Than Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus (21 photos). What is the difference between Santa Claus from Santa Claus? Modern Santa Moroza

Than Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus (21 photos). What is the difference between Santa Claus from Santa Claus? Modern Santa Moroza
Than Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus (21 photos). What is the difference between Santa Claus from Santa Claus? Modern Santa Moroza

In the days when the Catholic world is looking forward to all the favorite and such long-awaited Christmas, it's time to talk about Russian Santa Claus and allocate the main differences from its Western Colleague Santa Claus. Among the many fabulous Russian heroes are only one associated with people with a cheerful and joyful holiday - New Year. This character is known to our compatriots and the rest of the world under the name of Santa Claus. Here are some of the most interesting facts about him, as well as the main differences of it from Santa Claus.

The origin of Santa Claus

Despite its respectable age, Santa Claus is in excellent health and is endowed with an excellent sense of humor.

It is also known for its active life position, including participation in various charitable activities. Santa Claus appears in many major events, chargeing all the positive attitude.

Of course, Santa Claus takes part, mainly in winter events. This year, the Winter Olympics in Sochi became one of the main events in his life.

Santa Claus took an active part in the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2014. Santa Claus Character claimed to become a symbol of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

However, on the eve of the decisive vote, the jury was excluded by Santa Claus from further participation in the struggle for the title of symbol of the Winter Olympics, explaining this: in case of victory, the new year's symbol for the Russian man would become the property of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), so automatically occurs with all the game talismans .

This year, Santa Claus on a par with many celebrities was a test of a bucket of ice water (Ice Bucket Challenge).

This campaign was organized as Flashmoba, in which the participants poured themselves a bucket of ice water, and then donated to the funds to combat various ailments.
Residence of Santa Claus in Russia

7. Residence

If you want to meet with "real", "official" and "only" Russian Santa Moroza, travel to the Vologda region, to the city of Veliky Ustyug. It is there that also lives a fabulous old man in his magnificent estate.

Located thousandth kilometers to the northeast of Moscow, Santa Claus's summer residence was hijacked in a dense forest. This place is associated with children with the performance of the most cherished desires. The residence is open to visitors all year round.

This place is surrounded by a cheerful charming atmosphere and offers many different entertainment for the whole family.
Motherland Santa Claus

The birthplace of Santa Claus is considered to be Lapland or the nearest neighborhood of the North Pole. It is there that the main assistants of Santa Claus live - small fabulous elves, without which Santa Claus activity would be much stuck it and harder.
Birthday Santa Claus

8. Happy Birthday, Santa Claus

Each year on November 18, Santa Claus celebrates his birthday with a big sweep, arranging a real holiday in his estate in Great Ustyug. Many, both the smallest and adult people who believe in miracles come to Russia to congratulate the most famous grandfather.

On the day of its birth, which is also considered the beginning of winter in this region, Santa Claus takes a lot of guests from all over the world. Thus, once a year and he receives gifts from those who usually give them himself.

This year, a joyful and cheerful holiday took place, on which the record of the country in the mass game was broken.

Although winter came to the Vologda region quite late, and this year, on November 18, it was impossible to boast the abundance of snow, 412 people took part in the celebration of the birthday of Santa Claus and in the traditional battle of snowballs. The figure entered the book of Records of Russia.
Santa Claus Birthday

9. Letter Santa Claus

If you want your wishes to come true for Christmas and New Year, do not forget to write a letter Santa Claus!

Every year he receives about 200,000 letters from Russia, as well as from the countries of the near and far abroad. Since he opened his own official post office, he managed to read and respond already on 2660523 letters.

It is possible that your letter may be as follows, and it is you will get an answer from Santa Claus itself. And if you are very lucky, you can become a happy gift owner from a fabulous grandfather.
Letter Santa Claus

Also willingly, as Santa Claus, kids write letters and Santa Claus. In letters, kids tell him about his life, and also turn to the magic grandfather with a request that they would like to get in Christmas night.

Despite the many differences, Santa Claus and Santa Claus unites one thing: both of these fabulous characters are the main animated symbols of Christmas and New Year holidays.

As Santa Claus, and his West "Colleague" gives people joy, smiles and a good mood.

European Santa Claus has already arrived so much in Belarusian realities that few people think about what it differs from Santa Claus. Meanwhile, the differences are a lot!

1. Headdress

Santa Claus has a hat, covered with fur. Santa Claus has a night cap with a pomponchik.

2. Beard

Santa Claus has a long, to the belt. Santa Claus - a short beard shovel.

3. Outerwear

Santa Claus has a warm fur coat. Santa Claus has a short jacket.

4. The color of the fur coat

Santa Claus has a fur coat can be red, blue and even white (colors associated with frost. - Ed). Santa Claus - only red.

5. Staff

In the hands of Santa Claus holds staff. At Santa Claus in his hands a bag with gifts.

6. Belt

Santa Claus has a white belt. Santa Claus has a belt with a buckle.

7. Shoes

Santa Claus has white boots. Santa Claus has black boots.

8. Points

Santa Claus has a weak sight, and he wears glasses. Santa Claus sees well, so he has no glasses.

9. Vehicle

Classic Santa Claus moves on foot. Modern - in the sleigh harvested by the top of the horses. Santa Claus goes in a cart, harbor deer.

10. Assistants

Santa Claus helps his granddaughter Snow Maiden. Elf works on Santa Claus.

By the way, the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus is considered to be the Christian St. Nicholas. He lived a long time ago in Turkish Om city of the world and was a good wonderworker and a persecutor of evil, the patron of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nikolai, the waters became one of the most beloved people of saints. Simple peasants prayed for his help if the cow was ill, there was no rain for a long time or some misfortune happened. Gradually, Saint Nicholas in Western countries began to call in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the transfer of the name of St. Dali is very peculiar. The fact is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively supplanted and, according to the decision of the Central Committee of the CRAPs of 1937, the saint replaced the character with the name of Santa Claus () New Year's shopping

By the way, the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus is considered to be the Christian St. Nicholas. He lived a long time ago in the Turkish city of the world and was a good wonderworker and the persecutor of evil, the patron saint of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nikolai, the waters became one of the most beloved people of saints. Simple peasants prayed for his help if the cow was ill, there was no rain for a long time or some misfortune happened. Gradually, Saint Nicholas in Western countries began to call in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the transfer of the name of St. Dali is very peculiar. The fact is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively supplanted and, according to the decision of the Central Committee of the CRAPs of 1937, the saint replaced the character with the name of Santa Claus ()

New Year's shopping Gift sets, trips to hot countries, plastic windows, building materials ... All that your heart! And all this with a discount! Look for profitable purchases

New Year's shopping

Gift sets, trips to hot countries, plastic windows, building materials ... All that your heart! And all this with a discount! Look for profitable purchases

Good afternoon friends. Before the New Year left for several hours. The people of all over the world have come a festive mood and waiting for some miracle. The indispensable attribute of the New Year in the countries of the former Union is Santa Claus with his companion - Snow Maiden. But, on the streets and on the shop windows, we are increasingly seeing not Santa Claus, namely Santa Claus. How did I define that it was Santa?

How does Santa Claus differ from Santa Claus outwardly? According to many people, they almost do not differ. And the one and the other go in red warm clothes. Both have a gray beard and come to the sleigh. But, not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. In fact, there are differences between them. Let's look at what.

Santa Claus and Santa Claus Difference


I think most of you guesses that Santa's prototype is one of the main Saints of Dima, Nikolai Wonderworker. Especially honored in Russia. In the darkness it is believed that he secretly helps the poor part of the population. From here, Catholics for the role of a Christmas character, which kids secretly puts gifts under the Christmas tree, chose it.

Santa Claus, unlike Santa, fabulous character. The origin of it comes from Slavic pagan mythology. Slavs believed that he patronizing blizzards, frost, fit and one of the parts of the other world. Time went, the image of the Grozny Winter Divine disappeared, and the character himself became a good grandfather, who distributes gifts for the New Year. Snow Maiden, the mythical character from the fairy tale V. Daly. But, if you look deeper, the image of Grande's granddaughter's grandmother came from Slavic paganism.

Colors of clothing

Santa wears clothes in red and white color. Color data in the West symbolize Christmas. Red - christmas joy. White - symbolizes the snow, winter as a whole, purity.

The grandfather of the frost dresses not only a red coat, but also blue, can wear white. Fur coat near frost is not uniform red. It is covered with various winter overflowing patterns. Snow Maiden puts on white (can wear red), a rather elegant beautiful coat, which also causes all sorts of winter patterns.

Clothing of characters

In the west of Europe and the United States, harsh frosty days are absent, from here Claus puts on short red caftan. On the bottom, the caftan has a fus edge. On the belt Santa wears a wide leather belt with a big banner. On its hands, he usually has white gloves. When Claus takes off a fur coat, we see that he is dressed in a warm blouse, shirt and trousers.

But, the Grandfather Frost can not be worn, because In the harsh conditions of the Russian winter, such clothes well warms. Hence, the grandfather dress up long, to the feet, a fur coat. Belt of grandfather, white or red, covered with patterns. He has warm mittens, also covered with patterns. When some kind of child, the grandfather does not listen, he touches his mitten to him, and the child freezes. Under the fur coat, grandfather clothes handsome Russian caftan. A fur coat Grandfather rarely removes.

Snow Maiden dressed in beautiful white, silver, red, coat, gicked by a beautiful belt. Under the fur coat, the granddaughter wears snow-white, very beautiful sundress.

Santa and Santa Claus caps

On the head of Santa is a red cap with white pompon. He has a fun character, and the like cap looks perfectly on it. Grandfather Frost has a strict, but, fair character. When the kids on the New Year holiday are incorrectly behaved, the strict grandfather can punish them, frozen!

The grandfather's hat is the same color as the fur coat. It is made of fur. There are rumors that under the hat he has various birds, flowers, grass. He hides them there, so that they do not frizzle in winter. Grandfather never puts on Santa's cap, especially with a pomponchik. Snow Maiden, dresses a very beautiful kokoshnik, made of silver, snow and various gems. Sometimes she is just dressed in red, blue, or a white fur hat, to become her grandfather.

Shoes Characters

Santa, as a rule, wound into ordinary leather black boots. For the climate of Russia, such shoes will not suit the winter. Hence, grandfather dress beautiful red (white) winter boots, embroidered with patterns. Or, simple felt boots, also embroidered with winter patterns. Snow Maid shoes light graceful felt boots, embroidered with patterns, or silver (red), stylish boots with fur inside.


Grandfather Frost in his hands is holding a silver, or a crystal, fairy-tale staff with a carved embodious. This staff is magical. This staff can freeze both bad people and animals. It can also, defrost good people and turn a simple thing into a valuable. In addition, the staff of the grandfather lights the lights on the Christmas tree and with the help of him he fulfills the desire of the kids. He has a red or blue bag with gifts behind him.

Santa often carries a staff in the form of a rounded sign "G". Similar peahs wear Catholics bishops. Nikolai The Wonderworker was also a bishop. In addition, red-white lollipops are popular there in this form. Also, he has a red bag with gifts behind his back.


Santa looks like a man of middle-aged, dense physique, low growth, and a native physique. When Klaus becomes small with Snow Magnik, then we see that she is half clips above. And if you take into account the cososhnik Snow Maiden, then on the head. Interesting couple.

Grandpa Costa has a figure of a high and state man. In appearance, he resembles a hero of Russian epic. Perhaps the excellent figure of the grandfather can be explained to his habit walking through the forest on foot, or skiing with forests.


Usually, Santa Claus has a shovel, rounded beard. The grandfather has a long, salary beard, below the belt. Similar beards in our country used to carry almost all men. Moreover, the older man, the beard is longer. Such a long beard in humans symbolizes wisdom. Grandfather Frost, by dedication, several centuries. Maybe millennia. Therefore, he sometimes reaches the earth.


Claus assistants are forest elves. They see the addresses of children, prepare gifts, choose what kind of child to deliver one, or another, a gift. In general, help than can be prepared by Sante to Christmas. Santa travels with deer sled, usually one. Also, alone he distributes gifts.

But, Grandfather Frost prefers to travel with his granddaughter. In the times of the Soviet Union, at the end of the revolution, the Soviet government began to arrange New Year holidays for the kids. But, some of the children were afraid of the Huge Grandfather Frost. Therefore, the authorities took from the fairy tale Dal "Snow Maiden", affectionate and good. As mentioned, its image comes from the ancient paternality of Slavs. She also distributes gifts kids, having fun, leads dance.


Claus is almost always in front of glasses in a round frame. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Santa reads a lot of letters from children, whose handwriting is not different.

Grandfather Frost, also reads a lot of children's letters. Moreover, he has a very impressive age. But despite this, with his eyesight everything is in order. Maybe this is due to the fact that the letters helps to read the Snow Maid. Santa, as a rule, letters read one. Also, the frost is often combined to enjoy carrots. And everyone knows that carrots helps to keep eyesight.


Claus lives in Lapland, and this, as we know, the habitat of deer. Therefore, Santa prefers to ride on the sleigh harnessed by the reindeer.

Grandfather Frost, in Russian tradition, brings gifts on the top of the horses. Also, he often walks in the forest on foot. At the same time, Snow Maidel helps him, taking him at hand. In addition, the grandfather was depicted on the Soviet postcards and traveling on trains, airplanes, and, interestingly, on space rockets.

How gifts are delivered

As we know from Hollywood films, Santa prefers to fall into the house through the fireplace pipe. It returns the same way. Gifts put in the boots of children or their small socks. Waking up in the morning, the child is rejoiced by gifts. And what he does not rejoice, because it does not need to read poems nor sing songs.

Grandfather Frost prefers to knock on the door loud, and demand from the child a poem, a song, or a story, as he led himself in the past year. After that, the child grandfather gives a present. But when the grandfather cannot be in the house for a long time, he is a quiet putting a gift for Christmas tree, and secretly goes away.

Place of residence

As we know, Claus lives in Finland, in the district "Lapland", in Polaria. Lapland also includes part of Sweden and Russia. According to official data, his house is in eight kilometers north of Rovaniemi. Not far from his residence is the airport and amusement parks. People attend these places during the year.

Santa Claus, Big Ustyug, Vologda region (from the end of the nineties). Up to this point, Grandfather lived in Russian Lapland, and in Arkhangelsk. Belorussian grandfather lives in Belovezhskaya Forest. Now the grandfather has its own representative offices in Moscow with Murmansk.

We saw the differences of these New Year characters. But, they have both in common. They love the kids very much and with all sincerity wish to create a defector atmosphere of fun, joy, and New Year's mood!

1. Red. Santa Claus can also be in red, but at the same time he can wear another robe - it is generally desirable that it is white, blue, maybe it can be yellow and green. Also, the robe of this Santa Claus does not cover a solid color - it is diluted with patterns, embroidery, sprinkling (white or blue), etc. And in the clothes of Santa Claus, an aggressive solid red color prevails (only this one!), And only the chief of his mice porrows is sometimes white. .

Clothes color - red:
It is unlikely that Russian grandfather!

2. Cap. The most typical distinctive feature! Real Santa Claus can never be in the cap - on it a boyars hat. And on Santa Claus - this nasty jester cap with a pomponchik, like a gnomic-leisure, which immediately gives it a non-seriousness and parody for Santa Claus.

How do you see the cap -
Be sure: this is an enemy!

3. Outerwear. Santa Claus has a short jacket (sometimes just below the belt, sometimes at all to the belt), intercepted by the belt. Below Katsavei - Red Pants. Remember that in such mocking clothes, the True Santa Claus of our Russian winter is for nothing. On the Santa Claus should be a long fur coat to the ground, without any belts, from which no pants should be seen. Pants destroy all solidity. That Santa Claus has under a fur coat - it is sacred and not subject to review 🙂

If the grandfather saw his pants -
Know: This grandfather is not from our country!

4. Shoes. On Santa Claus always dressed boots, often a shortened type, which is again ridiculously for our climate. Santa Claus should have only boots!

Kohl on the grandfather boots -
Know that the enemies go to them!

5. Beard. At Santa Claus, the beard is briefly triggered, like a kind of civilian old man, and still curly, like a lamb with a children's card. All this is absolutely not characteristic of Santa Claus. Santa Claus Beard is a rain, long, disheveled by free wind, and in most cases there is no supreme rude curl.

Short from grandfather's grandfather?
Threatens the nation of trouble!

6. Growth and volume. Of all previous rantors, in general, it is clear that by the growth of Santa Claus is indecent chalk. And Santa Claus is impressive in growth as the true Lord of the New Year! As for the volume, Santa Claus is sufficiently so. Well, yes, I have figs, this is fig, so, for the sake of formality. But on the Santa Claus, in accordance with the Russian winter, there are many warm clothes, and all clothes are real, fur, thick. So Santa Claus is impressive and in terms of volume!

If grandfather and skin and chalk -
Away Goney is so bold!

Sometimes it happens that in relation to Santa Claus, on the contrary, throws into the opposite extreme and becomes thick and round. But remember that its thickness always looks unnatural and caricature, while all the proportions of Santa Claus are always harmonious, and its thickness never comes in contradiction with its growth.

Other elements

7. Points. Also for Santa Claus is typical of such a sign of indulgence as oxades. Santa Claus does not possess this sign. Can this all-conditional spirit of nature - Santa Claus - have such a lack of myopia?! Myopia is inherent only to those who are spoiled by a detrimental civilization, who are tamed and domesticated to complete degeneration, as it happened with Santa Claus.

8. Snow Maiden. Also a distinctive feature. Santa Claus has never been and there will be no granddaughter, because his dismissed prototype is. Nikolai, - like all saint, was chastity. And our natural grandfather granddaughter has, it's all the favorite Snow Maiden! So our - two, and Santa Claus - just one!

9. Staff. Please note: Santa Claus's staff is a standard Catholic bishop staff (for not in vain Santa Claus comes from St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mirlytesky): a stick with a bent riding. But Santa Claus has nothing to do. Nikolay has nothing to do with his staff, there should be only a straight stick, there may be a round knob on it (or at least in the form of a star; the staff should not be collected in any way).

10. Deer. Only Santa Claus moves, as Americans teach us in their cinema and cartoons, on deer in the sky. The method of movement of Santa Claus's deer was never. For our grandfather, deer is small and weave. Santa Claus can go to the Russian troika, not across the sky, but quite on the ground, or rather in the snow, - he is the flesh from the flesh of this snow, this land, of this nature, why does he break off from his native roots, a snowy sneak Dust, frosty wind beats in the face, Santa Claus rolls with a loose and puzzles! Fucking the Troika in Russian Earth is rushing - then the owner of the winter grandfather Frost is circulating his endless possession!

And in general, as already mentioned, Santa Claus moves mystically, and there is nothing to climb into sacred matter.

11. Socks on the fireplace. This applies only to Santa Claus, but not to Santa Claus. Socks on the fireplace - Purely Western PrishiBas: Alleged Santa Claus descends the chimney and puts a gift in the sock. However, what to explain - the fool is clear that no fireplaces in Russia were never found. And our grandfather will not climb into some kind of narrow fireplace, why should it? In addition, Santa Claus would never have appeared with us such a primitive and landed way, like them: "penetrating into the house through pipes and vents, he lay out gifts in stockings, most often walked on the fireplace, and wrecks the bells, as if announcing about the arrival of the new year. "

Santa Claus arises in our homes a kind of mystically, truly as a spirit, no one really knows how he appears, we know only that he was ... And trying to explain this sacred mystery to the Western manner - blasphemy.

And further. Our Santa Claus is a real generous Russian soul, he is not so worse and a slope to limit his gift for the size of the idiotic and most often a striped sock!

12. Other concomitant attributes - all sorts of wreaths, bells, etc., including songs "Jingle Bellz" and others. It's all - a purely Christmas attribute and is connected only with Santa Claus, and you should attract all this western consumer goods and trash to the image of Santa Claus should not.

Many are confident that Santa Claus and Santa Claus is the same fabulous character, only one of Europe, and the second of Russia, but it is completely wrong, although these old men seem to be one goal - to give gifts / Christmas . Historically, these are different heroes, different cultures, although it seems to be Christian, but the differences are not only religious, the difference is due and geographically, and therefore climatic conditions, historically and culturally.

Different and manners and behavior of Santa Claus and Santa, which is only changing the stove ...

Here I collected for you a list of what Santa Claus is different from Santa Claus, and you can add your comments in the comments if you find the differences between these New Year's characters who did not fall into the list.

  1. The color of the fur coats - at Santa Claus, the fur coat can be different colors: red, blue and even white, which is fully associated with frost and snow, but Santa Claus is not a fur coat at all, but only a short jacket and always red.
  2. The headdress is our Santa Claus wearing a low hat, covered with fur, but Santa Claus's headdress looks more like a night cap with a pomponchik.
  3. Beard - at Santa Claus beard a shovel and relatively short, smoothly condensed and also with curls, and our Santa Claus has a long, solid, sometimes even below the belt.
  4. Belt - Grandfather Frost subsidened by a white or blue belt, and the old Santa Claus belt is not wearing a black belt with a buckle.
  5. Shoes - from the domestic Santa Claus white boots, but how else in Russian crackles of frosts? And in Western Santa Claus - black boots, obviously not for the climate of Russia, especially its northern part.
  6. Glasses - It turns out that Santa Claus is weak vision, so he always walks in glasses, but our Santa Claus has a health and vision saved, so he sees well and wearing glasses he does not need!
  7. Staff - In one hand, our Santa Claus holds a staff, and in another bag with New Year's gifts, thrown by the shoulder, but Santa Claus does not use the staff, and in his hands only a bag with Christmas gifts is tested.
  8. Sani / Wagon - Historically, Santa Claus moved on foot, and only over time began to use the sleds, harnessed Russian three horses, but Santa Claus initially uses a cartery, drawn deer.
  9. Helpers - our granddaughter Snow Maiden helps our granddaughter, and in Western Santa Claus help to cook gifts small elves.
  10. Where gifts are hiding - original, but Santa Claus penetrating the night house hides his gifts in the socks raised on the fireplace (and after all, according to the legend, Santa is pierced into the house through the chimney pipe), but our Grandfather Frost leaves his New Year's gifts under the Christmas tree, and In general, he does not need to break through a pipe, nor through the window to leave a gift in the house, because this is a New Year's magic!

And what then is common between these winter old men? The prototype and Santa Claus and Santa Claus can be called the Christian St. Nicholas, who lived a long time ago and was considered the Wonderworker and the patron saint of abducted and lost children. In Europe, Saint Nicholas was named Saint Claus - Santa Claus. In the pre-revolutionary Russia of St. Nicholas and was called, but after 1917, Soviet Russia chose the path of the secular country in which atheism defeated the children of the New Year's Hero, distributed gifts, began to refer to Santa Moroz.