What is famous Fyodor Shalyapin. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties? "Pskovtyanka" (Ivan Grozny), "Life for the king" (Ivan Susanin), "Mozart and Salieri" (Salieri)

What is famous Fyodor Shalyapin. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties?
What is famous Fyodor Shalyapin. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties? "Pskovtyanka" (Ivan Grozny), "Life for the king" (Ivan Susanin), "Mozart and Salieri" (Salieri)

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin (Rod. 1873 - Mind. 1938) - Great Russian Opera Singer (BAS).

Fedor Shalyapin was born 1 (13) February 1873 in Kazan. Son of the peasant of the Vyatka province Ivan Yakovlevich Shalyapin (1837-1901), a representative of the ancient Vyatka family of Shalyapin (Shelepina). In childhood, Shalyapin was singing. Received an elementary education.

The beginning of his artistic career, Shalyapin himself considered 1889, when he entered the dramatic troupe V. B. Serebryakov. At first, as a statist.

On March 29, 1890, the first solo performance of Shalyapin was held - the Zarezksky party in the opera "Eugene Onegin", in the formulation of the Kazan Society of Scenic Arts. All May and the beginning of June 1890, Shalyapin - Chorisist of the Tweener Affrise V. B. Serebryakov.

In September 1890, Chaliapin arrives from Kazan to Ufa and begins to work in the choir of the leafy troupe under the leadership of S. Ya. Semenova-Samara.

Completely accidentally accounted for from Horist to transform into a soloist, replacing the sick artist in the opera Montusko. This debut nominated 17-year-old Shalyapin, which occasionally began to charge small opera parties, such as Fernando in Troubadour. Next year, Chaliapin spoke in the party of the unknown in the "Askold Togil" of the Versta. He was proposed a place in the Ufa navy, but the Malorosiysk troupe of Dergach arrived in Ufa, to which Shalyapin joined. The wanders led him to Tiflis, where he first managed to be seriously raised by his voice, thanks to the singer D. A. Usatov. The mustes not only approved the voice of Shalyapin, but due to the lack of the last material resources, he began free to give him singing lessons and generally accepted a big part in it. He also arranged Shalyapin to Tiflis Opera Forkatti and Lyubimov. Shalyapin lived in Tiflis for a whole year, fulfilling in the opera the first bass parties.

In 1893, he moved to Moscow, and in 1894 - to St. Petersburg, where he sang in Arkady in the Lental Opera Truppe, and in the winter of 1894/5 - in the opera partnership in Panayevsky Theater, in Zazylin troupe. The wonderful voice of the novice artist and in particular the expressive musical declamation in connection with the truthful game they paid attention to critics and public. In 1895, Shalyapin was adopted by the Directorate of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters to the Opera Truppe: he entered the stage of the Mariinsky Theater and sang with the success of the Mephistopel party ("Faust") and Ruslan ("Ruslan and Lyudmila"). A diverse graduation of Shalyapin was expressed in the comic opera "Secret Marriage" D. Chimaroza, but still not received due rating. Report that during the 1895-1896 season. He "appeared rather rarely and, moreover, in few parties suitable for him." The famous patron of S. I. Mamontov, who kept the Opera House in Moscow at that time, first noticing in Chaliapin to giving out of a series of outgoing, persuaded him to go to his private troupe. Here in 1896-1899. Shalyapin developed in an artistic sense and turned his stage talent, performing in a number of roles. Thanks to his subtle understanding of Russian music in general and the newest, in particular, it is completely individually, but at the same time deeply truthfully created a number of types in Russian operations. At the same time, he worked a lot over roles in foreign operations; So, for example, the role of Mephistofel in Fausta Guno in his transfer was strikingly bright, strong and peculiar lighting. Over the years, Shalyapin acquired loud fame.

Since 1899, he is back in service in the Imperial Russian Opera in Moscow (Bolshoy Theater), where he enjoyed enormous success. He was highly appreciated in Milan, where he performed at the "La Scala" theater in the capital role of Mephistofel A. Boyto (1901, 10 views). Chaliapin touring in St. Petersburg on the Mariinsky scene was a kind of event in the St. Petersburg musical world.

In the revolution of 1905, he joined progressive circles, sacrificed the fees from their speeches revolutionaries. His performances with folk songs ("Dubinushka" and others) sometimes turned into political demonstrations.

Since 1914, S. I. Zimin (Moscow), A. R. Aksarin (Petrograd) performs in private opera entreprepieces.

Since 1918, the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater. He received the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

The long lack of Chaliapina caused suspicions and a negative attitude in Soviet Russia; So, in 1926, Mayakovsky wrote in the "letter to Gorky": "Or live you, / how does Shalyapin live, / swelling applause / Ogolapan? / Return / Now / such an artist / back / to Russian ruble - / I am first crypt: / - Radi back, / People's Artist of the Republic! " In 1927, fees from one of the concerts of Shalyapin sacrificed to children of emigrants, which was interpreted and presented as support to the White Guards. In 1928, by the decision of the SNK RSFSR, he was deprived of the title of People's Artist and the right to return to the USSR; It was justified by the fact that he did not want to "return to Russia and serve that people whose title of artist was assigned to him" or, according to other sources, the fact that he allegedly sacrificed money to monarchist emigrants.

In the spring of 1937 he found leukemia, and on April 12, 1938 he died on his wife's hands. He was buried at the Paris Cemetery Batinol.

On October 29, 1984, the reburry ceremony of Prach F. I. Shalyapin took place in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

On October 31, 1986, the discovery of the tombstone of the Great Russian singer F. I. Shalyapin (sculptor A. Yelets, Architect Yu Voskresensky) took place.

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was born on February 13, 1873 in Kazan, in the poor family of Ivan Yakovlevich Shalyapin, a peasant from the village of Rieszovo Vyatka province. Mother, Evdokia (Avdota) Mikhailovna (nee Prozorova), originally from the village of Dudinskaya the same province. Already in childhood, Fyodor possessed a beautiful voice (Dzkant) and often sang mother, "charging the voices." From nine years old sang in church choirs, tried to learn how to play a violin, read a lot, but I have to work with a pupil of a shoemaker, turner, joiner, rebooter, correspondence. At twelve, he participated in performances by tours in Kazan troupe as a statist. The irrepressible thrust for the theater led him to various acting troupe with which he was nomaded by the cities of the Volga region, the Caucasus, Central Asia, working as a loader, then a grocery on the pier, often starving and spending the night on benches.

"... Apparently, in the modest role of Horist, I managed to show my natural musicality and imaginary voice tools. When one day one of the baritons, the troupes suddenly, on the eve of the performance, for some reason, he refused the role of a slap in the Opera Montusko" Pebble ", and replace it In the troupe, there was some kind of entrepreneur Semenov-Samara asked me - Whether I would not agree to sing this party. Despite my extreme shyness, I agreed. It was too seductive: the first in my life is a serious role. I quickly learned the party and spoke.

Despite the sad incident in this performance (I sat on the stage by the chair), Semenov-Samara was still a togan and my singing, and a conscientious desire to portray something similar to the Polish magnate. He added me to a salaries five rubles and also began to charge me other roles. I still superstitly think: a good sign of a newcomer in the first play on the stage with the public sitting past the chair. The whole subsequent career I, however, vigorously followed the chair and feared not only to sit past, but also to sit in the chair of the other ...

In this first my season, I sang another Fernando in Troubadour and the Unknown in the Askold Togil. Success finally strengthened my decision to devote yourself to the theater. "

Then the young singer moved to Tiflis, where he took free lessons of singing from the famous singer D. Usatov, performed in amateur and student concerts. In 1894, sang in performances held in the St. Petersburg country garden "Arkady", then in Panayevsky Theater. Fifth of April 1895 made his debut in the Mephistopel party in the Faust opera Sh. Guno in the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1896, Chaliapin was invited by S. Mammoth to the Moscow private opera, where he took a leading position and solved his talent in its entirety, creating a whole gallery of unforgettable images in Russian Operas in this theater: Ivan Grozny in Pskovtyanka N. Roman -Korsakov (1896); Distinity in Khovanchin M. Mussorgsky (1897); Boris Godunov in the Opera Opera M. Mussorgsky (1898) and others. "One great artist became more," wrote about the twenty-five-year-old Shalyapin V. Stasov.

Communication in the Mammoth theater with the best artists of Russia (V. Polenov, V. and A. Vasnetsov, I. Levitan, V. Serovov, M. Vrubel, K. Korovin and others) gave the singer powerful incentives for creativity: their scenery and costumes helped in creating a convincing stage image. A number of opera parties in the theater, the singer prepared from the then novice conductors and composer Sergey Rakhmaninov. Creative friendship united two great artists to the end of life. Rachmaninov dedicated to the singer a few romances, including the "fate" (verses of A. Apukhtin), "You knew him" (Verse F. Tyutchev).

The deep national art of the singer admired his contemporaries. "In the Russian art of Shalyapin - the epoch, like Pushkin," - wrote M. Gorky. In the support on the best traditions of the National Vocal School, Shalyapin opened a new era in the Domestic Music Theater. He managed to surprisely organically connect the two most important starts of the opera art - dramatic and musical, - to subordinate their tragedy gift, unique stage plastic and deep musicality in a single artistic plan.

From September 24, 1899, Shalyapin is the leading soloist of the big and at the same time Mariinsky theaters, tours with a triumphal success abroad. In 1901, in the Milan La Scala, he sings a lot of success in the Mephistopel party in the Opera A. Boyto of the same name with E. Caruso, conducted by A. Tuscanini. The world's fame of the Russian singer was approved by Tours in Rome (1904), Monte Carlo (1905), Orange (France, 1905), Berlin (1907), New York (1908), Paris (1908), London (1913/14). The divine beauty of the voice of Chaliapina conquered the listeners of all countries. His high bass, delivered from nature, with a velvety, soft chain, sounded full, powerfully and possessed the richest palette of vocal intonation. The effect of artistic reincarnation amazed listeners, - not only an appearance, but also a deep internal content that the singer's vocal speech passed. In the creation of capacious and stage expressive images, his extraordinary polyhedral helps: he and sculptor, and the artist, writes poems and prose. Such a versatile gifting of the Great Artist resembles the masters of the Renaissance, is not by chance contemporaries compared his opera characters with Titans Michelangelo. The art of Shalyapin stepped over the national borders and influenced the development of the world's opera theater. Many Western conductors, artists and singers could repeat the words of the Italian conductor and composer D. Gavadzeni: "The innovation of Shalyapin in the sphere of the dramatic truth of the Opera Art had a strong impact on the Italian Theater ... The dramatic art of the Great Russian artist left a deep and incubate trace not only in the field of performance Russian operas of the Italian singers, but in general, on the whole style of their vocal scenic interpretation, including Verdi works ... "

"Shalyapin attracted the characters of strong people covered by the idea and passion that are experiencing a deep spiritual drama, as well as brightly promedy images," notes D.N. Lebedev. - With a stunning truthfulness and power reveals Shalyapin the tragedy of the unfortunate, distraught from the grief of his father in the "Malmalk". or painful spiritual disorder and remorse of conscience experienced by Boris Godunov.

In sympathy to human suffering, high humanism is manifested - the inalienable property of progressive Russian art, which is growing on nationalities, on the purity and depth of feelings. In this nationality that filled all the creature and all the work of Chaliapina, the strength of his talent is rooted, the mystery of his persuasiveness, understanding to everyone, even an inexperienced person. "

Shalyapin categorically against the talked, made emotionality: "All music always expresses a feeling, and where there is feelings, mechanical transmission leaves the impression of terrible monotony. The spectacular aria is cold and protocol, if the phrase intonation is not developed if the sound is not painted by the necessary shades of experiences. In this intonation ... which I recognized mandatory for the transfer of Russian music, the music of Western, although there is less than in Russian, psychological vibration in it.

For Shalyapin, a bright, rich concert activity is characteristic. The listeners invariably admired the performance of the Romance "Melnik", "Old Capral", "Title Advisor" Dargomyzhsky, "Seminarist", "Trepak" Mussorgsky, "Doubt" Glinka, "Prophet" of Roman-Korsakov, "Solovy" Tchaikovsky, "Double" Schubert, "I'm not angry", "in a dream I bitterly cried" Shuman.

This is what the wonderful Russian musicologist academician B. Asafyev wrote about this side of the creative activity of the singer:

"Shalyapin sang truly chamber music, it happened, so concentrately, so deep into what seemed to have nothing to do with the theater and never resorts to the required scene accent on accessories and the visibility of the expression. Perfect calm and restraints mastered them. For example, I remember "In the dream I bitterly cried" Shuman - one sound, a voice in silence, the emotion is modest, covered, and the performer is not like, and there is no such large, cheerful, generous to humor, on a woman, clear person. There is a lonely voice - and everything in the voice: all the depths of the human heart ... The face is still, the eyes are expressive, but in a special way, not as, say, at Mefistople in the famous scene with students or in Sarcastic Serenade: they burned there Viciously, with a mockery, and here the eyes of a man who feels the element of sorrow, but who realized that only in the harsh discipline of the mind and the heart - in the rhythm of all his manifestations - a person acquires power over passions and over suffering. "

The press loved to count the artist fees, supporting the myth of the fabulous wealth, about the greed of Chaliapina. What is the fact that this myth refute posters and programs of many charitable concerts, famous singer's speeches in Kiev, Kharkov and Petrograd in front of a huge working audience? Reoverbity of Solve, newspaper rumors and gossip reportedly forced the artist to take on the pen, refute the sensations and speculation, clarify the facts of their own biography. Useless!

During the First World War, Chaliapina tour trips stopped. The singer discovered two lazaret for his wounded soldiers, but did not advertise his "benefits." Lawyer M.F. Volkenstein, who for many years led the financial affairs of the singer, recalled: "If we just knew how much Shalyapin money passed through my hands to help those who need it!"

After the October Revolution of 1917, Fyodor Ivanovich was engaged in the creative reorganization of the former imperial theaters, was the elected member of the Directorates of the Big and Mariinsky Theaters, led in 1918 by the artistic part of the latter. In the same year was the first artist of the Republic of the Republic in the same year. The singer sought to get away from politics, in the book of his memories he wrote: "If I was something in my life, just an actor and singer, I was loyal to my vocation. But less than all I was a politician. "

Externally could seem that the life of Shalyapin is safe and creatively saturated. He is invited to speak at official concerts, he acts a lot and for the general public, he is awarded with honorary titles, they ask for the work of the various kinds of art jury, the councils of theaters. But there is also sharp calls to "socialize Shalyapin", "to put his talent for the service of the people," there are often doubts about the "class devotion" of the singer. Someone requires a mandatory attraction of his family to the fulfillment of labor service, someone performs with direct threats to the former artist of the imperial theaters ... "I have ever cleaned more clearly that anyone needs something that I can do that there is no point in my work" , - admitted artist.

Of course, Chaliapin could protect himself from the arbitrariness of the robust functionaries, contacting the personal request to Lunacharsky, Peters, Dzerzhinsky, Zinoviev. But constantly depending on the orders even such high leaders of the administrative party hierarchy artist is humiliating. In addition, they often did not guarantee full social security and did not imply confidence in tomorrow.

In the spring of 1922, Chaliapin did not return from foreign tour, although he continued to consider his non-return temporary some time. A significant role in what has happened has played home environment. Caring for children, fear to leave them without means to existence forced Fyodor Ivanovich to agree on endless tour. The eldest daughter Irina remained living in Moscow with her husband and mother, hollow Ignatievna Tornagi-Shalyapina. Other children from the first marriage - Lydia, Boris, Fedor, Tatiana - and children from the second marriage - Marina, Marfa, Department and Children Mary Valentinovna (second wife), Eduard and Stella, lived with them in Paris. Shalyapin was especially proud of Son Boris, who, according to N. Benua, achieved "great success as a landscape and portraitist." Fyodor Ivanovich willingly posed her son; The portraits made by Boris and the sketches of the Father "are fair-age monuments a great artist ...".

In a foreign land, the singer enjoyed a continuing success, touring in almost all countries of the world - in England, America, Canada, China, Japan, in the Hawaiian Islands. Since 1930, Shalyapin performed in the "Russian Opera" troupe, the performances of which were famous for the high level of producer. Special success in Paris had the Opera "Mermaid", "Boris Godunov", "Prince Igor". In 1935, Shalyapin was elected by a member of the Royal Academy of Music (together with A. Tuscanini) and awarded a diploma academician. In the repertoire of Chaliapin there were about 70 parties. In the operations of Russian composers, he created unsurpassed the strength and vitality of Melnik ("Mermaid"), Ivan Susanin ("Ivan Susanin"), Boris Godunova and Varlaam ("Boris Godunov"), Ivan the Terrible ("Pskovtyanka") and many others . Among the best parties in the Western European Opera - Mephistofel (Faust and Mephistofel), Don Basilio (Seville Basilberry), Lepogello (Don Juan), Don Quixote (Don Quixote). Equally great was Chaliapin in chamber-vocal execution. Here he brought the element of theatricality and created a kind of "Romance Theater". His repertoire included up to four hundred songs, romances and the works of chamber-vocal music of other genres. Masterpieces of performing skills included "Blokha", "Forgotten", "Trepak" Mussorgsky, "Night-looking" Glinka, "Prophet" of Roman Corsakov, "Two Grenaders" R. Shuman, "Double" F. Schubert, as well as Russian Folk songs "Farewell, joy", "do not tell Masha for a river to walk", "because of the island on Strazhen."

In the 20-30s, it was made about three hundred gram records. "I love gramophone records ... - Fedor Ivanovich recognized. - I worry me and creatively excites the idea that the microphone symbolizes not some particular public, but millions of listeners. " The singer was very demanding about the records, among his favorites - the entry of the "Elegy" massacre, Russian folk songs, which he included in the programs of his concerts throughout his creative life. According to the memoil of Asafyev, the "wide, mighty inequate breathing of the great singer was saturated with entangled, and he could have heard, there is no limit to the fields and the steppes of our Motherland."

On August 24, 1927, the Council of People's Commissar accepts a decree on the deprivation of Chaliapina of the title of the People's Artist. In the possibility of removal from the chalypin the title of People's Artist, what rumors crawled around in the spring of 1927, Gorky did not believe: "The title of the People's Artist given to you by the Council, only the Council and may be canceled, which he did not do, and, of course, and not Make. " However, in fact, everything happened otherwise, not at all as it was assumed bitter ...

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was born 1 (13) February 1873, in Kazan. As a child, Fedor sang in church choir. Before entering school, N. A. Tonkov and V. A. Andreeva studied. Primary education was obtained by him in private school Vedernikova. Then he entered the Kazan parish school.

Training in the school ended in 1885. In the fall of the same year, he entered the handicraft school in Arsk.

Start of a creative path

In 1889, Chaliapin became a member of the dramatic troupe V. B. Serebryakov. In the spring of 1890, the first solo performance of the artist took place. Shalyapin spoke with the P. I. Tchaikovsky Opere P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Evgeny Onegin".

In the autumn of the same year, Fyodor Ivanovich moved to Ufa and entered the spirit of the cerebrospide S. Ya. Semenova-Samara. In Opere S. Montyushko "Pebble" 17-year-old Shalyapin replaced the sick artist. This debut brought him fame in a narrow circle.

In 1893, Chaliapin became a member of the troupe G. I. Derkach and moved to Tiflis. There was his acquaintance with the opera singer D. Usatov. According to the Council of the Senior Comrade, Shalyapin was seriously engaged in his voice. It was in Tiflis Shalyapin performed his first bass parties.

In 1893, Chaliapin moved to Moscow. A year later, he moved to St. Petersburg and entered the operatic troupe M. V. Lenta. In winter, 1894-1895 Joined the troupe I. P. Zazulin.

In 1895, Chaliapina was invited to the Peter Opera Truppe. On the stage of the Mariinsky Theater Shalyapin played in the roles of Mephistofel and Ruslana.

Creative takeoff

Studying a brief biography of Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich, it should be known that in 1899 he first went on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1901, the artist acted as Mephistople in the La Scala Theater in Milan. His speech was very liked by European audiences and critics.

In the time of revolution, the artist performed with folk songs, and fees sacrificed workers. In 1907-1908. It started his tour in the United States of America and Argentina.

In 1915, Chaliapin made his debut in the cinema, playing the title role in the painting "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny".

In 1918, Chaliapin was headed by the former Mariinsky Theater. In the same year he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic.


In July 1922, Chaliapin went on tour in the United States. By itself, this fact deeply excited about the new power. And when in 1927, the artist donated his fee to children polit .Emigrants, it was regarded as a betrayal of Soviet ideals.

Against this background in 1927, Fyodor Ivanovich deprived the title of people's artist and forbidden to return to their homeland. All accusations from the Great Artist were removed only in 1991.

In 1932, the artist played a capital role in the movie "Adventures of Don Quixote".

last years of life

In 1937, F. I. Shalyapin diagnosed leukemia. The great artist left his life in a year, April 12, 1938. In 1984, thanks to Baron E. A. Falset Fein, the ashes of Shalyapin was taken to Russia.

The reburial ceremony of an outstanding singer took place on October 29, 1984, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Other biography options

  • In the life of F. I. Shalyapin there was a lot of interesting, fun facts. In his youth, he was tried in the same choir along with M. Gorky. Shalyapina Heads of Choir "rejected" due to the mutation of the voice, preferring his arrogant competitor. Human offense at a much less darling, in his opinion, a competitor Shalyapin retained for life.
  • Having become acquainted with M. Gorky, he told him this story. Surprised writer, having fun laughing, admitted that a competitor to the choir, who was soon kicked out due to the lack of voice, it was he who.
  • The scenic debut of young Shalyapin was quite original. At that time, he was the main statist, and at the premiere of the play performed in the wordless role of Cardinal. The whole role was in the majestic procession through the entire scene. Sweet Cardinal played the younger stars who were very worried. Rehearsing, Chaliapin told them on stage to do everything exactly like him.
  • Going to the scene, Fyodor Ivanovich confused into the mantle and fell. Thinking that it is necessary, the same did the same thing. This "bunch of small" was spoiled on stage, making the tragic stage incredibly funny. For this, the raised director launched Shalyapin from the stairs.

Born in the family of Peasant Ivan Yakovlevich from the village of Riesztsovo, which served in the Zemstvo Government, and Evdokia Mikhailovna from the village of Dudinskaya Vyatka province.

First, the little Fedor, trying to attach "to the case", gave to the students to the Sapozhnik N.A. Thin, then V.A. Andreev, then to the turner, later to the joiner.

In early childhood, he manifested a beautiful voice of the Covenant and he often sang along with his mother. At 9 years old, he began to sing in the church choir, where he was brought by Regent Shcherbitsky, their neighbor, and began to earn at weddings and funeral. Father bought a violin for his son and Fedor tried to play her.

Later, Fedor enrolled in the 6th urban four-class school, where there was a wonderful teacher N.V. Shoes, which finished with a commendable literacy.

In 1883, Fyodor Shalyapin first got into the theater and then sought to watch all performances

From the age of 12, he began to participate in the performances of touring troupe as a statist.

In 1889 he entered the dramatic troupe V.B. Serebryakov statist.

On March 29, 1890, Fyodor Chaliapin made his debut with the P.I. Opere Party Tchaikovsky "Evgeny Onegin", put by the Kazan society of fans of scenic art. Soon he moves from Kazan to Ufa, where he performs in the choir Troupes S.Ya. Semenova-Samara.

In 1893, Fyodor Chaliapin moved to Moscow, and in 1894 - to St. Petersburg, where he began to sing in the country garden "Arkady", in the theater V.A. Panayev and Troupe V.I. Zazulin.

In 1895, the Directorate of St. Petersburg Opera Houses took it into the Barpets of the Mariinsky Theater, where he sang the Mofistofel party in Fauste S. Gunov and Ruslan in Ruslana and Lyudmila M.I. Glinka.

In 1896, S.I. Mamontov proposed Fedor Shalyapin to sing in his Moscow private opera and move to Moscow.

In 1899, Fyodor Shalyapin became the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and, touring, with great success spoke at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1901, Fyodor Shalyapin gave 10 triumphant ideas in La Scala in Milan in Italy and drove with a concert tour of Europe.

Since 1914, he began to act in private opera entreprepacy S.I. Zimina in Moscow and A.R. Aksarin in Petrograd.

In 1915, Fyodor Shalyapin fulfilled the role of Ivan the Terrible in Kinoframe "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny" on the drama L. Maya "Pskovtyanka".

In 1917, Fyodor Shalyapin acted as a director, putting in the Bolshoi Theater by Opera D. Verdi "Don Carlos".

After 1917, he was appointed by the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1918, Fedor Shalyapin was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic, but in 1922 he left for tour to Europe and remained there, continuing to act successfully in America and Europe.

In 1927, Fyodor Shalyapin sacrificed the money to the priest in Paris for children of Russian emigrants, which was presented as the help of "White Guards to combat Soviet authorities" on May 31, 1927 in the magazine "All-Russian" S. Simon. And on August 24, 1927, SNK RSFSR by the decision was deprived of his title of a folk artist and forbade returning to the USSR. This resolution was canceled by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on June 10, 1991 "as unfounded."

In 1932, he starred in the lead role in the film "Adventures of Don Quixote" Pabsta on the Roman Servantes.

In 1932 -1936 Fedor Shalyapin went to the tour of the Far East. In China, Japan, Manchuria, he gave 57 concerts.

In 1937 he was diagnosed with leukemia.

On April 12, 1938, Fyodor died and was buried at Batinol Cemetery in Parzhie in France. In 1984, his dust was postponed to Russia and October 29, 1984 was reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Fyodor Shalyapin - Russian Opera and Chamber Singer. At various times, he was a soloist in the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theater, as well as in the Metropolitan Opera. Therefore, the work of the legendary bass is widely known and beyond his homeland.

Childhood and youth

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was born in Kazan in 1873. His parents were visiting peasants. Father Ivan Yakovlevich moved from the Vyatka province, he was engaged in an unusual for a peasant work - he served letters in the management of the Zemstvo. And Evdokia Mikhailovna's mother was a housewife.

As a child, a little Fedi got a beautiful conceal, thanks to which he was sent to the church choir, where he received the basics of knowledge of musical letters. In addition to singing in the temple, his father gave a boy to training for a shoemaker.

After completing several elementary education classes with honors, the young man goes to work as an assistant writer. These years then Fedor Shalyapin will remember as the most boring in his life, because he was deprived of the main thing in his life - singing, since at that time his voice was worried about the breaking period. So it would be on the rolled career of the young archivist, if one day he did not come to the presentation of the Kazan Opera House. The magic of art forever captured the heart of the young man, and he decides to change the activity.

At the age of 16, Fedor Shalyapin with the bass already undergoing listening to the opera house, but with a cracking fails. After that, he adds to the dramatic team of V. B. Serebryakov, in which he was taken to the post of statist.

Gradually, the vocal parties were charged with a young man. After a year, Fedor Shalyapin fulfilled the Battery of the Zaretsky from the Opera "Eugene Onegin". But in dramatic entrepreneurs, he is not delayed for a long time and after a couple of months later, a chorister is arranged in the music troupe S. Ya. Semenova-Samara, who leaves for Ufa.

Still Shalyapin remains a talented self-taught, which after several comically failed debuts acquires scenic confidence. The young singer is invited to the wandering theater from Malorus under the leadership of G. I. Derkach, with whom he makes a number of first trips around the country. Travel leads Shalyapin ultimately in Tiflis (now - Tbilisi).

In the capital of Georgia, the talented singer notes the teacher on the vocal vocal Dmitry Usatov, in the past the famous tenor of the Bolshoi Theater. He takes on the complete provision of a poor young man and does with him. In parallel with the lessons, Chaliapin works by the performer of bass parties in the local opera house.


In 1894, Fyodor Shalyapin enters the service to the Imperial Theater of St. Petersburg, but the rigor, reigning here, begins to quickly try it. For a happy accident on one of the performances, he notices the benefactor and lures the singer to his theater. Possessing a special little on talents, the patronage detects in the young temperamental artist incredible potential. He provides Fedor Ivanovich full freedom in his team.

Fedor Shalyapin - "Black"

During work in the Mammont Chaliapin troupe, revealed his vocal and artistic abilities. He quail all the famous bass parties of Russian operas, such as Pskovysian, Sadko, "Mozart and Salieri", "Mermaid", "Life for the king", "Boris Godunov" and "Hovhanshchina". His performance of the role in Fausta Charles Pudner still remains reference. Subsequently, he recreated a similar image in the Aria "Mephistofel" in the "La Scala" theater than the success of the world public.

From the beginning of the 20th century, Shalyapin appears again on the frames of the Mariins, but already as a soloist. With the Metropolitan Theater, he touring Europe, he falls on the metropolitan-opera scene in New York, not to mention regular departures to Moscow, in a large theater. Surrounded by the famous bass, you can see the whole color of the creative elite of that time: I. Kookin, Italian singers T. Ruffo and. The photos are preserved where it is captured next to his loved one.

In 1905, Fedor Shalyapin honored with solo performances, on whom he sang Romances and the folk songs of Dubinushka, "along St. Petersburg" and others. All means of these concerts singer sacrificed for the needs of the workers. Such concerts of the maestro turned into real political events than later Fyodor Ivanovich had evolved honor from Soviet power. In addition, friendship with the first proletarian writer Maxim Gorky secured the Shalyapin family from ruin during the Soviet terror.

Fedor Shalyapin - "Along Patter"

After the revolution, the new government appoints Fyodor Ivanovich the head of the Mariinsky Theater and awards him the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. But in the new quality, the singer worked for a long time, since he immigrated with his family from his family as the border with the first overseas gastrolers of 1922. No longer appeared on the Soviet scene scene. After years, the Soviet government deprived Shalyapin the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

The creative biography of Fyodor Shalyapin is not only his vocal career. In addition to singing, a talented artist was fond of painting and sculpture. He also starred in the cinema. He got a role in the same name of Alexander Ivanov-Gaya eponymous, and he also participated in the shooting of the film of the German director of George Wilhelm Pabsta "Don Quixote", where Chaliapin performed the main role of the famous wrestler with windmills.

Personal life

With the first wife, Shalyapin met in the youth, while working in the Mamontov's Affriter Theater. The girl was called Iola Tornagi, she was a ballerina of Italian origin. Despite the temperament and success in women, the young singer decided to tie himself as a marriage as a sophisticated woman.

Over the years of the Japan, Iola gave birth to Fyodor Shalyapin six children. But even such a family did not keep Fedor Ivanovich from fundamental changes in life.

Being in the service in the Imperial Theater, he had to live often in St. Petersburg, where he started the second family. At first, with his second wife, Maria Petzold Fedor Ivanovich met secretly, as she was also married. But afterwards they began to live together, and Maria gave birth to him for three more children.

The dual life of the artist continued until his departure to Europe. At the tour, Prudantive Chaliapin left the entire second family, and in a couple of months, five children came to Paris to Paris from the first marriage.

From the Big Fedor family in the USSR, only his first wife Iola Ignatievna and the eldest daughter Irina remained. These women became the keepers of the memory of the opera singement in their homeland. In 1960, the old and sick Iola Tornagi moved to Rome, but before leaving she turned to the Minister of Culture with a request - to create in their house at the Novinsky Boulevard Museum of Fyodor Ivanovich Shalyapin.


Last tour of the countries of the Far East, Shalyapin went in the mid-30s. It gives over 50 solo concerts in the cities of China and Japan. After that, returning to Paris, the artist felt not good.

In 1937, doctors diagnosed he had an oncological disease of the blood: the year of life remains Chaliapin.

The great bass died in the Paris apartment in early April 1938. For a long time, his dust was buried in French land, and only in 1984, at the request of Sala Chaliapina, his remains were transferred to the grave at the Novodevichy Moskdom Cemetery.

True, many historians consider the death of Fyodor Shalyapin rather strange. And the doctor in one voice said that leukemia with such a hedgehog bodium and at such age is extremely rare. There are also evidence that after the tour in the Far East, the opera singer in Paris returned in a painful state and with a strange "decoration" on the forehead - a lump of greenish color. Doctors argue that such neoplasms arise in poisoning with radioactive isotope or phenol. The question was what happened to Chaliapin on the tour, and the local historian was set out of Kazan Rovell Kashapov.

A man believes that Skalyapin "removed" the Soviet power as an objectionable. At one time, he refused to return home, plus to everything, through the Orthodox priest provided material assistance to poor Russian emigrants. In Moscow, his deed was called counter-revolutionary, aimed at supporting white emigration. After such a charge of return, there was no longer any speech.

Soon the singer joined the power to the conflict. His book "The History of My Life" was printed by foreign publishers, and they received the press permission from the Soviet Organization "International Book". Shalyapina outstanding so unceremonious disposal by copyright, and he filed a court who ordered the USSR to pay him monetary compensation. Of course, in Moscow, this was regarded as hostile actions of the singer against the Soviet state.

And in 1932 he wrote the book "Mask and Soul" and published it in Paris. In it, Fyodor Ivanovich spoke in a tough form in relation to the ideology of Bolshevism, to Soviet power and in particular to.

Artist and Singer Fedor Shalyapin

In the last years of his life, Shalyapin showed maximum caution and suspicious persons to his apartment did not let. But in 1935, the singer received an offer to the organization of the tour in Japan and China. And during the tour in China, unexpectedly for Fedor Ivanovich, he is offered to give a concert in Harbin, although initially the performance was not planned there. Kashapov Kashapov Regional Kaspov is confident that there is a doctor of Wielzon, who accompanied Shalyapin in this round, was awarded an aerosol cylinder with a poisoning substance.

Fedor Ivanovich's accompaniator, Georges de Godzinsky, claims that before the speech, Witzon inspected the singer's throat and, despite the fact that he found it quite satisfactory, "sprinkled by Menthol." Herzinsky told that further tour was held against the background of the worsening health of Shalyapin.

In February 2018, 145 years old since the birth of the Great Russian Opera Singer. In the house-museum of Shalyapin at the Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow, where Fyodor Ivanovich lived with his family since 1910, the admirers of creativity widespread his anniversary.


  • Life for the king (Ivan Susanin): Aria Susanina "People's truth"
  • Ruslan and Lyudmila: Rondo Farlaf "Oh, joy! I knew"
  • Mermaid: Aria Melnik "Oh, then all of you, girls are young"
  • Prince Igor: Aria Igor "Neither sleep, no rest"
  • Prince Igor: Aria Konchaka "Health Lee, Prince"
  • Sadko: The song of the Varangian guest "On the cliffs of the Terrible are crushed with the roar of the waves"
  • Faust: Aria of Mefistophele "Go to Darkness"