What to attract a woman of Aquarius. How to like a girl and a woman aquarian? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a girl and woman Aquarius? What gifts, compliments love girls and women aquarian? What guys and men like mars

What to attract a woman of Aquarius. How to like a girl and a woman aquarian? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a girl and woman Aquarius? What gifts, compliments love girls and women aquarian? What guys and men like mars
What to attract a woman of Aquarius. How to like a girl and a woman aquarian? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a girl and woman Aquarius? What gifts, compliments love girls and women aquarian? What guys and men like mars

If you have wide interests and like everything unusual, then you will be not difficult to attract and like a woman. She is wondering literally to everyone that he sees, hears where, she would not be. Especially if it concerns policies, science, technology, art and various innovations. But to conquer for a long time, her attention will be more difficult, since such women are inconstant, they always want to change something, more communication, and new, with new acquaintances, friends, according to the spotlight, especially in the information center. And the old one, constant brings them to boredom.

How to attract a woman Aquarius

First of all, it must be consistent with its requirements on this man. With such a man should not be boring.

  1. It can be boring with serious, calculating, conservative men, especially if they adhere to traditions.
  2. Will be wondering what she is interested. It is important for her to see the man as a friend, like-minded man.
  3. She is always interested in something new and very good if you are interested in your business or hobbies. So more chances to keep it nearby.
  4. An indispensable advantage will be if the man has professional successes, career.
  5. If you are lucky to attract her attention, then stay for her at the beginning, like-minded person, representing it, complete freedom of action.
  6. She loves freedom very much and she does not like when it is limited. She's like a free bird, will do what she wants to her.
  7. Communicate with it on equal, without enchanting, bowling and deception.

How to like a woman aquarian

She adores erudite, intelligent men who can satisfy her information hunger and answer many questions. And there are really a lot of them. For example, she may be interested in life on other planets and how to pour the meaning of life.

  1. The task of a man is to know a lot of interesting facts and entraining constantly interesting conversations.
  2. And if most women like to discuss practical questions or, that does not come out of the framework of ordinary life. Then she will be interested in everything unusual, new.
  3. The ideal option will be, if a man is engaged in science, developing new technologies. All this is very interesting for her. As a last resort, you can read new items on the Internet.
  4. But it is necessary to take into account that for her attention will have to fight constantly. Since after acquaintance with a person, she, chanting his psychology and character, can lose interest to him and she wants to follow something else. She does not like to dwell on something one when in the world, how much new, unknown.

You can like it still sincere qualities

  • Kindness
  • Compassion
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Friendliness
  • Errorism

How to conquer a woman aquarius

For durable and long-term relationships, it is necessary to gradually give them material aspects.

  1. Surrounded by her concern, comfort, gifts.
  2. The main thing is that she felt protected.
  3. It does not carry rudeness and aggression. The man needs to protect it from this, become an indispensable assistant.
  4. It is necessary to become a knight with a reliable support.
  5. Support its endeavors. Share her views.
  6. Uncomplicable, unlike others, bright men easier to conquer her.
  7. Only conversations should be purely informational, constant talk about feelings, emotions, feelings are not interesting.

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or you want to learn more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, take advantage

Aquarius woman is a paradox. It is still completely understood that to drag the wind. Her life is a series of inconsistencies and complete confusion. This woman can be two types: either shy, sensitive, gentle and patient, or uncontrolled, energetic and extravagant. If you decide to meet or conquer a woman-Aquarius, this article is just for you. She will give you some tips on how to understand your parent.


Part 1

how to care for a woman-aquatic

    Women-aquatic are differently described as bohemian, eccentric, unusual and even slightly strange. Use it for yourself. Women-aquities want love, but not a banal version of her version, which can often be seen in Hollywood films.

    Stimulate her feelings. Woman's Aquarius wants her feelings stimulated. Of course, not all at the same time. She wants to do extraordinary things that will tickle her feelings every second. Here are some original ideas for dating you note:

    • Invite her to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art or glass blowing workshops. This will help stimulate her visual feelings.
    • Invite her to taste exotic dishes from different countries. It should stimulate her feelings of taste and smell.
    • Go with her to a concert of unusual music. This can be for example the concert of the Vietnamese Folka or the famous rock band. But the concert of classical music is unlikely to make an impression on it.
  1. Do not try to bind it to yourself. Women-aquatic freedom-loving creation. It is unlikely that she wants to be tied to homemade houses or family, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Therefore, it is not worth talking about how much you want children and a calm domestic life. While retention from it. All you need now - concentrate on improvisation and internal freedom.

    • Do not rush relations at the very beginning. Your perseverance during the development of relations can be swung. Remember, she hates stuck. Do not make her understand that you have big plans and hopes on it, even if it is. She will not tolerate control on your part.
  2. Be prepared to face her unpredictable character. Not in the sense that today she says one thing, and tomorrow does something completely different. But in the fact that it constantly studies, experiments and comprehends something new. Be ready for it. Despite the fact that the Aquarius is very harmonious people, they can be social butterflies and "aimlessly" to flutter through the expanses of society.

    • Women Aquarius Social Persons and adore to be among the people. Meeting with new and interesting people is one of their favorite entertainment. Let her think that she has such an opportunity.
    • Also do not be surprised if she decides to meet with his male friends without you. She will be friends with them while they are not in love with her. But you will still seem to seem that it gives other guys with a lot of time. Suppress this feeling: Jealousy will not bring anything good in your relationship with her.
  3. Let the period of courtship develop in moderate pace. Despite the fact that Aquarius is an air sign, they will not tolerate the rapid development of relationships. This means that at the very beginning you need to take a pace. Do not hope to achieve its location in a week. It will take some time before she let you in my soul. But as soon as she does it, it will mean special confidence in you.

    Part 2

    women-Aquarius in Love
    1. Throw her challenge, but do not try to beat your head about the wall of her stubbornness. Since by nature of your Women-Aquarius is very smart, they like to listen to fresh opinions and try their own conclusions in practice. Among other things, women are very stubborn people. They do not often change their opinion and vision of things. Therefore, be prepared to retreat in the dispute, even if you are right.

    2. Do not crush her ambitions. As a person with high ideas, it may seek power and good position. In this she is not like other signs. Let her nurse and cherish their ambitions. For some time it will be her brainchild.

      • Women Aquaries strive for equality between the floors. In relations with an alarm, do not try to offer her a secondary role. From this she will undoubtedly come to rabies.
      • Do not expect it to become an approximate housewife. If you still grow hope for this, then you will be bitterly disappointed. Despite the fact that women are very loving and tolerant creatures, they do not always make up the role of a housewife. And some do not even consider it.
      • Women-water has always full of excellent ideas suitable for implementation. Sometimes they just need to help a little with the details. Due to the fact that often their ideas are elevated, they do not always care about practical details. This is your chance to act as practice and help her realize their ideas. If it allows, of course.
    3. Do not be surprised if she will tell you about your male friends or ex-beloved. Love for Aquarius personifies a kind of perfect quality that does not tolerate proprietary manifestations and jealousy. Love for them enjoying and holiday. Talking about their former and friends, she expects you to treat them with the same respect, even if they represent "threat" for you. Understand, her love for you is unconditional, even if she does not show her as you would like.

      • She will not marry you if you do not become her best friend. She belongs to friends with a high reverence, almost on par with her beloved person. Her motto: "Favorite come and go, and friends remain forever." Therefore, to conquer her love, you will have to become her friend.
    4. Add the severity of sensations, especially in bed. Aquarius will easily leave you if you become boring. Rutina is not for her. Therefore, learn how to give your relationship a special flavor. Give her to feel that you are always on the tip and she will always be desired to be next to you.

      • She is not from those who are afraid to try something new in bed. She loves to go beyond the limits. This applies to both positions and scenarios and places. Small love games in a public place (but hidden from the eyes of the averages) - what she wants.
    5. Find out with whom it is especially compatible. Aquariols are well suited by scales, twins, firing and aries.

      • Partnership with "Weighs" promises to be very bright and cheerful. Excellent intellectual compatibility with minimal tension between partners is a good key to a long relationship.
      • With "Gemini": this is such a union in which at one point all the feelings of the Aquarius will be active, and after a second it will be in complete confusion, although in a good sense. Aquarius find twins irresistible, which contributes to unconditional love on their part.
      • With "Sagittarius", the Aquarius will have a very passionate union. Sagittarma need even more space than waterwords, which gives her the freedom, which she dreams about. The relationship will turn out unusual, but successful.
      • With "Aries", a relationship based on physical imposition will be. In such a union, the risk of burning the duck, but the Aquarius will always attract the independence of the Aries and his successes in an attempt to send her thoughts into the right direction.
      • Communication is the key to her heart.
      • First become her friend.
      • Aquarius may seem cold, but they just need time to get you better.
      • Beware of express faithful interest, as the Aquarius woman immediately recognizes it. It is better for you to be extremely honest, sincere and transparent. She loves these qualities and always expect them.
      • You will never know what's on her mind.
      • Be her intellectual incentive and awaken in it love for studying and testing new.
      • Be complete enthusiasm and knowledge of various objects that interests it.
      • Do not hide her feelings. She is rashabited and can lose interest to you.
      • Preheat your interest with witty verbal disputes.
      • Do not stick and do not jealous.
      • She loves to help people.
      • She does not make critics to his address. You will have to be extremely tactful when you say that she did something wrong.
      • Do not squeeze it with your care and do not be helpless.
      • Always think non-standard when you plan or communicate with the aquarity.
      • In a conversation with her, be interested in its radical ideas and thoughts.
      • She adores intellectually savvy partners. It's time to take for the study of Shakespeare and Kita.
      • Use the Manera to say funny things calmly calm tone.
      • Do not be affordable all 24/7.
      • Do not pursue it.

So we reached the penultimate sign! Today, the topic of the conversation on the horoscope is a guide to the female sign of the zodiac Aquarius. We will tell you not only about the character and features of these girls, but also open a few secrets that will help you conquer their heart.

Guide on the female zodiac zodiac Aquarius - the character of the girl Aquarius

Girls born in the period from the twenty-first January to the nineteenth of February are aquatic. These are very creative ladies, in the head of which constantly a whole bunch of some non-standard ideas. Usually - very creative nature that are talent to poetry, drawing, music or dancing. They have a whole bunch of friends, as they are also very caring, attentive girls.

Aquarius is generally very friendly. They are always fun with them. Even if you met a few moments ago, they immediately find a common language with you. With them there is always something to chat, since they have very versatile interests. In addition, they give every idea the second breathing.

Also, this is very understanding ladies. They always sympathize and empathize with other people, even unfamiliar. In addition, at any time they are ready to help - they will come to you even in the middle of the night, if necessary. They are very worried about other people and are always trying to ease their life and delight.

In addition, these ladies love to reflect on philosophical topics. And since they have very extraordinary thinking, they are always very interesting to listen. They can even prevent the most boring information so that your jaw will turn off. In addition, they will not get bored in everyday life! They are the soul of the company at every party and event. They really like to entertain those surrounding.

And more Aquarius - terrible dreamers and divergers. They love to toll in the clouds and build air architectural structures. Some can at all think that these ladies live exclusively in their fictional world. This is manifested not only in love love, but in the extraordinary statements and perception of the world of water.

Aquarius - Freedom-loving girls. Independence is very important for them, they cannot live in some framework. They are also completely different not the opinion of others, but especially for the opinion of the majority. They themselves know what they want. O. worldview Very specific. And these girls will never change their principles.

And they also have very developed intuition. They always feel very well the emotions of other people, so they understand them well. Also, such a talent helps them to calculate ill-wishers and hypocrites, and also avoid all troubles. If an aquaries trust in their inner alarm, they will never get into some kind of difficult situation.

Guide on the female sign of the zodiac Aquarius - how to attract the attention of the girl Aquarius

Aquarius girls attract extremely unusual and extraordinary men. They should also be as independent. Well, or at least understanding. After all, these girls will not get restrictions. They want to do what they like. And communicate with whom the soul will wish. If you are jealous, and even the owner, then you are unlikely to become interested in such ladies.

Serious, calculating and pragmatic men these ladies are not interested. First of all, they appreciate their non-standard and individuality in humans. The household sphere of life is absolutely not interested. They want to find out every day and feel something new and bright. Yes, and a practical person will never understand water.

Also, these girls love to talk to souls or at some versatile topics. That is why they need a smart, educated and well-read satellite, which can support any conversation at any time of the day. Aquarius want their partner to be primarily the friend with which they will have much in common.

Well, you should be unpredictable man. Between you and your companion should always be some intrigue, mystery or mystery. Otherwise, such ladies just begin to miss and slowly fade. They need some sharp, unusual sensations. And the relationship should be similar to some fairy tale.

Guide for the female zodiac sign Aquarius - what guys like a girl aquarian

Aquarius are highly loving girls, so they like very many. In addition, they differ from nature in people extremely good features of character, and they do not pay attention to negative. But still, they have several "selection criteria".

First, they need a strong partner who will not be on trifles to demonstrate their abilities. They want equal relationships. But still their favorite person should be stronger to support and help out at the right moment.

Secondly, their satellite must be sociable and friendly. And he still needs to be an open mind. After all, they are always ready for something new, they have no stereotypes in the head. They are innovators, and want to see the same person next to them.

Thirdly, this person should not limit them in anything. As we have said, Aquarius wants to always feel free. If their partner will follow them and prohibit them anything, they will very soon.

Guide on the female zodiac sign Aquarius - how to understand what you like to girl aquarian

Aquarius rather quickly give themselves. You will understand everything, just looking at the eyes. Yes, and when these ladies fall in love, they are very changing. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac immediately try to get closer to the object of their sympathies and make something pleasant to him. Moreover, they will make it with a burning look and a charming smile.

And even aquatic is usually very shy in the presence of their beloved. They can start robbing instantly, even if before that all laughed in lively talking about the surrounding. Also prone to greatly idealize their passions. They immediately include the "dreams" mode, and begin to represent their joint perfect life.

Guide on the women's sign of the zodiac Aquarius - how to keep the girl Aquarius

As you already understood, Aquarius is the ladies of freedom-loving. So if you want to be with them, then you should not hold them. It will only worse. Also, do not try to somehow change their character and remake these ladies. They will never change for the sake of another person, as they do not change their principles that it would not happen.

In addition, you must learn to think as these ladies. Need to forget about any rules and public standards, to include fantasy. Well, or at least to share the interests of your chosen - it is very important for them. And if some conflicts arise, learn to take the first step to reconciliation.

In no case, do not attempt to subordinate and pacify these girls. First, it is impossible. And secondly, they will immediately part with you. They are not interested in a similar model of relationships. You must be the best friend for Aquar, not the owner.

Guide on the female zodiac sign Aquarius - Compatibility of the girl Aquarius with other signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo


There will be a very big attraction between you, even though you are completely different people. You are a strong man, and such aquaries love and appreciate. Your relationship is a real idyll.


Most likely, you just won't understand each other. It is insanely difficult for you to find a common language and get close, so it is unlikely that something from this union will work out.


Great Union! Your relationship can be rightfully called perfect. You both are bright and non-standard personalities, so you will always be fun and comfortable together.


Alas, such an alliance rarely ends with success. Even if you manage to attract the attention of Aquarius, it will very soon cool to you. She needs an active and energetic partner.

a lion

Ambiguous situation. If you are patient, you will certainly be able to reach a consensus. But for this will have to try very much!


Your pragmaticity will be terribly inferior to Aquarius. But if you still begin to communicate with other people and strive for some great goals, you can still keep this lady next to you.

Guide on the female zodiac sign of Aquarius - Compatibility of the girl Aquarius with other zodiac signs: Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish


Very good union! You are very different, but complement each other. You will never have conflicts with even small. Your love will be so strong that you will not even have time to think about it.


Definitely no. You are too practical and demanding person, your chosen one does not tolerate. Yes, and you can hardly be delighted with her permanent guys.


It's just the perfect couple! You have very good compatibility in friendship, and in love. You will not only find a common language, but will be able to turn a joint life in a real holiday!


It is unlikely that you have something to work out, since you are a person strict and conservative. Most likely, your chosen will be with you simply boring.


It seems you would have the same people, but for some reason you have a very low compatibility. This is because you both are madly appreciate freedom. And, most likely, you just will not spend time together.


You both are dreamers, so you will be all the time in your imaginary worlds. And the Aquarius will annoy your constant melancholy and sadness.

As you can see, the girls of Aquarius are the identities of very non-standard and creative. They do not represent their lives without creativity and freedom. Also these are big dreamers. Fantasy works very well! They will never get bored with them.

Learn also for sure to understand what future they expect them during this period.

How to keep a woman Aquarius? This question is asked by many who fell in love with the representative of this sign of the zodiac. The drabs are very loved by their own independence and freedom and will not allow themselves to restrict themselves in rights. Representatives of this type are rarely striving for permanent relations, as they themselves are very unpredictable due to the fact that they relate to air elements. Because only the young man who cares and shows some strong response emotions. The girls of this sign are enough legible in relationships, they will not be afraid of a young man who would not follow their own appearance.

Strong shoulder

She needs certainly in a strong shoulder. He must become support for her, only in this version he will be able to conquer her trust. Communication will last for a long time if the partner does not put on it and to limit her freedom in every way. She needs a person who would correspond to its criteria. First of all, she needs friendship, so she will appreciate how friendly feelings have grown into love. She needs a person who will understand it and take, live in its conditions. One of the conditions is that it is not jealous, because at work it is often surrounded by guys.

Preferences in love

The ladies of this sign can not tolerate mediocre men, frivolous, those who think superficially and cannot understand their inner world. She chooses people who can not only speak beautifully, but also act in a certain way. She needs a person who will always support her. Only in this case it becomes possible to be next to it. It does not look like that when a man gives reassigns for jealousy, she will not humiliate and compete with others.

Such women are often secretive, they prefer to hide their emotions from others, which makes them invulnerable. However, it is not necessary to accept on your own account. Who will try to squeeze non-existent emotions, will be criticized. The young ladies of this type are independent and prefer to earn their lives on their own. They will not accept the chosen one who will prohibit work and implement their own personality through the work. Since it is immediately recorded in the minuses of a partner. She should pay more attention to the lover, but sometimes she does not have enough time. And the one who will be jealous of her to work will be in the blacklist.


Aquarius prefer long to stay alone, comprehending their own life and actions. She needs a person who will not only be able to resolve some of her problems, but also smoothed loneliness, which she has been coping in his soul for a long time. She must trust his beloved. If he dares to break her secrets to other people, she will quickly strike it out of the list of potential partners. Such women are very loved by privacy, for this reason they need a personal space and time for reflection. If the connection has entered a dead end, you will not be able to conquer it again. She will assume that he comes correctly, breaking the connection and opening the place for new love.

The lover must show the following qualities:

  • tolerance;
  • independence;
  • friendliness;
  • kindness.

Whatever excellent feelings, such a young lady is not ready to part with friends for the sake of the beloved. Therefore, he should not behave as if he is the center of the Universe and she must belong exclusively to him. In this case, it will simply unfold and leave. And it will not be possible to return it. Do not grow hard to criticize it, especially appearance. The man initially understands who he wants to build a connection and change someone - this is a completely ungrateful matter. It is advisable to constantly praise her, say that it looks great even without makeup.

If you want to get more information on how to keep the girl, we advise you to view this video.

If a person wants to be close to her, he should admit to her as much as possible in his feelings, give gifts and care. Such signs of attention appreciate and love most girls who want to be loved. You can keep it near, showing attention and sharing some of her interests. For example, she may like to skate, so divide this joy with it! She needs a man who, on his shoulder, she can cry, who may seem weak, to show his true feelings, without hiding them more. If a person disrespects her emotions, she will just leave.

In love, it shows the following its qualities:

  • emotionality;
  • openness;
  • friendliness.

Wanted the attention of Aquarius is quite difficult, even more difficult to hold it for a long time. A man who can do it, worthy of sincere admiration. Few dare to melt her cold heart and make it forever. But if she really feels in love, then it is for a long time. It is not in taste to officially make a relationship, but for the sake of it, it is able to do it. If a young man really can fall in love with her, he will open a multi-faceted inner world of such a young lady, which is truly beautiful and worthy of every effort to conquer it. It is taste when the beloved is her like-minded person.

He must certainly share her views on life, family, children. Since she prefers to earn money on their own, there will never be needed in funds. It will always find applying knowledge and skills. She will never stay without work and without love, as many people care for her, but not everyone can go through this path to the end. To taste when her hearts are achieved. If a person decides to throw it, and then returns, realizing the mistake, it will make it completely unhappy. In this case, she will not forgive his resentment. The young man also should not infringe upon her in rights.

Family relationships

Such a girl, if you fall in love, is ready to fight for your beloved. If you manage to conquer and keep it, consider that half of the case is made. After that, she will become gentle and obedient, will listen to you, and also help. It will become a reliable rear for you, an excellent friend to which you can always seek advice. She chooses diplomatic personalities who never bring the case to conflict, but be able to retreat on time. She will respect his lover, give him joy and care. Perhaps it will be decided to create a family.

It will certainly be a good mother who will take care of children and pamper them in every way. Such women are rarely married at an early age, they have to ripen for some time for some time, they need to acquire property if they want to decide this difficult step. With the beloved, such a girl should feel a real queen, she should know that she is loved by all his heart. In conclusion, I would like to add that she absolutely do not like individuals who blindly go on her. Another thing is trust when you can completely rely on a partner. It does not consider it weakness. She must understand whether it is possible to believe a person, and then create a family with him.


How to conquer a woman or a girlfriend

Aquarius is one of the most amazing zodiac signs, combining sometimes diametrically opposite qualities. Women born under this sign are contradictory, freedom-loving and unusually complex, so much that indecisive men do not even come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to conquer their heart and how to conquer the Woman-Aquarius.

Not every man can come to such a woman

However, finding the right approach to this eccentric nature, you can attract its attention and interest, from where it is not so much to create bright and emotional relationships with it.

What attractive aquarius woman?

Aquarius is very selective in relation to friends and loved ones.

Surrounding this charming representative of the beautiful floor conquers its originality. She is smart, erudite, sociable and friendly. Once in an unfamiliar company, the Aquarius girl can instantly arrange the surrounding abilities, demonstrating their outstanding abilities and the ability to communicate almost to any topics.

But it is not worth sharing, barely seems to you that during the conversation managed to find a common language with her. Even if she at first will appreciate you as a pleasant interlocutor, it does not mean that after the conversation she will hurry to declare you with his friend.

How to fall in love with Aquarius ♒ Aquarius first date with a guy or a girl. Love horoscope Aquarius ♒ Astrological love horoscope. Character and sexuality of a woman - Waterword to charm Aquarius? // Truthful Astrology.

Such women are peculiar to the following advantages and disadvantages, which should be known, intending to create love relationships or a family union with auverable. We are talking about such qualities of her character as:

  • selectivity in choosing people for their relative environment;
  • increased requirements for others (such women are immensely demanding towards themselves and as extremely treated with the rest);
  • the ability to get involved in several cases at the same time (which is surprising, it is quite possible to some Aquarius girls);
  • a tendency to clutching, extravagant actions;
  • stormy imagination, fantasy and excellent memory;
  • demanding and dedication.

Alas, as it often happens in the case of Aquarius, the qualities presented are often accompanied by diametrically opposite features, which lead to the surrounding people into confusion. And indeed, whoever surprised the fact that Woman Aquarius, having a phenomenal memory, is sometimes scattered and insufficient? And its determination in actions is very often preceded by uncertainty and confusion.

It can in months to enter the brilliant idea, think over it to the smallest details and never implement, considering it as a result of unnecessary, absurd or uninteresting. According to astrologers, it is this tendency to indecision that does not allow the talented Aquarius of both sexes to truly reveal its entire potential.

How can I conquer an aquarius woman? What men do she like?

Satellite should be targeted

If you are seriously interested in the question of how you can conquer the Aquarius a girl, it is important to take into account that it is unusually conservative with all its inxiousness and energetically conservative and does not put any pressure on yourself. A person who will try to control it will eventually have to say goodbye to this ungrateful venture, since the typical Aquarius woman will never allow restrictions on his freedom.

She likes impressive men, whom society considers interesting and outstanding people. By the way, the girls of this sign belong to the elements of air, which often makes them very in love. Alas, to burn in love with a look, the object of his adoration she will not be long. Such relationships are able to inevitably collapse after randomly obscured in its address of a rude word or a deed, which it can regard as a betrayal. It is important for her that the man knows how to keep his word and fulfill these promises, otherwise it will be deeply disappointed in it.

Woman-Aquarius attract men seeking perfection, because next to them, it is experiencing a constant incentive and the need for self-development. If its chosen one for a period of time suddenly stops in its development, it will lose interest. To keep it near yourself, you need to be able to constantly amaze it, you unexpectedly pleasant actions and demonstrate our masculinity to solve any problems.


How to conquer a woman aquarius

Aquarius girls are slim and thin. They quickly adapt to new circumstances and unusual situations, quickly penetrate sympathy, but such a manifestation of emotions is short-term and superficial. Aquarius is incredibly charming, due to the original splitting of the emotional gamma. Find the key from the heart of such a girl is not easy.

This girl in the writing search of something new, she changed and do not get bored with her. Despite the hard work, it does not tolerate strict discipline - this is the signal to you, it is not worth it to brief with the rules and prohibitions. Whatever she is doing, there is a certain charm, grace and shine in everything. She is always elegant, rhythmic on a dance floor, an interesting interlocutor. Try to fit her, however, it is not good to dance at all, she will teach you something.

If you call her married, 90% of the probability that she agrees. But willbe be happy? Rather, no, than yes: the hurry of serious action is rarely justified. This girl will not be the most loyal wife, and you should take it. Her love is paradoxical, and you will not notice an emotional burst, even if she is in love. In order for your relationships to be good, do not affect its interests and allow you to rotate in the usual circle of friends.

Do not tie it to the stove or bed, Aquarius loves freedom. The dreams of this girl are special and drastically differ from yours. She follows it for his star, which is rarely noticing her. Try to see and divide her path. Her soul belongs to all and anyone. Aquarius woman requires freedom, and if you do not dare to take it away and take those framework that she installed, then its loyalty to you is limitless.

Do not try to take it money, they are never a driving mechanism for Aquarius. Let you be the first guy on a village or a famous businessman in your city, she will give preference to intelligence. Be true to yourself, your rules and moral charters, pursue one idea without being distracted by the temptations. If you see a passionate woman next to you, then this is a flower is not the color.

The girl of the Aquarius believes that physical love is good, if not concentrating a lot of attention on it. Her answer to non-biased sex will be a gusty, passionate. Despite the fact that physical love is aimed at continuing the genus, and not to receive pleasure, Aquarius finds that inquiry, which turns everything out of his legs. If you believe that platonic relationships need to be saved as long as possible, then the girl of the Aquarius will support the idea. It will become an ideal wife for you if you found yourself in educational or scientific activity.

Carefully look at your girlfriend if she was born under the sign of Aquarius. Among them are personals who love shocking, for example, to walk on the TRC or the central street of the city of Bosoy, smoking a cigarette on the bus, attract the attention of people to the bold aids. The classic nature of the Aquarius is manifested in the fact that the chosen will not be jealous of the pretty girls and check the truthfulness of your words about constant delays at work. If you in life are welcome to flirt with other women, then she can suffer silently. Her heartbeat does not become more frequent, but a dumb pain will not leave alone. If you are indifferent to her, then you know, at the first sign of betrayal, she will leave without thinking.

Learn to accept that it can support friendships with former lovers and buddies, but the thought of betrayal is not inherent. The modesty and timidity of this girl is not a permanent indicator, it can suddenly "issue", which shocks the experienced males. In the controversial situation, do not impose her opinion to her, she will keep out of you, will not tolerate such a relationship and will become closed.

Get used to the fact that after your morals and tips it will do in its own way. Do not ask why she will pass the street in the wrong place or laces the laces on the contrary, she herself does not know, just likes everything unusual. Do not try to become the object of its attention. If you show the share of jealousy, conservatism or prejudice - lose it.

The girl under the sign of the Aquarius is endowed with a powerful intuition. If you become a suitable partner to her, then your marriage will be a sample of happiness.


How to conquer Woman Aquarius?

Aquarius in general, and women in particular, nature is extremely complex. First, they are interested in literally to all, they are all interested in politics, and technique, and art. Secondly, these women are like a light, they are always in the center of widespread attention, always cheerful, sociable, adore flirt, courtship, compliments, as well as new acquaintances.

So, if you want to conquer the woman of Aquarius, then you must meet all its requirements. That is, you should not be an exclusive, balanced, serious man, with such men she is just boring and she will quickly run away from you. Therefore, to conquer the heart of Woman Aquarius, you will need to be interested in the same things that are interested in her. In addition, these women do not endure monotony and routine and, in connection with this, it is unlikely to be engaged in the house, since you want, which means that it will be very difficult to increasing it to marriage. You will need to take many homemade troubles for yourself, it will satisfy you, then forward. To make it easier to conquer such a woman, it would be good if you could captivate her hobbies. She loves everything new, and if she is interested in your offer, you will have the opportunity to keep it for a long time, and maybe forever.

How to conquer the answer to this astrological question you will learn from the materials of the submitted article. Moreover, we will tell you about what is this sign, what character in such people and how to attract their attention.

general information

Aquarius sign belongs to air element. That is why such people are highly intelligent and sociable. They are able to achieve a lot by applying for this only their logical practically all the aquaries are inventive and artistic. Thanks to these qualities, they hope to change the world for the better. People born under this air sign are always humans, altruistic and strive to live in full force.

Features of Aquarius

Before answering the question of how to win, find out the features of their character. As you know, such representatives cannot live in real. After all, the soul of them all the time stretches into the future. It is absolutely useless to try to make a person born under this sign, submit to your rules. They love and appreciate their freedom and independence.

By their nature, Aquarius is original, witty, reasonable and kind. They can also be diplomatic, timid, affectionate, calm and dormitory. The one who deals with the representative of the sign should know that everything can be expected from them anything.

As a rule, Aquarius is good-natured and friendly people. However, they love to come against the surrounding opinion. After all, it is from this that such representatives receive real pleasure. Almost all aquatic are capable of stunning actions. They will never miss the opportunity to demonstrate their strange manners.

Aquarius in communication

How to fall in love with an Aquarius? For this, one representative of the sign should be paid to the other. This is due to the fact that they always seek to be among people. As you know, Aquarius has many friends. Although there are such times in their lives when the world around them is completely immersed in darkness, and the soul asks loneliness. But in any case, Aquarius always retain their insight. After all, this quality is much sharper and deeper than other signs.

Horoscope compatibility

Woman Aquarius + Male-Aquarius is a good union. However, deep feelings between them will never arise. Marriage between such representatives will be beautiful. But this is not due to their mutual enormous love, because both signs have a lot of common interests, which will support their family life.

As for compatibility with other representatives, the most favorable relationships in Aquarius can work out with weights and firing. With the rest of the signs, a joint union is minor than.

What kind of Aquarius in love?

How to conquer Aquarius? Before answering the questioned question, you should think, do you need such a partner or not? After all, the love of Aquarius almost always reminds usual friendship between a man and a woman. From such confusing relationships can rather quickly set up both partners. This is due to the fact that even the representative of this sign is very difficult to find the border between love and friendship.

Aquarius sign is very loving, but traditional ideas about romantic relationships cause strong anxiety, as well as concerns for their independence and freedom. In this regard, such representatives are very afraid of love, from which you can lose your head and lose all control over the situation.

What kind of aquatic in relationships?

As mentioned above, Aquarius with Aquarius can live together, but they will never have bright feelings and passions. After all, both presented sign are rationalists. From their point of view, everything that is limited to the mind (for example, stormy feelings, sudden emotions, passion), has no right to exist.

Almost all the aquaries are used to arguing logical. It is this fact that makes them completely helpless in the sphere of feelings. For them, emotions are absolutely not amenable to control, and they want to always manage their own lives. In this regard, they try to fall in love as much as possible. If it has ever happened, then no aquarius is recognized by himself that he loves. Rather, on the contrary, he will relieve himself in every way.

How to conquer the man-Aquarius?

Guys-Aquarius perceive love only as an exciting experiment or an interesting experience. In this regard, truly conquer the heart of such a representative is impossible in the traditional way. Neither beauty nor a relaxed behavior, nor a spectacular appearance, nor a wonderful and flexible character will never make a proper impression on such a man. Maximum that the woman can achieve such methods is a short-term intrigue.

Who prefers an aquarius-man?

How to conquer for this fair sex for this, there is no need to acquire stylish clothes or use bright makeup. After all, such a person will like the girl in a dress that is sewn in the fashion of the last century. This fact is explained by the fact that the representative of such a sign is extremely curious, and it will definitely intrigues such a species.

How to attract attention?

So how to conquer Aquarius aquarian? The representative of the weak gender should be made from a potential partner of particular interest. To do this, it is advisable to do something unusual. For example, to attract attention and impress your chosen one by mysterious image or as a result of a completely rapid act. It should be noted that for Women-Aquarius, it will not make any difficulty. Such ladies also love to experiment and cause surprise among people.

If you managed to hit the male Aquarius, then he will not go anywhere from you, at least until the moment the true motives of your strange behavior find out.

What if the Aquarius is received?

In love is possible, but only if at least one of the partners will show activity and all the time surprise their soulthers.

If the girl managed to interest and intrigue the guy, born under this sign, then he can safely let all his spells in the move. But at the same time, a woman is recommended to maintain independence and ease. An alarm girl should not immediately demonstrate to his partner that she is crazy about him. It is enough to hint that they have feelings, but which is quite difficult to understand. Such behavior will further raise the representative of this sign, and he will definitely want to find out what lies behind this mysterious person.

How to conquer a woman-Aquarius?

If a man fell in love with a woman of Aquarius, he will have to make a maximum effort in order to conquer her heart. After all, the attention of such an unpredictable and interesting lady is chained far from all representatives of strong sex. But if you conquer a girl born under the sign of Aquarius, then your goal will fully justify the means. This is due to the fact that next to the favorite partner, the Woman Aquarius begins to shine like a gem. Moreover, you will be pleasantly surprised by her amazing faces, including an elusive nature.

How does the Aquarius conquering a woman in Aquarius? First you need to become an ideal and reliable friend for it. It should be noted that it is pretty simple, it is only required to strictly follow all the rules below.

  • Watch in one direction. First of all, such a woman needs a man-friend and like-minded. If you become a support for your partner, divide the views and beliefs with it, then successful relationships will not wait for a long time.
  • Be interesting. The second condition, thanks to which you can conquer the heart of Women Aquarius, is your uniqueness and consistency. After all, for such a lady it is very important that her partner will be self-sufficient, and also allocated by his individual among representatives of the same sex.
  • Be a strong spirit. Under the air-based Aquarius is always born, freedom, extravagant and emotionally cool people. But with all this they have special openness and sociability. Aquarius girl will never allow himself to command himself, and under any circumstances will not go on his partner. Although the rebelnik such a representative of the beautiful sex will also be uninteresting. She always likes and liked guys with hidden potential. A man with a strong spirit, going through life with dignity, which is what partner is able to interest the woman of Aquarius.
  • Be extraordinary. Aquarius and Aquarius: Compatibility in love is very favorable, but only with the condition that the man will constantly affect and surprise his beloved. Thus, to conquer the heart of the beautiful lady, the young man should be original and extraordinary.

  • To be successful. Professional successes of men are interested in a woman-Aquarius much more than his financial component. After all, the more representatives of the strong gender of achievements in the work, the higher his chance to attract the attention of such a girl.
  • Be independent and appreciate friendship. Such qualities will help men easily and easily live side by side with a water woman. This is due to the fact that such a girl herself is an unobtrusive, not suspicious and gullible person. She always respects someone else's space and under no circumstances will not check your messages in a mobile phone or pockets.
  • Do not drive a woman to the waterfront. The implementation of this condition will allow the representative of a strong sex once and forever tie their beloved to himself. By giving it freedom from the very beginning of the relationship, you will become a man's dream for her. Allow your partner to do what she sincerely loves, and walk there, where she really wants. In other words, smaller place complaints about your beloved - and it will be with your feet.
  • Do not cheat. This is the last, but the most important condition for conquering the heart of the Aquarius girl. If you really decided to conquer such a woman, then never lie to her. After all, the peculiarity of this sign of the zodiac is that it is always and everywhere recognizes a lie. Even minor notes of falsehood in the voice of the partner are able to undermine the confidence of Women-Aquarius times and forever.

Let's summarize

Conquer a woman or a man-Aquarius, you will become a happy person who are proud and admire, even if it is thoroughly hidden. In order to maintain such an attitude or an already established marriage, it is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the partner. This applies not only to feelings or physical communications, but also for household problems. For example, chosen plates should be aware that they are mainly preferred with cold colors. In this regard, even such, it would seem, a banal thing, like burgundy roses, can easily like the girl.