What you can eat in a passionate week. Personal Natasha Diary ...

What you can eat in a passionate week. Personal Natasha Diary ...
What you can eat in a passionate week. Personal Natasha Diary ...

Passionate Week (Sedmian) - the last week of the Great Post, during which the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ are remembered. Each day has a certain value for believers.

Great Monday: Believers remember on this day of Joseph, the Old Testament Patriarch. He was in his youth by the brothers in the slavery of the Egyptians, but as a result he received power there and the brothers came to him for help, since their family shelted poverty. Then they did not recognize their brother, but in the consequence of Joseph, they opened and did not hold evil to the brothers, invited the family to live in Egypt. The second biblical plot associated with the Great Monday is a curse by Jesus fruitless fig tree. The fig tree acts in this leather the symbol of the soul that does not relate spiritual fruits and not seeking to virtue.

Great Tuesday: On this day, two parables are remembered: about ten virgins and talents. The Great Tuesday is associated with the teachings about the terrible court and therefore parables are interpreted in the context of the rescue of the soul. In the parable of the Ten Devs, theologians see, first of all, the next meaning: virtues and good deeds help to clean the soul from sin, but they are not so much. Therefore, their light does not always have enough. The same who buys virtue and does not care about his soul, the gate to paradise will be closed. On the exception of God's kingdom for ignoring the achievements of virtues, the parable of talents says.

Great Wednesday: I remember the sinner, washing the world of Christ's legs. According to legend, when Jesus was in Bethagania, in the house of the ledger simon, the woman began to take a precious peace on him. There were those who are in order: after all, it could be given to the poor. Then Jesus said that the poor is always there, and he - no, and she anointed him before his death.

Maundy Thursday: Believers on this day remember the events of the secret evening and the ablution of Jesus feet of their students. In an episode with a ablution of the legs, the Savior teaches a lesson: the role of a slave himself in front of his students, he is washes their legs, actually going to be a servant to his neighbor. Also remember the prayer of the Savior in the Garden Garden. Here the theologians see the bright manifestation of two will in Jesus Christ: the Divine, ready for a fee and death for the salvation of people who opposes the human flesh. The flesh is characteristic not only the fear of death: she is ready to renounce suffering.

Great Friday: One of the most key days of fasting: Passion of Christ is read - 12 Gospel, who tell about the court over the Savior, His Flour, Speaker to the execution, suffering on the Cross and Death. After sunset, refrain from eating until the end of the Easter service.

Great Saturday: On this day, believers go to church for the consecration of food - eggs, kulichs and Easter. I remember the stay of the Lord in the coffin. On the same day, the gracious fire comes off in Jerusalem.

When will the passionate week in 2016?

In 2016, the passionate week falls on the last week of April, starting from the 25th day, and Easter Sunday coincides with the beginning of the new month - May, for the first number.

Passionate week is one of the most severe in the spiritual plan and one of the most stringent weeks of the Great Post. But each of us can thus make your little feat. All the best and do not forget to click on the buttons and

13.04.2016 00:50

The main problem of compliance with the Great Post is the refusal of animal food. This includes not only meat, ...

Passionate is called the last week before Easter - Bright Christ Sunday. This name is obtained in honor of the sufferings of Jesus Christ in the last days of his earthly life. Every day, the passionate week is devoted to memories of the Savior, thinking about the spiritual side of life and prayers. Church canons these days are prescribed to believers compliance with strict post, refusal of worldly entertainment and entertainment activities. Of course, a decision on such constraints should be taken independently and from a pure heart. When does the passion week of 2016 begins? Orthodox Christians of all over the world are happy to expect the onset of such an important date - after all, these days God goes to people, approaching the great holiday of Easter.

Passionate Week in 2016: What is the number of comes?

The onset of the seventh week of the Great Post (United States) in 2016 falls for the period from April 25 to April 30. Passion week 2016 is considered sad and sorrowful time. So for these numbers it is impossible to plan the rites of wedding and baptism, as well as to remember the dead and celebrate the days of the saints. Orthodox these days before Easter, it is better to pay attention to communicating with God and prayers. During the passionate week, church services are held on the commemoration of the recent events of the life of Christ, his sufferings and crucifixion on the cross. By tradition, at this time, believers are actively preparing for Easter - clean in the house, engage in baking cakes and painting eggs. Today we will learn what value for every day of the passion week 2016 (sadmits).

Days of the week in the passionate sadmice: What do you need to know?

Folk and church customs associated with the last week before Easter, leave their roots in the depths of centuries. After all, every day the passionate saddemic is filled with a special meaning and is of symbolic importance for an Orthodox Christian.

Monday - April 25

Clean Monday - the first day of preparation for Easter. Believers can start cleaning, washing, purchasing products for cooking festive dishes. Church service is devoted to events related to finding the Savior in Jerusalem. After the Celebration of Palm Sunday, we return to a strict post again - it is allowed to eat 1 - 2 times a day.

Tuesday - April 26

This date accounts for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in honor of which believers can make a small retreat from the post and include fish in the day menu. However, in 2016, Tuesday passionate saddemitsa and the celebration of the Annunciation coincide according to the date. So from the use of fish it is better to refuse to add vegetable oil into festive dishes. For homework, the church imposes a ban.

Wednesday - April 27

We continue to prepare for the Easter holiday - we make the dough for Easter cakes, boil and paint the eggs. On Wednesday you can already "unfold" with the preparation of a festive table. Meat, filled, rolls, fish, pies and other dishes for festive meals will get a delightful taste for this day.

Thursday - April 28

Clean Thursday is one of the most important days of a passionate week, symbolizing the cleansing of the soul and body before Easter. By tradition, on this day since the morning it is customary to swim, and then make cleaning. During the church service, the Thurning Fire, which enlightened from diseases and bringing happiness to the house.

Friday - April 29

In Good Friday, it is customary to abide by the most strict post and refuse food until the end of the evening worship. This is the day of the commemoration of the sufferings and the torment of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion for making sins of mankind.

Saturday - April 30

Easter cooking ends, and is the time to go to the church to consecrate festive delicas. As a rule, believers remain on the all-in-service service, after which it is customary to congratulate each other with bright Christ Sundays and Christ.

Great Passionate Week: What can I eat and what is impossible?

When the red slide is celebrated, read.

On the church charter, from Monday to Thursday, as well as on Saturday you can eat only vegetable food (not fried and boiled). It is impossible to take any food in Good Friday. However, for pregnant women, sick and old people, an exception is made - after the sun comes down, you can eat a laundry meal.

What can I eat on a passion week? It is allowed to be struggle to:

  • raw vegetables and fruits
  • bread
  • dried fruits and nuts

What you can not have - a list of dishes and drinks:

  • meat and milk
  • boiled and fried dishes
  • coffee, tea, alcohol

Now you know how long the passion week of 2016 begins. This is the time of gaining spiritual harmony and physical cleansing. After all, ahead is a bright holiday Easter, which is better to spend in a circle of loved ones and friends, in love and joy.

The passionate week 2016 according to the church calendar is called a passionate or pure week and is considered the most stringent and harsh moment of a forty-day great post preceding the holy holiday of Christ Sunday. Each day of this period is called Great. In the first three days in the temples, the divine liturgy of the required gifts is committed, and the priest, obeying the requirements of the church charter, reads the entire psalter, passing only 17 caffesma. On Thursday and in the morning on Saturday, the Liturgy of the Great St. Vasily is held, and the suffering of Jesus in the Calval Cross is remembered on Friday. A sevenneve is ends on Sunday, when the whole religious world thanks God for the miracle to people, the miracle marks the bright holiday of Easter.

Passionate Week in 2016: what number it starts and ends

In 2016, the passionate saddemic begins immediately after Verbal Sunday - April 25, and the 30th ends - immediately before Easter. At this time, the maximum of humility and restraint is required from Verph. It is not recommended to go to entertainment institutions, attend all sorts of festivities and take part in any other events of this kind.

In a passion week, the church advises as much as possible to pray, thinking on the sublime topics, to read biblical texts and remember the suffering that Christ accepted for all humanity on the mountain of Calvary.

There are things that categorically impossible to do in this responsible period. These include:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • getting carnal pleasures.

Passionate week: what can you eat and what can not

The menu of the passionate week is not a little different from the classic diet of the Great Post. Food still do not use dairy, meat, fish and egg products.

According to church canons and rules, from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday, there are vegetable intimensional products (fruits and dried fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, honey), and drinking water only. Every food is completely prohibited in Good Friday, and only old men, pregnant women and seriously ill people are allowed to be a small light and lean dinner.

Days of the week in the passionate sadmice: meaning and symbolism

  1. The Great Monday pay attention to the memory of the Patriarch of Joseph, who is considered a prototype of Jesus suffering for people. On the same day, they reread and rethink the evangelical narration about how Christ cursed a fig tree incapable of fruiting. The meaning of this parable comes down to the fact that the soul lives devastated without prayer, sincere repentance, dedicated faith and good deeds.
  2. The Great Tuesday remembers the pricking words of Jesus, said in the address of Pharisees, and also study the parables, spoken by the Savior in the temple of Jerusalem. According to an old custom, in the houses are preparing "Fucheful Milk" and sing them a cattle, Holy Referring that this drug will save animals from the evil eye and disease.
  3. The Great Wednesday is devoted to the discussion of the monstrous act of Judah, who pretended to Christ for a scanty sum of 30 silventmen. In addition, other important events that have happened in this, in their own way, a significant day have been remembered: a secret evening, the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and PR.
  4. In the Great or Clean Thursday with the sunrise, wash in the bath, remove the home, the kitchen utensils are honored and traditional Easter dishes are prepared.
  5. In the most "black" day of passionate saddemitsa - the Great Friday - grieved along tortured on the cross Jesus. In churches, the priests do not spend the liturgy, and Vyanians do not do household chores, do not eat and do not drink until sunset and do not wash.
  6. The grandiose divine miracle is celebrated in the Great Saturday - convergence to the Earth of the Holy Fire.
  7. The passionate week of 2016 Easter is ends - the Grand Sunday of Christ - the most important and revered bright holiday of the entire religious world.

The seventh week of the Great Post, which is the name of passionate, is the last before Easter and the most stringent in church canons - begins exactly seven days before the resurrection of Christ. In 2016, she starts on Monday, April 25, and will last until April 30, and on May 1, Orthodox will celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - Light Easter. Many readers are interested in what you can eat that you can not do during a passionate week, what other restrictions are waiting for believers these days, and what rules they must observe.

As explained in the diocese, in their rigor, a passion week can be compared from the first week of the Great Post, when food can be taken only 1-2 times a day in small portions. At the same time, on a passionate Sabbath and Great Friday - until the end of the evening service - the church generally prescribes to completely refrain from meals.

Passion week 2016 will be held from the 25th to the 30th of April, and every day has its name and importance during it.

Starting from this day, believers begin to actively prepare for Easter: they are cleaned in the house, buy products for the festive table. In the temple, at this time they remember the coming of Jesus in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the holiday of Palm Sunday ended, and therefore again need to follow the post. Take food on this day is recommended only 1-2 times during the day.

The Great Tuesday, as a rule, is the time for privacy and reading prayers, although the hostess does not stop preparing for the holiday and fully occupied by homemade hassle. Interestingly, in 2016, the Great Tuesday coincides with the Day of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. It is always celebrated with a special scope, and the church charter allows you to eat fish on this day. However, do not forget that this year the holiday falls on a passionate week, so it still stands to refuse.

On Wednesday, the mistress prepare the dough for Easter cakes, eggs are boy, and also prepare paint for them. Also on this day you can begin to engage in meat dishes and cakes that need to be specifically brokered before being solemnly represented on the Easter table. Sightly rested on Tuesday, on Wednesday it is worth fully focused on home affairs.

It's quite a reason for this day in Russia called clean Thursday - it is the time of the final stage of the general cleaning in the house. Also on Thursday, it's nice to go to the bath and wash off the accumulated sins. According to the signs, after the completion of the active phase of the guidance of order and cleanliness, it will not be completely superfluous to calculate money - so that they always be found in the house. You can try to speak and "Thursday" salt, which is believed to heal the disease throughout the year, as well as to drive the evil eye.

Good Friday is a special day of the week of the same name: according to the Gospel, it was on Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified. On this day, it is necessary to observe the most strict post and up to the end of the evening service in the temple there is nothing at all. Only when it is completed, it is allowed to eat a little bread and water. In Good Friday, it is customary to remember the flour and the suffering of the Savior, that is why the church strongly recommends that you protect yourself on this day from any fun.

Saturday to Easter - traditionally one of the most important days on the eve of the Great Holiday. If possible, it is also recommended to spend on one bread and water, having finished all the latest cookings for Easter. In the first half of the day, it is necessary to go to church and consecrate the dough for Easter cakes, as well as the eggs painted earlier. After lunch, you can take for the preparation of ritual food to the coming holiday. In the evening on Saturday, all believers go to the temple to the service, where exactly at midnight, after the completion of the procession around the church, the priest will bring for parishioners a long-awaited message that Christ is resurrected. This means that Easter came and the Great Post is over. You can return home and start celebrating.

Passionate saddemic is the last week of the Great Post, the period is very significant for Christians.

What is a passionate saddemic?

Passionate saddimians - Translated from the Church Slavonic language - "Week of suffering", during which Christians will pray hard, aggravate the feats of the post, remember the last days of the Savior's earthly life, his suffering, painful death and burial.

The last week is specially revered by the Orthodox Church. Initially, most Christians celebrated not a great Sunday, and passionate, or the godfather Friday. Many grave disputes were among the ancient Christians about what day to celebrate the Great Easter. The final decision took the first universal cathedral held in 326 by the new era. From this point on, Christians celebrate this bright holiday in the bright resurrection.

In the times of John of Zlatoust, who lived at the turn of the 3-4 centuries of our era, Christians experienced a lot of desire to be near the last terrestrial days of Jesus Christ. St. John described the feats that people committed the sake of their Lord to the passionate sadmitz. These days, showing good destruction and mercy, Christians made good deeds: they freed the passionate prisoners for the time of the passionate week, they were condescending to the painful and oborudy, providing them with all the assistance, they stopped litigation, disputes. They sought to make good deeds, likeing her Lord, who tolerated torment for the sake of people.

With faith through the century

Orthodox faith and more fixed and developed. All times of Christians continued to do a lot of passionate saddemits. Thus, according to the description of contemporaries, the inhabitants of Russia in the last week before the Great Easter led much preparation for the meeting of the main holiday of the year. In common, the passionate week was called differently: the Great, Holy, Chervonna, Red. In the hut carefully cleaned furniture, economic utensils. Belly raged the walls, stoves. In the second half of the week they were engaged in cooking for a holiday, painted eggs, made cakes. Men restored broken household items, put a swing for festivities.

Cleaning - it was especially noticeable in the villages - a loud human speech. There were people who were responsible for compliance with these rules. Rusichi believed that it was in the passionate saddemitce that the evil spirits were rejoiced by the sufferings of Jesus and led wild rags of his dirty affairs. Also, according to the traditions of the ancient Slavs, it was believed that on the eve of the Great Easter, the souls of the dead ancestors were returned to celebrate this event.


All the days of passionate saddemitsa are special, in their own way of significant and saints. The Orthodox Church makes services in each of these great days. Every day, special services are held in the temples with the holding of apostolic, prophetic, evangelical readings and rites. The worst of the first three days of passionate weeks are solemnly and sadly, these days are crushed about the sinfulness of human nature. On Wednesday evening, such worships, conducted with a good cry, ends. It begins crying a completely different nature. On the suffering and flour of Jesus Christ, who is paying for fallen humanity.

Each of the days of the passionate week is called great or passionate. These days we see how church rituals are combined with folk signs. A passionate week is held by day as follows.

Great Monday

After a farewell resurrection, there begins to comply with strict nutritional modes before the great post. Each food follows twice a day, limiting it with volume. You can start to get out at home in the Great Monday, preparing for the holiday of the Great Easter. The church recalls the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph, who sold their native brothers. The curse of Jesus Christ the sinful fig tree, which does not bring a true repentance, no prayer, nor faith.

Great Tuesday

On this day, we must remember the preaching of Jesus, which he spent in the Jerusalem Temple: about Dan Cesare, about the general resurrection of the dead and about the terrible court, about talents and ten devies. Also on this day, Christ did the Pharisees and scribes. In worldly affairs, prepare for the holiday.

Great medium

The day of memories of the betrayal of Judah Iskariot, who betrayed the teacher for thirty Srebrenikov, about the sinner, which prepared Christ to the burial, making an obstruction rite. In home preparations enhance the intensity of preparation for the Great Easter.

Maundy Thursday

Signless day of passionate week. Prayers about the Savior. In the people, this day is customary to call clean Thursday. Each corner of the house should be fully prepared for the holiday. Do cleaning after clean Thursday - bad sign. There is a belief that it is on this day that you can find a long-lost thing in the house. To improve your welfare, it is recommended to in the water that is going to wash the doors and windows, add trivia.

Great Friday

The day of special sorrow of all Christians. Crucifixion day of Christ. It is not allowed to make any homework. It is allowed to bake bread, and be sure to go to church. It should also be refracted from food until the end of the church service.

Great Saturday

This afternoon ends the great post. You need to go to church and sanctify cooked cakes and other Easter food. No food is allowed until the end of the night service.

After the end of the godfather, the Great Easter comes.

Holiday Great Easter in 2019

In 2019, the celebration of the Great Easter is celebrated on April 28. As in the past year, Christianity will celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the passionate week of 2019 will be from April 22 to April 27.

Leaving at this time all worldly affairs, should go to church. A visit to worship during a passionate week allows us to penetrate through the centuries, attend the last earthly days of our Savior, suffering for him, pray.

It is also necessary to come at this time at least twice: in the great Thursday and the Holy Easter.