What where when Ilya Novikov broke up. Anastasia Rusova - participant of the television intellectual game "What? Where? When?": Biography, personal life

What where when Ilya Novikov broke up. Anastasia Rusova - participant of television intellectual game
What where when Ilya Novikov broke up. Anastasia Rusova - participant of the television intellectual game "What? Where? When?": Biography, personal life

Movement of the popular show of the first channel "What? Where? When?" (CHGK) Boris Kryuk said that the player of the team Ales Mukhina - lawyer Ilya Novikov - Must leave a show because of his political views. He told about it in the Moscow Komsomol Center, dedicated to his 50th anniversary.

To bookmarks

Boris Kroj.

According to the hook, Novikov had to make a choice between participation in the club of experts and political careers back in 2014, when Savchenko began doing the work of Hope. At the moment, the presenter believes that Novikov cannot continue to play in CHGK.

Understand if you defend Savchenko and you are a player "CGK", then, it means, "ChGK" is also for Savchenko. [...] "ChGK" - out of politics. And if you decide to engage in politics, you need to say: thanks, I will do this.

Of course [, he must leave]. We have no relation to politics. [...] First, say goodbye to us, and then exercise Savchenko.

Boris Hook, Leading ChGK on the First Channel

Ilya Novikov

Novikov at his facebook of the Hook's statements and stated that he was incomprehensible to the campaign, unfolding around his removal from participation in the television show.

I have no complaints about Boris, and I do not understand why they should be from others. I understood perfectly when I took Savchenko's defense in July 2014 that it could deliver the trouble "What? Where? When? ", Emerging on the first channel. The first thing I did, signing the protection agreement, called the producers and said that I understand their difficulties and at any time I leave.

The first year and a half this was not a problem, but by the spring of 2016, when the Savchenko process went to the finish line, pretend to pretend that all this was not related to politics, it was already impossible. My advocacy responsibilities, as I understand them, did not allow the revolutions, including in the comments of the press. I then spoke in an interview every day that the purpose of my work is to help Ukraine to organize Putin on Putin, and for this you need to show that he and his subordinate slaughters lie.

Boris warned me that the more I say that, the more difficult to defend him. And what I need to decide on priorities. But I have long defined for a long time.

Ilya Novikov, lawyer

According to Novikova, the non-participation of the team of the Ales Mukhin in the spring series of the Games of the CHC was explained by the fact that the program was not able to take part in Novikov himself.

The only thing I did not say before, and what should be said, since this topic began to be discussed publicly. My team was supposed to play in the spring series in March 2016, but they refused to sit at the table without me. It's very touched me. Thank you, Ales, Julia, Günel, Grisha and Stas. Boris would have to find a way to return them as soon as possible.

Member of the elite Russian club "What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina.

- Elena, as you know, you are a frequent guest in Baku ...

- (laughs) Yes, honestly. I am so often here that I even got off with the bill. I come in summer and autumn, and in the spring, in one word, every season I am in Baku. I have a few favorite countries and cities in which I feel great - this is Moscow, where I live now and work, Odessa, where my youth, Scotland, and Baku, where I rest soul and body, see friends, tasty, I enjoy your beauty and order.

This time, during his arrival in Baku, I decided to sit on the bus, and I was pleased to see in it smiling people. This means that all is happy to each other. It's so nice. Nowadays you will rarely see this. This is one of the reasons why I really like it in Baku.

- Are your arrows all the time connected with work, or how?

Basically, I arrive at the game tournaments "What? Where? When?", When they are held in Baku. Sometimes I play myself, and sometimes lead. It is this reason that makes me buy tickets, postpone all things and fly here. Together with the work, I still manage to relax every time.

- What do you think about the Azerbaijani teams who play in "What? Where? When?"?

Everyone knows that Azerbaijani teams are the strongest in the world. The Balash Kasumov team ranks first in different tournaments, championships, which are held in many countries of the world. Also, Nigar Ibrahimova team, Faiga Huseynova is considered strong. I am very pleased that the number of participants who want to take part in this game is growing every year. There are strong teams, and still movements that want to achieve something. Many come, begin to participate in the game and gradually gain experience.

- And how did you get into this game?

I started playing when I was only 12 years old. Then he studied in the sixth grade. We had an excellent history teacher who conducted the Olympics in which questions were included in all disciplines. 30 people studied in my class, and they all played this game. We had five teams. Due to the fact that we performed well, we passed to other tours.

During its activities, my team became the champion of Ukraine five times. When I studied at the second year at the university, I was invited to Moscow, in order for me to try myself in the game "What? Where? When?". I had to go through several selections. In short, it is a multitude and painstaking work.

- Who is easier to play this game - women or men?

It seems to me that men. They play more often than women. The role of the girl in the team is not always leadership, it is most often auxiliary. Julia Lazarev, Lena Orlova play perfectly. They are brilliant players. It seems to me that girls can give odds to many men. But still, I think that it is impossible to strictly make a choice that it is easier. Everyone has different functions and roles. And those and others need to play, because we are a team.

- How has changed the game "What? Where? When?" Your life?

Well, first of all, this society game, because a lot of my friends play it. We most often meet not in tournaments, but on ordinary friendly meetings. We have common topics, the world of knowledge. I formed a model of the mental process for myself, that is, how to answer some life riddle to a limited period, possessing a limited number of knowledge. Then I have to produce some mechanisms, to make yourself think, do not be afraid of stress, keep yourself in your hands. You need to find answers with different methods.

- In life, somehow helps you?

This game helps me a lot in life. Now I am less terrible to deal with some things than before. This is a very useful game that not only entertains, but also teaches you to be a team player, once to perform, once - take on the leadership. I speak a lot of words, but they are not important because it is important to come and try.

- What, in addition to this game, do you do?

I am a promotion specialist. At the moment I am a press secretary of one of law firms. In addition, I have a huge number of projects that are associated with PR. I have been connected with television for a long time. Worked both by the editor and producer. Now there are projects, just need it all time.

- And what about the personal life of Elena Potanina?

I have an active personal life. (Laughs).

Kiamal Aliyev
Photo: Jeyhong Alekperov

Ilya Novikov - a lawyer, a former player of the Russian television club "What? Where? When?". Known in the lawsuit in the case of the Ukrainian pilot. Many are called the lawyer "The Enemy of the Kremlin", but others consider the truth and justice, the keeper of the law and the symbol of the struggle for their own opinion.

Ilya Sergeevich Novikov was born on February 11, 1982 in Moscow. His mother is Ukrainian by origin, and father is Russian. Since childhood, the boy has been told to knowledge and read a lot, buying a month to 10 books. In high school seriously carried away by intellectual games. The guy's favorite TV show became the show "What? Where? When? ", And Ilya himself dreamed of getting to this program. At the same time, the future committee was read by Earl Stanley Gardner's detectives about lawyer Perry Maison and decided to become a lawyer. After graduating from school, Novikov filed documents to the Russian Academy of Justice. Being a student, the young man became a member of the team who participated in the sports version of the game "What? Where? When?".

With honors after graduating from the Academy in 2005, Ilya took up legal practice and began to teach the criminal process at the Department. Later, Novikov began to train judges at advanced training courses. However, being a practicing lawyer, I had to abandon work at the Faculty of advanced training in order to continue work in court.

In August 2011, Ilya became a senior partner in the law bureau "Goncharov, Novikov and Partners". In the future, Novikov became a lawyer of a famous construct, which filed a lawsuit on Mary Jane, illegally using an image of an erudite. The lawyer managed to prove the similarity of the image created by the company with its client. Thanks to the efforts of Novikova, Wasserman was supposed to receive compensation at 110 thousand rubles.

In January 2013, Novikov became a partner of the legal company Tenzor Consulting Group, where he was engaged in arbitral disputes and cases related to economic crimes.

In 2013, Ilya Sergeevich became a lawyer in the resonant business of the Togliatti businessman Sergey Laurent. The client of lawyer was accused of violating the rules of the road, which led to an accident and the death of a young girl. The relatives of Leurorekovich turned to a connoisseur and a lawyer after the accused of the accused of the city's residents. Novikov achieved a fair decision of the court, reassuring the public: the client was recognized as guilty, the criminal pursued a well-deserved punishment in the form of 3 years of stay in the Colony-settlement, and also paid monetary compensation to the family of the deceased.

Since 2014, Novikov became part of the cogators of lawyers of the Ukrainian pilot of Nadezhda Savchenko. The client of Ilya was accused of aiding in the murder of two Russian journalists near Lugansk. Later, the illegal crossing of the border of the Russian Federation was added to the charges. The lawyer himself believes that the issue of Liberation Savchenko is not so much a court decision as the political decision to leadership Russia. This case became the main thing in Novikov's professional biography.

"What? Where? When?"

On television, Ilya Novikov debuted in 14 years in the program "Wheel of History". Then the guy did not become a winner, although I managed to answer the quiz question. Ilya took part in the intellectual transfer of "his own game", where he also did not win. Another 3d times of Novikov participated in the show, winning in 2001 and 2002.

In the television game "What? Where? When? ", Which made Novikov famous, the guy got in 2002 due to the participation in the sports version of the program. The team of the connoisseur won at the Russian Championships, and the guys called for viewing. To become a member of the elite club managed only to Ilya. Novikov got into the team of Marina Ufaev, who did not win in that game. But the young man was not upset, continued to improve the knowledge and became a regular participant of the show. The next 2 games of Novikov played again.

Success came to the expert in 2004 after Novikov repeatedly recognized the best player in the team and handed the "Crystal owl". This victory brought Novikov fame and popularity among viewers.

In 2011, Ilya nominated the second time on the "Crystal owl", but Novikov refused the award in favor of Grigoria Alkhaz, another connoisseur. In the same year, Ilya Sergeevich became a member of the popular TV show "Who wants to become a millionaire?".

The project Ilya came along with a colleague in the club. The connoisseurs managed to answer 10 questions correctly, but 11 the question brought defeat and zero money prize. At that time, Novikov took part in the extreme show "Brutal Games", where in pair competitions with the singer reached the semifinal.

In 2014, Novikov became the owner of the "Crystal Owl", and was also recognized as the best player of the year, having received the "diamond owl".

In August 2016, it became known that Ilya Sergeevich leaves "What? Where? When?". In the Russian press, immediately reported that the lawyer left the club of experts because of participation in the lawsuit in the case of Hope Savchenko. It is assumed that the protection of the Ukrainian pilot is the main reason, due to which Novikov left the TV show.

It is known that the scandal began after an interview, leading a televicary, in which he stated that Novikov was obliged to leave the club of experts, as soon as he decided to take over the business of the Ukrainian serviceman.

Personal life

The lawyer and an expert of Ilya Novikov does not like to discuss a personal life. The press reported that for some time the man met with a colleague on the game "ChGK" by Elena Potanina. The couple was so close that the surrounding perceived them as spouses.

Soon Elena stated that Ilya made her an offer. The very same Novikov said that for some time he was not found with Potanina.

With his future wife Ilya also met on the show "What? Where? When?". Participates in the game since 2011. After acquaintance between the colleagues, romantic relationships began, and in July 2013, the couple went on a journey to the North Pole.

Exchange, according to the long-lasting sea, "painted" the captain of the atomic icebreaker Dmitry Lobusov. Legally, this marriage had no strength, but Ilya and Anastasia were collected later to register relationships in the registry office. Traveling to the North Pole Couple considered the perfect wedding holiday, full of impressions and unforgettable memories.

This marriage lasted two years, and already in 2015 the media appeared information that Novikov and Grisov broke up. The Russian press continued to actively discuss the personal life of the famous lawyer, assuming that a man had a novel with another girl - Yulia Arkhangelskaya, the participant "What? Where? When?". Nevertheless, these rumors were not officially confirmed.

Ilya Novikov now

In 2017, Ilya Novikov told in an interview with Radio Liberty about the affairs of today, as well as participation in Ukrainian "What? Where? When?". According to a lawyer, in the highest political circles of Russia over the past two years there were many conversations about the Ukrainians, which he continues to defend. Ilya also stated that he did not consider the loss of transfer broadcast in the Russian Federation, a disaster for himself, since he had already managed to participate in the Ukrainian version of the popular television program.

In July 2017, Ilya Novikov became the winner of the Seeds of Lvovich Aria's seeds. The solemn presentation of the award took place in the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta.

Dmitry Muratov, chief editor of the New Gazette, noted that the lawyer Semen Lvovich Aria was devoted to the protection of publications in courts. Frontovik, who passed the entire war, wrote a large number of books, and also wanted his work to continue young and promising lawyers, which are able to protect the fundamental principles of order and legality.

"After the death of Seeds, Lvovich Aria, the heirs and editors decided to create a premium of his memory, handing annually a reward with young, but already manifested themselves to lawyers. And this year the brightest and talented lawyer - Ilya Novikov, "said Dmitry Muratov.

In turn, Novikov noted that Aria is an outstanding lawyer, which he himself considers the teacher. According to Ilya, get such a premium is a great honor for any professional in this direction.

Today, Novikov continues to lawyers. Fests Ilya Sergeevich Time and social networks. Often new publications of the lawyer appear in the microblogging service.

Elena Alexandrovna Potanina widely fame and popularity received after participating in the TV show "What? Where? When? ", Where he became the captain of the team.

Biographical data

Elena Potanina, born in Novosibirsk in 1987, on November 20, already at a three-year-old, together with his parents, Olga and Alexander Potanin, was in Odessa, where they moved to permanent residence. Currently lives in Moscow. Elena Potanina, whose biography is saturated with a large number of events, was able to not only get an excellent education and even now a good career, but also won the sympathy of viewers interested in intellectual television shows.


After graduating from school in 2004, Elena Potanin entered the National University named after I. I. Mechnikov in Odessa, who successfully graduated in 2009, receiving a specialty lawyer-law in the field of criminal law and forensic. Additionally from 2014 to 2015 he studied at the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, having received the second specialty of an economist in the field of management as a result.

work experience

Law firm "Yurkraїna", in which Elena Potanina began its career as a partner in February 2010, made it an opportunity for a novice lawyer to get his first experience in this area. In 2012, Elena leaves to Russia and comes to work in Moscow for the TV channel Russia Today (RT), where he worked until May 2014 as a press secretary. During this period, she was engaged in promoting the TV channel, participated in the organization of international forums, summits, exhibitions, competitions held worldwide.

It should be noted that RT is not just a television channel, but a whole television network of three information TV channels broadcasting around the clock from Moscow worldwide and covering more than 100 countries. Broadcasting goes in five languages: Russian, English, Spanish, Arabic, French. In such world capitals, like Washington and London, their own studios RT are located. In addition, RT has an RTD channel, dealing with documentary, video agency of the news RUPTLY, the exclusive materials of which most worldwide TV channels use. RT is the only Russian television channel nominated in the news on the prestigious Emmy Prize three times. There are already more than 700 million viewers around the world around the clock access to the channel.

From January 2014, Elena Potanina begins to cooperate with the company "RD Studio", engaged in the shooting of documentaries, and in May of the same year, go there for a permanent job as a co-producer of Valdis Pelsh. It also works in the same time. In parallel, Elena from May 2014 to February 2015 was engaged in the press secretary to promote the company UST, specializing in jurisprudence.

The law firm "YUST" unites leading Russian specialists in the field of advocacy and claims to the role of one of the most professional and reliable Russian law firms. It has a great judicial practice.

Main projects

In the sports version of the television game "What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina began to take part since 12 years, and in 2006 her debut was held as participants in the women's club of the Club of Exchange. In 2009, Elena becomes already the captain of the Russian national team "What? Where? When? "Won on the Cup of Nations, held in the same year in the city of Kirov. It is one of the best team players, which has proven to participate in the World Championships in Israeli Eilat. Included and participated in many television programs, since 2009 he is the editor of the "Brain Ring" - the popular program of the TV company "Game". In 2008 and 2009 edited the Ukrainian version of the TV show "What? Where? When?".

Media about Elena Potanina

Elena Potanina is an outstanding personality, and therefore enjoys constant attention from the press and often gives interviews. She is not afraid to respond to the frank questions about the internal relationship between the players of the Club of Exchange, has its own opinion on the specifics of the game. On the question of readiness to risk in the game gives an affirmative answer, leading to the example of the first game of the summer season of 2015. During the game there was a difficult situation: the team lost with a score of 2: 5 to the viewers. Any incorrect answer could be for the team last in the game. And here is the next question to which experts cannot give an answer in one minute. The end of Elena was taken by a credit minute, and the experts were able to give the correct answer. Then there was blitz, and again the victory. And the team won. And Elena wants to become the first woman who received the title of the best captain of the game "What? Where? When?".

Personal life

Most viewers who are watching the program "What? Where? When? ", Competing eruditam players, is not indifferent to Elena Potanina, whose personal life causes their genuine interest. Of great interest is considered in part and the fact that Elena is constantly in public.

Elena Potanina, whose photo in a pair with Ilya Novikov shown above, was considered the bride of this famous Russian lawyer and the player of the television show "What? Where? When?" During one of Elena's esters, announced the adoption of the offer of Ilya about marriage. Many subsequently believed that Ilya Novikov was Elena Potanina's husband. But it was not so. Quite a long period, fans watched the development of the relationship of a couple, which in the presence of identical life interests also looked harmoniously. But the fans waited for disappointment - the couple ruined their relationship. Ilya Novikov married also participant of the club of experts. Elena Potanina herself considers his personal life enough active.

Elena Aleksandrovna Potanina is one of the few representatives of the fine sex that play the favorite million intellectual game "What? Where? When?". The form is fragile and defenseless, but with a steel rod and not afraid of risking, the girl has long attracted the eyes of the game fans.

Elena Potanina was born in Siberia. It happened in November 1987. 3 years after the birth of the daughter, Parents, Olga and Alexander Potanina, left Programmer Novosibirsk to warm edges. The place where Potanina stopped, became sunny Odessa. Here, on the Black Sea coast, Elena grew up and graduated from the medal. It is noteworthy that the Potanina was easily given both accurate and humanitarian sciences.

Having received secondary education, Elena Potanina went for the highest. In 2004, the girl entered the University of Odessa, stopping the choice on the prurience. At the same time, the fragile Elena chose a "male" specialization - criminalistics and criminal law.

After graduating from the University in 2009, Elena Potanin worked in the Femis system for 2 years. During this time, the girl was completely disappointed in the profession, which seemed uninteresting and boring. Interest moved to the sphere of television. Back on the 2nd year Elena began to work on the local TV channel.

Potanina moved to Moscow and in 2015 received a second higher education. The diploma of the lawyer was added another - economist in the field of management. Elena received this specialty in Moscow State University.

"What? Where? When?"

"What? Where? When?" I am interested in Elena Potanin when that was 11 years old. The girl studied in the experimental class. The school introduced a separate learning program. In the "Girl" class, consisting of 30 student, an initiative history teacher formed 5 teams of 6 people. The captain of one team became Potanina. Since then, Elena has been seriously fascinated by the game. The team managed to defeat five times at Brain Ringguards.

Play in the elite club "What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina began in the team of Ksenia Overlay. Because of the annoying loss, the team was disbanded, after which the prefabricated team of the Potanina appeared in 2009. In the same year, the team managed to loudly declare himself, defeating the Cup of Nations in Kirov.

The 2009th turned out to be for Odessans with a disarming smile truly yield. Elena was invited to become the editor of the popular Brain Ring program established by the game "Game". Potanina has already needed experience: in 2008, the girl edited the Ukrainian TV show "What? Where? When?".

In 2010, the Odessa team "Gambrinus", in which Potanina was part of, managed to win the first league of the championship of Ukraine in the sports version of the game "What? Where? When?". In the same year, Elena was invited to participate in the world championship "What? Where? When?" In Israeli Eilat. Odessans played in the team of the Elite Club team.

In the short period of their own biography, Elena Potanina managed to declare himself, becoming in one row with the famous women players Valentina Golubeva, Oksana Petrunko, Marina Ufaev ,. Under the guidance of Potanina, players of the club Dmitry Panayotti, Edward Shagal, Mikhail Malkin, Sergey Nicholenko. Elena herself confessed the best connoisseur seven times.

Elena Potanina can be considered a star hour, which took place on May 31, 2015. The national team under the leadership of Odessans was able to recoup with a score of 2: 5. According to the leading and general producer of the game, Potanina became the first and so far the only captain, who managed to pull the victory, using a minute on credit and make it twice. Without afraid to risk, Elena, together with the connoisseurs, the team made almost impossible.

A television

The creative biography of Elena Potanina is not only participation in the intellectual games of the elite club. Since 2008, Odessa began to make a career on television. First - in Ukrainian, as editor of the National version of the project "What? Where? When? ", And then on the Russian, editing the work of the Russian teams of the Breun Ring program from 2009 to 2010.

In 2012, Elena Potanina moved to Moscow and for 2 years he worked as a press secretary on the popular television channel RUSSIA TOODAY. But the girl has long wanted to try to create something new. Therefore, since 2014, Elena tastes strength as the author and producer of documentaries. The debut for the girl becomes a social project "Sober view", which was implemented with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is noteworthy that in 2014-2015, Potanina has found applied to its legal education. Elena was engaged in promoting the Russian firm "YUST", which specializes in jurisprudence and unites the most famous and reliable law firms.

In 2015, Elena continues the producer career in the field of documentary. With the participation of the Potanina, the ribbons "People who made the land round", "the smartest skyscraper", "Journey to the Center for the Earth". A series of films was shown on the "First Channel" ether.

Personal life

Not so long ago lovers of the game "What? Where? When?" We were sure that Elena Potanina and - Couple. At one of the games, the audience with aspiration was observed as Ilya touchingly soothed Elena after the annoying loss. From the outside it looked romantic and went beyond the most friendly relations of two colleagues.

In 2011, two Erudites participated in the "Brutal Games" show, where Elena demonstrated the highest level of psychological training and excellent sports form.

As it turned out, Elena Potanina's personal life and Ilya Novikov really proceeded in a single bed. The girl even announced that he received an offer from the chosen one and answered agree. But fans soon comprehended disappointment. The couple unexpectedly broke up.

Novikov played a wedding with another Participant of the Elitic Club -. Why the gap, neither Ilya, nor Elena commented on, carefully leaving the answers to direct questions. In early 2017, information appeared on the network that Elena Potanina married, but this message was hearing. The girl still does not have a husband and children, which confirm the photo in the personal account of Elena Potanina in "Instagram".

Elena Potanina now

In the spring of 2016, the next game for the Elena Potanina team ended in deploying. For the release of players received two red cards, which influenced the final result. According to the same week, Elena Potanina and Boris Hook appeared on the TV show "Evening Urgant", where in a comic form, by spending a short session of the game together with and, Elena received another opportunity for his team of experts to get on the air in the current season.

Participation in the Games of the club "What? Where? When?" Do not prevent Elena to produce documentary films. In October 2017, a project "Polar Brotherhood" for the cooperation of Soviet and British maritime troops during the Second World War, together with the girl presented to the film critics. The picture was presented in Arkhangelsk at the International Festival of the Arctic Countries, where documentalists from Russian cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Murmansk, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Khabarovsk, Kaliningrad, Perm, Yalta, as well as foreign colleagues from Scandinavian countries, Canada, USA, Great Britain, Eastern Europe, , China, India. The film festival opened the doors to the audience in the first day of December. The jury created a short list, which entered the films nominated by the main categories: "The best movie", "Best Director", Grand Prix.

In November, Elena Potanina as part of the Russian delegation of players, where, Alexander Rubin, Vladimir Anthin, arrived in Almaty on the games of the Kazakh league "What? Where? When?". Russians made experts from the club, and Elena Potanina is the keeper of the tradition of the game.