Thumb up and hopped your little finger or what does the "Shaka" gesture meaning youth? Miracles of modern genetics: victory over Down syndrome Down syndrome: reasons.

Thumb up and hopped your little finger or what does the
Thumb up and hopped your little finger or what does the "Shaka" gesture meaning youth? Miracles of modern genetics: victory over Down syndrome Down syndrome: reasons.

1. Middle finger

Thanks to Hollywood, the middle finger has become famous all over the world. At the same time, in any country, this gesture does not mean something positive or peace-loving. The classic meaning of this phallic gesture is very tough, and it means a sharp end of the conversation and a wish of a trip in a known direction.

According to the Anthropologist Desmonda Morris, the demonstration of the middle finger, symbolizing the offensive demonstration of the genital organ, is one of the most ancient gestures known to us. In ancient Greece, it was considered a grave insult in the ancient Greece, since he meant an accusation of passive homosexuality.

In the comedies of Aristophan "Clouds" Socrates, holding the sciences of the usual peasant Straptsiad, asks whether he knows the poetic size of the Dactyl (literally "finger"), to which streptyad will readily demonstrate the middle finger. The philosopher Diogen said that "most people are only a finger from madness: if a person pulls out the middle finger, it will be considered crazy, and if the index, then will not be considered." He was also told about him that "when visiting wanted to look at Demosthene, he pointed out a middle finger on him with the words:" Here is the ruler of the Athenian people. "

In ancient Greece, the average finger indication accused of homosexuality

In Rome, the gesture, and with him the middle finger named "Shameless finger". The gesture is mentioned in a number of Roman authors, for example, in one of the epigram march, an old man, proud of health, demonstrates the middle finger to doctors.

2. Raised up or down the thumb

The gesture with the use of thumb often demonstrates the attitude of a person to what he had a chance to see. Raised up the thumb - "I like!"; Finger, lowered down - "I don't like it."

This sign is often associated with the tradition of the ancient Roman fighting of gladiators. French historian and archaeologist Zherom Karkopino in the book "The daily life of ancient Rome. Apogus of the Empire "noticed that when the crowd seemed to be defeated by defended what was forces, the audience was waiting with their scarves, raised her finger into the air and shouted:" Let him go! ". If the emperor was agreed with their wish and raised the thumb up, the defeated forgred and they were allowed from the Arena alive. If the audience, on the contrary, believed that the defeated earned by his cowardice and the reluctance to continue the battle, they lowered the finger down and shouted: "Dir!". Then the emperor, lowering the thumb down, managed about the miscarriage of the defeated gladiator, and nothing remained anything else, how to substitute the throat for the "blow of mercy".

In Iran raised up the thumb - the threat of violence

The thumb raised up in many countries is interpreted differently. If in Germany he is peaceful-neutral and means figure 1, then in Greece this gesture will be similar to the phrase "yes you went!". In Uruguay and Iran, proudly raised thumb symbolizes the men's sexual body, and the gesture itself means the threat of sexual violence.

A sign in the form of a ring formed by index and thumbs gave people divers, which thus report to the partner that everything is in order with them. There is also a version that this invention of journalists who sought to reduce the most running phrases.

However, in France, Portugal and some countries of Latin America, the gesture "OK" is perceived by Americans and many Europeans is perceived as indecent and symbolizes anus. Especially acute this can be fought in Turkey, where the ring of fingers is an open charge of homosexualism. But in Tunisia, this gesture can interpret how a threat to kill a person. In the US and Russia, the gesture is perceived normally, which cannot be said about Brazil, where it is considered very obscene.

In France, the gesture "OK" - anus symbol

We also note that the ok gesture has more than 2500 years of history. In the ancient Greek, he was a symbol of love, personifying kissing lips. He was also used to praise the speaker for his speech.

4. V (Victoria)

This is one of the most common gestures in the culture, meaning victory or peace. It is shown in the index and middle fingers, directed up in the form of the Latin letter "V".

The history of the origin of the gesture "Victoria" goes its roots in the Middle Ages. According to this version, during the century war, the captive English and Welsh archers, who guessed the french on the French, cut off these two fingers on his right hand, so that they could not use their bows in the future. Archers, knowing about it, teased the French before the battle, showing them intact fingers - "Fear, enemies!".

During World War II, this sign strongly popularized Winston Churchill for the designation of victory, but for this hand turns the back side to the one who shows it. If, with this gesture, the hand turned his palm to the speaker, the gesture acquires offensive importance - "shut up".

During the Second World War, Churchill popularized the gesture "Victoria"

Another meaning of this gesture is associated with the popular film "V means Vendetta", in which the V is aware of the main character, an anarchist terrorist who mask Guy Fox.

5. Cross sign

In Christianity, this gesture indicates a prayer rite, which is an image of a cross movement of a hand of hand, the goddling is performed in different cases, for example, at the entrance and outlet of the temple, before or after pronouncing the prayer during worship, as a sign of confessing his faith and in others cases; Also with the blessing of anyone or anything.

In Orthodoxy, the congestion characterizes the bodily expression of Christian dogmas, confessing faith in the holy Trinity and the God-man of Jesus Christ, the expression of love and gratitude to God, protection against the action of dark forces. Three persecution options are used: two-per-flow, triple and a named perspective.

So, two hundred and the baptism of Russia and prevailed to the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the XVII century and was officially recognized in the Moscow Rus of the 100th Cathedral of 1550.

It was practiced until the middle of the XIII century and in the Greek East. Later was crowded with three-work. When performing two fingers of the right hand - index and medium - join together, symbolizing two nature of the United Christ, while the average finger is obtained slightly nagged, which means divine condescension and inclusion. The three remaining fingers are also connected together, symbolizing the Most Holy Trinity; Moreover, in modern practice, the end of the thumb rests on the pads of other two, which cover it from above. After that, the tips of two fingers (and only by them) concern sequential foreheads, abdomen or lower part of Perseus (chest), right and left shoulders. It is also emphasized that it is impossible to be baptized at the same time with a bow; Bow if it is required, you should commit after the hand is lowered.

Using triplee, the three first fingers of the right hand (large, index and medium) are folded for the making of the signs (large, index and medium), and the two other fingers are flexing to the palm; After that, consistently concern the forehead, the top of the abdomen, the right shoulder, then the left. Three folds folded together symbolize the Most Holy Trinity; The symbolic value of two other fingers could be different at different times. So, in Russia, under the influence of controversy with the Old Believers, these two fingers were rethought as a symbol of the two nature of Christ: Divine and Human. This interpretation is now the most common, although others meet (for example, in the Romanian Church, these two fingers are interpreted as a symbol of Adam and Eve, falling towards the Trinity).

Orthodox priest, blessed people or objects, folds his fingers into a special reposit, called named. It is believed that the fingers folded in this way depict the letters of ICXS so that the name of Jesus Christ in ancient Greek writing.

Catholic prayer prayers, speaking of the procession, usually lead only to the pronounter of the prayer (in Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti), saying nothing about the combination of fingers. Even Catholics-traditionalists, usually sufficiently strictly belonging to the rite and its symbolism, allow the existence of various options here. The most accepted and common option in the Catholic world is to commit the gloor sign five fingers, open palm, from left to right, in memory of five wounds on the body of Christ.

Somehow the journalistic investigation led me to one of the investigative insulators. I was promised to give the opportunity to meet with a person involved a loud criminal case. In anticipation of the date, I was sitting in the corridor and turned out to be a witness of a very strange scene. One of the sedes on the corridor of prisoners made another sign of the hand - as if he shook off the dust from the shoulder. I would not give this meaning - maybe a person was dirty somewhere? - But the investigator sitting next to me commented: the amount of fingers means how many employees of a correctional institution stands in the corridor, and the left and right shoulder from which side (Fig.4.5,6). To be aware of everything and tell about this comrades for the Ostrogo - the first rule in places of detention.
A little later, passing along the walking yard, I noticed how in a conversation with the educator condemned my fingers (Fig. 2. Section "gestures").
The investigator accompanied me explained that thereby the prisoner gives the signal to the "counterparts" that there was a hidden meaning or deception. I thought: after all, a familiar gesture, they usually enjoy children when they lie to parents.
Later, my interlocutor showed several gestures common in the criminal environment, which are widely used, for example, tick-pockets, and also the "bullish" language in the course of counterfeiters, loochersters and coilers. The crossing is also used by the "bulls", which are involved in public places, trains, at train stations, at airports, metro. In fact, every self-respecting authority must own the language of gestures. And it is appropriate to note that some familiar gestures from childhood have their criminal meaning and the danger in themselves.
For example, with the help of loved by all Cukisch (Fig. 18), the criminal "says" the helper that man needs to "dunk", and simply put, kill. Or "Okay" (Fig. 15), denoting that everything, they say, we, "Americans, are excellent, in prison - a signal that a person needs to" lower "(explain what it is meaningless).
And the thumb, raised upwards (Fig. 13), is not at all an approval sign on the zone, and the order of Pakhana "bulls" check the newcomer, make the so-called "breaking". Even an ordinary fist and he has its criminal importance: if you suddenly see that passerby without good reason shows the reasons (Fig. 2), then somewhere near his partner is going to "put on the ears" next sacrifice, that is, ready to commit the crime. And finally, the famous "fingers fan", when the index finger and the little finger are thrown off, and the thumb is lying along the palm. So this is nothing but an insult meaning a "goat" (Fig. 5), then you mean - how to soften? - accusation of opponent in unconventional sexual orientation. But if the thumb is outstanding and this figuration is applied to the neck (Fig. 8), thereby the criminal informs his "colleagues" about danger.
However, back to the subjects, industrial steering. They have a revealed palm ahead, is an order to "stand on the strive" (Fig. 10). Bending big and ring fingers - "score tanks", that is, distract attention (Fig. 3). Bending a little finger and thumb reported that the thief "slept", arrested by law enforcement agencies (Fig. 17). Lowned downward and middle fingers - "with a side two", inform that "on the tail" militia (Fig. 21). But if the finger is omitted alone and also the index is a signal that you need to drag the trousers from the rear pocket (Fig. 22). By the way, at counterfeiters and pricks there are signs to designate the cash itself.
"Chrusters" (Money) - the thumb raise up, unnamed bent (fig.11).
A large amount is denoted by a large finger and bent a little finger and unnamed (Fig. 12).

For law-abiding citizens to know by top of the "bullish speech" useful at least in order not to become a victim of criminals. What everyone wish!

1. "Twist Dynamo" - carry nonsense on the investigation. 2. "Put on the ears" - rob. 3. "score tanks" - distract attention.
4. Fofan is a naive, someone else's person, it can be deceived. 5. "Goat" is a passive pederaist; stranger. 6. "Spin" - play cards
7. Wasser - carefully. 8. "Nightmare" - a hindrance when committing a crime. 9. "Fires" - Finnish knife.
10. "Stand on Street" - observe. 11. "Chrusters" - money. 12. "Kush" - a big amount of money.
13. "Broke" - a check of a novice. 14. "Take a gun" - get a gun.
15. "omit" - to commit an act of cloes.
16. "Cut" - rape.
17. "Skilled" - detained by the police. 18. "Soak" - remove, kill.
19. "Oily" - cartridges for weapons.
20. "Stukach" - a jammer, informant. 21. "Side two" - the police officers are followed.
22. "Bay along the assholes" - wade from the back pocket of the trousers.
1. A signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 2. The signal that the subject is nothing new to what was in a criminal case did not add.
3. Offer to brew "Chifur".
4, 5, 6 - warning signs that a police officer nearby is nearby.
7. Warning of the need to be silent. 8. The signal is not talking about important things. 9. The sign that is said there is an encrypted meaning.
10. Sign of uncertainty in something. 11. A signal of serious accusations ("cover"). 12. Offer to smoke (send) an author.
13. The signal of great danger. 14. Sign of approval of something.
15. Sign of inconsistency said.
16. Signal on intravenous drug injection. 17. Offer to go on the case together. 18. Requirement Write a note.
19. Doubt signals. At the same time, the hand moves from the side towards the palm down. The thumb can be directed towards the intended source of danger. 20. The signal "Hook firmly on the hook".
21. Frankness sign.
22. "Putting" evidence.
23. Signal of hopeless position.

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1. Essays of the criminal subculture - please

To continue the analysis of the thumb, the hand should be calm, smoothly, without tension, put on a smooth horizontal surface. Normal will be the angle between the thumb and the index (palm axis), equal to 60 °. In this case, the owner of the hand is distinguished by openness. Such a man of hospitals, not gracious from nature, but not the ILO, has many friends, it is easy to contact with new people, collects the company at home. If it is endowed with a sense of humor, "width \u003d" 187 "height \u003d" 233 src \u003d "\u003e

Fig. 19, the right angle between the thumb and the arm axis is 60 °

thin, bringing those surrounding with their logical calculations to complete despair. He can prove to you that you are to gentle and insignificance, thereby proving yourself that he is clever and talent. And vice versa, if someone tries to make comments to himself, most likely runs on a sharp reward on the topic: "I will decide everything myself and I don't need any advice."

If in the calm state of the hand the angle between the palm axis and the thumb is small, less than 60 °, this is a bad sign.

Pressed thumb indicates a limited chiromant, human addiction from the environment. Such people are cruelly suffering if they failed to find like-minded people, but also in communicating with the allies of misintermetative. A man with the considered sign is trying to never change the job. This is a real treasure for a despotic and decisive chief, which is able to give accurate instructions and requires unconditional subordination without charging any creative work. Great, if such an executive person is sincerely fascinated by his work. Out of work, he also needs a leader in the hobby, in marital. This is a man kindly, unable to raise his voice. If a husband has an energetic wife with such a sign, then family scandals of one-sided character are often possible: "Win the stool! You do not see, she is broken! " He nods, takes to repair. "And in general, this leg is already dangling for a month! What did you notice?! " Uncently turns his head. "Krap in the bathroom flows, the castle is broken, punishment, and not a husband, so you, don't you see anything?!" Sighs, and about himself peacefully


Palm and fingers

thinks: "And what didn't you say? I would fix ... "-" Well, what do you sigh? BUT?! All husbands are like husbands, and I have some kind of horror, you are my grief! "

If a person with a small angle between the big and index finger is located to psyche violations, neurosis, is very dangerous when it does not find normal communication, support. Forces to solve the problems itself, he does not have, but he can't always ask for help from outside. However, this is a faithful and executive person worthy to have more energetic friends.

Largefinger "can in any condition to hold down pressed to the brush on the side - this is an indicator of caution, caution of the owner of the hand.

When the hand lies on a flat surface freely, and the tip of the thumb is hidden under the palm, it says about the presence of very strong egoistic trends at the owner of the hand.

When in the same free position, the thumb lies "on the edge", turn the pillow to the brush, this should be considered as a favorable sign. Most likely, the instincts of a person with such a thumbnail is not forvacuum, they wear a refinement. The owner of the hand with the title under consideration is well in contact with people, soft and tolerate. Many positive features of nature, alleged type of the corresponding brush, are amplified by this feature.

But if the thumb lies in the same plane with the palm, pressed the pad to it, it indicates the predominance of low-lying instinct. Thanks to the atavistic phenomena of the psyche

this feature contributes to the strengthening and development of bad inclinations.

It happens that the pillow of a thumb is pressed against the edge of the palm, and its nail turn forward. It is almost certainly a sign of greed, for such a person money play a crucial role in life. If the money remains inaccessible, the energy for their acquisition is missing, it is done envious, unfinished and unhappy. Every time he does not manage to buy something for money, he is amazed to the depths of the soul.

The chirromants traditionally consider greed as a sign of low vital energy. Greed may be accompanied by karmic diseases.

Very favorable sign, if a thumb, calmly lying on the surface, does not concern this surface with the tip (Fig. 20).

The owner of such a sign is distinguished by a calm temperament, he is not gnawing - painful ambitions, he is not a grades, not too ambitious, not cruel. This is quite strong, but the "home" person. He relates well to everyday affairs, they do not bring him out of themselves, loves to make


palmand fingers

dig, grow flowers, improve and rationalize your home. He is generous, friendly. Typically, the species under consideration indicates the genuine hearts of pleasant in communication, affectionate person.

As can be seen from the above examples, the thumb is a carrier of a set of possible signs. But not only its general form and location are of meaning, the joints and the character of the bends also carry special information.

So, the thumb has two bends (Fig. 21). The first curved bend (a) considered in the Hirology is called the "rhythm angle", the second (c) - the "harmony angle".

If both corners are well pronounced, they testify to the excellent development of the feelings of rhythm and harmony, which manifest themselves in all spheres of human life. Rhythm, cyclical, clarity of repetitions - the basis of the human body, the value of the feeling of rhythm is difficult to overestimate. The violation of the rhythm in the field of physiology or psychology can lead to serious violations in the relevant area.

With a sufficient level of human development, intelligence is well-pronounced thumbs, make it possible to make conclusions about creative abilities, the gifts of the individual who find the way out in some art area.

The magnitude of the thumb depends often on the type of hand, which it belongs. The elementary or energetic hand has a large thumb, fat and strong. In practical -

Fig. 21. Big finger angles

Chiromantia _____

long, beautiful, movable, working. In a spiritual or artistic hand, he is often thin, super-flexible, and in a shovel hand, a thumb is of particular importance in the interpretation of human nature, as it may indicate a leveling or, on the contrary, the exacerbation of the disadvantages of the corresponding human type,

To determine the length of the thumb, it is convenient to use the drawing (Fig. 22).

The short one is considered a finger that ends. At the base of the index. Normal thumb ends at the center of the lower phalange of the index, and the long - at the bottom of the index finger.

One should always take into account other features "and signs of brush, not counting the length of the thumb with a key feature. But if we are dealing with an uncharacteristic brush with fuzzy or other contradictory indicators, you need to use the information laid down in the length of the thumb, in which case it turns out to be key.

A normal thumb, as well as all indicators of normal structure, is a favorable sign. It will indicate the equilibrium of the natural forces, and the person's equilibrium in physical psychological relationship is always good. Such a person knows the price, not ambitious, does not impose his society, but calmly and smoothly communicates, does not suffer in case of refusal, but not rejoicing over if he was called somewhere. These qualities are accompanied by the ability to self-analysis.

palm Ipaltsy "width \u003d" 155 "height \u003d" 211 src \u003d "\u003e

and negative. Of course, a slight adaptation to people and situations contributes to harmonious contact with the outside world. But, on the other hand, the adaptist can become both underfalim, too easily taking the required form. Podkhalimov is often used as an instrument, sometimes in a not too clean game.

Very movable thumb, capable of taking unnatural positions (responding

___ ..__________________________________ PALM AND FINGERS

staying far back and so on) most often found on the spiritual hands of nervous, unstable people. Their impulsive and changeing nature is in dire need of a smooth and calm environment, an understanding of loved ones of Luden. To stabilize such a person (more often, a woman) can use varieties of meditation and autotraining, art, especially music, communication with nature.

If the joints of the brush are weak, brown, the thumb can look like a dislocated. This is a sign of mental and physical lethargy, apathy. Such relaxation people do not know what they want and do not know what to want. They are easily affected by someone else's influence, but not so much to be even led, interested in someone else's sphere of application forces. The company is almost always silent observers.

The moderate mobility of the thumb, which is characterized by strong muscles, the ability to perform accurate small movements, as well as fix the finger if necessary, is estimated as a positive quality. It is assumed that this feature means harmony between the internal balance of man and the nature of his environment.

Hard, fixed thumb indicates limited, closeness for new ideas. Most often, such a finger is found on elementary and vopotoxy hands. But a person with such a sign, although not far, often exhibits equilibrium and independence, does not waste in vain. Hard thumb often occurs in physical labor, especially rural.

Palm and chassis

When this sign reaches a certain critical level, narrowness and limitations are reborn in stupidity. Completely fixed, "ocked" thumbs are found in weakly.

Total characteristic of fingers

If the fingers are thick, but the "root" is narrowed to the base and the "root" is noticeably thinner than in the middle, then such a person willingly gives tribute to his own sensuality. Nevertheless, this is a strong person, with a well-developed self-sustaining, not allowing all the same passions to master themselves.

Thin fingers with a thin base - a sign of a conscientious person who is capable of accurate studies, scrupulous scientific work. As an example, you can call the story, right, higher mathematics and computing technique.

The bases of the index, medium and nameless finger are usually located on one straight line, and the bowl base is slightly mentioned directly, deeper into the palm. This arrangement of the bases of the fingers indicates a balanced nature of the owner of the hand. The activity of such a person in everyday life and in the service is streamlined, subordinated to the system.

If the line passing through the bases of the fingers is uneven, then this allows us to conclude and about a certain irregularity of character. People with such a sign teachingly spread, focus on something very much very difficult. The lack of stability and sequences can create problems in communication. But

if there are compensating favorable signs, this intolerance may not be fatal.

Root (lower) Falangie fingers are in relationship with the endocrine gland system. The average phalanx may carry important information about the state of human health. The top, nail phalanx, as already mentioned earlier, is a tanging authority. Specific information, on which the whole science is based on, is recorded on the fingers in the form of papillary lines (fingerprint). All this proves the importance of the structure of the upper phalange of the fingers.

Long upper phalanges of fingers indicate a high level of sensitivity and intelligence. As a rule, they are on the hands of the appropriate type - elongated, elegant. Nails on such fingers of a beautiful oblong shape. Short nylon phalanxes denote inverse properties: the primitiveness of nature, the poor language, the absence of aesthetic alike. And nails on them are usually wide and short, unattractive.

If the hand lies calmly, the nail phalanges are slightly adjusted to the palm of the palm - it indicates the egoism of the owner of the hand. Such a sign may mean greed, poverty of feelings, but at the same time, a high ability to concentrate, to the implementation of the "ego", achieving the desired one. In the chiromantia, a little bent upper joints of the fingers are called the "sign of the cat": the muscles are calm, the limbs are slightly bent, and suddenly - a lightning jump! The mouse is caught!

PALMISTRY________ "________________________________________

Hard to the touch and low-lifting nail phalanges are in strong, focused people. These people are decisive, confident, asserts. They live, obeying the reason, rarely trusting intuitive knowledge or their own emotions. Thinking, clarity is their ideal; These are brilliant managers and administrators. On the contrary, the movable nail phalanges of the fingers of the hands almost always testify to tricks, good adaptability and intelligence. If the last phalanx is rejected back - the owner of the Chiter, although a little bit more. Indecisiveness, inattention, disadvantage and inconsistency are the most likely features of such a person who usually interfere with him to truly "take place."

There are several basic forms of yogte phalange of the finger. In its pure form, like tina hands, they are rarely found, and, as a rule, even on one hand all fingers are different shapes. The index finger is usually a conical shape (see Fig. 24.1), like a little finger. But the unnamed and middle fingers demonstrate individual human differences. Only with a clean aristocratic form of hand all fingers are the same - with a conical nail phalange.

The tips of the fingertips of the conical shape, narrowing to the top, are usually located on long nail phalanges on the hands as a whole elongated shape. Such an end of the finger is considered beautiful. The conical fingers characterize their owner as a sensitive, responsive, with a developed fantasy and intuition. In the hands of women, the conical tops of the fingers emphasize

Palm and fingers


LAD? _ ™\u003e * flems

psychological features: flexibility, elegant. Vulnerability. On male hands, this sign means soft, the ability to love, create. This form is often found in creative people - actors, dancers - and reports a developed ability to psychological experiences. But if all the fingers of the conical shape on the hand are an alarming sign, which indicates an increased vulnerability, exposure to someone else's will, weakening the "male circuit". Such features do not reduce creative data, but complicate the life of the owner, making it vulnerable, defenseless. How the medicine can be recommended sport. Physical force will give confidence, creating a sense of security.

In a developed to "logical completion", conical fingers are made pointed (Fig. 24. 4). The characteristic of a person with conical nail phalanges is added such qualities as selfishness, a tendency to sensual pleasures, sometimes further cruelty. The pointed fingers are characteristic of representatives of free creative professions. A person with such a sign has a stable psyche, not inclined to depressions and melancholy. And in general, it is more viable than the owner of the conic fingers. Poor, if such a strong and extraordinary person is overly proud.

Quadrangular nail phalanges (Fig. 24. 2) - a sign of vital activity. The only case is when it is impossible to rely on the analysis for this feature, if the shape of the finger contradicts the total type of hand, if the hand is infantile, has degenerative signs or indicates a slope

beach, lethargy and low human activity. In other cases, the holder of quadrangular nail phalanges is a critical and objective chet. For him, self-discipline is important, and in the surrounding it does not like breaktown, fuzziness in thoughts and actions. Usually, if this feature dominates, the owner of the hand is well presenting his life path and is moving directly and confidently. The quadrangular form of the tip of the index finger is especially favorable.

Nail phalanx may have small extensions in the middle of the nail and the tapered tailbone. Such a form of the top of the finger is called triangular (Fig. 24. 3) and is often formed as a result of any type of work. If such a form is innocent, then this indicates a nonstable psyche. Most often owner of this feature is an extravagant person who has often depressed and neurosis. In everyday life about such people they say that they are "with cocks". If the triangular fingertips fingertips are not compensated by others, the person constantly fluctuates between spiritual health and mental disorder.

Hold manner fingers

If with any positions of the brush fingers remain closely pressed to each other, the owner of such a hand is trying not to disclose any life circumstances. Restraint, composure allowed him to constantly control itself, not to go out of the state of balance.

The highest life principle of such a person is caution. But caution does not prevent \\ he be brave if necessary. For the radio - h "\u003e lag, a wonderful concentration of thought poses - V will be fulfilled to make a good career, however, this is usually an egoist, and in close communication - the" non-government cabinet ", concerned about how to give a friend or familiar tool Against yourself. It does not like the open expressions of feelings.

Falling fingers, loose brush - the opposite sign. Such fingers - in a impulsive, lively and impressionable person. A developed sphere of sensual perception determines talent in art. With an equal development of logical data, this is an extraordinary, pleasant person who is capable of sympathy, generous actions.

The hand opened by fan is a sign of wastefulness, a tendency to the mercy and vital pleasure. Such people are subject to unexpected impulses, make risky and rapid acts.

Intervals between fingers

If you freely put your hand on a smooth surface, the differences between the fingers will be noticeable. These intervals will give a chirromant the concept of human cultural development, about him. moral and moral stuff. It is due to the difference in size that these intervals have diagnostic value.

Non-uniformity formed intervals

__ ____^_______________________ Palm and fingers

explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the brush. The smallest distance is between medium and unnamed fingers, more - between the index and middle, and the biggest - between the mother's mother's and unnamed.

By the distance between the index and middle fingers, the independence of thinking, the originality of ideas is judged. With a pronounced gap, a person is free from any conventions, from pressure of authorities. Such a person does not like monotony, has its own style of communication, life.

A strongly pronounced distance between the middle and nameless fingers confirms the presence of a person of his own opinion, and also speaks of his readiness to defend him. Such a person has good opportunities for free decision-making.

If the distance between the middle and the nameless finger is very little, is almost absent, this indicates that the laws and the foundations of society have strong power over a person, the regulatory. It clings for the smallest rules and superstitions. It is rarely capable of a wide generous gesture, on disinterested expenses, even just for unlimited time spent. It was he, a man with such a sign, will go away from any part in nine, because in eleven he needs to go to bed.

About the desire for independence and independence, the presence of the initiative says the gap between the nameless finger and the little finger. Well-pronounced distance indicates a strong thirst for knowledge, the ability to joyfully

and creatively learn. In addition, this gap frees many positive signs from the presence of egoism.

If you fold the fingers together and watch "through the hand" to the light, small gaps between your fingers will be noticeable. With a deep antiquity, the chirromants of different nations interpreted these lumets as a sign of wasteful nature of the owner of the hand.

Moreover, this waste is manifested not only in relation to finance, but also manifestations of feelings. Large, well-pronounced lumens come from excitable, impressionable people. But such people cannot tolerate discipline, coercion; They are independent, free - "free arrows." If the lumens are only below, w.palm, they mean the mind and self-control, love to truth and thirst to find it. These are also intolerable to conventions and discipline, people are far from dogmatism, flexible and adequate. Purely material waste from a person with severe lumets can not be manifested constantly, and often - in the form of generosity, disinterested help. In a negative attitude, waste and mothers are brighter than everything after a mental shock or crisis. But barely blows to consider that the lumens between the nodular fingers have a different nature and interpret them should not be at all. The lumen, expressed only between the index and middle fingers, would mean characterized above the wastefulness and strong contour of the ego. This feature indicates an ambitious and vain person with certain life stations. Often strive 112.

Leddon and Pdytsey

fium of such a person with welfare extends to his family or close friends.

The clearance between medium and nameless fingers is observed in people with a strong burden of luxury objects. Often, this love is accompanied by meaningless collecting collections, the goal that is being pursued - show material well-being. This feature, limited to the ethical framework, develops into charity - conscious and disinterested help to other people.

A completely special type of waste - intellectual, serving to meet the requirements of reason, demonstrates the clearance between the little finger and the nameless fingers. This is a noble variety of mercenary, but sometimes it develops into mania.

Incline fingers

Sometimes the fingers (one, less often - two) a little "twist, tilted left or right (this curvature usually occurs at the top joint, and the nail phalanx is deviated from the straight axis of the finger growth).

An index finger, tilted to large, will tell about excessive rationality, the realism of its owner. In addition, the behavior of such a person is supported by the desire for independence, fear of losing freedom. The larger the tilt is, the brighter the egoism is manifested, - a person can be intolerable, ruthless, even rude.


An index finger, tilted to the average, allows us to evaluate vital activity and excerpt, "will to victory". Usually, such a sign occurs in a person with a strong desire to fulfill its plans and with reserves for their specialism.

Middle finger to.indexing, indicates a deep interest in the house, to the family; About the power of feelings. People with this - finger do not like high matters, but humanes are cheerful.

The middle finger, tilted to the Unnamed, sometimes happens to a chameleon. He has so developed intuition, he understands everyone so well, who surrounds him, which changes the color imperceptibly even for himself. With low mental data, this is an ordinary fit.

Annamed finger tilted to the middle means strict, scientific warehouse of the mind. It does not meet with stupid people, most often a person with such a sign, ripening, demonstrates brilliant data after thirty years. But such a tilt can be temporary - caused by grief, illness ,. And then it does not matter.

Annament finger, tilted to the maizin, is a sign of talent, artistic fuss in conjunction with agility, skill. In communication, this means delicacy, a sense of tact. A person with such a sign, if Poego has the corresponding deposits, has a chance to become a good craftswoman and achieve welfare.

Mysiline, tilted to the nameless finger, indicates refinement and sentimental

. A person with this sign has a dream, and he is given to bring her to life. The most vivid expressive opportunities are in the hands of such a person, this is a spiritual personality, strong and attractive. A rejuvenated "outward" of the little finger is at an intellectual, developed person who is susceptible to the sciences with the encyclopedist data. He is given to the true laws of life, it is gifted and can apply his abilities in a variety of spheres.

The fingers whose slope is pronounced, wears the nature of curvature, have all the same signs. But curved fingers also indicate the disease. Highly twisted, ugly fingers are in a person who is not able to correctly evaluate reality, is in constant misconception and acts according to him. This is usually coarse and primitive people with ugly passions and instincts. But mutual hands can be diseases - rheumatism, arthritis,

Curved index finger of immorality, predisposition to erroneous conclusions. The middle finger, strongly twisted, testifies to stubbornness, solidogencies, the absence of a sense of tact. Often this sign is in people who are easily running on bad actions.

The twisted ring finger does not bear such severe signs. The owner of a twisted nameless finger is a susceptible person who adores contradictions and riddles. But if the finger is twisted very much, is a karmic sign, a predisposition to catastrophes and accidents. His owner can


have perverted inclinations, insufficiently developed will.

The twisted little finger is very cunning, unkind people, is also a sign of predisposition to poison and overeating. In its extreme manifestation, the sign speaks of tricks and pretend.

Sometimes the structure of the brush is such that all the fingers are slightly tilted to one. If all your fingers are bent towards the nameless (Fig. 25), it will certainly mean an excellent taste from the owner of the hand. It may take place artistic gifts, talent. It will not necessarily manifest at the highest level, but a person with such a sign is always talented in everyday life, easily, conveniently and beautifully suits his life. Such a sign should be considered when choosing a profession, meaning artistic data, flair. But creative professions require considerable effort, and the sign must be confirmed by the deposits of will and energy.

If the fingers are inclined to the middle, it characterizes the owner of the hand as a person, inclined to obey the effect from the outside, someone else's will. Such people managed, but a constant dependence, the inability to prove their value gives rise to them attacks of depression. If a person with this sign will be aware of his own characteristics - it will be easier to control the situation, it is only necessary to teach it clearly to formulate its tasks. In addition, such a sign in a weak form can appear in many people during periods of experiences and stress - and then it should be understood as a request for help, silent SOS signal.

Fig. 25. Fingers are curved towards the nameless


Fingers can bend to the conditional line passing between medium and unnamed fingers. This is a karmic sign, meaning life, filled with difficulty and success, bringing satisfaction and joy in communicating with people. The owner of such a sign is a practical, cheerful person, an optimist, a sanguine. In the field of artistic, it is not too apparent, but takes his hardworking, vitality, zeal.

Mysiline-tested to this line allows you to judge the resourcefulness of its owner with confidence, about his live and flexible mind. With a large deviation of the Mizinz, the resourcefulness borders with displeasure, but in general it is a sign of a living, mobile, witty and pleasant person.

The slope of all fingers to the indicator is rarely found and indicates ambition, which, being limited ethical law, allows you to make a brilliant career. But, if the career collapses, an individual with a pronounced and stable sign, most likely, will let me up a bullet in the forehead. L if he does not have a gun, it will turn into a dull nodette, filming the days of his loved ones on the lost altitudes.

The upper phalanges of the fingers, the pads, rich in sensitive nerve endings, if the touch is developed very well, there are small convexities on the fingers, which are called "water drops" or "blind eyes" (Fig. 26).

They can be seen, looking at the fingers on the side against the light. Developed "water drops" are well noticeable - this is an indicator of tenderness, good

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Probably, all people know that the same gestures in different countries have a different meaning. Therefore, before using one or another combination of fingers, it is worth thinking, and do not confuse your interlocutor. Today we will talk about Shaka. What does the gesture of the thumb and the little finger, you will learn by reading the article.


What does the big-finger and maiden gesture mean? In each country he has its meaning. And where does this gesture originate? It is believed that in Hawaii. So who came up with him? There is a version that thus Kalili Haman greets. Who is this person? He was a simple hard worker who received a production injury, working at a sugarcane factory. He cut off three fingers. Alive only a little finger and thumb. Kalili respected the inhabitants of the island, but since they normally greet a man after injury could no longer, he raised his hand up, showing attention to his interlocutor. The inhabitants of the island to pick up Kalili also began to welcome him, and then each other with this gesture. So it turned out that until today, Haitians raise the sign of the chamber means a greeting.

There is another legend. What does the gesture of the thumb and the little jin on it? He shows that everything is in order. The legend tells us about the cripple of Haman, who lost three fingers, so he was able to settle only a caretaker of trains. His duty was to check cars for invoiling children in them. When Haman finished his work, he raised his hand up, saying such a gesture driver, that everything is in order and the train can be trimmed.


What does the big-finger gesture and the little finger in our day? He is very common in the Hawaiian Islands, it is often found there. The gesture means "Thank you", "Hi", "Welcome", "How are you?", "Good day" and another, but always bears a positive meaning. Haitians call their neck gesture. Why is that? This is also a kind of mystery. According to one of the versions, the word has Buddhist roots. Shakyamuni folded hands with a prayer in shaped shack. And since the gesture is shown by her hands, it is easy to spend the parallel.

Hang Loose.

What does the big finger gesture and the little sickness gesture? Hang Loose is translated - "Relax and enjoy". It is these surfers who consider their credo in life, as well as a combat motto. Hang Loose and Shaka gesture are identical. But the surfers had no coincidence that Gaitane's greeting was borrowed, which was a little reinforced. Today, Hang Loose shows each other two surifers who are ready to go into battle. This gesture says that they are in a relaxed state, their soul and body are calm. After all, it is with such a set that you can go to conquer the waves. It's a kind of gesture, which is waiting for the coach from his ward before they get up onto the board and make a swim.

Meaning in Russia

Our compatriots love gestures very much. But we do not make sense of phrase only with the help of hands. Everyone will agree that active gesture makes the phrase more understandable, and speech is alive and natural. Also among Russians have many signs with which they can communicate without words. What does the big finger and the little finger mean? Its widespread value is "Call me." So friends can say goodbye when they part. One applies an improvised handset to the ear, isolated from fingers. And the other understands what you need to call. So even mom with a little son can communicate when she escorts him to school.

The gesture of the thumb and the little finger is often used rockers. At concerts of favorite performers, people demonstrate to them dedication in different ways. Gestures are the easiest way to demonstrate their devotion to the musician and his work. Many fans raise the outupy thumbs up and shake with hand in the tact of music.

Some companies are even trying to play popular gestures. So, representatives of Nike Corporation often build a tank from the fingers. She symbolizes the company's logo, and at the same time Hawaiian greeting. Such an incredible intelligence of marketers cannot but cause respect and smile.

Some people, especially young people, are suggested to drink. Often such a combination of fingers can be seen in the club, and the abdomen is folded. Thus, even an unfamiliar man can offer you to skip the cup of something alcohol with him. Often the guy has a similar gesture invites a girl to drink with him.

Value in the Caribbean islands

In no case, do not use the gesture of the outupy maiden and the thumb in an unfamiliar country. On the Caribbean Islands you may be fined. You will permanently: for what? And there is such an unwritten rule, according to which the gesture of two fingers, big and maizinz means the proposal to the girl of intimate intimacy. And any person who believes that you have demonstrated the gesture of it, can apply for you to the police for harassment.

How to use?

How to fold the gesture that in Russia in Russia refers to the harmless "call me back"? It is necessary to squeeze the fist, and then take turns to bend the thumb and a little finger. And the rest should be tight pressed against the palm. The little finger must be reduced to the mouth, and the thumb into the ear. If you want to make a rocker gesture, then your hand needs to raise and deploy it so that the palm watches forward.

Who uses?

In Hawaii, the neck gesture is used by all - and adults, and children. In this way, they welcome each other, thank, say goodbye and so on. In our country, too, such a combination of fingers is very popular among young people and children. Older people rarely use such a gesture. After all, he, along with a positive value, can bear both negative. For example, in clubs, narcodylers are often offered with the help of a gesture of two fingers to clients try drugs. At the same time, they apply a hand to her lips. By the way, according to such gestures, narcodilers often and track down. That is why the older generation people are beware of show any gestures. They even try not to swing their hands, because it is considered a bad tone. However, many still manage to give gestures to meaning even when they have no secret meaning and did not invested.

For a long time, communication went not only an obvious verbal way. When people still did not have a speech apparatus, they mastered the way communications using gestures and signs.

And even now non-verbal communication Pay a lot of attention. Let and unconsciously, but people in conversation pay attention not only to what they were told, but also as they said.

The behavior of the interlocutor also does not go without attention. Yes, what to say there, many of us still emphasize some phrases or suggestions with certain signs to enhance attention.

For example, one of the common gestures are hooded thumbs and a little finger. Those who were lucky enough to visit the Hawaiian Islands may often observe this gesture in the bundle with the traditional word "shack".

Them Hawaiian cultural representatives greet Surifers and parachutists. It is done easily - besides the little finger and thumb, everyone else needs to beg. Carries this gesture a simple call - relax and do not hurry, everything is fine and fine.

Everything is clear with that, because in Hawaii, no one hurry anywhere, and not why. Still, this is the place of rest and unity with nature with the help of your culture and features.

A reasonable question may arise - who has the right to use gesture? Yes, everyone has. Star and young any profession can take advantage of this gesture. Moreover, the situation in which he is appropriate is the most diverse - greeting, gratitude, the wish of a good day.

Using the gesture of the Shaka, you immediately feel yourself in unity with nature Islands and local culture.

No one knows where this gesture came from, and the existing theories differ on this. Many are inclined to the beach appearance and participation of surfing in this. One of the first versions says that in the forties of the XX century this gesture used the factory worker.

An accident happened to him, as a result of which he lost several fingers. Therefore, with greetings, he waved his palm residue.

According to another version, he did not just cripple her hand, but he performed with a warning. Mahal brushes to children jumping from trains. They were repeated seen. The gesture secured between them, and then went further into the people, gaining popularity.

Another version says that the gesture is for the first time used sief Which shark bit off several fingers. Or that the government has punished those whom the surfing skiing. One finger - once. And the most avid siefs could learn each other with a chick.

It is possible that this gesture invented Spaniardswho arrived on the island. Doing the specified symbol, they created their meaning. In their understanding it meant invitation to drinking. So they came to the local population when they were forged thirst and were explained with him.

There are many versions on this account, but unites them one - send. It lies in the wishes of love and goodness, a friendly symbol that united everyone on the islands.

The word "shack" itself, giving the name gesture, appeared in the second half of the last century. When news release, the journalist ended them with the best wishes. True, some sources are confident that the name takes its roots in the name of Buddha, Shakyamuni.

When he prayed, his shake did his hands. Moreover, each palm. It turns out that such a symbol speaks about the followed by the Buddha religion and his look at life. Some are not at all that it is a carting from the expression "shark eye, sharp eye."

It was given The most respected friends and family members. At the end of the seventies, a candidate for the post of local head, such a symbol used in his election political campaign, which led to an increase in popularity and symbol recognition. It began to say more often about it, and brought to the masses.

The gesture serves as a simple way to remind all people to take care of others. The islanders confess their principle. He is translated into a simple and understandable thesis, talking about to love and take care of all people.

Even novice on the island can safely use this gesture. If the word "aloha" was used for greeting, farewelling and wishes of the world, then such a symbol, like a "shack" informs all these values \u200b\u200bat once.

In Russia, the gesture is common, but a little with another meaning. It may be offer CrayAccording to the Spanish tradition. Promise contact by phone, or offer to smoke. And some world football players use it when celebrating victory.

We are watching a common phenomenon when the gesture originated in one area, and then spread around the world. Moreover, his interpretation changes from the country to the country. It remains only one thing - the good intention.