What you need to enter the cadet corps. How to enter a cadet school

What you need to enter the cadet corps.  How to enter a cadet school
What you need to enter the cadet corps. How to enter a cadet school

Modern schoolchildren start thinking early about their future profession. Someone immediately decides to finish 11 classes, take the exam and try to enter a university. But you can choose educational institutions after the 9th grade, which provide cadet schools.

Military service is gradually becoming more and more popular. Many, while still schoolchildren, choose service for the good of the Motherland as their future profession. And if there are several hereditary military men in the family, then sometimes the question "who to be" is not even worth it.

Such a desire to connect his life with the service is the basis for entering cadet schools after the 9th grade. Both boys and girls can apply for admission. But only the best and distinguished ones will be accepted.

Conditions for admission to the cadet school

  1. Young men and women who have Russian citizenship have the right to apply for admission.
  2. Cadet corps accept schoolchildren who, as of September 1 of the year, are not yet 17 or at least 15 years old.
  3. Those wishing to study in the cadet corps must successfully complete 9 classes and pass the State Academy of Arts.
  4. The candidate is checked and a medical examination is passed.
  5. A parent's application for the child's admission is required.
  6. Parents' consent to further education of a cadet in a military institution.

The necessary conditions

Choosing cadet schools after the 9th grade, the main thing is not to succumb to someone else's opinion and not to act for the sake of a beautiful form, prestige or for the company.

Military affairs should be a vocation, you will need to devote your whole life to this. Therefore, it should be clearly understood that a cadet is not just a military student, but a future defender and pride of his homeland.

Parents should have a very serious talk with their child and make it clear that joining the ranks of the cadets is a serious step, and life will change dramatically from that moment.

And yet, if the desires of the child and the parents coincide, the future path and profession are determined, not everyone who wishes will be able to become young soldiers. This requires:

  • Personal autobiography with the success and achievements of the student.
  • A characteristic from the school, which is composed of teachers, and signed by the director.
  • You will need a certificate from the parents, which indicates the nature and description of the position.
  • Excellent basic knowledge in all subjects and successful passing of the GIA.
  • Good physical fitness.
  • Good health, confirmed by a certificate from the clinic.

Life in the cadet school

Russian cadet schools are reviving and becoming very popular. The state understands the importance of primary education in the formation and development of military personnel.

A single line, starting from the school bench, helps to form a successful and strong personality, forms the image of a military man and conveys all the accumulated advanced experience.

Those who choose cadet schools after the 9th grade will find themselves surrounded by the same children from all over Russia.

As a rule, there are many students from the hereditary families of the military and those whose parents serve in the security agencies, the police, the Ministry of Emergencies and others.

Tolerance is one of the conditions for a successful life in the corps. Indeed, among the students there are children of different social strata and different status. But the military cadet school is a model for building attitudes and discipline. Differences in social status are unacceptable there. The main thing is success in training and cultivation of valor, tolerance and a culture of communication.

Students are in the educational institution around the clock, and they are fully supported by the state. Meals, accommodation, uniforms, educational materials - all this is provided to cadets free of charge.

You can only come home on vacation. The rest of the time, students study and live in the buildings.

Suvorov military school - what is it?

The Suvorov Cadet School is an institution for schoolchildren, where they receive a complete secondary education, in addition, they are taught the basics of military affairs, and preparations are underway to enter military universities.

These schools are named after the legendary commander Suvorov. They were first formed during the Second World War. The graduates are called Suvorovites.

Do not enter after grade 9 or 11. Very small, eight-year-old children are also accepted there.

In practice, it so happened that children from military families enter the IED. And their life is about moving, changing housing, constantly different schools. Due to the different curriculum, the level of knowledge among children is different.

But teachers are aware of this situation, so the study begins with pulling up the lagging subjects, and then move on to an in-depth study of military disciplines.

Life is close to army conditions. Accordingly, the discipline is strict.

Physicists or lyricists

In the SVU does not mean that children will only study the exact sciences and everything related to military service.

If a student is clearly gifted in the humanities, experienced educators will not be silent about it. Such a student will be prompted where it is better for him to apply his knowledge and where to direct his talent.

Indeed, there are a lot of profiles in military affairs. So, the humanities can go in the direction of military law. In addition, people with knowledge of a foreign language are highly valued in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Obvious "techies" will be able to direct their footsteps to the study of military equipment and weapons. The Suvorov schools are very good in that a very small child, whom his parents sent in military affairs, will be able to find his vocation in this field. After all, there are many, you just have to choose.

Particularly distinguished students receive not only moral satisfaction. Excellent studies are also rewarded financially. All SVU students receive a scholarship, but those who distinguished themselves can count on a personal scholarship issued by the Ministry of Defense.

You should not think that if a child does not have time in something, he will be immediately expelled. Of course, if this happens systematically, then this may well happen. But if a student tries, then he will always be helped. The timetables must include hours for individual lessons.

IED. What's next?

When a student chooses educational institutions after grade 9, he thinks about his future profession, who he will become after graduation. And what will the graduates of the Suvorov schools face, who will they be and where will they have to work?

Studying at the SVU, the guys receive certain titles. Everything is like in a real army. To what rank the cadet was able to reach, in that and graduated.

Do not forget that IEDs are not only about military training. This is, first of all, excellent basic knowledge, with which one can enter any higher military institution. But you can also choose a civilian university. The knowledge gained at the IED helps their students to outrun their rivals from regular schools and show excellent results on exams.

Any military man gladly takes on former Suvorovites. In addition, all especially manifested children are already on special account, they are eagerly awaited at the university.

Cadet school in Moscow

The Moscow Cadet School named after the Russian commander A. Nevsky accepts boys and girls - students in grades 6-11.

In addition to ordinary teachers, educators, psychologists and, of course, people of military specialties who teach special disciplines work at the school.

The school is equipped with everything you need. Taking into account modern requirements, two classrooms are equipped with computer equipment. Sports halls have been equipped.

There are automated classes for teaching military subjects. All advanced teaching methods are used in training.

Admitted to admission:

  • Minors fit for health reasons for further education and service in the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation.
  • It is imperative that the candidate studied one of the foreign languages ​​at the same place of study: German or English.
  • Parental consent and their statement are required.
  • An applicant will be asked for a questionnaire and a testimonial from the previous school.
  • Applicants have certain requirements for physical fitness. Applicants pass the long jump, running. Push-ups are provided for girls, pull-ups for boys.
  • Knowledge for the completed course of study is checked by writing tests in mathematics and Russian.

All students adhere to the established daily routine. In addition to the general education program, they are taught the history of the Russian army and the basics of military disciplines. And thanks to practical actions, all skills are only strengthened.

Cadet school in Vladivostok

The Vladivostok Cadet School is a young educational institution that opened its doors on September 1, 2014. The cadet corps accepted 240 young people into its ranks, and they immediately rushed "into battle".

The guys received congratulations from V. Chirkov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Future graduates will continue their military careers in the navy and become its elite.

Recruitment has also started this year. Candidates take exams in the form of tests in English, mathematics and Russian. They also undergo psychological tests. The selection is very strict, and only the best will be accepted.

Cadet school in Minsk

Since 2010, the Minsk School has been successfully implementing training programs for cadets. The cadet school in Minsk has already established itself as a successful and solid educational institution that prepares a worthy replacement and the future of the Belarusian army.

It is interesting that the Minsk Cadet School was opened on the basis of a school for orphans.

The selection is very strict. Psychological tests are performed first, and only those who pass the test will be admitted to the fitness test.

Those who cope with this test will have to wait for exams in general subjects.

The school lives a stormy and eventful life. Spartakiads, meetings and other events are constantly held.

And what is the last call in this institution! This is a feast for the eyes. Young people in cadet uniforms, girls in Picture, as if descended from the pages of Tolstoy's book "War and Peace".

Cadet school in Tyumen

The cadet school (Tyumen) can also apply for a place in the priority list. The institution is recruiting students in grades 5. Applicants undergo psychological tests and exams in physical fitness and general education subjects.

According to the results of all tests, the children are given points, points for previous achievements are added to them. The marks are summed up, and a competitive list is drawn up.

Cadets are the future of the army

As we can see, it is rather difficult to enter the cadet school. Those who wish are required not only excellent knowledge, but also mental stability, good physical fitness and excellent health.

And it doesn't matter whether a child becomes a cadet in grade 5 or chooses cadet schools after grade 9, his future will most likely be inextricably linked with the army, service and defense of the Motherland.

Knowledge, bearing, discipline - all this will forever remain in the former cadet. And wherever life takes him, he is ready for trials.

The Cadet School is a prestigious military educational institution that seriously prepares children for a military career and gives them all-round development and high-quality knowledge. Today, many parents want their child to go to just such a school: after all, here patriotism is brought up in the students, and also a sense of responsibility and composure is instilled in them. If you decide to send your child to study in the cadet corps, you should familiarize yourself with a number of conditions and requirements for candidates.

Candidate selection criteria

Both boys and girls are admitted to the cadet school, whose candidacies are assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Health status. Future students of the corps undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which a conclusion is made about their well-being. The school accepts only those candidates whose health status corresponds to group 1 or 2.
  2. Physical form. One of the most important conditions for the admission of applicants to the cadet corps is excellent physical fitness: after all, teaching at school requires great sports loads.
  3. The level of education. This criterion assumes that the candidate has an education corresponding to the class in which he enters.

It is important to know that the competition for such institutions is always high. In addition, there is a special category of applicants that has advantages in admission. Among them:

  1. Candidates whose parents are involved in military operations in hot spots.
  2. Children of military personnel who are brought up without one (or both parents).
  3. Candidates whose parents died as a result of their military duty.
  4. Orphans.

At what age is accepted to the cadet school

Cadet schools form classes for different ages. So, parents can send children from the age of seven to education. But the most in demand are candidates who have completed primary education, that is, third-grade graduates. At this stage, students study general subjects and undergo primary military training.

In addition, there are cadet corps, which you can enter after the 8th and 9th grades. Here, students are trained at the school, which in the future gives its graduates the opportunity to continue their studies already at military universities.

Exams for admission

Cadet schools that accept students from the age of seven conduct special interviews for them with a psychologist, based on the results of which a decision is made on the admission of a young candidate.

To enter the cadet corps after grade 8 or 9, applicants must pass exams in the Russian language (in the form of a dictation), mathematics (written assignment) and a foreign language. In addition, all applicants are required to pass a physical fitness test and score a sufficient number of points according to the required standards.

Table with examination standards for physical fitness:

Exercise type Required standards and results
5 (excellent) 4 (good) 3 (satisfactory)
Pull-up 11 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Running 100 meters 14.6 s 15 sec 15.6 s
Cross 1 km 3.40 minutes 3.50 minutes 4.15 minutes

Exercise type

For those entering the cadet corps for the music department, other exams are provided:

  • Russian language,
  • solfeggio (oral and written),
  • solo.

Orphans are exempted from passing entrance examinations, and upon admission to the corps, they are paid a monthly stipend in double the amount.

Required documents

To enter the cadet corps, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents, among which must be present:

As additional documentation, you can provide copies of certificates and diplomas for participation in sports competitions, school Olympiads, creative competitions and other events confirming the achievements of candidates for admission.

The best cadet corps of Russia

Cadet schools are very popular in Russia, so today they can be found even in small towns. However, many, choosing a cadet institution, give preference to buildings located in large metropolitan areas. So, the most prestigious schools for cadets are:

  • First Moscow Cadet Corps;
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Siberian Cadet Corps (located in Novosibirsk);
  • Kaliningrad Cadet Naval Corps named after Andrew the First-Called;
  • Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps (boarding school No. 5, located in Moscow).

These schools are famous for their high quality military training and strong teaching staff. Of course, it is quite difficult to enter there, since they are characterized by a large competition for a place, but if you feel strength and confidence in yourself, then you may be able to get into the number of their cadets.

In recent years, such a concept as cadet schools has become quite popular. And despite the fact that their history goes back to ancient times (as they have always been), their number has grown significantly over the past year. So, in a year, 116 schools opened cadet classes in Moscow. Most of all, it is surprising that getting into these classes is not so easy, and the program here is different from the general education simple school. And it ends here only in the evening, because after the lessons the cadets still have a lot of things to do: they shoot at the shooting range, go in for sports, learn to waltz and much more. But first, it's worth understanding everything in order.

A bit of history

The word "cadet" itself is French, it means "junior", "minor" ". Before the revolution in France, this was the name given to those young people who were admitted to the palace for military service, then became officers. So we can say that when they became cadets, they laid the first stone in their officer profession.

In Russia, the first cadet corps appeared in the 18-19 centuries. But their life was short-lived, since the October Revolution began, and the buildings were closed. And only after the Great Victory they reopened. And gradually, more and more cadet corps were added to all the known Suvorov corps. And soon the idea came to open a cadet school, which soon came true.

The emergence of schools

The very idea of ​​creating such schools arose recently, in 2014, when the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was celebrated. The very idea was so much liked by the management, and by parents, and even by schoolchildren, that it soon became a reality and began to expand, enjoying wide popularity.

What are cadet classes?

First of all, you need to understand what the cadet classes are. In fact, the characterization of the cadet class is very simple: it is an initial military-judicial institution, where the program of a secondary educational institution is also provided. But the main thrust of these institutions is that schoolchildren are educated and trained to become military personnel.

Many may also be interested in what kind of cadet classes there are. Today, cadets (as students of cadet classes are called) are recruited from the 7th grade. But there is also a cadet corps from grade 5. We can say that there are practically no restrictions here. Although many opponents complain and argue that it is wrong to collect 11 years old children (from the fifth grade), since in these schools the program is very difficult and tough. But nothing is done just like that, the curriculum is completely designed in accordance with the age of the children. It follows from this that the 5th grade (cadet) is preparation for more serious activities. That is why children perceive cadet classes as a kind of game at the very beginning of their education.

But still, schools that recruit students into corps (cadet) after the 9th grade are very popular.

What are the criteria for recruiting cadets?

In fact, not everyone is capable of entering the cadet class. A child can become a cadet who:

  • Physically healthy.
  • Good student.

Before a child enters class, he undergoes a full examination. But as you know, there are exceptions for each rule: those children, one of whose parents is a military man, get into cadet classes out of turn, and this also applies to those whose parent died during the execution of a military order. For the rest, there is a tough selection. Since the cadet classes are distinguished by their workload, both physically and educationally.

Structure of cadet classes

Since this phenomenon is new to the people, there is a need to understand the structure of the Cadet classes. In fact, it differs in everything from the general education school to which everyone is accustomed.

First of all, it is important to understand that there are different forms of Cadetism.

Cadet Corps

They are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. This type is a boarding house, from where the child can return home only after receiving a leave of absence. In these buildings, the curriculum is nothing more than orders from the Ministry of Defense.

Cadet schools

This type is already subordinate to the Department of Education, to put it more simply, this is a kind of general education institution in which students, in addition to general subjects, also learn military training. In cadet schools, children wear special uniforms and follow an organized daily routine. In this case, the children return home in the evenings. And most interesting of all, children can be recruited there, starting with

Differences between cadet classes and secondary schools

Cadet classes focus on history. In them, students study this subject in depth. This is a rule for each school, and as for the study of other subjects, everything here already depends on the institution, which has the right to compile it on its own. But basically, in cadet schools, priority is given to such subjects as mathematics, physics, foreign languages.

Today there are cadet classes (in Moscow) for boys, for girls and mixed.

Also, these schools are distinguished from others by the fact that after the lessons are over, the cadets go in formation.to the cafeteria, and in the afternoon they do not go home, as is the case in ordinary schools, but for drill training. And the classes themselves are called platoon here, and the headman is called the commander. After that, cadets begin additional courses, which include:

  • Shooting in the shooting range.
  • Dancing.
  • Military translator courses.
  • Sambo.

After which they are given the command "At ease, disperse."This means that the children can return home. Little cadets do not return home until seven in the evening.

Already from the above, it becomes clear that the program here is very difficult, and not every child can withstand such loads.

Among other things, platoons are divided into squads. And the most authoritative and disciplined cadets can becomethe foreman of the platoon, and then the commanders of the squad. The cadets have a special uniform, an official address and a motto: "To God - the soul, life - to the fatherland, duty - to yourself, honor - to nobody."

Do I need to send my child to a cadet school?

Naturally, training in this mode is not suitable for everyone. And here the point is not even the burden of education itself, but the fact that in cadet schools, children live like soldiers. They have 3 sets of uniforms, which exclude any manifestation of individual style. Cadets everywhere march in formation, with them every day begins and ends with marching training.

Of course, each parent decides for himself whether his child needs such a disciplined way of life from childhood. The fact is that cadet classes make children more responsible, more prepared for life. After studying in such schools, children can set a task for themselves, plan and, following the intended goal, reach the desired result.

The children themselves most often like this military order, they are happy to do drill training, learn the basics of military service. And after a certain age it becomes a part of their life and is perceived as something natural.

In fact, cadets are not only trained for military life or for the army, but also taught to be decent, disciplined, able to forgive and help those in need.

But there is another important point: parents need to remember that military education is a special kind of thinking. And a child, learning from childhood in this environment, may simply not get alongwith other children and even with your family. Therefore, cadet classes for girls are less popular than for boys.

But despite all this, every year the number of those wishing to get into the cadet classes is growing and growing. Naturally, this is the desire in most cases of the parents. And there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  • If the parents decide and want their child to receive and continue military education.
  • If parents want to raise a real man, a patriot.
  • If parents notice that their child is more disciplined, assiduous, and in the class other children interfere with him and distract him.
  • And perhaps the most common case: that fidget child who needs rigor and discipline is sent to a cadet school. Such children are easily re-educated, and after that even parents are surprised at the positive changes in their children.

Why is their number growing so rapidly?

Among all the advantages listed above, it became clear why the cadet classes became so popular. The numbers speak for themselves: since 2014, cadet classes (St. Petersburg) have opened their doors to 50,000 future cadets.

Many people do not like the fact that only children with Moscow registration can study in Moscow cadet schools. But the fact that training here is free, everyone likes. The parent only pays for the form.

Yes, and in recent years it has become popular, and after graduating from a cadet class, a child can easily enter a military school, and it will be much easier for him, since he is already accustomed to the regime, he knows the basics of military affairs. More than 75% of students in cadet classes enter military schools and continue to build their careers.

Despite the fact that the requirements here are very high, nevertheless, a cadet can transfer to another class if he has any problems.

To send a child to a cadet school or not is a purely personal matter, but one thing is most important. Before deciding on anything, ask your child's opinion. Do not force him to do what he does not want, especially what he cannot.

If you are thinking about preparing a child for military or other public service, it is optimal to start with training in the cadet corps. For admission to the cadet corps, we recommend adhering to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Select a cadet corps.
Each cadet corps has its own conditions, procedure or regulations for admission, however, admission to these educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by federal state bodies (part 4 of article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).
When choosing a cadet corps, consider the following:
1) the location of the educational institution.

In case of admission of the candidate to the entrance examinations, the central selection committee forms nominal lists of candidates, taking into account their place of residence (regardless of the school chosen by the candidate for admission) and sends them to the selection commissions of schools for conducting entrance examinations (clause 20 of the Procedure, approved by the Order of the Minister defense of the Russian Federation of 07.21.2014 N 515);

2) the age of the child. Cadet corps can be formed from different ages, but the most demanded educational institutions take only children with already completed primary education (after the 3rd grade);
3) requirements for the candidate. It is necessary to compare the child's capabilities with the requirements of the educational institution, for example, to the state of health (he must belong to the I or II group of the state of health), to the level of education (upon admission, correspond to his class of study), to age (clause 13 of Order No. 515; pp 1, 2, clause 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2012 No. 1346n);
4) deadline for submission of documents. The legislation establishes a single deadline for all primary military educational institutions: from April 15 to June 1. The last day for accepting documents is May 30. If May 30 falls on a day off, then the last day for accepting documents is postponed to the first Monday of May 30. If the documents are sent by mail, they will be accepted if there is a stamp of the issuing department with a date no later than May 30 (clause 16 of Order N 515).
In accordance with the conditions and procedure for admission to the cadet corps, the following categories of citizens, in particular, enjoy the preferential right (clause 14 of Order No. 515):
1) orphans left without parental care;
2) children of those who died in the service or died from a disease received in the service, military personnel or prosecutors, employees of internal affairs bodies;
3) children of contract servicemen or persons dismissed from the Armed Forces due to staff reductions;
4) children of civilian employees of federal ministries and departments in which military service is provided for by federal law;
5) children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory.
In this regard, the competition for the remaining places is quite high.

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission.
To enter the cadet corps, you will need a personal file, which includes the following documents and information with a list of attachments (clause 16 of Order N 515):
1) a statement by the parents (legal representatives) of the candidate addressed to the head of the school;
2) a statement of the candidate addressed to the head of the school;
3) a notarized copy of a birth certificate (for persons over 14 years of age, in addition to a copy of a birth certificate, a certified copy of the second, third and fifth pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity of a citizen in the territory of the Russian Federation) (Article 77 of the Fundamentals of Russian Legislation on Notaries, approved by the RF Armed Forces 11.02.1993 N 4462-1);
4) the candidate's autobiography;
5) a copy of the candidate's personal file certified by the seal of the general educational organization, an extract from his report card for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter of the academic year, pedagogical and psychological characteristics of the candidate;
6) four photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm with a place for an imprint in the lower right corner;
7) a copy of the medical insurance policy;
a copy of the candidate's medical card and, additionally, for a professional educational organization with the special name "military music school"; a copy of a medical certificate (medical professional advisory opinion), certified by the seal of a medical organization;
9) a medical report on the minor's belonging to a medical group for physical education;
10) a copy of the history of the child's development and the original extract from it;
11) information from neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries about the state of the minor on the account (observation);
12) a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations;
13) an extract from the house book from the place of residence (registration);
14) a certificate from the place of service (work) of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians);
15) documents confirming the pre-emptive right to admit a candidate to the school.
Orphans and children left without parental care will need to provide certified copies of the death certificate of their parents, a copy of the court or local government decision on the establishment of guardianship (guardianship), a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate, a recommendation for admission from the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights at the place of residence of the child and the guardianship and guardianship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the child came from (sub-item "a" of item 16 of Order N 515).

Note. Candidates who enjoy the preferential right to enter the cadet corps (with the exception of orphans and children left without parental care) will need to submit additional documents (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 16 of Order No. 515).

Also, to those already listed, you can attach documents confirming the child's achievements, for example, copies of certificates, diplomas, commendation sheets, certificates, certificates of a participant in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing the social, creative and sports achievements of the child ...

Step 3. Submit documents and go through the competition.
You can hand over the documents either in person, by appearing at the admissions office of the educational institution, or by mail.
Upon arrival for the entrance exams, it is necessary to submit to the admissions office all originals of those documents that are presented in copies (with the exception of passports or papers stored in educational and medical institutions at the candidate's place of residence). In addition, you will need to have a school-stamped report card with you.
Before submitting documents, we recommend that you consult with the organization's specialists in order to avoid mistakes.

Step 4. Wait for the documents to be considered by the selection committee.
The division of the selection committee for the verification of personal files examines applications with the attached documents. Applicants who are suitable in age and health condition are called up for entrance examinations. The rest are denied admission (clause 19 of Order N 515).
The lists of candidates selected for passing the entrance exams are formed by June 10. Then, refusal letters are sent to the parents of children who have not passed the selection according to the documents.

Note. The refusal of the selection committee of an educational institution can be appealed within 10 days after its receipt to the chairman of the commission or to the central selection committee in Russia (paragraph 3, clause 19 of Order N 515).

Those who have passed the selection and are admitted to the exams are sent a notice before June 25 indicating the place and time of the entrance examinations (clause 20 of Procedure N 515).

Step 5. Take the introductory tests.
As a rule, admission to the school is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations in Russian, mathematics and a foreign language.
To enter the military music school, you will need to pass four exams: Russian language, solo performance, written solfeggio and oral solfeggio. Candidates for the military music school with excellent marks in the documents on general and musical education are allowed to pass only a solo performance (clauses 15, 22 of Order N 515).
The exam date is one of the days between July 1 and 15. Moreover, all exams are held on the same day.
For military music schools, the period of examinations is from August 1 to 14 (clause 21 of Order N 515).

Step 6. Wait for the results of the entrance examinations and the child's enrollment in the cadet corps.
In addition to the results of the exams, the selection committee considers conclusions on the psychological, psychophysiological and physical condition of the child, and also evaluates the information in the personal file about his achievements (clause 23 of Order N 515).
Based on the results of such a comprehensive examination, each candidate is given an assessment in points, which is entered into a single competitive list. Candidates belonging to the preferential categories, with the same points as their competitors, are entered in the list first. On the basis of this list, the central admission committee forms lists of enrolled children. Enrollment is made by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (clauses 24, 25 of Order N 515).
Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on Internet sites and in the administrations of educational institutions. In addition, the notification of enrollment is sent to the parents of the candidate (clauses 25, 27 of Order N 515).

"Electronic magazine" Azbuka Prava "

The upbringing of a man and a real protector begins at an early age. The whole future life depends on what will be laid down in the character in childhood. It seems to many that it is too early to think about the future in the 4th year of study, especially if we take into account the advice of others, but this is not so. After graduating from cadet schools, military training, body endurance and self-confidence appear - qualities that determine a strong person.

In addition, the cadet school provides enormous career prospects, climbing the career ladder, to which everyone aspires, and in the future - benefits and pensions. It is believed that the military are successful and wealthy people. After graduating from college, the child will receive a ticket to a bright future. If you enter after the 4th grade, the examination procedure will be easier, and the cadets will have time to get used to the new environment.

A military career is a real test, but it provides many advantages, therefore, entering a cadet school has always been considered quite prestigious. On the one hand, this is the road of a firm and self-confident person who will always be provided with a good salary and allowances, on the other, from a young age, children are taught to order, discipline and bearing. Not everyone can do it.

Therefore, before entering, you need to take into account all the circumstances. But many people want to make a brilliant career in the military, despite the difficulties. Therefore, representatives of the weaker sex often prepare for admission from the 4th grade. The difficulty is that you need to submit documents to the school at a time when training sessions are still taking place. Thus, the solution to this issue should not be delayed, especially if you firmly decided that your child should go to school at the end of the 4th grade.

The most important factor in passing for the admissions committee is health. For a military employee cannot have a weakened body, and the learning process itself will be a burden for an applicant with illnesses. When passing the medical commission, the doctor must certify compliance with the first or second health group. Children with chronic illnesses or flat feet will not be able to get an education in such educational institutions. From the 4th grade, you can already move on to vocational training, because it is at this age that a personality is already beginning to form, and the easiest way is to instill discipline and punctuality in a child. In addition, only specialized subjects that will be useful in practice, life and service will be taught here.

Who qualifies for the preferential quota

Since the competition for military institutions is very large, an applicant can take advantage of the preferential benefits that exist primarily for:

  • orphans who were brought up without both parents or without the participation of one or the other;
  • children whose parents have visited hot spots or in a war zone;
  • children whose parents are disabled in armed conflicts.

Children of combatants and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident are given preferential priority passage in the competition. The cadet school is considered a very prestigious educational institution, so there is always a high competition for a place.

The procedure for starting admission to cadets is supposed to take into account first of all:

  1. Psychological disposition for serious service and loyalty to their work. Studying at a prestigious institution is a state program and full support, which, for all its profitability, has a number of restrictions and rules. The child must be aware that he will be constantly under control, fulfill the obligations and tasks assigned to him, and also diligently pass the tests, otherwise he will be expelled, and the years spent in the cadet school will be wasted. After the 4th year at the desk it is already clear whether the child is ready to experience such difficulties and whether he will not be pulled home every day. In addition, meetings with loved ones and visits throughout the entire time take place only on weekends.
  2. Mutual agreement from all sides. Separate parental consent is also required, therefore, the list of documents must include a passport of both the father and mother or guardians, which confirms that the child enters a public school with their consent. It is easier to make such a decision for those families whose members are in military service and know its nuances.
  3. Choosing a school. As a rule, the place of residence itself determines the choice. You need to submit documents to the nearest school to your place of residence. This is done for the purpose of simplicity of paperwork and the formation of the composition of future cadets. But also, the closer to home, the easier it is to see relatives. Excess convenience will not hurt anyone.
  4. Direct collection of documents. They must be submitted from April 15 to May 15, then there is no way to get on the stream. The list of required copies for applicants after 4 years of study is posted on the websites of all state institutions, so there will definitely not be any difficulties with this. Also online, you can choose a conveniently located building where the child would like to enter. It is important not to miss the moment of submitting applications, because from 1 June it will no longer be possible. Also, do not drag out the preparation of copies to the last, since for the sake of one person, no one will violate the accepted order. In addition, during admission, you need to prepare for subsequent exams. A student after 4 years of school should be helped with this, since children during this period are still very scattered and not independent.

The procedure for filing an application and preparing a package of documents

In order not to look for documents at the last moment, you should prepare for submitting an application in advance. The admission procedure usually looks like this:

  • first, parents must draw up a statement about their child's desire to go to the chosen school. The application is written in the name of the chief;
  • an application is also submitted on behalf of the applicant himself;
  • after that, you need to draw up an autobiography, in which it is desirable to fully reveal the talents and abilities of the child without any embellishments;
  • submission of copies of the parents' passport and the child's birth certificate, which must be certified by a notary;
  • certificate of successful completion of the 4th grade (for the last three quarters);
  • drawing up a testimonial from teachers;
  • obtaining a medical certificate from the military medical board;
  • mandatory medical insurance;
  • transmission of information about the registration of the child and the composition of the family, which can be obtained from local authorities;
  • photocopies of passports of each parent, which are certified by a notary.
  • and, most importantly, submit 4 photos of 3 × 4 size;
  • a certificate is submitted informing about which of the parents and guardians is working.

After that comes the stage of selection of applicants. There are no special requirements for junior students, however, it is important that there is good health and good academic performance. Preference is given to preferential categories. After passing the stage of submitting documents to the school, the period of entrance examinations begins, of which there are usually two.

You need to take their preparation seriously, since the competition for a cadet school is very serious, even for a younger age. At the same time, it is better to act at this time, since at an older age there are much more evaluation criteria. If the applicant is doing well with his grades and with a medical report, with the onset of June he will be notified of his admission to the exams.

From the moment of successful admission, the child falls on the state allowance, so many parents send their children to study without hesitation. For this, the cadet must comply with the rules of conduct and correspond to the high rank of a cadet. In our time, the defenders of the homeland need a special approach, since the peace in the country in the future will be completely in their hands.

Cadetism is a very bright, eventful time. The guys are very friendly to cope with their tasks, learn order and mutual assistance. All that an education in a prestigious cadet corps can give them is honor, dignity and responsibility. Even the army does not give such education. After graduating from a cadet school, you can both continue along the path of a military career, and choose what will suit the grown-up child more.

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