What does the name Nina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate. What does the name for a girl Nina mean and how is it translated? Name Nina what does it mean in Russian

What does the name Nina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate.  What does the name for a girl Nina mean and how is it translated? Name Nina what does it mean in Russian
What does the name Nina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate. What does the name for a girl Nina mean and how is it translated? Name Nina what does it mean in Russian

Names: origin and forms

Nina- (from the Greek) name of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos.

Derivatives: Ninka, Ninaka, Ninoka, Ninanya, Ninonya, Ninokha, Ninosha, Ninulya, Ninunya, Nunya, Ninura, Ninusya, Nusya, Ninukha, Ninusha, Nika, Nita.

Directory of Russian names

From Nin - the capital of Assyria(from Georgian).

She is self-important, values ​​herself, and this helps out in the circumstances that are confusing around her. She often puts herself into overload. Sometimes it brings salvation, sometimes it completely rejects it. In youth, almost always - in the upper corner of the "love triangle", with age - the object of male worship.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Nina- queen (Assyrian).
Ninos was the name of the capital of Assyria. The name seems too simple, which may be why its popularity is currently waning.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: zircon.
Auspicious plant: cypress, violet.
Patron name: eagle owl
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Ninka, Ninanya, Ninulya, Ninusya, Nusya, Nika, Nita.
Main features: independence, receptivity, self-love.


Nina, Holy Equal to the Apostles, Enlightener of Georgia, January 27 (14). Came from Jerusalem to Georgia (IV century); With preaching and miracles she converted the Georgian king and his family to Christ, after which she baptized the entire people. She preached the faith of Christ in Kakheti.


If the day is windy, the year is damp.


As a child, she is not always a restrained, stubborn and proud girl. The opinions of elders are not particularly taken into account. Can fight with boys, but always protecting the weaker.

He studies very well at school. Naturally capable and talented, she spends all her strength on being the best. Any comparison with someone not in her favor hurts the girl.

As Nina grows up, she will learn to control herself and recognize the successes of others, but such things will always have a bitter aftertaste for her.

Nina is a completely down-to-earth person. She does not build castles in the air, she is hardworking, energetic, and relies only on her own strength. And she chooses a profession that will allow her to stand firmly on her own two feet and not depend on anyone. She is the director of a canteen, cafe, bar, trade worker, and dentist. Nina is very responsible and principled. She does not aspire to be a leader, but self-confidence and independence often force her to take the reins into her own hands.

Often, being married, Nina is the breadwinner of the family, successfully combining work with household chores. At the same time, you cannot envy her husband; she becomes arrogant, hot-tempered, and picky. But, if she wants, Nina can be charming, feminine and soft. She is a wonderful housewife, she loves her husband’s praise - her gaze immediately warms up.

Friends often gather at Nina’s house; she despises them a little in her heart, laughs at them, but tries to keep them close, because she needs their recognition.

Nina has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonesty. She herself is always true to her word and fulfills her obligations. She has no friends or girlfriends whom she would let into her soul, and she suffers from this.

Nina realizes the opportunity to be free, relaxed, and sincere in her family. If she fails, she will suffer deep mental trauma. However, outwardly aristocratic, with many talents, smart Nina finds a good man for her husband, and they will be able to raise their children in love and devotion. Nina's successful marriage can be with Valentin, Victor, George, Mikhail, Semyon or Sergei.


Nina Chavchavadze, a lovely delicate Georgian flower, daughter of Prince Ilya Chavchavadze, friend of Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, Russian poet and diplomat, author of the famous comedy "Woe from Wit".

Griboyedov knew Nina as a child and always admired her beauty, sincerity, and wit.

On the way to Persia, where he was appointed minister plenipotentiary, Griboyedov stopped by to see old friends. Suddenly, over a family dinner, he proposed to Nina. During the marriage ceremony, perhaps for the first time, he experienced happy love in full force, experiencing, in his words, such a romance that leaves far behind the most bizarre stories of fiction writers famous for their imagination.

He went to Tehran without Nina to prepare everything there for the arrival of his beloved. His letters, full of affection, love and prayers to God so that they would never be separated again, speak about the tenderness and love with which he surrounded Nina.

Their short-lived love was so high that it simply could not end happily. Fanatics of Islam started a riot in Tehran and destroyed Russians without exception. Griboedov's disfigured and mutilated body was found with difficulty in a pile of corpses. A.S. Pushkin saw his coffin on the way to Arzrum.

Griboyedov was buried in Tbilisi, in the Monastery of St. David, whose beautiful natural location he always admired. By the will of Nina Chavchavadze, words filled with love and sadness were inscribed on his grave: “Your life and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russians, but why did my love survive you?”

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

There is still no single established version of the meaning of the name Nina. We will list the most popular options, and you can decide for yourself which one is the most convincing.

The most popular version is that the name Nina is just a short form of the name Antonina and many others. As often happens, the short form becomes an independent name, and according to this version, the name Nina simply became independent. The meaning of the names in this case is equalized. It turns out that the meaning of the name Nina is “competing” or “entering into battle”, as in the name Antonina and the name Anton.

The second most popular is the Georgian version of the origin of the name. According to this version, the name Nina comes from the Georgian Nino. It means that The meaning of the name Nina is "queen", like the name Nino.

And in the language of the Sumerian civilization there is the word Nin, which means “lady”. There is a version that the name Nina has its origins in Mesopotamia. If we adhere to this version, then the name Nina means "lady".

The meaning of the name Nina for a girl

Girls named Nina grow up active and at the same time somewhat withdrawn. They are often overly stubborn and overly proud. This gives them a lot of unpleasant moments, but they rarely change. A certain isolation, or rather even coldness, of Nina is connected with pride. She just doesn't like to communicate with people she doesn't respect. It is very difficult to get respect from Nina. At the same time, she always protects those who are weaker than her. Since childhood, she has had very strict criteria for the correctness of actions.

Nina studies quite well. She really doesn’t like people copying her code, but she rarely asks for help. Tries to be the best in the class, or even more. She always strives to be in first place, at the first desk, etc. If someone defeats Nina, she may be upset for a long time.

Nina's health is average. She often doesn't experience any problems for a very long time. Her weak point in health is usually the nervous system. As an adult, she may lose vitality and sleep. This usually occurs against a background of nervous tension. It is very difficult to predict what exactly will become the catalyst for this process.

Short name Nina

Ninka, Ninok, Ninukha, Ninon, Nunya, Nusya.

Diminutive pet names

Ninochka, Ninushka, Ninulya, Ninuska, Ninusik, Ninel, Ninusya.

Name Nina in English

In English, the name Nina is written as Nina.

Name Nina for international passport- NINA.

Translation of the name Nina into other languages

in Belarusian - Nina
in Georgian - ნინო (name Nino)
in Chinese - 尼娜 (transliteration)
in Romanian - Nina
in Ukrainian - Nina
in Finnish - Niina and Nina
in Czech - Nina
in Japanese - クイーン美 (meaning "queen")
in Japanese - ニナ (transliteration)

Church name Nina(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This is a church name and does not have to be changed at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Nina

Usually Nina is characterized as a reserved and cold person, which is completely wrong. If you think she is like that, then Nina managed to throw dust in your eyes. In fact, she is very emotional, but she just doesn’t want to show her feelings in public. So she plays the role of a kind of “snow queen”. Her independence and self-confidence have not changed since childhood. She is still proud and straightforward, although a certain note of diplomacy can sometimes slip through her behavior.

When it comes to work, Nina loves positions that require maximum dedication. She takes her work very seriously and demands the same from those around her. She loves moments in her work that require concentration and sharpness of action. It is these moments that warm her soul. Nina could make an excellent accountant, doctor, merchandiser or, for example, a translator.

In the family, Nina can behave differently. Most often, Nina is very demanding of her family, which creates certain difficulties in relationships with them. Sometimes Nina becomes softer with age, but this is the exception rather than the rule. She is a good housewife and her home is in perfect order. But constant attention to children leads to a desire to leave home as soon as possible. Nina needs to be more loving, and not demanding, then the long-awaited comfort will appear in the family.

The secret of the name Nina

Nina’s secret is that she is unlikely to give up her leadership position in the family to her husband. Her family is usually a clearly expressed matriarchy. Often this creates additional problems with the husband’s relatives, and especially with the mother-in-law.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Owl.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Zircon.

Meaning of the name

Nina is a stubborn and proud woman who is used to achieving what she wants. Behind her restraint and poise lies a sensual and passionate nature, but she demonstrates these qualities only in the circle of her closest and dearest people. Active and active Nina is always in the center of events, but her life can hardly be called hectic. On the contrary, she was used to planning her future and living it calmly and without sudden changes. Those around her are attracted to this woman’s sincerity, straightforwardness, integrity, non-conflict and honesty, thanks to which she not only builds a brilliant career, but also acquires numerous loyal friends.

Characteristics of the name Nina

Winter Nina – a quick-tempered and self-confident nature. It is simply impossible to convince her of anything: she will defend her opinion to the bitter end, and her developed oratorical skills will help her in this. Nina is not used to making compromises, so she takes any defeats or retreats extremely hard, she lacks softness and flexibility, while she has more than enough determination and stubbornness. Only a patient and wise man who will truly love the strong and strong-willed Nina can come to terms with her difficult character.

Spring Nina – selfish and intriguing, for whom a monotonous life is like death. She believes that it is simply necessary to live each day as if it were your last, so that the blood in your veins does not just flow, but boils. And intrigues and intricacies of fate are an integral part of such an interesting and varied life. Only true love can change the mind of spring Nina, for the sake of which she will not only forget about her interesting and turbulent past, but will also agree to exchange it for a calm family life in the circle of her beloved husband and adored children.

Summer Nina – a secretive and cold woman. It is quite difficult to find a common language with her, since she values ​​only her own opinion, while she will not even listen to someone else’s. The lack of friends does not bother her at all, because she belongs to that category of people who feel comfortable even when completely alone. Among the negative qualities of the summer Nina one can note envy and rancor: this woman will never forgive her offender, although she will not take revenge on him, considering it beneath her dignity. The personal life of Nina, born in the summer, often does not work out.

Autumn Nina – a purposeful, decisive and practical person. She knows how to find the positive in everything, so in life she manages to avoid serious conflicts and disappointments. This good-natured and charming woman is always surrounded by friends who will gladly come to the rescue at the first call. Autumn Nina is an attentive and interesting interlocutor who will always listen, but will not impose her opinion. Any man will feel cozy and comfortable with a woman who radiates warmth and tenderness.

Stone - talisman

Zircon, sapphire and carnelian are Nina’s mascot stones.


In the 10th – 11th centuries, zircon was revered as a talisman that protected against injuries, accidents, illnesses and insomnia.

In the Middle Ages, this stone was credited with the properties of protecting against evil spirits, bringing health, wisdom and prosperity to life. In addition, zircon was believed to give confidence, increase self-esteem and bestow knowledge. At the same time, it is very important that the stone is well looked after, since dull and unkempt zircon will emit exclusively negative energy.

The properties of zircon largely depend on the color of the stone.

So, colorless zircon clears the mind, cleanses the aura, sharpens the mind, gives love and happiness, brings peace and harmony to life.

White zircon attracts fame, recognition and love of admirers, therefore it is recommended for people of creative professions to wear it. Also, a white stone will relieve bad thoughts, drive away nightmares and cleanse the aura.

Light yellow zircon - a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

Red zircon It has healing properties, it promotes the healing of injuries, and also protects against various infections.

Green zircon improves material well-being, promotes success in any endeavor and gives confidence.

Blue zircon symbolizes firmness and clarity of mind, helps control emotions, avoid conflicts and quarrels with loved ones.

Pink zircon used in magic because it helps to establish a connection with the astral world.

Lilac zircon - a symbol of wealth and good luck.

Brown zircon – a stone of enlightenment and wisdom.

Orange zircon It is considered a feminine stone that enhances attractiveness, protects against jealousy, envy and negative energy, the evil eye and damage.


It is a stone of fidelity, hope, modesty, constancy, virtue, love of truth, purity and chastity.

Sapphire helps to direct thoughts in the right direction, as it eliminates excitement and calms passions. In addition, this stone protects against betrayal, fear, envy and gossip.

In Eastern countries, sapphire symbolizes friendship, modesty, honesty and selflessness.

Today, sapphire amulets are used as protection against deception. This stone also strengthens family ties, but provided that the marriage is built on love and trust.


This is a stone with positive energy, bringing happiness and good luck (especially in family matters).

Carnelian is not only a symbol of true love, but also a stone that lifts spirits, sharpens the mind and the gift of eloquence.

In the era of the dark Middle Ages, it was believed that carnelian was able to destroy magical spells and protect against ill will, give courage and neutralize the brewing conflict.

Astrologers say that carnelian removes negative energy, thereby giving strength and increasing potential. This stone also relieves fatigue and fights melancholy.

Carnelian will protect its owner from evil tongues and intrigues, and will bring material wealth and family well-being.


Brown, blue, yellow and red are the colors that bring good luck to Nina (you can read more about their properties in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).



Uranus and Mars are the planets that patronize Nina (you can read more about these planets in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Animal - symbol

The eagle owl and the deer are symbolic animals of Nina.


This bird symbolizes wisdom, erudition, secret knowledge, clarity of thinking, calmness and poise.

In ancient times, the eagle owl was considered the personification of insight (those who are patronized by this bird have well-developed intuition). At the same time, due to its nocturnal lifestyle, sparkling eyes and terrible screams, the eagle owl was considered a bird of death, sadness, misfortune and loneliness.

In China, the eagle owl has long symbolized cruelty, evil and ingratitude.

In the Christian tradition, this bird is identified with dark forces, seclusion, loneliness, sorrow and bad news. But! The owl is also considered an attribute of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the sake of the human race.

The Slavs had the following belief: if an owl appeared near the house, expect death or fire. No less frightening was the marriage symbolism attributed to this bird: the owl was considered a symbol of a widow or an old maid who had not known the joys of marriage and motherhood.


This is a very auspicious symbol, identified with purity, renewal, abundance, fertility, light, creation and spirituality.

The deer is the messenger of the gods, who acts as a mediator between two worlds - the heavenly and the earthly.

This animal is personified with swiftness, grace and beauty. Although in the art of the Middle Ages the deer symbolized solitude.

In Japan, the deer is a symbol of loneliness and longing for love, while in China it is a symbol of happiness and longevity, wealth and good luck.

The Celts revere the deer as the personification of vitality, dignity, energy, courage and speed.

In the Christian tradition, the deer symbolizes not only spirituality, but also religious zeal. The deer, depicted fighting a snake and defeating it, denotes Christianity, which never tires of fighting evil.

The Slavs believed that it was the deer that worked miracles. He was also credited with the ability to speak in a human voice.



Cypress, violet and vine are symbolic plants of Nina.


This is a dual symbol that can mean both death and longevity.

In China, cypress symbolizes grace, happiness and longevity, but at the same time death as a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

In Christianity, this plant personifies endurance, perseverance, valor, justice, but at the same time mourning and death (in general, cypress is considered a cemetery plant that can protect the body from decomposition). In addition, cypress is a symbol of the life of the soul after death.


This delicate plant symbolizes dignity, beauty, sincerity, kindness, beneficence, humility and modesty.

From time immemorial, the blue color of violet has been identified with fidelity and constancy in love.

The violet personifies the chastity of the Virgin Mary, as well as the meekness and spirituality of the little Jesus Christ.

Catholics revere this flower as a symbol of memories.


It is a symbol of fertility, knowledge and life. At the same time, the wild grape vine denotes deceit and treachery. The vine is also identified with uncontrollable passion.

Buddhists identified the woven vine with greed and evil desires that should be eradicated.

In Christianity, the vine itself personified Jesus, while its branches represented the followers of Christ, and the fruits represented the good deeds performed by Christians.

The vine in the Old Testament symbolizes the promised land, and in the New Testament it symbolizes paradise.


Copper and bronze are the metals that patronize Nina.


This metal symbolizes warmth, rebirth, renewal and light. Copper is identified with the beginning of a new life. This metal also protects against damage, the evil eye and witchcraft powers.


It is a symbol of courage, power, strength and bravery. Bronze is able to protect its owner from negative influences from the outside.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Nina

Name translation

The name Nina is translated from Latin as “royal”, from Greek as “lord”, from Arabic as “benefit”, from Georgian as “affectionate”, and from Spanish as “girl”.

History of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Nina. According to one of them, this name comes from the Greek name Ioannina and is its abbreviated version.

According to another version, the name Nina has Jewish roots, since it is translated from Hebrew as “great-granddaughter.”

Some researchers believe that this name originates in the Andes, where the word “nina” was used to describe the indigenous population.

Nina was also the name of the niece of the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenal, who is considered the founder of Christianity in Georgia.

But that's not all. Thus, the name Ninos-Nin was borne by the founder of the Assyrian state, after whom the capital of Assyria was named.

Even in the language of the Quechua Indian people, the name Nina was quite common. And it meant “fire” or “smoldering coals”.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common variants of the name Nina are: Ninka, Ninok, Nika, Ninochka, Ninulya, Ninushka, Ninusya, Ninunya, Ninura, Ninusha.

The secret of the name Nina

Patrons of the name

The patron of the owners of this name is Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlightenment Nina from Georgia.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Nina

Saint Nina, Equal to the Apostles, was from Cappadocia. Nina's father, Zebulon, was a relative of Saint George. He was a good Christian and contributed to the fact that the captive Gauls were freed and converted to the Christian faith. Subsequently, Zebulun completely devoted his life to serving the Lord, for which he retired to the desert of Jordan. Nina's mother, being the sister of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, became a deaconess. Their daughter Nina was raised by the pious old woman Nianfora.

Nina followed Christian slander and rules with zeal and zeal. Having learned from her mentor that Georgia still remained unenlightened by the light of Christianity, Nina turned in her prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos to help her see Georgia and convert the people of this country to Christianity. Saint Nina’s prayers were heard, as the Mother of God herself told her, appearing in a dream. The Patriarch of Jerusalem himself blessed Saint Nina for the feat of apostolic service.

The path to Georgia was a thorny one for Saint Nina: thus, she miraculously managed to avoid martyrdom to which the Armenian king Tiridates sentenced her. Arriving in Georgia, she began her educational activities. The fame of Saint Nina quickly spread throughout Georgia, because the young maiden not only had the gift of persuasion, but also with the power of her prayer she helped people recover from illnesses.

It was Saint Nina who cured the Georgian Queen Nana from a serious illness, who then converted to Christianity. But Nana’s husband, King Mirian, being an ardent pagan, wanted to subject Saint Nina to terrible torture. But it so happened that he went blind. The prayers of his retinue to the pagan gods for the healing of their ruler had no effect. Then they appealed to the Christian God, who healed Mirian. As a result, he accepted holy Baptism, as did his retinue.

According to the chronicles, the place where the Robe of the Lord was hidden was revealed to Saint Nina, where the first Christian temple on the territory of Georgia was erected.

Not only Bishop John, but also King Mirian himself came to accompany Saint Nina on her final journey to her deathbed.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Nina:

  • Nina Sazonova;
  • Nina Ruslanova;
  • Nina Usatova;
  • Nina van Pallandt;
  • Nina Gomiashvili;
  • Nina Dobrev;
  • Nina Gogaeva.

Famous musicians and singers named Nina:

  • Nina Beilina – violinist;
  • Nina Makarova – composer;
  • Nina Person – singer;
  • Nina Simone - singer;
  • Nina Hagen is a singer.

Famous female athletes named Nina:

  • Nina Dumbadze;
    Nina Romashkova.

Nina Ananiashvili - Georgian-Russian ballerina.

Nina Siciliana - Italian poetess.

Nina Chavchavadze - a Georgian princess who was the wife of the Russian playwright Alexander Griboedov.

The meaning of the name Nina

For a child

As a child, Nina is active, assertive, stubborn and proud. She does not listen to anyone's advice, although she willingly gives instructions not only to her friends, but also to her parents. This girl is not without leadership abilities, but she is not always able to apply them in practice due to her uncompromising and even selfishness.

At the same time, little Nina is always honest and fair, and she will defend her rightness even through brute force (if circumstances require it, but she will never be the first to get into a fight). In general, little Nina is overly emotional, which is why she often has problems at home, in the yard, and at school.

Nina is a diligent and persistent child, so she studies well, but it costs her a lot of effort. She belongs to the category of those children who achieve a lot thanks to their hard work, and not natural talent. And if the teachers have no questions about Nina’s studies, then her behavior leaves much to be desired. At the same time, Nina always has an excuse - she defended the weak, and, therefore, did a good deed.

Little Nina has few friends, and mostly because she doesn’t let anyone get close to herself. She lives quite comfortably in her small but cozy world.

For a girl

Growing up, Nina becomes calmer and more balanced, realizing that excessive emotionality prevents her from achieving her goals. She cannot be called a dreamer. On the contrary, this girl lives with earthly problems and looks at what is happening realistically, soberly assessing her capabilities. Nina understands that only hard work, diligence and perseverance will help her reach the heights she deserves.

It is important for young Nina to be appreciated and praised, while hypocritical odes cause her to be rejected. But she will always appreciate a dry, but at the same time sincere “thank you.” In general, Nina does not strive for universal recognition and fame. Yes, she is proud, but she does not crave publicity. She likes more the role of a mentor and teacher, to whom people come for advice. Here she has no equal: moral teaching is her strong point.

Charm, femininity and ostentatious complaisance hide the strong character, determination and prudence of young Nina. It’s not easy to break this girl’s will, and one can only envy her inner strength. Nina's friends can always count on her in a difficult situation, although she herself rarely asks anyone for help, rightly believing that she can cope with her problems herself.

For woman

Adult Nina, despite her apparent coldness, is emotional and temperamental, but with age she has learned to control her feelings. But if she flares up, then there will be little room for everyone around her.

This decisive and strong-willed woman avoids conflicts, knowing the ardor of her nature. She strives to make a good impression on people, realizing that her career advancement will largely depend on this. At the same time, Nina will never be a hypocrite or fawn over people.

Nina is hardworking, prudent and responsible, but this does not prevent her from showing kindness and responsiveness. With close people she is caring and attentive, affectionate and gentle. But among the negative traits of her character one can note vindictiveness, pride, pride, and envy of other people's successes. If this woman has not been able to fulfill herself in the family or at work, she may withdraw into herself.

Nina chooses her environment very carefully - she is drawn to strong and independent personalities, so most often she gets along better with men. But she doesn’t recognize female friendship, and doesn’t see much point in it, since she doesn’t like to gossip and waste her precious time talking about children and unfaithful husbands.

Description of the name Nina


Nina is honest, moral, responsible and fair. She always keeps her word and is not capable of betrayal.


Nina gets sick extremely rarely, because she always takes care of her health and regularly visits doctors for preventive purposes.


Restrained and calm in appearance, Nina is actually temperamental and passionate, but in order to awaken these character traits in her, she needs to truly fall in love. However, Nina falls in love extremely rarely, because she is too demanding of her chosen one, who must be smart, handsome, reliable, faithful, and caring.

In addition, Nina is attracted only to strong-willed men, because she herself has a strong-willed and strong character. Her chosen one should be, first of all, a friend and an equal partner, since she will not tolerate pressure from a man. At the same time, we should not forget that Nina, despite her rather masculine character, remains a woman who wants to be groomed, cherished and idolized.


Nina tries to subordinate her husband to her will, although she herself will resist with all her might if her husband imposes his model of family relationships on her. Reluctance to compromise may lead to Nina getting married several times, and in the end she will be left alone.

If Nina can be soft and flexible in the family, then a happy family life awaits her, especially since on her way she meets truly reliable men for whom family comes first. Nina herself should remember that the family is not a battlefield, she is not the commander-in-chief, and her household members are not soldiers.

Family relationships

Nina’s desire to build an ideal family model can result in misunderstanding and scandals in the family, especially considering the fact that she is demanding only in relation to her husband and children, while she makes concessions for herself.

Nina loves her husband and children, but does not know how to show this, so from the outside it may seem that she is cold and sometimes even despotic (if she is in a bad mood, then you will not envy her household). It is impossible not to say that in an effort to make her family ideal, she often overdoes it: the children go to numerous clubs and sections, and her husband always has the front of housework outlined by Nina. In this simple way, she tries to teach children hard work, responsibility and discipline. But such a model of upbringing may ultimately turn against her: the children will fly away early from the home nest from the edification and control of the mother, and the husband will simply begin to live his own life.


In her intimate life, Nina is often unpredictable: either she tries on the mask of a snow queen, or she plays the role of a passionate temptress. What determines Nina's sexual behavior? From the mood, from the attitude towards the partner, from the attitude of the chosen one towards her. An ideal partner who will be loving, gentle and attentive will definitely awaken sensuality and temperament in Nina.

It is interesting that independent Nina is ready to give the initiative to her partner in intimate matters, but on the condition that she completely trusts him.

In her sex life, Nina does not like fussiness and negligence. Her partner should think not only about his own pleasure, but also take into account her preferences, which she speaks about without hesitation.

Mind (intelligence)

Nina has a lively and inquisitive mind, as well as an excellent memory. She is prone to analysis and generalization, which helps her quickly climb the career ladder.


Nina is suitable for a specialty that requires in-depth analysis and responsibility. She will make an excellent accountant, restaurateur, bank employee, physician or researcher. But she doesn’t like to generate new ideas, so she prefers professions not related to the creative component.

Hard work, discipline and diligence will help Nina become a fair and successful leader. But she should be more careful with the manifestation of such qualities as integrity and uncompromisingness if she does not want problems with her superiors.

When choosing a profession, the material component is extremely important for Nina, since she is used to being independent. She strives for comfort and convenience, the creation of which is not a cheap pleasure.


Running a business is not a hassle for Nina, as she is organized and responsible. But she still cannot do without an experienced assistant and mentor, since when making fateful decisions she cannot always cope on her own. At the same time, it is important that this same mentor is not her business partner, because it is difficult for the freedom-loving Nina to share power with anyone.


Among Nina’s hobbies, sports occupy a special place: she takes care of her figure and health in general. In addition, Nina loves to travel, and it is desirable that her vacation be intellectual, not active. Museums, exhibitions, concerts, excursions - these are what help her relax both soul and body.

Character type


Nina is an integral and harmonious nature, so she tries not to get into conflicts, although due to her emotionality she can get into unpleasant situations, especially in her youth. Love of freedom, independence of judgment and straightforwardness both help and hinder her from achieving her desired heights. Only by learning to control her impulses will she get everything she dreams of from life.

There is no place for laziness and useless pastime in her life: every minute of her time is planned. She does not expect gifts from fate, preferring to achieve everything through perseverance and hard work.


Nina's intuition is developed, but she is not used to using her sixth sense.

Horoscope named Nina

Nina – Aries

This is an arrogant, calculating, decisive and strong-willed woman who takes on everything at once, but she rarely manages to complete all the things she has started. By scattering her strength, she does not fully realize her capabilities. Nina-Aries pays too much attention to little things, as a result of which she simply does not have enough time to think thoroughly about the main thing. Due to her adventurous nature, this woman often gets into unpleasant situations. There are many romances in Nina’s life, but she wants to find someone with whom she will create a strong family, only for this she must learn to give in.

Nina – Taurus

Sociable, open, but at the same time narcissistic, Nina-Taurus believes that everyone should take into account her authoritative opinion, while she herself rarely listens to others and makes compromises. She thirsts not just for love and care, but for worship, although she herself rarely shows her feelings towards her chosen one. This balance of power in a relationship will not suit every man, so finding a soul mate is quite difficult for her, although this charming seductress has many admirers.

Nina – Gemini

Capricious, headstrong and domineering, Nina-Gemini cannot tolerate criticism even in cases where she is clearly wrong. It is difficult for even loyal and patient people to find a common language with her, so she has practically no friends. To be fair, we note that she never imposes her opinion on anyone, preferring that everyone remain in their own interests. Nina-Gemini keeps to herself, not worrying at all about the fact that there are no like-minded people nearby. Men will have a hard time with this pragmatic woman who does not believe in love.

Nina – Cancer

This is a scrupulous and rather reserved woman who does not trust people. But you can always rely on her in everything, because Nina-Cancer will not betray or deceive. Despite her isolation, people are drawn to her because she is always friendly and sincere.

You might think that she is lacking initiative and weak-willed, but in fact she is a strong and strong-willed nature. For the sake of her lover, she is ready to make any sacrifice, which is why she often suffers, since not all men are able to appreciate her qualities.

Nina – Leo

This woman is characterized by such qualities as pride and selfishness. Nina-Leo's power and selfishness, as well as her unique ability to complicate everything, cause suffering to both herself and those around her. But she does not draw conclusions, much less work on mistakes. Both in friendship and in love, she is fickle and arrogant. Only weak-willed men who are ready to obey her in everything and live by the rules that this wayward woman will dictate can get along with Nina. Nina-Leo's life with a strong partner will resemble a battlefield.

Nina – Virgo

Balanced, calm and patient, Nina-Virgo does not like to complicate her life. She knows how to enjoy even the little things, so she can easily cope with all the blows of fate. She has many friends who appreciate Nina's openness, friendliness and intelligence. It's always interesting and easy to work with her, and she never imposes her opinions. A man will feel comfortable, warm and cozy with such a woman, who is ready to devote herself entirely to her family, husband, children, and grandchildren. It is not surprising that in family life this woman is most often happy.

Nina – Libra

You should be careful with this energetic, interesting, but at the same time changeable woman, because behind the goodwill and correctness of Nina-Libra hides a straightforward and not always good-natured nature, which with a word can “stabble without a knife.” She can't stand sloppy, unpunctual and weak-willed people. She belongs to the category of those people who meet people based on their clothes, and they meet them very pickily. Only an elegant, neat and tidy person can win the heart of this unapproachable woman. She cares less about the inner world of her chosen one than about ostentatious external gloss.

Nina – Scorpio

Modest and stubborn, secretive and sincere, calculating and trusting, Nina-Scorpio is woven from contradictions. She does not like surprises, and unexpected turns of fate can unsettle her for a long time. She behaves affably with people, but she will not be frank even with those closest to her, and not because she does not trust them, but because she does not want to burden anyone with her problems. Men are afraid of Nina-Scorpio's coldness and restraint, not even suspecting that this woman is characterized by passion and tenderness.

Nina – Sagittarius

Persistent, sociable and thorough, Nina-Sagittarius cannot stand loneliness, so she surrounds herself with numerous friends and acquaintances. She is open and responsive, always listens to the opinions of loved ones and takes them into account. This interesting and temperamental woman has many fans, and her life is woven from dizzying novels. True love comes to her in adulthood. Nina-Sagittarius is a wonderful wife and caring mother, for whom the well-being of the family comes first.

Nina – Capricorn

Reliable, pragmatic, responsible and diplomatic, Nina-Capricorn hates disorder and disorganization. She follows the established order in everything, while Nina knows how to both rule and obey. She does not need fame and recognition, she tries to live a quiet and measured life, in which there is stability, but she does not like surprises. Nina-Capricorn will trust a strong partner whom she can rely on in everything. In the family, from a decisive leader, she turns into an affectionate wife, ready to give the initiative to the strong hands of her husband.

Nina – Aquarius

Strong, strong-willed, unpredictable and gifted, Nina-Aquarius will not bow her head to any difficulties. Sometimes she seems selfish and even tough, but with close people she becomes soft and good-natured. This woman dreams of a strong and happy family, so she is not looking for fleeting connections. The perseverance and selectivity of Nina-Aquarius are rewarded by a thrifty and reliable man who will surround his chosen one with love and incredible care, because she deserves it.

Nina – Pisces

Nobility, spiritual purity and justice attract in Nina, born under the sign of Pisces. She takes everything she does seriously, meticulously studying every detail. This attitude towards life and profession makes her a successful and sought-after person. In family life, this woman is also perfectly fulfilled, and such qualities as wisdom and patience help her in this. Harmony and prosperity reign in her family, and this is largely her merit.

Compatibility of the name Nina with male names

Nina and Dmitry

This tandem has every chance for their family to grow stronger and prosper, because Nina and Dmitry, firstly, have excellent sexual compatibility; secondly, they value their relationships, and therefore treat each other with understanding, trust and respect, which is worth a lot.

Nina and Alexander

Nina and Denis

This is a difficult, but at the same time interesting union, in which Nina and Denis have strong characters. Moreover, both are not ready to give up their independence and the ability to make their own decisions without consulting their other half. Only a real feeling will help maintain this relationship.

Nina and Artem

In this strong alliance, Nina and Artem do not compete with each other. On the contrary, everyone is responsible for their own area of ​​work: the woman creates comfort in the home, and the man ensures material well-being. Moreover, in this tandem Nina realizes herself not only as a mother and wife, but also manages to build an enviable career.

Nina and Anton

This contradictory union rarely manages to become strong and happy, since Nina and Anton are completely different people who do not understand each other. Their bright life together ends at the very moment when feelings leave the relationship, passion leaves, sexual attraction leaves.

Nina and Mikhail

Creative and romantic Mikhail sees in the reliable and purposeful Nina his muse, for whose sake he is ready for crazy feats. The thorough Nina appreciates Mikhail for his kindness, responsiveness and ability to see the positive sides in everything. By marrying Mikhail, Nina understands perfectly well that she will become the head of the family.

Nina and Vitaly

The owners of these names have every chance of living happily ever after, building strong family relationships in which there is no place for deception and betrayal. In addition to love and respect, their family honors traditions. In addition, Nina and Vitaly have common hobbies, which makes their life interesting and harmonious.

Nina and Vadim

In Nina, Vadim sees a reliable friend who will always be there not only in joy, but also in sorrow. At the same time, the man in this union does not pretend to be the head of the family, since Nina copes well with all household chores herself. Sometimes Nina is not satisfied with this balance of power, but for the sake of her family she is ready to put up with Vadim’s disorganization.

Ninochka, Ninulya, Ninusya, Ninunya, Nunya, Ninura, Ninyura, Nusya, Ninukha, Ninusha, Ninosha. Synonyms for the name Nina. Niina.

Short and diminutive options: Ninka, Ninanya, Ninochka, Ninulya, Ninusya, Nusya, Nika, Nita.

Name Nina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尼娜 (Ní nà). Japanese: ニーナ (Nīna). Gujarati: નીના (Nīnā). Hindi: नीना (Nīnā). Ukrainian: Nina. Greek: Νίνα (Nína). English: Nina (Nina).

Origin of the name Nina

The name Nina has different versions of its origin. In Hebrew there is a word “nin” - great-grandson, which in the feminine sounds like Nina, which means, respectively, “great-granddaughter”. Probably hundreds of years ago, when people's life expectancy was much shorter than it is now, it was very rare to live to see great-grandchildren, and such cases were necessarily noted in the form of a special name for a great-granddaughter or.

In the Quechua language, the name Nina means "fire" or "smoldering embers." This is the name of the indigenous peoples of the Andes, and the word is also used as a feminine name. In the Sumerian language, Nin ("lady") is an element of the names of goddesses. The name Ninos was borne by the mythical founder of Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire. The most common version of the origin of the name Nina is associated specifically with the founder of the Assyrian state (“royal”, “great”). The name Nina was borne by the niece of Patriarch Juvenaly, who brought Christianity to the peoples of Georgia, and in translation from Georgian this name means “youth.”

From Arabic this name will be translated as “benefit”, from Spanish - “girl”, in America it is interpreted as “strong”. The name Nina is very often a shortened or diminutive form of various names, for example, Katrina, Giovannina, Angelina, Annette, Annina, Nikolina (Nicole), Martina, and others.

Character of the name Nina

Nina has a heightened sense of pride, it is this that prevents her from being left behind, but Nina does not want to be a leader, she prefers the golden mean. She does not like it when her affairs and actions are discussed, she does not want to be a public figure, although Nina takes any work very seriously, and this can lead her to the pedestal of a leader.

Natural charm, an innate sense of tact, sincere respect for others - Nina is always welcome in any company. It is not difficult for her to find a worthy husband, but because of her pretentiousness and desire for the ideal, it is sometimes difficult for her to maintain a marriage without quarrels.

Nina is well-read and loves children, but the standards for evaluating their actions and successes are the same as if they were adults. They must study well, do well in extracurricular activities, and develop diversified. “Good guys” - there shouldn’t be such people in her family, only the best.

Nina prefers a responsible job - wasting money on little things is not her choice.

The secret of the name Nina

Nina is a responsible worker who loves punctuality and stands by her principles. Such a woman has a soft and charming disposition. She is feminine and interesting.

Nina marries a good man. Such a woman loves her household members, but often splashes out her energy on them. She tries to hold everyone with an iron fist, forcing them to work until they lose consciousness. Nina's children spend all their time studying, her husband is constantly at work or doing household chores.

Such a woman always thinks that everything is not perfect for her. And therefore, she is trying to improve everything, to make it more beautiful. Nina makes an excellent housewife who is thrifty. If Nina sees that her husband is trying to take over the leadership role in the family, she can easily divorce him.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: lilac
Radiation: 88%
Planets: Uranus
Stone-mascot: zircon
Plant: violet
Totemic animal: eagle owl
Basic character traits: sociability, receptivity, intuition, health

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 83,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 86%
Psyche: strives to be a leader in life
Health:, stomach ulcers, problems with the gallbladder, duodenum

Numerology of the name Nina

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire life journey. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, doe.

The name Nina as a phrase

N Our (Ours, Yours)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Nina

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality of the name Nina

Nina is independent, independent, her sexual behavior is extreme, and often a man cannot understand her. Her complete relaxedness is replaced by tightness and incomprehensible shyness. Her satisfaction in sexual relationships is completely determined by the kind of partner she has.

While leading in everyday affairs, she rarely takes the initiative in bed. But the man who manages to ignite the fire of passion in her may get burned - Nina can be so hot. Outwardly, she is quite reserved and cold, but there is a kind of dancing light in her eyes that makes men pay attention to Nina.

If Nina is friendly and welcoming to a man, he often takes this as a sign of her readiness to go into the bedroom with him. However, Nina approaches rapprochement extremely carefully - first she must find undeniable signs that a man is showing sexual interest in her.

She doesn't like fuss in anything, including sex. When preparing for a date, she will provide for everything, take care of everything, and arrange everything accordingly. With her partner she is simple-minded and loves clarity in everything. If something worries her in their relationship, she will say it directly; if she is not sure of his sexual satisfaction, she will ask about his preferences and desires.

“Winter” Nina takes sex very seriously; for her it is a kind of vitamin, a means with which she maintains her shape. She does not want to deal with “winter” men - their complex character will not bring her anything good.

The meaning of the name Nina for life

Nina is proud and stubborn. Vain, scrupulous in matters of honor and self-esteem. She cares about the opinions of others. The desire to be the best throughout life is its driving force. Loves to teach someone, read morals. She imposes her point of view on others, does not tolerate objections, and gets very angry if her advice is ignored. It’s better to let them discuss with her; she easily wins the argument, but indifference kills her. Nina is charming, feminine, successful with men, and knows her worth. She gets married without difficulty, but her first marriage may be unsuccessful. She is too demanding of her husband and sees only shortcomings in him. With age she becomes wiser, begins to yield to her spouse, but deep down she is still critical of him and loyal to herself. The second marriage is stronger. She marries an educated and intelligent man, with whom she will be interested. Nina loves her family, but her children are in a bad mood. She is too strict in raising them, sometimes even despotic, and often gets irritated. From the outside, sometimes she just seems mean. However, her warmth will warm the whole house, this person simply does not know how to openly express her love. Nina is a good housewife, thrifty, and never runs out of jams and compotes during the winter. The relationship with the mother-in-law is complicated, since she suspects that the true owner of the house is not her son, but her daughter-in-law. And Nina does not hide her desire for leadership, unable to come to terms with a subordinate role in the family. She is not very affectionate with her husband, although she wants to be relaxed and gentle. She suppresses momentary desires, afraid of seeming funny or misunderstood.

Characteristics of the name Nina according to P. Rouget

Character: 86%

Radiation: 88%

Vibration: 83,000 vibrations/s

Color: red.

Basic features: sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.

Type: Women named Nina are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine requires care in order to bloom in time. A happy marriage or an interesting job is the goal of life for them.

Psyche: avoid conflicts with society and the world, a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.

Will: they do everything not to show the strength of their character. But there is a will, and at the right time it makes itself felt.

Excitability: very strong and combined with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.

Speed reactions: In order not to show that a given situation frightens or worries them, they restrain their emotions to such an extent that they seem completely emotionless.

Activity: It takes a lot of tact and, at the same time, perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Imposing your point of view on someone is considered reprehensible.

Intuition: These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.

Intelligence: they have a lively mind, prone to generalizations, excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

Susceptibility: if they become attached to someone, then it will be for a long time, and possibly forever. They are very careful, often waiting for their fairy-tale prince for many years.

Moral: These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. They are equally friendly with both men and women, and have a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest acts.

Health: flawless. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only weak point in their body is the internal secretion organs.

Sexuality: They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.

Field activities: They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Either they choose to live at home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or they combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.

Sociability: overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

Additionally: They need to be understood well so as not to inadvertently offend. They do not like to discuss their character flaws and dream that the prince from a fairy tale understands them perfectly...

Meaning of the name Nina for sex

Nina is temperamental and passionate by nature, but only a very patient, affectionate and sexy man can awaken these feelings in her and help throw off the shackles of restraint. She doesn't like fuss in anything, including sex. When preparing for a date, she will provide for everything, take care of everything, and arrange everything accordingly. She is simple-minded and loves clarity in everything. If something worries her or doesn’t suit her in her relationship with her partner, she will say it directly; if you are not sure what satisfies him in bed, she will ask about his preferences and desires.

Compatibility of the name Nina and patronymic

Nina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna is an avid debater, the spirit of contradiction is highly developed in her. She does not like to admit her mistakes, she is willful and stubborn. She has a high opinion of herself and from this position chooses her husband. She is erudite, reads a lot, and therefore attaches great importance to the intellectual development of her future spouse. Self-sufficient and independent, she believes that a man should be able to provide well for his family. Her demands alienate many fans. However, Nina believes that it is better to remain alone than to live with a person unworthy of her. In marriage, she is unyielding and tries to lead all household members. The first marriage may be unsuccessful. As a housewife, she is very clean and loves comfort. Every thing in her house has its place; if someone in the household violates the order she has established, she gives a beating. Such pedantry annoys everyone, but you can’t argue with Nina. Only a man who can ignore his wife’s nagging will be able to maintain peace in the family. Nina does not like to be frank; she rarely opens up to her husband and shares what worries her. More often than not, he worries everything within himself, gloomily wandering around the house and making endless comments to everyone. At such moments it is better to just remain silent and not irritate her. Nina knows how to organize her daughters, monitors their education, and helps them get on their feet. Sets up and supports the spouse in his endeavors, inspires him to win in the professional field. He usually owes a lot to his wife. In intimate relationships, such a Nina is restrained, although in erotic fantasies she is unbridled.

Nina Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - an unbalanced woman, but cheerful, has a sense of humor. Optimist, dreamer. She is very sociable and cannot live without friends and acquaintances. At work she strives to gain authority; she needs universal recognition. The knowledge that she is valued, that everyone needs her, increases her desire to be truly useful tenfold. She is reliable, rushes to help anyone, just call. He is able and knows how to help. Always in the spotlight. She is more friendly with men and feels like a queen among them. She marries the wittiest, most intelligent guy, and quite successfully. This is a wonderful wife, an impeccable housewife. Only the husband must remember that such a wife needs to be praised more often and in no case should he make comments to her. Nina manages to keep the house in perfect order, strictly raise her children, and also make a good career. She is very hospitable, cooks deliciously, loves fun parties, but only at home. Her relationship with her mother-in-law is cool, there is no question of living together, but she is ready to host her, help her financially, and give her lodarhi. The children are afraid of Nina, but they adore her for her cheerful disposition. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

Inna Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna - a serious and reserved person. She trusts few people, is scrupulous in choosing friends, social circle, sexual partner, and not because she is afraid of making a mistake; she is not indifferent to what others think of her, how they will evaluate her actions. More balanced than her namesake, it is quite difficult to get her angry, but those who succeed will not dare to do it again. In a fit of anger, she is uncontrollable, and then for a long time she is angry with everyone, including herself, for intemperance. Nina is a wonderful wife for a calm, undemanding man, smart and moderate in sex. She values ​​her family, knows how to give in if necessary, but can be as hard as stone, especially in matters of principle. He skillfully manages the house, manages everyone in the house, but without pressure and violence. Has a son and daughter. She is strict with children, but very caring, constantly making them feel that they are loved and really needed by her. Nina is not very active when it comes to sex. Her energy is aimed at raising the intellectual level, not only of herself, but of all household members. He likes to organize debates, discuss what he has read, reflect on philosophical topics, and argue passionately.

Nina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna is proud and proud. She becomes independent early, independent of her parents. Knows how to build a career. Dexterous, cunning, smart and witty. She has a cheerful character, but is often too stubborn. Sociable, easily adapts to any conditions. He is not afraid of difficulties, and more than once starts everything from scratch. Due to troubles with the boss, he may leave his job, where he holds a prestigious position, and start his career anew in a new place. She can change her place of residence, go to another city, where she has nothing and no one, and get a good job there. She is fearless. The same applies to choosing a spouse. Having fallen in love, he recklessly follows the call of his heart and does not listen to advice. But more often than not, her choice turns out to be successful. Nina's sexual behavior is full of extremes: she can be completely uninhibited, unbridled in passions, or she can suddenly become withdrawn and tense. The leader in family affairs, Nina wants to see her husband as a leader in intimate relationships. But, having inflamed her passion to full intensity, the husband risks getting burned. Such a Nina needs male attention, even in marriage she cannot live without light flirting, admirers and their courtship, but she loves her family, is economical, and thrifty. She is more democratic with her sons than her namesakes; she does not suppress their will.

Nina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna has a complex character. Closed, taciturn, irritable, harsh. Surrounds himself with interesting and smart people, can't stand empty talkers. She gets married in adulthood to a man older than herself. He values ​​intelligence, practicality, decency, and reliability. Family for Nina is the meaning of life. She is not too open with friends, and she needs to know that there is a person who lives with her thoughts, her ideas, who will always share both failure and success with her. And Nina experiences failures very painfully. Alas, she is rarely absolutely happy and satisfied with life, because she has high demands, she wants to have everything and not have to wait for it for a long time. Her sons are born.

Positive traits of the name

Realism, prudence, efficiency, unique ability to work, diligence, energy. Nina does not tend to dream or make unrealistic plans. She knows what she is capable of and what to expect from life. Already as a child, little Nina was her mother’s assistant. Imitating an adult woman, she happily does housework and babysits her younger sisters and brothers. Nina is diligent in her studies, there are not enough stars in the sky, but she can achieve good results through perseverance.

Negative traits of the name

Self-love, pride, jealousy of other people's successes, envy. Due to the listed negative qualities, Nina is capable of losing friends and girlfriends and gaining competitors and rivals. Material values ​​can blind her to spiritual and cultural values. Unfulfilled Nina becomes angry, envy of her successful acquaintances simply strangles her.

Choosing a profession by name

Nina is not able to generate new ideas, but self-confidence and ambition force her to shoulder the burden of being a leader. Nina is trying to choose a profession that will allow her to stand firmly on her own two feet, rise above her friends and relatives, and be financially independent even from her husband. Nina is inclined towards exact and technical sciences. She can express herself in sports, ballet, and theater. There are many production editorials among Ning.

The impact of a name on business

Nina manages to independently provide for herself and her children. It’s not easy for her, but she is psychologically ready to combine homework with professional work.

The influence of a name on health

Constant tension, the desire to rise, increased demands on oneself and loved ones can provoke nervous and mental illnesses, stomach ulcers, and duodenal ulcers in Nina.

Psychology of the name

Nina tries to be a leader in a close circle, but in a large company she stays aloof. She is very suspicious, listens to all words addressed to her, and is ready at any moment to rebuff the offender or joker. Therefore, it is undesirable to make fun of her. If you show her attention, cordiality and win her favor, then she will pay you with sincerity, sincerity and care.

Famous people named Nina

Nina Sazonova (theater and film actress)
Nina Ruslanova (actress)
Nina Usatova (theater and film actress)
Nina Ananiashvili (Georgian and Russian ballerina, People's Artist of Russia and Georgia)
Nina Siciliana ((2nd half of the 13th century) legendary Italian-speaking poetess)
Nina Chavchavadze ((1812-1857) Georgian princess, wife of the Russian playwright and diplomat Alexander Griboedov)
Nina Beilina ((born 1931) Soviet-American violinist)
Nina Dumbadze (Soviet athlete)
Nina Makarova (Soviet composer)
Nina van Pallandt (Danish singer and actress)
Nina Pacari (Ecuadorian politician)
Nina Persson (Swedish singer)
Nina Romashkova (Soviet athlete)
Nina Simone (American singer)
Nina Hagen (German singer)
Nina Gomiashvili (actress)

Nina celebrates Orthodox name day

Nina celebrates Catholic name day

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Nina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Nina's zodiac is Aquarius
  • Planet – Uranus
  • The color of the name Nina is purple
  • Auspicious tree - cypress
  • Nina's treasured plant is violet.
  • The patron of the name Nina is the eagle owl
  • Nina's talisman stone is zircon

What does the name Nina mean?: queen (the name Nina is of Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Nina: Ninka, Ninanya, Ninulya, Ninusya, Nusya, Nika, Nita.

Nina's Angel Day: The name Nina celebrates her name day once a year: January 11 (14) – St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, came from Jerusalem to Georgia; with preaching and miracles she converted the Georgian king and his family to Christ, after which she baptized the entire people; preached the faith of Christ in Kakheti (IV century).

Signs of the name Nina: If the day is windy, the year is damp.

Positive traits of the name Nina: Realism, prudence, efficiency, unique ability to work, diligence, energy. Nina does not tend to dream or make unrealistic plans. She knows what she is capable of and what to expect from life. Already as a child, little Nina was her mother’s assistant. Imitating an adult woman, she happily does housework and babysits her younger sisters and brothers. Nina is diligent in her studies, there are not enough stars in the sky, but she can achieve good results with perseverance.

Negative traits of the name Nina: Self-love, pride, jealousy of other people's successes, envy. Due to the listed negative qualities, Nina is capable of losing friends and girlfriends and gaining competitors and rivals. Material values ​​can blind her to spiritual and cultural values. Unfulfilled Nina becomes angry, envy of her successful acquaintances simply strangles her.

Character of the name Nina: personification of independence. Nina as a child, after playing with her friends in the yard, she will bring all her toys home - every single one, and will not take anyone else’s. It’s impossible to copy her test at school, but she won’t ask for help herself. Even with a meager scholarship or salary, he manages to give gifts to loved ones. At work, Nina is loved for her thoroughness of judgment and reliability; even a certain coldness does not scare off her colleagues. Nina was created for family life, devoted to her husband, although she is aware of his weaknesses.

As a child, Nina was not always a restrained, stubborn and proud girl. The opinions of elders are not particularly taken into account. Can fight with boys, but always protecting the weaker.

At school the name Nina studies very well. Naturally capable and talented, she spends all her strength on being the best. Any comparison with someone not in her favor hurts the girl.

As Nina grows up, she will learn to control herself and recognize the successes of others, but such things will always have a bitter aftertaste for her.

A girl named Nina is a completely down-to-earth person. She does not build castles in the air, she is hardworking, energetic, and relies only on her own strength. And Nina chooses a profession that will allow her to stand firmly on her own two feet and not depend on anyone. She is the director of a canteen, cafe, bar, trade worker, and dentist. Nina is very responsible and principled. She does not aspire to be a leader, but self-confidence and independence often force her to take the reins into her own hands.

Often, being married, the name Nina is the breadwinner of the family, successfully combining work with household chores. At the same time, you cannot envy her husband; she becomes arrogant, hot-tempered, and picky. But, if she wants, the name Nina can be charming, feminine and soft. She is a wonderful housewife, she loves her husband’s praise - her gaze immediately warms up.

Friends often gather at Nina’s house; she despises them a little in her heart, laughs at them, but tries to keep them close, because she needs their recognition.

The meaning of the name has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest actions. She herself is always true to her word and fulfills her obligations. The name Nina has no friends or girlfriends whom she would let into her soul, and she suffers from this.

Nina realizes the opportunity to be free, relaxed, and sincere in her family. If she fails, she will suffer deep mental trauma. However, outwardly aristocratic, with many talents, an intelligent girl named Nina finds a good man for her husband, and they will be able to raise their children in love and devotion.

Choosing a profession by name: Nina is not able to generate new ideas, but self-confidence and ambition force her to shoulder the burden of being a leader. Nina is trying to choose a profession that will allow her to stand firmly on her own two feet, rise above her friends and relatives, and be financially independent even from her husband. The name Nina is inclined towards exact and technical sciences. She can express herself in sports, ballet, and theater. There are many production editorials among Ning.

Nina's business and career: Nina manages to independently provide for herself and her children. It’s not easy for her, but she is psychologically ready to combine homework with professional work.

Nina's love and marriage: Nina does not tolerate weaknesses in men, does not allow power over her and strives to subordinate her husband to her will, so she is often left alone, and even with several children in her arms. The union of the name with Bronislav, George, Klim, Maxim, Mikhail is favorable. The marriage of the name with Anatoly, Afanasy, Belyai, Vladimir, Roman, Sergei, Philip, Yaropolk was unsuccessful.

Health and talents named after Nina: Nina grows up as a weak girl and often suffers from various infectious diseases. A complex character is formed due to a disorder of the nervous system. If Nina was born in July, the “July” Nina has very fragile bones, often with fractures and cracks. This is especially true in childhood and old age. Suffers from migraine after fifty years - headache due to weather changes.

Nina often worries about “March”, “June” and “July” at school, which leads to psychological fatigue. Some diseases are inherited, for example, psoriasis. It can also develop due to nervousness. There are two types of psoriasis: summer and winter. If Nina has summer psoriasis, you need to take her to the sea in the summer. This can help. "July" Nina may catch shingles.

If she was born in December - “December” Nina suffers from enuresis in early childhood. There is a predisposition to metabolic disorders, which can lead to obesity. It is advisable not to let this disease progress and consult a doctor in time. The name Nina often has nervous disorders, weak lungs, and smoking is contraindicated for her. It is prone to infectious diseases, scarlet fever.

Some of the Nings suffer from physical disabilities as a result of birth injuries. Genetically, Nina often inherits rheumatism and various joint diseases.

The name Nina may be inclined to be overweight; after the first birth, you need to limit yourself in food. She has difficult labors, especially when a boy is born first. Repeated births are easier. In old age, Nina develops polyarthritis and undergoes various operations. A very strong woman, she never complains about fate, she endures all illnesses steadfastly.

He often suffers from various diseases of the liver, stomach, and gynecological diseases. She has weak legs and may have thrombophlebitis and other diseases. Sometimes the name Nina's blood pressure jumps.

Name Nina in other countries: The translation of the name Nina in different languages ​​has a slightly similar sound. In English it is translated as Nina, in Polish: Nina, in Swedish: Nina.

The fate of the name Nina in history:

  1. Nina Chavchavadze was the daughter of the Georgian prince Ilya Chavchavadze, an old friend of the Russian poet and diplomat Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Griboyedov knew Nina as a girl, but at this meeting she charmed Alexander Sergeevich with the charm of a newly blooming flower. Suddenly, almost at a family dinner, he proposed to her, and, despite the fever that tormented him, which did not lag behind during the marriage ceremony, he, perhaps for the first time, experienced happy love in full force, experiencing, in his words, such a novel that leaves far behind the most bizarre stories of fiction writers famous for their imagination.
  2. Nina Sazonova is a theater and film actress.
  3. Nina Ruslanova - actress.
  4. Nina Usatova is a theater and film actress.
  5. Nina Ananiashvili is a Georgian and Russian ballerina, People's Artist of Russia and Georgia.
  6. Nina Siciliana (2nd half of the 13th century) is a legendary Italian-speaking poetess.
  7. Nina Beilina (born 1931) is a Soviet-American violinist.
  8. Nina Dumbadze - Soviet track and field athlete.
  9. Nina Makarova is a Soviet composer.
  10. Nina van Pallandt is a Danish singer and actress.
  11. Nina Pacari is an Ecuadorian politician.
  12. Nina Persson is a Swedish singer.
  13. Nina Romashkova - Soviet track and field athlete.
  14. Nina Simone is an American singer.

Nina (name): meaning, character and fate

Nowadays it is quite rare to meet girls and women whose name is Nina. A name whose meaning is of particular interest has become rare in our time. But its popularity may soon increase. People like unusual and mysterious names. Nina is one of them. This name has an unclear etymology and ancient origin. It came into the Russian language from Georgian, and is translated, presumably, as “queen”. However, much more interesting facts can be told about him.


It dates back to the distant IV-III millennia BC. Nina is a name whose meaning is related to the culture of the ancient Sumerians, who existed during that period. It was they who invented cuneiform, thanks to which a lot of information about those times has come down to us.

According to facts, the element “nin” (translated as “lady”) was present in the names of many gods and goddesses. By the way, certain epithets of Inanna began with him. She was the central female deity in Sumerian religion and mythology, as well as the patroness of love and food.

Reference to Sumerian gods

It's worth paying a little attention to the history. This is interesting. For example, the Sumerians had a god, Ninazu, who personified rejuvenation and healing. Ningal, the interpreter of dreams, received special honor. Ningishzida was the guardian of evil demons and the gates of heaven. Ninisina was the goddess of healing. Ninlil was called the Lady of the Air and the Open Field. She patronized fertility. Ninurta was the god of happy war and brother of Ninazu. Ninsun was the patroness of flocks and shepherds, as well as the mother of the hero Gilgamesh. And Ninmah was revered as a mother goddess.

So, as you can see, Nina is a name whose meaning is definitely positive. Historical facts allow us to verify this.

Positive character traits

Now you can dive into learning the secrets of the name. Everyone knows very well that people who have the same name are somewhat similar. This is not surprising, because the name gives them some common features.

Ninas have a lot of positive qualities. These include energy, diligence, hard work, determination, efficiency, prudence and healthy realism. These women are not dreamers. They don't make unrealistic plans. And they know exactly what they are capable of.

These individuals are also distinguished by their independence. They solve all life’s difficulties themselves, and it never even occurs to them to ask for help or advice. And this is not arrogance, but simply responsibility for one’s life, integrity, as well as the habit of relying on oneself and experiencing independence.

Negative traits

They also carry the female name Nina. The meaning of negative qualities to a certain extent is always reflected in the personality. In this case, we are talking about pride, pride, as well as jealousy of other people’s successes and envy.

In addition, Nina has an urgent need for material values. Often in the life of a woman named by this name, expensive things are higher than cultural and spiritual aspects. This ultimately becomes an obstacle to her self-realization, as Nina turns her life into a race for material values. No matter how many there are, there will always be not enough for her, which will make the woman angry. And envy of luckier and more successful people will firmly settle in her heart.

About little Ninas

Girls named by this name are good children. In any case, this happens most often. The mystery of the name Nina and its meaning manifests itself even at a very early age.

These girls delight their parents with their practicality, which is amazing for such a young age. They bring all the toys home and do great at school. They don’t allow you to copy, considering their control intellectual property, but they themselves won’t look at someone else’s notebook.

True, Nin is distinguished by a certain stubbornness, pride and intemperance. These girls rarely take into account the opinions of their elders. But they are not lawless, it’s just that their strong-willed qualities begin to manifest themselves too early. Plus, they do everything great! Realizing this, Nina begins from an early age to try to be the best in everything. And we need to help them with this.

The most important thing is not to compare Nina with anyone. She will take this as an insult and may be very offended. True, having matured a little, the girl will learn to control herself and understand that the successes of other people also deserve attention.


When a person named by this name gets older, the previously mentioned meaning of the name Nina begins to appear in her character. For a girl, all the qualities reflected in her are very important. After all, we are talking about truly significant features.

Nina grows into a hardworking and practical girl who does not build castles in the air. She chooses a good profession and is not mistaken in this regard. Here the prudence developed since childhood helps her. Thanks to this quality, Nina knows exactly what to do in order to stand firmly on her own two feet, without depending on anyone.

Such a girl is distinguished by integrity and responsibility. She is confident in herself, but does not strive to become a leader. However, the reins of power themselves fall into her hands precisely due to the mentioned qualities. So the career growth of girls with this name is often successful.

Women's destiny

As mentioned earlier, Nina is a name whose meaning brings a lot of good things to its owner. But in her personal life, things may not be as successful as in her career.

This woman takes a responsible approach to choosing a spouse. She will never find an ideal, because she is extremely demanding of people. Even if a man is good at everything, sooner or later she will identify a flaw in him and will definitely point it out to him. However, the most important thing for her is that he is faithful and devoted. She will never be able to forgive betrayal. If the fact of betrayal is revealed, Nina will immediately file for divorce.

By the way, women born under this name are stingy in expressing their feelings. However, next to them one feels a certain security and comfort. Perhaps this is why they often choose men who are weaker than them.

What about compatibility? An interesting point, and it’s also worth mentioning when talking about the name Nina. Its origin and meaning are specific, and it is believed that girls named by it are better off avoiding relationships with Fedors, Ivans, Dmitrys, Vladimirs, Philippis, Romans and Anatolys. But they have a marriage with the Maxims, Sergeys, Semyons, Georgies, Mikhails, Victors and Valentins.


This area is also worth paying attention to when talking about girls named Nina. The meaning of the name, character and fate are closely related to each other. And since everyday life is the most important part of the social and physical life of every person, everything listed above simply cannot but manifest itself in it.

So, everything previously mentioned does not mean that these women are stern owners of a cold heart. No, they are magnificent and zealous housewives. True, they refuse to solve all household chores alone, so they involve household members in them.

By the way, Nina raises her children strictly. And often he lashes out at them because of their disobedience. But she is capable of expressing love. Children feel it. Sooner or later it becomes clear to them that their mother simply has a difficult character and an incredible desire to make her family ideal.


The personal life of girls named Nina is very meager in terms of romantic adventures. They don't attach any special importance to sex. There is no passion in them, and these girls approach men with the utmost caution. This, again, demonstrates their inherent demandingness. Nina can only be with someone she really likes, someone she considers worthy of herself.

When it comes to sex, Nina does not tolerate fuss. As in everything else. And specifics are also important to her. She can even clarify her partner’s wishes and preferences in advance. And if something doesn’t suit her, she’ll say so right away.

By the way, caresses are more important to her than sex itself. Perhaps because in reality her tenderness and sensuality are hidden somewhere deep down in her soul. And intimacy is a way to show these qualities and get a return.

Friendship and communication

We should also talk about the meaning of the name Nina in this area of ​​life. The girl named by him will never be the life of the party. Although friends and comrades may often gather in her house, because she needs their recognition and presence in order to feel better and superior to them. Nina may even despise them a little deep down, laughing at some of their qualities.

However, it may seem that she is characterized by humanity. This girl will not refuse help. She is true to her word and will fulfill her obligations. But this will only stroke her pride. Such a person likes to know that they turned to her for help. This makes her feel even more unique.

What brings good luck

Talismans are another topic that I would like to highlight when talking about the meaning of the name Nina. For a girl, fate will turn out well if certain factors appear. At least that's what experts who study this topic say.

Here, for example, is the zodiac sign. They say that if a girl born under the sign of Aquarius is named Nina, then the positive qualities of this name will be most fully revealed in her character. Activity, good health and personal integrity will accompany her throughout life.

Blue, purple and red are considered lucky colors. The totem animal is the deer. It symbolizes well-being, abundance, renewal and spirituality. Like many previously mentioned Sumerian deities, by the way.

The owl is considered the totem bird. A controversial symbol, like Nina’s character. On the one hand, this bird personifies longevity and wisdom, and on the other, loneliness and sadness.

Nina's talisman stones are carnelian and sapphire. The first of these can bring good luck in your personal life, contribute to the sharpening of intuition, as well as the development of eloquence and the disclosure of emotions. And the second symbolizes chastity, modesty and fidelity. What Nina values ​​most in people.


They also play a certain role. And it is also important to pay attention to them when talking about the name Nina. The meaning of the name and fate often depend on the time of year in which the girl was born. It is a fact.

Winter Ninas, for example, are hot-tempered people who are simply impossible to convince of something. Compromises are a completely unfamiliar phenomenon for them.

Spring Ninas are intriguers and selfish people who hate monotonous life. They need constant change and vivid impressions. Their principle is to live every day as if it were your last.

But summer Ninas are very cold, vindictive and secretive. They like absolute solitude. They feel as comfortable as possible in it.

Their complete opposite is the autumn Nina. They are distinguished by their ability to find positivity and advantages in everything. They are cheerful, interesting, and attentive to others. Such girls are ideal conversationalists and sensitive companions.


Everyone knows that a horoscope is most reliable when it takes into account not only the zodiac sign, but also a lot of other personal characteristics. Among them is the name.

What interesting things can astrology tell about a girl named Nina? The meaning of the name, of course, determines the character to some extent, but the zodiac sign can radically “restructure” it.

Taurus, for example, are very sociable. Ninas born under this sign know how to be charming. But they are characterized by demandingness, pride and other previously mentioned qualities.

Nina-Aries become strong-willed, calculating and somewhat adventurous. Geminis are characterized by waywardness, secrecy, arrogance, unpredictability and capriciousness. Nina-Cancers, in turn, are very reserved and scrupulous. They are the ones who value loved ones more than anything in the world and are ready to move mountains for them.

Nina-Leos, in turn, are extremely picky, domineering and proud. Virgos, on the contrary, are balanced, delicate and patient. Nina-Libra surprises with their activity, correctness and relaxedness. Scorpios are proud and independent, while Sagittarius are thorough and persistent. Nina-Capricorns are distinguished by reliability and goodwill, Aquarians can boast of cheerfulness and friendliness. But the most sincere and grateful are Pisces.

This is how the name Nina manifests itself in completely different aspects. The meaning of a name and Fate are indeed very complex and interesting concepts, and looking at them from another sphere can reveal them in a completely different direction.

What does the name Nina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Practical Self-loving Worthy

Nina Dobrev, Canadian actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Georgian

When you're lucky: Friday, Saturday

When there are problems: Tuesday, Sunday

Important years of life: 15

Zodiac sign: Libra

Lucky number: 2

What does the name Nina mean?

In the last century the name was quite well known. Now parents consider it to be out of fashion. The meaning of the name Nina endows its bearer with practicality, diligence, and energy.

The name has a strong and completely earthly energy. It does not encourage you to have your head in the clouds and dream. Nina tends to build castles from durable materials. She is used to relying only on her own strength.

By analyzing what the name Nina means, you can find out that its energy gives its bearer self-love and pride.

The name goes well with patronymics: Mikhailovna, Borisovna, Vyacheslavovna, Naumovna, Dmitrievna, Antonovna, Igorevna, Alekseevna.

Alekseevna is a principled and demanding woman. Andreevna is persistent and sociable. Evgenievna feels a constant need to communicate with her family. Dmitrievna is a proud and independent person who easily adapts to circumstances.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

This name is of Greek origin. Arguing what the name Nina means, we conclude that in translation its interpretation sounds like “madam.” It comes from the word Ninos. This was the name given to the creator of the Assyrian state. Nin was the name of the capital of ancient Assyria.

This name came to us from Georgia and means “youth.” It appeared in ancient times and leads us to the very youth of human history.

History remembers Saint Nina Equal to the Apostles, the niece of the patriarch from Jerusalem, the enlightener of Georgia. Thanks to her miracles and sermons, she was able to convert the monarch of Georgia and her entire people to the Christian faith. Her memorial day is celebrated on January 27.

The origin of the name Nina names her talented famous namesakes. Among them are famous ballerinas: Sorokina, Timofeeva, Ramishvili, Menovshchikova. You can remember popular singers: Isakova and Dorliak, actresses: Ruslanova, Sazonova, Masalskaya, Mamaeva. One of the first TV presenters in the Soviet Union was named Nina Kondratova. During the war years, the organizer and leader of the underground group, Nina Sosnina, received the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Forms of the name Simple: NinaFull: NinaAntique: NinaTender: Nyusya

From an early age, this girl tries to help her mother in everything. She happily does household chores and takes care of her younger sisters and brothers. Schoolgirl Nina proves herself to be a diligent student and achieves good results thanks to her perseverance.

She is not able to express original ideas, but her self-confidence and ambition allow her to take on the role of a manager or leader.

This woman strives to choose a profession that would help her achieve prosperity, establish herself in the eyes of her friends and relatives, and become financially independent even from her husband.

The characteristics of the name Nina can tell that this woman has an aptitude for technical sciences.

She can achieve success as an athlete, ballerina or actress. Can choose the profession of nurse, lawyer, psychiatrist, salesman, flight attendant, journalist. Many representatives of the name become leaders in production.

Nina is able to support herself and her children on her own. At the same time, she faces certain difficulties, but is mentally ready to combine household responsibilities with her career.

Nina has a responsible and punctual character. She is firm and principled. The representative of the name does not live in a world of illusions and dreams. She knows exactly her real possibilities on the path of life.

In communication, this woman shows secrecy, timidity and indecisiveness. She needs attention and proper care to bloom in all her glory.

The secret of the name Nina reveals that she strives for leadership in the circle of relatives and friends, but in a noisy company she stays apart. She is characterized by a suspicious disposition and takes to heart all the words spoken to her. Ready to instantly defend my dignity and defend my rights.

If you show an attentive and cordial attitude towards her, then in return you can feel her sincerity, sincerity and care.

It is characterized by a description of a woman with strong excitability, which is combined with external indifference and calm. She never gives the appearance that the current circumstances alarm and frighten her. Restrained in expressing feelings and emotions.

In Nina’s description you can find out that the owner of the name is very ambitious, thanks to which she becomes a responsible and reliable employee.

She raises the bar of her life plans very high. She is very demanding of herself and those around her.

The bearer of the name is reliable and loyal, but not always planned and logical in her actions and views. She loves to give advice and delve into other people's problems.

Character Traits Realism Prudent Efficiency Originality Efficiency Self-love Pride Jealousy Envy Aggression

Nina's scandalous behavior prevents her from building family relationships. Men, if they know about her weakness, are in no hurry to register marriage with her.

The goal of her whole life is a happy marriage. She loves her family, but it is on those close to her that she releases her emotional charge. He doesn’t let them breathe easy, although he tries to create an ideal family.

Good and bad couples Bronislav Georgy Maxim Mikhail Matvey Anatoly Dmitry Vladimir Roman Sergey

Nina cannot tolerate male weaknesses. She strives for power in the family, dreams of subordinating her husband to her whims, and is very picky about him. For this reason, not every man can get along with her, and in most cases the family goes through a divorce.

The meaning of the name Nina for a girl

There is no consensus on Nina's origins. According to one version, it appeared as a short form of the Greek name Ioannina.

Another version claims that the name translated from Hebrew means “great-granddaughter.” Few scientists find an indigenous population called "Nina" in the Andes.

It came to Russian soil recently, and became popular during the Soviet era. The meaning of the name gives her practicality, excitability and pride.

As a child, the baby grows up to be an active, stubborn, persistent child. Doesn't always listen to parents' opinions. This proud girl does not like sudden changes.

She is distinguished by high efficiency and responsibility. Nina tries to be restrained and firm.

In communication, she always tries to look decent in the eyes of people, but in most cases they turn away from her because of her straightforwardness and narcissism.

Parents need not to lose sight of the fact that the girl often behaves like a bully and must remember that there is no smoke without fire. Often a reasonable explanation can be found for her behavior. Raising Nina will require patience. She should be praised for her curiosity.

What games will Nina like? The child has a varied range of hobbies. May be interested in needlework or playing chess. He will be happy to take care of indoor plants, and maybe even jump with a parachute.

When is the name day?

January 27 May 14 November 19 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Origin, mystery and meaning of the name Nina

Since ancient times, astrologers, psychologists and numerologists have tried to unravel the meaning of the name and its influence on a person’s fate. To do this, they used various methods, theories and observations. This article will reveal the secret of the name Nina. This knowledge will help when communicating with its owner.

Nina: origin of the name

There are several versions of its appearance. According to the first, the name became popular thanks to the niece of the patriarch Juvenaly, who laid the foundation for Christianity in Georgia. She came from Jerusalem, converted first the king and his family, and then the whole people to the new faith.

According to the second version, it comes from the Greek “Ninos”. This was the name of the founding ruler of Assyria. The capital of this state was also called.

From Greek the name Nina is translated as “affectionate”, from Assyrian it means “queen”.

Interesting fact: the name appeared in two states at the same time.

It is also known that from the Quechua language “Nina” is translated as “smoldering embers” or “fire”. Since ancient times, this was the name of the people who lived in the Andes; here it was also used as a female name.

Nowadays, its popularity is gradually declining. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it sounds too simple.

Modern Nina rarely knows the origin of her name, since she often does not recognize anthroponymy as a science. She builds her own destiny.


The meaning of the name Nina is very interesting for many to know. Its bearer grows up to be an unpredictable, stubborn and persistent child.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that she will turn a deaf ear to all advice, persuasion and warnings on their part. Sometimes it even seems that little Nina herself, from birth, knows how best to act in any situation.

Quite often she shows selfishness when communicating with other children. She doesn’t give her toys to anyone, but she can calmly take someone else’s doll that she likes.

However, Nina has a very developed sense of justice. She will always stand up for the weaker child, and may even use force. He often gets involved in fights with boys.

We have already looked at the meaning of the name Nina. For a girl it can be quite chosen. Although she rarely becomes a leader among her peers, however, if circumstances require it, she easily copes with this role. In many ways, she is helped by such qualities as independence and sociability.

At home she loves to help her mother and will be happy to be a nanny for her younger sisters or brothers.

School years

The meaning of the name Nina characterizes her as a good student; often a girl becomes an excellent student. She is diligent, diligent, and her teachers love her.

She has an excellent memory, but her lack of curiosity does not allow her to expand her horizons.

Nina is always ready for lessons. However, during tests he does not allow him to cheat, even to his best friend. She also doesn’t ask for help herself.

As a rule, a girl does not have high intellectual abilities from birth, but pride forces her to do everything possible to stand out among her classmates. To achieve her goal, she will cram textbooks at night or ask her parents to hire her a tutor.

Thanks to her determination, Nina quite often becomes the head of the class and is respected among her peers. It is very important for her self-esteem to always be in the spotlight. Any comparison with other children is painful.

Nina - name meaning, character

Just like at school, the opinions of others are very important to her. Nina simply does not allow herself to look “bad” from the outside. She always achieves respect and recognition in any team.

She will never dream of something unrealistic, but only thinks about what she can achieve on her own, without the help of outsiders. You can see calculation in her every action.

The name Nina (its origin and meaning are discussed above) gives its owner a special charm that everyone notices when communicating with this girl.

She is also the person about whom it is customary to say “in the still waters...”. Outwardly, she is always restrained and balanced, but in some situations she becomes unpredictable.

Sometimes it seems that she is simply observing her life from the outside and simply making adjustments if necessary. Nina plans her future in advance and, without haste, brings her plans to life. However, a sudden change in circumstances can simply unsettle her.

The meaning of the name Nina suggests that this girl has a very developed sense of self-esteem. She always keeps her word, so it is difficult for her to survive deception and betrayal from loved ones. Among Nina's friends there are both men and women. But there is usually only one best friend. Most often she meets her in adolescence.

Nina values ​​her close people very much and under no circumstances will she let them out of her life.

Mentality and health

Nina tries to avoid conflicts with others, as this brings her internal discomfort. Sometimes she can even be a little wild. The older a girl gets, the less interested she is in simple entertainment. She begins to visit exhibitions, theaters, museums, and demands on the people around her increase.

Inside, Nina often resists the external image that she has created.

The importance of public opinion for her continues to increase with age. Sometimes Nina can simply lose control of herself. The usual relaxedness can suddenly give way to tightness. Only she herself can get her out of this state. But even knowing his problem, he will never turn to a psychologist for help.

What does the name Nina mean and how does it affect health? The answer to this question will please both the parents and its owner. Nina's health is excellent - both in childhood and in adulthood. Only occasionally do problems arise with the internal secretion organs.

Nina leads a healthy lifestyle and loves being outdoors. He prefers going out with a tent to the river bank to gatherings at home.

Love and sex

What is the secret of the name Nina? Probably because in a relationship with a man she reveals herself in a new way.

Restrained in appearance, she becomes more emotional with a partner. Nina attaches great importance to caresses, tenderness, and kisses.

The quality of sex also depends on the girl’s mood; here she is unpredictable. Nina can be passive and cold, and next time she can be temperamental and hot.

She will truly open up only to a man whom she will consider her ideal.

In her youth, Nina can sometimes find herself one of the participants in a “love triangle.” She often achieves that men begin to idolize her and seek meetings with her.

Marriage and family

What does the name Nina mean and how does it affect its owner in marriage? The answer to this question will be very interesting to the girl’s life partner. As a husband, she will look for a strong man who is capable of becoming the head of the family. He must be responsible and be able to protect his loved ones in any situation.

Nina has a lot of positive qualities and this attracts the attention of many men. Among them she chooses the most worthy one.

If she feels love and respect from him, then the husband will receive an ideal wife. Her husband's fidelity is of great importance to Nina. She will never forgive him for betraying him.

She strives for her family to be perfect in everything. Because of her senseless claims to her husband, quarrels and scandals often arise. Sometimes this even leads to divorce.

Nina is a good mother, she can teach her children a lot. However, they sometimes suffer from her desire for idealism, since, in her opinion, they should study only with excellent marks, attend all additional classes at school, and also succeed in various sections and clubs. Sometimes she can force children to do things they don’t like.

It is better for Nina to connect her destiny with Victor, George, Mikhail, Valentin, Sergei or Semyon.

It is better to avoid Dmitry, Ivan, Anatoly and Fedor.


The name Nina (we already know its origin and meaning) has a great influence on its owner, helping her achieve noticeable success in her work.

If she wants, a girl can make a good career. The team respects her; with her charm she attracts not only men, but also women. She is always ready to give advice.

The meaning of the name Nina characterizes her as a principled girl. This trait sometimes interferes with her work, since she will never go against her moral principles, which sometimes angers her superiors.

She moves up the career ladder only thanks to determination and hard work.

Nina can achieve significant success if she runs her own business. However, in this case, she will need good financial support and an experienced mentor.

Nina chooses different professions. She can become a hairdresser, manager, engineer or bank employee.

general information

We learned almost everything about the female name Nina. Its meaning was examined in great detail. In conclusion, a little more information.

Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Planet: Uranus.

Color: purple, red, blue.

Talisman stone: zircon.

Totem animal: deer, eagle owl.

Plant: violet, cypress.

Characteristics of the name Nina | The secret of the name Nina

Nina - from the name of the capital of Assyria (Georgian).

Characteristics of the name Nina

As a child, she is not always restrained, stubborn and proud. He doesn’t particularly take into account the opinions of his elders. Shows persistence in achieving goals. Protecting her weaker girlfriend, she fights with her offenders.

At school, the secret named Nina usually has no problems with studying; she reaches out to the best students. In her youth, she becomes scrupulous and worries about issues of honor. It is very important for her what the old ladies in the yard say about her, how the boys from the senior class treat her... Characteristics of the name Nina gets along with her peers, follows teenage fashion. However, her inherent pretentiousness and tendency to read moral teachings complicate this relationship.

Nina is responsible, punctual, and sometimes overly principled. She knows how to be charming, feminine and soft, which helps her easily find a good husband.

Character of the name Nina

She loves her husband and children, but it is they, the closest people, who are the objects of her emotional release. Not allowing herself any slack in her work, she demands the same from her household. She forces her children to learn their homework to the point of insanity, and she finds fault with her husband if, in her opinion, he is lazy about his work. The family is a little afraid of Nina. She wants to improve everything, to reach an imaginary ideal. As a housewife, the secret of the name Nina does not give rise to any complaints, she is quite thrifty, and is rarely left without jams and compotes for the winter. The relationship with the mother-in-law is complicated, because she suspects that the true owner of the house is not the son, but the daughter-in-law. Yes, Nina does not hide her desire for leadership. In cases where the scythe finds a stone, she does not put up with a subordinate role in the family and may go for divorce. The characteristic of the name Nina is predisposed to sinusitis.

“Winter” Nina is self-confident, decisive, and quick-tempered.

“Autumn” is purposeful, practical, thoughtful. The work of a waitress, a salesperson, a nurse is like that. The name matches patronymics: Borisovna, Mikhailovna, Igorevna, Alekseevna, Naumovna, Antonovna.

“Summer” is vindictive, envious.

“Spring” is selfish, an intriguer. It is better for her to work in the service sector, as a journalist, teacher, or assistant.

What middle name suits the name Nina?

Patronymic names: Dmitrievna, Igorevna, Stanislavovna, Vyacheslavovna.

What does the name Nina mean?


named after the founder of the Syrian state Ninos
derivatives - Ninka, Ninaka, Ninoka, Ninanya, Ninonya, Ninokha, Ninosha, Ninulya, Ninunya, Nunya, Ninura, Ninusya, Nusya, Ninukha, Ninusha, Nika, Nita

Origin: The name comes from the Greek word Ninos - that was the name of the founder of the Assyrian state, the capital of Assyria had the same name.
Meaning: “Royal”, “great”.
Character: As a child, Nina is stubborn, cannot always restrain her feelings, and does not listen to the advice and warnings of her elders. To achieve some goal, he can show enviable persistence. Capable of protecting a weaker peer and even using force.
He studies well, his sense of self-esteem does not allow him to be among the laggards. With age, scrupulousness in matters of one's own honor becomes noticeable. Nina is acutely sensitive to the whispering of old women in the yard; the opinions of her friends about her behavior are important to her. She maintains normal relationships with her peers, although at times she is overly pretentious and moralizing.
Having received her specialty, Nina always becomes a particularly responsible worker, punctually completing any task. Able to be charming and charming in a professional setting. For Nina, who has many positive qualities, it is not difficult to find a good man for her husband.
Nina strives to make her family ideal and in this quest she sometimes shows too much zeal and persistence. Children begin to suffer because, in addition to good studies, they are required to attend all kinds of clubs and sections. She begins to find fault with her husband, believing that he is not energetic enough in housework.
She may be inclined to be overweight; after the first birth, you can limit yourself in food. Constantly takes care of his health, but never complains about it. Hardy. The weak point is the internal secretion organs.
Phonosemantics: The word Nina gives the impression of something beautiful, safe, kind, gentle.
Phonosemantics is an assessment of the perception of sounds at the subconscious level.
Phonosemantic analysis of the name is carried out according to the method of Doctor of Philology A.P. Zhuravlev - the deeper the sounds, the more negatively the word is perceived. Talisman: Deer
Color: Lilac
Stone: Zircon
Zodiac sign: Name suitable for Capricorn and Pisces
Harmony with: Aristarchus, Arkhip, Bronislav, Victor, George, Daniel, Eugene, Egor, Innokenty, Klim, Maxim, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikanor, Paramon, Prokhor, Samuel, Semyon, Sergey, Julian
Incompatibility with: Abraham, Albert, Anatoly, Arkady, Arseny, Benedict, Bogdan, Boleslav, Boris, Vladimir, Gabriel, Galaktion, Dmitry, Ignatius, Karl, Kondrat, Lukyan, Oleg, Orestes, Pavel, Prokofy, Savely, Samson, Tikhon , Trofim, Fedor, Eldar, Karp
Name days: January 27, May 14, November 19
Despite the large number of name day dates for some names, each specific name bearer may have only one name day per year.
Your name day will be the date that falls on or immediately follows your birthday.

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Meaning of the name: "Lady, Queen" (Sumerian). Nina - “youth” (Georgian). Translated from Greek - “affectionate”.
Angel Days: January 27
Personality: Those who make up the wine of life.
Character: 86%.
Emission: 88%.
Vibration: 83,000 vibrations. /With.
Color: Red.
Main features: Sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.
Totem plant: Grapevine.
Totem animal: Deer.
Sign: Libra.
Type: Secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine, they require care in order to bloom in time. A happy marriage or an interesting job is the goal of life for them.
Psyche: They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.
Will: They do everything not to show the strength of their character. But there is a will, and at the right time it makes itself felt.
Excitability: Very strong and combined with a quick reaction. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.
Reaction speed: In order not to appear that a given situation frightens or worries them, they restrain their emotions to such an extent that they appear completely emotionless.
Field of activity: They do not like to study, they do it only when necessary. Carolines either choose to live at home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or they combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.
Intuition: These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.
Intelligence: They have a lively mind, prone to generalizations, excellent memory, but they are not overly inquisitive.
Receptivity: If Caroline and others like her become attached to someone, then it is for a long time, and perhaps forever. They are very careful, often waiting for their fairy-tale prince for many years.
Morality: These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. They are equally friendly with both men and women and have a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest acts.
Health: Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only weak point in their body is the internal secretion organs.
Sexuality: They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet the ideal partner.
Activity: It takes a lot of tact and at the same time persistence to develop activity in these girls. Imposing your point of view on someone is considered reprehensible.
Sociability: Overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.
Conclusion: They need to be understood well so as not to inadvertently offend. They do not like to discuss their character flaws and dream that the prince from a fairy tale understands them perfectly.
Another judgment about the name Nina
NINA: Queen (Assyrian).
Name day: January 27 - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, converted the Georgian king and the entire people to the faith of Christ with her preaching and miracles (IV century).
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
Planet: Uranus.
Color: Lilac.
Favorable tree: Cypress.
Treasured plant: Violet.
Patron of the name: Owl.
Talisman stone: Zircon.