Clause surnames. Beautiful surnames

Clause surnames. Beautiful surnames
Clause surnames. Beautiful surnames

It is periodically useful to update anything, including - and surname. And is a good addition to their appearance, which all men pay high attention. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in such matters easier than men - if her surname does not like or unfavorable, then the girl can change it, going married. But it happens that the girl with an ugly surname get married a guy with an even more intact last name. And this is a real paradox. After all, it is impossible to choose a husband purposefully with a beautiful male surname. After all, then you live with a person, and not with his harmful surname ... However, it should not be sad on this, you can always rewrite the name to another, who appeared in the registry office (passport desk) and insisted on it.

Let's look at beautiful Russian surnames for girls List

In Russian, probably, like in any other, there is a huge selection of benevolent female surnames. For maximum harmony - it is desirable that the beautiful Russian surname of the girl harmonize with her name and patronymic.

Women's names with a military historical tint - Kutuzov, Suvorov, Nevsky, Brusylova, Zhukov sound well.

Beautiful surnames for girls Formed adjectives - beautiful, queen, magical, happy

Girls are well suited by the names formed from men's names - Ivanova, Vladimirskaya, Maksimova, Pavlovskaya.

And from the names of beautiful birds - Zhuravleva, Lebedev, Solovyov, Sokolova, Snegherev.

Literary and poetic surnames - Goncharov, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Nekrasova, Pushkin

True ancient Russian beautiful surname - Birza.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

However, it is possible to search for a new surname in an input sound. It can also be unique in its own way.

Surname from the film, they carry Elitarity and Fleur - Lauren, Monroe, Audrey, Cruz, O'Hara, Jolly, Diaz.

Ukrainians and Poles also have excellent examples of beautiful surnames for girls - Kamenetskaya, Podolskaya, Khmelnitskaya, Vilyanskaya, Lyubovskaya, Dombrovskaya, Kovalevskaya, Lviv, Warsaw.

And Bulgaria contributes to Toneev, Botheva, Vladleova, Angelova, Stoyanov.

And here are beautiful English surnames for girls (give the feeling of true lady) - Tyllor, Tills, numbers, Mils, Da, Stewart, Tudor.

Austrian and German listing. Such surnames will fit the blonde girls - Wald, Wayter, Ditter, Faltsy, Wetter, Leaf, Mittel.

Original surname options with eccentric notes - rocking, fabulous, love, beautiful, noble.

Unclear surnames. Give the Fleur of Individuality and Rebuilding - Forest, Bader, Cloud, Test

Beautiful surnames for girls VKontakte

One movement to update the official surname is very difficult psychologically. And with such a super breath of beautiful surnames, it is difficult to stop at the final version. For the seed, make a kind of experience - change the surname in the social network Vkontakte. After all, the social network give you a great opportunity to "try on" a new beautiful name. Plus you will have the opportunity to virtually to be very different.

Selecting himself a harmonious surname, feel responsible - because it is a really specific action. There are all grounds to say that a beautiful surname for a girl and a change of personal data - as if the beginning of changes on her life path. Always think about whether the surname will cause a surname with your relatives. After all, your surname is a sign of your kind!

Condemned at the end of the XVIII century. The American nation is very heterogeneous and at the moment connects not only the descendants of the immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - Indians. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that in the names and names of the US residents, you can trace various national roots: European, African, South American, Asian. These features often make American surnames and names such interesting and exotic.

How are they formed?

The basis for many modern surnames became nicknames, including Indian. Also, quite often, the names were formed from the names of professions (Smith, Miller, Taylor), geographic locations (Ingend, Lancaster) and objects (Bush, Rock, Moore), the name of the Father (Johnson, Stevenson) and just names (Stewart, Williams, Henry) , as well as animals, colors and various facilities (Fish, White, Rose, Young).

At the beginning of the 20th century, the trend of the change in difficult-acting national surnames was traced: reductions, transformation, transformation to give them similarity with English-language. But in recent decades there is a return process: the desire for its national and cultural identity, which is manifested in the expectation of the Americanization of names and surnames. This is especially characteristic of immigrants from African countries, Spain and Latin America. Modern American surnames and names increasingly emphasize the origin of a person.

Also a very common phenomenon - inventing pseudonyms. Most often they take creative personalities: musicians, actors, artists.

American names, male and female, in everyday communication are often reduced. Examples: Adam - ED; Gilbert - Gil; Michael - Mike; Robert - Rob, Bob, Bobby, Robbie; Richard - Dick, Richie; Arnold - Arni; Eleanor - Ellie, Nora; Elizabeth - Lizzy, Liz, Elsa, Betty, Beth; Catherine - Katty, Kat. To young guys (and even mature men), often appeal to the initials. For example, a person named T.J. Morris Most familiar will surely call JEM.

As in English, American male and female surnames sound completely equally. In the official communication of the names of the surname with the prefixes "Mr." or "Sir" to men, and to Miss or Mrs. women.

Women's names

The top ten of the most beloved American parents of girls enter Isabella, Sofia, Emma, \u200b\u200bOlivia, Ava, Emily, Ebigeyl, Madison, Chloe, Mia.

Female names are formed often from the names of beautiful plants or precious stones. Examples: Rose, Daisy, Olive (Iya), Ivi (Ivi), Lilly, Violet, Ruby, Beryl, Jade, etc.

Male names

According to statistics, most often American parents call boys by Jacob, Itan, Michael, Jayden, William, Alexander, Noah, Daniel, Eyden, Anthony.

Strong tradition is called in honor of the Father or Grandfather. In this case, the word "junior" (junior) or ordinal name is added to the name: the second, third, etc. For example: Anthony White Junior, Christian Bell, the second.

American names Men's are often consonant with the names (White, Johnson, Davis, Alexander, Carter, Neil, Lewis, etc.). And all because sometime and others were formed from nickname.

Most Popular American Families

More than two million inhabitants of the United States are surnames Smith and Johnson. With a slightly more modest results (over a million), the owners of the names Williams, Jones, Brown, Davis and Miller followed. Tens of Wilson, Moore and Taylor.

The most beautiful American surnames and names

Of course, the tastes are not arguing, but you can still highlight a list of the most harmonious and even poetic names. Some of them were specially formed from suitable English words: Summer - "Summer", Joy - "Joy", May - "May", Love - "Love", Hart - "Heart", etc.

  • Alisha.
  • Bonnie.
  • Vanessa.
  • Gladys.
  • Jade.
  • Imported
  • Cassandra.
  • Lillian.
  • Miriam.
  • Nancy.
  • Olivia.
  • Pamela.
  • Sabrina.
  • Tess.
  • Haydy.
  • Angie.
  • Alex.
  • Brandon.
  • Darren.
  • Kyle.
  • Mitchell.
  • Nicholas.
  • Peter.
  • Ronald.
  • Stephen.
  • Walter.
  • Fraser.
  • Hunter.
  • Charlie.
  • Sheldon.
  • Adrian.

There are not only beautiful American names, but also surnames.

For example:

  • Beverly.
  • Washington.
  • Green.
  • Crawford.
  • Olderge.
  • Robinson.
  • Stone.
  • Florence.
  • Wallace.
  • Harris.
  • Evans.

In general, names and surnames in the US can find various origins: Smith, Will - English; Miller, Brunner, Martha - German; Gonzales, Federico, Dolores - Spanish; Magnus, Sven - Swedish; Peterson, Jensen - Danish; Patrick, Donovan, O'Brien, McGill - Irish; Mario, Ruth - Portuguese; Isabella, Antonio, de Vito - Italian; Paul, Vivien - French; Lee is Chinese, etc. The combination is frequent when the name is purely American, and there is a national flavor in the surname. Or vice versa. For example: Martha Roberts, Brandon Lee, etc.

Than more study the American surnames and names, the more interesting discoveries can be made. In addition, the American nation still continues to be formed, so it is possible that new unusual and beautiful names of a variety of origin will soon appear in everyday life of residents of this country.

From this article you will learn:

We are already accustomed to the fact that every person has a surname that distinguishes it from the rest, shows his belonging to a certain family and is inherited. However, it was not always the case. The official fixing of the surname for each person has occurred less than a century ago, which within the framework of history is a very small length of time. The story of each individual surname is unique in its own way. Sometimes dozens of people with the same surname live on one territory. Sometimes it happens so that we smile, having heard some unusual last name. We will talk about such rare family names today.

Rare surnames that truly cut the rumor, very much really. Simply carriers of such surnames are relatively few. It is impossible to all illuminate them in the article, but we will try to at least go to them, divide into groups.

  1. Single Bucked Families: Despite the simplicity of their composition, they are rare enough and unusual for hearing. People registered in Moscow ABOUT , YU and E. .
  2. Surnames consisting of one syllable: They are also not much common. Only a few families with surnames live in Russia An. , EN , That and Before .
  3. Surname-Toponymis: These are the names that are consonant with the names of cities or rivers. For example, not so many people wear such surnames like:
  • Moscow ;
  • America ;
  • Astrakhan ;
  • Kamchatka other.
  1. Legendary surnames: These are the names of literary and historical heroes, whose carriers are also very small. These include such names as:
  • Cruzo ;
  • Grozny ;
  • Pozharsha ;
  • Chatsky ;
  • Karenin. other.
  1. Two-door surnames: These include the names of two words in the battle of two words. Some naming sounds quite harmoniously and are quite common, but rarely meet such names as:
  • Good day ;
  • Puntulitsa ;
  • Stashigriva ;
  • Nephevoda ;
  • Krutyoroch ;
  • Grandmother ;
  • Squeezer ;
  • Killikon other.
  1. Surnames convened by the usual words: These words not received with the official fixation of normal suffixation with typical surname suffixes -One and --in:

- consonant nouns:

  • Water ;
  • Stove ;
  • Frost ;
  • Pan ;
  • Chizh. ;
  • Magpie and many others;

- consonant verbs:

  • Trone ;
  • Seaverko ;
  • Pokusay ;
  • Keys ;
  • Negrey other;

- Convenent adverbs:

  • On the side ;
  • Sideways ;
  • Generously ;
  • Nothing ;
  • Nehai. other.

This list can be continued infinitely. We do not set ourselves the task of covering the whole volume of rare Russian surnames: we marked only the main trends in their existence. And after all, each of the surnames has its own unique, a unique story that can tell about the life of our distant ancestors.

How could there be such rare and unusual surnames, unusual to our hearing? Initially, a person was given a nickname that allocated him from the rest of the people. If the nickname leaned after a person, it gradually became naming, entrenched for a certain genus, family, even if unofficially. So the nickname turned into the surname. Since the nicknames are most often rude or mocking character, all modern rare, unusual surnames occurred from them. Their origin can be the most different, but people who are engaged in anthroponymy (history of surnames, names, patientities and nicknames), allocate several main trends in the origin of such names.

  1. Surnames were given by appearance man:
  • Bryla (so called people with chubs, drunk lips);
  • Lobar (a man of large physique);
  • Puppy (so called a pimp man);
  • Uaps (crumpled man);
  • Mug (ugly man);
  • Makura. (blind man);
  • Fursik (man of small growth).
  1. Surname could reflect occupationman, his profession:
  • Obabok (so our ancestors called people who were industrialed by mushrooms);
  • Revik (person selling goods from carts);
  • Lazebechnik (barber);
  • Argun. (Vladimir carpenter);
  • Homut (One who is engaged in horses).
  1. Character featuresalso, it was also often displayed in unusual last names:
  • Butt (so in some areas called a stupid and stubborn person);
  • Ogibenia. (nickname for flattering and false man);
  • Kichiga (empty man);
  • Buzun (Drachun);
  • Palga (nickname of clumsy man).

4.Familia could give places of residence:

  • Zaporozhets ;
  • Vyatich ;
  • Moskvich ;
  • Volyn ;
  • Urals other.
  1. Since many centuries, Russian culture was formed under the influence of Orthodoxy, many rare surnames have churchorigin:
  • Prayer ;
  • Dyak ;
  • Bell ;
  • Singe ;
  • Bogodhov other.

Thus, each surname has its own little story. It would be good if every person who has a unique last name revealed her secret and retain her story for his descendants. However, in the history of all rare surnames, you can allocate general moments.

XIII-XIV century

At this time, people in the villages began to distinguish not only by name, but also by last name. Noble boyars received barustic and sonaries, but the peasantry was not skillfully speaking, so they had the most intact names. Some of them did not receive subfixtic design subsequently and retained their initial form:

  • Fritter ;
  • Fool ;
  • Dubodel ;
  • Bogomaz ;
  • Tit ;
  • Stroke other.

70s of the XIX century

In 1874, Alexander II held a military reform, according to which a universal military duty was introduced, which entailed the legal design of the names in all male persecution. There were cases when the Novobine became difficult to answer the question of how his surname. In this case, they gave the surname immediately, most often in appearance. Since there was no time to dream, the surnames were often funny and even rude. Some of them reached us:

  • Uzub ;
  • One-piece ;
  • Toguhu ;
  • Crooked ;
  • Ryzhyus ;
  • Forehead And other names.

90s of the XIX century

In 1897, the first All-Russian population census was held, which legally fastened the names not only for men, but also for women, and children. The surname finally became officially enshrined at a certain family. Somewhere correspondence attacked the desired shape with typical suffixes, and somewhere left in the form of nicknames that were rare today:

  • Censer ;
  • Turnip ;
  • Breeze ;
  • Milk ;
  • Extreme other.

30s of the XX century

In the 30s of the 20th century, an important era occurred in the overall history of the names. In Russia, everyone suggested to change their inactive surnames. In the registration departments, wholesale people with the most unusual last names were reached. The newspaper Izvestia managed to fix this historical moment: thanks to her, we have a list of those names that forever disappeared in the 30s of the last century:

  • Polokurbatko ;
  • Near Kulak ;
  • Balda ;
  • Poodle ;
  • Pensik ;
  • Corn ;
  • Barefoot ;
  • Placing ;
  • Torman ;
  • Tail And many people are different.

So many rare surnames passed such a hard way. Some of them managed to survive, others irrevocably went into the past and exist for us only on paper. Rare surnames are not always funny and ridiculous. Among them there are many harmful and beautiful - those who are rightfully proud of their carriers.

Each girl would like her beautiful surname. So I do not want to be stupid or swinet! Native soothe: Here, you will marry, you will change the surname. But if only worms and fools are stuffed in the groom. What to do? Familia can be changed.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames are often formed from the names of their own: Romanova, Vladimirov, Illarionova, Grigorieva, Pavlova, Vasilyeva, Semenova, etc. They must be well combined with your name and patronymic. Diana Semenovna Semenova - It sounds overloaded, it needs to be understood.
  • Preobrazhenskaya, Voskresenskaya, Christmas - pronounced beautiful and noble, in Orthodox.
  • You can choose the last name with the meaning - generous, Moscow, Slavic, Motherland.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, occur from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenova, Orlova, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow the surname from the Count Dynasties: Bestuzheva, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heyden.
  • Neutral last names are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasov, Rogozin, Krasnova, Lavrov, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If the Russian surnames do not suit you, although among them are quite wonderful, you can search for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the fraud german names For girls, you can highlight the following: Meyer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • Very beautiful english surnames: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • W. polykov Many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Viteovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Trojanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some belarusian surnames Not bad: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Tchaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovsky, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurshevskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • Many beautiful surnames Bulgarian: Apostolova, Angelova, Vladova, Danalova, Dimitrov, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tekov, Lyudmilova.

In the event that you have chosen on a foreign surname, its compatibility with the name should be paid to special attention!

Cool surnames for girls: Original selection

If you like to stand out, then you will fit the original surname from this list: star, golden, shiny, mischievous, cheerful, sunny, azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, bright, beautiful, happy, beloved, rare, plastic, great, southern, fairy tale, Rainbow, light.

You can borrow the surname from someone from stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorov, Boyarskaya, Queen, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkin.

Literary characters will also be suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

Selecting a new surname, see if it fits you well, combines with your name and patronymic. Remember that by making a decision to change the surname, you make an important step that may even change your destiny. Before do it, think about it. There may be your real name and not entirely harmonious, but it binds you with your family, family.

Surname is not just a "application" to a person. This is a business card that allows you to arrange to yourself in advance. And if the previously born under the unloading surname was forced to wear it to a coffin board, now the right to choose a beautiful surname is given to everyone. And what is important: it can be changed both women and men.

Russian beautiful surnames for girls

Among the billion inhabitants of the planet, you can meet the carriers of both beautiful surnames and those who do not experience much joy from her sound. On long-suffering vaginos (emphasis on the first syllable), pisterkins, as well as about popular Smirnovy, Ivanov and Petrov we will not speak. We propose to explore the question related to the beautiful surnames of Russian and foreign origin.

Surnames take their origin in antiquity. On Russia, only representatives of noble estates had the right to wear them. The peasants were granted this privilege at about the same time when serfdom was canceled.

It was in those days that the surname was a "continuation" of his carrier. She was assigned on the basis of the kind of activity, profession, appearance or characteristic qualities of a person.

Now the surname plays the role of identification, without having an energy relationship with the owner. Therefore, if it seems to you that it does not combine with the name, or at all you do not fit, you can safely change it to a more congestive.

Below is a list of Russian women's surnames, which are harmonious and beautiful:

  • Abramova;
  • Averin;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Andreeva;
  • Anisimova;
  • Arkadyev;
  • Archupov;
  • Barinova;
  • Bezrukov;
  • Belokrylova;
  • Berdinsky;
  • Berestov;
  • Bogdanova;
  • Bondarenko;
  • Bratislavskaya;
  • Vasnetsova;
  • Verchinina;
  • Vishnevskaya;
  • Vladova;
  • Volkov;
  • Volochkova;
  • Voloschuk;
  • Vysotskaya;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Golitsyn;
  • General;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Grona;
  • Darova;
  • Dementiev;
  • Demidova;
  • Denisov;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Dubrovskaya;
  • Efimova;
  • Star;
  • Ivanova;
  • Ivlev;
  • Ignatova;
  • Istomy;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kanayeva;
  • Karamzin;
  • Kovalevskaya;
  • Koval;
  • Kovalchuk;
  • Kozhevnikova;
  • Koltsova;
  • Konovalova;
  • Queen;
  • Kotov;
  • Krasnova;
  • Kruchinin;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Larina;
  • Lebedev;
  • Levchenko;
  • Lena;
  • Lyonova;
  • Lithuanian;
  • Makarova;
  • Maximchuk;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Malysheva;
  • Malarova;
  • Marchenko;
  • Maslova;
  • Matveyeva;
  • Meshshov;
  • Merkulova;
  • Mechnikov;
  • Miniyeva;
  • Navar;
  • Nazarova;
  • Novak;
  • Novikova;
  • Novitskaya;
  • Novoshinskaya;
  • Oblomov;
  • Orlova;
  • Orlovskaya;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Platonova;
  • Subnet;
  • Polyakova;
  • Potapova;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rare;
  • Rzhevskaya;
  • Rodochinskaya;
  • Reline;
  • Romanova;
  • Rubenzova;
  • Rudenko;
  • Safarov;
  • Sakharov;
  • Simonova;
  • Snowy;
  • Sokolova;
  • Sokolovich;
  • Sofia;
  • Sochi;
  • Tarasova;
  • Timofeev;
  • Tolmachev;
  • Herbalist;
  • Tretyakova;
  • Ulyanova;
  • Fedoseeva;
  • Khovan;
  • Tchaikovskaya;
  • Chernyshov;
  • Chekhov;
  • Shan;
  • Shapovalova;
  • Shevchenko;
  • Shorokhov.

It is important to understand that the surname, like the name, has its own energy background. Therefore, choosing a new one, it will not be superfluous to study the history of its appearance, as well as the biographies of its brightest carriers.

Beautiful Russian surnames can make a female image more sophisticated, elegant. They can be a happy ticket to life: allow you to build a successful career, personal life. But choosing the surname, it is worth understanding that it must completely harmonize, both with the name and patronymic. Because choose with mind and caution.

Below you will find only a small part of the beautiful surnames that are worn by Russian men:

  • Yartsev;
  • Sviridov;
  • Yarov;
  • Yaguzhinsky;
  • Yuriev;
  • Chesmensky;
  • Yumati;
  • Julian;
  • Efron;
  • Emin;
  • Hellenic;
  • Six;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Khmelevsky;
  • Florarian;
  • Firov;
  • Fog;
  • Trubetskoy;
  • Yaropolsky;
  • Tarasov;
  • Yampolsky;
  • Satellite;
  • Speransky;
  • Spassky;
  • Slavic;
  • Scythian;
  • Siberian;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Savran;
  • Rostov;
  • Ross;
  • Romanovsky;
  • Rosin;
  • Filatov;
  • Sollertinsky;
  • Rodioni;
  • Paradise;
  • Radov;
  • Putin;
  • Polonsky;
  • Firewood;
  • Pokrovsky;
  • Pechersk;
  • Ostrovsky;
  • Orlovsky;
  • Oleinik;
  • Lakes;
  • ODOevsky;
  • Troitsky;
  • Oginsky;
  • Obolensky;
  • Oblon;
  • Novgorod;
  • Upland;
  • Mikhailovsky;
  • Theological;
  • Bogatyrev;
  • Meshchersky;
  • Mettelsky;
  • Ice;
  • Lan;
  • Ladomir;
  • Crimean;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Scribe;
  • Zlatomov;
  • Zlatopolsky;
  • Zlatogorsky;
  • Ezersky;
  • Duma;
  • Danilevsky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Gronsky;
  • Grace;
  • Granin;
  • Gramar;
  • Hail;
  • Potters;
  • Glinsky;
  • Glinka;
  • Verbs;
  • Gilyarovsky;
  • Giedianians;
  • Haranine;
  • Vortex;
  • Vilensky;
  • Verkhovsky;
  • Vertogradsky;
  • Vertinsky;
  • Angelic;
  • Amur;
  • Vereshchagin;
  • Wentists;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Larin;
  • Varlamov;
  • Valvsky;
  • Vagankov;
  • Vavilov;
  • Bulgakov;
  • Borisoglebsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Bisarov;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Dansky;
  • Daline;
  • Berkukov;
  • Belsky;
  • Belograd;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bacurin;
  • Bagirov;
  • Ahmatov;
  • Arsky;
  • Arists;
  • Apraskin;
  • Annensky;
  • Admirals;
  • Aurrine.

If you read carefully, we were able to notice that many of the names presented in the list belong to literary or historical figures. Therefore, choosing the surname, it is worth thinking, and whether you can match her albeit both conditional, but high demands.

List of most beautiful foreign female surnames

Having said that many representatives of beautiful sex are cut about a foreigner's husband, we will not open a new planet. But most ladies have dreams and remain dreams.

Fortunately, it is possible to change my own surname to any, and therefore, on the one that has a foreign origin. The most popular are foreign surnames with English, American and German roots.

"Finding" on behalf of foreign surname, it is worth the question of how it translates. Not all of them carry a beautiful meaning, despite hearing fraud.

Tracing the image of an American lady with wonderful sexes will help the US surnames.

They are formed, most often, one of the three principles:

  • Assistance to relatives, most often on the line Father - Son: Wilson, Robinson, Nelson, Watson. These surnames indicate that its owner Son Will, Nelson, etc.
  • Indication in place of work or scope: Clark - secretary; Taylor - tailor; Smith - Blacksmith; Cooper - Bondar; Walker - a hiking man; Scott is a devotee.
  • An indication of a distinguishing feature in character or appearance: Thompson - double; Brown - brown; Harris - Lucky; Allen is beautiful; Rogers - nice.

Foreign surnames are good because they do not have sex.

Accordingly, the surname Kaufman can wear both a woman and a man.

Therefore, if you pick up a beautiful surname for a strong half of humanity, feel free to see the principles of choice on the text above.

Interesting ideas for social networks

Of course, you should not make twins of stars or start a page of a long deceased idol. But to try on my new second "I" first of all worth it. Read more on the site: Meaning of Anastasia, character and fate - the meaning of Nastya (Nastasya) for the girl

And once the topic went about the beautiful names, it is impossible not to mention those who have been the most common for many years. What to say, Belinsky in modern society is much less than Smirnovy and Ivanov.

Back in 2005, Russian linguist A.F. Zhuravlev revealed a list of the most common or how fashionably talk now, top surnames. We will present them in the alphabetical list to simplify the search for the desired option.

We present the top 20 most common Russian surnames:

Alekseev0,36460 13
Vasilyev0,4948 4
Volkov0,3636 12
Egorov0,3229 16
Ivanov1,0000 1
Kozlov0,3139 18
Kuznetsov0,7011 3
Lebedev0,3431 14
Mikhailov0,3955 8
Morozov0,3639 11
Nikolaev0,3005 20
Novikov0,3743 9
Pavlov0,3226 17
Petrov0,4885 6
Popov0,5334 4
Semenov0,3345 15
Smirnov0,7412 2
Sokolov0,4666 7
Stepanov0,3016 19
Fedorov0,3662 10