Read love novels about dragons. Dragons all books

Read love novels about dragons. Dragons all books

Veronica Ignatova is a simple student of the Medical Institute. She lived her life, studied, worked, dreaming about his teacher. But once the dreams began to be embodied in reality. The desired man changed the status from the teacher on a man's dream man. It would seem to be a Happy Ence, only instead of this sweet reality turned into a terrible nightmare. Veronica understood too late that Alo-orange shine in his eyes is not a game of light and shadow, these are bright signs of a demonic entity.

The best educational institution, a brilliant future, and you enjoy life full of dizzying adventures: illegal races, bookmakers, desperate self-warheads and fake certificates. But what to do, if suddenly it turns out that you are the princess of Irsistan, and your father arrived to pick you up to your native planet and want to marry the strongest of his warriors? The inborn Master of Trading, Substairs and illegal types of commercial activities, Cadet Kiran Macvaras sincerely sympathized with the historical homeland. In the end, what is the right of the strongest and knowledge of the symbiontes of Irsistan, against the natural harm and the proceedable resourcefulness of the first courses of the Space University?

Now I am a secondmander in the best Academy of Magic. The feature of my gift - I do not see magic illusions and destroy them. The first course taught me to see through illusions, but not magical, but those that I create myself in my head. Let's see what new teachers and classmates will teach me at my academy. In any case, I will try again not to play for someone else's rules, but create your own completely new rules for all.

Have you ever wondered how our life is full of surprises? It seems that everything goes to her to do, and nothing new is foreseen in it, and then you make a completely ordinary step, and your well-established life turns away from the legs. So I have. Well, what can be unusual to go autumn to the forest with friends?! Millions of people go - and nothing. But the fate has its surprises and this is my story.

What to do if the dragon abducts you once? And it's not easy way, but in order to get married! Dad will be against, a girlfriend is already jealous and angry, you didn't think about marriage, and the dragon knew himself takes over the clouds. He does not scare even the fact that your dad is a demon. Very scary demon, top level. Eh, what to do, what to do? .. And what if after an unsuccessful shoot attempt, look at the kidnapper?

In the world, filled with demons, vampires, werewolves, hells, rats and other beings, only a unique person can solve unexpectedly arising riddles.

Christian White is a detective with supernatural abilities. He is taken for any business, starting with strange rituals and escaped vampires and ending with fighting magicians and conflicting lords of demons, but only if it can interest him.

Having confessed in the sympathy of the most popular boy at the Institute, Nick did not even think that he would receive such an answer and right in the face. She was told Goodba in the most coarse wording and not the winning atmosphere. What is so unbreakable? Nick, setting him a memorial concert, all - the sorry causes a strong demon with girlfriends. And he not only comes, but still this is the most popular guy from the institute! The beauty she asked he does not give her. The demon was offended for that concert, you see .... She decides to get it to revenge. Mom always spoke to her, she would get the devil from under the ground ....

After the acquaintance with the new rector was not asked, the Adept of the Academy of Elements named Yuna is only one thing: not to come across his eyes. But fate decided otherwise. Instead, the girl is involved in the adventure, the consequences of which they have to be corrected together ... and who says that fate does not have a sense of humor?

The book is the first in the "Dirty Games" cycle. There is no love line here, and there is no main character either. Instead, there is the main villain. Prince Hell Velzevul did not reduce the balance of the shower, and as he did not fight, the debit with the loan did not want to converge categorically. It turned out that MMORPG was launched on Earth with full immersion, and the souls of people who were in a state of connection at the time of the body of the body were not subject to the angel of the abyss, well, he could not get to them. And therefore disrupts all the delivery schedules. In order to eliminate the shortage and establishment in the new world of the domination of hell, a demon Rimmon will be sent to the game. However, the tricky demon began his game in this game. But they play with him ...

Practice in "Dragon Airlines" is flights, valuable practical skills and of course dragons. Underground, forest, icy, cloud - yes what only does not happen! And I also rose the fate of the adventure: a mentor who suddenly became interested in a young trafficking, legends that suddenly turned out to be true. And also sudden and not quite voluntary marriage, a sweetheart-daughter, a new specialty, meeting with the dark dragon itself and ... Love. Here and the last fate, of course, got excited.

As they say, from the fire and in the hollow. Although Nick left the walls of a strict, pissing pension, as immediately hit the castle to the Viscuit of Telbridge, whose bride turned out to be in the will of the late father. Viscount grew, notice and completely does not complain the newly acquired bride. Whether the business is a young and charming doctor who offers a nickname from the castle and secretly get married in a small chapel.

That's just not so simple as it may seem. The doctor is by no means crystally honest, the Viscount is not so terrible, and the nickname itself is not an ordinary girl, for it has a rare gift of alive blood. And now she will learn to distinguish black from white in this difficult, confusing world. And of course find your love.

There is no magical incident in our wilderness. Once a year, some kind of gloom out of the swamp climbs or awolfish from an ancient lump quarrels, and that's it. Therefore, we were very surprised when a new regular magician was appointed young and promising. He flew on an elegant single dragon, a confident step crossed the city square, and then ... then a quiet life ended. World has gone mad!

And why? Because someone smiles too often. And this's hands are too playful. And the view is that only goosebumps are not separated. But the girls from the genus Astirov are quite pruded to not give in to Charm. The main thing is to explain this to Magu ...

Everyone knows that dragons arewolched - great lovers of artifacts and women. But not in vain speak of the people: be afraid of my desires! And then you get an arct, artifact and a girl in the kit. But he also fell on the neck of the neck of these most artifacts with a bunch of dead relatives. And a competitor from the fellow tribesmen complained ... How is there between the natural burden to the treasures and suddenly arising like a sympathy to choose? On the one hand, the escaped "artifact" is very thorough ... or rather, it is not afraid of himself, on the other - and the inventor is good. And smart and talented, which is very by the way. So it breaks the head of the poor: to rush in chasing one or stay to guard the second? However, the true dragon can always combine useful with pleasant!

It is hard to love unrequited, but even harder when your chosen one despises like you. What to do? One thing remains to make himself respect.

What to do professional matching if she was squealing himself? Yes, not for anyone, but for the most Prince of Darkness! Rejoice?! Good you, however, people ... This lively idol of all minions of darkness has already been threatened, and our heroine oh how you don't want to be fifteenth ...

In order to save from the ruin of the native city, Princess Aurora is forced to become the wife of the conqueror of Malgwin the Great, called the Dragon. Marriage with Barbar inspires her horror, but at the first meeting with the Dragon Aurora feels his inexplicable magnetic attractiveness.

Dragon Love, or the case of half-day printed Evgeny Malinin

Personal life has finally stronged with a dead point ... Big progress for ambitious journalist Vladimir Sorokina, "part-time" of the wandering world and owning powerful magic! However, the conquering heart of Sorokina Beauty Lyudmila unexpectedly flows into someone - and then it disappears without the hospital at all. How to find it? The search lead Vladimir to another world ... to the world, where the most incredible Slavic myths and legends become the most incredible Slavic myths and legends. In the world of witches and whispers, mermaids and water, living dead, and mysterious mar. ...

Woked Dragon Alexander Mazin

The dragon wakes up. The enemy is not defeated, he hid. And so far Santan - the son of Tilod of the architecture enjoys the love of Women Urnigur, the wheels of fate inexorably continue to rotate and the past again enters the present. Sleeping dragon wakes up ...

Dragon and Treasure Virginia Henley

He was called the dragon, but few people knew that in his armor there was one vulnerable place - the love of the love of innocent Beauty of Elinor. He forced her to submit his passion, and this was the cause of betrayal, bloodshed and the state coup ... and enriched the historical chronicles of the Middle Ages to the net pages of truthful stories about sincere, faithful, eternal love ...

Dragon Castle Congues Pavel Shumilov

Dragon Color ashes Elizabeth Ivashuk

The first creatures that appeared in the newborn world were dragons. Others - elves, vampires, Selirra - arose later. This story tells about the life and death of one of the first generation dragons. Summary: First, the world appeared - one of many. Soon there were reasonable creatures, the first-generation dragons, the strongest representatives of their race. One of them could see the future. It was this that helped a little, another nameless dragon survive where it was impossible. Then - to survive when the elves killed adoptive parents, and find allies. ...

Lunar Dragons Tatyana Korsakov

In the long-standing time of the Talented Master forged for his beloved, a wonderful silver bracelet with dragons, decides him with a moonstone, fallen from the sky. This amulet saved the girl from death, but the Creator himself took away his life. Passed century, and a young talented doctor Sergey is looking for a way to help that woman that left an indelible track in his past, turning his life all his life. Whether the lunar dragons will help her, especially since Sergey has not yet figured out his feelings for her and does not know what to win: love or contempt, mixed at the insult.

Big Dragon Adventure Natalia Ipatova

In this book there are all - noble knights, insidious churchmen, witches, elves, unicorn, love, friendship, separation and mystery. And, of course, dragons. Odako through recognizable and sometimes even ordinary for medieval fantasy Anaturazh suddenly appeal live and unexpected characters. The terrible dragon turns out to be kind, and the main character becomes not at all who one could think. And the problems facing him are not very typical for the "classic" medieval novel. And the contrast between the convention of the scenery ...

Shanghai. Book 2. Waking Dragon David Rothenberg

When two prophecies are pronounced at the same time, so that the second is embodied in life, the first one should help. Here is the prophecy of the first emperor of China, spoken in front of three elected on the sacred mountain: "Our country is waiting for the era of white birds on the water. It marks the beginning of darkness, and the end of darkness and revival marks the era of seventy pagodas, "Shanghai at the turn of the century. In the multimillion city, the lives of three outstanding families of businessmen, adventurers, criminals were intertwined. But the twentieth century is the time of great expectations and ambitious changes. ...

Heart of the Black Dragon Alvina Volkov

Alien soul - Potmon. Yes, and someone else's heart is not so easy to understand. And if it's also the heart of a black dragon!? That is the more. But if you have tied you tightly and escape from such a "gift" of fate is not possible - not Roby. And then, maybe you will still have a chance to save the world, find faithful friends and gain real love.

Cinderella and Dragon Elena Mikhalkov

The daughter of the party disappears in the respectable pension. Disappears - and again returns. And no one can tell where the girl was and what happened to her. In addition to one person who is already preparing a new crime. A wealthy old man played with his family a dick joke. Who is the victim, and who is a monster? Answer this question is not so simple, because each closet stores its skeletons behind tightly closed doors, and none of the members of the wealthy family burns with the desire to open them. Saint Sergey Babkin, caused to the pension to investigate the strange ...

Year of the Dragon Vadim Davydov

"Year of the Dragon" Vadim Davydova is an intriguing alloy of political pamphlet with elements of fiction and detective, and a love novel, which does not leave anyone indifferent. The angry inventives of the heroes and the author are able to cause serious disputes and provoke all imaginable accusations, except for one - accusations of insincerity. Another alternative? No, not only! The naked nerve of the narration, passionate dialogues and rapidly unfolding the interchange with happy - or almost happy - the final will not let you be bored, make you hate - and ...

Hieroglyph "Love" Hope Pervukhina

The Yashmovaya Empire is a magical country, where the immortal officials of the Heavenly Office fall in love with ordinary maids, and the concubine becomes empress ... Here the hieroglyph, drawn by the calligraphy master, can have a destructive or creative force and overcome the hundredsmatic army; Here, wonderful phoenixes, dragons and even turtles come to help people (albeit without a big hunt, such in these animals of the nest). Here, fairies can sew a lotus petals of the petals, and they can also create a fastenness - do not come to my face. And the beautiful princess ...

Dragons of the disappeared Moon Margaret Wass

Mystical warrior of mine is the name of a single God raises the army of the Dead on the seizure of the world. The lands of an Ansalon continent are again the arena of the bloody battle, and the fate of Krinna once again should solve the magic spear of the dragon, able to defeat the power of evil. Magic and thirst for power, unrequited love and travel time awake in the tight assembly of contradictions in the world, which the dragons of the moon disappeared.

Dragon Castle Congues Pavel Shumil

Who can save a completely young girl who fell into paws modernly wild tribesmen on someone else's planet, when the landing capsule is broken, the connection with the ground is lost, and all the comrades lie in BovaNaps on cure? Only she herself ... and dragon! And who will help the heir of the Castle of the congregation to defend their possessions from the treasses of vassals and more - to find love? Only he himself ... and the dragon! The fourth cycle book, practically unrelated to the rest of the sessions, transfers the reader to the medieval world of the Tanta Planet, a kind of "reserve" ...

Dragon Nest Setton

On the coastal coaster of the Hudson River is a beautiful castle of Dragonvik, that is, the dragon's nest. This luxurious, but the gloomy place has long been a bad glory, which soon finds its confirmation - when the gold-haired beauty of Miranda appears here, the wife of the castle's master dies suddenly. Well, then there is everything that the reader does not miss - and love, and mystery, and a criminal story.

Ancient legends and romantic feelings are sometimes inseparable. Not only the heroic epic is present in the books about the dragons, and love occupies an essential place in fantasy plots. Brave knights fight with dragons or collaborate with them. Emancipated and very combat ladies are launched into the way to rescue their beloved from the paws of the snakes. Or maybe the dragon-dragon and is there? Gajorge Martin's superbly written by the worlds, unsurpassed humor Olga Gromyko, and not only. In the selection of books about dragons and love you will be awaiting an unforgettable excursion to the world of romance in the middle of harsh mythical realities.

A boyfriend named Eragon finds a walled stone, which turned out to be an egg. Soon, Dragonhi is hatched from it, able to influence the fate of the Empire with the help of Eragon. Now the hero of the book is not just a boy - he is a rider, designed to save Alagiazia from Tirana.

Sigor Vikings from the rocky island of the Owlock is so fierce so that instead of horses, dragons are breeding. Want to be a real warrior - I must catch, and then tame a personal dragon. Sleepy son of the leader Ikking such a prospect only scares ...

For many years, people and dragons fought, but concluded the world. Dragons are allowed to live in human society, taking the case of people. Seraphin - Half-Blood. There are no side, but therefore seraphine protects his secret. But there is a murder that changes everything.

Divine dragons did not fought many centuries - no one more risks throwing them a challenge. But the inviolability is broken. War comes. And now the fate of the gods keeps in their hands the one whose life was bought by death. Seven ways that were not destined to cross, will meet ...

The real lady is always true to debt. So Lady Tree goes to look for its unknown where the solubular her husband-pirate. But it turns out not in the very edge where it was sent. In this world, the lady will have not only manners to demonstrate, but also the ability to fight to show.

Alexander Morozova - the lady is extraordinary. If we say tricky, then she and the young lady only half: her second is a dragon. A pretty girl-flopper manages to breathe everywhere and everywhere. Yes, Sasha is to blame. But she wanted like better! ..

Renewable Voloch learns to a sorceress. Profession profitable and promising. Not an experienced sorceress is sent to a small kingdom. The ruler of those seats asked for assistance from magicians, because someone arrogantly eats him without that few subjects.

The royal daughter Aerin heiress the throne will not. Her mother walked the witch from the northern edges, who are entrited with the kingdom. Because the princess denied the right to go to the throne. Aerin does not like life at the courtyard. She mastered the skill that she soul was killing dragons.

If you have been kidnapped, it does not mean that everything is bad. Perhaps the kidnapper just wants to marry you. Have you already agreed, and someone worn the groom? No problem. Take it with yourself and go to save the narrowed. And it does not matter that the dragons kidnapped him. After all, the groom is also a dragon.

With some criminals, it is dangerous to deal with even FSB employees. The chase of the villain abandoned the officer Platonov to Japan in other reality. Here dragons are found, hungry demons and poluly ghosts roam the streets, and Samurai clans are just doing what they are fighting.

Prince Rupert Father sent to fight the dragon. The guy is not lucky - will die, lucky - it will dilute with gold. Dragon turned out to be a peace-loving being. Together with him lives a princess designed to him sacrifice. She tired of the dragon terribly, and he happily gave her Rupert.

When life seems predetermined, and you are confident in your own choice, fate throws up your puzzle. On the eve of the wedding, the heroine meets who settles his doubt in her heart. He trays his secret, trust him dangerously, but it is impossible to order the heart ...

Now we know exactly that not alone in the infinite universe and the mysterious string of realities. Forers came to our world. Now he is enslaved and destroyed. But the main heroine is decisive and brave. She will not surrender, because she has the most powerful weapon and invincible power - love.

When I really want to marry, even the unpleasant fact is not stopping that your groom is in captivity. Just only a little - to collect a suitable team and go for the dragon-aristocrats narrowed into the castle. They are insidious, but the brave bride is also not mist.

You have already managed to visit the castle of dragons and bring it into disrepair, and the wedding is still far from you? Non-easy groom caught. Constantly you need to look for, then save. So again, unforeseen difficulties were drawn. But I want to marry. Highly. So, forward!

The fate of Princess Liva is predefined - she will give it to the dragon. But she does not want to personally find out the answer to the question, who to be food or the bride. Liva runs away from the palace to find true love. And so - happened! Her fate is one of those who study at the Academy. But who exactly?
Vil is a girl who destroys stereotypes. First, she is a dragon, although they can not be like girls. Secondly, it enters the Academy, where no woman studied from its foundation. Wil succeeded in study as no one, but thereby enlipped in great trouble.

Life in a fabulous country does not mean that your fate will work out magically. Even if your ancestors were beautiful and strong dragons, it does not mean that tomorrow you will deal with the wings and become one of them. Will the usual rural girl be able to follow the vote of the ancestors?

Two worlds are inextricably linked. Any event in one of them causes resonance in another. But the border between the neighboring worlds is not given to anyone, except for the desperate witches. Eric's simple guy discovers the abilities from whom willingly get rid of ...

Born by the warrior does not dare to dream of a quiet happiness of love and tenderness. But how to be if the heart refuses to strangle and asks the thrill of passion? To break the fate without violating your destination, perhaps. If you cope, you will find what I even had to dream.

She lives speed. Only during the rabid race she feels that he lives. After breaking the car at the British highway, it turns out to be in other reality. Here instead of cars - chariots, and the dragons soak in the sky. It is to rule this world and prevent war.

"Time of Changes" Andrei Burtsev
A young knight will have a difficult mission to kill the Giant Dragon. Assist in this will be an inexperienced Witch. But the knight does not yet know what this undertaking will turn. Now the fate of the whole series of worlds depends on it. Does he cope with the task assigned to him?

Ivan introduced an unprecedented opportunity - to compare Russia medieval and modern. Personally. From the century XXI, he is transferred to nine centuries ago. Here he will have to harrow his native land from the Supostat, and the new friend will be to help Ivan - the Dragon.

The city is froned. Rumors go bad. The musician is looking for something. The investigator is engaged in murders who are committed by a monster. Inhabitants of the dungeons are waiting when you can turn the key. Citizens are looking to blame in everything. What do they want and what the dragons are busy - no one knows.

Dragons are strange creatures. It is experimenting with spells, they want love. The clan of the Werette-Dragon-Dragons Alauen is not lucky: they picked up the young lady for their own purposes. The girl came out restless. You can specifically with a measured dragon life.

The fierce dragons spawned themselves from the reality of the legends to our world. Wife and Ole will have to cope with this problem. But they will not be someone in the face of monsters. The guys will help the heroes of books that came to our world through the portals to help the heroes find a weak place of monsters.

When you are young, healthy, in love, and there are a lot of perspective ahead, it seems there is nothing more to desire. But, obeying the orders, you subscribe to a dangerous experiment. First, everything goes fine, and then breaks down. You are broken, chained to bed. And you have dragon eyes.

One very responsive dragon volunteered to help a friend to find a stolen book. But interference in the matters of magicians did not bring anything good. While the magicians themselves ragly ignore their own servants, and they know many secrets. What will happen from this? ..

A student of magistracy, an excellent student and a rare clever goes with a friend on vacation. On this, her past life came to the final. Now she is the heir of the dragon kind and government of the whole principality. That's just her noble ancestors managed to spoil life many ...

Throne from the collected together hundreds of swords remains the most lined in Westeros. Army comes from all parts of the world, intrigues are rushing, murders are committed - all for the sake of the throne in the royal harbor. And the threat coming from the unknown northern land is getting closer ...

You are always you, whatever thoughts wandered sometimes in your head. And what if someone else lives in you? What if the closest person is trying to cure you from madness? Exit only one

If someone asked me about the attitude towards magic, I would have fluttering from all my feet from the crazy. Only who could think that the four-minute late for a long-distance bus will end extreme

The fall in the world of dragons very promptly solves the bulk problems as their own. But he originally not had strong helpers. You have to get out independently. Permanent quarrels on trifles with

Drakonchik Pojalka invited his friends: Masha, her toys - Kuklavana, Olya doll, Gnoma Studentcina, teddy bunnies and a cat Doshu on the island of Buyan. There they visited Baba Yaga, met

For the selection of brides for the King of the Dragon I was dragged by force. Magister Shienn stole a girl from the ground to give to his daughter to allalatair. The prank succeeded, and now I am waiting for me together with other contenders

The daughter of Melnik Selena lived - did not stead and prepared for the wedding with the most enviable fiance in the district. Yes, only the plans of young beauties were not destined to come true. And all the fault - her singing talent, which

What could be longer lived life for a person? The answer is only one time. It may happen that one moment will seem more than all the lives ... In the life of a soldier of the Varch Empire Sai

I called for our worst enemy and a monster, kidding girls. Silver dragon. But he, it turns out, has his own mystery. After all, the pre-balance will always be fulfilled. And the true couple is always meeting

Who you are? Consequence of a large explosion or divine creativity? Against the background of such global events, a small human life seems insignificant, meaningless occurring somewhere on the backyards of being

In Tengurine restlessly. The invasion of Moroga, who almost did not destroy the world, left a mark in the souls of people, changing their attitude to the race of Nag. Communication with the dragon island is lost. Primula Tengu, youngest daughter know

Events in Nordland are not developing at all as they planned their initiators, but for chlorins the collapse faces any of their development. Enemies intriguity, entering into a contradiction with each other, murder, betray

Bark Orvat - Agent No. 003 of the Intergalactic Police. Found a seven-year baby on the planet Zrofilla and is raised in the boarding school on Earth ("Children's Island"). One of the most successful intergpola agents.

Presumably, the Dragon Diary appeared before the diaries of all different dishonests, because the dragon is ancient of all. That's all. If you like readers, it will be a continuation. In the design of the cover

When the goddess of love promises you eleven children, it's time to make your legs into your world. They say, there she will not get. But how to live in a boring and dull world without the usual magic, court intrigues, are incredible

The action takes place on the planet Kepler, its development corresponds to the earthly medieval. "Horned" - a man, whose head horn appeared. For this he is tortured, considering Satan's adherent. O.

The dragons are full of treasures, but the conqueror of Kaitaran needs only a priest-virgin, born on the day of the Red Moon. The seams promised that the child from this draconic would save the ruler. One trouble - de

Story. Reflecting on whether we live or just think that we live. Maybe these are solid questions. Maybe answers. What kind of reality is more significant? Peace inside a person or around? Children can also be read.

Daven is one of the few surviving dragons. The last guard of the princess of Silvene, which threw it when Dragon Islands fell. One day he will meet a girl on the road, in the eyes of which the dead Magic of the dram

The third book of the Two Souls cycle. Nine years have passed, as Irma and Ira found themselves in other worlds. Life is still unpredictable, adventures do not make themselves waiting. Iirm, once again, premensenev, na

The main character, falling into a wide variety of situations, opens up all new talents and opportunities, putting all teachers and friends to the dead end. Awakened last dragon helps comprehend magic and

Bam went on tetail, the same feeling that suggested him that friends in trouble led him. From the terrible impact of the wall behind the samostrole of Panov collapsed, the wild voltage was entered in the break, with a dye panickens in his hands.

Due to what a person still lives, breathes, can love and be happy? Why black wandes hatred and malice not yet to the end covered the earth? Ecrim is the last hope of mankind! Camilla never

In the empire of the Lords of the Dragons, the heir was born, who was predicted as a fatal child. He is saved by the Supreme Priest and his student. Now imagine the reader that this fatal child is you. And suddenly

When it seems that life has finally improped, everything collapses again. The terrible secrets of the closed kingdom are not released. And Ramina is in front of an important choice. After all, Sidja, a bright peace-loving people, nickname

In this book - three fairy tales. The first is about two brothers, the curiosity of which awarded them first with magical wealth. And then the cause of separation with the native home and parents. To return, they came

What did these three deities hoped when they stole me from under the crown? What will I be happy and saving to save their world? Forget the groom and marry the first dragon hit? Not for those attacked! Ved.

Alfred Degonin begins his life in the magical world, and now he will have to get an education, as it should be supposed to be any powerful MAG, who he wants to become. But here is the question: how on his way

Castiel kills a man, being under the influence of unknown strength, after which it gets into flight and is trying to hide from justice in the forest, but it gets into new troubles - not in his will

You are waiting for four such different romantic stories at once. We will bring about Katerina, attach Tinturiel, and so, in trivia ... as always, the fate of the world will be at the end of the book. Don't worry, all law

It all started with a tattoo. When the tattoo spoke. And after I found myself in a strange and unusual world. Think I was waiting for the royal throne or at least marriage? How wrong! Now I work Sich

We live according to the rules, follow the orders, set up with inevitability. And even in a dream you can not imagine that outside the usual world there is another world, a real, boundless, filled

We are all accustomed to fairy tales, where the noble knights save the unfortunate princesses, defeat the dragons and get the hands of beauty and half the kingdom in the reward. For Richard, Wearing Dragon

"The deep demon" sentences to the shores of a quiet and sophisticated life. Three-rod, a city where monsters are found only on scenes of theaters, opened its arms for exhausted heroes. Arlandand more N.

Welcome to a wonderful and fabulous and beautiful new world! That's just the first meeting of our heroine with him was far from the ideal. Yes, you guessed correctly, our Masha (Lena, Ira, Natasha ... the necessary

When your heart is broken, life loses their paints and, it seems that nothing can be fixed. Noel managed to survive the betrayal of a loved one and change his life. She is the heiress throne