Ladybug as correctly called. ladybug

Ladybug as correctly called. ladybug
Ladybug as correctly called. ladybug

Ladybug is a surprisingly beautiful creature. Her beautiful coloring has always struck me. And since childhood, I thought about the question, why is it so called it. My children's imagination represented that earlier this beetle was just the size of a cow - therefore it was called. I also fantasized that if you collect a lot of these bugs together, they can give our own milk like cows. :)

And why in fact they are so called?

basic information

Ladybug is an insect of a tank of cruel. There are approximately four thousand different types of this creature. Most of the ladybugs are predators.They eat other insects. In addition, there are species that feed on plants.For farmers from the regions where such species live are very expensive. Such ladybugs harm potatoes plantations, sowing cucumbers, tomatoes and some other plant cultures.

Why God's cow called

So, closer to business. In fact, there are several versions about why these bugs began to call God's cows:

  • In some sources, I read that before the appearance of God's bows was considered a good sign. As if this creature foreshadowed something good, for example, the birth of a child. It was considered to be God's grace, from here and began to call these insects by God's cows.
  • According to another version, such a name was invented only because of the beautiful appearance and the lack of fear of people.

  • The third version is also interesting. According to her, these bugs began to be called due to the fact that they were very helpful to people.We are talking about those types that feed insects. The usual peasants who were engaged in agriculture were very valued by the fact that this creature kills insect pests, from here and went such a great name.

In fact, I consider Russian the most beautiful language in the world because of such names, words, phrases. Just think ... God's cow ... sounds so kindly. On the speeches of Mikhail Zadornov, such topics are often raised. There are many other beautiful words in our language. For this we love the "great and mighty".

It is interesting!

Probably, everyone knows this cute red bug with black specks or points on the wings. In Russia, it has long been called - a ladybug. The name "God" is most likely because this bug makes the impression of a generic and touching creation. By the analogy of "God's man" - so called gullible and harmless people.

And the cow iscute bug is also called no reason. With the slightest danger on the bends of his legs, droplets of orange liquid-milk are performed. True, this "milk" is unpleasant to taste, but it is not intended to drink it. This liquid scares the enemies that God's cows.

Ladybug in most European languages \u200b\u200bhas a similar difference in meaning, the name is either called the Mother of God's cow, and in Israel - Moses Cow. In many languages, there is also a similar to our, which is asked to fly to the sky and bring bread, count.

Another, less well-known name - Cow Moses (and again religious motifs!). Moreover, the divinity of this little cruel strong is emphasized in other cultures:

in Germany- This is "Marienkaefer" - Bug of the Virgin Mary;

in England, USA, Canada, Other English-speaking countries - Ladybird (Bird of Our Lady), Lady-Beetle (Bee of Our Lady), Ladybug (Bug of Our Lady);

in France- Poulette A Dieu - What is translated as "Knocha of God" ...

It is impossible to list all modern countries and languages, but on all our "ladybug" is called any animal or insects belonging to God, the Mother of God or, at least some of the saints (as in Argentina - "Cow of St. Anthony") or pagan gods. There are also names, but they are all connected with heaven.

Another hypothesis of the origin of the epithet "God's" It is related to the fact that earlier this adjective was used in the meaning of "peaceful, meek, harmless". This bug is considered to be a herbivore, and in fact he is a predator, however, useful. The most common, the semitamine ladybird eats the TRU, which causes harm to cultural plants. So she could get such a name for the salvation of crops from the invasion of pests.

There are about 5,000 kinds of ladybugs in the world. They are yellow, orange, brown, pink or even completely black. Some kinds of ladybugs do not have spots at all.

According to the legend in the Middle Ages, crops sown in Europe suffered from pests, so farmers began to pray. Soon they noticed the ladybugs, with the advent of which, the crops were miraculously saved from pests. Farmers associated their happiness with red-black beetles, which subsequently the cause of the divine name of the insect.

Gardeners welcome ladybugs with outstretched arms,since they exterminate the most prolific pests. Cows are powered by custodia, whiteflink, ticks and tool. The hungry adult score of God's cow can eat up to 50 ance a day. Many are specifically bred for these purposes.

One of the species of God's Cow - Rodolia - is famous for savior Citrus Plantation In California, Florida, Algeria, France, Japan, New Zealand, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, when they attacked them a terrible pest, brought from Australia - a groove cherler who was not even afraid of blue acid. People brought Rodolia from Australia, who were fighting the centuries with the grooves Cherwec. This red ladybug with a black pattern attacks females, especially on egg bags with eggs, quickly with them painting.

During the flight, ladybug does 85 cramped wings per second.

Spots in ladybirds are designed to scare away predators.

Ladybugs Perennial insects and during the winter they live only on the reserves accumulated over the summer.

Interesting fact Ladybugs are different colors: pink, yellow, white, orange and even black.

The older the ladybug, the less she has spots on the back.

Depending on the varieties of God's cow can postpone up to 2000 eggs for its lives.

Ladybugs - a large natural pesticide of them even dilute for this purpose. They eat TRU, which is the enemy of plants.

When the ladybug is attacked, it can injected the smelling liquid from the knee joints of their feet. The smell warns birds and predators, that God's cow is poisonous.

Do you know that ladybugs are also known by what they know how to translate dead in order to deceive the predator and save their lives.

Flight of God's Cow In slow motion

- For scientists, still a mystery of the annual flight of God's cows to the wintering. Bugs are always returned to once selected places. It is impossible to explain this phenomenon of good insect memory, since, because of the short duration of their life, new generations are returned to the old winter places.

Remember, as in childhood, finding a red-black bug in the grass and putting it on a small palm, sang:

"Ladybug, fly to Neko:
There your babes eat candy -
All one
And you have any one. "

"Ladybug, fly away to the sky;
Bring me bread:
Black and white

Just not burned. "

And God's cow really flew, leaving after himself a storm of children's delight: "She understood everything!"

Children are always interested in why this wonderful bright-spotted bug is called "God's Cow".

Indeed why? It seems to be on a burenka not particularly like ...

Is that coloring: the spots on the back and a small bug - a specks. And the ladybug gives milk! Imagine? True, this "milk" is unpleasant to taste, but it is not intended to drink it. The droplets of orange fluid-milk perform on the bends of the legs of a small bug at the slightest danger. This liquid scares those who decided to have lunch the ladybug. The same task is performed and bright coloring, speaking about the failure of the bug. And these protective "techniques" are very effective: even the tarantula spiders do not eat small "cows"!

Looking into the explanatory dictionary of Daly, it can be assumed that the name of the bug comes from the word "loaf". Indeed, many items with rounded, like a mushroom hat, forms are called derivatives from the word "loaf". Carpenters are called a cow rounded lube on the end of a log, loose-it is both boulders, and cheese, and mushrooms with a big hat. In many places, some types of mushrooms are called cowmen, and the white mushroom in the Vladimir region is mastering a cow.

And why the cow "God"? All creatures, of course, God. But after all, the "cow" always flies to the sky ... According to the ancient beliefs, this bug is directly connected with God, lives in the sky and only sometimes goes down to earth to bring a good news ...

And maybe the bug is called God's cow because it gives the impression of a generic and touching creation. By the analogy of "God's man" - so called gullible and harmless people.

"The bukashka is allen with black dots" is so named Ladybug in the "Sensual Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" Vladimir Dalya.

In all peoples of the world, these beetles (academic cocinelids) enjoy great sympathy and love. Their names are always respectful and affectionate.

Marienkaefer (Saint Virgin Mary beetle) - in Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

Ladybird (Lady Bird, Lady Cow) - in England, USA, Australia, South Africa and other English-speaking countries.

Vaquita de San Antonio (Cutting of St. Anthony) - in Argentina.

Slunecko (Sunshine) - in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Sonechko (Sunny) - in Ukraine and in Belarus.

Bobo Surhon (Red Breeding Grandfather) - in Tajikistan.

Cow Moses - in Israel.

In Europe, they are also called solar bugs, solar calfs and lady lambs.

The word "God" in the Russian name occurs, apparently, from the fact that people have been noticed for a long time: where there are a lot of these beetles, there is always a good harvest.

And this is not surprising, because the scarlet bug helps a person: she eats TRU - tiny insects that are sprinkled with young plants and suck juices from them. The TLL multiplies very quickly, and scientists believe that if he had survived the offspring of only one type ofphids, then there would be no plants on Earth, but also nothing alive.

It is good that God's cow has such a wonderful appetite! On the day she eats up to 200 insects. Even the best appetite in the larvae of God's cow.

In general, a common opinion about the origin of the name of God's cow still does not exist. But signs and legends associated with these covered bugs are alive to this day. Ladybug - the creature of God and it is impossible to offend it.

What is interesting, in different languages, God's cow is called differently, but always its name is somehow connected with God. In Latvas, she is "Marite" - named after the ninity of the Mara, the victim of earthly elements; Germans - "Marienkaefer" - Bug of the Virgin Mary; The French say - Poulette A Dieu, which is literally translated as "the chicken of God"; And in English-speaking countries - Ladybug (Bug of Our Lady), Ladybird (Bird of Our Lady) or Lady-Beetle (Bee of Our Lady).

Why is the "God"?

As the legend that came down to this day, God's cow lives in heaven, and not on earth. Every time she descends only to pass the message. As a rule, this is kind, for example, about the birth of a child, about rain for a good crop, about good luck in the case. If someone discovered a cow on clothes, she was sure to translated on his right hand and while the insect crawls told about all the wishes, in the hope that the creation would give them to heaven. To offend and even more so killing God's cow in no case, in-premiss, it can stick trouble, and secondly, it is a living defenseless creation.

In one Slavic legend, the God of Perun turned his unfaithful wife in God's cow. Being insanely angry, he threw a lightning insect in the insect and exactly 7 times he fell, leaving the burned marks on the back. But apparently he loved the grant very much, once still performs, brought by her requests for descendants.

Another explanation lies in the peaceful appearance of the insect, his gulling towards people and the absence of any aggression.

Although in fact it is a cute creation of a predator, and what else! An adult insect eats about 3,000 tool, and the larva of God's cows during his adult is about 1000 small green pests. Real ecological weapons against Tly! No wonder there are farms on which God's feeds are born. For example, in France, they can be bought even to retail with delivery by mail. Redbugs, disarmed in the fields and in the gardens, is guaranteed plant protection from annoying tli and this in turn also could also cause an insect comparison with God's grace.

What about "cow"?

It is impossible not to note some similarities of this insect with a burenkaya. Her bright color, red in a black point, reminds the color has long been spread on Rusi Spotted cows. But besides this, the insect can also give milk, though yellow, bitter and poisonous. Even a tarantula, known for his omnivore, bypasses a ladybug.

At the mention of God's cows, a children's cow comes to mind immediately: "God's cow, fly to the sky ..." Perhaps everyone at least thought, but why is the "Cow", and besides, "God's"? Let's try to figure it out in this children's question that is also interested in adults.

In contact with


Ladybug - ordinary insect of the family of beetles. It is relatively different from the rest with its bright color: red wings with black dots. In nature, the insect brings great benefits by going to the Tlya and ticks.

Ladybuga highlights milk

Most likely, it was called "cow" because of the possibility of allocating milk. Well, if you become accurate, this yellow liquid, and the taste is very bitter. In large quantities, it can even be fatal. Birds and spiders prefer not to touch God's cow. If it is swallowed, then the allocated milk will provoke burns in the throat. In addition, bright coloring makes God's cow completely unappletent in the eyes of potential predators.

Ladybug is considered in different cultures of the good messenger

The second part of the name of this insect also has its own explanation. According to old legends and legends, God's cow dwells in heaven, and the land arrives as a good messenger. To whom she will sit down on her palm, on that Nisplain God's grace. After all, it is not for nothing in other countries of God's cow called the "beetle of the Holy Virgin Mary" (it. "Marienkäfer"), "Bird of Virgin" (English "Ladybug"), "Cowing of St. Anthony" (Argentine. "Vaquita de San Antonio") , "Knocha" (Franz. "Roulette a Dieu").

It is also enough to remember that the "God" said about the person, implying that he is "peaceful, harmless, meek." The same value was distrounded and in God's cow.