were a third-party observer or the opposite courted, cleaned, decorated the burial, seen some inscriptions on it, etc.
  • What dreams of fresh grave with a cross is a good dream, everything is bad, it will no longer disturb you. A new life period will bring in your life a lot of bright colors, you will be in demand at work, your abilities are appreciated. This is a good time to implement your desires.
  • What dreams of the grave without a cross is - but such a dream means that the quiet period comes in your life. You should not start doing some innovations - you fail.
  • What dreams fresh grave with wreaths is a favorable sign. You will get some important news associated with inheritance. You will get a very tangible sum of money from a relative, which could not know anything.
  • What dreams of the grave with a photo - if in a dream you see someone else's grave, but consider the image as you should, you can't, it predicts you a very important meeting, which will have an impact on your future life. But what it will be for the meeting and how events will continue to develop, dream interpretation is silent.
  • What dreams photo on the grave - if this is your grave, then you are waiting for only good. All your suspicions of dangerous disease will be bustled. It will give you strength and mood for the accuracy of the intended.
  • Sleep "Stand on the grave" is a bad sign warning about a serious physical or mental illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: Several graves in the garden near the house - your relatives hide some family secrets from you, but soon you will learn about everything yourself.
  • To see the Mother's grave - means that someone is trying to take advantage of your kindness for mercenary purposes.

Old Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Stand on the grave - means that you start a dangerous period in life. The likelihood of an accident, to get a serious injury, is highly risk of incision and get injured.
  • What dreams dug out fresh graves - troubles depart, giving way to joy and happiness.
  • On the grave - if it burns brightly, it says about changes for the better and the fact that you are ready for this and you have enough strength to achieve your goals.
  • "Candle on the grave" Dream Interpretation gives the following interpretation of a dream: If in a dream you saw a burning candle on the grave of a living person - this is a serious illness if you saw that the candle went out to death.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sitting on the grave - you can give yourself to emotions and make an impermanent act. In my actions, you will later repent and regret them, but correct, alas, nothing will happen. Be careful not to give in to the provocation of feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: The Grave of Parents - you forget about those who gave you life. If your parents have already died, it is a reminder of prayers about them, if still alive, show more attention to them and love.
  • Dream interpretation: Children's grave - good sign. Those parents who knew the bitterness of the loss of children will soon find happiness, becoming happy parents. Couples that have experienced difficulties with conception will become parents.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave is dug, empty - dreams of oblivion in personal life and intimate relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: Mother's grave - you are too kind and naive even with unfamiliar people, it may be bad for you to end.
  • Dream Interpretation: The Grave of Living Mother - promises her well-being and good health.
  • I saw a dream, as I dig a father's grave - a sleep-warning, the existing situation will be aggravated. And you will blame for this.
  • To see the dead grave of the deceased - a dream should be taken as advice: to gain strength and prepare for the upcoming tests.

Dream Pelagia

  • Dream Interpretation: Cemetery without graves - your life now is complete uncertainty. Your future does not exist what it will be depends on how you behave under certain circumstances, be attentive, now, every word and action have a truly fateful meaning.
  • Dream Interpretation: Walking along the graves - in reality you will find a lot of things and trouble, they will be unpleasant.
  • Dream Interpretation: Spice the grave of a relative - expect a blow from your enemies, they came up with very cunning plans, and you may need help in confronting them, look for her from your relatives.
  • To see your own grave in a dream and yourself in it - means that you will be waiting for an increase in material income or some kind of fast profits. Perhaps this is getting an inheritance, winning the lottery, etc.
  • In a dream, looking for the grave of the Father - means that you feel that your business will become worse, but what will affect the situation, you can not foresee. If you find what you are looking for, it means that the circumstances will be ashamed that you will be able to foresee what will happen and avoid trouble.

Dream Kopalinsky

  • What does the cemetery and grave mean in a dream - this is a kind of symbol of people who have at least some influence on your life, their desires, thoughts, as well as your attitude towards them and memories of those people who were once located next to you .
  • Dream Interpretation: Your own grave - they talk a lot about you, but these are good conversations. They are remembered about you with joy, gratitude and kindness.
  • Dream Interpretation: walk around the cemetery, search for graves - you will not find the solution of existing problems without any assistance.
  • If the mother's grave dreamed - if your mom is alive, then this is a sign of problems and misunderstanding in relationships with her. If your mom is already alive, it is a warning about the start of the difficulties and what you should not give up in a difficult hour from the help of native people
  • Dream Interpretation: Father's grave - you are waiting for serious problems, but not soon, you have time to prepare for them.
  • Dream Interpretation: The Child's Grave is a bad sign: a complete loss of control over the situation.
  • What dreams of a monument on the grave is to dream - if this is your grave and your monument is a great success if the burial is someone else - you are awaiting small worries and troubles.
  • What dreams of removing the grave - you are waiting for good and kind in from afar.
  • What dreams open graves - you threaten danger. Do not miss the sight of your enemies and enviousings, they plotting something against you.
  • What dreams to lie on the grave - the events that will happen in your life will fully deprive you of forces, physical and mental, prepare for trouble and take care of their vitality.
  • What dreams of a pregnant grave is a dream, just a reflection of the strong emotional state and the experiences of women during this period, concern regarding the health of the baby.
  • What dreams fall into the grave - a bad sign, meaning that literally at every corner you will be hazardous.
  • What dreams of the deceased grave is a warning, be careful to any trifles that occur around you.
  • What dreams of the grave of a living relative - this means longevity and a happy life of a relative who doned to you.

Love dreamnik

  • Why dream of grave is a sign of long-awaited change. If you take into account all aspects of sleep, it is not always a change for the better, but such dreams allow us to be attentively treating what happens around and gaining strength to withstand all the tests with honor and dignity.
  • What to dream of the grave is close - if you are standing near some burial and just look at it, your business is changed for the better.
  • What dreams the dumped empty grave is to the loss of loved ones. This is not necessarily death, it is possible that some major conflict will occur and after which you will become one to each other.
  • What dreams to sit on the grave - you will be waiting for a difficult period in relationships, cooling to a partner or partner to you.
  • What the two graves dream is a good sign that means that your partner is the chosen one with whom you will live a long and happy life, and if you haven't met your love yet, then it will definitely appear soon in your life.
  • Why dream children's graves - a symbol of very large changes. Most often, such dreams attend couples who have encountered the problem to become parents. Such a dream is an omnation that all your desires will be fulfilled and you will be happy parents.
  • What dreams to refuse the grave - you have forgotten something important in the past, some unfinished case prevents you from living in peace now.
  • What dreams of burning graves are dreaming - you are your actions, affairs and words themselves burn the ability to change. You will also be lit in one place until you change your views on life and attitude towards people around you.
  • What dreams of destroyed graves are shot - some events from the past will again remind themselves. They will destroy the usual way of weight of your life and plunge you in despair.
  • What dreams of the grave with wreaths - you are waiting for unexpected news of pleasant character and unexpected profits.
  • What to dream to be cleared on the grave - you are waiting for a lot of trouble and care, but they will be pleasant for you.
  • What dreams of land from the grave - you have a chance to establish everything and return the past life, but for this you will have to try hard.
  • What dreams to come to the grave are awaiting good or bad changes.
  • On the grave - you are threatened with a serious danger.

Esoteric dream book

  • What the graves and dead are being shot - this is very informational dreams that most often warn about the danger, health problems and serious mistakes.
  • "Find the grave" - \u200b\u200bwhat dreams of: you will completely suddenly get some important news.
  • What dreams of the Grandfather's grave is either a reflection of your strong attachment to this person, memories of the past, nostalgia, or a warning that you should be attentively treating your reputation and actions.
  • What dreams of digging the grave - you yourself - the cause of your failures and misfortunes.
  • What to dream of "graves near the house" - you are close to a randering of some kind of family mystery. It will open for you, because there is no longer no sense to keep the secrets of the dead.
  • What dream of the overgrown grave is to trouble and injury.
  • What dreams of the dog's grave is waiting for you a betrayal of a loved one. This event will apply to you so strong soul wounds, which will make completely rethink all your life.
  • What dreams of the cemetery and the grave of pregnant - you are too much worried about the health of the baby, do not turn yourself out.
  • What dreams of a bold grave is all that you have planned will not be fulfilled, you will have to completely change your plans, no matter what you really want to implement.
  • What dreams of the grave of his living child is a very good dream, testifying that your child will live a very long and happy life and he will have excellent health.
  • What dreams of a graveyard and the grave of the girl - if you have a wedding ahead, then such a dream is a bad sign, your marriage will be unsuccessful and will end quickly.
  • What dreams of a falling coffin in the grave is, some circumstances will occur very soon that the light on many incidents and problems in your life will occur.

Skolding dream book
Which means if the grave is dreaming is a sign, some very important events in your life, turning points, fateful solutions. Unlike other sleep symbols, the grave can predict as a successful outcome of the affairs and vice versa.
Dream Interpretation: Saint Grave - a favorable sign. Such a dream often comes to the most difficult days for man. He means that in order to cope with difficulties you need more spiritual forces, protection and help. It can also mean that in pursuit of their dreams you forgot about your soul.
Vedic dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: The graves near the house - from you obviously someone purposefully hides some information. This concerns some family secrets. You can easily achieve from your relatral truths, but think well, do you need it, because what you know can upset you badly and hurt you.
  • What dreams of the excavation of the grave is - you will return to those problems from which you once ran out, and now it will not work out from them. Now you will get a lot of new information that will help you understand the past.
  • What dreams of breaking the grave - you will have to spend a lot of strength to find the information you need. But all your efforts will be in vain: you will not achieve the truth and do not get an answer to your question.
  • Pour the grave in a dream - if this is not your grave, sleep speaks of your dishonest act. You for the sake of your own good to substitute another person than bringing trouble on him.
  • Put flowers on the grave in a dream - ahead of you will be waiting for an improvement in the existing position and strengthening your position. But all this you will achieve with the help of a person possessing a certain power.
  • Sleep "Drawn, empty graves" - warning about danger. Be very neat, telling something about yourself to people with whom you barely familiar, otherwise you will get into the scammers, you are waiting for deception.
  • The grave burns in a dream - your past will finally release you or you will stop worrying about the past. Memories that tormented your soul more than one year will leave you alone. Of course, they will still remain in your memory, but your attitude to what happened is radically radically.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fall in the grave - if you dug yourself, then in reality you will bring ourselves. It was amenable to their emotions and without holding the aggression, you can completely destroy your career and destroy everything that was done for your increase.

Gypsy dream book

  • What dream of the grave of the deceased person is - you threaten danger.
  • The grave of a living person in a dream is a dream, this is a reflection of your feelings for this man. You can avoid meeting it or on the contrary to look for. In any case, there is nothing wrong with such a dream.
  • What to dream of the grave of the brother - he needs your help, yes you yourself feel it at the subconscious level. You should not wait until he turns to your support, offer it to him.
  • What dreams of the grave of the father on the cemetery - if your father is alive, then sleep predicts him a long life.
  • What dreams "The grave is burning" - you get rid of your painful past, free from that so long ago did not give you peace.
  • What dreams the bursting grave in the cemetery are serious tests, you must overcome them alone. You have enough strength to do this, go through all the obstacles with honor and they will be the last in your life.
  • What dreams of a dug grave in the cemetery - if you have done, you are waiting for a serious conflict with someone from loved ones. It is possible that after a quarrel you will become as strangers. To establish relationships and return the past now will not work.
  • What dreams of the cemetery and the graves of the excavated - you are in vain trying to get rid of the memories of near once a person. Survive separation and pain, you will not succeed to completely forget it.
  • Sleep "Coffin in the grave" - \u200b\u200bimportant information that would allow you to find out the answers to many questions that have recently suffer from you, hiding from you with your loved ones or people from your environment. If you know who lies in the coffin - then in reality, get answers to questions and vice versa.

Psychological dream book

  • Interpretation of the Sleep "Tomb" This dream book gives the following: you will find yourself in a difficult situation. How to cope with problems, you will have to solve only you and it is quite possible you will feel loneliness. Circumstances will require victims from you, it may be a relationship, and their own benefit, and career.
  • What dreams to drop into the grave of some kind of thing - you have a serious test of feelings. A new acquaintance will attract the person to your life with whom it will be difficult for you to be near, but to which you will attract any unknown force to you.
  • Sleep "Empty grave" - \u200b\u200byou have to go with a close and dear person to your heart. Do not feed the ghostly illusions for reunion, they are not yet. You will have to survive a strong mental pain alone.
  • To see in a dream the grave, the coffin - if it is empty, you will be needed: you are waiting for damages, losses, problems with obtaining finance. Most likely, you will have to look for additional earnings.
  • To see an open grave in a dream - the dream promises death to someone from your loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: Open grave, who dreamed of a person suffering from serious illness, predicts a great danger, long and serious recovery.
  • To see a fresh grave in a dream - you can suffer greatly from other people's mistakes.
  • What will dream of the grave of relatives - you are waiting for scandals and squabbles. Clarification of relationships can provoke a serious cooling of the senses between you.
  • What dreams of the search for the grave in the cemetery is sincerely consider that you have real friends, to help and support which you can always count on. But such a dream predicts that you will have difficult times and you will remain alone, in addition to the problems, you will have to experience the bitterness of frustration from betrayal of friends.
  • What to dream of the grave is big - because of your misconduct you will have to experience a strong sense of shame.
  • What dreams of digging the grave of a relative - problems from the past will be relevant for you again. But now you will have enough knowledge and opportunities in order to disassemble them all forever.
  • What dreams of the Copf grave is to see the process from the side, means that all the difficulties that you will experience the way to your goal will not interfere with you.
  • Dig a grave in a dream to what - if you are digging yourself, then you are just on your problems only you. You are too unsurdensed in yourself and changeless, you often batch in place and miss the excellent opportunities and chances to show yourself. In order to solve the problems, you just need to sort out yourself, and not a penalty on the circumstances.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

  • What dreams of an unknown grave - a dream in which you see from afar of an unknown burial warns about the difficulties that may arise in the work or personal life of your or your relatives.
  • What dreams to look for the grave of a relative - you are confused in problems, there will be difficult times. Do not try to get out of difficulties yourself, contact your loved ones.
  • What dreams of the Living Father's grave is a happy fate of your father, for many years of life and prosperity.
  • What dreams of okaying someone else's grave - in the past you did not manage to solve some problems. Now it's time to come back to them. This time try to correct the shortcomings you have admitted earlier.
  • What to dream of cleaning the grave of the former husband is - your former spouse will soon contact you for help. So that you feel in relation to it, do not deny the help you can provide. If you do not support him, you are threatened with serious trouble.
  • What the graves dreams in the yard - your relatives hide from you some kind of mystery. If you show perseverance, you will learn the whole truth.
  • What dreams of children's graves in the cemetery are - be careful in your words and actions. Such a dream predicts a serious disorder in the family.
  • It dreams of "laying flowers on the grave" - \u200b\u200byour plans will soon come true, helping you will have some very influential person in this.
  • Sleep "Tomb, Earth" - all your troubles and problems will soon leave. The handful of land taken with it means that the troubles will be retreating very much and not very soon and you yourself. Solving problems next to you, but you don't want to notice it to the upset, because the outcome of you does not suit you.
  • Sleep "Dugged grave" is a danger. Someone is purposefully trying to achieve your location to use you in some dubious business. Be careful and do not trust those whom you do not know.
  • To see the grave with a cross - a bad symbol meaning that you have to visit someone's funeral.
  • Sleep "Lying on the grave" is a very good omen. You will achieve success and heights that could not even dream. Sleep promises you full prosperity and high social status. If in a dream you felt ease and comfort, it means that you will easily achieve a high position if you had some negative feelings, it means that you will have to try to achieve the vertices. But the result in any case is one - comfortable, secured life and amazing events.
  • Sleep "Fall in the grave" - \u200b\u200ba person will appear in your life who will turn the usual way of weight of your life. You will be very hard to find a common language with him, but also to stop communicating with him you can also.
  • Sleep "Graves in Water" - You are in despair, you lost all sorts of hopes, inside only emptiness and loneliness. You no longer have the strength to move on and fight with circumstances, you humble with the existing situation. But perhaps you did not have enough one step to achieve the goals?

Dream of Juno

  • This dream interpretation is the interpretation of the dreams "Mogile" gives the following: everything that is happening now and will still happen in your life, you are sent over. This is an opportunity to correct your mistakes, get rid of the shackles, change your life and "bury" the past, which is being tormented by a long time.
  • This dream interpretation interpretation of the dreams of the Living Man's Grave gives the following: it can be a new acquaintance that will surely bring you benefit.
  • Dream Interpretation: Take a handful of earth from the grave - the reason for your problems you yourself. You do not want to use those opportunities that you have to resolve the situation. You all wait for something better and overcome all the chances to correct your position.
  • Dream Interpretation: The coffin carried to the grave - severe loss, sad circumstances and bad behavior.
  • Dream Interpretation: Choosing a grave - you will be in front of the choice of a change in the place of residence.
  • "To place flowers on the grave" Dream Interpretation gives the following interpretation: good events, joy. If someone from your relatives or friends was seriously ill, then such a sign promises him a quick recovery.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave in a dream to another person - predicts serious changes. It may be obtaining a new position or moving to another city.
  • Dream Interpretation: Looking for the grave of a relative - you will need help close and proven people.
  • Dream Interpretation: The collapsed grave - your plans are not destined to be implemented.
  • Dream Interpretation: Put the grave with the dead - Sleep has a dual value: you either bury your talent and unique abilities in the ground, or you will come sadness from distant relatives or friends living far.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave in the courtyard of the house - soon you will learn the family secrets that shock you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cancel the grave - you are waiting for serious health problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: The grave is burning - all that you have tormented you for a long time: someone's unfair accusations, gossip, rumors will leave, and your attitude to the past will be changed in the most radical way - you will cleanse it.

Dream of Freud.

  • This dream book, interpretation of the "grave" has the following - you are not fully satisfied with your sexual life.
  • Dream Interpretation: To see the grave in a dream - for a woman means that she lacks care, attention and softness of the partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: Many graves - for men such a dream means rawness in ties.

Dream Zeshel

  • Dream Interpretation: Cemetery, the graves of relatives - a sign of death or a deadly disease of someone from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: Alien Grave - promises you problems and trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: put flowers on the grave - you have enough strength to deal with all the problems and overcome barriers to your goals. Further luck will be next to you.
  • What dreams of the grave of parents - if this is the grave of the people who have already left this world, then sleep should be considered a prevention of a dangerous disease.
  • What dreams of the son of the Son - if your son is alive, then the dream should be interpreted as excessive care and custody, in vain anxiety.
  • What dreams of the grave of the girlfriend - she threatens a serious danger.

Dream Jung

  • This dream interpretation "see the graves" gives the following - you are waiting for an unpleasant, and most likely, an unfair accusation of something. The case is serious, there will be a trial.
  • What to dream of the girl's grave is such a dream for a young man can mean the loss of feelings to this girl. If the girl is not familiar to you, you are waiting for rather "heavy" relationships with the representatives of the fine sex.
  • Sleep "On the grave of 3 monuments alive" - \u200b\u200ba rare dream, which means that your loved ones and friends will not leave you in trouble.
  • What dreams of a live mother's grave is a good dream, who promises her long life and good health. If your mother is sick, then such a dream should be interpreted as a symbol of speedy recovery.

Roman dream book
Sleep "Fresh graves without crosses" - your enemies do everything to substitute you and they will succeed.
Dream Interpretation: Broken graves - you are waiting for big troubles.
Jewish dream book

  • What means in a dream: a cemetery, grave - troubles and small troubles that can grow into something more.
  • Sleep about the cemetery with an empty grave - deception, betrayal.
  • The dream "the grave of a living relative" means that his health does not threaten anything.
  • If the dreams "sees in the dream of the grave of the relatives" - if one of them is sick, then the disease will soon retreat.
  • Search the grave of a relative in a dream - do not refuse the help and care of those who surround you. With their help, you will be able to get out of trouble.
  • To see the grave of a living person in a dream - your troubles will end soon.
  • To see the grave of a living husband in a dream - you can not worry about his health and well-being. Everything will be fine.

Dream Pythagora

  • This dream interpretation of dreams "Cemetery, graves" gives the following: serious changes are waiting for you. They can touch any area of \u200b\u200byour life or life of your loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fresh grave - Your situation will be aggravated.
  • Dream Interpretation: To see the grave of a living person - a reflection of your emotional state: you either avoid the society of this person, or on the contrary you are looking for a meeting with him.

Islamic dream book

  • Islamic dream book: grave - such dreams are often called "Dreams-Calling", as they have a converse meaning. The grave in a dream is not a symbol of death, but just farewell to the past, revival, the beginning of a new life.
  • This dream book Interpretation of dreams "dig a grave" gives the following: Your peaceful peace has long disappeared, but you will be able to restore it.
  • "Flip the grave" - \u200b\u200bDream Interpretation gives the following explanation: you get rid of the past, which has long tormented you or you will leave unnecessary links and relationships that were burdensome for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Bring Flowers on the grave of the grandfather - you are tormented by the feeling of guilt before the deceased or you really miss him.
  • Dream Interpretation online: "Excavation of the grave" - \u200b\u200byou will receive new facts and information about the affairs of the long-stayed days and will be able to finally deal with questions that could not be solved then.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a grave to another - in reality you do not quite honest act: substitute another person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fall into the grave - Be careful, the danger of getting serious injuries.

Dream of flowers

Muslim dreamnik

  • Muslim dream book: the grave is a prison or a major trial, long litter.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a shovel's grave - if the dreams are still alone, it will prophes it to the ambulance and successful marriage, if the dreams are already married, then such a dream predicts him long and prosperous years of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Yama, grave - construction of a new house.
  • Dream Interpretation: Crying on the grave - feel free to your feelings, be confident, your troubles will soon leave you.

As you can see, dreams with such symbols, like the grave and the cemetery - is not yet a reason to panic. This is a good warning about the upcoming difficulties and troubles that can be avoided.

Sometimes a dream about it predicts that you will have to participate in the trial. But if you dreamed that the grave was closed, buried, etc., then a controversial and difficult case will end in your favor. Split to see or tear the grave itself in a dream - a sign of discord or death in the family. See someone in a bursting grave in a dream - a sign of danger to you or your loved ones. Fresh grave in a dream to see - the fores of suffering, cruelty, which hurts you. Such a dream predicts that your wound will not heal for a long time. Empty grave in a dream foreshadows loneliness or separation from a close man. Standing in a dream, his own grave foreshadows the dangers associated with the fact that your enemies intend to deal with you. Standing in a dream at the grave of a relative - the foresight of trouble.

Dig a grave in a dream is an indication that you yourself will be to blame in our troubles. The graveters see in a dream means that you threaten danger. If you dreamed that you cry at the grave of your loved one, you can put a cross on your relationship, and especially on your plans associated with it. Although, as a rule, such does not indicate the interruption of the relations themselves, which will give you a lot of experiences and suffering. Old, abandoned grave in a dream indicates you that you have forgotten your past, ancestors and do not make proper conclusions from previous mistakes. Such a dream also reminds you that someone needs your help, care or participation. See interpretation: Dead.

If the grave was dreamed of, behind which no one cares, this suggests that you will lose your life goals, get confused and will be absolutely empty. All this will leave your life when you will get acquainted with the person who will be characteristic of wisdom and dignity.

Islamic dream book

The grave is a prison. Who in a dream will take the grave being idle, he marries. If a person is married, he will live a long life. Having visited the grave in a dream, the prison will visit. To see the graves of famous scientists Alimov - treat the truth dismainfully. Who will see that the graves pour abundant rain, the family of the Almighty gives his grace. To see many unknown graves - to communicate with cunning scoundrels. Drain in a dream for yourself the grave - to build a new home for yourself.

English Dream

Open grave is the personification of the upcoming death of a close friend or relative. A seriously ill person after such sleep will be corrected not soon. Order a tombstone for his own grave or a walk along a quiet cemetery near the village will dream of changing your life for the better. If the tombstone fell or crashed into pieces, it is to trouble. The type of graves and monuments in a dream causes you a feeling of peace - Introduces ahead of the meeting with a tender and caring friend.

Chinese dream book

High grave hill - happiness and benefit. From the grave by itself a coffin appears - fortunately. A tree grows on the grave - fortunately, but if it is broken - unfortunately. Flowers are revealed on the grave - fortunately. New grave - getting rid of anxiety. Evaporation clouds rise above the grave hill - fortunately. Opened doors leading to the grave - good luck in all matters. Lightning light illuminates the body - there will be a happy event. Darkness over the grave - unfortunately.

Dream of Freud.

To see an empty dug-off grave in a dream - in the absence of any significant meetings in the near future in your life, so do not rush to enter into intimate links with a new acquaintance - you risk very soon in it to be disappointed. If you have dreamed of the grave in which the coffin lies with the dead man, such a dream means that you will suffer from dissatisfaction and the coldness of your sexual partner in bed.

Erotic dream book

If young people dream that they walk around the cemetery among the graves, it foreshadows an unsuccessful marriage. If you dream that you spend the night in the grave, it means that your favorite will go to the opponent. Also, such a dream promises the cooling of the person in which you are in love. Read the inscriptions on the graves foreshadows a quarrel with a loved one.

Interpretation of sleep grave in Miller's dream book

If you dream of fresh grave, then someone's dishonest act will hurt you a terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows you dangerous. Sleep about the grave most often promises troubles and illness. Walk in a dream among the graves - to an unsuccessful brand. Looking into an empty grave - to the loss of loved ones. To see in the unwrapped grave of a person, half of the ground, foreshadows the danger that threatens him. See your grave - the foresight of the goat preparing against you. Speak in a dream grave - a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you have time to finish your work in a dream, you will feel the top over them. Adversely sleep, in which you see that the corpse disappeared for which the grave is dug - this dream is fading bad news. If you dream that the night caught you in the cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave - it means the loss of friends, the cooling of the beloved. Sometimes the grave in a dream foreshadows trouble at work. Old, the dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous disease and death. If in a dream you are reading the inscriptions on the graves - it means you will come to unpleasant troubles.

Tomb in the dream book Vanga

In a dream, see his own grave - forever shocks, an unusual event that will change your destiny not for the better. If you dreamed a few graves, it means that there is a chain of adverse events ahead of you, with each of which you will still lose confidence in your abilities, and only prayers will return to you hope. Abandoned, neglected grave - a sign of confusion, internal emptying, loss of landmarks in life, longing and despair, which will be held thanks to a new acquaintance with a wise and sparse man.

Sleep grave in an intimate dream book

To see an empty dug-off grave in a dream - in the absence of any significant meetings in the near future in your life, so do not rush to enter into intimate links with a new acquaintance - you risk very soon in it to be disappointed. If you have dreamed of the grave in which the coffin lies with the dead man, such a dream means that you will suffer from dissatisfaction and the coldness of your sexual partner in bed.

Sleep value of the grave by Dream L. Morozova

Graves in a dream are very many-sided dreams. See the graves from the side, from afar - you are waiting for a favorable outcome of the difficult situation; read in a dream inscriptions on the grave - to trouble; Walk among the tombstones - to an unsuccessful marriage; dig a grave - enemies; see a fresh grave - danger; see an empty grave in a dream - to the death of a close relative; see your grave - you threaten danger; The old grave foreshadows some kind of friend (but not you) a disease or even death.

Interpretation of the Sleep Grave in Dream Interpretation

Dig in a dream grave - loss will happen in its fault; see - the news will come from afar; see the grave of the non-uncooked - to the unkind Wests; To be in the grave - to wealth, the more, the greater layer of the Earth was above you in a dream.

Grave in Esoteric Dream Interpretation

They dug the grave - the meaning, it seems that you buried your talents in the ground. They fell asleep her - longing will pass, and all the chagrins will forget. They lay in the grave - will be luck in money, get the inheritance.

Sleep grave in english dream book

Open grave is the personification of the upcoming death of a close friend or relative. A seriously ill person after such sleep will be corrected not soon. Order a tombstone for his own grave or a walk along a quiet cemetery near the village will dream of changing your life for the better. If the tombstone fell or crashed into pieces, it is to trouble. The type of graves and monuments in a dream causes you a feeling of peace - Introduces ahead of the meeting with a tender and caring friend.