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What denotes people. Animal - symbol
What denotes people. Animal - symbol

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of Lyudmila.

What does Name Lyudmila mean?

Lyudmila's name means - cute people (glory)

The meaning of Lyudmila is character and fate

Woman named Lyudmila Economic and House. Since childhood, he loves to care for someone, cares about the weaker, fell into trouble. At the same time, she is self-sufficient, jealous, selfish, far from unselfish, keeps depending on those who have made some kind of favor. Does not tolerate people who manage to avoid her Put, puts them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonest. To be friends with a woman named Lyudmila is not easy! But in the family, which Lyudmila is very valuable, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although her husband will never give the role of the leader. But the spouse is mostly always pleased with his wife Lyudmila. After the wedding there is no special love between them, but it reigns complete agreement. They are friends, friends, comrades, partners in affairs and sex, and there is nothing about the best hostess and dream. In addition, Lyudmila is sexual enough, maybe passionate, but only if the husband allows her to lead. Meanwhile, in all, it is impossible to yield to this woman - its authority does not have borders, the desire to keep everyone in his hands can go into the unforgettable, unceremonia. Lyudmila is born in peaceful children.

Name of Lyudmila for Sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as the necessary factor in conservation of health. The sense of superiority over the partner is an integral part of success in sexual relationships. She is not afraid to take the initiative during sexual intercourse, often herself leads it to the flow. A woman with the name Lyudmila prefers a setting that has a long-lasting love fights, comfort and comfort. Too fast excitement of the partner, his rapid actions can change its mood dramatically. It is capable, while maintaining calm, gracefully and tactfully cool the emotions across the edge. If a man wants to keep interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and consistent, gentle, gentle and physically strong.

The nature and fate of Lyudmila, taking into account the patronymic

Lyudmila's name and middle name ....

Lyudmila Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilyevna, Viktorovna, Vitalevna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna proud, envious. Does not be advantageous to teach yourself and is very angry that it easily succeeds to other women. It is pretty pretty, but prone to completeness. Woman named Lyudmila does not know how beautiful and fashionably dress. Ambitic, trying to look meaning that in the eyes of others looks sometimes funny. If it is not possible to stand out, it plays the "white crow" - not just like everything, incomprehensible and undervalued. Alas, there are people who support it in this for the sake of mockery, and he frankly regret it or consider it a stupid woman. Despite all this, such Lyudmile still manage to get married quite successfully, although her spouse does not always find himself from that layer of society in which she would like to get. Husband manages, feels above him in all respects. The first her daughter is born, and the son and outwardly, and in character completely copies the mother. Such Lyudmila usually happens in one marriage, does not risk changing your life.

Lyudmila's name and middle name ....

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - Woman kind and responsive. Usually get along with everyone, but he wants people to worship and remember how she treated them. Marry comes out after twenty-five years and not always successfully. After the divorce, one with children can remain. A woman with the name Lyudmila firstborn is a son. The "winter" Lyudmila with such patrimonies is attentive spouse, loves to eat delicious, and cook lunch or dinner for it is not difficult. Spring - misfortune, saves all. Savings spends on any nonsense, without which you can easily do. Husbands go away from such Lyudmil precisely because of the misuse.

Lyudmila's name and middle name ....

Lyudmila Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadyevna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna Patient, good-natured, but proud and vain. It always seeks to be the center of attention, does not miss any events, constantly know all the cases. Her desire to stand out, it is more interesting for others to move almost in the way of magnitude. Weaker suppresses their authority. This woman does not tolerate weakly-speaking men, they become the subject of her ridicule and bullying, especially if they are trying to conquer her. And with strong men - is irreconcilable, disassembly. It is difficult to please her. However, it can intrigue a man who manifested the indifference to her, "she will try to captivate, conquer, conquer. Marry such Lyudmila comes only because it is so accepted in society. A woman named Lyudmila feels great out of marriage, has many friends and girlfriends, never is alone. She is born daughters.

Lyudmila's name and middle name ....

Lyudmila Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, German, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Philippovna, Emmanuilovna Gorda, artistichna, good narrator, has a subtle sense of humor. But the hot-tempered and the waters are sensitive to trouble. Long experiences a gap with loved ones. This female cherry can hold men in her hands, alert and jealous. It's hard to deceive it. A woman with the name Lyudmila her husband does not let out of sight, always knows where he was and what he did. For this, a friendly relationship with his colleagues is in confidence in his friends. Skillfully weave intrigue, with the help of which all possible rivals are sweeping from its path. The spouse is always pleased with it and does not even suspect that all breakdowns in his love adventures occur due to the fault of his wife. Such Lyudmila is able to earn, does not expect from the financing spouse, supports her husband in all his endeavors, gives him a delight advice. She is born her daughter.

Lyudmila's name and middle name ....

Lyudmila Alanna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Valendalovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanova, Felix Contradictory, emotional, unbridled in passions. Cutting, can offend. Woman named Lyudmila does not like fireless men. Marry comes only for a person with a solid character, for only it feels a person. In the family, she, like all Lyudmila, leads, but smart enough, so as not to focus on this attention, respects the opinion of the spouse, allows him to feel its significance. This woman is a bright person, driving power in his spouse career, his inspirational, support and support in all matters. It is highly sexy, temperamental, but restrained in feelings, not intrusive. Sex for her also the necessary factor to preserve health. Lyudmila is a wonderful mother to his daughters, everything can, everything has time, never sends someone's help.

Forms of Lyudmila

Brief form named Lyudmila. Luda, man, man, Lucy, Lyudmalka, Peidia, Lucy, Ludasha, Luduha, Ludush, Luduha, Mila, Mile, Milasha, Milusa, Milsoua, Mika, Lead. Brief and diminutive options: Lyudmilka, Luda, Ludasik, Lucia, Man, Tepsushka, Lulle, Mila, Mile, Milasha, Milusha, Mika.

Lyudmila's name in different languages

Consider writing and sounding a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write hieroglyphs): 盧德米拉 (Lú Dé Mǐ Lā). Japanese: ルドミラ (rudomira). Armenian: լյուդմիլա (Lyudmila). Yiddish: לודמילאַ (LWDMYL'A). Ukrainian: Lyudmila. Korean: 루드밀라 (Ludeumilla). English: Ludmila (Ludmila).

The origin of Lyudmila

Planet - Venus

The color of Lyudmila - Beige

Favorable tree - hazel

Cherished plant - Chrysanthemum

Patron of Lyudmila - Persian cat

Stone talisman - Yellow sapphire

Numerology named after Lyudmila

The owners of the number 6 are distinguished by calm and sanity. "Six" appreciate stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name is more expensive than momentary benefits. They never resort to radical methods for solving problems, preferring a liberal path. "Six" are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but are capable and prospective workers. There are arrogant and smug "six", however, for most of them, the main landmark in life is a family and a small circle of loyal and devotees.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fire-red, bloody, iron.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, Jasper, Amethyst, Lopar Blood.
Plants: Garlic, bow, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bob, burning pepper.
Beasts: Wolf, Rooster, Raven, Crane, Horse, Dog.

Lyudmila's name as phrase

L people
Yu (yu \u003d y) of the Criminal Code (Oak, Decree, indicate, order)
D Zoo
M thought
And and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
L people
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)

Interpretation of Lyudmila letters

Characteristic of the name of Lyudmila According to B. Higira

Translated from Slavic - "Cute People".

Lyudmila sociability, proud, active, houseful nature, is all the forces seeking to achieve position in society, to be in the thick of events. But strong will, rich intuition, the female charm helps it only before a certain limit. Her constantly pursues an evil rock: when it seems that the goal is close, something unexpected happens and everything goes to the rice - in love, family or at work. She again has to gain strength to get out of the next pit. Having achieved with a great difficulty in a sustainable position in society, it makes some small, minor act, followed by, as a chain, its consequences are lined up. So she loses all that he got with great difficulty.

the temperament of Lyudmila is a choler who does not always listen to other people. Lyudmila is fully coming and joy and chagrins. Unpleasant surprise for it is no exception, but a rule. At the same time, Lyudmila is a very pricing person. She surrounds himself by people who can use in their own interests and is attentive to them until they need them. You cannot predict your own actions in advance, since the mobile and unstable psyche often pushes it into completely inexplicable acts, bringing it only harm. One-Colandmila may be kind for people will help the Council, do not pursue a gift, although it is attached by nature. Nature is endowed with talent and abilities. She has a creative mind.

Lyudmila can achieve professional success in painting, music, on the acting field, in design, modeling and demonstrating clothing, in those areas where the ability to find contact with people, convince them. Lyudmila is zealously refers to his person and for the sake of career is capable of betrayal. In the interests of the case can abandon through moral principles.

It is married, it comes out of love, but not always successfully, as her husband may not like her excessive independence. He loves to do the needlework, which can even make a living, household, is well preparing. In the house of Lyudmila supports an exemplary order, her children are always well maintained. Tries to be laid with mother-in-law. She is sexy, wants to love and be loved. In the case of a divorce does not fall in spirit and seeks to marry once again.

Mystery of Lyudmila According to Pavlo Father's theory (P.A. Florensky)

Lyudmila - Grubian and this is not for any accident. She has strong impulses, but rough. Lyudmila does not want anything defined, does not achieve this and generally does not know what she wants. She is a quiet speech, and crystalks need. Heat, comfort, please it is not only not searched, but on the contrary, rejected with indignation. Lyudmila always wants effect.

This is an honest nature exaggerated in his honesty, even rude in honesty. Everyone seemed to her with flabby, sluggish, fake, she recognizes only heroes and is inclined in a particular person from time to time to see the perfect appearance of the hero.

Lyudmila is a heroic nature, maybe not so much even heroic as wishing to be such. She is hateful, but there, where misfortune and grief, she is in its place. Sister of Mercy, Feldsher, Marcitan, a revolutionary actor - here she is in its place. Without differing in general deep mind, alien to contemplation, it turns out to be here often by his impulse, with its rudeness.

Characteristic of the name of Lyudmila according to P. Most

Character: 96%

Radiation: 99%

Vibration: 93 000 speakers / s

Color: purple.

Main features: susceptibility - sociability - activity - sexuality.

A type: To women named Lyudmila is difficult to approach. These are cholerics who do not hear words, but they have a good heart.

Psychic: These women are typical of both the love of neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

Will: Not so strong as it seems. If they overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be convicted.

Excitability: suppresses the remaining qualities. Give the impression of a ball of nerves.

Speed reactions: Is it possible to judge the nature of the atomic bomb? With her, whether you survive, whether you fly over the air ...

Activity: They are professional players who can go to the most risky bluff.

Intuition: Unusually developed, especially if they make a medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of the individual.

Intelligence: Excessive excitability often deprives them of common sense. They possess an analytical warehouse of the mind, but often drown in small things and become unfair and binding. Inquisitive, with well-developed memory.

Susceptibility: Each second is striving for love, everyone wants to be the first. Dreaming to master not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

Moral: Several unstable moral principles only give them charm.

Health: Fortunately, iron, as they lead an abnormal lifestyle: confused day at night, sleep when they can. They can be impaired blood circulation, and it threatens with varicose veins.

Sexuality: What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, take and reject, own and give?

Field activities: work for them - the battlefield, where you can go beyond the permissible. They like everything beautiful and catchy. Do not endure painstaking regulated work. May be doctors, artists, sculptors. With tremendous force, they seek success!

Name of Lyudmila for Life

Lyudmila is economic and home. Since childhood, he loves to care for someone, cares about the weaker, fell into trouble. At the same time, she is self-sufficient, jealous, selfish, far from unselfish, keeps depending on those who have made some kind of favor. Does not tolerate people who manage to avoid her Put, puts them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonest. To be friends with her is not easy! But in the family, which Lyudmila is very valuable, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although her husband will never give the role of the leader. But the spouse is mostly always pleased with his wife Lyudmila. After the wedding there is no special love between them, but it reigns complete agreement. They are friends, friends, comrades, partners in affairs and sex, and there is nothing about the best hostess and dream. In addition, Lyudmila is sexual enough, maybe passionate, but only if the husband allows her to lead. Meanwhile, we can not give way to this woman - its authority does not have borders, the desire to keep everyone in hand can go into the unforgettable, unceremoniousness. Lyudmila is born in peaceful children.

Name of Lyudmila for Sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as the necessary factor in conservation of health. The sense of superiority over the partner is an integral part of success in sexual relationships. She is not afraid to take the initiative during sexual intercourse, often herself leads it to the flow. She prefers a situation that has a long-lasting love fighting, comfort and comfort. Too fast excitement of the partner, his rapid actions can change its mood dramatically. It is capable, while maintaining calm, gracefully and tactfully cool the emotions across the edge. If a man wants to preserve her interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and consistent, affectionate, gentle and physically strong.

Sociability: Excessive communicability often leads to disordered life.

Additionally: If you strive for crazy, but full passions of life, then marry a woman wearing this name, and get what you want!

Positive features name

Lyudmila is peculiar to the love of neighboring, tolerance, dreaminess, kindness. She seeks to find a plot point in himself, keep balance. She has an analytical warehouse of the mind, good intelligence, good memory and creative abilities. Several unstable moral principles only give the charm.

Negative features name

Duality of nature is the main problem of Lyudmila. It can combine courtesy and almost frank rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, huge performance and irreversible laziness, sensuality and passion in combination with an emotional cold. Lyudmila Ditchiva, Coquetja, Lucava.

Choice of profession by name

Lyudmila knows that she needs what it is possible and what it is impossible. With a huge force, she seeks success, but does not like painstaking work. It belongs to martyrs and to people-seekers, tired of monotony, monotonous work. Lyudmila prefers creativity, permanent work shift or a combination of several activities. It is unusually developed intuition, especially when it puts a medical diagnosis or gives a psychological assessment of the person.

Influence on business

Lyudmila is ambitious and with dignity perceives the fruits of deserved glory. She is able to take the risk for money. Because of her habit, it is long to think for a long time, which and how to undertake, it is rarely mistaken. Sometimes she is scary to petty, and sometimes generous, even too.

Impact name on health

Lyudmila is vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, the upper pelvis ,.

Psychology named

Lyudmila is usually peace-loving, dreams of tactfully seize your body and soul. She will go on a lot, just not to be lonely and have a good interlocutor with him, but in extreme situations capable of rudeness, aggressiveness. In disputes, try not to bring Lyudmila to an emotional explosion.

Compatibility of Lyudmila and Charity

Lyudmila Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilyevna, Viktorovna, Vitalevna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna Vysolubiv, envious. Does not be advantageous to teach yourself and is very angry that it easily succeeds to other women. It is pretty pretty, but prone to completeness. Does not be beautiful and fashionable to dress. Ambitic, trying to look meaning that in the eyes of others looks sometimes funny. If it is not possible to stand out, it plays the "white crow" - not just like everything, incomprehensible and undervalued. Alas, there are people who support it in this for the sake of mockery, and he frankly regret it or consider it a stupid woman. Despite all this, such Lyudmile still manage to get married quite successfully, although her spouse does not always find himself from that layer of society in which she would like to get. Husband manages, feels above him in all respects. The first her daughter is born, and the son and outwardly, and in character completely copies the mother. Such Lyudmila usually happens in one marriage, does not risk changing your life.

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveyevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - Woman kind and responsive. Usually get along with everyone, but he wants people to worship and remember how she treated them. Marry comes out after twenty-five years and not always successfully. After the divorce, one with children can remain. She has a firstborn son. The "winter" Lyudmila with such patrimonies is attentive spouse, loves to eat delicious, and cook lunch or dinner for it is not difficult. Spring - misfortune, saves all. Savings spends on any nonsense, without which you can easily do. Husbands go away from such Lyudmil precisely because of the misuse.

Lyudmila Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadevna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavl Patient, good-natured, but proud and vain. It always seeks to be the center of attention, does not miss any events, constantly know all the cases. Her desire to stand out, it is more interesting for others to move almost in the way of magnitude. Weaker suppresses their authority. Does not tolerate weakly-speakers, they become the subject of her ridicule and bullying, especially if they are trying to conquer her. And with strong men - is irreconcilable, disassembly. It is difficult to please her. However, it can intrigue a man who manifested the indifference to her, "she will try to captivate, conquer, conquer. Marry such Lyudmila comes only because it is so accepted in society. She feels great out of marriage, has many friends and girlfriends, never is alone. She is born daughters.

Lyudmila Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, German, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Philippovna, Emmanuilovna Gorda, artistichna, a good narrator, has a subtle sense of humor. But the hot-tempered and the waters are sensitive to trouble. Long experiences a gap with loved ones. Schitra, knows how to keep men in her hands, alert and jealous. It's hard to deceive it. My husband does not release from sight, always knows where he was and what did. For this, a friendly relationship with his colleagues is in confidence in his friends. Skillfully weave intrigue, with the help of which all possible rivals are sweeping from its path. The spouse is always pleased with it and does not even suspect that all breakdowns in his love adventures occur due to the fault of his wife. Such Lyudmila is able to earn, does not expect from the financing spouse, supports her husband in all his endeavors, gives him a delight advice. She is born her daughter.

Lyudmila Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Valendalovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Wenanovna, Felixovna contradictory, emotional, unbridled in passions. Cutting, can offend. Does not like inappropriate men. Marry comes only for a person with a solid character, for only it feels a person. In the family, she, like all Lyudmila, leads, but smart enough, so as not to focus on this attention, respects the opinion of the spouse, allows him to feel its significance. This woman is a bright person, driving power in his spouse career, his inspirational, support and support in all matters. It is highly sexy, temperamental, but restrained in feelings, not intrusive. Sex for her also the necessary factor to preserve health. Lyudmila is a wonderful mother to his daughters, everything can, everything has time, never sends someone's help.

Famous people with the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila Zykina (singer)
Lyudmila Kasatkin (actress)
Lyudmila Gurchenko (film actress)
Lyudmila Pakhomova (figure skater, the champion of the Olympic Games in Sport Dance Dances on Ice (1946-1986))
Lyudmila Savelyev (actress)
Lyudmila Rudenko (World Chess Champion)
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (writer and playwriter)
Lyudmila Lyadova (composer)
Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the best Snipers of World War II)
Lyudmila Semenyaka (ballerina)
Lyudmila Shenchina (singer (soprano) and actress)
Lyudmila Tatyucheva (Russian poetess, Prose, public figure)
Lyudmila Tourskieva (Gymnast)
Lyudmila Ulitskaya (writer)
Lyudmila Shaposhnikova (Russian Writer, Orientalist, Popularizer of Science, Public Dealer)

Lyudmila and Pets

Lyudmila can be a professional filmologist, but in the house she prefers to have calm dogs with a good temper: Chow Chow, Senbernar, poodle.

Lyudmila dogs are suitable with nicknames: Nelli, Natalie, Zita, Greta, Berta, Chap, Alan, Alex, Edith.

Popularity and statistics named

Lyudmila's name, which parents gave daughters at birth, quite popular. For 1000 newborn girls, this name was obtained (on average in periods, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 44 (7th place)
1950-1959: 55 (7th place)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Orthodox named after Lyudmila celebrates

Catholic named after Lyudmila celebrates

Compatibility name Lyudmila

Incompatibility name Lyudmila

The meaning of Lyudmila: This name for the girl means "that that milas people". Women's form of the male name Lyudmil (popular in Bulgaria).

The origin of Lyudmila: Slavic.

Reduce form name: Lyudmilka, Luda, Lucia, Man, Pushushka, Lulle, Mila, Mile, Milash, Milusha, Mika.

What does Lyudmila mean: The name is translated as "cute people." Gentle, reliable, beautiful, feminine.

The value of Lyudmila's name defines simultaneously with rigor and softness. She cannot pass by someone else's misfortune, can choose a profession of a veterinarian, a physician, psychologist or social worker.

The spiritual and open wearing name has many friends and enjoys success in a strong floor. After Marriage, Lyudmila dedicates more time to family and raising children, her house always shines purity.

In a woman who is called Lyudmila, the qualities of the elements "air" are most clearly manifested.

Angel Day and Holy Patrons with the name: Lyudmila once a year celebrates named after: 29 (16) September - St. Martyr Lyudmila - Princess Czech was baptized by St. Methodius, the enlightener of Slavs. She spreads faith to Christ in the Czech Republic, raising her grandson of his, St. Vyacheslav. Was killed by a snohar, a pagan, in 927

Signs related to name: In Lyudmilin, the Day of Geese in the departure is flying - the winter on the tail is dragging.

Astrology named

  • Zodiac, suitable Lyudmila - Scales
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - beige
  • Favorable tree - Osh
  • Covenant Plant name - Chrysanthemum
  • Patron - Persian Cat
  • Stone-Talisman, suitable Lyudmila - Yellow Sapphire

Characteristic of Lyudmila

Positive features: A girl is peculiar to the love of neighboring, tolerance, dreaminess, kindness. She seeks to find a plot point in himself, keep balance. She has an analytical warehouse of the mind, good intelligence, good memory and creative abilities. Several unstable moral principles only give the charm.

Negative features: The meaning of the names gives the duality of nature and this is the main problem of the owner of the name. It can combine courtesy and almost frank rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, huge performance and irreversible laziness, sensuality and passion in combination with an emotional cold. Woman wearing Lyudmila's name, offensive, flirting, Lucava.

Name of Lyudmila: What traits of character determines the meaning of Lyudmila? A very temperamental woman who is from the feeling of congenital equilibrium (she strives for him all his life) is trying to seem like a fragrant. The girl loves society, knows how to conquer people - True, her charm always has a fully conscious goal, because it is a very specific and practical person. She has a strong analytical mind, acute intuition, but it is rarely given to the gusts of their female heart: "noble madness" is not her element. ORDER NATURE NATURE WORKERS CONTINUED ALLECT FOOD FOOD: Girl reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests. She needs promotion, admiration, approval, luck in everything. She hates obstacles and fresher from criticism.

Lyudochka is a charming neat girl, loves to play dolls, from the earliest years she has the features of a loving mother. Lyudmila owned by nature, considers himself the only mistress in his toy house, and his sister is bad. The brother is more tolerant. An adult man will also trust the brother more than the sister. With her sophisticated girlfriends, Luda plays with pleasure, the leaders do not seek, but still will not give themselves.

Luda has good musical abilities, parents should develop this data. In school, a girl with the name Lyudmila studies diligently, patiently and musty. There are not enough stars from the sky, but ends with school well.

Having matured, which possesses the name becomes a proud, jealously refers to his person. She needs a promotion, admiration, approval. Often aggressive, but if aggression is overcome, then it can be convicted, calm. A woman who is the name of Lyudmila is very active, inquisitive, with good memory. It has an analytical warehouse of the mind, but often sinking in trifles and becomes unfair and unject. It happens so excited that it is often deprived of common sense.

The first impression of people is somewhat rude. But this rudeness is a consequence of its strong and sharp mental gusts. A quiet calm life is not on it, it boil energy and passion in it. She is very kind, she has a lot of friends, she takes their troubles close to heart and experience. She constantly owe someone to save. Surrounded by ending disasters, she is in its place. No better nurse, paramedic, than Lyudmila. She always strives for success, can be a good actress, artist, cruising, designer. Lyudochka likes everything beautiful, noticeable. Pouring, regulated work Woman wearing this name does not endure. The meaning of Lyudmila helps its owner to be a very specific and practical person, his charm provides consciously, approaching the necessary goal. She reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests.

Name energy does not match its value. It was noticed by P.A. Florensky: "Everyone knows from life experience that people with too clearly pious surnames are rarely pious. Similarly, or even more Lyudmila - and in relation to his own name: "I, though Mil, and you, although Lyudmila, but not a mile, and they will not become mila."

Life Life in Lyudmila

Compatible with male names: Successful marriage is possible with names - Alexander, Andrei, Bazan, Belyam, Bogolyum, Danil, Dmitry, Luke, Nikita, Peter. Lyudmila's name is also combined with Ruslana. Unsuccessful relationships are likely with name holders - Artem, Victor, Evdokim, Ilya, Kuzma, Naum, Ostap.

Love and marriage: Does the happiness promise to Lyudmila's happiness? Broughtless early marriage. In marriage, complications may arise due to excessive independence and pride of Luda.

She is the organizing force, the center of his family, a magnificent mistress, mother and wife - here is her kingdom, her element, here the scene on which she always plays a major role. She has a shared taste, sophisticated habits. Her houses have a cozy atmosphere, it cooks wonderfully, showing ingenuity and originality.

Personal life is often not very happy. The female charm helps her until a certain point. The desire to like her sometimes harms. The moral principles of its unstable, but it gives it an additional charm. There is a married name, the name is repeatedly or left alone, then the child is the only consolation.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: The owner of this name knows that she needed that it is possible and what it is impossible. With a huge force, she seeks success, but does not like painstaking work. It belongs to martyrs and to people-seekers, tired of monotony, monotonous work. Luda prefers creativity, a permanent job change or a combination of several activities. It is unusually developed intuition, especially when it puts a medical diagnosis or gives a psychological assessment of the person.

Business and Career: Business Vumen with the name of Lyudmila is ambitious and with dignity perceives the fruits of deserved glory. She is able to take the risk for money. Because of her habit, it is long to think for a long time, which and how to undertake, it is rarely mistaken. Sometimes she is scary to petty, and sometimes generous, even too.

Health and energy

What kind of health gives Ludmile? Manochka is weak bronons and lungs. It is necessary to protect it, there are cases of tuberculosis, and due to frequent bronchitis, a shortness of a asthmatic nature appears. The "spring" Lyudmila is possible renal failure, it happens the peritonitis of the stomach. She is located to trauma, very fragile bones. She has a weak nervous system, you should pay attention to its immune system.

The "summer" Luda is located to the furunculosis, violation of the work of the thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the endocrinologist, self-treatment may lead to difficult consequences. The "July" Luda is born a very weak girl, in childhood he often sick, so it is not worth the garden.

The "February" Lyudmila should not leave unattended: she is very smart and loves to play with matches, which can lead to trouble. It should be followed by power, there is a location for allergies, after stress there is dermatitis. In addition, there may be a violation of metabolism, which can lead to obesity. In childhood, the manifice can melt. Sometimes she has tonsillitis. In fifteen years she is better to remove Glands - then she will not hurt angina.

A child with this name often sick infectious diseases, you need to be careful because complications are on your ears. It is lost partially rumor. The little owner of the name is often stomatitis.

It is very wayward in adulthood, the nervous system is unbalanced. To old-age worried legs, various heart disease develop. I would like to note that in the story there was a male name Lyudmil, so the girl gives this name undesirable. In it over time, tenderness disappears, a male start appears in character. The name brings a lot of complications to girls.

Fate Lyudmila in history

What does Lyudmila mean for women's fate mean?

  1. Lyudmila Kasatkina is the name of the popular actress of Soviet theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  2. Lyudmila Telikovskaya (1919-1992) is the name of the famous Russian actress.
  3. Lyudmila Zykina - (1929-2009) Soviet and Russian singer, her name was famous for the execution of Russian folk songs.
  4. Lyudmila Gurchenko - (1935-2011) The name of the Soviet and Russian actress and singer, who starred almost a hundred films.
  5. Lyudmila Savelyeva - (Ry.1942) The name of the Soviet actress, filmed in the films "War and Peace", "Horseman without a head", "Anna Karenina", "She was the fourth year of war" and others.

About Lyudmila in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

The translation of Lyudmila in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a little different meaning and sounds a little different. In English, the name is translated as - Lusie (Lucy); French - Lucie (Lucy); Italian - Lucia (Lucia).

How the name of the case is inclined

  • Calm case: Lyudmila
  • PEITIVE PADEW: Lyudmila
  • Conductive case: Lyudmila
  • Accordable case: Lyudmila
  • Current case: Lyudmila
  • Completed Padge: Lyudmila

Meaning of the name

Lyudmila - the personality is strong, volitional and possessing a sharp mind. It is calculated, but at the same time emotional and temperament. This woman knows how to feel, only his feelings will rarely give, preferring not to demonstrate his experiences around. It is worth noting that perseverance, wisdom, sanity and the calculation do not always give positive fruits. On the contrary, the owners of this name often are often not lucky, despite their hardworking and innate sense of justice. But all the obstacles to these women are transferred with dignity and never give up, for which they are respecting them and love close people.

Characteristic of Lyudmila

Winter Lyudmila - Natural demanding and principled. Moreover, many consider her despotic and vain. In fairness, I would like to note that it makes high demands not only to others, but to itself. Not many know that for inaccessibility and even the arrogance of this woman is hiding a big heart that loves love and participation. Just not everyone can see in winter Lyudmila a good, responsive and smiling person, ready for a close person to sacrifice himself.

Spring Lyudmila Always close to the heart takes someone's grief (and his failures also worries hard enough, upsetting on any trifles). Such an attitude to life prevents her to feel all the completeness and joy of life, just to change the spring Lyudmila is not going to prefer to blame anyone in his troubles, just not himself. Emotionality and excessive sentimentality become an obstacle to the construction of personal long-term relationships. It is not surprising that this woman is often more implemented in a career than in the family.

Summer Lyudmila - True coquette, which does not think of life without male attention. It always looks great, and it can only be envied to her exquisite taste. It is quite natural that it enjoys high attention in men, while women, on the contrary, do not want to make a friendly relationship with her, seeing in Summer Lyudmila to rival. And yet it is impossible to underestimate the virtues of this woman, which is good, intelligent, is intelligent, which is, and stubborn in achieving the goal. Summer Lyudmila will be more suitable creative professions in which she will be able to apply their uncommon fantasy.

Autumn Lyudmila - a born speaker who can convince anyone in anywhere. She is independent and independent, so any serious relationship scares her, especially if a man is trying to make an obedient cat from this lioness. Autumn Lyudmila rarely becomes an ideal wife and a wonderful mother, since family life and everyday life will be. The lot of this woman is a bright life, complete adventures, emotions and new acquaintances.

Stone - Talisman

Nephritis and yellow sapphire - Lyudmila talisman stones.


This is a stone that attracts good luck to his owner and success protecting against any evil and negative influence. But the magical properties of jade are distributed only on people open, hardworking and honest. Only to those who are ready to self-improve, he will bring well-being, because nephritis is called the mineral of the update.

People who are looking for love should be careful with jade, as he can make a loved one from his owner, but at the same time an absolutely haired man. It is for this reason that this mineral is rightfully considered to be a stone of people lonely.

Nephritis gives strength and energy, courage and courage, helps in making fateful decisions that make money in life.

Interesting! The darkened nephrite warns about the soon misfortune or indicates that the owner of the stone is a sinner.

Yellow sapphire

This is a stone well-being, light and joy. He makes his master kinder, tolerant and softer, awakens energy and stimulates to new endeavors.

Yellow Sapphire raises the mood, relieves fatigue and instills hope, so those who wear this stone is always a good mood, despite all the life of the peripetics.

In the east, yellow sapphire is considered to be a stone that bring material well-being, health, fame and success.



The number of Lyudmila - 7 (more read more about this number in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").



Animal - symbol

Persian cat and rooster - Totem animals Lyudmila.

In many traditions, the cat is a symbol of tricks, intuition, freedom and good luck. But in some nations this animal is associated with trouble and unclean power. So, at the Celts cat identified an evil start, carrying death and destruction.

In India, the cat personifies the animal beauty and grace, and in China - longevity.

Oriental traditions are attributed to this animal of clairvoyance.

Interesting! Slavyan's black cat has long been considered an omname of misfortune and witches companion, while the British, on the contrary, believe that the black cat brings good luck. In general, in the folklore of many nations, this animal is associated with lust, impermanence and black magic.


The rooster is a bipolar symbol that can personify evil and good, bright and dark start, life and death. So, a light or red rooster symbolizes light, heat, fame, superiority, courage, hope, kind, revival, battle. Black rooster - personification of arrogance, evil, dark forces, witchcraft and death.

In Christianity, this bird is an attribute of Jesus, because it is the rooster proclaims the new day of faith.

In the east, they believe that the red rooster is able to protect against fire, and White is to drive demons.



Plants-symbols of Lyudmila - Oshness, Chrysanthemum, mistletoe.


Walnut symbolizes justice, strength, courage, endurance and ability to adapt to any life circumstances. This is a tree of wisdom and prudence, so he was considered the patron saint of wise men, thinkers and people related to the science and knowledge of knowledge.

Our ancestors believed that the walnut guards from attacks and evil spell, so it was categorically prohibited to cut down this tree.

Walnut is a tree of impartiality and justice, honesty and law.

People who patronate nuts, susceptible, talented, are valid, principled, smart, wise and sensible. They are inquisitive and hardworking, always ready to grow and develop. In addition, they have a great sense of humor and a good heart.


In the east of Chrysanthemum - the symbol of the sun, heat, rebirth, longevity and happiness.

In China, this flower personifies loyalty, dignity, honor, greatness and belonging to the highest class. In addition, Chrysanthemum, torn on 9 day, be sure to 9 months, endowed with magical strength, she protects against diseases and misfortunes.

In Vietnam Chrysanthemum - a symbol of pure thoughts, sober mind and an open heart.


This is a symbol of fertility, wealth, fertility, revival and immortality.

Omelo is identified with wisdom, strength, peace and tranquility. So, the scandinavians decorated their home of the mistletoe branch to bring peace and family happiness.

In the Christian tradition, a christmas kiss under the branch of mistletoe foreshadowed the fruitful union.

Since mistletoe is an evergreen plant, it acts as a symbol of life.


Metal named after Lyudmila - Iron, it symbolizes the resistance, spirit hardness, courage, strength, perseverance and invincible will. In addition, this metal personifies stiffness and honesty.

Favorable day


The origin of Lyudmila

Translation name

Lyudmila's name translates from Slavic as "freeing to people" or "cute people."

History name

The name of Lyudmila, one of the versions, originated from the words "people" and "mercy". This female option is formed from Lyudmil's male Slavic name, which is more common in Bulgaria.

There is another theory of origin, according to which the name of Lyudmila has Indo-European roots and is associated with such words as "growing", "freedom" and "obstruct."

Forms (Analogs) name

Today the following forms of named after Lyudmila are common: Luda, Lyudochka, Lyalya, Ludasha, Peidia, Lyusya, Lyudmalka, Lyusnyka, Lyuduska, Ludasik, Mila, Milica, Milash, Milushka, Lyudmilochka, Milusha, Man'echochka, Lyudushka, Lully, Mika.

Mystery of Lyudmila

Patrons name

Lyudmila Czech is a patroner of the owner of Lyudmila.

Angel Day (Name Day)

Legend of the name of Lyudmila

The legend of St. Ludmile tells about the fact that, being a pagan, Lyudmila (she was the daughter of the Serbian Prince) married Czech Prince Borivoy, who was also a pagan. However, after the conclusion of marriage, both believed in Jesus and adopted baptism.

Spouses built churches and distributed the teachings of Christ, their children (three sons and daughter) they were also brought up in accordance with Christian canons. At the age of 36 years old, Boriva died, and his son Radislav, who believed his people for 33 years old was asked for the throne.

All this time, Blessed Lyudmila devotedly tolerated his sorrow on her husband. When the goalislav died, the power went to the grandchildren of Lyudmila - Vyacheslav, whose mother hated mother-in-law and conceived to kill her. But Lyudmila learned about the plans of the daughter-in-law and moved to the city of Teshin. However, this did not save it from the evil intent of envious daughter-in-law, the associates of which were surrounded by the palace in which the blissful, hacked the door and entered her chambers, where they committed their atrocity - they strangled the holy Princess Lyudmila, which was 61 years old.

But after his death, she did not cease to bear good: so, the place of her burial every night was illuminated by the light of burning candles and healed blind. The grandson of Lyudmila, who realized such miracles, suffered the relic of grandmother in Prague, namely to the church of St. George, where they now exude many signs and miracles.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Lyudmila:

  • Lyudmila Gurchenko;
  • Lyudmila Kasatkin;
  • Lyudmila Savelyev;
  • Lyudmila Maksakova;
  • Lyudmila Polyakova;
  • Lyudmila Kittyaeva;
  • Lyudmila Celikovskaya.

Famous singers named Lyudmila:

  • Lyudmila Zykina;
  • Lyudmila Lyadova;
  • Lyudmila Shenchina.

Famous athletes named Lyudmila:

  • Lyudmila Pakhomova - Russian figure skater, champion in sports dance on ice;
  • Lyudmila Tourskieva - Soviet champion in sports gymnastics.

Famous writers named Lyudmila:

  • Lyudmila Taticheva;
  • Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.
  • Lyudmila Ulitskaya;
  • Lyudmila Shaposhnikova.

Lyudmila Semenyaka - Soviet ballerina, choreographer and balletmaster.

Lyudmila Rudenko - Soviet world chess champion.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Sniper woman, owner of the Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

The meaning of Lyudmila

For a child

Little Lyudmila is intelligent and found, it is behind a sharp mind and insight, unusual for so young years, she masks its sensuality and vulnerability. Even in childhood, this girl tries not to show his weaknesses, trying to behave like an adult. But still do not forget that the child is a child, and therefore, Luda can be offended, and cry, and to shove, just happens at the owner of this name not as often as other children.

Luda is a real coquette and actress, which, if necessary, uses these its qualities to achieve its goals. But in general, this is a very responsible girl who from an early age seeks to help his mother on the economy (it is not surprising that the beautiful mistress is subsequently growing out of it). Games in mother's daughters, needlework, preparation of all kinds of dishes for their dolls - these are the lessons who in childhood gives preference to a man.

In the company, Little People love and appreciate, because it does not enter into conflicts and is not trying to "drag the blanket" on themselves. In relations with brothers and sisters (especially younger), it also tries to show tolerance and understanding. But his offense will not give anyone - not brothers, nor sisters, nor friends.

Study is given by this girl easily, but provided that it will be patient, perfected and attentive.

In general, Luda is a calm child who does not bring his parents who love, hears and respects, no trouble.

For girl

Young Lyudmila perfectly understands that what impression it will produce on others, the convenience and comfort in her life will depend largely. Her pride is eager to admire and praise. Therefore, she makes it all dementary to like, while Luda chooses the position of a humble, charming and cute girl, for which she has to fight with its natural temperament.

She jealously protects his personal space in which no one impresses. Many consider people selfish and mercenary (and it is necessary to admit that there is some truth in this, since this young person knows how to manipulate people and never forgives them misses, for which they sooner or later have to pay).

To be friends with Young Lyudmila and simply, and it is difficult at the same time, because it is a faithful, generous, kind and devoted friend, but it will not be to help you for the first call, and she always puts her interests above strangers. In addition, it does not tolerate rivalry, so compets prefers to keep away from itself.

This girl is honest and straightforward, while his conjectures and judgments do not even try to get into a soft shape. On the contrary, it is characterized by sharp (and sometimes coarse) statements, which is why many are disliked Lyudmila.

For woman

Adult Lyudmila seeks to ideally, and around himself she wants to see only ideal people. False, hypocrisy, phlegmology and lack of purpose in life are the qualities that she despises. After all, it is eager for changes and discoveries, accomplishments and heroism, its independent and active nature is choking in the punching of monotony and monotony.

In general, with its strong character, Lyudmila is not easy in life, because the rigidity and principle, fried into the beautiful feminine shell, are injected into confusion, they are hard to build relationships with freedom-loving people who are accustomed to everything and always solve themselves. It is not easy to hold the owner of this name in the working team (especially in feminine), since Luda remains lonely and incomprehensible.

However, this state of affairs does not upset Lyudmila at all, which confidently goes to the heights, to social and public recognition. But criticism, on the contrary, imperts this woman in the state of apathy and indifference. But it is only worth praise her, as she will bloom and is accepted for business with double energy.

In general, Lyudmila belongs to the category of "people's moods", in which its main problem is: it can be soft and coarse, cheerful and apathetic, strong and weak, hardworking and lazy. Such duality repels others who do not know how to behave with such an emotional and non-permanent woman.

Description of Lyudmila


Lyudmila can not be called a zealous of morality, and it only gives her some charm. This woman can adapt to the circumstances and extract the maximum benefit from them.


In general, Lyudmila has good health, and this is despite the fact that her lifestyle is hard to call correct, and the nutrition is rational. The only thing worth paying attention to this woman is the problems associated with a blood circulation impairment, which is fraught with varicose veins.


Lyudmila wants to love and be loved, wants to take care and attention. She has a lot of fans, just because of their selectivity and demanding, this woman is looking for a very long time for his ideal man. Often, Luda's personal life is not very well safe, because on one female charm, you will not build a happy family.

The owner of this name will necessarily be a good mistress, an excellent mother and faithful wife, the main thing - to find someone who is not afraid of her complex nature.

Lyudmila will be able to open his heart to only a strong, reliable and necessarily decent man who will not betray and will not deceive. With a weak man, this woman will not live, but would prefer loneliness.


Early marriage Lyudmila rarely turns out to be successful. Most often, it is married repeatedly, which is guilty of such qualities of Luda as a pride and thirst for independence. In addition, she will never forgive the favorite person of treason. Unfortunately, this woman does not know how to take people as they are, and try to remake them. Its chosen is such a behavior, hardly like it, which will definitely lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Interestingly, over time, she is disappointed at the Institute of Marriage, but for the sake of children can preserve the visibility of well-being and family happiness.

Family relationships

Lyudmila can be called the organizing strength of the family, its center, around which everything is concentrated that the family well-being is concentrated. Her children are always well maintained, fed and overwhelmed. The husband does not know what a cold dinner or dinner dinner is. Luda House is comfortable and comfortable, peace reigns in it.

But still Lyudmila stands to soften his character, become more downtown and attentive to his spouse who lacks caress and participating from his spouse.

But the man Lyudmila must remember that this temperamental woman needs novelty, we need emotions, praise and even some degree of worship. If a man learn to surprise his chief, their joint future will not darken any obstacles.


Temperamental Lyudmila is always open with passionate and interesting relationships, especially if they promise the fountain of new emotions and sensations. There are no prohibitions and restrictions for it that it likes its partners. Lyudmila itself prefers men of passionate, experienced and independent who do not require any oaths and promises from her. In turn, she does not expect from the sexual partner of the oaths in love and proposals of the hand and hearts.

Mind (intelligence)

Lyudmila - the owner of the analytical warehouse of the mind. It focuses on the main thing, while it often belongs to the trifles and is biased. In addition, emotionality may prevent her to see obvious things and truths.


Lyudmila is a creative nature, so any professions in which you need to use creative potential, it is perfectly suitable for her. Actress, journalist, lawyer, artist, designer, doctor, musician - just part of the list of professions in which this woman will be able to realize itself in full and will definitely achieve success.

Energetic, hardworking and responsible Lyudmila will not stop before in order to achieve the intended. This woman does not accept frames and borders, so in those areas where it is strictly necessary to adhere to the regulations, Lyudmila will have difficult to adhere. In general, monotonous and routine work suggest a real longing to active Lyudmila.


Business management is given by Lyudmila easily and easily, because it knows how to find a common language with people, and thanks to his charm, she can easily establish relationships with representatives of the opposite sex.

This woman has a male character and is not afraid to make independent decisions, which strengthens its position in the field of business. Lyudmila is perceived as a worthy competitor and a reliable business partner who will not submit under any circumstances.


Reading, needlework (embroidery and knitting), communicating with relatives and loved ones - these are the lessons that Lyudmila places in their free time. This creative person is always looking for something new and interesting.

Type of character


The stubbornness and independence of Lyudmila can cause it to completely change its lives in one moment. It is better to build everything from scratch than to deal with the fact that it eats its inner world.

This woman does not want and will not live, like everyone else, after all, she believes in his highest omen, in his lucky star, which will definitely lead it to the cherished goal. Sometimes such a desire to stand out leads to negative consequences, but Lyudmila does not mind, because failures make us stronger and rushing.


The intuition of Lyudmila is unusually developed than it enjoys sufficiently successfully.

Horoscope named after Lyudmila

Lyudmila - Aries

This is a delicate, tactful, intelligent and sociable woman who easily finds a common language with people. Thanks to his charm, Lyudmila-Aries produces a pleasant impression on others who see a good and sensitive woman in it, which corresponds to reality. Lyudmila herself carefully applies to new acquaintances, because it is afraid to be deceived. In a man, she appreciates the reliability and sense of humor.

Lyudmila - Taurus

This is a faithful and generous friend, ready to always come to the rescue. Friends mean a lot in her life, but she does not forget about her career, as she moves completely healthy self-confidence.

Lyudmila-Taurus generally believes that her opinion is always authoritative and simply can not be incorrect. In love, this woman is also generous and on feelings, and in gifts. Only here partners do not always answer her reciprocity.

Lyudmila - Gemini

The energetic and temperamental Lyudmila twin is very ambitious and ambitious. She used to putting serious goals and achieve them. This is a non-merging optimist that never gives up (maybe, for this reason, fate often indulges it with pleasant surprises). Lyudmila is looking for a clean, comprehensive and light love, although herself is quite wasteful in terms of feelings.

Lyudmila - Cancer

This closed and dreamy woman is not easy to find like-minded people. Modesty and vulnerability are combined in Lyudmila-cancer with an incredible force, while for this woman social status, as well as material benefits, mean negligible. It can generate a lot of interesting and productive ideas, but will never qualify for the role of the commander-in-chief, preferring to remain in the shadows.

Lyudmila - Lev.

For the sake of achieving his goal, Lyudmila Lev is ready to go on a lot. She is selfish and calculating, proud and vain, it is quite difficult to find a common language. At the same time, Lyudmila herself suffers from his own difficult character, which is obliged to the absence of friends and a unreasonable personal life. A volitional man with a solid character and a huge reserve of patience will be able to make a batch of this independent woman.

Lyudmila - Deva.

Confident, independent and pragmatic Lyudmila-Virgo always relies exclusively to his own opinion. Its patience and hard work can only be envied. This fondant journey and books a woman is comfortable to be alone. Moreover, big companies and noisy parties she will gladly exchange for the evening in a circle of one or two closest girlfriends. Because of his selectivity, the personal life of Lyudmila-Virgin is rarely consistent.

Lyudmila - Scales

The erudite, sociable, peace-loving and open Ludmila scales will decorate with its presence any company. She loves fun, she likes to get acquainted with new people and discover new horizons. The ease and ease of this woman easily conquered men's hearts. In addition, Lyudmila is an excellent partner who will never betray and always support his chosen one in any endeavor.

Lyudmila - Scorpio

Determining, assertive, temperamental and non-permanent Ludmila-Scorpio does not like to live according to the rules. On the contrary, she likes to break all the prohibitions. Any troubles only harde her character, making even more persistent in achieving the goal. This woman is respected and afraid, although they love to discuss her numerous novels who go to this woman benefit. To tame her temper is extremely difficult.

Lyudmila - Sagittarius

This woman is surprisingly combined with such qualities as naive and authority, openness and closure, in love and infantility. Lyudmila-Sagittarius is a true fighter for justice, and in its struggle it can be both correct, and acute in the language. It can be loved or hated, but it is indifferent to it to treat it definitely. His chosen she will not stop pleasantly surprising the day day.

Lyudmila - Capricorn.

It is a serious, purposeful, hardworking and stubborn woman who confidently goes to its goal, which progressively solving all the problems arising. High-level Ludmila-Capricorn is considered boring and too correct. Indeed, this woman does not know how to have fun and relax. Personal life develops in Lyudmila quite difficult, and all for the reason that it presents too high demands for its chosen one.

Lyudmila - Aquarius

Eccentric and temperamental Lyudmila-Aquarius does not tolerate boredom, and even more so loneliness. She is sitting down the adventures and fun parties, because it is in the circle of friends, she forgets about all those inequers who abounds of her interesting, but devoid of life stability. Interestingly, in the field of feelings, it is hidden and closed: it will only entrust his heart with a proven time and circumstances to a person.

Lyudmila - Fish

This is a nature doubting in everything and in all. She is indecisive and rasiment, any serious decision is not easy for her: Ideally, she must consult with those who trusts, and only then accept a fateful decision. Lyudmila fish just need support, without which it loses the soil under his feet. But you should not underestimate this pretty person, which, when you need to collect all my will in the fist and acts on your own.

Lyudmila's compatibility with male names

Lyudmila and Dmitry

This is undoubtedly a bright and interesting union in which both partners move in one direction, develop and open new faces. Dmitry and Lyudmila are real adventurers, only here alone albeit adventures a strong and stable family not to build.

Lyudmila and Alexander

In this pair, partners have absolutely diametrical views on a family life, which Alexander seems to be quiet and peaceful, and Lyudmila is a stormy river, in which the flow changes several times a day. If both want to keep marriage, they will have to learn to give up each other and put up with the existing disadvantages.

Lyudmila and Eugene

Lyudmila and Igor

In this union there are two passionate and temperamental people who enjoy life, not building plans for the future. They solve all problems as they do, without wasteing their energy on anyone unnecessary conflicts. To play the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Lyudmila and Kirill

The relationship of this couple is similar to the battlefield, after all, Lyudmila and Cyril, it is also a matter of relationships and fight for the right to be called the head of the family. In addition, none of the spouses are ready to pacify its independence for the sake of family happiness. As a result, the family may not take place.

Lyudmila and Vitaly

In this tandem there are two absolutely different people who cannot find a common denominator in any question, which eventually suffers from the family. Physical attraction is not enough to create a strong family and stable relationships.
Vitali - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Lyudmila and Valery

The chances that Lyudmila and Valery will be happy, can be assessed as 50/50, because both partners are excessively emotionally and cannot wisely approach the resolution of conflicts that constantly flare out between them. If they learn to hear and understand each other, then they can turn out.

Lyudmila and Vadim.

In this difficult alliance, there is no one of the main components of a strong and happy family - understanding. Lyudmila is absolutely not satisfied with the impracticality of Vadim, too lightly belonging to life. And Vadim alien granting and seriousness of Lyudmila.

Lyudmila and Pavel

These are owners of strong and volitional characters, but it only strengthens their union. Of course, conflicts flare up between Lyudmila and Paul, but they quickly solve at the negotiating table. After all, both partners understand that quarrels and scandals have never helped to keep marriage.

Lyudmila and Ruslan

The owners of these epic names combines a lot, but this "much" is not enough to keep the family. If Lyudmila revises its attitude to independence, and Ruslan will learn to be patient, then this union may well take place.

Most likely, among your friends already there is a charming girl, a girl, a woman or even the grandmother, which you used to call Lucy. Do you know the full name? But according to the data of the sociological survey, most of us do not even think about it. And yet, what about the passport to make this person?

Maybe this is generally the final version, such as Yana or Lesya? No, it turns out, he has a full name - Lyudmila! Although such a person can be completely called human, cute, and mile, and even Milasha. Options are actually a lot, and each of them is interesting in its own way and original.

Section 1. The meaning of Lucy

In general, the original word "Lyudmila" has a purely Slavic origin and means "cute people." Although there are Western counterparts. For example, lucition. But it is like Latin "LUX", that is, "light".

By the way, long enough girls were not called. The second life of the name was given approximately in the era of romanticism, and the works of famous literary classics played an important role in his re-appearance, the most famous among which can be called "Lyudmila" V.A. Zhukovsky and immortal masterpiece "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin.

To date, this name enters if not in the top five, then exactly the top ten most common in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Section 2. What does the name soya mean and how it is reflected on the character of the owner

Psychologists argue that from the early childhood, a manochka can be called a girl who does not imagine life without a comfortable, cozy and tasty-smelling house. In the household she is definitely no equal. It seems that she can absolutely all: and sew original curtains, and tie the households the most fashionable clothes, and make a delightful dish, and save somehow it turns out.

However, not everything is so rosy and smooth, as it might seem at first glance. After all, there is no wonder Lucy, the full name of which - Lyudmila, is distinguished by an innerious character, especially in adulthood. It is said that it is quite difficult for her to find a common language with others, and it is more inclined to concentrate on their own affairs and problems than helping or listening to the rest.

In principle, Lyudmila's name and Lucy is the same thing, although the second, of course, is more suitable for girls and girls. The first is more official.

Psychologists argue that marriages in adult people are very often disintegrated, and the reason for this often becomes excessive emotionality and the quick-temperedness of the mature woman. An important role in fate also plays a hatching - Lucy remembers well everything that has once happened, is experiencing about this and prone to revenge.

In general, it should be noted that such as sequence and accuracy, always come to the revenue of Lyudmilas. And in the conscious age of them, as a rule, first-class workers and organizers in such areas as teaching, medicine and administration are obtained.

In the modern world there are a lot of specialists who can tell about a particular person based on his name only.

We will not take into account the approval of various kinds of fortuneral, leading and sorcerers. But here to the advice of astrologers still worth listening.

So, the zodiac sign Lucy, the full name of which - Lyudmila, is quite peculiar. These are scales. And the patronage planet is mysterious and tender Venus.

In clothing should stick with pastel gamma. For example, good luck will accurately bring a beige outfit, and for holidays to impress the public, you can give preference to a bluish shade. It will be nice to look and lilac, and the combination of bright white and gentle turquoise was swollen, of course.

Want to make a gift for Lose? Then give her a decoration of yellow sapphires. These stones are not only suitable for her image, but also will definitely become a pledge of excellent mood and positive emotions.

Often you have to hear that every name patronizes its plant. For people, such representatives of the flora are mistletoe, chrysanthemum and hazel.

But for animal talismans, experts include the Persian cat and a rooster.

Section 4. Famous people named Lyudmila

Undoubtedly, such extraordinary individuals often play important roles in political, economic and cultural life not only by their country, but also the whole world.

For example, it is difficult to meet a person who has never been heard in life about Lyudmila Raskin or Lyudmila Gurchenko, and such vocal data, like Zykina, are rare enough.

And it is also impossible not to mention the Celico, kittyaeva, Tourskaya, Tatytyyevaya, Senchina, Semensyak, Savelieva, Polyakova, Pakhomoy, Maksakova, Lyadova, Kim, Gorokhova. These Lyudmila were forever in history as peculiar business cards of their country.