“The future is bright and beautiful…. N

“The future is bright and beautiful…. N

Where there is no freedom, There is no happiness. What is to be done? written in 1863. The novel was created in extremely difficult conditions. At this time, Chernyshevsky was in prison under strict police supervision. However, this did not stop him from creating a work. In the novel, Chernyshevsky paints a picture of an obsolete life that hinders the development of society; the present, that is, the reality surrounding him, and the future as he imagines it. The future is presented in the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna.

Chernyshevsky draws us a world of abundance, happiness and love. Together with Vera Pavlovna we find ourselves in a world where all people are brothers. They live as one family. All live in magnificent palaces built of aluminum and crystal, and the entire population is busy during the day.

Labor has been completely replaced by machines, and people only operate them. NG Chernyshevsky foresaw that in the future, when everyone will be equal to each other, work will become pleasure, not slavery, as it was in his time. Old people and children are engaged in the housework. But there are very few old people, as there is a healthy and calm life that keeps freshness, so people age very late. Collective work brings people together, makes them friendly and responsive. After a good job, there is a lot of fun. In the evenings, everyone gathers in a large and spacious hall to dance, have fun, and chat. “All of them are happy beauties and beauties, leading a free life of work and pleasure - lucky ones, oh lucky ones!

"- says Chernyshevsky about them. In his novel, Chernyshevsky shows people of the revolutionary intelligentsia. Shows vividly in Rakhmetov's novel, which is contrasted with the image of Kirsanov, Lopukhov. Rakhmetov, who for a long time communicated with the people, and became a “special” person. In this novel, Chernyshevsky showed “new people” - these are Lopukhov and Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna.

well, the past, that is, the old world, the whole picture. Moving and bringing history closer belongs to the image of Rakhmetov.

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  1. Loading ... Rakhmetov is the most striking and memorable hero of Nikolai Grigorievich Chernyshevsky's novel "What is to be done?" The novel is subtitled From Stories about New People. Of these new ...

  2. Loading ... In your work "What to do?" Chernyshevsky showed the life of people of that time, the birth of revolutionaries. A significant place in the novel is occupied by the personal relationships of the characters. The novel "What is to be done?" ...

  3. Loading ... Chernyshevsky was a real revolutionary, a fighter for the happiness of the people. He believed in a revolutionary coup, after which only, in his opinion, the life of the people could change ...

  4. Loading ... “The Rakhmetovs are a different breed,” says Vera Pavlovna, “they merge with the common cause so that it is now a necessity for them that fills them ...

  5. Loading ... Chernyshevsky was a real fighter for the happiness of the people. He believed in a coup, after which the life of the people could change for the better. And it was precisely this faith in the bright future of the people that permeated him ...

… Where there is no freedom, there is no happiness.
The novel "What is to be done?" written in 1863. The novel was created in extremely difficult conditions. At this time, Chernyshevsky was in prison under strict police supervision. However, this did not stop him from creating a work. In the novel, Chernyshevsky paints a picture of an obsolete life that hinders the development of society; the present, that is, the reality surrounding him, and the future as he imagines it.
The future is presented in the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna. Chernyshevsky draws us a world of abundance, happiness and love. Together with Vera Pavlovna we find ourselves in a world where all people are brothers. They live as one family. All live in magnificent palaces built of aluminum and crystal.
During the day, the entire population is busy with work. Labor has been completely replaced by machines, and people only operate them. NG Chernyshevsky foresaw that in the future, when everyone will be equal to each other, work will become pleasure, not slavery, as it was in his time. Old people and children are engaged in the housework. But there are very few old people, as there is a healthy and calm life that keeps freshness, so people age very late. Collective work brings people together, makes them friendly and responsive. After a good job, there is a lot of fun. In the evenings, everyone gathers in a large and spacious hall to dance, have fun, and chat.
"All of them are happy beauties and beauties, leading a free life of work and pleasure, - lucky ones, oh lucky ones!" - says Chernyshevsky about them.
In his novel, Chernyshevsky shows people of the revolutionary intelligentsia. Shows vividly in Rakhmetov's novel, which is contrasted with the image of Kirsanov, Lopukhov. Rakhmetov, who for a long time communicated with the people, and became a "special" person.
In this novel, Chernyshevsky showed “new people” - these are Lopukhov and Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna. In the past, that is, the old world, the picture of everything Moving and bringing history closer belongs to the image of Rakhmetov.

And Vera Pavlovna has a dream, as if: A friend comes to her - oh, what an acquaintance she is now! - a voice from afar, closer, closer, - And Vera Pavlovna sees that this is so, everything is so ... The cornfield shines with a golden tint; the field is covered with flowers, hundreds, thousands of flowers are unfolding on the shrubs encircling the field, the forest rising behind the shrubs turns green and whispers, and it is all dazzled with flowers; aroma rushes from the fields, from the meadow, from the bushes, from the flowers filling the forest; birds flutter over the branches, and thousands of voices rush from the branches with the scent; and beyond the cornfield, beyond the meadows, behind the bushes, the forest, the same fields shining with gold, meadows covered with flowers, shrubs covered with flowers to the distant mountains, covered with a forest illuminated by the sun, and above their peaks, here and here, here and here, are again visible, bright, silvery, golden, purple, transparent clouds with their tints slightly shade the bright azure along the horizon; the sun has risen, nature rejoices and rejoices, it pours light and warmth, aroma and song, love is not present in the chest, a song of joy and bliss, love and goodness is pouring from the chest - “O earth! oh bliss! O love! oh love, golden, beautiful, like morning clouds over the tops of those mountains! " - Now you know me? Do you know that I'm good? But you do not know, none of you yet knows me in all my beauty. Look what was, what is now, what will be. Listen and see: At the foot of the mountain, on the outskirts of the forest, among the flowering bushes of high dense alleys, a palace was erected.- Let's go there. They go, they fly. A sumptuous feast. Wine froths in glasses; the eyes of the feasts shine. Noise and whisper to noise, laughter and secretly shaking hands, and sometimes secretly inaudible kiss. - “The song! A song! There is no fun without a song! " And the poet gets up. His brow and thought are illuminated by inspiration, nature tells him its secrets, history reveals its meaning to him, and the life of millennia sweeps in his song alongside pictures.
The poet's words are heard, and a picture emerges. Tents of nomads. Sheep, horses and camels graze around the tents. In the distance there is a forest of olives and figs. Further, further, on the edge of the horizon to the northwest, there is a double ridge of high mountains. The tops of the mountains are covered with snow, their slopes are covered with cedars. But these shepherds are slimmer than cedars, slimmer than their wife's palm trees, and their life in lazy bliss is carefree: they have one thing - love, all their days pass, day after day, in caresses and songs of love. - No, - says the fair beauty, - it's not about me. Then I was gone. This woman was a slave. Where there is no equality, there is no me. That queen was called Astarte. There she is. Luxury woman. On her arms and legs are her heavy gold bracelets; a heavy necklace of pearls and coral, set in gold, around her neck. Her hair is moisturized with myrrh. Voluptuousness and subservience in her face, voluptuousness and nonsense in her eyes. “Obey your master; delight his laziness in the intervals of forays; you have to love him, because he bought you, and if you don’t love him, he will kill you, ”she says to the woman lying in the dust before her. “You see that it’s not me,” says the beauty.
The poet's inspired words are heard again. A new picture emerges. Town. Far in the north and east of the mountains; far in the east and south, near in the west - the sea. A wonderful city. The houses are not big in it and they are not luxurious on the outside. But how many wonderful temples there are! Especially on the hill, where a staircase with gates of amazing grandeur and beauty leads: the whole hill is occupied by temples and public buildings, of which each one would be sufficient today to increase the beauty and glory of the most magnificent of the capitals. Thousands of statues in these temples and throughout the city - statues, of which one would be enough to make the museum where it stands, the first museum in the whole world. And how beautiful the people crowd in the squares, in the streets: each of these young men, each of these young women and girls could serve as a model for a statue. An active, lively, cheerful people, a people whose whole life is bright and graceful. These houses, not luxurious on the outside, - what a wealth of grace and high skill to enjoy they show on the inside: every piece of furniture and dishes can be admired. And all these people, so beautiful, so able to understand beauty, live for love, for the service of beauty. Here the exile returns to the city that overthrew his power: he returns then to command - everyone knows this. Why not a single hand is raised against him? She rides in a chariot with him, showing him to the people, asking the people to accept him, telling the people that she protects him, a woman of wonderful beauty even among these beauties - and, bowing to her beauty, the people give power over themselves to Pisistratus, her favorite. Here is the judgment; judges are gloomy old people: people can get carried away, they do not know about hobbies. Areopagus is famous for its merciless severity, implacable impartiality: the gods and goddesses came to give their affairs to his decision. And now a woman must appear before him, whom everyone considers guilty of terrible crimes: she must die, the destroyer of Athens, each of the judges has already decided this in her soul; Aspazia appears before them, this accused, and they all fall to the ground in front of her and say: "You cannot be judged, you are too beautiful!" Isn't this the kingdom of beauty? Is this not the kingdom of love? - No, - says the fair beauty, - I was not there then. They worshiped a woman, but did not recognize her as their equal. They worshiped her, but only as a source of pleasure; they had not yet recognized human dignity in her! Where there is no respect for a woman as for a person, there is no me. That queen was called Aphrodite. There she is. This queen has no adornments - she is so beautiful that her admirers did not want her to have clothes, her marvelous forms should not be hidden from their admiring eyes. What does she say to a woman almost as beautiful as herself, throwing incense on her altar? “Be a source of pleasure for a man. He is your master. You do not live for yourself, but for him. " And in her eyes there is only a bliss of physical pleasure. Her posture is proud, in her face pride, but pride only in her physical beauty. And what kind of life was the woman doomed during her reign? The man locked the woman in a gyno so that no one but his master could enjoy the beauty that belonged to him. She had no freedom. They had other women who called themselves free, but they sold the pleasure of their beauty, they sold their freedom. No, and they didn't have freedom. This queen was a half-slave. Where there is no freedom, there is no happiness, there is no me.
The words of the poet are heard again. A new picture emerges. Arena in front of the castle. Around the amphitheater with a brilliant crowd of spectators. There are knights in the arena. A girl sits on the balcony of the castle above the arena. In her hand is a scarf. Whoever wins, a scarf and a kiss on her hand. Knights fight to the death. Toggenburg won. “Knight, I love you like a sister. Do not ask for other love. My heart does not beat when you come - it does not beat when you leave. " “My destiny is decided,” he says, and sails to Palestine. Throughout Christianity, the glory of his exploits is spread. But he cannot live without seeing the queen of his soul. He returns, he has not found oblivion in the battles. "Do not knock, knight: she is in the monastery." He builds a hut for himself, from the windows of which, invisible to her, he can see her when she opens the window of her cell in the morning. And his whole life is to wait until she appears at the window, beautiful as the sun; he has no other life than to see the queen of his soul, and he did not have another life until his life was exhausted; and when life died out in him, he sat at the window of his hut and thought only one thing: will I see her again? “This is not at all about me,” says the fair beauty. “He loved her until he touched her. When she became his wife, she became his subject; she should have fluttered him; he locked her; he stopped loving her. He hunted, he went to war, he feasted with his comrades, he raped his vassals - his wife was abandoned, locked up, despised. The woman whom the man touched, this man did not love then. No, then I was not there. That queen was called "Integrity." There she is. Modest, meek, gentle, beautiful - more beautiful than Astarte, more beautiful than Aphrodite herself, but brooding, sad, grieving. They kneel in front of her, they bring her wreaths of roses. She says: “My soul is sad to death. The sword pierced my heart. You too grieve. You are unhappy. The earth is a valley of wailing. " “No, no, I wasn't there then,” says the fair beauty.
No, those queens were not like me. All of them still continue to reign, but their kingdoms fall. With the birth of each of them, the kingdom of the previous one began to fall. And I was born only when the kingdom of the last of them began to fall. And since I was born, their kingdoms began to fall quickly, quickly, and they will fall altogether - the next of them could not replace the previous ones, and they remained with her. I replace everyone, they will disappear, I alone will remain to reign over the whole world. But they had to reign before me; without their kingdoms mine could not come. People were like animals. They ceased to be animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman. But a woman is weaker than a man in strength; and the man was rude. Everything was then decided by force. The man took over the woman, whose beauty he began to appreciate. She became his property, his thing. This is the kingdom of Astarte. When he became more developed, he began to appreciate her beauty more than before, bowed to her beauty. But her consciousness was not yet developed. He appreciated only her beauty. She knew how to think only what she had heard from him. He said that only he was a man, she was not a man, and she still saw in herself only a beautiful jewel that belonged to him - she did not consider herself a man. This is the kingdom of Aphrodite. But then the consciousness began to awaken in her that she was also a human being. What sorrow ought to have embraced her even at the faintest appearance in her of the thought of her human dignity! After all, she had not yet been recognized as a person. The man still did not want to have her as another friend to himself, as his slave. And she said: I don't want to be your friend! Then the passion for her forced him to beg and humble himself, and he forgot that he did not consider her a man, and he loved her, an inaccessible, inviolable, virgin virgin. But as soon as she believed his entreaty, as soon as he touched her - woe to her! She was in his hands, these hands were stronger than hers, and he was rude, and he turned her into his slave and despised her. Woe to her! This is the sorrowful kingdom of the virgin. But centuries passed; my sister - do you know her? - the one that began to appear to you before me, did her job. She was always there, she was before everyone else, she was as people were, and she always worked tirelessly. Her work was hard, her success was slow, but she worked, worked, and success grew. The man became smarter, the woman more firmly and firmly recognized herself as a person equal to him - and the time came, I was born. It was recently, oh, it was very recently. Do you know who first felt that I was born and told it to others? This is what Rousseau said in The New Eloise. It was from him that people heard about me for the first time. And since then my kingdom has been growing. I am not yet a queen of many. But it is growing rapidly, and you already foresee the time when I will reign over the whole earth. Only then will people fully feel how good I am. Now those who recognize my authority cannot yet obey all my will. They are surrounded by a mass hostile to all my will. The masses would torture them, poison their lives, if they knew and did all my will. And I need happiness, I do not want any suffering, and I tell them: do not do that for which they would torture you; know my will now only as much as you can know it without harming yourself. - But I can know all of you? - Yes you can. Your position is very happy. You have nothing to fear. You can do what you want. And if you know all my will, my will will not want anything harmful to you from you: you do not need to desire, you will not desire anything for which those who do not know me would torment you. You are now quite happy with what you have; you do not think about anything else, about anyone else, and you will not think. I can open up to you all. - Name yourself to me, you called me the former queens, you have never called yourself to me. - Do you want me to name myself? Look at me, listen to me.
- Look at me, listen to me. Do you recognize my voice? Do you recognize my face? Have you seen my face? Yes, she had not yet seen her face, had not seen her at all. How did she think she was seeing her? It's been a year since she talks to him, since he looks at her, kisses her, she sees her so often, this bright beauty, and the beauty does not hide from her, just as she does not hide from him, she everything appears to her. - No, I have not seen you, I have not seen your face; you appeared to me, I saw you, but you are surrounded by radiance, I could not see you, I only saw that you are the most beautiful of all. Your voice, I hear it, but I only hear that your voice is the most beautiful of all. - Look, for you, for this minute, I reduce the radiance of my halo, and my voice sounds to you for this minute without the charm that I always give him; for a minute I cease to be a queen for you. Did you see, did you hear? Did you find out? Enough, I'm a queen again, and forever a queen. She is again surrounded by all the splendor of her radiance, and again her voice is inexpressibly delightful. But for a minute, when she ceased to be a queen, in order to let herself be recognized, is it really so? Did she really see this face, did Vera Pavlovna really hear this voice? - Yes, - says the queen, - you wanted to know who I am, you found out. You wanted to know my name, I have no name separate from the one that I am, my name is her name; you saw who I am. There is nothing higher than a man, there is nothing higher than a woman. I am who I am, who loves, who is loved. Yes, Vera Pavlovna saw: this is herself, this is herself, but a goddess. The face of the goddess is her very face, this is her living face, the features of which are so far from perfect, more beautiful than which she sees every day more than one face; this is her face, illuminated by the radiance of love, more beautiful than all the ideals bequeathed to us by the sculptors of antiquity and the great painters of the great age of painting, yes, this is herself, but illuminated by the radiance of love, she, more beautiful than which there are hundreds of faces in Petersburg, so poor in beauty, she is more beautiful Aphrodite of the Louvre, more beautiful than the hitherto famous beauties. - You see yourself in the mirror as you are on your own, without me. In me you see yourself as the one who loves you sees you. For him, I merge with you. For him there is no one more beautiful than you; for him all ideals pale before you. Is not it? So, oh, so!
Now you know who I am; find out that I ... In me is the pleasure of the feeling that was in Astarte: she is the ancestor of all of us, other queens who replaced her. In me is the ecstasy of the contemplation of beauty, which was in Aphrodite. I have a reverence for the purity that was in "Integrity." But in me all this is not the same as it was in them, but fuller, higher, stronger. What was in "Integrity" is united in me with what was in Astarte and what was in Aphrodite. And, uniting in me with other forces, each of these forces becomes more powerful and better from the union. But more, much more power and charm is given to each of these forces in me by the new that is in me, which was not in any of the previous queens. This is something new in me that makes me different from them - the equality of lovers, an equal relationship between them as people, and from this one new everything in me is much, oh, much more beautiful than it was in them. When a man recognizes a woman's equality with himself, he refuses to look at her as his belonging. Then she loves him as he loves her, only because she wants to love, but if she does not want, he has no rights over her, just as she over him. Therefore, I have freedom. From equality and freedom, and what was mine that was in the previous queens, receives a new character, the highest charm, a charm that they did not know before me, before which nothing is everything that they knew before me. Before me, they did not know the complete pleasure of feelings, because without the free attraction of both lovers, not one of them has a bright rapture. Before me, they did not know the complete delight of contemplating beauty, because if beauty is not revealed by free attraction, there is no light delight in contemplating it. Without free attraction, both pleasure and admiration are dark before what they are in me. My integrity is purer than that "Integrity" which spoke only of the purity of the body: in me there is purity of heart. I am free, because in me there is no deception, no pretense: I will not say a word that I do not feel, I will not give a kiss in which there is no sympathy. But what is new in me, what gives the highest charm to what was in the former queens, it in itself constitutes a charm in me that is above all. The master is constrained by the servant, the servant is constrained by the master; only with an equal is a person completely free. With the lower one is boring, only with the equal is complete fun. That is why, before me, a man did not know the complete happiness of love; what he felt before me should not be called happiness, it was only a momentary intoxication. And a woman, how pathetic the woman was before me! she was then a subservient, slave person; she was afraid, she knew too little before me what love is: where there is fear, there is no love ... Therefore, if you want to express in one word what I am, this word is equality. Without it, enjoyment of the body, admiration for beauty are boring, gloomy, nasty; without it there is no purity of heart, there is only deception by the purity of the body. From him, from equality, and freedom in me, without which I do not exist. I told you everything, that you can tell others, everything I am now. But now my kingdom is still small, I still have to protect my people from slander who do not know me, I still cannot express all my will to everyone. I will tell it to everyone, when my kingdom is over all people, when all people are beautiful in body and pure in heart, then I will reveal to them all my beauty. But you, your destiny, are especially happy; I will not embarrass you, I will not harm you by saying what I will be, when not a few, like now, but all will deserve to recognize me as their queen. To you alone, I will tell the secrets of my future. Swear to be silent and listen.

- O my love, now I know all your will; I know she will; but how will she be? How will people live then? - I alone cannot tell you this, for this I need the help of my older sister, the one who has appeared to you for a long time. She is my mistress and my servant. I can only be what she makes me; but it works for me. Sister, come to the rescue. The sister of her sisters, the bride of her grooms, appears. - Hello, sister, - she says to the queen, - are you here, sister? - she says to Vera Pavlovna. - Do you want to see how people will live when the queen, my pupil, will reign over everyone? Look. A building, a huge, huge building, of which there are now only a few in the largest capitals - or not, now there is not a single one! It stands among fields and meadows, gardens and groves. The fields are our bread, just not the same as ours, but thick, thick, abundant, abundant. Is it really wheat? Who has seen such ears? Who has seen such grains? Only in a greenhouse would it be possible now to grow such ears with such grains. The fields are our fields; but such flowers are now only in our flower beds. Gardens, lemon and orange trees, peaches and apricots - how do they grow outdoors? Oh, yes, these are the columns around them, they are open for the summer; yes, these are greenhouses opening up for the summer. The groves are our groves: oak and linden, maple and elm - yes, the groves are the same as now; they are taken care of very carefully, there is not a single sick tree in them, but the groves are the same - only they remain the same as now. But this building - what is it, what kind of architecture is it? now there is no such; no, there really is one hint of it - the palace that stands on Saydengam Hill: cast iron and glass, cast iron and glass - only. No, not only: this is only the shell of the building, these are its outer walls; and there, inside, there is already a real house, a huge house: it is covered with this cast-iron-crystal building, like a case; it forms wide galleries around it on all floors. What a light architecture of this inner house, what small walls between the windows, and the windows are huge, wide, all the way up the floors! its stone walls are like a row of pilasters that frame the windows that open onto the gallery. But what kind of floors and ceilings are they? What are these doors and window frames made of? What it is? silver? platinum? and the furniture is almost all the same - furniture made of wood is just a whim, it is only for a change, but what is all the rest of the furniture, ceilings and floors made of? “Try to move this chair,” says the older queen. This metal furniture is lighter than our walnut furniture. But what kind of metal is this? Ah, I know now, Sasha showed me such a tablet, it was light as glass, and now there are such earrings, brooches; Yes, Sasha said that sooner or later, aluminum will replace wood, maybe stone. But how rich it all is! Aluminum and aluminum are everywhere, and all the gaps of the windows are clad in huge mirrors. And what carpets on the floor! In this room, half of the floor is open, and here you can see that it is made of aluminum. “You see, here it is matte, so that it is not too slippery, - here the children play, and with them the big ones; here in that hall the floor is also without carpets - for dancing. " And everywhere southern trees and flowers; the whole house is a huge winter garden. But who lives in this house, which is more magnificent than palaces? “Many, very many live here; go, we'll see them. " They walk to a balcony protruding from the gallery's top floor. How did Vera Pavlovna not notice before? “Groups of people are scattered across these fields; everywhere men and women, old people, young people and children together. But more young people; there are few old people, even fewer old women, more children than old people, but still not very many. More than half of the children stayed at home to do their housework: they do almost everything around the house, they love it very much; several old women with them. And there are very few old people and old women, because here it is very late to become them, here is a healthy and calm life; it keeps fresh. " The groups working in the fields are almost all singing; but what kind of work are they doing? Ah, they are the ones who take away the bread. How quickly their work is progressing! But she shouldn’t go quickly, and she shouldn’t sing to them! Almost everyone makes cars for them — and they reap, and knit sheaves, and take them away — people almost only walk, drive, drive cars; and how they made it comfortable for themselves; the day is hot, but they, of course, have nothing: a huge canopy will be spread over that part of the field where they work; how the work is progressing, so is he - how they have arranged a coolness for themselves! They wouldn’t work quickly and have fun, they wouldn’t sing! That way I would reap too! And all the songs, all the songs, are unfamiliar, new; but they also remembered ours; I know her:

We will live with you in a pane manner;
These people are our friends
What your heart desires
I'll get everything with them ...

But now the work is over, everyone goes to the building. “Let's go back into the hall and see how they dine,” says the older sister. They enter the largest of the huge halls. Half of it is occupied by tables — the tables have already been set — how many there are! How many diners will there be? Yes, there are a thousand or more people: “There is not everything here; to anyone, they dine separately, at their place ”; those old women, old people, children who did not go out into the field, prepared all this: “cooking food, doing housework, cleaning the rooms is too easy work for other hands,” says the elder sister, “it should be done by those who have not yet may or can no longer do anything else. " Great serving. All aluminum and crystal; vases with flowers are placed along the middle strip of wide tables; the dishes were already on the table, the workers came in, everyone sat down to dinner, both they and those who were preparing dinner. "And who will serve?" - "When? during the table? why? After all, there are only five or six dishes: those that should be hot are placed in places that will not cool down; you see, in the recesses - these are boxes with boiling water, - says the older sister. "You live well, you like a good table, do you often have such a dinner?" - “Several times a year”. - “They have it ordinary: anyone, he has better, anyone, but then a special calculation; and whoever does not demand anything special for himself against what is being done for everyone, there is no reckoning whatsoever. And everything is like this: what everyone can do within the means of their company, there are no calculations for that; for every special thing or whim - calculation. " “Is it really us? is this our land? I heard our song, they speak Russian. " - “Yes, you see a river not far away - this is the Oka; we are these people, because I am with you, a Russian! " - "And you did all this?" - "This is all done for me, and I inspired to do it, I inspired to improve it, but this is what she does, my older sister, she is a worker, and I just enjoy." - "And everyone will live like this?" “Everything,” says the elder sister, “for everyone is eternal spring and summer, eternal joy. But we showed you only the end, my half of the day, work, and the beginning of her half; - we will look at them in the evening, in two months ”.
The flowers have withered; leaves begin to fall from the trees; the picture becomes dull. “You see, it would be boring to look at, it would be boring to live here, - says the younger sister, - I don’t want that.” “The halls are empty, there is no one in the fields and in the gardens either,” says the elder sister, “I arranged it at the behest of my sister, the queen.” - "Is the palace really empty?" “Yes, it’s cold and damp here, why be here? Here, out of two thousand people, there are now ten or twenty originals, who this time thought it a pleasant variety to stay here, in the wilderness, in solitude, to look at the northern autumn. In a few time, in winter, there will be constant shifts here, lovers of winter walks will come in small parties to spend a few days here like in winter ”. "But where are they now?" - “Yes, wherever it is warm and good,” says the elder sister, “in the summer, when there is a lot of work and good things, a lot of all kinds of guests from the south come here; we were in a house where the whole company is from you alone; but many houses have been built for guests; in others, guests and hosts of different tribes live together, as they like, and chooses such a company. But, receiving many guests in the summer, assistants in work, you yourself leave for the south for seven or eight bad months of your year - whoever is much more pleased. But you also have a special side in the south, where your main mass is leaving. This side is called New Russia. " - "This is where Odessa and Kherson?" - "This is in your time, and now, look, this is where New Russia is." Mountains clad in gardens; between the mountains there are narrow valleys, wide plains. “These mountains used to be bare rocks,” says the older sister. “Now they are covered with a thick layer of earth, and groves of the tallest trees grow on them among the gardens: below in the moist hollows of the coffee tree plantation; higher date palms, fig trees; vineyards are mixed with sugarcane plantations; there is also wheat in the fields, but there is more rice. " - "What kind of land is this?" - "Let's go up a minute, you will see its boundaries." In the far northeast, there are two rivers that merge together directly to the east of the place from which Vera Pavlovna is looking; further south, still in the same southeast direction, a long and wide bay; in the south, the land stretches far, widening more and more southward between this bay and the long narrow bay that forms its western border. Between the western narrow bay and the sea, which is very far in the northwest, there is a narrow isthmus. "But are we in the middle of the desert?" - says the astonished Vera Pavlovna. “Yes, in the middle of the former desert; and now, as you can see, the whole space from the north, from that big river in the northeast, is already turned into the most blessed land, into the land the same as it was once and again now that strip along the sea to the north of it, about which it was said in the old days that it "boils with milk and honey." We are not very far, you see, from the southern border of the cultivated area, the mountainous part of the peninsula is still a sandy, barren steppe, which was the whole peninsula in your time; every year people, you Russians, push the border of the desert further and further south. Others work in other countries: everyone has a lot of space, and enough work, and spacious, and abundant. Yes, from the large northeastern river, the entire space to the south to half of the peninsula turns green and blooms, all over the space, as in the north, huge buildings, three, four versts from each other, are like countless huge chess on a gigantic chess box. " “Let's go down to one of them,” says the older sister. The same huge crystal house, but its columns are white. “They’re made of aluminum,” says the elder sister, “because it’s very warm here, white is less hot in the sun, it’s a little more expensive than cast iron, but it’s more convenient here.” But here's what they still came up with: for a long distance around the crystal palace there are rows of thin, extremely high pillars, and on them, high above the palace, over the entire palace and for half a mile around it, a white canopy will be stretched. "He is constantly sprayed with water," says the elder sister, "you see, from each column a small fountain rises above the canopy, scattering rain around, so it's cool to live here: you see, they change the temperature as they want." - "And who likes the heat and the bright local sun?" “You see, there are pavilions and tents in the distance. Everyone can live as he pleases; I am leading to this, I am working for this only. " - "So, there are still cities for those who like cities?" - “There are not very many people like that; there are fewer cities left than before, almost only to be centers of communication and transportation of goods, near the best harbors, in other centers of communication, but these cities are larger and more splendid than before; everyone goes there for a few days for a change; most of their inhabitants are constantly changing, they are there for work, for a short time. " - "But who wants to live in them permanently?" - “They live as you live in your Petersburg, Paris, London - who cares? who will interfere? Everyone live as you want; only the overwhelming majority, ninety-nine people out of a hundred, live the way my sister and I show you, because it is more pleasant and profitable for them. But go to the palace, it's already quite late in the evening, it's time to look at them. " "But no, first I want to know how it was done?" - "What?" "The fact that a barren desert has turned into the most fertile land, where almost all of us spend two-thirds of our year." - “How did it come about? but what's so tricky? After all, this did not happen in one year or ten years, I gradually moved the matter forward. From the north-east, from the banks of a large river, from the north-west, from the coast of the big sea - they have so many such powerful machines - they carried clay, it tied the sand, drew canals, arranged irrigation, greens appeared, more moisture appeared in the air; walked forward step by step, several versts, sometimes one verst a year, as now everyone is going more south, what's so special about that? They just became clever, they began to use for their own benefit a huge amount of forces and means that they had previously spent uselessly or directly to their own detriment. It's not for nothing that I work and teach. It was difficult for people only to understand what was useful, they were still such savages in your time, so rude, cruel, reckless, but I taught and taught them; and when they began to understand, it was no longer difficult to perform. I don't ask for anything difficult, you know. You are doing something in my opinion, for me - is that bad? " - "Not". - "Of course not. Remember your workshop, did you have a lot of funds? is it more than the others? " - "No, what funds did we have?" “But your seamstresses have ten times more comfort, twenty times more joys in life, a hundred times less unpleasantness than others with the same means as you had. You yourself proved that in your time people can live very freely. You just need to be reasonable, be able to get comfortable, find out how to use funds more profitably. " - "Well well; I know it". - “Go see a little more how people live a few time after they began to understand what you have long understood.”
They enter the house. Again the same huge, magnificent hall. The evening is full of space and fun, three hours have passed after sunset: the time for fun. How brightly lit the hall, what is it? - neither candelabra nor chandeliers are visible anywhere; ah, that's what! - in the dome of the hall there is a large area made of frosted glass, light is pouring through it - of course, this is how it should be: perfect, like sunny, white, bright and soft - well, yes, this is electric lighting. There are about a thousand people in the hall, but there could be three times more freely in it. “And it happens when guests come, - says the fair beauty, - it happens even more.” - “So what is it? isn't it a ball? Is this a simple weekday evening? " - "Certainly". - “And as it is today, it would be a court ball, so luxurious are the clothes of women; yes, other times, it can be seen from the cut of the dresses. There are several ladies in our dress, but it is evident that they dressed so for a change, for a joke; yes, they are fooling around, joking about their costume; on others, other, the most diverse costumes, of different eastern and southern cuts, all of them are more graceful than ours; but the prevailing costume is similar to the one worn by Greek women in the most graceful time of Athens - very light and free, and men also wear a wide, long dress without a waist, something like robes and matias, it is clear that this is their ordinary home costume, how modest and beautiful this dress is! How softly and gracefully it outlines the forms, how it exalts the gracefulness of movement! And what an orchestra, more than a hundred artists and actors, but, especially, what a chorus! " “Yes, in the whole of Europe you didn’t have ten such voices that you’ll find a whole hundred in this one hall, and in each other the same number: the way of life is not the same, very healthy and elegant at the same time, therefore both the chest is better, and the voice better, ”says the bright queen. But people in the orchestra and in the choir are constantly changing: some leave, others take their place - they leave to dance, they come from the dancers. They have an evening, an everyday, ordinary evening, every evening they have such fun and dance; but when did I see such an energy of fun? but how not to have their fun of energy unknown to us? - They worked out in the morning. He who has not worked out enough, has not prepared the nerve to feel the fullness of fun. And now the fun of ordinary people, when they manage to have fun, is more joyful, lively and fresh than ours; but our common people have scarce means for fun, and here the means are richer than ours; and the fun of our ordinary people is embarrassed by the recollection of inconveniences and hardships, troubles and sufferings, embarrassed by the premonition of the same ahead - this is a fleeting hour of forgetting need and grief - but can need and grief be completely forgotten? Doesn't the sand of the desert drift in? Doesn't the miasma of the swamp infect even the small patch of good land with good air that lies between the desert and the swamp? And here there are no memories, no fears of need or sorrow; here are only memories of free labor in the hunt, contentment, goodness and pleasure, here and expectations are only the same ahead. What a comparison! And again: our working people have only strong nerves, therefore they are able to withstand a lot of fun, but they are coarse, not receptive. And here: nerves and strong, like our working people, and developed, impressionable, like ours; readiness for fun, a healthy, strong thirst for it, which we do not have, which is given only by powerful health and physical labor, in these people is combined with all the subtlety of sensations that we have; they have all our moral development together with the physical development of our strong working people: it is clear that their joy, that their pleasure, their passion - is more lively and stronger, wider and sweeter than ours. Happy people! No, now they do not yet know what real fun is, because there is still no life that is needed for it, and there are no such people. Only such people can fully enjoy themselves and know all the delight of pleasure! How they bloom with health and strength, how slender and graceful they are, how energetic and expressive their features! All of them - happy beauties and beauties, leading a free life of work and pleasure - lucky, lucky! Half of them are noisily having fun in the huge hall, but where is the other half? “Where are the others? - says the bright queen. - They are everywhere; many in the theater, some as actors, others as musicians, others as spectators, as anyone likes; others are scattered in classrooms, museums, sitting in the library; some in the alleys of the garden, others in their rooms, or to relax alone, or with their children, but more, most of all, this is my secret. You saw in the hall how your cheeks burn, how your eyes shine; you saw - they were leaving, they were coming; they left - I carried them away, here is the room of each and every one - my shelter, in them my secrets are inviolable, the curtains of the doors, luxurious carpets that absorb sound, there is silence, there is mystery; they were returning - I was bringing them back from the realm of my secrets for light fun. I reign here. I reign here. Everything is here for me! Labor is the preparation of freshness of feelings and strength for me, fun - preparations for me, rest after me. Here I am the goal of life, here I am the whole life. "
“In my sister, the queen, the highest happiness of life,” says the elder sister, “but you see, there is every happiness that anyone needs. Everyone lives here, how is it better for whom to live, here everyone and everyone - full will, free will. What we have shown you will not soon be in its full development, which you saw now. Many generations will change before what you foresee is fully realized. No, not many generations: my work is now going fast, ever faster every year, but still you will not yet enter this complete kingdom of my sister; at least you've seen him, you know the future. It is light, it is beautiful. Tell everyone: this is what is in the future, the future is bright and beautiful. Love him, strive for him, work for him, bring him closer, transfer from him to the present, as much as you can transfer: your life will be so bright and kind, rich in joy and pleasure, as far as you can transfer into it from the future. Strive for it, work for it, bring it closer, transfer from it to the present everything that you can transfer. "

"The future is bright and beautiful ..."

(Lesson based on the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?")

Grade 10

Purpose: as a result of work on Chapter IV, to reveal what the author and the heroes of the novel are dreaming about; find out the meaning of the 4th dream of Vera Pavlovna in revealing the idea of ​​the novel.

The leitmotif of the novel: "A person can be kind and happy ..." The social and aesthetic ideals of revolutionary democrats were expressed in it.

A.V. Lunacharsky was able to describe the collision of the novel "What is to be done?" With surprising accuracy. The construction of the novel, according to him, goes along four zones: vulgar people, new people, higher people and dreams. He also wrote that “Chernyshevsky could not fit into the framework of the present. His novel acquires its true meaning only in a living connection with the future. "

We begin work on Chapter IV with the 7th sub-chapter. We read the conversation between Vera Pavlovna and Alexander Kirsanov.

Why do the lines of N.A. Nekrasov sound in the dialogue between Vera and Sasha? How is Nekrasov close to Chernyshevsky? What is more important here: poetry or name?

Unable for political reasons (he wrote the novel in prison) to quote what is especially close to him in N.A. Nekrasov, the author takes simple lines, but so sweet to the Russian heart ("Oh, full - the box is full ..."). After all, it is important to draw the attention of the reading public to a particular name.

This is more important than 1-2 "political" quotes (which, moreover, the censor is unlikely to miss). This is also an Aesopian language. And although "the language of Aesop is the language of a slave" (Tacitus), slaves are different. Spartacus was also a slave ...

Isn't the slavery position of women in Russia? (See the 10th subhead). “Almost all paths of civil life are formally closed to us. Of all areas, we are left to squeeze only in one area of ​​family life ... ". "We are cramped ... none of us is needed by anyone ...".

Exercise: 1. Determine the essence of Vera Pavlovna's thoughts.

2. Recall the essence of Kukshina's rhetoric and manner (novel "Fathers and Sons" by IS Turgenev).

3. Compare the thoughts of Vera Pavlovna and Kukshina.

The guys conclude: Kukshina wants to impress, plays emancipation, talks a lot, and Vera Pavlovna is a man of action, a business woman.

But the very concept of a woman is impossible without love.

Express interview:What is love in your opinion?

Love is the deepest feeling ...

This is an acute desire for happiness to a loved one.

This is the most morning feeling.

And now we will find lines about love (15th subhead), reminiscent of an aphorism.

"Love is to help exaltation and exaltation." "Only he loves who helps his beloved woman to rise to independence." "Only he loves, whose hands are strengthened from love and the thought brightens."

Which of these aphorisms is closer to the political structure of the novel?

"Only he loves who helps his beloved woman to rise to independence."

What are some perennial questions?

What is love?

What is happiness?

Microdispute one of them.

What is happiness in your opinion?

Students' statements.

Now let's see what N.G. Chernyshevsky about happiness.

Chernyshevsky believed that his time was the Iron Age, ahead of him was the golden one. The revolution must take place in Russia, and he dreamed of this future. “… The future is bright and beautiful. Love him, strive for him, work for him ... ".

Literally a hymn to the future.

Let's see "The Fourth Dream of Vera Pavlovna" and compare with what we have as a result of the revolution.

More than a century separates us from the time of N.V. Gogol, N.G. Chernyshevsky, but the questions are the same: “Who is to blame? What to do? Where to begin? Where are you rushing, Rus? "

Chernyshevsky dreamed of a revolution. In October 1917. the revolution has happened.

What global question arises, the question is the result of today's lesson?

What to do?

Is this the revolution that Chernyshevsky dreamed of?

Was Chernyshevsky dreaming of such a revolution?


N.G. Chernyshevsky was subjected to civil execution and exiled for revolutionary thoughts. Your thoughts on this matter.

The novel "What is to be done?" written in 1863. The novel was created in extremely difficult conditions. At this time, Chernyshevsky was in prison under strict police supervision. However, this did not stop him from creating a work. In the novel, Chernyshevsky paints a picture of an obsolete life that hinders the development of society; the present, that is, the reality surrounding him, and the future as he imagines it. The future is presented in the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna. Chernyshevsky draws us a world of abundance, happiness and love. Together with Vera Pavlovna we find ourselves in a world where all people are brothers. They live as one family. All live in magnificent palaces built of aluminum and crystal. During the day, the entire population is busy with work. Labor has been completely replaced by machines, and people only operate them. NG Chernyshevsky foresaw that in the future, when everyone will be equal to each other, work will become pleasure, not slavery, as it was in his time. Old people and children are engaged in the housework. But there are very few old people, as there is a healthy and calm life that keeps freshness, so people age very late. Collective work brings people together, makes them friendly and responsive. After a good job, there is a lot of fun. In the evenings, everyone gathers in a large and spacious hall to dance, have fun, and chat. "All of them are happy beauties and beauties, leading a free life of work and pleasure, - lucky ones, oh lucky ones!" - says Chernyshevsky about them. In his novel, Chernyshevsky shows people of the revolutionary intelligentsia. Shows vividly in Rakhmetov's novel, which is contrasted with the image of Kirsanov, Lopukhov. Rakhmetov, who for a long time communicated with the people, and became a "special" person. In this novel, Chernyshevsky showed "new people" - these are Lopukhov and Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna. well, the past, that is, the old world, the whole picture. Moving and bringing history closer belongs to the image of Rakhmetov. N. G. Chernyshevsky is a writer of the second half of the 19th century. He was engaged in social and political activities, as he was the ideological leader of the commoners, the leader of the political struggle for the liberation of the peasantry. The writer reflected all his revolutionary views in the novel "What is to be done?" In the work, the author showed a utopian idea, creating a society of the future, where all people are happy and carefree, free and cheerful, where huge buildings rise to the skies, machines work in the fields, and where “people live joyfully, resting after the joy of labor”. In his novel, Chernyshevsky portrayed this society for a reason, he wanted to say that such a future will be created by new people, such as Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov, Kirsanov and the "special person", the "eagle" Rakhmetov. It is he, a "strong and capable" person close to the people, who leads Russia to a brighter future. Preparing for a social upheaval, for "drainage", which should force the nobles to work, he knew that he would have to endure quite a few trials on his way in order to achieve the cherished goal - the liberation of the people. Rakhmetov constantly trains his body, loading himself with physical exercises: he sleeps on nails, chops wood, probably trying to understand whether he is capable of achieving this difficult goal. The hero himself comes from a noble family, but he sells all his inheritance, because he cannot and does not want to accept such a void of the interests of the aristocrats. Possessing great courage, Rakhmetov refuses love and happiness, which for everyone else is the meaning of their life. Such people merge with a common cause so that it becomes a necessity for them. “Kind and honest” people, in my opinion, are Lopukhov, Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna. They look at everything that happens in a different way, in a new way. These people see the "benefit" in the significance of their work, in the pleasure of doing good for others. They also benefit others by doing their own thing; Lopukhov - a science, and Vera Pavlovna, setting up sewing workshops. These people are very noble and good at solving problems of dramatic love. When Lopukhov learns about his wife's feelings for his own friend, he gives way to a friend, leaving the stage, thus benefiting both the loving couple and himself. Making a "calculation of benefits", the hero experiences a joyful sense of satisfaction from a decent, honest and kind deed. Chernyshevsky is convinced that inequality between men and women is the main source of the problem of love dramas. Nikolai Gavrilovich hopes that emancipation will significantly change the character of love: jealousy will disappear and the woman will not be so focused on her feelings. The wonderful qualities of these heroes bring peace of mind to life. Kindness, honesty, strength and skill are what we lack so much. They are new people, they belong to the breed of people for whom a great social cause of historical importance has become the highest meaning of their life.