Prayer for a pregnant woman to bear a healthy child. Prayer to preserve pregnancy

Prayer for a pregnant woman to bear a healthy child.  Prayer to preserve pregnancy
Prayer for a pregnant woman to bear a healthy child. Prayer to preserve pregnancy
In the subconscious of every girl and woman there are maternal feelings, the so-called instinct. Almost every representative of the fair sex wants to become a mother, bear and give birth to a healthy child. Many women claim that their life took on completely different emotions and sensations when they learned the beauty of motherhood, even if it was. It is this topic that we would like to devote this article to, touching on the issue of bearing and giving birth to a baby.

So, you have learned the wonderful news that you are pregnant. Surely you have already come up with... Now your main task is to safely carry and give birth to a child. Next, we will give a number of recommendations about this, which will be very useful to you.

How to carry a child to term so that he is born healthy?

It would seem that the girl is pregnant, everything is fine, the main thing is not to worry and visit a doctor, thanks to which bearing a child will be easy and successful. But bearing a baby is a very serious process that requires knowledge and a special approach.

Going back a little, it is worth noting the importance of conception, for which future parents must carefully prepare. At the first stage, parents must undergo compatibility tests, as well as tests for the presence of any diseases that can negatively affect both the conception itself and the girl’s carrying a child. We talked in more detail about conception in the article. Particular attention should be paid to this issue if you are planning to give birth to a child after 30 or. It is also possible at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. Well, now let’s move on to the immediate topic of our article – bearing a child. Let's start in order.

  • Visit to the gynecologist

    As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should get tested. Which will be prescribed by your attending physician. From this moment on, your main doctor is not a general practitioner, but a gynecologist.

    Very often, girls do not know how often and when to visit a gynecologist during pregnancy. In this case, a visit to a gynecologist for each expectant mother is determined individually, but in most cases, for the first 6 months of pregnancy, a gynecologist should be visited once a month, starting around the 30th week, a visit to a gynecologist should be made once every two weeks, and from the 36th week, visits should be weekly.

    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that such a schedule for visiting a gynecologist is established provided that the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, when the mother feels well and the fetus develops according to established standards. If any suspicions arise on the part of the doctor, the visit schedule may be changed by the doctor.

  • Proper nutrition

    If you want to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, then healthy and proper nutrition should become an integral part of your lifestyle during this period of time. In addition to the fact that proper nutrition will eliminate the occurrence of issues that can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus, they can also contribute to its smooth course and even the development of the fetus. The lighter and “purer” the food you eat, the better, because everything that the mother eats is reflected in the baby.

    You can find out more about it in a separate article. Here we will look at the so-called basics of nutrition for pregnant women. The expectant mother's diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, which should take up almost half of the daily ration. Meat and fish are also very important for the nutrition of the expectant mother; they cannot be excluded. Porridge and dairy products are no less useful and recommended during pregnancy. At the same time, it is very important to refuse or at least minimize the consumption of harmful foods: fried foods, smoked foods, preservatives, various additives and sauces, foods with dye, etc.

    The choice of food and the preparation of a diet must be approached very carefully, since you need to take into account your “interesting situation”. Your attending physician will help you adjust the menu.

    And finally, it is worth mentioning the amount of food consumed. There are no dietary restrictions as such while carrying a baby; you should eat as much as your body requires, because you are practically eating for two. At the same time, you should not, in the literal sense of the word, eat for two and thereby overeat; eat as much as your body requires, but not excessively.

  • Movement and warm-ups

    Some girls make a very big mistake when, during the period of bearing a baby, they lead a sedentary and sometimes recumbent lifestyle. Physical activity (not exercise) is simply necessary, because thanks to it you will burn extra calories, keep your body in good shape, and this is beneficial for the fetus. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that physical activity is also possible, only moderate and in consultation with a doctor, under the strict supervision of an instructor.

  • Walks and fresh air

    Daily walks are a must for pregnant girls. Firstly, it’s still the same physical activity, and secondly, it’s a great opportunity to get some fresh air. It is best to take walks outside the central streets, preferably in a green area, where there is more or less fresh and clean air. It is recommended to take a walk at least 2 times a day, the duration of which should be at least 40 minutes; if it is winter, then it is better not to prolong the walk, but in the summer, when the weather is good, on the contrary, it is better to extend it as much as possible in the fresh air, the main thing is not to Sun.

    It is very useful for pregnant girls to travel outside the city. Try to spend every weekend with your husband in nature outside the city; if possible, take a vacation and go to a sanatorium or on a seaside vacation.

  • Rest

    Many girls work during pregnancy, and in addition to work, they also do household chores. As we said before, being active during pregnancy is good, but you also need to give yourself some rest. After all, being in a state of pregnancy puts a double burden on the body, which is why it is necessary to give it the opportunity to regain strength. Entrust some of the household chores to your husband or ask your mother for help. Healthy sleep is no less important for pregnant women; it should be the established norm of 8 hours a day, and if you want to sleep during the day, do not neglect it - rest.

  • Good mood and calmness

    During pregnancy, we must not forget that the expectant mother should always be in a good mood. Oddly enough, mood also affects the baby. If you always have a cheerful and good mood, then this will be passed on to the child and have a positive effect on the formation of his nervous system.

    We would like to draw your special attention to the fact that you must remain completely calm. After all, everyone knows that pregnant women are strictly forbidden to worry. Yes, it is very difficult, especially the closer the time approaches to giving birth. In order to get rid of worries, learn to relax, and in extreme cases, if necessary, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a safe sedative.

  • Pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, well known to all mothers, held a webinar on his website and answered questions that most concern pregnant women. Letidor has selected 14 of the most striking sayings for you.

    About vitamins

    In fact, the issue of taking vitamins is very much debated all over the world - there are doctors who are for them and who are against them. I am not at all sure that a huge number of pregnant women have the opportunity to eat nutritiously and variedly. A huge problem is the availability of quality products that are well produced and well stored. A huge problem is that there are health problems - toxicosis, vomiting, I want this, I don’t want that.

    Well, after all, where can you get vitamins? For example, vitamin D, if you live in the Arctic Circle and do not have access to quality fish.

    My position is that you need to take vitamins.

    I remember very well how during the Soviet years my wife was pregnant twice, and the only drug for the entire Soviet Union was Gendevit, it was a drug for pregnant women, and we drank it. My daughters-in-law took vitamins and for me this is a completely common situation; I strongly recommend that all my patients who are planning a pregnancy or who are already pregnant take vitamins.

    About lifestyle

    In general, I am most afraid of everything in the world when pregnant women change their lifestyle. Because physiologically, pregnancy should not affect your lifestyle in any way.

    Imagine you are a member of a pack and you feel sick. So will the flock stop wandering? So, the lifestyle did not physiologically affect the existence of the society in which she was located and was obliged to live according to the laws of the pack, otherwise you would be left alone and wild animals would eat you.

    When, having learned about pregnancy, you suddenly change your lifestyle, this is definitely a stressful situation for the body; it must adapt not only to pregnancy, which is by and large natural for it, but also adapt to changing external conditions.

    Therefore, it is actually very important that pregnancy does not become a reason to change your lifestyle and a reason to think about pregnancy all the time. I am sure that when you fly somewhere on vacation, you think about your vacation, about your loved one who is next to you, about what you will see there, you have a bunch of new emotions. So, new emotions that allow you not to think about pregnancy are normal. This is very good. It’s clear that if you are a master of sports in parachuting or rock climbing, well, let’s change your physical activity a little, but overall, live normally.

    Take this not as the beginning of your maternal feat, but as a path to celebration.

    About alcohol

    If I tell you that a small dose is okay, then you will occasionally do it once a day and a small dose for you will be 200 g, and you will tell me that Komarovsky allowed you to drink. Therefore, I will tell you right away that no doctor in his right mind will tell you what he allows you to do. I understand that if you can drink 50 g of dry wine on your birthday or New Year, then nothing will happen to you, of course. But I don't want you to do that. In short, I categorically forbid you!

    About preparing for pregnancy

    The optimal period between pregnancies is three years. This does not mean that if you become pregnant five months after giving birth, then something threatens you. We are talking only about the minimal consequences for the mother and the chances of giving birth to the healthiest child possible.

    Children are not conceived, but are planned by normal adults; the option from three to five years is gorgeous.

    I don’t think there are any special restrictions, although at the planning stage it would be very desirable if you can go away at a certain time to relax, play sports, get some fresh air, or swim. I really like the sea in this situation. And at the end of this vacation, having become healthier, without alcohol, without nicotine, in the fresh air, with a lot of vitamin D, it’s natural to make a baby, it’s just wonderful!

    But once again: a person is a creature in which the functioning of all internal organs depends on the cerebral cortex. Therefore, if you have a lot of all sorts of thoughts, then you are in great danger. And vice versa: when there are no brains and intellect, there is no stress, then everything always turns out very well.

    It’s good if you can control yourself, if you have escaped stress - you smile and relax. In general, the best way to give birth to a healthy child is mutual understanding with your partner.

    About travel

    I love traveling while pregnant. Pregnancy shouldn't change your life. She must improve it. A pregnant woman should understand what quality health insurance is. I’m not a big supporter of a pregnant woman going on some kind of trek in Nepal, for example.

    But a resort hotel with access to medical care with quality food and water is just great!

    Travel! I truly envy you!

    About snacks

    I think it's okay to have a snack every two hours if you feel like it. You should eat according to your appetite: there is a desire to eat every two hours - for your health. I understand that when the uterus enlarges in the last trimester of pregnancy, when it is already pressing against the stomach and it is clear that you cannot eat much, you eat a little, and after two hours you want it again, this is normal. This is not important.

    It is important to know that you do not owe anyone anything. It is your right to snack or not, it does not affect the child.

    About the whooping cough vaccine

    In all countries of the post-Soviet space there is a sharp increase in the incidence of whooping cough and a sharp increase in the number of unvaccinated people.

    Unfortunately, we lost the battle with anti-vaxxers. This is definitely perfect. The most dangerous, deadly disease for a child in the first months of life is whooping cough.

    This is deadly, because if in a child older than 6 months whooping cough occurs in the form of severe coughing attacks, then in children of the first six months it occurs in the form of respiratory arrests. Therefore, if children become infected in the first two months after birth, their lives are at risk, regardless of the level of the health care system. The risk for a child to die is very high.

    It would seem that let’s vaccinate in the maternity hospital, but this does not work out because the child’s blood contains a very small level of antibodies inherited from the mother. These antibodies do not provide protection, but they are enough to neutralize the effect of the vaccine.

    That is, you can vaccinate against whooping cough starting from 2 months, which is what they do all over the world.

    However, in the first two months, a child can become infected with whooping cough from surrounding adults. Adults should be vaccinated every 10 years. Very often, when a child gets sick, it turns out that he became infected from a coughing brother, mother or father. Therefore, the whole world has now adopted a position called the cocoon strategy. The essence of the strategy is that the child and everyone who will come into contact with the newborn in the first 2-3 months of life must be vaccinated. This is fundamentally important. And it is important to vaccinate his mother, because it is easiest to get whooping cough from his mother.

    Getting vaccinated during pregnancy is the right thing to do, regardless of when you were vaccinated before.

    There is no need to conduct experiments on your body during or without pregnancy.

    Ventilate the room, rinse your nose with saline solution, and drink liters of water. Lots of fluids and don’t force yourself to eat, clean air - that’s all. This is how ARVI passes, the world has not come up with another way.

    About gadgets - is it harmful for a pregnant woman?

    Some kind of genocide! Telephones, Wi-Fi and laptops do not have any direct impact on the health of the mother and fetus. They are dangerous only in the sense that you, pregnant women, need to think about physical activity more than ever.

    If instead of walking you are sitting in front of your laptop, I would like to get it away from you. That's all. There are no other harms - use it for your health.

    There is some kind of maternity hospital where the head doctor is a king who can afford to take away a woman’s laptop or phone. This cannot be tolerated, this is a humiliation of human dignity. This is unacceptable in the 21st century.

    They will soon ban you from using toilet paper.

    You must walk in a medical facility with your head held high, no matter how difficult it may be. You cannot allow someone in a white coat to humiliate you.

    Cat and pregnancy: how to avoid allergies

    To avoid allergies to cats, you need to introduce your immune system to the cat as early as possible. Therefore, if you have a cat living in your house, you communicate with it, your immune system is familiar with the cat, it will share protection with the fetus. A newborn baby will interact with the cat, his immune system will be formed next to the cat, and the cat will be normal for it.

    So calm down, leave the cat alone. You are responsible for those you tamed and those you gave birth to. Let them be together, it’s okay, nothing really threatens you.

    About physical education

    The best exercise during pregnancy is walking and sex with your beloved husband.

    About saunas and baths

    We have people who engage in genuine extremism in the sauna, who after the bath dive headlong into the ice hole. You must understand that the air in a sauna is very dry, especially in winter during the heating season, when the air is already dry all around, you don’t use a humidifier, you don’t walk much, and even a sauna is not very good for you. If you have a sense of proportion, there is no risk of injury, if after the sauna you do not hit your head on the ice, then for God's sake. . The community has more than 58,000 subscribers.

    There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, and timely post useful information about holidays and Orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

    "Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram Lord, Save and Preserve † - The community has more than 60,000 subscribers.

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    Believers turn to God and the Saints for help and advice in various life situations. Each individual Saint helps to overcome the difficulties of human life. What Orthodox Christians can ask of the Great Martyrs:

    • about health and recovery;
    • about healing not only physical, but also mental;
    • about solving any everyday problems.

    Very often women and men come to the Reverends. Mothers ask for their adult children, as well as even future ones. The prayer of a pregnant woman is especially powerful.

    Expectant mothers can make prayers for the continuation of pregnancy, for a safe pregnancy, for an easy and quick birth, and for a healthy child to be born.

    Many young women might want to pray, but they don’t know to whom, so in this article we will pay special attention to such important prayer services.

    Which Saints can pregnant women turn to with petitions?

    • Holy Mother of God
    • Matrona of Moscow
    • Jesus Christ
    • Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming
    • Nicholas the Wonderworker
    • Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

    Children are the most important people in a person's life. They not only illuminate the path of life, but also give it a special meaning. Without them there will be no continuation of the human race. Every woman sooner or later dreams of becoming a mother. Sometimes it happens right away, in some cases you need to make an effort and wait.

    But even after knowing that life has begun inside you, pregnancy does not always go smoothly. In frequent cases, the expectant mother may be worried not only about toxicosis, but also more serious problems, even the threat of termination of pregnancy.

    In addition, if you are overcome by panic, you have lost confidence that everything will be fine, that you will be able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, you are very suspicious and susceptible, faith will help you.

    If possible, it is advisable for expectant mothers to go to church, take communion, confess, and read prayers to the Holy Ones. If you don’t have the strength to visit the temple, you can ask for support and help from the saints and at home.

    Prayer for pregnant women about bearing a child

    Turning to the Lord God will give a woman strength not only to overcome all problems on the path to great happiness, but will also give her faith that she will be able to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

    “Almighty God, Creator of the visible and invisible! We resort to You, beloved Father, creatures gifted with reason, because by special advice You created our race, with ineffable wisdom creating our body from the earth and breathing the soul of Your Spirit into it, so that we could be in Your likeness.

    It was in Your will to create us immediately as angels, if You wanted, but in Your wisdom it was desired that in the order You established through marriage, through a wife and a husband, the human race would multiply. You wanted to bless people, so that they multiply and grow. They filled both the earth and the hosts of angels.

    O Father and God! May Your name be glorified and glorified forever for what you have done for us. I also thank You for Your mercy, that by Your will not only did I myself come from Your wonderful creation and I am replenishing the number of the elect, but that You deigned to bless me in marriage and sent me the fruit of my womb. This is Your gift, Your Divine mercy, O Father.

    Therefore, I turn to You alone and I pray to You with a humble heart for help and mercy, so that what You do in me by Your power may be preserved and brought to a prosperous birth. For, O God, I know that choosing your path is not in human power and not in human strength. We are prone to fall and are too weak in spirit to escape those snares that the evil spirit lays for us, by Your permission.

    We are weak to avoid the misfortune to which our frivolity can plunge us. Only Your wisdom is limitless. And whomever you wish, you will save from any misfortune. Therefore, I, Thy servant, O merciful Father, in my sorrow, commend myself into Thy hands and pray that Thou would look with the eye of mercy on me and save me from all suffering. Send us, my dear husband and me, joy, the joy of every Master.

    So that when we see Your blessing, we worship You with all our hearts and serve You with a joyful spirit. I don’t want to be taken away from what You imposed on our entire family, commanding children to be born in illness. But I humbly ask You to help me endure suffering and send me a prosperous outcome.

    And if You hear this prayer of ours, and send us a good and healthy child, we swear to bring him to You again, and dedicate him to You, so that for our seed and us You will remain a Father and a merciful God, so we, together with our child, swear as faithful servants you will always be.

    Merciful God, hear the prayer of Your servants, fulfill the prayer of our hearts, for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who became incarnate for us and reigns for eternity. Amen!"

    Prayer of pregnant women to save the child to Mother Matrona

    In addition, you can ask the Matrona of Moscow to carry and give birth to a strong child. She was blind during her life, but this did not stop her from being kind, especially to small children. Because of this sincere, pure love for the suffering, believers affectionately call her Matronushka.

    “Oh, blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all the suffering and mourning with faith and hope of those who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not become scarce now towards the unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the passionately fighting devil, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that after we depart from this life, help us to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God , glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

    Usually, in a family that is still just planning the birth of a child, they already know who they would like more. Of course, no one can be sure that a boy or a girl will be born. But you can ask the Holy Saints.

    If you sincerely, with pure intentions, contact the Holy Ones, they will help you. If the mother or father wants a girl more, then prayers to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa should be read, but if on the contrary, then you should ask Alexander Svirsky for a boy.

    Prayers for pregnant women with a threat of miscarriage and for the preservation of the fetus

    Carrying a baby is a very difficult and exhausting process. On the one hand, this is a miracle that some have been waiting for for many years, but on the other hand, it happens that bearing a child is not just difficult, but even dangerous for the health of the woman herself.

    If a woman is constantly tormented by various problems, that there is a question about continuing the pregnancy or a possible miscarriage, then it is necessary to ask the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

    You should ask the Virgin Mary for protection like this:

    “Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of Your heavenly majesty upon me, the indecent one, falling before Your icon, hear quickly the humble prayer of the less sinful me and bring it to Your Son: beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, and soothe may my suffering heart heal its wounds, may it enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may it forgive all the evil I have done, may it deliver me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly Kingdom. O Most Blessed Mother of God: You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith: do not look upon me as sorrowful and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in You, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. Amen."

    Prayer for a pregnant daughter and her child

    Mothers not only know how difficult it can be for women in this situation, but they also care incredibly much about their daughters. They are probably even more worried than when they themselves were expecting a new addition to their family. But, in order not to be so nervous and to be sure that everything will be fine with her daughter, the mother can make a request to the Most Holy Theotokos.

    “Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Thy servant (name) and help in this hour so that her burden may be resolved safely. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, give help to this Thy servant, who requires help, especially from You. I bow down to you, Mother of the Most High God, be merciful, the time has come for her to be a mother, and beg Christ our God, incarnate from You, to strengthen her with His power from above. Amen".

    Mothers can ask the Holy Ones for a safe gestation of the fetus, for her daughter and her blood to be healthy, for the preservation of the fetus, for a quick and painless delivery.

    Appeal to the “Quick to Hear” in the maternity hospital

    Women in the maternity hospital are unlikely to have the strength and patience to read prayers, but mothers at this moment can become their saviors. After all, there are prayers that can be addressed to the Saints during the active period of labor that has begun.

    These requests will help the woman endure the birth process more easily, it will go faster and will not be so painful. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “” will help during childbirth.

    “Most blessed Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and who received His grace more abundantly than all others, who appeared as a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who come running to You with faith!

    To Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the Humanity-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercies, and speed up the fulfillment of our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, all that are arranged for the benefit of consolation and salvation for everyone.

    Visit, O Blessing Thy servants, with Thy grace, grant to those who are ill, healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those in captivity, freedom and various images of the afflicted to console, deliver, O all-merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God: and from mental relaxation, overwhelming passions and falls, free Your servants, so that without stumbling in all piety, having lived in this world, and in the future, eternal blessings, we will be honored with the grace and love of mankind of Your Son and God, Him. befits all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

    Now, you, our dear readers, know what prayers will be useful during such a wonderful, amazing period in life as pregnancy. But most importantly, do not forget that you can ask the Saints for anything, and they will never refuse help, but it should be done sincerely, from a pure heart, with an open soul.

    May God bless you!

    Nature has placed the greatest responsibility on a woman - the responsibility for bearing and giving birth to a child. But, unfortunately, not every representative of the fairer sex is able to experience the happiness of motherhood, for one reason or another. Sometimes even the most professional doctors cannot cure forced childlessness. In such desperate situations, Orthodox prayer helps childless couples to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child - it can create a real miracle even when there is no hope left for it.

    The power of Orthodox prayer for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

    Of course, in our age of high technology, quite a few people do not believe in the power of prayers and are skeptical about them. However, prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child actually works. Proof of this is the example of many married couples who, thanks to her, managed to become happy parents.

    A true believer will never think about whether turning to the saints will help in his trouble. He simply prays and hopes for a positive result, and God and God’s holy helpers listen to his requests. Daily appeal to higher powers has helped many families give birth to a small heir or heiress. Each such case is a real miracle given by the Lord.

    Any Orthodox prayer is designed to express the believer’s humility and submission before God. The first thing a woman who wants to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby with the help of prayer must do is be ready to accept God’s will.

    Sometimes it may happen that prayer to the saints does not bring the desired result. This fact does not mean that a married couple should abandon all hopes of having a child. Often in this way, higher powers give a signal that the spouses need to adopt a child from an orphanage and give the little person the opportunity to grow up in a loving family. As a rule, it is after the adoption of a baby that many families have their own children.

    The most effective prayers to help you get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby

    There are quite a lot of Orthodox prayers designed to help a woman conceive, maintain, bear and give birth to a healthy child. Most often, requests for pregnancy are addressed to:

    • Lord God.
    • Holy Mother of God.
    • Holy Spirit.
    • Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
    • Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.
    • Righteous Joachim and Anna.

    Prayer to the Lord to help conceive a child is the first

    With this prayer, a woman can turn to God asking for a blessed conception. It is recommended to do this in front of the icon of the Savior in the light of a lit church candle. Text of the prayer:

    In order for prayer to quickly bring the desired result, you should appeal to the Almighty with it every day. A quick effect will be achieved if the petition is pronounced at dawn.

    Prayer to the Lord God for conceiving a child - second

    Another prayer with powerful energy. Before using it, a woman who wants to become a mother must confess and take communion in the temple of God. The prayer should be read daily:

    Prayer to the Almighty for a healthy and easy pregnancy

    A powerful prayer to help you get pregnant in a short time. It is advisable that both spouses read it - husband and wife. Text:

    Prayer to the Lord God for help in childbirth

    The health of the unborn child is also influenced by the process of delivery. Childbirth is an unpredictable phenomenon; the risk of developing any complications is always present. The thought of childbirth drives fear into any woman carrying a baby in her womb.

    An Orthodox prayer to the Almighty can help the expectant mother, calm her down and mentally prepare her for the upcoming meeting with a new person. An ancient prayer text for help in childbirth can be said in the late stages of pregnancy, closer to the “X” hour, as well as during contractions:

    An ancient prayer to the Lord for a successful pregnancy and preservation of the child

    Even after the long-awaited conception of a baby, there is always a risk of some pathologies and termination of pregnancy. The prayer of a pregnant woman to save the child will help the expectant mother avoid miscarriage, successfully carry her baby and give birth to him (her) without complications. Text of the prayer:

    A strong prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary to help you get pregnant

    The Most Holy Theotokos, as a mother, understands better than all the saints the aspirations and hopes of a woman dreaming of pregnancy. Therefore, many representatives of the fairer sex turn to her with a prayer to grant the joy of motherhood. There are several prayers for pregnancy, appealing to the mercy of the Mother of God. One of them, for example, sounds like this and is pronounced in front of any icon of the Virgin Mary:

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for pregnancy and healing from female diseases

    It often happens that infertility is a consequence of diseases of the female reproductive system. To be healed of an illness that does not make it possible to conceive a baby, a woman can turn to the Mother of God with the following prayer:

    Under the influence of this text, the disease should recede and give way to the birth of a new life in a woman.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God for the preservation and birth of a healthy child

    A woman who uses this prayer while carrying a child will provide herself with a powerful amulet in the form of the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayer will protect the unborn baby and help him be born safely and on time. Text:

    Listen to Orthodox prayers for a safe birth in this video:

    Prayer to the Holy Spirit for pregnancy

    A short prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit will help childless couples become parents soon. You need to read it every morning after waking up - until the test shows 2 long-awaited lines. Text of the prayer:

    Prayer to Matrona of Moscow about pregnancy

    Another saint who helps women dreaming of pregnancy is Blessed Matrona of Moscow. The prayer to Matrona of Moscow for conceiving a child sounds like this:

    Prayer of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg for pregnancy

    A prayer to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg also helps to get pregnant with a long-awaited child. The words in it are:

    Prayer of Ksenia of St. Petersburg for a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

    An already pregnant woman can turn to Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg with another prayer that will contribute to a successful pregnancy and easy childbirth. Words of prayer:

    How to pray for pregnancy and the birth of a child

    In order for prayer for pregnancy to have the best effect, it is recommended that a number of certain conditions be met:

    • the words of the prayer request must be sincere. You cannot keep negativity in your soul or think about your child with anger. The intentions of a praying woman must be pure and good;
    • Before turning to higher powers with a request to help with the conception and birth of a baby, it is advisable for a woman to go to church, confess and receive communion. Her husband can do the same;
    • Prayers to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child should be said in cycles. One cycle must last at least 3 weeks, and before it, preparation is required in the form of a week of fasting and confession. Also, at least once before the start of the cycle, it is necessary to pray within the walls of the temple in front of the image of the saint to whom the future prayer will be directed;

      Asking the Creator and His saints for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child is permitted not only using the above-mentioned Orthodox prayers. The prayer can be written in your own words. The main thing in this matter is sincere, deep faith in the help of higher powers, regularity of recitation and life without sin, because since ancient times the birth of children was considered a blessing from God, and the absence of children was a punishment for mistakes and sins.

    How to bear a healthy baby is not an idle question, but a very relevant one for the expectant mother! Pregnancy turns everything upside down for most women.

    A ton of information is immediately bombarded, which is quite difficult for the expectant mother to understand.

    We all want our child to be born healthy, and for this, from the very first days of pregnancy it is worth thinking about the lifestyle you lead and, perhaps, adjusting it a little.

    So, what does it take to bear a healthy baby?

    1. Healthy eating.

    The health base you create for your baby will depend on how you eat. Try to eat a varied diet. Pregnancy This is not the time to save money. Natural products, fresh, without chemical dyes and preservatives, will give your baby much more vitamins and minerals than even any super expensive vitamin pill for expectant mothers.

    1. Minimum stress.

    Every stress causes a surge of adrenaline inside you. Adrenaline is a hormone that is produced in response to any danger, and thereby allows a person to either run away from danger or firmly repel an attack.

    This chain of reactions comes from ancient times and serves as the basis for survival. However, the situation has changed, but the reactions have remained the same. And even if you are an expectant mother and are not going to get into a fight (and I’m sure you are not going to), adrenaline is produced, thereby creating excess tension within you.

    Tension makes it difficult for your baby to receive nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, try to avoid situations that can upset, offend, frighten, or anger you.

    1. Collect positive emotions.

    The baby, even being inside you, already feels all your emotions and experiences. The more joy and pleasure you experience in life, the more positive your baby’s impression of the world around him is.

    Try to look at beautiful pictures, listen to pleasant music, communicate with positive people. Show your child that our world is wonderful and amazing.

    1. More walks in the fresh air.

    The best thing for an expectant mother to do during pregnancy is to go to a clean place, for example, to a village. But this is not available to everyone. Therefore, try to travel or go for a walk outside the city or to the park more often.

    Walking along polluted city highways, you will only inhale fumes from car exhaust fumes and this will not bring any benefit to your child.

    1. Avoid Unverified birth stories.

    Every expectant mother reads forums with interest, listens to friends, and reads magazines that talk about childbirth. However, not all stories are positive. There are a lot of horror stories and lies you can find on the Internet.

    How to bear a healthy child is a very multifaceted question that worries every woman. I will definitely cover the topics of healthy eating in more detail, we will talk about how to cope with stress, how to communicate with doctors and, of course, how to prepare for childbirth!