Blessed is he who was young from an early age. Igor oskin - blessed, who was young from a young age

Blessed is he who was young from an early age. Igor oskin - blessed, who was young from a young age

Blessed is he who was young from his youth

The hero of this story was lucky with the origin - his maternal lineage goes back to the famous names of Count Razumovsky and Baron Sievers - the former sold the latter his peasant ancestors.

Lucky to be born Russian. So he thinks. Great power, great culture. Comrade Stalin praised the Russian people.

I was lucky to be Soviet. So he thought. He took advantage of all the benefits of socialism. Free: kindergarten, education, housing, good job.

The hardships of the 30s passed him by. He did not know about them. There were no repressed among his relatives and friends. There were many who were imprisoned, but for the cause - for theft, for speculation, etc. As a child, he survived the Leningrad blockade. Father died at the front.

Realizing the horror of inevitable death, he began to hasten to live. I could not believe in the afterlife: his soul and mind, according to their constitution, did not accept a miracle.

Good boy in the men's school. I really wanted to get A's in order to be no worse than others. It didn't work out better, the classmates were outstanding.

Literature teacher Fatya is a very colorful figure. Her aphorisms: Sit down and talk nonsense! .. Nothing at all ... Sit down, that is, shut up! .. I came, you came, go out! (to late)

The guys stole the compositions for correction. There was a stormy scene: “Accidentally ?! I'll give you in the face and tell you that by accident! "

"She should not teach literary criticism," said Zunka, "she should teach to love literature."

“How can this be taught? Doesn't it come by itself? "

The mathematician Ninushka, easily offended, "is always right." It enters: in some non-intersecting lines in a cube and other absurdities. The chemist expresses herself firmly and simply, chopping off the shoulder. The physicist has a frightening look of the Queen of Spades. The last year they were taught by a physicist with greetings. He complained about the persecution by the NKVD. Classmates were proud: they studied with a crazy physicist for a whole year.

He joined the Komsomol together with his friend Rem. They looked at each other: "Of course, there is no great delight, but still nice."

Komsomol organizer of the Red class is an excellent person in all respects: smart, talented, well-read, modest. He called for discipline in the classroom. Ravdel asked: "What if I wanted to spit on all your regulations, then what then can you do?" Red explained that the Komsomol team, the majority in the class, will be able to cope with some seven non-Komsomol members.

Classmates are free people, they said what they thought. They didn't think badly. They did not fight, did not bully, did not misbehave. They were tolerant: 14 Russians and 8 Jews.

Respect for culture was persistently instilled in him by school, newspapers, books, radio, it was necessary, they say, to master it. And he took possession of the shaft. Books in libraries. Music on the radio. Cinema for 50 kopecks. Theaters for 50 kopecks in the gallery. He really liked it. Pleasure and self-respect: that's how intelligent and cultured I am.

Pushkin: “Blessed is he who was young from a young age ... But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain ...” It was self-remembered by heart.

I immediately perceived Tchaikovsky's piano concerto: everything is in a person, everything is for a person. Man - it sounds proudly!

The movie was good. "Merry Guys", "Volga-Volga", "Tractor drivers", "Chapaev" ... Nobility, courage, strong friendship, beautiful love were sung ... Unfortunately, such noble book-cinema people were never met in life.

The party explained: a person is born good, but deteriorates from the birthmarks of capitalism or from certain shortcomings of socialism.

Classmates loved free thinking. Volodya once started talking about the fact that we are clearly overstretched with praise of Stalin. Any milkmaid screams heart-rendingly on the radio about her beloved leader, to the place, and no longer to the place. Kolesov agreed.

Belinsky taught him many ideas: about religion, Don Juan, Hamlet ... About the meaning of life - in the testament of the Soviet holy ascetic: “life is given to a person once, and you need to live it so that later, dying ...” ... Tolstoy became a teacher of life for him ...

Kolesov loved to read, dreamed of becoming a writer. I changed my mind: there is nothing to write about. I loved to sing, I decided to sing. After school I was at a loss: where to go. Out of poverty, he went to the military academy. At the age of 18 he became an officer - a rich man. The horror of death (stimulus to life) pushed me to the Palace of Culture - to study singing. Taught by the artist of the Mariinsky Theater Petr Petrovich Gusev. He comprehended the mysteries of singing techniques: diaphragm, air column, cantilena. Four years later, I realized that he did not have two top notes. Has lost heart. It seems to be expandable. And if not? I didn't risk it.

At the military academy, he was a carefree and boring study, he regularly took notes, easily passed exams. The mathematician called his answer on the exam outstanding. He was flattered and surprised.

At the age of 17–20, he had great ideological vacillations. Gurevich's stories made me feel heavy. A criminal state? He himself saw only one thing: Jews were not allowed to enter universities.

Stalin died. Kolesov noted the absence of national grief. Indifference in the circle of relatives and friends.

And he was extremely depressed. “This is it, it happened… The steps of history… The era is over…” In the evening I walked along the Nevsky, people around were living the same life: hurrying, standing, laughing ...

He was chosen as the Komsomol organizer of the group. At first he tried, then he doubted: an empty exercise. He began to sin: he wrote the minutes of the meetings, which were not there.

At home, my mother quarreled with a new neighbor, a midshipman, a deputy. His son threatened him, the midshipman arranged for him a detention and a garrison guardhouse. It was very interesting. In the evening he was picked up by the group commander.

Kolesov lived among ordinary people: his aunts, their husbands, children. The closest one is Lyonka's younger cousin.

My mother had a fat uncle, Misha Grigoryan, in a roommate. He loved to lie.

He worried about this since childhood. His body really wanted to reproduce. He suffered like all 99 percent of boys. Defined in moral and sexual convictions: about family and the sanctity of marriage. Acquaintance and parting with the girl Toma. In sex education, an older friend helped a younger one. What is phimosis?

He was brought up by the Soviet Russian civilization: about the dangers of drunkenness and alcoholism, swearing, smoking. culture, officer, classmates, about it

Coming to the biography of a Russian person in the Soviet era, the author tried to avoid ideological predilections.

Blessed is he who was young from his youth, / Blessed is he who ripened in time
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. 8, stanza 10).
Allegorically: everything is good on time, everything must be done on time.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what is "Blessed, who was young from a young age, / Blessed, who ripened in time" in other dictionaries:

    Blessed is he who matured in time. A.S. Pushkin. Eug. Oneg. 8, 10. Cf. Werde jung alt, so bleibst du lang alt. Wer im Alter will jung sein, der muss in der Jugend alt sein. Wed Mature fias senex, si diu velis esse senex. Become an old man early if ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people; it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without proof, leaves eternal traces of sweat. Critics ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Ripening, ripening; St. 1. (nsv. Also mature). Become ripe, reach ripeness. Fruits and berries are ripe. The wheat is ripe. The seed pods of the poplars are ripe and crack. 2. Reach physical or spiritual maturity (about a person). An early ripe girl. * ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    mature- ripe / yu, ripe / eat; St. see also. to ripen, ripeness 1) (nsv., also, ripeness) Become ripe, reach ripeness. Fruits and berries are ripe. The wheat is ripe ... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (English humor - humor, temper, mood), a special kind of comic, such an attitude to the subject of the image, when an outwardly comic interpretation is combined with inner seriousness. For example, the humorous story of A. P. Chekhov "Death of an official" ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    blissful- oh, oh; Blessed, oh. 1. Happy, satisfied. Blessed is he who was young from a youth. Blessed is he who matured in time. // Pushkin. Eugene Onegin // 2. BLESSED, wow, m., Meaning. noun Freaky, foolish. [Boys:] Nikolka, ... ... Dictionary of Forgotten and Difficult Words from the Works of Russian Literature of the 18th-19th Centuries

Blessed is he who was young from his youth

The hero of this story was lucky with the origin - his maternal lineage goes back to the famous names of Count Razumovsky and Baron Sievers - the former sold the latter his peasant ancestors.

Lucky to be born Russian. So he thinks. Great power, great culture. Comrade Stalin praised the Russian people.

I was lucky to be Soviet. So he thought. He took advantage of all the benefits of socialism. Free: kindergarten, education, housing, good job.

The hardships of the 30s passed him by. He did not know about them. There were no repressed among his relatives and friends. There were many who were imprisoned, but for the cause - for theft, for speculation, etc. As a child, he survived the Leningrad blockade. Father died at the front.

Realizing the horror of inevitable death, he began to hasten to live. I could not believe in the afterlife: his soul and mind, according to their constitution, did not accept a miracle.

Good boy in the men's school. I really wanted to get A's in order to be no worse than others. It didn't work out better, the classmates were outstanding.

Literature teacher Fatya is a very colorful figure. Her aphorisms: Sit down and talk nonsense! .. Nothing at all ... Sit down, that is, shut up! .. I came, you came, go out! (to late)

The guys stole the compositions for correction. There was a stormy scene: “Accidentally ?! I'll give you in the face and tell you that by accident! "

"She should not teach literary criticism," said Zunka, "she should teach to love literature."

“How can this be taught? Doesn't it come by itself? "

The mathematician Ninushka, easily offended, "is always right." It enters: in some non-intersecting lines in a cube and other absurdities. The chemist expresses herself firmly and simply, chopping off the shoulder. The physicist has a frightening look of the Queen of Spades. The last year they were taught by a physicist with greetings. He complained about the persecution by the NKVD. Classmates were proud: they studied with a crazy physicist for a whole year.

He joined the Komsomol together with his friend Rem. They looked at each other: "Of course, there is no great delight, but still nice."

Komsomol organizer of the Red class is an excellent person in all respects: smart, talented, well-read, modest. He called for discipline in the classroom. Ravdel asked: "What if I wanted to spit on all your regulations, then what then can you do?" Red explained that the Komsomol team, the majority in the class, will be able to cope with some seven non-Komsomol members.

Classmates are free people, they said what they thought. They didn't think badly. They did not fight, did not bully, did not misbehave. They were tolerant: 14 Russians and 8 Jews.

Respect for culture was persistently instilled in him by school, newspapers, books, radio, it was necessary, they say, to master it. And he took possession of the shaft. Books in libraries. Music on the radio. Cinema for 50 kopecks. Theaters for 50 kopecks in the gallery. He really liked it. Pleasure and self-respect: that's how intelligent and cultured I am.

Pushkin: “Blessed is he who was young from a young age ... But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain ...” It was self-remembered by heart.

I immediately perceived Tchaikovsky's piano concerto: everything is in a person, everything is for a person. Man - it sounds proudly!

The movie was good. "Merry Guys", "Volga-Volga", "Tractor drivers", "Chapaev" ... Nobility, courage, strong friendship, beautiful love were sung ... Unfortunately, such noble book-cinema people were never met in life.

The party explained: a person is born good, but deteriorates from the birthmarks of capitalism or from certain shortcomings of socialism.

Classmates loved free thinking. Volodya once started talking about the fact that we are clearly overstretched with praise of Stalin. Any milkmaid screams heart-rendingly on the radio about her beloved leader, to the place, and no longer to the place. Kolesov agreed.

Belinsky taught him many ideas: about religion, Don Juan, Hamlet ... About the meaning of life - in the testament of the Soviet holy ascetic: “life is given to a person once, and you need to live it so that later, dying ...” ... Tolstoy became a teacher of life for him ...

Kolesov loved to read, dreamed of becoming a writer. I changed my mind: there is nothing to write about. I loved to sing, I decided to sing. After school I was at a loss: where to go. Out of poverty, he went to the military academy. At the age of 18 he became an officer - a rich man. The horror of death (stimulus to life) pushed me to the Palace of Culture - to study singing. Taught by the artist of the Mariinsky Theater Petr Petrovich Gusev. He comprehended the mysteries of singing techniques: diaphragm, air column, cantilena. Four years later, I realized that he did not have two top notes. Has lost heart. It seems to be expandable. And if not? I didn't risk it.

There is a version that stanza X of the first chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" was written as a kind of "imitation" of the Gospel Beatitudes, voiced by Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount (but, of course, Pushkin is far from Christ).

Life is quite multifaceted, and at the same time, each generation has its own ideals, its own measure of values. Life experience is formed from such moments. Pushkin himself had time to experience all this to the fullest. He was one of those people who are in a hurry to live and feel in a hurry. Subsequently, he, like no one else, understood the ephemerality of some "joys of life."

The meaning of this stanza is that Pushkin writes about how a person should go through life.

Blessed is he who was young from a young age,
Blessed is he who ripened in time,
Who gradually lives cold
He knew how to endure over the years;
Who did not indulge in strange dreams,
Who was not averse to the secular rabble,
Who was dandy or grip at twenty years old,
And at thirty he is profitably married;
Who freed themselves at fifty
From private and other debts,
Who is fame, money and ranks
Quietly I got in line,
Who has been talked about for a century:
N. N. is a wonderful person.

Onegin was among those who grew old in spirit early. This is stated in the following verses. But this publication is not about Onegin, but a little about the worldview of Pushkin, whose maturation can be traced in his works, including the novel "Eugene Onegin". The novel was written for 7 years, during which both Pushkin himself and his views on life changed.

Blessed is he who was young from his youth

The hero of this story was lucky with the origin - his maternal lineage goes back to the famous names of Count Razumovsky and Baron Sievers - the former sold the latter his peasant ancestors.

Lucky to be born Russian. So he thinks. Great power, great culture. Comrade Stalin praised the Russian people.

I was lucky to be Soviet. So he thought. He took advantage of all the benefits of socialism. Free: kindergarten, education, housing, good job.

The hardships of the 30s passed him by. He did not know about them. There were no repressed among his relatives and friends. There were many who were imprisoned, but for the cause - for theft, for speculation, etc. As a child, he survived the Leningrad blockade. Father died at the front.

Realizing the horror of inevitable death, he began to hasten to live. I could not believe in the afterlife: his soul and mind, according to their constitution, did not accept a miracle.

Good boy in the men's school. I really wanted to get A's in order to be no worse than others. It didn't work out better, the classmates were outstanding.

Literature teacher Fatya is a very colorful figure. Her aphorisms: Sit down and talk nonsense! .. Nothing at all ... Sit down, that is, shut up! .. I came, you came, go out! (to late)

The guys stole the compositions for correction. There was a stormy scene: “Accidentally ?! I'll give you in the face and tell you that by accident! "

"She should not teach literary criticism," said Zunka, "she should teach to love literature."

“How can this be taught? Doesn't it come by itself? "

The mathematician Ninushka, easily offended, "is always right." It enters: in some non-intersecting lines in a cube and other absurdities. The chemist expresses herself firmly and simply, chopping off the shoulder. The physicist has a frightening look of the Queen of Spades. The last year they were taught by a physicist with greetings. He complained about the persecution by the NKVD. Classmates were proud: they studied with a crazy physicist for a whole year.

He joined the Komsomol together with his friend Rem. They looked at each other: "Of course, there is no great delight, but still nice."

Komsomol organizer of the Red class is an excellent person in all respects: smart, talented, well-read, modest. He called for discipline in the classroom. Ravdel asked: "What if I wanted to spit on all your regulations, then what then can you do?" Red explained that the Komsomol team, the majority in the class, will be able to cope with some seven non-Komsomol members.

Classmates are free people, they said what they thought. They didn't think badly. They did not fight, did not bully, did not misbehave. They were tolerant: 14 Russians and 8 Jews.

Respect for culture was persistently instilled in him by school, newspapers, books, radio, it was necessary, they say, to master it. And he took possession of the shaft. Books in libraries. Music on the radio. Cinema for 50 kopecks. Theaters for 50 kopecks in the gallery. He really liked it. Pleasure and self-respect: that's how intelligent and cultured I am.

Pushkin: “Blessed is he who was young from a young age ... But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain ...” It was self-remembered by heart.

I immediately perceived Tchaikovsky's piano concerto: everything is in a person, everything is for a person. Man - it sounds proudly!

The movie was good. "Merry Guys", "Volga-Volga", "Tractor drivers", "Chapaev" ... Nobility, courage, strong friendship, beautiful love were sung ... Unfortunately, such noble book-cinema people were never met in life.

The party explained: a person is born good, but deteriorates from the birthmarks of capitalism or from certain shortcomings of socialism.

Classmates loved free thinking. Volodya once started talking about the fact that we are clearly overstretched with praise of Stalin. Any milkmaid screams heart-rendingly on the radio about her beloved leader, to the place, and no longer to the place. Kolesov agreed.

Belinsky taught him many ideas: about religion, Don Juan, Hamlet ... About the meaning of life - in the testament of the Soviet holy ascetic: “life is given to a person once, and you need to live it so that later, dying ...” ... Tolstoy became a teacher of life for him ...

Kolesov loved to read, dreamed of becoming a writer. I changed my mind: there is nothing to write about. I loved to sing, I decided to sing. After school I was at a loss: where to go. Out of poverty, he went to the military academy. At the age of 18 he became an officer - a rich man. The horror of death (stimulus to life) pushed me to the Palace of Culture - to study singing. Taught by the artist of the Mariinsky Theater Petr Petrovich Gusev. He comprehended the mysteries of singing techniques: diaphragm, air column, cantilena. Four years later, I realized that he did not have two top notes. Has lost heart. It seems to be expandable. And if not? I didn't risk it.

At the military academy, he was a carefree and boring study, he regularly took notes, easily passed exams. The mathematician called his answer on the exam outstanding. He was flattered and surprised.

At the age of 17–20, he had great ideological vacillations. Gurevich's stories made me feel heavy. A criminal state? He himself saw only one thing: Jews were not allowed to enter universities.

Stalin died. Kolesov noted the absence of national grief. Indifference in the circle of relatives and friends.

And he was extremely depressed. “This is it, it happened… The steps of history… The era is over…” In the evening I walked along the Nevsky, people around were living the same life: hurrying, standing, laughing ...

He was chosen as the Komsomol organizer of the group. At first he tried, then he doubted: an empty exercise. He began to sin: he wrote the minutes of the meetings, which were not there.

At home, my mother quarreled with a new neighbor, a midshipman, a deputy. His son threatened him, the midshipman arranged for him a detention and a garrison guardhouse. It was very interesting. In the evening he was picked up by the group commander.

Kolesov lived among ordinary people: his aunts, their husbands, children. The closest one is Lyonka's younger cousin.

My mother had a fat uncle, Misha Grigoryan, in a roommate. He loved to lie.

He worried about this since childhood. His body really wanted to reproduce. He suffered like all 99 percent of boys. Defined in moral and sexual convictions: about family and the sanctity of marriage. Acquaintance and parting with the girl Toma. In sex education, an older friend helped a younger one. What is phimosis?

He was brought up by the Soviet Russian civilization: about the dangers of drunkenness and alcoholism, swearing, smoking. culture, officer, classmates, about it

Coming to the biography of a Russian person in the Soviet era, the author tried to avoid ideological predilections.

The fact is that the author is surprised to note the inclination of historians and writers to ideological preferences (bias). So, after the 1917 revolution, they painted the hard, joyless life of a Russian in a "despotic, gendarme" state, and after the 1991 revolution - a very bad life in a "totalitarian, repressive" state. The memory of Russians about their past made very sharp turns, roughly speaking, something like this:

The Rurikovichs are bad, the Romanovs are good,

The Romanovs are bad, Lenin-Stalin is good,

Lenin-Stalin is bad, the Romanovs are good.