What does the new movement of the hands mean. What is DEB? History of the Dance Termin and Mem

What does the new movement of the hands mean. What is DEB? History of the Dance Termin and Mem
What does the new movement of the hands mean. What is DEB? History of the Dance Termin and Mem

DAB(DEB) - Dance Movement, when the dancer simultaneously drops his head during the raising of the hand on the elbow in a gesture, which looks like a "silence gesture".


There is a suggestion that the dance arose due to fans of cocaine, which consumes it like motor actions. However, there is no evidence that this assumption is truthful. Cam Newton, the NFL player from Carolina Panthers, is well known for the execution of this dance, after the goal is scored. Also, a football player is polisher, being a player of Juventus, marked his goals with this movement.

Popularity outside the United States

In 2015, DAB won nationwide fame in the United States, and the magazine XXL reported in August 2015 that "what began as a regional expression style, quickly becomes damn in clubs and on the streets. This phenomenon is named Dabbin."

see also

  • Na Na
  • Whip

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An excerpt characterizing DAB (dance)

"Yes, yes," he said, "it's hard, I'm afraid, it's hard to get ... with whom it did not happen!" Yes, who did not happen to anyone ... - and the Graph gladly glanced in his face and went out of the room ... Nikolai was preparing to rebuff, but did not expect this.
- Patenka! PA ... Penka! - he shouted him after sobbing; excuse me! "And, grabbing his father's hand, he pressed her lips to her and cried."

While his father was explained with his son, his mother and daughter had an equally important explanation. Natasha agitated came running to the mother.
- Mom! ... Mom! ... He did to me ...
- What did you do?
- Made, made an offer. Mum! Mum! She shouted. Countess did not believe his ears. Denisov made an offer. Who? This tiny girl Natasha, who has recently played in dolls and now took lessons.
- Natasha, full, stupid! She said, still hoping that it was a joke.
- Well, nonsense! "I'm talking to you," Natasha said angrily. - I came to ask what to do, and you tell me: "Stupidity" ...
Countess shrugged.
- If the truth is that Mosene Denisov made you an offer, then tell him that he is a fool, that's all.
"No, he is not a fool," Natasha said offended and seriously.
- Well, what do you want? You now have everything in love. Well, in love, so get married for him! - Laughing angrily, said the Countess. - With God blessing!
- No, mom, I'm not in love with him, I must not be in love with him.
- Well, so tell him.
- Mom, are you angry? You are not angry, Golubushka, Well, what am I to blame?
- No, yes what, my friend? Want, I'll go tell him, "said the Countess, smiling.
- No, I myself, just teach. Everything is easy for you, she added, answering her smile. - Calid you saw, how he said to me! After all, I know that he did not want to say this, but he really said.
- Well, all the same it is necessary to refuse.
- No, no need. I feel sorry for him! He is so cute.
- Well, then accept the offer. And then it's time to marry ITTI, "Mother said angrily and mockingly.
- No, mom, I feel sorry for him. I do not know how I say.
"Yes, you have nothing to say, I'll tell you myself," said the Countess, perturbed by the fact that they dare to look like a big one, on this little Natasha.

Few understand what force they have in their hands. There are times when your own hands can save or literally offer, and all this happens without your conscious participation. Of course, if you do not know how the hand language works.

A person who owns the language of non-verbal communication, has a lot of advantages in front of his visa, and is able to hear not only what the interlocutor says, but also to understand what he thinks about, or what he does not speak. But let's go about everything in order.

Today, many symbols demonstrated by their hands have international registration, and is equally understandable for New Zealand Maori and African Masaev. Why so?

Why the military for greetings apply a hand to the head, or to praise a person, we raise the thumb up, and to insult - medium? The answers to these questions came to us from the past. We analyze the history of the occurrence of some of these gestures in more detail.

  1. Thumb up. Shows that everything is fine, and you are well done. This movement came to us from antiquity. The Roman public, during the gladiator fights, in this way signaled that for the clarity and effort shown by the defeated slave during the battle, he can save life. Udoyed thumb did not foretell the warrior of anything good. Sincere time he was heard: the thumb indicates the sky - you are at the height, in the ground - you are a little loser;
  2. Greeting the military when contacting the boss or when picked up the flag, by offering an open palm to the head, was borrowed from medieval knights. In those long-standing times, to show the purity of their thoughts of the warriors, at the meeting, raised took, thereby showed the friendliness of their plans. Another version of this sign is associated with earlier periods of human history. In the ancient times, applied in order to show that above their ruler only the sun, when meeting with the autocrat, covered their eyes with a hand, thereby showing submissions. Over time, the shape of the gesture has changed a bit, but the content remains unchanged. People in the pursuit show their respect and commitment to the authorities or state symbol by raising the hands to the head;
  3. Hand stretched at a meeting, or handshake. The emergence of this greeting is explained simply enough. In ancient times, a stretched hand, without a weapon, symbolized your peaceful plans and respect;
  4. Raised up middle finger. There is at least two explanations of the appearance of this obscene gesture. According to one version, the ancient Greeks showed this symbol with who would like to carry out actions, the meaning of which reflects what we mean by demonstrating this gesture today. Another option is to be rooted at the beginning of the 15th century, when, during the French-English battle, the French warriors cut off the middle fingers with captive English archer, so that they are later shooting on them. Naturally, those of the British, who could not see a subliga French, from a safe distance demonstrated their middle fingers to them, thereby showing their neglect and bravery. Why did the French simply killed the prisoners? The question remains open;
  5. The so-called goat. A symbol that distinguishes true "Metalists" from the people around them. In one embodiment, it says that the sign originated in the environment of ancient Vikings, and symbolized the Scandinavian rune, protecting her owner from the evil eye. According to another version, it is a "millet" of Soviet zekov, which, so as not to go to work just cut the tendons, and the hand took such a form spontaneously. Today, this symbol of coolness says that a person who demonstrates, the principal "legitimate", and popcorn, scattered in the cinema, he will not collect;
  6. All well-known American approx. In this gesture, there may be discrepancies depending on the part of the world in which you are. At some nations, he symbolizes that your business is in perfect order, other means that you are "full zero", and some demonstrate problems with a thick intestine. According to one of the most believable versions, this sign is borrowed from the non-verbal language of the indigenous American residents - Indians, which thus showed their tribesmen, the lack of problems.

Some hand gestures and their meaning

Each gesture has its own interesting and multifaceted history, however, it's time to talk about their importance and the practical use of these knowledge in everyday life.

Open palm

In most cultures, an open hand is associated with honesty. Therefore, if you want to make people believe that you are talking to the truth, it is not recommended to bring your arguments with your arms squeezed into fists.

At such moments, it is better to reveal your palms to show that you do not hide anything.

On the other hand, be vigilant when someone tells you important things, putting hands in pockets or hiding them behind your back. Hidden palms do not make phrases more believable, even if they are true. With a high probability, it can be argued that your interlocutor is lying or hides part of important information from you.

Position palm up and down

The way you use your hands while communicating with others can significantly affect their perceptions to your words and you directly. Specify a simple question with raised up palms, and people will think that you are advised to favor.

On the one hand, they will not be disturbed by your request, but on the other they will not feel the threat or pressure on your part. If you ask this question with palms directed down, it will rather remind the requirement required for execution.

May not only ask the tone of any business or political meeting, but also influence its results. When two equal interlocutors shake hands, their palms remain in a vertical position.

But if the palm of one person with the handshake is drawn up, it can be perceived as a symbolic surrender, and denote the superiority of another person.

When talking, your interlocutor keeps his hands behind his back and makes imminent movements - you are not interested, you should stop the meaningless conversation, or go to another topic.

What is the meaning of gestures with fingers

No less than revelations can be drawn from the position of the fingers on our hands. We give a few examples.

There is a thin face between the hand gesture and the finger gesture, but we will talk about those cases in which your fingertips are an independent signal.

Some finger gestures are unintentional, and according to their position you can unmistakably read what an emotional state is a person, or about its attitude to the topic of conversation.

  • finger on the mouth - you lie;
  • when conversation, the index finger involuntarily shows towards another person - a clear sign of domination;
  • index finger up - this person should be feared, since the gesture is often used by parents in relation to negligent chad;
  • the fingers are straight and tightly pressed to each other - a person accepted a firm decision to achieve his goal and do not care about the sublimation;
  • fingers squeeze the wrist or palm of another hand - the interlocutor in rage, tries to keep his emotions;
  • sticks from time to time are compressed in a fist - a clear sign of a hidden threat.

And how are the deaf and dumb?

Many gestures unconsciously used when communicating were reflected in the alphabet for deaf-and-dumb.

Snacking tongues of deafness belong to independent languages, which consist of combinations of movements with their hands and fingers in combination with the facial expressions, the position of the mouth, lips and body body.

It is mistaken to assume that gesture languages \u200b\u200bfor deaf-and-and-dumb speardowns to transmit information not to hearing. In fact, these languages \u200b\u200bare developing completely independently.

Moreover, in one country there may be several gesture languages, which do not grammatically coincide with the verbal languages \u200b\u200bof this country.

As practice shows, in the absence of the opportunity to use sound language as a means of communication, people instinctively begin to use gestures for this. The main means of communication for this are hands and fingers.

At the same time, the deaf people have many gestures, to understand the meaning of which is not prepared by a person. For example, the word "world" in the deaf-linguistic language will look like compressing each other hands, located in front of the breast, "love" is a palm, brought to the lips in the form of an air kiss, and "house" - folded palm triangle in the form of a duplex roof.

Youth gestures with hands and their meaning

Our children also apply gesture language for their communication, and the diversity of these non-verbal signs is constantly enriched by the emergence of new ones. We give several examples of such youth gestures, with the help of which teenagers will easily understand each other, and the people of the older generation, and even the average years will remain in ignorance.

Time and scientific and technical progress dictate their conditions, and this fully refers to our gesticulation.

More recently, the hand, folded in the form of the English L, did not mean anything, and today it is a loser, sign signing up that you are a loser.

Having indicating the elongated middle finger can mean that you are sent, at the same time it can be interpreted as an invitation to sex.

With fingers folded in the form of a heart, everything is simple: "I love you." But the "goat of a horned" with the left aside with the thumb indicates a simple sympathy.

The English V performed by a teenager with a palm-side turned to you can mean both two "colas" and serve as an equivalent of the middle finger in the UK. And such a familiar sign as ok, but in an inverted form, and shown at the level of the belt or below is a frank invitation to sex.

Due to the specific versatility using the hand language and several widespread English words, you can communicate with a foreigner, accidentally encountered on a busy street. Of course, the contract for the supply of gas equipment you cannot conclude with it, but to explain how to go to the nearest metro station or the stadium with you easily work.

Differences in the interpretation of familiar gestures in different countries

Do not hurry to apply your wide knowledge of the sign language, being abroad. Some common symbols may have the opposite meaning at different ends of the world. And again refer to the examples.

  1. If you are in France, the OK common worldwide turns into a large, fat zero. And in Turkey, such a gesture you will sign up that your interlocutor Gay is not a very pleasant statement in the country, where most people are Muslim;
  2. Raises up the thumb and an elongated adolescent in the sign language means a loser, and in China this symbol is indicated by the figure eight;
  3. Raised up the thumb in Europe and America says: "All cool", and in Iran, Afghanistan and Greece, this obscene gesture will read: "I ..., you ..., and all your relatives ...", Well, you understood;
  4. Crossed index and middle finger protect Europeans from the evil eye, and in Vietnam, such a figure denote the female sexual organ;
  5. Five forward five stays all over the world, and as if he says: "Wait", and in Greece literally translated as "eat shit."

If, according to the proverb, silence is gold, then continuing the associative series, in some countries, the lack of gestures is a diamond.

Gestles and their interpretation with which you have got acquainted are not limited to the examples. The purpose of our article to popularize, interest and send. Perhaps our abstracts will help solve small vital problems. And maybe not small.

A little more additional information about the most popular gestures is in the following video.

DAB, Dabbing (Dab, Dabbing) - Dance movement, when a person hides a face in a bent elbow and raises the second hand. Deb came from American hip-hop culture. The gesture was popularized by the athletes, and in Russia he gained popularity in many respects thanks to video blocks. Used to emphasize their coolness and celebrate success.


Deb appeared in the US state of Atlanta in 2015. The authors of the unusual dance call himself a hip-hop group MIGOS, thanks to his clips, they significantly popularized DEB.

First, DAB distributed among hip-hop lovers and rap performers in the United States. Then the initiative intercepted the athletes. The first DEB after Tachdowun in September 2015 depicted Jeremy Hill. The gesture then began to repeat his colleague Cam Newton regularly.

Dab picked up the stars and ordinary social network users, which made the dance with a new trend. He repeated even Hillary Clinton.

DEB in Russia

The popularity of Daba in Russia began to increase in 2016. In many ways, its promotion contributed to the wave of enthusiasm rap and hip-hop. The DEB also spread through the top video clrokenes. For example, this gesture depicted Ivangai during its tricks in with a bottle.

A parody of this video in 2017 showed Sergey friendly and, together with the gesture, he gave the phrase that became a new meme.

I tried to repeat successfully. However, in his execution, DAB looked like Rather on Lezginka.


In rap culture there are several explanations of the DAB value. Some say that the dance imitates the movement of a person who sneezes and tries to cover the elbow. According to others, this gesture hints at the sniffing process of cocaine.

In any case, in the end, the dance acquired a completely different meaning. Since the athletes depicted Deb after the goal clogged or scored points, DEB began to mean victory and success. This gesture is a man depicts when he wants to show that Krut in something, succeeded, was able to do something important for himself.

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What does Duba gesture DEB movement? In this article, I would like to tell you about such a fashionable now dub gesture. What does Duba mean gesture. However, I first recommend reading some interesting articles on the theme of trendy pipidastra jargon. Tver. Bi-battle. Bitmeaker, etc.
Many are now in bewilderment and try to come to the question of the question, which means Duba Movement. It should be understood that this gesture was invented among rappers trap and crane-party, such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely the dance dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that it was necessary to have any questions, both at shkolota and adults. In fact, Dub, essentially became the dominant dance of the summer of the year. Someone without understanding, could see how Lebron James makes Dab, and it looked that he would want to sneeze in the forearm, or he wants to smell his armpit.

Dub move - Dub Movement of the DEB gesture means this gesture shows your inner state when you have done something cool and very pleased with yourself. Please note that some football players often sniff their armpit

Some believe that the most first team created the movement of Dub was three brothers acrobat Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos. while other individuals with foam at the mouth prove that such famous rappers created, as Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid. or Jose Guapo. Living B. Atlanta. However, although they have certain merits in the creation of a movement of motion, but invented the main part Skippa Da Flippa.. What can be traced in his video before it has become mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that most likely the popular Dub's movement is likely to have roots in Atlanta, where such dances bake like pancakes on the carnival.

Self send dance It means not just a blunt waving hands and sniffing with your armpit. This is what you feel at this point in time, your inner state, and the fact that music means for you.

dEB movement Dub gesture what means

dEB movement Dub gesture what means

http: //xn----8sbfgf1bdjhf5a1j.xn--p1ai/750-chto-znachit-dab-dvizhenie.html

Features of non-verbal communication

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but fully convey the mood and thought of man. If there is a desire to enjoy a careful and interesting interlocutor, then you need to understand the gestures and facial expressions.

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but fully convey the mood and thought of man. If there is a desire to become a careful and interesting interlocutor, it makes sense to understand gestures and facial expressions, to study the signals submitted by means of non-verbal communication.

- hand fingers Captured. Perhaps three options: crossed fingers of the hands raised at the level of the person, lie on the table, lie on the knees. This gesture means disappointing and the desire of the interlocutor to hide his negative attitude;

- protection of mouth hand (It can only be a few fingers or fists). This gesture is indicating that the listening party feels like you lie;

- scratching and rubbing the ear. This gesture suggests that a person has heard plenty and wants to speak;

- scratching neck. Such a gesture testifies to the doubt and the uncertainty of man;

- pulling the collar. This gesture is used when a person is angry or upset. It can be used in the case when a man lied and suspected that his deception is revealed;

- fingers in the mouth. This gesture speaks of the internal need for approval and support;

- squeezing with palm cheek. The gesture suggests that the interlocutor became boring;

- the index finger is directed vertically to the temple, and the thumb supports the chin. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor negatively or critically refers to what he hears;

Interlocutor rubs his forehead, whiskey, chin, covers her face with hands - This indicates that he is not configured to talk at the moment with anyone;

Human wares eyes - This is the most striking indicator that he hides something;

- hand crossed on her chest The interlocutor signals that it is better to complete the conversation or go to another topic. If the interlocutor crossed his arms and squeezed his palms in a fist, then this means that he was tuned extremely hostile. It is necessary to finish the conversation as soon as possible. If the interlocutor wars his shoulders when crossing hands, then it means that he is already ready to go in hand;

- gesture "pinching bridges", Pose of "Thinker", when they back to the cheek - these are gestures of reflection and evaluation;

- sciring with index finger right hand under the urine of the ear or side of the neck. Rooting the nasal point - these are gestures of doubt, which suggests that there is something unclear in the conversation;

An offended person most often takes the following posture. He lifts his shoulders and lowers his head. If the interlocutor accepted exactly such a posture, then the topic of the conversation should be changed;

Man striving to finish a conversation lowering the eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, he will remove glasses and put them aside;

If your interlocutor items the arms of glasses Or constantly removes and puts on glasses, it means that he delays the time to make a decision. In this case, you need to help your interlocutor and give it time you need for thinking;

If your interlocutor walks around the room. This means that the conversation is interested in him, but he needed to think before deciding;

Gestures and character

Self-aged man and arrogant folds hands together.

Self-confident man who wants to show his superiority over others, you can recognize the gestures "Laying hands behind your back with a wrist grip" and "laying hands behind your head." With such a person, communication is difficult. Therefore, if you want to arrange it to yourself, then leans a little forward with outstretched palms and ask to explain something. Another way is to copy gesture.

If the interlocutor unexpectedly began to collect VILLIN from clothes, and at the same time turned away from the speaker or looking at the floor - this means that he disagrees with what was said or did not want to express his opinion.

A person who keeps his hands during the conversation with his hands behind the side edges of the chair or his hands lie on his knees, wants to stop the conversation. In this case, the conversation immediately stop.

By how the listeners produces the smoke of cigarettes, it is possible to determine its attitude to the interlocutor and to the conversation. If he produces smoke constantly up, it means that he is configured positively and the conversation he likes. If the smoke is directed down, then the person, on the contrary, is negative, and the faster he produces smoke, the more conversation he is unpleasant.

The gait is also an important defining factor in the humilous state of the person. If a person has hands in his pockets or he waves, if he looks under his feet, is in the oppressed state. A person who has hands are cloudy behind his back, and the head is omitted, something is concerned.

Updated shoulders and raised head means that a person is configured to success, controls the situation. The tend to the head of the head is an interlocutor interested. Rottening the century - the interlocutor says in a lie. Raised shoulders mean that the interlocutor is tense and feels the danger emanating from you. Raised shoulders and headed head - sign of closetness. The interlocutor is either unsure of himself, or is afraid of something, or dissatisfied with the conversation, or feels humiliated.

In order to achieve the desired goal in a conversation, it is not enough to be a careful person, it is necessary to use the openness gestures yourself during the conversation, which will help to arrange the interlocutor, call it to a frank conversation and leave the most favorable impression about yourself. The gestures of openness include the gesture "open hands", when they stretch their hands with his hands up, and the gesture "unchecking a jacket".

Follow your facial expressions: the lips should not be tightly compressed, while on the face there should be a half jelly (the lowered angles of the mouth should be unacceptable - this means that you are upset by something, and such an interlocutor is not needed). When you look at the interlocutor, then visually try to draw a triangle on his face, in which you need to watch. It helps the most concentrate

Fingers, if possible, always keep together. During eating, dance, smoking, the little finger is not set aside, it will look like a boiled manner. Also indecently indicate a finger.

Chatting with someone, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. Pupil people are able to own their eyes, faithful, giving the face a natural expression.

There are situations where during the conversation an insurmountable desire to sneeze. From this you can resist: it is enough to lose the bridge.

Handshake and character features

The powerful handshake contributes to submission. It actually can deprive the opportunity to establish equal relationships. Such a handshake is characterized by people seeking to lead, subordinate. The palm goes down, in connection with which the partner is simply forced to turn the palm up. It is recommended to answer the powerful handshake so:

capture wrists from above, and then shake it. This will allow for some time to knock out a person who intends to command.

shake a man's hand with two hands. Such a handshake is possible between policies, since it symbolizes trust. This gesture, however, should not be applied when meeting, because from an unfamiliar person he can cause rejection.

An indifferent handshake is a weak touch of hands. Such a lifeless touch leaves the feeling that a person who is peculiar to a similar gesture has a weak will.

Strong handshake is considered to cause pain. It usually prefers serious people, the main feature of which is the desire for conquest.

Limiting a handshake, i.e., the charge of a non-coated hand in the elbow, contributes to the preservation of a certain distance between people, leaves an inviolable personal zone. Such a type of handshake is peculiar to people aggressive or seeking to protect themselves from someone else's pressure. If only fingers are investing in the palm to the palm, then this suggests that a person does not feel confidence.

The drawing handshake, in which one of the partners pulls the hand of another, may mean that this person is so much confident that he just needs to be only in the personal zone.


Hand gestures and their meaning

Studies have proven that the number of nerve connections between the hands and the brain is much larger than between any other parts of the body. Subconsciously your hands show a true attitude towards others, to the place or to the situation. By how you have hands, rub the palm and move your fingers any observant person can understand that you actually feel.

Numerous experiments showed how people react to hand gestures. When the speaker is in his position palms up, the listeners respond positively to what was said. When the same message is pronounced, but the palms look down, then the audience significantly reduces the level of confidence in these words.

Hand gestures demonstrating honesty and openness

Outdoor hands since ancient times were considered a sign of unarmed, the indicator that a person deserves confidence. If you need an easy way to understand how the interlocutor is open and honest - please note that you look at his palm. If one or both palms are directed up, then it is very likely that you hear the truth. The same rule applies when the palms are open and turned to the person of the speaker.

But, of course, artists, professional liars and sellers of used cars know this trick, and use it to convince you of their sincerity and honesty. But you are able to understand that something is unclean here, since other experts of honesty are missed, such as open expressions of the face, calm breathing, and a relaxed pose.

When you want to establish a sense of trust and honesty, let your hands be open, otherwise it may seem that you hide something. You can also use open-hand gesture to establish contact with listeners, help them catch the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe report and show that you appreciate their opinion:

Suppose you want to express thought without words. Bend your hands on 90 ° elbows and dig up the palms to look at each other. As if you show how big fish we were lying. Slowly show your palms what you want to express and soon realize that your listeners see this picture.

When during your speech you want to listen to the opinion of the listener from the audience, turn to it and open the palm in its direction. The gesture is similar to the one when you make a gift. This gesture you give a chance to speak out, the interlocutor feels appreciation and your interest in his opinion.

If the interlocutor keeps both hands in front of him, palms directed towards her body, as if she hugs someone - so he shows you to join his opinion.

Gestures of power and authoritarianism

Turn your hands with palms down and get the gesture of power and authoritarianity. Such a gesture says "I am all controlling. Do as I say! " Be careful to use this gesture, especially if your fingers are almost closed, because it is associated with dominance and tyranny.

If you are still in doubt - look at the greeting of the Nazis of the Third Reich. When you want to calm the tense situation, or ask the silence, rhythmically lower and raise looking down palms with a slightly divorced finger. Make sure your fingers are really relaxed, otherwise you can cause a reverse reaction.

Defensive gestures of the hands

Such gestures is trying to defend himself from the world around him or react to possible threats. Usually, if your interlocutor crosses his hands on the chest or squeezes them into fists, it means that you should review the above you or switch to any other topic of conversation.

Evaluating gestures of the hands

These gestures are called gestures that are interpreted as an assessment of your words from your interlocutor. Your interlocutor in this case rests on the chin in the palm, can scrub the chin or his hands can sound freely from the chair at all if it is in a sitting position. If a person wipes glasses, it may also mean that it is in deep meditation and takes a pause for this.

Gestures boredom

When a person becomes really boring to be in your society, he begins to tele his fountain pen, tapping his fingers on the table or make other gestures of hands, distracting his attention.

Clearance gestures and floating

As a rule, such gestures are characterized more for women. If a woman corrects and smoothes his hairstyle, considers herself in the mirror, it means that the interlocutor is not indifferent to her. The same, concerns men who, in such cases, correct their tie, cufflinks or jacket.

Host gestures and suspicion

If a person who communicates with you, rubs his nose with an index finger or concerns them the moss of his ear, know that the meaning of such a hand gesture is only one thing: he fears something and you do not trust you. The same, rightly, and if the interlocutor rubs his eyes.

Gestures readiness

If a person holds his hands on his hips, the meaning of his hands is only one thing - his readiness for something. Look at the athletes who are preparing for the performance. Watching them, you can often see how they hold hands on the hips, before starting their speech. The variation of this gesture in the sitting position may be when the person is elbowed one hand and palm another relies on his knees, as a rule, immediately before the conclusion of any agreement or, on the contrary, before standing and leave.


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He debil on stage ... Arab singer and actor Abdallah Al Shaharani during a concert made traffic« dAB.» -. The gesture, though dance, but in Saudi Arabia is considered extremely indecent and even illegal - it seems to be a direct reference to drugs. But why?

Massly dance DAB (in the Russian interpretation of "DAB") began last summer - singers, actors, athletes and schoolchildren on change around the world. And then suddenly thought, and what is it actually? Most likely the dance "DAB" originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact. For the first time, the world saw this gesture in the Skippa Da Flippa RPER video in 2014, and picked up ... "Dab" went to rap, crane and hip-hop. But there is another version - the movement really went from African Americans, who hung around the "funny" powder, silent, involuntarily leaning aside ...

To perform "DEB" correctly, you need to lower my head down and bent the right hand, bring it to my head, while the left hand remains straight and slightly elongated to the left. That is, a person seems to drop his head on his hand and, maybe, therefore, the opponents of "Daba" tie here the lovers of cocaine, which consume it like this way - from the elbow. But again, there are no facts confirming this version, but the gesture has long been a rap-tusovka, "DEB" have been very often doing athletes.

Here is the movement, do not hesitate, make hockey players

... And this is what the famous football players are noted in the opponent's gate. Especially known for love for "DEBU" Paul, the midfielder "Manchester United" and the national team of France.

Why there! Lebron James himself is already the legend of American basketball - with the help of "Daba" welcomes his team. And even in such an elite sport as tennis, there are its fans "Daba" - Victoria Azarenko "DEB" celebrates every victorious set.

As for the Arab artist, hot spores broke out in the network. Most of the Saudi audience considers such behavior inadmissible, and in the Russian Internet for the singer, they say, it's not necessary to dance!