Whether Michael Jackson was fatally sick. Michael Jackson: the cause of death, official investigation, funeral

Whether Michael Jackson was fatally sick. Michael Jackson: the cause of death, official investigation, funeral
Whether Michael Jackson was fatally sick. Michael Jackson: the cause of death, official investigation, funeral

A real idol for many fans of pop music was Michael Jackson. The cause of the death of the artist has become the subject of lively discussion in the media. The official version overgrown with rumors and speculation. As you, under what circumstances, everyone died, a favorite singer, where he was buried and what a testament left, it will be discussed in this article.

On the eve

Before the sustainable death, Michael Jackson was in a raised mood. The cause of death for people who knew him close seems obvious. The singer spent a lot of energy to prepare for the next tour tour. Estimated concerts in London should marked the return of the artist for a large scene. He did not speak for a long time, was in poor physical form, but he intended to successfully overcome all obstacles. He had enough strength to rehearse along with a dance group for several hours a day. Literally the day before his death, the singer looked fresh and cheerful. He hit the surrounding efficiency.

Ken Erlich (one of Emmy producers) argues that Michael Jackson was worried about the death of Michael Jackson. The reason for the death of the singer causes him a bewilderment, because the artist felt fine, he spoke a lot and joked. However, the next day it was not. Specialists even after the second autopsy could not decide on the diagnosis. What was it? The result of numerous plastic operations? Sluggish, but fatal disease? Consequence of strong overwork? Overdose of potent drugs? Jackson was never afraid to experiment with his health. This carelessness played a foul joke with him.


Michael Jackson, whose albums diverged by multimillion editions, did not die immediately. At first, the singer lost his feelings on set in Los Angeles. Then fainting repeated. This time the artist was in the house, which was filmed in the west of Los Angeles in Holmbi Hills. Personal Doctor of Jackson - Konrad Murray - said the police that found his patient in bed with a weak pulse on the femoral artery. He was between life and death. Cardiovary pulmonary resuscitation results did not give. Half an hour went searching for a guard so that he wanted the requests of a frightened arculap and called from his phone into emergency services. For some reason, I did not want to use a personal cellular Murray. Thus, only at 12:21 a call was made to the number 911. Information about the tragedy came from an unknown man.

After three minutes, doctors discovered the damaged body of the artist. Attempts to return him to life continued for another hour. They were unsuccessful. Michael Jackson died on the territory of the Medical Center of California University at 14:26. Date of death - June 25, 2009. The legend of global show business, the king of popular music, a wonderful singer, a unique dancer, an unsurpassed showman soil, and without making the last tour in his life.

Conclusion of experts

I was very exhausted physically Michael Jackson. The cause of death could be the most unexpected. When examined, he found a lot of scars, including the skin cancer stopping. In addition, he found several broken ribs and bruises, traces from heart injection. In the stomach of the singer were only pills. With a fairly high height (178 cm) its weight was only 51 kilograms. It is strange that this person has ever found the strength to sing and dance.

Experts immediately appeared a few assumptions. They referred to physical exhaustion, the abuse of painkillers, the effects of plastic surgery. Body study continued coroners. They did not find traces of violence, but also did not reveal the cause of death. Michael Jackson's doctor disappeared, and he probably could tell a lot about the state of his ward before the tragedy. Toxicological tests occupied about six weeks. However, the experts did not come to a common opinion. Three main versions were put forward.

Version No. 1: Powerful Tools

Michael Jackson, a biography, whose personal life was constantly lit in the press, took the shocking doses of painkillers. He was not accustomed to drugs. A person who has sought to change himself beyond recognition drove pain all possible means. With the age of the artist, there were problems with the spine, and it became dependent on drugs. The lawyer of the Jackson family, Brian Oksman, argues that there can be no other causes of death of the actor. He stem with bitterness that people surrounding the singer did not prevent his destructive predilection. Drug Michael Jackson consumed? Specialists argue that there is no. However, his body was overloaded with potent substances, which in the end forced his heart to stop.

Version No. 2: Deep Plastic

Michael Jackson, whose albums beat all the records of popularity, has once laid down under the knife with the aim of improving their own appearance. From some sources it is known that during the next rhinoplasty, the artist has become infected with one of the varieties of staphylococcus. After that, the virus began to gradually destroy its body. In addition, the repeated nose of the artist has become much less functional - nasal passes narrowed, which caused oxygen deficiency. It could lead to chronic hypoxia, which is able to provoke a stop of the heart. Doctors have invented a special term - apnea for this phenomenon. Death comes in a dream when a person does not control the breath. The plastic operations themselves are not dangerous, but their consequences can greatly undermine the patient's health. Surgical intervention under anesthesia, receptions in the rehabilitation period bring negative fruits. Michael Jackson suffered because of his fearlessness - he believed that he could change himself to be unrecognizable without any consequences for health and well-being.

Version number 3: Heavy expectations

Michael Jackson, the last years of whose life was not easy, took over very serious obligations. For example, he had to perform on a huge scenic platform in London in July 2009. The artist experienced monstrous overloads and colossal pressure. From him expected the impossible - complete recovery without a separation from exhaustive rehearsals. As part of the preparation for the anniversary celebration, the singer worked almost without rest. The crazy worker killed him.

Version No. 4: Beautiful Care

In essence, the whole world was waiting for a miracle. It was expected that a weak and sick person will suddenly perceive, make a mad jerk forward and will give the public to another incredible show - with flights on a trapezoid, lunar walk and mad energy. At first it was stated that the artist will give 10 concerts, then 50, but it would be quite obvious that he would not even survive one. But what a grandiose would be the death of the artist on the stage in front of a multi-million-dollar audience! Before the speech at the London arena, the singer did not live in only 18 days. Tour long before the start was called "farewell". Michael Jackson frankly died. Among his diseases, they called emphysee of lungs, gastric bleeding, vitiligo, skin cancer ... The death of an extravagant artist could be a continuation of a grand show with long life. It would be a farewell to the king with the audience in love with him. It is a pity that it did not happen.

The funeral

The world broke up with a legendary singer on July 7, 2009. Public farewell took place at the Staipls Center stadium. On the Internet, 17,500 tickets were played. The hype was such that the price of them reached 10,000 dollars. Thousands of fans gathered to honor the memory of the wonderful artist, as well as the most famous people of our time - actors, singers, showmen. The event was more like another show with world celebrities than on a mourning ceremony. The scene of the singer - Janet tried to make sisters in the pathetic atmosphere. She told about how a terrible blow was the loss of brother. The surprise for the public was the fact that Michael Jackson's daughter was released on the scene - Perris. An eleven-year-old girl told the gathered about what misses her father. The body of world celebrities buried in a bronze coffin with a gold spraying. It rests on Forest Lone's cemetery in Los Angeles.


The posthumous desire of the artist was unequivocal. Back in 2002, he made a will, which indicated that she divides his condition between her mother, three children (among whom Michael Jackson's daughter) and charitable structures. Father - Joseph Jackson - not mentioned in the testament. The assets of the singer at the time of death amounted to $ 1 billion 360 million dollars. The most valuable investment is the share in the music directory, assessed in the amount of 331 million dollars. It contains the compositions of the best Creators of the twentieth century. In addition, Jackson took care of the future of his children. He secretly recorded two hundred songs and transferred the right to hold a special foundation. Creditors do not get to him. And the debt artist has done a lot. According to the most modest calculations, their amount reaches 331 million dollars.

It is difficult to overestimate the legacy that Michael Jackson left. The death of the world legend will forever remain in the memory of fans.

"The greatest pop artist in the history of mankind Michael Jackson died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in the clinic of Los Angeles aged 50 years. Officially, the cause of death at the time of writing this text is not named, but it is known that the breath of Jackson stopped after the introduction He has been delivered already in a state of coma to the hospital, and it was not possible to reanimate the artist. What did Michael Jackson do in Los Angeles (he lived in the Arab Emirates) and why did he put painkillers? Because he was preparing for concerts in London.

The fact that Jackson will give 10 concerts in London, he announced a few months ago. Rather, he himself said, but some of his "representatives". Jackson even led in front of a press conference in London, where he said one or two words. The rest of the time the artist was silent, but the organizers said. Then they tried to sell tickets. They were joined in a few minutes. The organizers are subjected. They appointed 11 more concerts and raised the price of tickets. 10 times.

In the end, the total number of concerts reached 50 (!!!). 750 thousand tickets were sold at an incredible average price about $ 600. Do you know how much money is it? 450 million US dollars. Halmilliard bucks, damn. This is a big kush. Anyone familiar with the show business was obvious that Michael Jackson could not give 50 concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not gave any concerts for a long time. The whole story with these concerts looked like an adventure from the very beginning. It was obvious that there would be no concerts (I made a comment on the radio independently, as soon as it became known that there would be 50 concerts).

Michael Jackson's concert is not a concert of Philip Kirkorov. And if Philip Kirkorov can give 30 concerts in a row under Faneru and with dancers, then even it is hard for him. And Michael Jackson's concert is Michael Jackson's concert. With all his dancing, jumping and flying over the stadium with a microphone in one hand and a trapezing to another. I was at the two concerts of Jackson in Moscow and I assure you - there are still a dozen artists in the world, which can be extracted on the scene. And people who bought tickets were expected to see this. They did not want to see Jackson in the image of the aged and fascinated Elvis, who was enough to stand in front of the microphone resistant.

Options for the organizers were the following. The first is to cancel concerts. But then it would be necessary to return money for tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable. Option Second - "Return of Elvis". Then a couple of concerts would take place, after which people would be massively passing back tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable. Meanwhile, the appointed date of concerts was closer and closer. They had to start after a couple of weeks.

I tried to "play fool" - June 10 in the New York Court was served a lawsuit where it was said about the impossibility of performing Jackson in London. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the company Allgood Entertainment, which argued that he concluded with the Jackson Manager Frank Dealeo Contract for the Performance of the reunited Jackson Five group in the summer of 2009. And that, according to this contract, Michael Jackson could not give other concerts to a joint speech with his brothers and for three months after him. It is necessary to say that Michael Jackson does not work with Frank Dieleto since 1989. That is, there was an obvious attempt to break concerts.

At the same time, the first concerts were transferred. The first concert was postponed from July 8 to the 13th. And the second concert - from July 10 to March 1, 2010! But all this did not solve the problems. That July 8, that the 13th - very little time remained. Michael Jackson remained Michael Jackson - a deeply sick 50-year-old man, who would hardly stand and five of those numbers that he was waiting for him to the public around him. Half a billion US dollars. Big Kush. What can I go for such money?

On the third option. Michael Jackson has long been not for business. He was silent and disgraced in the United States, he was bankrupt and lived at the invitation of some kind of Arabic whether Prince, or Sheikh in his, Prince or Sheikh, Arab country. And it seems to have promised this sheikh or the prince to write three new albums, but nothing recorded, and the prince or sheikh was also dissatisfied with them. A variety of creepers and charlatans are always spinning around such like that of "Titanicians". "The Return of Michael Jackson" - what is not the project in the style of Bender? True, Ostap Bender never killed anyone. He was killed, it was the case. But noble times passed.

Michael Jackson died after introducing a painkillers to him. His breathing slowed down, and then stopped at all. The whole world is shocked. Shocked fans that bought tickets for half a billion US dollars, it is unlikely to return these tickets. After all, these are tickets for the very concerts of Jackson, in front of which he died! And now I hear on the radio: "Jackson's manager accused doctors and called them" Charlatans and criminals. "On the thief, as they say, and the hat is burning. You can consider me a paranoid, a sewn conspiracy and a fool, but personally I do not believe in such coincidences . Personally, I think Michael Jackson is not dead with his death. He was just killed. "

Of course, this thought I will express one. And this thought lies on the surface. And it will certainly be checked by American investigating authorities. Nevertheless, I have to formulate it.

The greatest pop artist in the history of mankind Michael Jackson died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in the Los Angeles clinic at the age of 50. Officially, the cause of death at the time of writing this text is not named, but it is known that the breath of Jackson stopped after the introduction of a certain painkillers. In the hospital, he was already delivered in a state of coma, and the artist has failed to reanimate.

What did Michael Jackson do in Los Angeles (he has long lived by the Arab Emirates) and why did they introduce painkillers? Because he was preparing for concerts in London.

The fact that Jackson will give 10 concerts in London, he announced a few months ago. Rather, he himself said, but some of his "representatives". Jackson even led in front of a press conference in London, where he said one or two words. The rest of the time the artist was silent, but the organizers said.

Then they tried to sell tickets. Tickets were sold out in a few minutes. The organizers are subjected. They appointed 11 more concerts and raised the price of tickets. 10 times. In the end, the total number of concerts reached 50 (!!!). 750 thousand tickets were sold at an incredible average price about $ 600. Do you know how much money is it? 450 million US dollars. Halmilliard bucks, damn. This is a big kush.

Anyone familiar with the show business was obvious that Michael Jackson could not give 50 concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not gave any concerts for a long time. The whole story with these concerts looked like an adventure from the very beginning. It was obvious that there would be no concerts (I made a comment on the radio independently, as soon as it became known that there would be 50 concerts).

Michael Jackson's concert is not a concert of Philip Kirkorov. And if Philip Kirkorov can give 30 concerts in a row under Faneru and with dancers, then even it is hard for him. And Michael Jackson's concert is Michael Jackson's concert. With all his dancing, jumping and flying over the stadium with a microphone in one hand and a trapezing to another. I was at the two concerts of Jackson in Moscow and I assure you - there are still a dozen artists in the world, which can be extracted on the scene. And people who bought tickets were expected to see this. They did not want to see Jackson in the image of the aged and fascinated Elvis, who was enough to stand in front of the microphone resistant.

Options for the organizers were the following. The first is to cancel concerts. But then it would be necessary to return money for tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable.

Option Second - "Return of Elvis". Then a couple of concerts would take place, after which people would be massively passing back tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable.

Meanwhile, the appointed date of concerts was closer and closer. They had to start after a couple of weeks. We tried to "play fool" - June 10 in the New York court was served a lawsuit that was said about the impossibility of performing Jackson in London. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the company Allgood Entertainment, which argued that he concluded with the Jackson Manager Frank Dealeo Contract for the Performance of the reunited Jackson Five group in the summer of 2009. And that, according to this contract, Michael Jackson could not give other concerts to a joint speech with his brothers and for three months after him. It is necessary to say that Michael Jackson does not work with Frank Dieleto since 1989. That is, there was an obvious attempt to break concerts.

At the same time, the first concerts were transferred. The first concert was postponed from July 8 to the 13th. And the second concert - from July 10 to March 1, 2010!

But all this did not solve the problems. That July 8, that the 13th - very little time remained. Michael Jackson remained Michael Jackson - a deeply sick 50-year-old man, who would hardly stand and five of those numbers that he was waiting for him to the public around him.

Half a billion US dollars. Big Kush. What can I go for such money?

On the third option.

Michael Jackson has long been not for business. He was silent and disgraced in the United States, he was bankrupt and lived at the invitation of some kind of Arabic whether Prince, or Sheikh in his, Prince or Sheikh, Arab country. And it seems to have promised this sheikh or the prince to write three new albums, but nothing recorded, and the prince or sheikh was also dissatisfied with them. A variety of creepers and charlatans are always spinning around such a sinking "Titanicians". "The Return of Michael Jackson" - what is not the project in the style of Bender?

True, Ostap Bender never killed anyone. He was killed, it was the case. But noble times passed.

Michael Jackson died after introducing a painkillers to him. His breathing slowed down, and then stopped at all. The whole world is shocked. Shocked fans that bought tickets for half a billion US dollars, it is unlikely to return these tickets. After all, these are tickets for the very concerts of Jackson, in front of which he died!

And now I hear on the radio: "Jackson's manager accused doctors and called them" Charlatans and criminals. " On the thief, as they say, and the hat is burning.

Personally, I think Michael Jackson died not his death.

He was just killed.

In a nutshell, Michael stopped just entertaining the public and began to attract attention to serious things! And he could not forgive this! That's this clip Michael and piled! "Michael Jackson - Earth without Love." After that, Michael has all the problems and began ...

Why in only 50 years old among full health leaves Michael Jackson? And you do not remember that just a couple of years ago, Michael Jackson's criminal process was a group of Jewish and crypto-war lawyers attempted to cease Michael Jackson to prison, of course, with confiscation, on charges of, supposedly, "pedophilia."

The fact that they are in total support of all legal forces of the country and cryptopresses could not clearly show that all charges were fabricated.

And when the legal method did not turn into a move went medical. If you look at the story, how many leaders of the states sent to the light of Kruptalen doctors - then, let's say, in Russia - it is almost all the country's leaders since its foundation.

Now, if you now read about the death of Michael Jackson, the central press of different countries everywhere in the hands of these alieneoids, then you will learn that Michael Jackson, they say, was "addict", "Dystrophik" and in general he wanted, they say, die and premonished his early death, so everything is natural.

However, on Friday, June 26, 2009 - Immediately - the Jewish newspaper New York "New York Post" came out with a portrait of Michael Jackson and a brief heading


See for yourself:

what can be translated or as "Dead!" or how "DEAD BODY!", with the same subtext that you understood - that they hunted him for a long time.

And all the alienes immediately understood the subtext. Because in a normal relationship it would sound like "HAS BEEN DEAD" - died.

Now you understand why Michael Jackson really premeditated his death, and that he was not at the soil, as it was exposed to cryptopress, they say, "painful mania" showed an emergency care for his health. Remember it walking in people in a sterile mask, etc. In fact, now suddenly the person dies most of all in the world who took care of his health and, most importantly, who had all the money for this. Now you understand - why did he care about his health? " Michael died when weighing 126 pounds"(Oklo 60 kg) - Writes Krtopress - Dystrophy! He brought himself to depletion! Obviously, the crypts appear to the consciousness of the Middle American, having a weight of 120 kg. Since when is the normal weight of a person feeding with fresh fruits and vegetables, has become a dystrophy?

Michael died of drug overdose"- cryptopresses back to all the results of toxicological analysis, - it says," addict”.

Do not remember, absolutely the same Orange of the crypts and the circumstances of the death of another great Goyan - Vladvir Vysotsky - the same words and music. Do you remember the film "The meeting place cannot be changed", which came out before the death of Vysotsky?

Vysotsky there and closely does not look like a finished drug addict and an alcoholic, which Vysotsky always portrayed cryptopress. Whatever a person is a great artist, a drug addict and an alcoholic cannot depict and play a normal person.

Why are the great goals and half ages die suddenly?

John Kennedy - Junior, Princess Diana, Igor Talkov, Vladimir Vysotsky, John Lennon, Vasily Shukshin, film director Yuri Chulukin, Yuri Gagarin ... Frol Kozlov, Stalin, Gorky, all Russian kings?

"The best of Goev kill" - says the law of Alienov, and this is quite understandable in such a context, and more in any. All gays are exposed to extermination *.

It is stupid in such a context, such as, leave the most outstanding goakes and gathering, which can potentially lead the masses, especially Michael Jackson, who does not peck money.

Immediately, cryptopresses dissolved rumors that they say, Michael Jackson, "bankrupt" and type, pension, having, they say, about $ 400 million dollars. And you do not remember how another 20 years ago, Paul McCartney designed Michael Jackson for the right to Bitles - a billion dollars? Michael refused McCartney.

How much is it right now, after 20 years, when everything came out since then five times? In the 1970s, Bitles sold Michael Jackson right to their songs for 150 million dollars. And now property is not Bitles, but Michael. Michael was the only one to date fasteningly rich go. He apparently knew that he had a lid. Therefore, and insanely guarded his health.

He only, like the Russian king Alexander, the third badly understood in the crypts.

I do not think that Michael Jackson's personal doctor Konrad Murray in Gabitus is a pure Jew. As you can see even the surname Ne-Jewish.

However, for the whole of this cryptic crackle, a bare fact: the dead Michael Jackson was found in the company attending a doctor doing this, a closed heart massage.

I will inform you as a specialist on this issue, with a purely medical point of view, resuscitation measures of the attending physician are contrary to the clinical picture. The fact is that the drug demurol, which is still to the toxylogical analysis of cryptopress indicates as the cause of Michael Jackson's death, like all the morpho-like drugs, gives an overdose to stop the breath, and by no means a heart. The doctor can not know it.

I had a case in my practice 27 years ago. In the reception of the hospital, the female doctor introduced the old woman intravenously similar drug (fentanyl) and the old woman stopped his breath on the needle. All froze, because they realized that it was "troupe", especially since they were already out of the veins.

Reasonable here I took a long needle and via a plug-in vein introduced a 4 cube of the respiratory analeptic Cordiana - the old woman sighed on the needle and in 5 minutes I talked to her and it was later discharged from the hospital. The old woman did not suspect that it was almost almost THERE - There were seconds and crowds of confused medical staff.

The main question is what happened during an intimate inspection by the attending physician with Michael Jackson as a result of Michael Jackson suddenly "died"? However, it is clear that even if the drug will find in the blood in the blood - in no way in the presence of a doctor, Michael Jackson could not, so to speak, "devour the handful of drug pills in sight of a slave doctor," and this is understandable. It also makes no sense to me to make drugs, and then cause your attending physician. Even if Michael would have done it, - simple artificial respiration saves the patient. This knows every doctor. And the doctor Konrad Murray after that disappeared for a day and was looking for him with the police (Michael Jackson's doctor disappeared after his death. His police is looking for).

What did the doctor do these days? - Obviously worked out with the team of Jewish lawyers. Protection options. Over the "problem of Michael Jackson", "after all, a whole team of Cryptalienov has long worked.

For Michael Jackson, even "his biographer" was created, and not alone. Do not think that it was with the initiative of Michael Jackson's biographer. Cryptalines have long been written on him and a biography and a necrologist. Now you make a meant how they will defy the attending physician, who, throughout the view, persuaded Michael Jackson on the intravenous introduction of "medicines"; Type, Michael Jackson had diarrhea, and the doctor persuaded him to intravenous, they say, "antibiotic", and himself, long ago, waiting for this case, introduced the toxic dose of demurol. Please note that at the same time the doctor's visit is not mentioned any nurse.

It turns out that the doctor injected the drug himself! Even without touching the Cryptoalie problem, the doctor, can kill the patient with a thousand different ways, if it needs it; And even more so if it is omitted and even more so if they pay; Especially since doctors and so everyday are engaged; Just more part, so to speak, "noarly".

Completely correctly to the place to recall a recent case with a sudden billionaire Ann Nicole Smith who became a fabulous billionaire after the death of his 90-year-old husband.

Nicole Smith and her potential heir to the Son - did not live after receiving the inheritance and the year - suddenly died - right just went to the hotel room and immediately healthy bath in the room died. All its multi-billion state passed into the hands of a special team of Jewish lawyers. You will see that in the case of Michael Jackson will also be the same, although Michael Jackson has a lot of any relatives. We are dealing with unmistakable Aliena surpassing goes in everything. Estims something, like, "Michael Jackson Foundation". Who will be against?

So something for the archive of cryptopresses:

A private pathologist made a re-operating of the body of Jackson - however, the results in the press are not seeping. In the office of Koroner (the investigator, a leading business on suspicious death) note that the results of official toxicological tests can take from four to six weeks. http://news.mail.ru/society/2697195

The Los Angeles Police is investigating the circumstances of Michael Jackson's death. In particular, investigators find out where his personal doctor is located - Dr. Konrad Murray. It is known that he was next to the singer in the last minutes of his life, and then suddenly disappeared somewhere. Police believes that Murray can know much about exactly how the king of pop music died. The expertise spent on the eve showed that death was not violent. However, the investigation still decided to spend more and toxicological examination. There was an intrigue with the disappearance of the Personal Cardiologist Jackson Konrad Murray, who, allegedly, was in the singer's house when he became bad. Murray car remained standing near Jackson's house, and the doctor himself disappeared for almost a day. However, he was already found, and the police are preparing to ask him many questions.

The mystery of this story adds that Murray, 11 days before the death of the "Star" client, announced that temporarily ceases to medical activities, not explaining the reasons. In addition, hired Murray Jackson not himself - the cardiologist was presented to him by the company-organizer of London tour.

Jackson's death put a lot of questions. What to do with unnecessary materials by Michael Jackson (10 songs)? Who owns the rights to them? Who will inherit the state of Michael Jackson, as well as his numerous debts? Where and when the funeral will be held, it is also unknown too.

Los Angeles police began investigating the causes of Michael Jackson's death. In May, Jackson passed complete medical testing, and his health was recognized as good. http://news.mail.ru/society/2695874

The ambulance delivered Michael Jackson to the Los Angeles hospital with a diagnosis of Cardiac Arrest - literally: a delay and stop of the work of the heart. The ambulance was caused at 12 o'clock 21 minutes by Los Angeles time. Doctors arrived in a few minutes (by one back after 3 minutes, in others - after 8). They saw Michael Jackson on the floor. Near him was his personal doctor who tried to stimulate the patient's heart into a comatose state.

The opening of the star, which will occur soon, will tell if some of the drugs really adopted Michael, led to a heart stop.

The marks of the violent death of Michael Jackson were not found just that Los Angeles's forenswicperts finished the opening of the body of the famous American singer Michael Jackson. The first and main conclusion, which made physicians - the marks of violent death were not found. http://news.mail.ru/society/2695920/

Who will children and the money of Michael Jackson?

According to some experts, the solid state of the father should now go to children, around which this battle can be played. According to others, the great condition of Jackson is myth and children he left only about 500 million debts. Be that as it may, the most likely guardian for children singer is called his mother, that is, a grandmother of children who loves grandchildren. http://deti.mail.ru/roditeljam/topatun685

Infox.ru: Michael Jackson died from an overdose Michael Jackson could die from the overdose of drugs.

Of course, this thought I will express one. And this thought lies on the surface. And it will certainly be checked by American investigating authorities. Nevertheless, I have to formulate it.

The greatest pop artist in the history of mankind Michael Jackson died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in the Los Angeles clinic at the age of 50. Officially, the cause of death at the time of writing this text is not named, but it is known that the breath of Jackson stopped after the introduction of a certain painkillers. In the hospital, he was already delivered in a state of coma, and the artist has failed to reanimate.

What did Michael Jackson do in Los Angeles (it lives for a long time in the Arab Emirates) and why did they introduce painkillers? Because he was preparing for concerts in London.

The fact that Jackson will give 10 concerts in London, he announced a few months ago. Rather, he himself said, but some of his "representatives". Jackson even led in front of a press conference in London, where he said one or two words. The rest of the time the artist was silent, but the organizers said.

Then they tried to sell tickets. Tickets were sold out in a few minutes. The organizers are subjected. They appointed 11 more concerts and raised the price of tickets. 10 times. In the end, the total number of concerts reached 50 (!!!). 750 thousand tickets were sold at an incredible average price about $ 600. Do you know how much money is it? 450 million US dollars. Halmilliard bucks, damn. This is a big kush.

Anyone familiar with the show business was obvious that Michael Jackson could not give 50 concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not gave any concerts for a long time. The whole story with these concerts looked like an adventure from the very beginning. It was obvious that there would be no concerts (I made a comment on the radio independently, as soon as it became known that there would be 50 concerts).

Michael Jackson's concert is not a concert of Philip Kirkorov. And if Philip Kirkorov can give 30 concerts in a row under Faneru and with dancers, then even it is hard for him. And Michael Jackson's concert is Michael Jackson's concert. With all his dancing, jumping and flying over the stadium with a microphone in one hand and a trapezing to another. I was at the two concerts of Jackson in Moscow and I assure you - there are still a dozen artists in the world, which can be extracted on the scene. And people who bought tickets were expected to see this. They did not want to see Jackson in the image of the aged and fascinated Elvis, who was enough to stand in front of the microphone resistant.

Options for the organizers were the following. The first is to cancel concerts. But then it would be necessary to return money for tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable.

Option Second - "Return of Elvis". Then a couple of concerts would take place, after which people would be massively passing back tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Not suitable.

Meanwhile, the appointed date of concerts was closer and closer. They had to start after a couple of weeks. We tried to "play fool" - June 10 in the New York court was served a lawsuit that was said about the impossibility of performing Jackson in London. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the company Allgood Entertainment, which argued that he concluded with the Jackson Manager Frank Dealeo Contract for the Performance of the reunited Jackson Five group in the summer of 2009. And that, according to this contract, Michael Jackson could not give other concerts to a joint speech with his brothers and for three months after him. It is necessary to say that Michael Jackson does not work with Frank Dieleto since 1989. That is, there was an obvious attempt to break concerts.

At the same time, the first concerts were transferred. The first concert was postponed from July 8 to the 13th. And the second concert - from July 10 to March 1, 2010!

But all this did not solve the problems. That July 8, that the 13th - very little time remained. Michael Jackson remained Michael Jackson - a deeply sick 50-year-old man, who would hardly stand and five of those numbers that he was waiting for him to the public around him.

Half a billion US dollars. Big Kush. What can I go for such money?

On the third option.

Michael Jackson has long been not for business. He was silent and disgraced in the United States, he was bankrupt and lived at the invitation of some kind of Arabic whether Prince, or Sheikh in his, Prince or Sheikh, Arab country. And it seems to have promised this sheikh or the prince to write three new albums, but nothing recorded, and the prince or sheikh was also dissatisfied with them. A variety of creepers and charlatans are always spinning around such a sinking "Titanicians". "The Return of Michael Jackson" - what is not the project in the style of Bender?

True, Ostap Bender never killed anyone. He was killed, it was the case. But noble times passed.

Michael Jackson died after introducing a painkillers to him. His breathing slowed down, and then stopped at all. The whole world is shocked. Shocked fans that bought tickets for half a billion US dollars, it is unlikely to return these tickets. After all, these are tickets for the very concerts of Jackson, in front of which he died!

And now I hear on the radio: "Jackson's manager accused doctors and called them" Charlatans and criminals. " On the thief, as they say, and the hat is burning.

Personally, I think Michael Jackson died not his death.