Read 50 Shades Freed full version.

Read 50 Shades Freed full version.
Read 50 Shades Freed full version.

I looked up, through the cracks in the fabric of the sea-green sun umbrella at the blue sky, Mediterranean blue... I couldn’t hold back a contented sigh. Christian was lying next to me, stretched out on a chaise longue. My husband - my sexy, handsome husband, shirtless and cut up in jeans, was reading a book about the predictable crisis of the Western Banking System... Apparently it was a fascinating book... I've never seen him sitting so still, ever. He looked more like a student than a successful CEO of one of the leading private companies in the United States.

We were lounging on the beach at the Fairmont Monte Carlo in Monaco on the last week of our honeymoon, even though we weren't actually staying here... I opened my eyes and my gaze wandered over to the Beautiful Lady anchored in the harbor. We, of course, settled down on board a luxury yacht. Built in 1928, she walked majestically on the water, remaining the queen of all the yachts in the harbor. She looked like a wind-up children's toy. Christian loved it and, I suspect, intended to buy it. Honestly, boys and their toys are...

I leaned back on the sun lounger, listening to a mix of songs on Christian Gray's iPod, and the evening sun lazily reminded me of his proposal... hmmm...

-Can we get married tomorrow? - Christian muttered softly in my ear. I stretched out on his chest in our flowery attic in the boat house, tired of his passionate lovemaking.

"Hmmm," I muttered.

- It's true"? - his voice filled with surprise reached me.

- Hmmm...

- No?

- Hmmm...

I felt him chuckle.

- Miss Still, you are inconsistent.

I grinned.

- Hmmm...

He laughed and hugged me tightly, kissing the top of my head.

- Then Vegas, tomorrow.

I raised my head sleepily.

- I don’t think my parents will be happy.

He ran his fingertips down and up my bare back, caressing me gently.

- What do you want, Anastasia? Vegas? A big wedding with all the pomp? Tell me.

“Not much... Only friends and family,” I looked at him, looking intently into his brightly glowing gray eyes. What does he want?

"Okay," he nodded. - Where?

I shrugged.

-Can we arrange it here? he asked uncertainly.

- In the parental home? Will they mind?

He snorted.

- My mother will be in seventh heaven.

“Okay then,” I agreed. “I'm sure my mom and dad would prefer to do the same.”

He gently ruffled my hair... Could I be any happier?

- So, we decided “where”... Now - “when”.

- Of course, you should ask your mother.

“Hmm,” Christian curled his mouth. - She will have a month, no more. I want you too much, so I don't intend to wait any longer.

- Christian, you have me. And I've been yours for a long time. But so be it - a month, no more - I kissed his chest with a soft, innocent kiss, and a smile lit up his face...

“You’ll burn,” Christian whispered in my ear, threatening me with a sunburn.

Only because of you,” I smiled embarrassedly, although the evening sun had already moved, and I was completely under its rays. He grinned at me and in one swift motion moved my chaise longue under the shade of the umbrella.

And from the Mediterranean sun, Mrs. Gray. “I don’t want you to get burned,” he breathed.

ABOUT! It didn't sound good.

Thank you for your altruism, Mr. Gray.

You're welcome, Mrs. Grey... and I'm not an altruist at all. If you get burned, I won't be able to touch you." He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a grin in his gray eyes, causing my heart to skip a beat. “But I suspect you know this and are laughing at me,” he said.

How can I? - I was surprised, feigning innocence.

Yes, yes, you can and do. Often. It's one of the many things I love about you.” He leaned down and kissed me, playfully biting my bottom lip.

I was hoping you would put some suntan lotion on me,” I pressed my lips to his.

Oh, Mrs. Grey... it's a dirty job, but I can't refuse this offer. “Sit down,” he ordered quietly with a hoarseness in his voice. I did as he ordered and very slowly, very carefully, his strong and dexterous fingers, as usual, began to gently rub the lotion into my skin...

You are truly too beautiful. “I’m a very happy man,” he muttered as his fingers slid over my breasts, applying lotion.

Hmm... yes, it is, Mr. Gray,” I whispered, looking at him from under my eyelashes.

You are modesty itself, Mrs. Grey. Turn around. I want to rub your back.

Smiling, I did as he asked and he carefully unfastened the strap of my terribly expensive bikini.

How would you feel if I sunbathed topless like the other women on this beach, I asked.

“I would be angry,” he replied immediately. “I’m not very happy with how little you’re wearing right now,” he leaned lower towards me and whispered in my ear. - Don't try your luck.

Is this a challenge, Mr. Grey?

No, that's a statement of fact, Mrs. Grey.

I sighed and shook my head. Oh, jealous owner-control freak Christian.

When he finished, he spanked my ass.

Done, minx.

His ever-present and ever-active BlackBerry rang. I frowned, glaring at Christian and he chuckled at that.

For my eyes only, Mrs. Grey! He raised an eyebrow, playfully warning me, and spanked me again. Sitting back down in his lounge chair, he answered the call.

My Inner Goddess purred. Perhaps we should put on some kind of performance tonight... for his eyes only,- she grinned. I snorted at the idea and thought back to my afternoon reverie...

- Just look at this! - Mia squealed.

We sat around the kitchen table in the Grays' kitchen, enjoying a leisurely breakfast of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs the morning after Christian's birthday. We spent the night in his children's room. After a long conversation with Carrick the previous evening, the thoughtful and silent Christian wanted to drink a lot of cognac, so Grace insisted that we stay. Eliot and Kate also spent the night here. So now Eliot, Kate, Grace and I were discussing the merits of bacon versus sausage, while Carrick and Christian were reading the Sunday morning papers.

We, in turn, looked expectantly at Mia, who was sitting in front of her open netbook.

- The gossip column on Seattle Nooz already says that you're engaged, Christian.

- Already? - Grace asked in surprise. Then her mouth twisted as if an obvious unwanted thought had entered her mind. Christian frowned.

“We've heard rumors that Seattle's most eligible bachelor, Christian Gray, has finally been put in his hands, and wedding bells are already ringing in the air. But who is this lucky girl? The Nooz went on the hunt for information. Rumor has it that she is already studying the prenuptial agreement. Let’s hope she gets a smart lawyer.”

Pages: 548

Year of publication: 2012


Started reading: 5031


A new meeting with an extraordinary couple of lovers, Anastacia and Christian, whose incredible intricacies of relationships surprise and make you empathize. Anna increasingly understands the reasons for the sometimes shocking love interests of the billionaire, and he, in turn, becomes more and more attached to the seemingly mediocre girl.
Having reflected on his attitude towards Anastacia, Christian realizes that perhaps for the first time in his life he is truly in love. He invites the girl to marry him, she agrees, because she has long wanted a more serious relationship. Young people get married, now they have every opportunity to be happy together. A rich husband gives his wife a luxurious surprise by buying the publishing house where the girl works and giving it to her. But being together all the time is not as easy and simple as we would like; Anastasia does not always want to give up her principles or accept her husband’s unusual thoughts and actions. And fate will soon present them with a serious test, which will be extremely difficult to pass.

The first book to be written was “Fifty Shades of Grey,” which was released to the world in 2011. A little later that year, the novel Fifty Shades Darker was released, and in 2012 the trilogy ended with the book Fifty Shades Freed. We will discuss a summary of the latest novel, as well as reader reviews, in this article.

About the author of the trilogy

Who writes No one is surprised when the authors of the most popular bestsellers are ordinary people who do not have a special education related to philology or journalism. For example, the world-favorite “Harry Potter” was written by an ordinary teacher, Joan Kathleen Rowling. And Erica Leonard until 2011 was a housewife raising children. After the popularity that came to her, she admitted that since childhood she loved to write, but did not publish her creations. Seriously fascinated by the vampire saga of Stephenie Meyers, Erica Leonard wrote a work with characters from Myers’ book called “Master of the World” and posted it on a site where fan fiction is posted. Twilight fans appreciated Erica's creation, and the number of views was almost a record. Then Leonard broke the work into three parts and turned it into a separate work, independent from the Saga. A publisher from Australia, noticing the public's interest in Erica's work, proposed to remove the book from public access and sell it both electronically and in paper. After this, interest in the work only grew, and the larger company Vintage Book bought the rights to the publication from the Australian publishing house. The trilogy consists of the books “50 Shades of Grey”, “50 Shades Darker” and “50 Shades Freed”. We will present a brief summary of the latest work below.

About books

All three parts of the trilogy tell the story of how college graduate Anastasia Steele and wealthy businessman Christian Gray met and spent time together.

In fact, there is nothing unusual in the plot, if not for one detail - the work contains plenty of scenes of piquant content describing the details of BDSM. Erica calls her work a psychological novel and warns that bigots will not understand her work and will be unpleasantly shocked. However, the huge demand for the novel suggests that there are much fewer bigots in our world than developed and free-thinking people. Meanwhile, American and British readers appreciated Erica's books (who published the work under the name E. L. James) much more warmly than the Russian-speaking public.

Summary of the book “50 Shades Freed”

Do you like to be a pioneer and are you not interested in the summary? Then don’t read this part of the article, because here in a few sentences all the mysteries of the plot twist will be revealed!

So, if you are a young lady, then the modern mother must have told you that fleeting sex rarely ends in marriage. This is how it happened historically. The book 50 Shades Freed is just the opposite. Despite the quickly developing relationship between Anastasia and Christian, in the last book everything happens in the best traditions of the fairy tale about Cinderella. A passionate and vibrant novel must necessarily reach a logical conclusion - and this is exactly what E. L. James wrote about in the final part of the trilogy. “Fifty Shades Freed” is no longer so generous with scenes of an erotic nature, but there is a lot of love in it. Miss Steele will become Mrs. Gray, and she and Christian will live happily ever after.

First chapters

The book "Fifty Shades Freed" begins with a prologue, which describes how a little boy discovers his mother dead and cannot understand it. This is Christian. Then the author moves to Anastacia, her thoughts about the wedding.

In this part, the author makes an interesting move: the reader cannot understand whether these are Anastasia’s dreams of a wedding or reality. Then it turns out that the wedding took place, the main characters got married and are having a wonderful time together. Ana is annoyed that Christian's security guards are constantly watching her, but she comes to terms with it. Christian also turns out to be a very jealous spouse. For example, the scene is vividly described when, while sunbathing, Anastasia took off her swimsuit top, and then fell asleep and rolled over on her back. Because of this, she had a major scandal with her husband.


The mysterious ill-wisher, who appeared in the second part of the work, again shows his evil face thanks to the author E. James.

Fifty Shades Freed takes on a detective twist when Anastacia's former boss comes into the picture. He is angry that he lost his job and kidnaps Christian's sister after drugging her. Layla also appears just to remind herself. Christian lets her go very easily, and Anu is scared by this - will he ever be able to give up on her so easily?


Ana finds herself pregnant after missing a medical procedure. Christian is furious because they haven't planned a baby yet. For a second, Anastasia wonders whether to have an abortion, but the Inner Goddess dissuades her.

To save Christian's kidnapped sister Mia, Ana deliberately quarrels with her husband and pretends to leave him. This is a very dramatic scene, and here particularly sensitive readers may even shed a tear. Christian believes that this is because of his money, since after the wedding he was not drawn up. Anastasia specifically plays out this scene so that Jack does not understand her plan - he is watching her.

She manages to deceive her former boss and shoot him in the thigh. However, Ana is severely beaten. When she comes to her senses, she hears Christian asking if everything is okay with the child, and hearing a positive answer, she is glad about it.

Jack's secret is revealed. Before Christian was taken by the Grays, he and Jack, also an orphan, lived together with foster parents. It just so happened that the Grays chose Christian. Jack believed that if he were chosen, then all the Gray money would be at his disposal.

How does it all end?

The third part of the trilogy ends with Anastasia expecting a daughter, and her son growing up handsome.

Christian did not give up his sexual preferences, and therefore the intimate side of the spouses’ life cannot be called boring. The author shows that no matter how strong love is, in bed there can still be a game of “master” and “slave”. In the third part, it should be noted, there are much fewer sex scenes, but, of course, the sensual erotica so beloved by readers has not gone away. “Fifty Shades Freed” is the final work of the trilogy, although fans assume that a fourth part would be logical.

Perception of the work

The book “50 Shades Freed,” the summary of which as a whole can be retold in two or three sentences, will not shock, surprise or delight the modern reader. Perhaps in the West, despite her widely advertised free-thinking, James’s work caused a storm of emotions, but in our country her works were treated with humor and coolness. At the same time, it is better not to say “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it,” but to familiarize yourself with the work and draw your own conclusions.

Roman E.L. James's Fifty Shades Freed is the third novel in the Fifty Shades trilogy. The writer managed to create literary masterpieces that shook the whole world, leaving no one indifferent. This series is either loved or hated, but no one is indifferent. Some consider the narration to be too frank, while others, on the contrary, value this. After all, only knowing a person’s most intimate desires can one judge what is happening in his soul.

The first two parts of the novel tell how Anastasia and Gray met completely by chance. An unusual relationship, a man and a woman from different walks of life, his very strange sexual preferences. In the second part, Gray proposes to Anya. Already in the third part the reader will be able to find out how the lives of the heroes will turn out.

It is no longer the erotic relationship of the couple that is of primary importance. Much attention is paid to their relationships, feelings, difficulties that they may encounter. Will such different people be able to build a family? Will they be able to understand each other and be happy?

Feelings such as jealousy are already clearly visible here, for example, when Ana took off the top of her swimsuit on the beach, and then fell asleep and turned on her back. This caused a storm of emotions in Gray and led to a scandal. The couple's relationship will be put to the test, in which Gray will think that Ana was with him for money... Something that they did not want and did not plan will come to light.

In the previous part of the 50 Shades trilogy of books, an ill-wisher was mentioned. He makes himself felt, and the novel takes on a certain detective touch. There will be kidnappings, open secrets, the girl will even have to shoot and risk her life, not only her own...

Despite such a large number of events in the book "Fifty Shades Freed", intimate scenes are present, suggesting that even in a serious relationship you can maintain erotic games. And of course, the ending, completely unexpected for many readers, is very interesting.

On our website you can download the book “Fifty Shades Freed” by James Erica Leonard for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

I'm lying on a deck chair in the company of a book predicting the collapse of the Western banking system. The sun's rays fall on the pages, blinding the text. I look up from reading and turn my gaze to the sky, blue as Anastasia’s eyes. Amazingly, even it reminds me of Miss Steele, more recently Mrs. Gray. Who would have thought how many years I have been going to Flynn, tried all the methods in psychotherapy and nothing helped, but this woman was able to change me. Thanks to her, I got rid of nightmares and my main fear – being touched. She is like a talisman in my life, my angel. She showed me the way to salvation, led me out of eternal darkness and gloom, and led me to the sun. I was able to look at the world differently, break out of the shackles of Helena, which I had not noticed before, or refused to notice. But now I understand the main thing - I like the new way of life, I am no longer going to return to the old one, except sometimes, solely for the sake of our joint pleasure. So, get yourself together Gray, it’s time to remind yourself.

Miss Acton did a good job, the white bikini looks perfect on my Mrs. wife. But now it would be better for her to cover herself from the midday sun, considering that she had fallen asleep. I approach Anya and whisper in a calm voice in her ear:

You'll burn.

Only from you. “She opens her beautiful eyes and looks at me with a smile. I grin back. While Anastasia is about to add something else, I deftly move the lounge chair into the shade.

You are such an altruist, Mr. Gray. Thank you. - She bites her lip again. Oh, for this I would gladly fuck her here and now, but I have no desire to organize a sex show with the participation of my wife in front of strangers.

You're welcome, Mrs. Grey. And I'm not an altruist at all. If you burn, I won't be able to touch you. But I suppose you know this yourself, and therefore laugh at me.

Really? - Ana looks at me with big eyes, with the look of an innocent child. This makes me want to laugh.

Yes, yes, that's exactly what you do. And often. And this is just one of the many little things that I love about you. - I lean towards Anya, I feel a familiar attraction. Our tongues intertwine in a passionate fiery dance. I release my desires: I bite her lower lip.

I was expecting you to rub suntan lotion on my back. – Anastasia is trying to feign offense, but to be honest, she won’t do well.

Mrs. Gray, this is a dirty job, but... it’s impossible to refuse such an offer. Sit down. – From anticipation of the process, my voice becomes hoarse, it’s hard to restrain my sexual desires near their source.

Ana obeys, it feels damn good to know that. Unfortunately, in this situation, she obeyed for the sake of her own pleasure, for which she will now receive light revenge from Mr. Gray.

With leisurely movements, I smear the lotion over her body, enjoying the look of her snow-white skin, although after our rest a light tan appeared. My fingers move to her breasts, now not only Mrs. Gray gets pleasure. From the deft movements of my hands, Ana’s nipples harden.

You really are lovely. I'm lucky to have you.

That's right, Mr. Gray, lucky. “She looks at me from under lowered eyelashes, trying to remain unnoticed.

Modesty suits you, Mrs. Grey. Turn over. I want to work on your back.

And again my order was immediately carried out, oh, if only it were always like this. I remove the back strap of her bikini and mentally imagine how I will take it off in our cabin. Ana turns and looks at me with a sly look.

How would you feel if I sunbathed topless like other women on the beach? - What?! It was not enough for all sorts of perverts to look at my wife. Enough of her sexy bikini look.

I wouldn't like it very much. In my opinion, you already have too little clothes on, don’t tempt fate. – Ana’s eyes instantly widen, from which the desire to quench the itch in her palm is replaced by another - to laugh.

Is this a challenge, Mr. Grey?

Not at all, Mrs Grey. Just a statement of fact.

I think the lotion is already enough. I quite spank her delicious ass.

Enough of you, beauty. “At this moment my BlackBerry vibrates.” Damn, ruined my plans for Mrs. Grey. Ana frowns, as if reading my thoughts. I shrug and grin.

This is confidential, Mrs. Grey. - I put on a serious expression, once again spank Anastasia on her delicious ass, and return to my chaise longue.

Mr Grey, this is Barney. I sent you a new program for a solar tablet, I think it’s worth improving the design.

Okay, Barney. I'll take a look and let you know. This is all?

Have a nice day, sir. - I press “hang up” and go to Anya. Damn, she fell asleep, I don’t want to wake her up. I return to my sun lounger and look through the new program. Barney did a good job, but he was right, the design really needs work and the interface needs to be made more convenient. This version is difficult to understand.

The BlackBerry vibrates again, and "Elliot" appears on the display. Hell, I'm thousands of miles from Seattle and he's getting on my nerves even here.

Hello Eliot. What did you want?

Hey bro. How was your honeymoon? Do you miss your empire? “Damn, I really don’t like his unsuccessful attempts at humor.” It seems that my brother has no sense of humor at all.

Don't tell me you're calling to ask if I miss my empire. Our vacation is going well, but you are preventing us from making it even better.

Christian, you're boring. I wanted to ask when are you coming back? Mia insisted that I call and ask. You know her, she’s started something again, it seems that this time she’s going to organize a party in honor of your return. – Yes, it’s in my sister’s style. Since childhood, she happily helped her mother with organizing any events.

Tell her nothing has changed and she knows when we're going back. This is all?

Dude, sometimes I think you're a robot. Learn to relax, you're on your honeymoon, not a day at the office.

I'll take your advice into account. Bye, Eliot. - I leave the BlackBerry on the table and start reading a book.

I put the book I’ve already read aside and look at my watch. I didn’t even notice how three hours flew by. It's time to eat, Ana didn't take practically anything today. I gesture to the waitress:

Mam"selle? Un Perrier pour moi, un Coca-Cola light pour ma femme, s"il vous plaît. Et quelque chose à manger… laissez-voir la carte. – I choose two first courses from the menu and dismiss the waitress with a gesture. She looks at me embarrassedly from under her lowered eyelashes, clearly not wanting to go. What is she hoping for? I'm married, and I can't stand blondes.

Ana looks at me in surprise.

Do you want to drink?

Yes. – Hmm, Mrs. Gray is not yet fully awake, it’s time to correct the situation.

I could look at you like that all day. Tired? “She blushes, just like she did during our first meeting.”

Have not had enough sleep.

Me too. - I rise from my seat, my shorts have slipped off my hips so that my swimming trunks are visible. I smile predatorily, take off my shorts and flip-flops, gracefully heading towards Anya. Her lips form an "o". - Let's go for a swim. “I extend my hand, but she looks at me in a daze. - Shall we swim? – Ana is still silent. - I think it's time to shake you up. “With a sharp movement I lift my wife into my arms, causing her to squeal.

Let me go! Let go!

Only at sea, baby. - The French are watching the free show with interest, which makes my grin turn into laughter. Anastasia tightens her grip on my neck.

You won't dare.

Ana, my little one, have you really not understood anything in the short time that we have known each other? - I lean down and press a hot kiss to her lips. Anastasia runs her fingers through my hair and returns the kiss. I know very well what she is trying to achieve, and if I don’t calm down, I will lose this battle. I take a sharp breath of fresh air.

You can't fool me, I know your games. “We plunge into the cool water, our lips again reach out to her, my Mrs. Gray.

It seemed like you wanted to swim.

I'll swim with you. - I gently bite her lower lip. “Still, I wouldn’t want the pious inhabitants of Monte Carlo to see my wife in a paroxysm of passion.” - you want to go to sea? - Wrapping my tail around her wrist, I pull her head away and leave a trail of kisses along her neck - from her ear and down.

I pull away and see passion in her eyes.

Mrs. Grey, you are insatiable. And you are so shameless. What kind of monster have I created?

A monster for your mate. Would you tolerate another me? – The thought of another makes me shudder. No, I don't want anyone but her.

I'll take you any way I can. And you know it. But not now. Not in public. - I nod towards the shore. While Anastacia looks at the audience of our little show, I grab her around the waist and throw her up. She takes off like an angel, but immediately falls into the water, onto the soft sand.

Christian! – Anastasia feigns a frown. I have to bite my lip to keep from breaking into a smile. Of course, this gesture does not go unnoticed by Mrs. Gray, and splashes of water fly in my direction. Hang in there baby, you asked for it. I answer her in kind, no longer trying to suppress a stupid smile.

We still have the whole night ahead of us. Then, baby, later. – I dive under the water, only emerging near Ana.

While I'm swimming, I notice that Anastacia is no longer in the sea. Damn it, where is she?! Unexpected fear fills me, I urgently need to return to the shore. I want to know that my wife is here and okay. Returning to land, I see her in a sun lounger. I come closer, and a wave of anger rolls over me with unprecedented force, I can barely restrain myself from spanking her right there. Damn it, how dare my wife take off her swimsuit, knowing that she was not alone on the beach?!

What are you doing? “From my scream, she quickly wakes up and looks at me in confusion.

The text is large so it is divided into pages.