Culinary magic golden recipes description. The magic of food: culinary magic will save you from the hustle and bustle

Culinary magic golden recipes description.  The magic of food: culinary magic will save you from the hustle and bustle
Culinary magic golden recipes description. The magic of food: culinary magic will save you from the hustle and bustle

Real housewives know how to feed their household nourishingly and tasty. They also know how to use magical cooking for personal purposes. Our great-grandmothers believed: magic dough is an indispensable thing in love magic. It was believed that culinary creations baked according to a special recipe endow good people with happiness, health, good luck, and, on special occasions, attract love.

Happy buns

If luck has become a rare guest in your home lately, bake some “lucky” buns on Sunday morning. Add salt, poppy seeds, honey and wine consecrated in the church to the regular dough.

When placing the dough, say:

“I give out happiness and good luck in change. I take it for myself and offer it to good people. There will be joy and joyful excitement in our home. Love and prosperity - a full tub." And remember: while you are conjuring your baking, you cannot talk to anyone. Just think that from now on your life will be full of love, joy, and fun.”

Is your chosen one indifferent and inattentive? Prepare a “Privorotnik” for him. Its secret is the addition of herbs (cumin, coriander, thyme, ginger, saffron, dill, etc.), which have a captivating aroma.

To get things going

As for the household, for a long time it has not been possible to do without the word miraculous.

“The Lord created heaven and earth and the whole universe: water, dry land, mountains, and wilderness. both grain and bread. Grant, Lord, that I too can create, feed people, so that they eat and drink and glorify the Lord. Amen".

Before putting the pie on the fire, open the oven and say this:

“Fire, my friend. Make the pie nice. Airy, like a sky, light, like a cloud. Let it be as I say, let it be as I command. Amen".

When you start putting vegetables in jars, say this:

“The red sun caressed the tomato, the red sun washed the tomato. The tomato will lie here, the tomato will wait for me here, it will make me happy in winter, it will remind me of a clear summer, it will feed my family, it will amuse me at the feast. So that the feast is hospitable, so that it is free. Amen".

In the fight for our beloved heart, let's call on magic to help. But not simple - culinary. Let’s be clear right away: to prepare love dishes, we will not cook frogs or use black spells. The magic that lives in a loving heart will be enough for us. And she, as you know, is the strongest. So let's get started.
What magical things can you find in the kitchen? Yes, everything: from food to household items! We can say that the kitchen is the most magical place in the house. How could it be otherwise, because “we are what we eat.” And the point here is not at all about vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Let's look at traditional cooking from a different angle.
Imagine two rosehip bushes. One bush grew under your windows, in the front garden, and the other - in a crevice between the Crimean rocks. The roots of the first bush easily made their way through the soft soil, but the second had to break through the stones. As a result, its root has the same power: it dissolves kidney stones. The root of the first plant is powerless in this case. What makes these two roots different? A scientist will say: the presence of special enzymes, but a magician will see a force that was formed under the influence of certain conditions. You can place two creatures of the same species in the same conditions and some of them will survive, and some will die. What does this depend on? From the presence of enzymes? No - only from the message to life. And this immaterial message (spiritual spark) forms matter - an enzyme. He is the real power.
Thus, each product is not just a set of useful substances, but a complex of certain qualities that we can use to our benefit.
For example, nutmeg is believed to help establish and strengthen relationships. To do this, nutmeg is finely ground, and then every second evening a grain is added and added equally to the food of yourself and your chosen one. After the nut is eaten, your fields will tune in to the same wavelength. If during these dinners you light a red candle, the effect of the nut will intensify. When you eat a nut, be sure to mentally thank it, because it didn’t just transfer its power to you - it became a part of you.
And a little playful magic. Let's pretend that carrots are gold; potatoes - stability; eggs - eternity; salt – purpose, determination, meaning; vegetable oil - optimism; cucumber - health. Now let’s try to prepare a salad from these ingredients: let’s take stability as a basis, add a little gold, season it with meaning, add health, add optimism and add eternity. Tasty? Still would! This salad will be welcome at any feast. And it needs to be called “on topic”. For example, the “Happiness” salad. Then he will definitely bring this happiness to your home. The main thing when you cook is to say out loud everything you do. And don't forget to season your cooking with love.

If the principle is clear, let's move on to the practical part.


Are you planning to spend a pleasant evening with your loved one? Include the old Indian recipe for spiced rice with meat, “The Seasoning of Life,” on your menu. And do not forget, during the cooking process, to put into the dish all the love, tenderness and passion that you feel for your loved one. Think about him (her), fantasize and dream!

Rice with spices and meat to enhance libido “Spice of Life”


  • Long grain rice - 1 cup
  • Meat - 500 g
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Green cardamom - 1 pod
  • Cumin - 1 tsp.
  • Coriander - 1 tsp.
  • Grated ginger - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp.
  • Chili - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Meat broth - to taste
  • Garlic paste, fresh - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Heat the oil in a double-bottomed frying pan. Add crushed garlic, cardamom and cinnamon to the oil. Fry for a minute and add finely chopped onion. Fry the onion until golden brown and add the rest of the spices to it. Reduce heat and simmer the onion for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the meat cut into small pieces. Mix well so that the spices completely cover the meat. Add the garlic paste and pour the broth over the meat (it should cover the meat completely). Simmer the meat over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. Afterwards, remove the meat from the heat. Towards evening, boil the rice. While heating the meat, we say “Long live the jewel in the lotus.” Afterwards we light the candles, pour the wine and serve the dish to the table.
Note: In some Eastern religions, "jewel in the lotus" means "soul in the body."

In many areas of France and Italy, special love candies are prepared on the eve of Valentine's Day. And, according to ancient books, these sweets should be eaten together with your loved one, so that “love grows stronger and passion multiplies.” Sweets should be served on dishes with a rose ornament, because this flower is not only considered a symbol of love, but is also dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite. By the way, there is another belief associated with love candies: the one of two lovers who eats more candies will love more.

Candy of love


  • Dried apricots, large and meaty - 12 pcs.
  • Almonds - 12 pcs.
  • Chocolate black
  • Powdered sugar

Wash and dry the dried apricots. Scald the almonds with boiling water, remove the skin and dip them into melted chocolate. Place the nuts on parchment and wait for the chocolate to harden. Then place the chocolate-covered nut in dried apricots and roll the candy in powdered sugar. We put the candies on a plate with roses and take the plate in our right hand. We raise our left hand over the sweets, open our palm and try to remember all the good things that happened between you and your chosen one. Afterwards you can treat your loved one with sweets.

Advice: melt the chocolate in a water bath. The temperature after melting the chocolate should not exceed 45 C.

If all the strength of your loved one is taken away by your rival work, urgently cook mamalyga - a proven remedy for enhancing male potency. Let the head of corn share its strength and strength! And while the porridge is cooking, do not forget, while stirring it, to say:

"Corn flour
For any man
The richness will be cooked
Yes, it will be placed on the table.
I'll cook for my betrothed
Mamalyga for dinner,
The man will become strong
And loving."



  • Corn flour - 100 g
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter - 15 g
  • Cheese cheese - 50 g
  • Sour cream - 50 g
  • Milk - 200 ml

Sift corn flour. Pour some flour into boiling salted water, bring to a boil, then add all the flour. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring from the middle to the edges of the dish and pressing the paddle against its walls. The readiness of the hominy can be determined as follows: lower the funnel into the bowl with the hominy, place it vertically and quickly rotate it between your palms, then remove it. If there is no sticky mass on the funnel, then the hominy is ready. Before adding the hominy, scrape the mass from the sides of the pan towards the center with a spoon dipped in water, leave it on the fire for a while, then shake the pan several times and tip it onto the board. Cut the finished hominy into portions. Serve with butter, cheese, sour cream, milk.

Another means to ignite sexual passion is a sexy salad.

Sexy salad


  • Figs - 2 pcs.
  • Smoked ham or Parma ham - 2 slices
  • Cold pressed olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Mozzarella - 2 slices
  • Green basil
  • Ground black pepper

For dressing, mix olive oil, lemon juice and honey. Add salt and pepper. Mix the dressing well.
We cut the figs crosswise and lightly squeeze the base of the fig - the pulp should appear. Place the figs on a plate and cover it with ham. Add mozzarella slices and chopped basil leaves. Pour the dressing over the salad.

A love cake will sweeten a love relationship.

love pie


For the test

  • Flour - 170 g
  • Vegetable oil - 35 g
  • Butter - 45 g
  • The water is cold

For filling

  • Fresh or s/m cherries, pitted - 500 g
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk

For the dough, combine vegetable oil, butter, half the amount of flour and salt. Knead, gradually adding water and the remaining flour. While the dough is rising, mix the cherries, sugar and cinnamon.
Roll out the dough into a circle, leaving a little dough to form the top of the pie and the walls. We distribute the cherry filling over the entire surface of the circle, and make walls and a “lid” from the remaining dough. Cut out a heart from a small piece of dough and place it in the middle of the pie. We light an incense stick with cherry scent and say: “I fill the pie with my love.” Afterwards, lightly grease the surface of the pie with milk and place it in an oven preheated to 220 C. Bake for 10 minutes and reduce the heat to 180 C. Bake the pie until done (about 30 minutes).

In culinary magic, drinks play almost the main role. They flow just like blood, our life force. Therefore, they act quickly and surely. Here are some recipes.

A love potion made from red wine and spices will help to awaken your partner's interest in you.

love potion


  • Red wine, semi-sweet - 750 ml
  • Cinnamon sticks - 4 pcs.
  • Cloves - 12 pcs.
  • Ginger root, fresh, grated - 1 tbsp.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar

Pour the wine into a metal (or better yet, ceramic) pan. Add lemon and orange slices. When the wine is hot, add spices and sugar. Mix thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid and heat the wine over low heat for 20 minutes. Afterwards, strain the wine and pour it into glasses while still warm.

If your feelings begin to cool, warm them up with a cup of magical coffee.

Spiced coffee


  • Ground coffee 1 tsp.
  • Water 100 ml
  • Allspice
  • Ground ginger
  • Coriander
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Rosemary

Brew coffee and add all the spices to it in equal parts. Heat, strain and serve the coffee to your loved one.

Happy holiday!

Advice to you and Love!

1. Potatoes.

Many will probably be surprised to learn that almost every day they eat a unique source of magical powers. We are talking about ordinary potatoes. Potatoes are closely connected with three natural elements - Earth, Water, Air. From them he is charged with magical power, which he then shares with people. This vegetable is able to absorb energy, both positive and negative. There is, for example, an ancient belief that you should not quarrel in a room where there are potatoes.

In ancient times, he was credited with one witchcraft property - the ability to predict the future (events that will happen within a year). To find out the fate of potato tubers, you need to dig them up with your own hands, transplant them to a place known only to you, and after two weeks carefully remove them from the ground again. Then pay attention to the shape of the processes: if the majority are curves, then during the year you will face difficulties, overcoming which will require as many months as you see the bends. It is also important in which direction the shoots deviate (keep the tuber the way it grew in the ground, without turning it over). If many of them are directed to the left, then troubles will begin in your personal life; if to the right - at work. Well, if you see many shoots on a tuber, curved along their entire length in both directions, then health problems will arise. But a straight shoot foreshadows a prosperous life full of joys and good health throughout the year.

You can also, when replanting potatoes, make some wish on it or ask for something and determine by the shoots whether it will come true or not (more straight lines - a positive answer, more curves - a negative answer).

2. Cabbage witchcraft

Regular white cabbage, as well as its “relatives” Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Savoy and Beijing cabbage, have magical properties. The energy of this vegetable helps a person become sexier and more attractive, look fresher and younger.

To awaken interest in your chosen one, eat cabbage in salad in the morning - from half past seven to ten - imagining the object of your passion. As you do this, say three words to yourself:


And in order to improve relationships with your family, bring understanding and love back to the family, prepare a hodgepodge while saying three times in a row:


Eat hodgepodge in the evening (from five to seven o’clock) with the whole family.

Repeat these magical actions about once a week, and success in achieving what you want is guaranteed!

3. Tomato - apple of love

In some countries, it is believed that if a woman offers a beautiful ripe tomato to her chosen one, he will definitely guess about her feelings. After all, this vegetable has always been a symbol of the human heart.

Tomatoes contain substances that have a positive effect not only on health, but also on mood. This vegetable can relieve depression and literally bring a person back to life. Tomatoes don’t even need to be specially prepared.

Serve them uncut, saying:


According to ancient belief, this will soften the tough temperament of a person who is capable of starting a quarrel, and those sitting at the table will forget about their sorrows and fears, begin to calmly communicate and have fun.

For your loved one, you can prepare a salad of red and yellow tomatoes. While preparing a dish, say these magic words seven times:


4. Apple love spell recipe

Take three apples, three handfuls of raisins and one tablespoon of honey. Wash and core the apples, chop the cranberries. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes.
Mix clean, swollen raisins with cranberries, season with honey and stuff the resulting mixture into apples. Place them on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for five minutes. Once baked, place the apples on a platter and sprinkle them with cinnamon... serve your sweetheart instead of dessert.

5. Berry by berry

Chokeberry has long been considered a purely “male” berry, because it helps to activate the sexual energy of the stronger half of humanity. It is better to prepare chokeberry dishes on the waxing moon (the period from the new moon to the full moon).

Recipe for a chokeberry love spell:
Take 1 kilogram of chokeberry, 2 cloves of garlic, cinnamon, cloves and a little salt.
Finely chop the berries and garlic. Add salt and seasonings to the pulp. And the miracle salad is ready! It's better to eat before it's hot.

When you prepare food for your loved one, say:

« I cook with love and joy».

Then read “Our Father”: 12 times - if you want to “charge” your food with love, or 15 - if you dream of a happy marriage.

If you want to have a wonderful evening with your lover, in whom you have a passionate interest and desire intimacy with him, then know that it is not only the external preparation and table setting that will bring success. You must be internally ready to radiate love. This does not require much time or effort, but it will require the strength of your desire. Bring all your positive thoughts to all your meals, approach the preparation of dinner with all love, since thoughts and energies can have both positive and negative influences. A dish prepared with love will evoke loving feelings. And the magic word here: love.

Today you will get acquainted with the recipes of those dishes that have been tested many times. But don't expect a quick miracle. Remember: when the feeling of love weakens, it is necessary to pay attention to the external causes of the situation. Anyone who is constantly exposed to external pressure from a partner should not expect that frequent feeding of his chosen one with crabs or greens can put everything in its place, after which the fire of passion will suddenly flare up with a bright flame, out of nowhere.

In order to bewitch your loved one with the help of food, you must first find out what he loves most, what foods he is used to and which ones he would like to try. So, you agreed that he would come. Start preparing immediately.

Like a real woman, start by making sure everything about you is beautiful: your face, your body, your hair, and your hands. You need to choose an outfit and jewelry according to the occasion. Also prepare the room in which you will receive the guest. The room should be quite cozy, pleasant, so that the atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, to opening all the channels in a man to accept your charms. Prepare candles and, of course, incense. There are essential oils, the subtle smell of which acts on a subconscious level and helps to achieve a certain power over a person. The most neutral and most “loving” essential oil is lavender. You need to drop a drop of oil into the water and warm it up a little.

And yet, your culinary abilities play a huge role in this matter. It is very important to choose dishes, snacks, wine, so that everything is combined, complementing each other, so that the food itself has an intoxicating effect on a man. If you also use magic spells, you can achieve stunning results.

Spices are very important in preparing dishes that affect male sensuality. Without them, not a single dish, be it meat, fish, vegetable salads or cookies, will function as we require.

Spices such as black and red pepper, cloves, turmeric, coriander, fennel, cumin, mustard are simply necessary when preparing meat and fish dishes.

Anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, rose water, vanilla, saffron will come in handy in cookies and vegetable dishes. Ordinary cinnamon rolls can make a man love you forever.

There are many recipes for making coffee, but if you add ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon to it, of course, in very small quantities, literally a few grains at a time, then the taste and smell of coffee will be simply magical.

In addition to spices, it is also necessary to add to salads and meat herbs such as parsley, coriander or cilantro, which increase male potency, celery and lovage, which give any dish a completely charming taste and aroma.

Flavoring additives such as salt, citrus juices, rose water, and nuts are used as seasonings.

The special art of using spices is to prepare a mixture of spices, the so-called marsala. Spices are fried in oil to give them a special aroma and a unique effect. Before frying meat or vegetables, fry the spices, then add the main product and mix thoroughly.

Try this mixture:

2 tbsp. l. cumin,
2 tbsp. l. anise or fennel,
2 tbsp. l. black mustard seeds,
1 tbsp. l. ginger

Fry each spice separately, and then mix and grind in a coffee grinder. The frying procedure lasts approximately 10 - 15 minutes.

This mixture, combined with vegetables, gives food a unique aroma and taste. This mixture can be prepared in advance and sealed in a glass jar; shake before use.

Witchcraft begins with the preparation of the first dish. You must first of all tune in to the enchantment session. As you prepare each dish, you become more and more in the state of a magician and sorcerer, so by the time the desired guest arrives, you will have gained full strength, and he will feel your power over him.

Dishes must be prepared in reverse order. Start with sweets. After all, a cake or cake can be prepared in advance.

The words you should say while preparing sweets will be:

« How sweet and pleasant this dish will be, prepared by the servant of God (name), so that I myself will be just as sweet and pleasant for the servant of God (name). May it be so forever and ever. Amen».

Key lime cake


Take 4 - 6 marshmallow halves,
lay it out in a layer
pour cream from condensed milk boiled for 1.5 - 2 hours or thick whipped cream.

Sprinkle with crushed nuts. Place a layer of thin kiwi slices, another layer of marshmallows, spread more cream, add a layer of banana slices and sprinkle with nuts and grated chocolate.

You can make a double batch and cut it into two halves, as this makes it easier to layer. You can come up with your own fruit layers: oranges, tangerines, pineapples, pears. There is a lot of room for your imagination. Just do it with pleasure and try to make it look beautiful.

Cinnamon rolls

These buns can serve as a main dish; add only tea brewed with witchcraft herbs.

Bun dough:

prepare the dough - dissolve 50 g of yeast in a small amount of warm milk (0.25 cups),
add 1 tsp. sugar and a pinch of flour.

Mix everything and place in a warm place.
Take half a liter of milk, maybe sour (the dough will be more airy),
pour in 3 raw eggs,
add 1 tsp. salt, half a glass of sugar,
100 g of melted butter.

Grate the lemon peel, add a pinch of vanillin (but you can do without it), and pour the risen dough here. Mix everything thoroughly and add flour, stirring first with a spoon, and as it thickens, with your hand. Mix very thoroughly by hand or with a mixer.

The dough should not be too thick, then it will rise better. Place the dough in a warm place, cover with a clean towel, make the sign of the cross and say:

« Lord, help the servant of God (name), give mighty strength to protect the servant of God (name) from a treacherous friend, from an alien villainess. Let his love for me grow like dough rises on dough».

But in this case, the buns will be intended only for him.

When the dough has risen approximately threefold, it must be thoroughly kneaded again; If it's too runny, you can add more flour. The dough can be considered kneaded if it easily comes away from your hands. When the dough rises again, knead it again and put it on the table where you will wrap the buns.

Roll out a piece of dough thinly, sprinkle ground cinnamon and sugar on it and wrap it into a roll. Then cut into slices approximately 2 cm thick. Turn each plate slightly out on one side, pinching the other. You will get a flower sprinkled with cinnamon. Place these buns on a greased baking sheet and let sit. Before placing the baking sheet in the preheated oven, brush the buns with whipped egg white, and you can also sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Tea for buns

Brew tea with lemon balm. Melissa, according to magicians, attracts love. Take good black tea, brew it as usual, add a few lemon balm flowers. Brew, casting a spell, warming with your warmth and love, calling on the Lord God and all higher powers to help you. When pouring tea into thin porcelain cups, move the tea spout in a circular motion over the cup. Do it slowly, with pleasure, as if casting a spell over the cup, allowing the guest to feel the aroma so that they can then enjoy the taste of the tea.

For tea you can serve honey, raspberry jam or lemon with sugar.

Meat in French

For this dish, you can take both pork and beef, cut it into small cubes, you can beat it a little if the meat is not very tender, soak for 20 - 30 minutes in weak vinegar, then add salt and mix with a mixture of spices. A mixture of coriander, cumin, ginger and cloves is best.

We recommend cooking the meat in pots, in portions. Place meat cubes on the bottom of the pot, sprinkle with pepper, red and black. Add a drop of bay oil, place a layer of onions cut into rings on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and pour over mayonnaise.

Place the pots in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes. The top should be covered with a golden brown crust. Serve in a pot, after working some magic on it. And you need to say the following words over it:

« Taste this dish, my dear, and let masculine strength flow through your veins. The blood will flare up in your veins from the hot spices, the fire will spread to all organs, and you, the servant of God (name), will no longer be able to live without the servant of God (name). Only by me alone will you quench your thirst, only by me alone will you be saved from the fire in your blood.”.

When serving this dish, garnish it with lovage, which will highlight the taste of the meat and act as a love herb.

Salad "Bangladesh"


Boil 4 hard-boiled eggs.
Grate 2 onions and a small piece (50 g) of butter.
Grate 100 g of cheese.
Place a layer of 2 crushed whites with a fork on the bottom of each salad bowl, sprinkle with ground black pepper to taste, pour half of the grated cheese there, then layer salmon mixed with spices from a can, pour over mayonnaise. Place a layer of grated onion with butter in each salad bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Place 3 chopped yolks, divided into halves, on top and pour mayonnaise over again.

You will get quite large portions.

You can decorate with the remaining yolk and basil, parsley or cilantro. Olives will be good here, which, among other things, have a beneficial effect on male potency. And finally, wine. A man can bring the wine himself, then it will be problematic to talk to him. But if you don't rely on the measures you've already taken, the wine needs to be prepared in advance. It, of course, acts most effectively due to the fact that it quickly spreads through the blood and intoxicates on its own.

The wine should be matched to what you have prepared and based on what your guest prefers. You can serve the meat with cognac or dry red wine. Dry white wine is more suitable for fish. If the dinner is light, then limit yourself to champagne or a cocktail. The simplest cocktail can be made from clarified apple juice with vodka. Select glasses or wine glasses made of thin glass, rinse and dry them thoroughly, dip the edges in water to a depth of about 5 mm, and immediately dip these edges in sugar. Pour some vodka into the glasses (the proportions of vodka and juice depend solely on how much alcohol someone drinks, and your desire to get drunk or charm a man), pour juice into it so that the total volume of liquid does not take up more than 2/3 of the glass. You can hang a slice of lemon or orange on the edge of the glass. You can put a couple of cherries inside. Refrigerate.

Spell for wine or cocktail:

“Heavenly angels, unearthly powers. How I call you to help, how I ask you to give me inhuman powers, unearthly spells, so that I, the servant of God (name), can tie the servant of God (name) with my bonds so that he cannot break them forever and ever, nor at night, not during the day, not on a quiet evening, not on a bright morning. And how this drink will spread throughout all the vessels, heat up all his blood, so that his passion for the servant of God (name) will spread through all the veins and vessels of the servant of God (name), so that his love for me will flare up stronger and hotter every day so that he gets drunk with his passion for me, just as he gets drunk with this wine.”

Try, you will succeed. You must believe this yourself in order to have the strength to influence your chosen one, to gain such power over him that allows you to enjoy intimacy with each other.

Low potency love potion


Take 1 teaspoon of ginseng,
1 teaspoon kola nut,
1/4 teaspoon ginger,
1/4 teaspoon natural vanilla
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice,
add honey to taste,
a little feijoa tincture,
juice of 1 lemon,
1 tablespoon maple juice,
a pinch of hot red pepper.

Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for three days. Then take it several times a day, adjusting the dose experimentally. But do not drink more than half a glass of this tonic at once.

Medium potion of love

It is prepared and consumed in the same way as the previous one. It differs only in composition.

It includes:

1 tbsp. l. grated almonds
1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast,
1 tbsp. l. sesame,
1 tbsp. l. honey,
1 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat grains,
1 tsp. grated ginseng root,
1 tsp. vanilla extract,
cinnamon to taste.

Potent love potion

Conditions for preparation and use are the same.

The composition is as follows:

1 liter of white wine,
1 tbsp. orange juice,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
1 liqueur spoon of cognac,
1 liqueur spoon of Curacao liqueur or similar,
2 tbsp. l. honey,
1/4 tsp. cardamom,
1/4 tsp. any spice,
fresh mint leaves to taste.

Before drinking this drug, it should be filtered.

Flirting soup: from stomach to heart


1 celery root,
2 tbsp. l. butter,
1.5 liters of meat broth,
2 egg yolks,
6 tbsp. l. cream,
1 whisper of ground nutmeg,

Melt the butter over low heat and simmer the celery in it. Pour in strong meat broth and add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Leave on very low heat for 20 - 30 minutes. Remove from stove. Whisk the yolks with cream and stir into the soup. You can't cook the soup anymore.


Culinary magic recipes for the evil eye, envy and damage

Chicken with a secret

Prepares for major and minor holidays in order to protect yourself from the negative influence of envious and unkind people.

chicken (weighing about 500 g),
150 g Philadelphia cream,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
10 sprigs of thyme,
1 chili pepper,
salt pepper.
Remove the leaves from the thyme sprigs, add to the Philadelphia, squeeze out the garlic, remove the seeds from the chili pepper, chop finely and mix it all together, add salt and pepper.
Cut the chicken along the breast, coat both sides with the resulting cream, place on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, read the plot given below 7 times.

Cocktail “For Uninvited Guests”

kefir – 200 g.,
garlic - 1 tooth,
parsley and dill - 1 bunch,
cream, salt,
tomato (optional)
cucumber (optional).
Grind the greens and garlic (you can add cucumber and tomato) in a blender; add kefir and cream, a little salt and beat for 1-2 minutes. We repeat the plot to ourselves or out loud 3 times.
Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass and serve with a straw.


I am not afraid of earthly fear,
I fear nothing except the Living Lord.
Fear, envy, evil eye, fright
go to the meadow, beyond the mosses, beyond the swamps, beyond the crooked gates.
Eat, guests, drink,
do not defeat me and my family,
leave it alone.
Walk and relax. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Culinary magic recipes that promote weight loss

Salad "Grace"

1 small celery root,
1 sweet pepper,
1 carrot,
1 sour apple
salt, pepper, oil - to taste.
Peel the celery and grate it on a coarse grater. Grate the carrots on a Korean carrot grater, cut the pepper into julienne (thin strips), and cut the apples into slices. Mix everything, add salt, pepper, season with oil and read the spell given below 9 times.

Stuffed Gazelle Peppers

8 sweet peppers,
½ head of cabbage,
8 onions,
4 carrots,
4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Chop the onion, carrots and cabbage as thinly as possible, mix with salt, pepper and herbs. Pour in the oil. Prepare the pepper pods. Stuff the peppers with the vegetable mixture and place in a steamer. Cook for 30 minutes. Before eating, read the plot 9 times.

CONSPIRACY for both recipes:

A monk was sitting in a cassock.
The monk sang psalms, the monk ate salad and pepper,
The monk drank holy water and ate, and ate, and ate.
While the monk was eating, he lost weight.
That’s how I, God’s servant (name), would eat and lose weight.

Culinary recipes for finding good luck and prosperity

Recipes from The Big Book of Magical Cooking Recipes from 1901 are offered.

French Stewed Turkey with Rice

small turkey
1/4 lb* lard or 1/4 lb butter
1 carrot
bunch of parsley
1/2 leek
3 onions
10-15 English grains pepper
3-4 pieces bay leaves
1.5 cups rice

*1 Russian pound = 410 gr.

Cooking process:
Clean the turkey, wash it in several waters, place it in a pan, the bottom of which should be lined with slices of bacon; also cover the top with bacon; put chopped roots and spices; cover with a lid and simmer over low heat, shaking the pan so as not to burn.
Wash the rice, boil once, drain in a colander, pour in cold water; Pour in the broth until it barely covers, add a spoonful of butter, and simmer with the lid on.
When the turkey is ready, cut into pieces; place wings, legs, etc. on the dish first, and fillets on top; surround with rice, sprinkle with nutmeg, pour over strained turkey sauce; You must first remove the fat from this sauce.

Stewed turkey with rice
All problems will collapse
They will leave us on their own
They will bring us luck and happiness
How King Solomon knew all the seals
Ruled the visible and the invisible
This is how Fortune controls us
All obstacles are swept away from the path.
We will have good luck in the new year
Distribution according to our labors
Money will come to our house
Thoughts will bring us courage
Health, love, peace and goodness
Pure gold and silver
A river will flow into our house
All troubles will turn away from us.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Honey gingerbread

Cooking process:
Boil 2 pounds of honey, cool and then beat with a wooden spatula for at least 3/4 hour; then put in it 2 pounds of flour, 8 beaten yolks, 10 crushed bitter almonds, finely chopped lemon zest from 1 lemon.
When the oven is ready, beat 8 egg whites, mix everything together and put everything in the prepared paper boxes, which must first be coated with a little unsalted butter. The oven should be as warm as for white bread.

Cooking recipes for good study

Stuffed eggplants

To prepare the dish you need:
6-9 eggplant
1/8 lb. oils
minced chicken

Cooking process:
Without peeling the skin, cut it only from both ends, rubbing them with salt. Hollow out the core, rub the inside immediately with salt, rinse thoroughly, and dry on a napkin.
Prepare minced chicken, fill each eggplant with it, level, smooth, place on melted butter, place covered in a moderately hot oven. When ready, transfer to a plate, and each eggplant can then be cut in half lengthwise using the sharpest knife.
Preparation of minced meat:
Remove all the flesh from the cleaned chicken from the bones, using the bones for broth, cut into pieces, pass through a cutlet machine a couple of times ( I mean meat grinder), grind in a mortar, adding two tablespoons of the thickest cream, rub through a sieve. Then just add salt, put it on ice, start whisking thoroughly with a spatula, adding more thick cream, no more than half a glass in total.

Quick thoughts, quick deeds, Strong memory, tricks,
Wisdom and great wisdom,
Go into eggplant and chicken,
Mix and pass on to my child.
How shrewd and clever King Solomon was,
So would my little child (name)
She shone with intelligence and knowledge,
She never forgot anything.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Beet coffee

Cooking process:
Wash the beets thoroughly, peel them with a knife, wash them again, cut them into small rectangular pieces, and dry them in the oven. Then fry it like chicory and immediately grind it hot, keep it tied up in a jar, the longer, the tastier it becomes. After brewing the coffee, let it settle, carefully pour it into another coffee pot, heat it up, and serve. Boil the coffee cream in small pots with a lid until there is a thick foam.

A recipe for attracting happiness and wine that attracts and enhances love.

Fried chicken stuffed with pork

To prepare the dish you need:
medium sized chicken
300 g pork,
2 potatoes,
2 carrots,
5 radishes (if available)
4 tomatoes
1 clove of garlic,
2 onions,
8 olives,
1 tbsp. spoon of raisins,
3 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce,
2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste

Cooking process:
Rub the outside of the chicken with pepper and salt, and the inside only with salt. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the chicken on all sides over high heat for 5 minutes.
Prepare the filling: boil the pork, chop finely. Chop potatoes, onions, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, mix and fry for 15 minutes. Add some broth left over from cooking the pork and tomato sauce. Mix all this with meat, raisins and olives. Add salt and fry a little more.
Fill the chicken with the stuffing, sew it up and place it in a deep baking pan. Place the remaining filling around the chicken and place everything in the oven. Fry until done (about 1 hour).

IMPORTANT: before putting the chicken in the oven, say the SPELL:

I stuffed the chicken with minced meat
I lured happiness into my home
Onions and garlic will save you from the unclean
Olives and raisins will give you wealth
Carrots and tomatoes will protect you from the evil eye
Meat and potatoes will help everyone at once.
In health, luck, strength and happiness
Any bad weather will bypass us.

Wine of Love

A magical wine that attracts and enhances love will go perfectly with your chicken dish.

To prepare the Wine of Love you will need:
3 teaspoons cinnamon
3 teaspoons ginger
1 vanilla pod (2 cm)
2 cups red wine
2 teaspoons rhubarb juice
Let the wine brew for 3 days.

IMPORTANT: when pouring wine into glasses, read the CONSPIRACY:
Three times three roads,
Three three rapids,
Go servant of God (name) to servant of God (name).
How did this wine brew?
Filled with cinnamon and ginger,
Vanilla took -
It led to eternal love.

Recipes for attracting good luck and financial well-being

Lamb with prunes “Chadua” for good luck

You will need:
1.beef pulp - 1 kg
2. onions - 2 pcs.
3.flour - 4 tablespoons
4.salt, mixture of ground peppers

Cooking process:
The meat is cut into long narrow strips (1x5cm). Finely chopped onions are sauteed in butter, the meat is fried in the same place, sprinkled with flour, salt, pepper and cinnamon. Stir, add water to cover the meat, and bring to readiness over low heat. 20 minutes before serving, read the plot three times, add prunes soaked the day before (the seeds are removed), and season with sugar. Served with fluffy rice.


The lamb was running and came running to me,
Good luck, luck brought and given away.
How this dish gives strength,
This way no one can take away my luck.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Ankuper salad for financial well-being

You will need:
Chicken breasts, pineapples (canned), corn, bell peppers, rice (optional), mayonnaise. Boil the breasts, cool, cut into cubes. Add pineapples, corn, peppers, rice.

Cooking process:
Season with salt and mayonnaise. While stirring, read the plot 3 times.

How much meat is there in a salad?
Sweet peppers everywhere
So much wealth for me.
Pineapple, juice the rice,
And to me, God’s servant (name),
Lord, give me riches.
Amen, Amen, Amen.

Recipes for reconciliation with mother-in-law and establishing peace with son-in-law

Cake “To Mother-in-Law for Pancakes”

You will need:
Pancake batter: 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, a little soda, 0.5 liters of milk, flour, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Make the dough for pancakes. Bake as much as you can.
Cream: 0.5 liters of milk, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour.

Cooking process:
Beat egg and sugar in milk. Place on the stove and stir continuously so as not to burn. As it begins to boil, pour in the flour diluted with milk. Once it starts to boil again, remove from heat and cool. Coat the pancakes with cream, placing them one on top of the other. Grease the top thicker. Decorate with multi-colored sweet “beads”. Let it soak. Read the plot 3 times. Place in the refrigerator.

God help me.
God bless.
Delicious pancakes.
Clean days.
Joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ivan Postitel, Ivan Bogoslov,
Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the long-suffering
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of the slaves
(state your name and the name of your son-in-law).
Calm their anger, tame their anger.
Satisfy their rage, Your holy army,
An invincible, indomitable force
Lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Salad "Smak"
for reconciliation with mother-in-law (prepared by daughter-in-law)

You will need:
200 g prunes, 400 g chicken breast (boiled), 300 g marinated champignons, 300 g cheese, 4 eggs, mayonnaise,
1 onion, black pepper.

Cooking process:

1st layer - prunes, cut into strips; 2nd layer - sliced ​​chicken breast; 3rd layer - mushrooms fried with onions and peppers; 4th layer - cheese grated on a coarse grater; 5th layer - eggs, cut into cubes.
Coat each layer with mayonnaise, decorate with herbs on top, and let soak.

Read 3 times for the finished salad:

Bless, Lord, my good deeds.
The mother of cheese, the earth, gave me food.
Water, sun and moon, all kinds of God's creatures,
Witnesses, holy companions,
The righteous and the warlocks,
Church of God, saints, baptists,
Archangels and angels, the army of the entire army of God.
I pray and ask you, God's army,
No against you
Strong - stronger, powerful - more powerful,
Will you win the war between
(state your name and your mother-in-law’s name).
Pacify those who are at war, reconcile those who hate.
Just as the salad on the plate decreases, so does peace return.

Cocktail and Cookie Recipes for Peace and Love

Cocktail “Harmony”, creating peace in the family

You will need:
Vodka - 20 ml
Rum - 20 ml
Tequila - 20 ml
Gin - 20 ml
Orange liqueur - 20 ml
Lemon juice - 20 ml
Cola or tonic - 100 ml

Cooking process:
1. Fill a tall glass to the top with ice cubes.
2. Pour in gin, vodka, rum, tequila, orange liqueur, lemon juice and cola.
3. Stir with a bar spoon.
4. Garnish with an orange slice and a cocktail cherry.

For the finished cocktail, read the plot:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Leave your family
Pain and separation, anger and boredom.
So that husband and wife have mercy,
We were not familiar with trouble and scandal.
The drink will spill over your body,
Peace will return to the family
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cookies “Loving Heart”,
restoring the loyalty of loved ones

You will need:
Wheat flour - 125 g
Butter - 150 g
Sugar - 60 g
Almonds (ground) - 125 g
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
Salt - 1 pinch
Jam (thick)
Powdered sugar - 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking process:
1. Mix flour with softened butter. Separate the white from the yolk. Add the yolk to the flour and butter. Add sugar, salt, almonds, vanilla sugar and knead the dough until smooth. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.
2. Roll out the dough to 5mm thickness on a floured surface. Use a special cutter to cut out hearts.
3. Take half the hearts and cut out the centers with a smaller cutter. Then brush the hearts with the center cut out with egg white and carefully place them on top of the whole ones.
4. Heat the oven to 175 C. Grease a baking sheet with oil (or use baking paper). Bake cookies for 10 minutes.
5. Cool the finished cookies and fill with thick jam. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

When you knead the dough, read the plot to be faithful to your loved ones 3 times:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Is in this test
Wheat flour,
The oil is unusual.
Just like dough can’t live without flour -
So darling can’t live without me.
He/she doesn't need
Girls are red/ Guys are red,
Evenings with them are in vain.
And he/she needs
My eyes are clear
My lips are beautiful!
He/she doesn't notice anyone anymore
He/she doesn't notice anyone else.
Only this cookie will put in your mouth -
He will gain loyalty to me forever.
Amen. Amen. Amen